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Quick Start Guide

SLUA556 – April 2010

Quick-Start Guide for bq78PL114 With bq76PL102 Family

Gas Gauges

This application report gives an overview of the implementation and testing of Texas Instruments
bq78PL114 with companion bq76PL102 high-cell-count battery gas gauge and protector. It explores the
hardware and software graphical user interface (GUI) setup.
This document begins with the discussion of the communication setup between the chipset and the
personal computer. TI’s USB Interface Adapter communications box is used with the provided bqWizard™
software. The examples in this document show the S12 version of the firmware. The updated S12 version
has programming and hardware differences from the original S8 firmware. See the bq78PL114 and
bq78PL114S12 Technical Reference Manual (SLUU330) for those differences.
See the application report Chemistry Selection for bq78PL114 (SLUA505) for additional information on
configuring the gas gauge, as well as on the data collection process for defining a .AUX for your battery
pack. The .AUX file is provided by Texas Instruments.
Additionally, review the application report What is a .tmap File? (SLUA542) to understand the nuances of
the different programming files for the gas gauge. of this document includes questions on your pack
configuration required by TI to create a .tmap file. Automatic .AUX file generation is now available through
bqWizard™ software version 2.5.18.
The examples used in this quick-start guide are based on the hardware implementation shown in the
schematic and build of materials. Collateral on the bq78PL114 8S standard evaluation module (EVM)
offered by TI is available (SLUU335). Note that hardware changes are required moving from the S8
firmware to S12. Do not update the firmware on the bq78PL114 8S standard EVM unless you understand
the implications.

1 Getting Started With the bq78PL114 Graphical User Interface ....................................................... 3
2 Software Communication and Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 3
3 Updating the Firmware to S12 Configuration ............................................................................ 5
4 Exploring the GUI Software Screens ..................................................................................... 7
5 Updating the Chemistry File ............................................................................................... 9
6 Configuring the Gas Gauge .............................................................................................. 10
7 Final Setup Steps for Evaluation ........................................................................................ 15
7.1 To Initialize Gas Gauge and Turn On Charge and Discharge FETs ...................................... 15
7.2 To Enable PowerPump™ Cell Balancing Feature: .......................................................... 17
7.3 Initializing the Pack ............................................................................................... 19
8 Setting Up Logging Data ................................................................................................. 19
8.1 Setup of Dynamic Data Log Definition File .................................................................... 19
8.2 Data Logging Setup .............................................................................................. 21
9 Final Comments Concerning Evaluation ............................................................................... 23
Appendix A .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware .......................................................... 24
Appendix B Default Data-Set Screen Captures From bqWizard™ GUI for S12 Firmware ............................ 28
Appendix C Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials ................................................. 32

List of Figures
1 Unable to Connect to Chipset Warning. ................................................................................. 3
2 LAN is not built! Warning. .................................................................................................. 3

SLUA556 – April 2010 Quick-Start Guide for bq78PL114 With bq76PL102 Family Gas Gauges 1

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3 Proper "Loading" Percentage Start-up Screen .......................................................................... 4

4 Proper "8 cells found" Start-up Screen. .................................................................................. 4
5 Choose Appropriate Firmware Configuration if Communication is Lost ............................................. 4
6 bqWizard BootStrap Loader to Program S12 Firmware. .............................................................. 6
7 Progress Screen While Programming New Firmware S12 ............................................................ 6
8 Firmware Process Completed Successfully ............................................................................. 7
9 Click the Red X .............................................................................................................. 7
10 Successful Wired Bit Toggled Message ................................................................................. 8
11 Loading Proper TMAP File for Your Pack’s Configuration. ............................................................ 8
12 Home Screen After Loading 11s Configuration .TMAP File ........................................................... 8
13 Pack Parameter and Settings Tabs ...................................................................................... 9
14 Chemistry Selection Window .............................................................................................. 9
15 S12 Home Screen Showing Temperature Fault Condition .......................................................... 10
16 Calibration Screen, Used to Update Temperature Reading to Room Temperature .............................. 11
17 Home Screen Showing Correct Temperature Reading .............................................................. 11
18 Home Screen Showing Fuse Reset and no Safety Flags ............................................................ 12
19 Calibrating 0-mA Offset While Pack is at Rest (no Charging or Discharging) ..................................... 12
20 Read All Parameters to See All Data-Set Settings ................................................................... 13
21 Save Data-Set Menu ...................................................................................................... 13
22 GUI Indication That .PPCSV File Has Been Successfully Saved ................................................... 13
23 Select Read All Parameters Command After Importing a Data-Set .PPCSV File ................................ 15
24 Algorithm Enable Configuration.......................................................................................... 16
25 Enabling Charge and Discharge FETs ................................................................................. 16
26 S12 Home Screen ........................................................................................................ 17
27 Zoom-in on Status Field ................................................................................................. 17
28 Enabling PowerPump™ Cell Balancing ................................................................................ 18
29 Home Screen Showing PowerPump™ Cell Balancing Active ....................................................... 18
30 Default/Blank Log Definition Tool ....................................................................................... 19
31 Available Logging Parameters ........................................................................................... 20
32 Configured Dynamic Log Definition File ............................................................................... 20
33 Data Logging Configuration Window in bqWizard™ Software ...................................................... 21
34 Choosing Poll Data From Commands Menu to Begin Logging ..................................................... 22
35 Entering Comments via bqWizard™ Software ........................................................................ 22
36 Example of Dynamic Log File for an 11s Battery Pack............................................................... 23
37 Cell Balancing Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................. 28
38 Cell Chemistry Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................ 28
39 Pack Configuration Data-Set Tab ....................................................................................... 29
40 Safety Level 1 Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................. 29
41 Safety Level 2 Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................. 29
42 SBData Dynamic Data-Set Tab ......................................................................................... 30
43 SBData Static Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................. 30
44 Pack Dynamic Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................. 30
45 Charge Control Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................ 31
46 Pack History Data-Set Tab ............................................................................................... 31

List of Tables
1 Data-Set Parameters to Review in Your S12 Design ................................................................. 14
2 .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware ................................................................... 24
3 Bill of Materials............................................................................................................. 33

2 Quick-Start Guide for bq78PL114 With bq76PL102 Family Gas Gauges SLUA556 – April 2010

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1 Getting Started With the bq78PL114 Graphical User Interface

The USB Interface Adapter box must be connected to your computer before the GUI can open. The
default firmware on the standard EVM and early production product supports up to 8 cells in series (called
8s). The latest release of the bq78PL114 firmware is called S12 and supports up to 12 cells in series. The
interface box used to communicate with the bq78PL114 is called USB-to-GPIO Adapter EVM. Note that it
is not included with the bq78PL114EVM-001 evaluation module and must be purchased separately.

