Components Setup Each Round: Cloud Block Appear Wolf Speech
Components Setup Each Round: Cloud Block Appear Wolf Speech
Components Setup Each Round: Cloud Block Appear Wolf Speech
Each Round
2. Make four stacks of word tiles. On one side 3. Read and guess. When everyone has
of the table, line up four cards, one of each color. finished making their clues, the youngest player
Next to each card, make a stack of random word reads out loud the clue of the player to their
tiles. All the tiles should be white-side up. Each 1. Draw a card. Each player draws a card from left. Each player then secretly guesses which of
stack should have the following number of tiles: the deck, privately looks at it, and then puts the four target words is suggested by the clue
48 guessing tiles it face down in front of them. The card shows by placing a guessing tile face down near the
Stored in a bag 2 players (cooperative): 2 tiles per stack which of the four target words (the words on top center of the table. The author of the clue does
3-5 players: 3 tiles per stack of the stacks) belongs to the player. not guess.
6-8 players: 2 tiles per stack
9-12 players: 1 tile per stack 4. Score. When everyone is ready, each player
reveals their guess, and the author reveals their
card. Each player who guessed correctly takes
96 scoring tokens
a 1-point token from the center. The author of
Stored in a bag
the clue takes one point for each correct guess.
After scoring, the author discards their card.
2. Make a clue. Simultaneously, each player
uses their word tiles to make a clue about their In a two-player game, you keep score as a
target word. Clues must contain at least two team. The team earns one point each time a
216 word tiles player guesses correctly.
word tiles. When you finish your clue, rotate it
Stored in the box
so the other players can easily read it, and then
flip over the extra tiles that you did not use in
your clue.
5. Repeat. Going clockwise, each player reads 2. After a black round, discard, flip, and
the clue of the player to their left, and the pass. After playing a round with the black side
guessing and scoring process repeats. of the word tiles, discard the tiles on top of the
stacks to reveal four new target words. Each
player then flips over the tiles in their clue so
Finally, each player passes their 15 word tiles to
the player to their left, and a new round begins.
1. After a white round, flip. After playing a In a two-player game, the players swap word
round with the white side of the word tiles, flip tiles instead of passing them to the left.
the tiles in their clue, so that all word tiles in play is over. When all of the word tiles in the stacks
are black-side up, and a new round begins. are discarded, the player with the most points
wins. If there is a tie, all of the tied players win
• Each player gets 20 word tiles instead of 15.
• Each clue must be a haiku with three lines
and a five-seven-five syllable pattern.