DRIPS notes
Calcium gluconate 10amps + 1L PNSS to run
for 24h for 1 cycle
1. Pantoloc drip: Pantoprazole 80mg + 80cc
pNSS at 10cc/hr
2. Clonidine drip: Clonidine 600mcg + 500cc
3. Theophylline drip: Aminophylline 250mcg +
250ccto run in 24hrs
4. Insulin drip: Regular insulin 100 units +
PNSS 100 in soluset to run starting at 0.1
mkd or 0.14 mkd
5. Amiodarone drip: Amiodarone 600mg IV +
D5W 250 cc to run in 24 hrs
6. Furosemide Drip: Furosemide 100mg +
100cc PNSS in soluset to run in 5cc/hr.
Uptitrate by 5c as indicated with BP
7. Norepinephrine drip:
Norepinephrine 10mg + 250 cc D5W insoluset to run starting at 0.2 mkm. Uptitrate
by 0.02 every 30mins until desired BP
8. ISDN drip: ISDN 10g/amp + 90cc PNSS in
soluset to run at Scc/hr. Uptitrate ng mqhq
9. Isdn (isoket) drip: isdn 10mg/amp + pnss/
d5water 90cc in soluset to run at 5cc/hr,
uptitrate by 5cc/hr until chest pain free
10. Nicardipine drip: nicardipine 10mg/amp +
pnss 90cc in soluset to run at 5cc/hr
increments or decrements of 2.5mg/hr q15
mins to maintain SBP of 120-140mmHg
11. Lidocaine Drip: lidocaine 4cc + 96cc of
pnss to run for 24 (indicated for vtach)
12. Tramadol Drip: tramadol 300mg + 500cc
d5w to run at 20cc/hr
13. Heparin Drip: 5000 u (5 vials) in 25 cc
PNSS (500 u per cc) to run at 18 u/kg/hr. Aptt
q 6hrs.
14. lron sucrose: 2 amps in 100cc PNSS to
run for 4 hrs every other day.
15. KCl 40meqs + 1L PNSS to run for 100cc/hr x 4 cycles6
16. Dopamine 200/250 @ 5mkd
Dobu 200 mg 20cc amp + 30 cc d5 water or
pnss at 5mkd iptitrate at 2.5 mkd q30mib or
hrly until
17. Amiodarone drip 300mg in 250 cc D5W to
run for 24hrs.
18. Albumin 20% + Furosemide 20mg IV q12
to run for 4hrs
19. MgS0O4 2g 1:1 dilution slow IV push now
20. Meropenem 1g IVTT + 100cc PNSS in
soluset as infusion now then Q8
21. N-Acetylcysteine 600 mg IV q12 24 hours
prior to the procedure. Comtinue up to 3 days
after the procedure. Rpt Crea 36 and 72 hrs
after the CT scan.
22. Factor VIII (human plasma derived) 1500
iu to be given Q12. Do not give more than
10mL in 1 min.
Target - Baseline x BW x 0.5u/kg
23. For Warfarin ToxicityVitamin K 1 amp Q8
Rpt PT INR afte
Give Vit K
>= PT INR9
> 60% activity
24. Mannitol 150cc Q6 x 4 doses
then 100cc Q6 x 4 doses
then 75cc Q6 x 4 doses
then 50cc Q6 x 4 doses
Frequency Q6 to Q8 to Q12 to OD
25. Epinephrine 1 amp + 9cc PNSS Q6
nebulization RTC
26. Nystatin 100,000 iu/mL
5cc + 3cc H20 swish and swallow
27. Ciprofloxacin TID + Metronidazole
28. Give Ocreotide 100mcg IV bolus now then
start drip as follows: 500 mcg in 250 DSW @
20cc/hr. Use infusion pump.29. H pylori regimen
Omeprazole 40mg 1 cap BID x 2weeks then 1
cap OD x 6 weeks
Amoxicillin 500mg cap 2 caps BID x 2weeks
Clarithromycin 2 caps BID x 2 weeks
30. NaHCO3 drip
100 meqs NaHCO3 + 250cc D5W to run for
31. Dopamine 250/200 to run at 10mkd
32. NaHCO3 drip
320 bicarb deficit
Give 150 megs (3 vials) NaHCO3 now as IV
bolus. Rpt ABG.
Start NaHCO3 drip
150 meqs NaHCO3 1:1 dilution to.run for 24
In lieu of NaHCO3 amp, may give NaHCO3
tabs. Give 10 tabs now. Then 10 tabs Q2hrly x
4 doses
33. Vancomycin 1g in 200cc pNSS via soluset
to run in 1.5hr q1234. Ciprofloxacin 400mg IVTT q12
TT 0.5mL IM now
HT IG 250 iu IM now
Prednisone 5 mg/tab
6 tabs BID x 3 days
5 tabs BID x next 3 days
4 tabs BID x next 3 days
3 tabs BID x next 3 days
2 tabs BID x next 3 days
1 tab BID x next 3 days
1 tab OD x next 3 days
OFF Prednisone thereafter
Cerebellopontine mass s/p excision
Dexamethasone 4mg/tab q6 x 7 days then
q8 x 7 days then
q12 x 7 days then
OD x 7 days
then discontinue
37. Aminoleban 500 ml 1 bottle to run 50 cc/hr.
38. Hyperkalemic Regimen
A. Salbutamol 4 nebules in 4cc pNSS to
nebulize for 10 mins q6hrs x 4 doses
B. Calcium gluconate 10% 1:1 dilution slow IV
push q6hrs x 3 doses
C. Kalimate sachet TID x 3 doses
D. 10 units Insulin + D50W IV Q6
39. Dopamine 200/250 at 10mkd. Uptitrate
by 5mkd every Q30min
40. Hydralazine 5mg IV now then check after
5mg IV
10mg IV
41. DVT skin lesions
Soap and water
Apply Suprasorb gel X + H
Apply Solvaline
Then mollelast adhesive dressing
42. Free water 100cc Q6
43. Pulmonary hemorrhage.Methylprednisolone 1g IV OD x 3 days. Then
prednisone 2 tabs TID.
44, Praziquantel 3 tabs now then 2 tabs after
45. For certain cases of thrombocytopenia:
Eltrombopag 25mg/tab 1 tB BID
46. 2 amps iron sucrose in 250 cc D5W tp run
for 2 hrs
47. 200mcg ng precedex add ka 46cc d5w to
run at 0.2mkd na
Pre meds - nebulize px with 1 amp lidocaine
30 mins prior to procedure. Atropine 1/2 amp
im 30 mins prior to procedure.
Dr orca: atropine 1/2 amp IM prior to