2 Software Communication and Troubleshooting

When trying to connect to the gas gauge chipset, you may see the following screen message (Figure 1)
presented by the GUI software, "Unable to connect to device." Check the connections to the hardware,
and try to reconnect. Additionally, the "LAN is not built!" warning message (Figure 2) appears in the lower
right corner of your screen.
In some cases, everything is fine, and you need to close and open the software again. (LEDs blinking is a
good sign that the part is functional.) If not, check for voltage on VLDO1, V1, and V2 pins. Also, check for
shorts across the battery cell connections. A 10-second initialization period occurs after power up (POR)
during which communication with the device may fail.
Proper communication is indicated by the following screen captures (Figure 3 and Figure 4).
Note that the S8 firmware may be preprogrammed into your EVM or integrated circuit when you receive it.
The S8 firmware has been referred to as FW4452 throughout TI documentation. The S8 firmaware is
programmed at the factory as the default firmware. Follow the process in on updating the firmware to the
S12 version. Because hardware configurations are different for the different firmware versions, review the
bq78PL114 and bq78PL114S12 Technical Reference Manual (SLUU330) for those differences.

Figure 1. Unable to Connect to Chipset Warning.

Figure 2. LAN is not built! Warning.

bqWizard, PowerPump are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

Microsoft, Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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Figure 3. Proper "Loading" Percentage Start-up Screen

Figure 4. Proper "8 cells found" Start-up Screen.

Figure 5. Choose Appropriate Firmware Configuration if Communication is Lost

4 Quick-Start Guide for bq78PL114 With bq76PL102 Family Gas Gauges SLUA556 – April 2010

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3 Updating the Firmware to S12 Configuration

To update the device firmware, open the Instruction README text file located at: C:\Program Files\Texas
Instruments\bqWizard 2.5\Documentation\Firmware Update Procedure.txt (This folder C:\Program
Files\Texas Instruments\bqWizard 2.5 folder is the default path created by the installation of the
bqWizard™ software.)
The following excerpts and screen captures are copied beginning with Step 5 to show the process
step-by-step. A detailed firmware update procedure is available on TI's E2E community Web site.

5) To load new firmware

– Go to Bootstrap Loader dialog box: Main menu → Utilities → Bootstrap Loader Main menu →
Commands → Read All Parameters - Turn on "Wired bit": Main Menu → Comma
– Click on Select File button.
– Browse to C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bqWizard 2.x\Configuration Files\Firmware.
– Select FW_0001_0000_5000_0012.enc, and click on Open.
– After returning to Bootstrap Loader dialog box, select Preserve Calibration box.
– Click on Download button.
– Save calibration data to a file.
– After download is complete, approximately 50 s, close the Bootstrap Loader dialog box. Control
returns to the bqWizard™ software.
– Read all parameters: Main menu → Commands → Read All Parameters.
– Turn on Wired bit: Main Menu → Commands → Toggle Wired Bit.
6) Configure Target Board
– Configure temperature sensors and cell count: Main Menu → File → Pack Configuration →
Load Configuration from File and Relearn.
– Browse to C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bqWizard 2.x\Configuration
– Select file that corresponds to your specific board configuration.
– After download, the bqWizard™ software restarts and initializes
– Read all parameters: Main menu → Commands → Read All Parameters
– Go to Pack Configuration tab and verify that the parameters Actual Number of Cells and
Temperature Sensor Count match your expectations.
– Note that the temperature sensor count includes the sensor in the bq78PL114 package.

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Updating the Firmware to S12 Configuration www.ti.com

Figure 6. bqWizard BootStrap Loader to Program S12 Firmware.

Concerning Figure 6, be sure to choose the Preserve Calibration box as individual IC voltage readings are
calibrated during assembly-test at TI.

Figure 7. Progress Screen While Programming New Firmware S12

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Figure 8. Firmware Process Completed Successfully

Figure 9. Click the Red X

As Figure 9 shows, close the Bootstrap Loader Window by clicking the red X in the upper right corner of
the window.
Some issues may occur when trying to program the firmware. These errors can manifest themselves with
error messages described via the five onboard LED indicators. The bq78PL114 and bq78PL114S12
Technical Reference Manual (SLUU330) explains the LED indicator messages.

4 Exploring the GUI Software Screens

Once the firmware has been updated, the user can start setting up the gas gauge with the proper
configuration files.
The first step is to set the Wired Bit with the software.
Choose Commands from the File Menu, then choose Toggle Wired Bit or press the F7 key.
Next choose File → Pack Configuration → Load Configuration from File and Relearn…
In this example, a TMAP file is loaded for an 11s configuration. Figure 12 is the Home Screen after
completing this operation.
shows individual screen captures of the different tabs that are selectable in the lower right portion of the
screen (all tabs shown in Figure 13).

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Figure 10. Successful Wired Bit Toggled Message

Figure 11. Loading Proper TMAP File for Your Pack’s Configuration.

Figure 12. Home Screen After Loading 11s Configuration .TMAP File

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Figure 13. Pack Parameter and Settings Tabs

5 Updating the Chemistry File

To update the pack's chemistry identification file, choose File → Load Chemistry Data.

Figure 14. Chemistry Selection Window

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6 Configuring the Gas Gauge

Initial communication with the gas gauge shows the external temperature measurements as 90°C which
causes a safety fault condition. Several Safety flags are set in Figure 15. Note this home screen is for S12
version of Firmware.

