Pro4-9 Ldldi 11
Pro4-9 Ldldi 11
Pro4-9 Ldldi 11
Para la determinación “in vitro” del colesterol – LDL en suero
Riesgo de enfermedades coronarias:
< 100 mg/dL Óptimo
130 - 159 mg/dL Moderado
Los reactivos (A) y (B) están listos para su uso.
160 - 189 mg/dL Alto
Calibrador: Rehidratar el vial con 2 mL de agua desionizada. La concentración viene
> 189 mg/dL Muy alto
indicada en la etiqueta del vial.
The LDL-cholesterol reagent allows measuring the LDL-cholesterol fraction levels in serum
or plasma directly, without the need for any sample pretreatment or centrifugation.
The method consists of two specific steps. In the first one, chylomicron, VLDL and HDL are Procedure BL SA CAL
selectively eliminated by means of specific oxidation reactions with cholesterol esterase μL μL μL
and cholesterol oxidase, and also by a specific degradation reaction wiht catalase, forming Deionized water 5.00 -- --
cholestenone and H2O2. Sample -- 5.00 --
In the second step the remainder of LDL-cholesterol can be spectrophotometrically Calibrator -- -- 5.00
measured when a color is formed as it is transformed (quinone complex) by the presence Reagent (A) 300 300 300
of specific surfactants.
Mix well and incubate at 37ºC / 5 min Read the absorbance
DIAGNOSTIC USE (Abs1 PR o Abs1 CAL) of the sample and of the calibrator.
LDL are low density lipoprotein, they transport cholesterol, triglycerides and lipids to cells. Reagent (B) 100 100 100
Even within the normal range of total cholesterol concentrations, an increase in LDL
cholesterol can occur with an associated increased risk for coronary heart disease. High Mix well and incubate at 37ºC / 5 min Read (against the
levels of LDL could be associated with obesity, diabetes and nephrosis. reagent blank), the absorbance of the sample (Abs2 PR) and of
Single test result could not be used to make a clinical diagnosis. It should integrate clinical the calibrator (Abs2 CAL).
and laboratory data.
REAGENTS Wavelenght: 600 nm
Kit 1 x 40 mL. (Ref. 99 18 70). Contents: Blank: the contents of BL
A. 1 x 30 mL Reagent (A) Ref. 99 18 72 Cuvette: 1 cm. light-path
B. 1 x 10 mL Reagent (B) Ref. 99 18 74
C. 1 x 2 mL Freeze-dried LDL-cholesterol calibrator Ref. 99 18 78 CALCULATIONS
(Abs2 PR – Abs1 PR)
Kit 1 x 80 mL. (Ref. 99 18 80). Contents: x conc. of calibrator = LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)
A. 1 x 60 mL Reagent (A) Ref. 99 06 13 (Abs2 CAL – Abs1 CAL)
B. 1 x 20 mL Reagent (B) Ref. 99 06 16
C. 1 x 2 mL Freeze-dried LDL-cholesterol calibrator Ref. 99 18 78
S.I. Units
mg/dL x 0.0259 = mmol/L
Reagents (A) and (B) are ready-to-use.
Coronary heart disease risk:
The calibrator, should be rehydrated with 2 mL of deionized water and let stand for 20 min
< 100 mg/dL Optimal
prior to be used. Its concentration is stated on the vial label.
130 - 159 mg/dL Borderline high
160 - 189 mg/dL High
> 189 mg/dL Very high
The concentrations in the reagents are:
Reagent (A)
Good´s buffer pH 7.0 100 mM
The performance characteristics depend on the method used. It is recommended to
N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulphopropyl)-3.5-dimethoxyaniline 0.45 mM
calculate these data for each particular test protocol. These results have been obtained
Catalase ≥ 225 U/L
using an autoanalyzer.
Cholesterol estearase ≥ 600 kU/L
Cholesterol oxidase ≥ 380 kU/L
Sensitivity, as detection limit: 4 mg/dL
Non reactive stabilizers
Linearity: 500 mg/dL. Samples that give higher concentration should be diluted in saline
NaCl 0.9% (1+1) and the final result have to be multiplied per 2.
Reagent (B)
Accuracy: 98.5%
Good´s buffer pH 7.0 100 mM
Repetitivity, as CV%: 0.68%
4-aminoantipyrine 1.2 mM
Reproducibility, as CV%: 0.96%
Peroxidase ≥ 1200 kU/L
Trueness: Results obtained with this reagent did not show systematic differences when
Non reactive stabilizers
compared with reference reagent.
Details of the comparison experiments are available on request.
When kept at 2 - 8ºC, the reagent will remain stable until the expiration date stated on the
Concentrations of ascorbic acid higher than 50 mg/dL, hemoglobin higher than 500 mg/dL
Reagents (A) and (B), once opened are stable for 2 months when stored at 2º - 8ºC and
and of bilirubin higher than 20 mg/dL can interfere with the assay.
protected from direct sunlight.
