2 ND Grade Geometry Games PREVIEWcompressed
2 ND Grade Geometry Games PREVIEWcompressed
2 ND Grade Geometry Games PREVIEWcompressed
© 2017 Games 4 Gains, LLC Games4Gains.com
Instructions for Setup
In this packet, you will find:
• 18 games with directions
• Answer keys for each game
• The directions for each game are written on the game board so
that students can check the directions at any time.
• All games are best played with 2 players.
Cover It!
Player 1
Player 2
Uncover It!
Player 1
Materials: 2 six-sided dice, 32 small transparent
counters (16 per player)
Object of the game: To be the first player to
uncover a line of 4 on his or her grid.
1. Cover all of the spaces on your grid with your
2. On your turn, roll both dice and add them
together. Find the sum of the dice in the chart
and read the name of the polygon given.
3. Find an example of that type of polygon on your
grid. Remove the counter on top of that example.
If there are no more examples, your turn is over.
4. Take turns until one player uncovers a line of 4
boxes on his or her grid.
of Polygon to Uncover
2 triangle Player 2
3 hexagon
4 quadrilateral
5 pentagon
6 quadrilateral
7 triangle
8 hexagon
9 pentagon
10 quadrilateral
11 triangle
12 Choose any polygon to uncover!
Around the Block BUMP!
cube pyramid cone cylinder
WILD! Place one of prism
your counters in
the center.
Remove any
pyramid cube sphere cylinder counter from
the center.
Open the Box!
3D Shape to Uncover
22 I have 5 vertices.
44 I have 12 edges.
2 columns
of 2
squares 5 columns 4 columns 5 columns
of 3 of 2 of 5
squares squares squares
4 columns
1 row of
of 4
2 squares
squares 1 column 5 rows
of 5 of 2
squares squares
4 rows 3 rows
of 3 of 2
4 rows squares squares
of 5
1 column squares 2 columns
1 row of
of 3 of 4
4 squares
squares squares
66 12
3. Find an array that matches that repeated addition equation.
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 Then, cover that box with ONE of your counters. If there are
no available boxes with a correct array, your turn is over.
77 5 + 5 = 10 4. Take turns until one player covers a line of 3 boxes on any
game board with his or her own counters.
Last to Fill
Materials: 1 colored pencil per player, 2 six-sided dice, “Last to Fill Grid Sheet”
Object of the game: To be the last player to make an array on the “Grid Sheet.”
1. On your turn, roll both dice and add them together.
2. Find the sum of the dice in the chart and read the description for the array.
3. Color that array using the available squares on the “Grid Sheet” and say the total number of squares in that array.
You must have enough room to color the entire array. You may not color over any squares that have already been
4. Take turns until there are no more arrays that can be drawn on the “Grid Sheet.” If you were the last person to
draw an array, you are the winner!
Sum of
Array to Draw
A rectangle with 4 rows of 2 squares or
2 a rectangle with 2 rows of 4 squares
A rectangle with 3 columns of 5 squares or
3 a rectangle with 5 columns of 3 squares
A rectangle with 1 row of 5 squares or
4 a rectangle with 5 rows of 1 square
3 9
A square divided into 3 1. On your turn, roll both dice and add them. A triangle divided into 4
equal parts 2. Find the sum of the dice in the chart and equal parts
A circle divided into 4 read the shape to find.
A circle divided into 3
3. Cover one available box with an example equal parts
equal parts
of that shape on the game board. You may
5 11
A rectangle divided into 2 only cover a box if the box directly below it A rectangle divided into 3
equal parts already has a counter on it. Any box that is equal parts
in the bottom row may be covered at any
6 12
A triangle divided into 2 time. If there are no available boxes with a A hexagon divided into 4
equal parts equal parts
correct answer, your turn is over.
A square divided into 4 6. Take turns until one player covers a
equal parts line of 4 boxes with his or her own counters.
3 A fourth of the
rectangle is shaded
1. On your turn, roll both dice and add them. 9 A third of the
square is shaded
2. Find the sum of the dice in the chart and
4 A third of the
circle is shaded read the shape to find. 10 A half of the
circle is shaded
3. Find an example of that shape.
5 A quarter of the
circle is shaded
4. Draw ONE line connecting any two dots
surrounding that example. 11 A quarter of the
triangle is shaded
5. If your line is the last to form a box
6 A half of the
triangle is shaded around a square, capture that square 12 A half of the
rectangle is shaded
by coloring it in.
7 A third of the
rectangle is shaded
6. When all squares have been colored,
count to see who captured the most squares.
Tic Tac Toe