Figure 15. S12 Home Screen Showing Temperature Fault Condition

To fix this issue, choose Utilities → Calibration. Type the appropriate ambient temperature under the
Calibrate Temperature section. In this example, 23°C ambient temperature has been entered. Voltage
reading for the IC are calibrated during production at TI; so, do not attempt to calibrate the voltage unless
necessary. The Calibrate Screen is shown in Figure 16. A relearn/initialize command overwrites any
manual calibration that a user may have entered in cells 5-12 with the values stored in the bq76PL102s.
Close the calibrate screen, and then choose Read All Parameters or Poll Data. Figure 17 shows the
updated home screen with proper temperature sensing.
Next, choose Commands → Reset Fuse. Figure 18 shows the updated home screen with the Fuse Status
flag set green and no Safety flags set.

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NOTE: Do NOT calibrate Voltage of IC unless necessary; voltage is calibrated during production.
Figure 16. Calibration Screen, Used to Update Temperature Reading to Room Temperature

Figure 17. Home Screen Showing Correct Temperature Reading

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Figure 18. Home Screen Showing Fuse Reset and no Safety Flags

If the pack is at rest (not charging or discharging), the reported current is 0 mA. The Zero Offset current
now can be calibrated. [Ensure that the pack is not being charged or discharged while calibrating the Zero
Offset parameter.] Also, ensure that the sense resistor bits are programmed correctly for either (10 mΩ, 3
mΩ, or 1 mΩ) sense resistor. While using 1-mΩ sense resistor, all parameters are reported in tenths (i.e.,
a 1-A charge current is reported as 100 mA.
Click on the Calibrate button from Step 1 Zero Offset (Figure 19). Current Gain is also calibrated.
Next choose File → Read All Parameters from the Commands Menu (or Ctrl + R as the quick key.)

Figure 19. Calibrating 0-mA Offset While Pack is at Rest (no Charging or Discharging)

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Figure 20. Read All Parameters to See All Data-Set Settings

All the Data-Set parameter settings for the gas gauge can be accessed through the .PPCSV file. Save the
default .PPCSV by choosing File → Data-Set (.ppcsv) → Save Data-Set.

Figure 21. Save Data-Set Menu

Figure 22. GUI Indication That .PPCSV File Has Been Successfully Saved

Now, modify the data-set settings in the .PPCSV file as appropriate for your pack, and then choose File →
Load Data-Set (.ppcsv) → Load Data-Set To Device.
Pay special attention to the following Data-Set settings. The following example is configured for 12 series
cells of standard 4.2-V, Li-ion chemistry (using S12 firmware version).
An entry that is "-1" or "0 seconds" indicates that a feature is disabled. (See Table 1)
Pay special attention to the following Data-Set parameters in the .PPCSV file.

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Table 1. Data-Set Parameters to Review in Your S12 Design

Design Voltage,mV,44000
Charge Completion Pack Voltage Qualifier,mV,49200
Discharge Completion Pack Voltage Qualifier,mV,39600

<Charge Control>,3,
Charge Completion Pack Voltage Qualifier,mV,49200
Discharge Completion Pack Voltage Qualifier,mV,42000
FC Set SOC Threshold,%,98
FC Clear SOC Threshold,%,97
FD Set SOC Threshold,%,3
FD Clear SOC Threshold,%,4
FD Set Voltage,mV,40000
FD Clear Voltage,mV,40010
FD Set Voltage Time,Seconds,2
TDA Set SOC Threshold,%,4
TDA Set Voltage Threshold,mV,40000
TDA Set Voltage Time,Seconds,1
TDA Clear SOC Threshold,%,5
TDA Clear Voltage,mV,40020
TCA Set SOC Threshold,%,100
TCA Clear SOC Threshold,%,99
OCA Set Voltage,mV,51000

<Cell Chemistry>,6,
Default Charging Voltage,mV,50400
Default Charging Current,mA,2400
Capacity Algorithm,,0x0003

<Safety Level 1>,8,

POV Threshold,mV,51000
POV Recovery,mV,50400
POV Time,Seconds,6
PUV Threshold,mV,33600
PUV Recovery,mV,33700
PUV Time,Seconds,1

14 Quick-Start Guide for bq78PL114 With bq76PL102 Family Gas Gauges SLUA556 – April 2010

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After loading the new Data-Set file, be sure to select Read All Parameters from the Commands drop-down

Figure 23. Select Read All Parameters Command After Importing a Data-Set .PPCSV File

7 Final Setup Steps for Evaluation

7.1 To Initialize Gas Gauge and Turn On Charge and Discharge FETs
1. Choose the Pack Configuration tab in the Data-Set. (Figure 24)
Note: Ensure that the Wired bit is toggled on.
2. Double-click the Algorithm Enable line with the mouse. A secondary window opens. (Figure 25)
3. Uncheck the Inhibit Safety Rules box, and click OK. (Figure 25)
4. Next, from the Commands drop-down menu, choose Write Pending Changes to RAM CTRL+W
(Choosing the Ctrl + W keys is the quick-key sequence to write changes to RAM.)
5. Finally, select Read All Parameters to update the home screen. (Figure 26 and Figure 27)

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Figure 24. Algorithm Enable Configuration

Double-click Algorithm Enable parameter to open selection box.

Figure 25. Enabling Charge and Discharge FETs

Uncheck Inhibit Safety Rules to enable Charge and Discharge FETs.

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Figure 26. S12 Home Screen

Figure 26 shows the S12 home screen with the properly initialized gauge having the Charge and
Discharge FETs turned on.

Figure 27. Zoom-in on Status Field

Figure 27 is a zoom-in on the Status field. Discharge (D-FET), Charge (C-FET) and Pre-charge (P-FET)
MOSFETs are all on. Also, no FUSE error is indicated.