Discard aged, hemolyzed or lipemic sera.
Once rehydrated, the calibrator will remain stable for 28 days when stored at 2º - 8ºC.
Signs of reagent deterioration: QUALITY CONTROL
Presence of particles or turbidity in the reagent. Working reagent blank > 0.100 Control serum, Seriscann Normal (Ref. 99 41 48) and Seriscann Anormal (Ref. 99 46 85)
should be included in each test series. Each particular laboratory should establish its own
General laboratory equipment.
Spectrophotometer or photometer thermostatable at 37ºC. Cuvette: 1 cm light-path. AUTOANALYZERS
Adaptations to different autoanalyzers are available on request.
The reagents contain sodium azide at 0.09%. Handle with care. Freedman, D., et al., (2004), Clin. Chem., 50, 1189-1200.
The safety statements are on the label. It is advisable to look at the SDS before using Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, 3rd Edition, VIII, Edited by H. U. Bergmenyer. (1985),
the reagent. The calibrator must be considered as a human sample, and, thus, potentially 154 - 160.
infectious. Use adequate protection. Bachorick, P.S., et al. (1995) Clin. Chem., 41, Nº 10.
The disposal of the residues has to be made according to local regulations. Young D.S., Effect of drugs on Clinical Lab. Test, 5th Ed. AACC Press (2000).
National Cholesterol Educarion Program Expert Panel. Third report of the National
Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (ATP III), (2001) NIH Publication. Bethesda:
SAMPLE National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Serum. The serum samples can be kept at 2 - 8ºC for 1 day. Do not freeze. Zapico E. y Ordóñez J. (2002),Clin Invest Ar ter ioscl;14(5):272-6.
Le réactif permet de déterminer directement les taux de cholestérol-LDL dans le sérum ou
le plasma, sans prétraitement ni centrifugation préalable de l’échantillon. Technique BL ESSAI CAL
La méthode consiste en deux étapes spécifiques. Pendant la première étape, les μL μL μL
chylomicrons, le VLDL et le HDL sont sélectivement éliminés, à l’exception du LDL, par Eau déionisée 5,00 -- --
des réactions d’oxydation (cholestérol estérase, cholestérol oxydase) et une dégradation Échantillon -- 5,00 --
(catalase) pour former un complexe qui est appelé cholesténone et H2O2. Lors de la Calibrateur -- -- 5,00
seconde étape, le LDL présent dans l’échantillon se transforme, à l’aide de tensioactifs Réactif (A) 300 300 300
spécifiques, en un complexe coloré (quinone) quantifiable par spectrophotométrie.
Mélanger et incuber pendant 5 minutes à 37ºC. Lire l’absorbance
(Abs1 ESSAI ou Abs1 CAL) de l’échantillon et du calibrateur:
LDL sont lipoprotéines de faible densité. Ils transportent le cholestérol, les triglycérides et
les lipides dans le sang à différentes parties du corps. Un niveau élevé de cholestérol-LDL Réactif (B) 100 100 100
est associée à des crises cardiaques et les maladies cardiovasculaires. D’autres maladies
qui ont des niveaux élevés de LDL sont: la néphropathie, diabète, l’hypothyroïdie, l’obésité. Mélanger et incuber pendant 5 minutes à 37ºC. Lire contre le
Un unique test de laboratoire ne permet pas d’établir un diagnostic. Les résultats doivent blanc de réactif les absorbances de l’échantillon (Abs2 ESSAI) et
être évalués dans le contexte de toutes les données cliniques et de laboratoire obtenues. du calibrateur (Abs2 CAL).
Kit 1 x 40 mL. (Réf. 99 18 70). Contenu: Longueur d’onde: 600 nm
A. 1 x 30 mL Réactif (A) Réf. 99 18 72 Blanc: le contenu du tube BL
B. 1 x 10 mL Réactif (B) Réf. 99 18 74 Cuvette: 1 cm de trajet optique
C. 1 x 2 mL Calibrateur cholestérol-LDL lyophilisé Réf. 99 18 78
Kit 1 x 80 mL. (Réf. 99 18 80). Contenu: (Abs2 ESSAI - Abs1 ESSAI)
A. 1 x 60 mL Réactif (A) Réf. 99 06 13 x conc. du calibrateur = cholestérol-LDL (mg/dL)
B. 1 x 20 mL Réactif (B) Réf. 99 06 16 (Abs2 CAL - Abs1 CAL)
C. 1 x 2 mL Calibrateur cholestérol-LDL lyophilisé Réf. 99 18 78
Unités SI
mg/dL x 0,0259 = mmol/L