7.2 To Enable PowerPump™ Cell Balancing Feature:

1. Choose the Pack Configuration tab in the Data-Set. (Figure 24)
Note: Ensure that the Wired bit is toggled on.
2. Double-click the System Control line with the mouse. A secondary window opens. (Figure 28)
3. Un-check the "Pump Disable" box and click OK. (Figure 28)
4. Next choose Commands → Write Pending Changes to RAM Ctrl + W
5. Select Read All Parameters to update the home screen. (Figure 26 and Figure 27)
6. Figure 29 shows cells 3 and 4 actively being balanced because their resting voltage is greater than
Minimum Cell Differential For Balancing (default = 10 mV).

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Figure 28. Enabling PowerPump™ Cell Balancing

Uncheck Pump Disable to enable PowerPump™ cell balancing.

Figure 29. Home Screen Showing PowerPump™ Cell Balancing Active

Figure 29 shows that the PowerPump™ Cell Balancing is active. Cells 3 and 4 are actively balanced
because their resting voltage is greater than Minimum Cell Differential For Balancing (default = 10 V).

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7.3 Initializing the Pack

After completing configuration settings, choose Commands → Relearn / Initialize.

8 Setting Up Logging Data

Now that the pack is properly configured, it is time to set up the log files prior to exercising the pack.

8.1 Setup of Dynamic Data Log Definition File

This is done by choosing Logging → Generate Log Definition File. Scroll between available Logging
Parameters by clicking the left or right arrow next to Available Parameters" heading.
Figure 30 shows the default/blank Log Definition Tool. After you create this file once, it can be reused.
Figure 31 highlights the scroll-through arrows in the Log File Definition Tool.
Click on Generate File after choosing the Data-Set logging parameters. Only 30 parameters can be
continuously monitored during logging. The 31st parameter indicated by the tool is a tick parameter that is
automatically added to each file.

Figure 30. Default/Blank Log Definition Tool

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Figure 31. Available Logging Parameters

In Figure 31, scroll between available Logging Parameters by clicking the arrows highlighted by the red

Figure 32. Configured Dynamic Log Definition File

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Click Generate File when complete. Choose up to 31 parameters to log (Figure 32).

8.2 Data Logging Setup

This is done by choosing Logging → Configure…
Under the Dynamic Data Log Definition File section, click on the Select button and choose the .DLOG file
you created in the preceding steps.
Under the Data Logging File section, click on the Select button and choose a filename with which to save
your Data-Set log file.
Finally, choose Commands → Poll Data to begin the data logging process (Figure 34). The bqWizard™
software allows you to add comments to the log file during testing. This can be done by choosing Logging
→ Add Comment.

Figure 33. Data Logging Configuration Window in bqWizard™ Software

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Figure 34. Choosing Poll Data From Commands Menu to Begin Logging

Figure 35. Entering Comments via bqWizard™ Software

The bqWizard™ software allows the designer to enter comments throughout the log process. To add more
comments, the designer chooses the Logging → Add Comment menu during testing (Figure 35).

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Figure 36. Example of Dynamic Log File for an 11s Battery Pack

9 Final Comments Concerning Evaluation

Always be sure to log data during testing. Confirm that the log file content is correct by copying and
pasting the .CSV file, and opening with Microsoft™ Excel™.
Use a standard bench power supply for charging your battery and testing functionality with the simulation
resistor string on PMP5118-RevB. First, set the voltage of the bench supply using a precise digital
multimeter to precisely 4.2 V/cell multiplied by the number of cells (or whatever the appropriate charge
voltage is for your specific cell, 4.1 V, etc.). After you have set the appropriate charge voltage, next
short-circuit the positive and negative leads from the bench power supply and limit the current to an
appropriate level (usually not greater than a 1C rate determined by the packs battery cells). If the current
limit is set high, you may see a spark. After this procedure, you can connect to PACK+ and GND
connections (shown in PMP5118-RevB) and properly charge a Li-ion battery with constant current,
followed by constant voltage profile.
See the application report Chemistry Selection for bq78PL114 (SLUA505) for additional information on
configuring the gas gauge, as well as the data collection process for defining a .AUX for your battery pack.

SLUA556 – April 2010 Quick-Start Guide for bq78PL114 With bq76PL102 Family Gas Gauges 23

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Appendix A .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware

Table 2. .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware

<SBData Static>,1,
Manufacturer Name,,TEXAS INSTRUMENTS
Device Name,,bq78PL114
Device Chemistry,,LION
Manufacturer Data,,0E4D616E20446174612020202020200000000000000000000000000000000000
Serial Number,,1
Manufacture Date,,14964
Design Voltage,mV,33600
At Rate,mAh/10mWh,0
Battery Mode,,0x6001
Remaining Time Alarm,Minutes,10
Remaining Capacity Alarm,mAh/10mWh,560
<Charge Control>,3,
Pre-Charge Temperature,Kelvin,273
Pre-Charge Voltage,mV,3000
Pre-Charge Recovery,mV,3100
Pre-Charge Current,mA,240
Charge Inhibit Temperature Low,Kelvin,273
Charge Inhibit Temperature High,Kelvin,318
Charge Inhibit Recovery Temperature Low,Kelvin,278
Charge Inhibit Recovery Temperature High,Kelvin,313
Charge Suspend Temperature Low,Kelvin,278
Charge Suspend Recovery Temperature Low,Kelvin,283
Charge Suspend Temperature High,Kelvin,333
Charge Suspend Recovery Temperature High,Kelvin,328
Charge Completion Pack Voltage Qualifier,mV,32800
Charge Completion Taper Current Qualifier,mA,240
Charge Completion Time,Seconds RDTE,10
Charge Completion FET Activation Time,Seconds RDTE,10
Discharge Completion Pack Voltage Qualifier,mV,24800
Discharge Completion Time,Seconds RDTE,4
Discharge Completion FET Activation Time,Seconds RDTE,6
Discharge Under Temperature,Kelvin,263
Discharge Under Temperature Recovery,Kelvin,273
Discharge Under Temperature Time,Seconds RDTE,2
FC Set SOC Threshold,%,-1
FC Clear SOC Threshold,%,-1
FD Set SOC Threshold,%,-1
FD Clear SOC Threshold,%,-1
FD Set Voltage,mV,24800
FD Clear Voltage,mV,25600
FD Set Voltage Time,Seconds,0
Transition to Idle Current,mA,50
Transition to Idle Time,Seconds,30
Transition to Discharge Current,mA,-75
Transition to Charge Current,mA,75
Cell Shutdown Voltage,mV,2500
Design Capacity mAh,mAHrs,2400
Design Capacity 10mWh,10mWh,6912

24 .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware SLUA556 – April 2010

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Table 2. .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware (continued)

TDA Set SOC Threshold,%,-1
TDA Set Voltage Threshold,mV,25600
TDA Set Voltage Time,Seconds,0
TDA Clear SOC Threshold,%,-1
TDA Clear Voltage,mV,29600
TCA Set SOC Threshold,%,-1
TCA Clear SOC Threshold,%,-1
OCA Set Voltage,mV,34400
OCA Activation Time,Seconds RDTE,2
<Cell Balancing>,5,
Minimum Cell Differential For Balancing,mV,10
<Cell Chemistry>,6,
Chemistry ID,,105
FCC Learn Qualifier,%,30
Cycle Fade,%,0.05
Min OCV Slope,mV/% RSOC,2
OCV Idle Qualifier,Minutes,30
Stale FCC Timeout,Minutes,2880
Default Charging Voltage,mV,33600
Default Charging Current,mA,1680
Capacity Algorithm,,0x0003
User Rate,mA,1000
<Pack Configuration>,7,
Hardware Configuration,,0x0731
Algorithm Enable,,0x800E
System Control,,0x8000
Current Delta,mA,100
EPD Pump Time,Cycle Counts,120
EPD Write Time,Cycle Counts,70
Display Driver Frequency,Hz,30
Product Sub ID,,0
<Safety Level 1>,8,
COV Threshold,mV,4250
COV Recovery,mV,4100
COV High Temperature Threshold,mV,4250
COV High Temperature Adjust,Kelvin,323
COV Time,Seconds,2
CUV Threshold,mV,2700
CUV Recovery,mV,3000
CUV Time,Seconds,1
POV Threshold,mV,34000
POV Recovery,mV,32800
POV Time,Seconds,6
PUV Threshold,mV,22400
PUV Recovery,mV,24000
PUV Time,Seconds,1
OC Charge Tier 1 Threshold,mA,4800
OC Charge Tier 1 Recovery,Seconds,2
OC Charge Tier 1 Time,Seconds,6
OC Discharge Tier 1 Threshold,mA,-7200
OC Discharge Tier 1 Recovery,Seconds,2
OC Discharge Tier 1 Time,Seconds,8

SLUA556 – April 2010 .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware 25

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Table 2. .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware (continued)

OC Charge Tier 2 Threshold,mA,5200
OC Charge Tier 2 Recovery,Seconds,8
OC Charge Tier 2 Time,Seconds,2
OC Discharge Tier 2 Threshold,mA,-9600
OC Discharge Tier 2 Recovery,Seconds,8
OC Discharge Tier 2 Time,Seconds,1
OC Max Attempts,,3
Hardware OC Charge Threshold,,211
Hardware OC Charge Recovery,Seconds,1
Hardware OC Charge Time,,60
Hardware OC Discharge Threshold,,98
Hardware OC Discharge Recovery,Seconds,1
Hardware OC Discharge Time,,37
HOC Max Attempts,,3
Hardware Short Circuit Threshold,,47
Hardware Short Circuit Recovery,Seconds,8
Hardware Short Circuit Time,,3
HSC Max Attempts,,3
EUV Threshold,mV,2500
EUV Time,Seconds,2
EUV Recovery,mV,2900
OT Charge Threshold,Kelvin,323
OT Charge Recovery,Kelvin,318
OT Charge Time,Seconds RDTE,2
OT Discharge Threshold,Kelvin,333
OT Discharge Recovery,Kelvin,323
OT Discharge Time,Seconds RDTE,2
Host Watchdog Timeout,Seconds RDTE,0
Board Over Temperature,Kelvin,358
Board Over Temperature Recovery,Kelvin,338
Board Over Temperature Time,Seconds RDTE,2
Hardware LP Discharge Threshold,,32
Hardware LP Discharge Duration,,127
Hardware LP Charge Threshold,,224
Hardware LP Charge Duration,,127
<Safety Level 2>,9,
SOV Threshold,mV,4350
SOV Time,Seconds RDTE,8
Cell Imbalance Current,mA,50
Cell Imbalance Fail Voltage,mV,500
Cell Imbalance Time,Seconds,180
Cell Imbalance SOC Inhibit Threshold,%,30
SOC Charge Threshold,mA,6000
SOC Charge Time,Seconds RDTE,2
SOC Discharge Threshold,mA,-12000
SOC Discharge Time,Seconds RDTE,2
SOT Charge Threshold,Kelvin,343
SOT Charge Time,Seconds RDTE,2
SOT Discharge Threshold,Kelvin,343
SOT Discharge Time,Seconds RDTE,2
Open Temperature Sensor Threshold,Kelvin,233
Open Temperature Sensor Time,Seconds RDTE,2
FET Fail Time,Seconds RDTE,2

26 .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware SLUA556 – April 2010

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Table 2. .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware (continued)

Fuse Fail Limit,mA,40
Fuse Fail Time,Seconds RDTE,2
VLAN Fail Time,Seconds RDTE,2
Current Measurement Fail Time,Seconds RDTE,10
Pre-Charge Voltage Timeout,Seconds RDTE,900
Charge Duration Timeout,Seconds RDTE,14400
IGR Limit,,200
IGR Fail Count,,255
IGR Ratio Limit,,120
IGR Ratio Fail Count,,255
Rate Limit Threshold,,200
Rate Limit Activation Count,,100

SLUA556 – April 2010 .PPCSV Data-Set File Export From S12 Firmware 27

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated


Appendix B Default Data-Set Screen Captures From bqWizard™ GUI for S12 Firmware

Figure 37. Cell Balancing Data-Set Tab

Figure 38. Cell Chemistry Data-Set Tab

28 Default Data-Set Screen Captures From bqWizard™ GUI for S12 Firmware SLUA556 – April 2010

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Figure 39. Pack Configuration Data-Set Tab

Figure 40. Safety Level 1 Data-Set Tab

Figure 41. Safety Level 2 Data-Set Tab

SLUA556 – April 2010 Default Data-Set Screen Captures From bqWizard™ GUI for S12 Firmware 29

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Figure 42. SBData Dynamic Data-Set Tab

Figure 43. SBData Static Data-Set Tab

Figure 44. Pack Dynamic Data-Set Tab

30 Default Data-Set Screen Captures From bqWizard™ GUI for S12 Firmware SLUA556 – April 2010

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Figure 45. Charge Control Data-Set Tab

Figure 46. Pack History Data-Set Tab

SLUA556 – April 2010 Default Data-Set Screen Captures From bqWizard™ GUI for S12 Firmware 31

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Appendix C Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials

C.1 PMP5118-RevB Reference Design Schematic in S12 Hardware Configuration

The reference design schematic is appended to the following pages.

32 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

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C.2 PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials

Table 3. Bill of Materials

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
4 U2 BQ76PL102RGTR BQ76PL102RGTR IC, Power-LAN Dual-Cell Li-Ion Batterry Monitor W/ Powerpump TI VQFN
U3 BQ76PL102RGTR BQ76PL102RGTR IC, Power-LAN Dual-Cell Li-Ion Batterry Monitor W/ Powerpump TI VQFN
U4 BQ76PL102RGTR BQ76PL102RGTR IC, Power-LAN Dual-Cell Li-Ion Batterry Monitor W/ Powerpump TI VQFN
U5 BQ76PL102RGTR BQ76PL102RGTR IC, Power-LAN Dual-Cell Li-Ion Batterry Monitor W/ Powerpump TI VQFN
2 U10 BQ77PL157PW BQ77PL157PW IC, Secondary Voltage Protection for 3-6 Series Li-Ion Cells TI TSSOP-16
U11 BQ77PL157PW BQ77PL157PW IC, Secondary Voltage Protection for 3-6 Series Li-Ion Cells TI TSSOP-16
1 U1 BQ78PL114RGZR BQ78PL114 IC, PowerLAN Master Gateway Battery Management Controller TI VQFN
With PowerPump Cell Balancing Technology
12 C46 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C48 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C55 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C103 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C110 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C111 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C112 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C113 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C114 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C116 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C117 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C118 Std 0.01 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X7R, 10% Std 603
2 C36 Std 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, X7R, 10% Std 603
C109 Std 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, X7R, 10% Std 603
1 C58 STD 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 6.3V, X7R, 20% STD 603
12 C49 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C50 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C51 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C52 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C65 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C66 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C67 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C68 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C70 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603

SLUA556 – April 2010 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials 33

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Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
C71 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C73 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C74 STD 1.0 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
2 C53 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
C56 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 603
16 C41 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C44 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C54 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C59 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C60 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C69 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C72 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C75 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C76 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C77 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C78 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C79 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C80 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C81 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C82 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C83 STD 1000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
22 C6 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C7 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C8 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C9 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C10 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C11 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C12 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C13 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C14 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C15 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C20 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C21 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C22 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603

34 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

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Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
C23 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C24 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C25 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C26 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C27 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C31 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C32 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C33 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
C34 STD 3300 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, Low Inductance, 50V, X7R, 10% STD 603
1 C105 ECJ-ZVF1C104Z 0.047 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 0 .047-uF, 16-V, Y5V, +80/-20% Panasonic 805
2 C39 Std 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, X7R, 10% Std 805
C120 Std 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, X7R, 10% Std 805
1 C35 100V 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 100V, X7R, 10% STD 805
2 C37 C0805C104K1RACTU 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 100V, X7R, 10% KEMET 805
C38 C0805C104K1RACTU 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 100V, X7R, 10% KEMET 805
1 C43 STD 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
2 C104 Std 0.22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 16V, X7R, 10% Std 805
C115 Std 0.22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 16V, X7R, 10% Std 805
1 C45 STD 1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
1 C57 STD 10 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
5 C42 STD 10 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C61 STD 10 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C62 STD 10 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C63 STD 10 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C64 STD 10 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10V, X5R, 10% STD 805
12 C1 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C2 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C3 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C4 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C5 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C16 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C17 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C18 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C19 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805

SLUA556 – April 2010 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials 35

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Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
C28 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C29 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
C30 STD 22 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
1 C47 STD 10000 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 6.3V, X5R, 10% STD 805
1 C106 ECJ-3YBZA104K 0.1 µF Capacitor, Ceramic, 0.1-uF, 100-V, X7R, +-10% Panasonic 1206
1 C40 B32529C1104J 0.1 µF Capacitor, Leaded, 100V, [temp], [tol] Epcos 0.177 x 0.287 in.
1 C107 ECA-ZAM101 100 µF Capacitor, Panasonic, 100-uF, 100-V, , 20% Panasonic 0.315
1 J14 3267 BATT+ Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
1 J15 3267 BATT– Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
1 J16 3267 GND Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
1 J20 3267 PACK+ Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
1 J43 3267 PACK+PROT Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
1 J44 3267 PACK-PROT Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
2 J54 3267 unconnected Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
J55 3267 unconnected Connector, Banana Jack, Uninsulated Pomona 0.500 dia
12 D38 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D39 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D40 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D42 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D46 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D47 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D48 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D49 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D50 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D51 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D52 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
D53 MMBD4148SE MMBD4148SE Diode, Dual Ultra Fast, Series, 200-mA, 100-V Fairchild SOT23
22 D6 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D7 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D8 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D9 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D10 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D11 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D12 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.

36 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

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Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
D13 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D14 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D15 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D20 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D21 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D22 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D23 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D24 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D25 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D26 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D27 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D31 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D32 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D33 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
D34 MA21D3800L MA21D3800L Diode, Switching, 1A, 30-V Panasonic 0.067 x 0.049 in.
5 D59 160-1183-1-ND Green Diode, LED, Green, 2.1-V, 20-mA, 6-mcd Liteon 603
D60 160-1183-1-ND Green Diode, LED, Green, 2.1-V, 20-mA, 6-mcd Liteon 603
D61 160-1183-1-ND Green Diode, LED, Green, 2.1-V, 20-mA, 6-mcd Liteon 603
D62 160-1183-1-ND Green Diode, LED, Green, 2.1-V, 20-mA, 6-mcd Liteon 603
D63 160-1183-1-ND Green Diode, LED, Green, 2.1-V, 20-mA, 6-mcd Liteon 603
4 D35 BZT52C12 BZT52C12-7-F Diode, Zener, 12V Diodes Inc. SOD-123
D37 BZT52C12 BZT52C12-7-F Diode, Zener, 12V Diodes Inc. SOD-123
D58 BZT52C12 BZT52C12-7-F Diode, Zener, 12V Diodes Inc. SOD-123
D64 BZT52C12 BZT52C12-7-F Diode, Zener, 12V Diodes Inc. SOD-123
1 D16 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
11 D1 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D2 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D3 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D4 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D5 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D17 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D18 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D19 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D28 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA

SLUA556 – April 2010 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials 37

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Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
D29 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
D30 5.1V SMAZ5V1 Diode, Zener, 100-mA, 5.1-V Diodes Inc SMA
1 D36 IRF 10BQ0100 Diode, Schottky, 1-A, 100-V STD SMB
1 D41 AZ23C5V6 AZ23C5V6 Diode, Dual, Zener, 5.6 V, 300mW Diodes SOT23
1 D57 SMAT70A SMAT70A Diode, 100V transient voltage supressor Diodes Inc. SMA
1 J42 PTC36SAAN Enable Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
1 J24 PTC36SAAN Reset (active low) Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
12 J2 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J3 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J4 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J5 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J6 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J7 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J8 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J9 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J10 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J11 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J12 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J13 PTC36SAAN Simulate Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
2 J18 PTC36SAAN XT2 Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J22 PTC36SAAN XT2 Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
1 J28 PTC36SAAN XT6 Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
1 J36 PTC36SAAN XT8 Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
1 J29 PTC36SAAN XT10 Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
1 J37 PTC36SAAN XT12 Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
2 J52 PTC36SAAN Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
J53 PTC36SAAN Header, 2-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) Sullins 0.100 x 2
1 J461 PEC03SAAN PEC03SAAN Header, Male 3-pin, 100mil spacing, Sullins 0.100 in. x 3
1 J1 PEC36SAAN PEC36SAAN Header, Male 20-pin, 100mil spacing, (36-pin strip) STD 0.100 in. x 20
6 J45 640454-4 640454-4 Header, Polarized Notched, 4 Pin 100 mil Pitch Tyco 0.400 x 0.225 in.
J47 640454-4 640454-4 Header, Polarized Notched, 4 Pin 100 mil Pitch Tyco 0.400 x 0.225 in.
J48 640454-4 640454-4 Header, Polarized Notched, 4 Pin 100 mil Pitch Tyco 0.400 x 0.225 in.
J49 640454-4 640454-4 Header, Polarized Notched, 4 Pin 100 mil Pitch Tyco 0.400 x 0.225 in.
J50 640454-4 640454-4 Header, Polarized Notched, 4 Pin 100 mil Pitch Tyco 0.400 x 0.225 in.

38 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

www.ti.com PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials

Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
J51 640454-4 640454-4 Header, Polarized Notched, 4 Pin 100 mil Pitch Tyco 0.400 x 0.225 in.
1 J46 C-5103309-1 C-5103309-1 Connector, 10 pin Shrouded Vertical Tyco 0.388 x 0.400 in.
11 L1 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L2 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L3 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L4 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L5 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L6 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L7 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L8 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 mΩ Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L9 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 m Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L10 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 m Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
L11 LPS4012-472ML 4.7 µH Inductor, SMT, 1.8A, 175 m Coilcraft 0.153 x 0.153 in.
10 R71 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R80 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R82 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R88 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R92 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R93 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R105 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R106 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R144 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R145 Std 1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
11 R16 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R17 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R18 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R19 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R20 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R43 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R44 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R45 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R46 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R64 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R65 Std 2K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603

SLUA556 – April 2010 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials 39

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials www.ti.com

Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
2 R96 Std 4.7K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R98 Std 4.7K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
1 R107 Std 10K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
22 R21 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R22 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R23 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R24 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R25 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R26 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R27 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R28 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R29 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R30 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R47 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R48 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R49 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R50 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R51 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R52 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R53 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R54 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R66 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R67 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R68 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R69 Std 20K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
2 R76 Std 30K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R84 Std 30K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
9 R95 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R97 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R99 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R103 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R104 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R108 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R109 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603

40 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

www.ti.com PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials

Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
R110 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R143 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
4 R72 Std 100K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R81 Std 100K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R85 Std 100K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R94 Std 100K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
3 R75 Std 200K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R83 Std 200K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R87 Std 200K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
2 R70 Std 560K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
R86 Std 560K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
1 R152 Std 0Ω Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
2 R149 Std 0Ω Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R166 Std 0Ω Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
15 R140 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R147 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R148 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R150 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R151 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R155 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R156 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R157 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R158 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R159 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R160 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R161 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R162 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R163 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
R164 Std 1K Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
1 R153 STD 5.1M Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Std 603
1 R74 Std 100 Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 5% Any 603
1 R139 Std 6K Resistor, Chip, 6 kΩ, 1/10-W, 1% Std 805
1 R137 Std 10K Resistor, Chip, 10 kΩ, 1/10-W,1% Std 805
1 R138 Std 100K Resistor, Chip, 100 kΩ, 1/10-W,1% Std 805

SLUA556 – April 2010 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials 41

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials www.ti.com

Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
1 R136 Std 232K Resistor, Chip, 232 kΩ, 1/10-W,1% Std 805
1 R142 Std 10 Ω Resistor, Chip, 10-Ω, 1/8-W, 5% Std 1206
1 R141 Std 100K Resistor, Chip, 100 kΩ, 1/8-W, 5% Std 1206
9 R1 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R2 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R3 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R4 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R5 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R31 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R32 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R33 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R34 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 1W, 5% STD 2512
27 R6 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R7 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R8 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R9 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R10 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R11 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R12 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R13 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R14 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R15 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R35 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R36 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R37 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R38 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R39 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R40 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R41 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R42 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R55 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R56 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R57 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R58 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512

42 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

www.ti.com PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials

Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
R59 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R60 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R61 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R62 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
R63 STD 2.7 Ω Resistor, 2.7 mΩ, 2W, 5% STD 2512
3 R89 STD 100 Resistor, 100 Ω, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R90 STD 100 Resistor, 100 Ω, 1W, 5% STD 2512
R91 STD 100 Resistor, 100 Ω, 1W, 5% STD 2512
1 R100 ERJ-M1WSF3M0U 0.003R Resistor, Chip, 1W, 1%, 350ppm Panasonic 2512
3 R77 PR2512FKF070R003L (Digikey 0.003R Resistor, Chip, 0.003 Ω, 1W, 1%, 100ppm Yageo 2512
R78 PR2512FKF070R003L (Digikey 0.003R Resistor, Chip, 0.003 Ω, 1W, 1%, 100ppm Yageo 2512
R79 PR2512FKF070R003L (Digikey 0.003R Resistor, Chip, 0.003 Ω, 1W, 1%, 100ppm Yageo 2512
1 R101 ERJ-M1WSF3M0U DNP Resistor, Chip, 1W, 1%, 350ppm Panasonic 2512
6 J17 8196 8196 Terminal, PC Screw #10-32, 30A Keystone 0.470 x 0.470 in.
J19 8196 8196 Terminal, PC Screw #10-32, 30A Keystone 0.470 x 0.470 in.
J21 8196 8196 Terminal, PC Screw #10-32, 30A Keystone 0.470 x 0.470 in.
J23 8196 8196 Terminal, PC Screw #10-32, 30A Keystone 0.470 x 0.470 in.
J26 8196 8196 Terminal, PC Screw #10-32, 30A Keystone 0.470 x 0.470 in.
J27 8196 8196 Terminal, PC Screw #10-32, 30A Keystone 0.470 x 0.470 in.
2 SPK1 Spark Gap {Value} Spark Gap, 0.010 inch space mfg 0.050 x 0.070 in.
SPK2 Spark Gap {Value} Spark Gap, 0.010 inch space mfg 0.050 x 0.070 in.
1 S2 FSM4JSMA FSM4JSMA Switch, Micro Push Button xxV, xxA ITT 0.394 x 0.200 in.
3 TP8 STD STD Test Point, O.032 Hole STD
TP17 STD STD Test Point, O.032 Hole STD
TP22 STD STD Test Point, O.032 Hole STD
2 TP11 5000 5000 Test Point, Red, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
TP12 5000 5000 Test Point, Red, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
6 TP1 5001 5001 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
TP2 5001 5001 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
TP3 5001 5001 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
TP4 5001 5001 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
TP5 5001 5001 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.

SLUA556 – April 2010 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials 43

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

PMP5118-Rev B Bill of Materials www.ti.com

Table 3. Bill of Materials (continued)

Count RefDes Part Number Value Description Mfr Size
TP6 5001 5001 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole Color Keyed Keystone 0.100 x 0.100 in.
2 TP13 STD STD Test Point, 0.020 Hole STD
TP27 STD STD Test Point, 0.020 Hole STD
11 Q1 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q2 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q3 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q4 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q5 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q6 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q7 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q8 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q9 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q10 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
Q11 FDC6327C FDC6327C Transistor, Dual N&P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench Fairchild SuperSOT-6
1 Q30 SUM90N10-8m2P SUM90N10-8m2P Transistor, NFET, 100V, 97A, 8 mΩ Vishay D2PAK
1 Q28 SUM90N10-8m2P SUM90N10-8m2P Transistor, NFET, 100V, 97A, 8 mΩ Vishay D2PAK
1 Q29 SUM90N10-8m2P SUM90N10-8m2P Transistor, NFET, 100V, 97A, 8 mΩ Vishay D2PAK
1 Q27 SUM90N10-8m2P SUM90N10-8m2P Transistor, NFET, 100V, 97A, 8 mΩ Vishay D2PAK
2 Q12 MMBFJ201 MMBFJ201 JFET, NChan -40V, 50mA Fairchild SOT-23
Q21 MMBFJ201 MMBFJ201 JFET, NChan -40V, 50mA Fairchild SOT-23
1 Q20 FDS3682 FDS3682 MOSFET, N-ch, 100-V, 6-A, 35-mΩ Fairchild SO8
3 Q13 BC846ALT1G BC846ALT1G Bipolar, NPN, -65-V, 100-mA, 100-mW Vishay SOT23
Q17 BC846ALT1G BC846ALT1G Bipolar, NPN, -65-V, 100-mA, 100-mW Vishay SOT23
Q19 BC846ALT1G BC846ALT1G Bipolar, NPN, -65-V, 100-mA, 100-mW Vishay SOT23
4 Q14 SUM110P08-11L SUM110P08-11L MOSFET, Pch, -80V, 109 A, 11mΩ (Vgs=-10V), 14.5mΩ Vishay D2PAK
Q15 SUM110P08-11L SUM110P08-11L MOSFET, Pch, -80V, 109 A, 11mΩ (Vgs=-10V), 14.5mΩ Vishay D2PAK
Q16 SUM110P08-11L SUM110P08-11L MOSFET, Pch, -80V, 109 A, 11mΩ (Vgs=-10V), 14.5mΩ Vishay D2PAK
Q18 SUM110P08-11L SUM110P08-11L MOSFET, Pch, -80V, 109 A, 11mΩ (Vgs=-10V), 14.5mΩ Vishay D2PAK

44 Reference Design and Reference Design Bill of Materials SLUA556 – April 2010

Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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