RMS (Chapter 1-3)
RMS (Chapter 1-3)
RMS (Chapter 1-3)
Across the past twenty years, technology has changed methods and
procedures of individuals within business and organizations. Information and
communication technology has essentially become part of entities in all aspects
of life. With the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of
ICT is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to
grow and develop in the 21st century.
The innovations of technologies in organizations influence its workers in
performing the task they set out to do. And in this world where change is
inevitable, people have no choice but to adapt and be part of the trend. People
need to be flexible enough as technologies made its alterations. In the past, it
took a long time for information to be relayed. With the internet, messages can
now be sent electronically and efficiently to anyone. Any information can travel in
an instant with the capability of bandwidth, and connection speed on the internet.
Internet offers fast information retrieval, interactivity, accessibility and versatility. It
saves time and is cost-efficient.
Over the past five years, the world has witnessed an actual Internet
explosion. The most recent authoritative data, released in 2014, shows "that
Internet use continues to grow steadily, at 6.6% globally in 2014 (3.3% in
developed countries, 8.7% in the developing world); the number of Internet users
in developing countries has doubled in five years (2009-2014), with two thirds of
all people online now living in the developing world" (Library Learning Space,
2015). ICT is always present, with over three billion people having access to the
Internet (ITU, 2014). Approximately 8 out of 10 Internet users own a smartphone,
and information and data are increasing fast (ARC, 2015). This rapid growth,
especially in developing countries, has led ICT to become a necessity of
everyday life, in which life without technology gives most of work and routine task
dysfunctional. ICTs have become within a very short time, one of the basic
building blocks of modern society. Many countries now regard understanding ICT
and mastering the basic skills and concepts of ICT as part of the core of
education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy (Daniels, 2002).
Many entities and establishments are partaking in the advancement of
technology. Organizations are beginning to re-evaluate their current processes
and identify new types of tools to improve it (Handfield, 2003). Some people
perceived automation as somewhat difficult to adopt and worry that it would put
an end to their job because there is now a danger that workers with IT skills will
demand and get well-paid jobs, whereas those without IT skills may find it difficult
to gain employment (Sharman, 2014). Developments being made today are very
strong and pervasive in the business environment which leaves them no choice
but to adapt with the current living standards. This could have implications for
future governments. The motivation behind this study is the modern world
phenomenon of ICT innovations replacing paper-based information systems. ICT
has created the term paperless environment. This term means information can be
stored and retrieved through the digital medium instead of paper. Online
communication via emails, online chat and instant messaging also helps in
creating the paperless environment. The focus of this study is to shed some light
on this phenomenon by making the BAC Office of Bicol University College of
Education as a subject for this research.
Bicol University College of Education is an institution that upholds the
culture of Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service. This is true to all the
departments and offices within the college. The BAC Office provides service that
are highly equitable to continuously develop a productive workforce in the college
and to establish a good relationship with suppliers in order to create a favorable
business climate in both sides with integrity and professionalism.
The need to keep track of records have become significantly important
today particularly in institutions of higher learning. The existing requisition
process of the Supply Office in Bicol University College of Education is still
manually done through filing of papers or forms. Reports are manually encoded
using the Microsoft applications and print it out for storage of data. Sometimes,
the office encounter discrepancies in the reports which is very troublesome.
During a BAC meeting, a staff uses paper with checklist to monitor if the suppliers
comply all the needed requirements. Locating files is one of the greatest
problems in the office. Time is wasted in archiving or searching files, energy is
wasted chasing misplaced files, deadlines are missed and sometimes files are
lost. The two offices greatly rely on printed copies of documents for their record
storage and retrieval of information.
Specific Objectives
1. To create a requisition management that will facilitate the request of
supplies and materials from every entity.
2. To develop price listing database of all the items for easy canvassing.
3. To create a monitoring system for all the registered suppliers.
4. To create a record management for the BAC Office.
5. To evaluate the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126-1 using the
following quality characteristics:
1 Functionality
2 Reliability
3 Usability
4 Efficiency
5 Maintainability
6 Portability
Definition of Terms
The following terms related to our research were defined theoretically for a
better understanding:
Web-based system. In this study, this refers to any information system
that is coded in a browser-supported language such as JavaScript, combined
with a browser-rendered mark-up language like HTML, and reliant on a common
web browser to render the functionality of the system.
Requisition. A formal written demand that something should be performed
or put into operation.
BAC. Refers to the Bids and Awards committee whos responsible on the
procurement process.
Record. Represents proof of existence and that can be used to retrieve
and recreate or prove state of existence. A record is either created or received by
the office in pursuance of or in compliance with legal obligations, or in the
transaction of business.
Management. A systematic method in organizing record.
Record Management. Professional practice of managing the records of
an organization. This includes identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving,
and tracking.
Price Listing. List of prices of products of every registered supplier.
Goods and Services. A type of request. Goods are items that
are tangible, such as books, pens, and folders. Services are activities provided by
other people, such as doctors, lawn care workers, dentists, barbers, waiters, or
online servers.
Cost-efficient. Productive.
Purchase Request. A form filled-out by the end-users with the item they
were requesting.
BAC Resolution Alternative. A resolution declaring alternative mode of
BAC Request for Quotation. Procurement solicitation in which an
organization asks outside vendors to offer a quote for the completion of a specific
task or project.
Abstract of Award. Summary of the acceptance of a bid or proposal for
a contract.
BAC Resolution Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid (LCRB). A
resolution declaring lowest calculated responsive bid and recommending
Notice of Award. Written confirmation of an award of a contract by
a customer to a successful bidder, stating the amount of the award, the award
date, and when the contract will be signed. It may also contain a notice to
proceed, and it is sometimes also used in lieu of a purchase order to a vendor.
Also called award letter or notice of award.
Purchase Order. A buyer-generated document that authorizes a purchase
transaction. When accepted by the seller, it becomes a contract binding on both
parties. A purchase order sets forth the descriptions, quantities, prices, discounts,
ARC. (2015). Survey: 1 In 6 Internet Users Own a Smartwatch or Fitness
Tracker. Retrieved from http://arc.applause.com/2015/01/12/survey-1-6-peoplesmartwatch-fitness-tracker.
Daniels, J.S. (2002). Foreword in Information and Communication
Technology in EducationA Curriculum for Schools and Programme for Teacher
Development. Paris: UNESCO.
Handfield, R. (2003, October 22). E-procurement and the Purchasing
Process. Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Resource Cooperative,
Poole College of Management, North Carolina State University. Retrieved July
30, 2016, from https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/e-procurement-and-thepurchasing-process. (30 July, 2016).
ITU. (2014). ITU releases annual global ICT Development Index country
Library Learning Space (2015). ITU releases annual global ICT data and
ICT Development Index country rankings. Retrieved September 01, 2015, from
Sharman, R. (2014, September 05). What is E Procurement? Claritum
Article. Retrieved July 29, 2016, from http://www.claritum.com/what-is-eprocurement.
In this chapter, the Researchers describe the relevant literature
surrounding the problem discussion, which takes part as foundation of this study.
Review of literature identifies many advantages and opportunities from the field of
Procurement System. This chapter presents a review of foreign and local related
literature and studies from various libraries, text, internet sources, articles, and
publications which were found to be direct and indirectly relevant to the present
Related Literatures
Web-based is not actually new. They are just another term for websites,
which were developed based on web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and
ISO standard 15489: (2001), defines Records Management (RM) as the
field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the
creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the
processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about
business activities and transactions in the form of records.
In the book Good Records Management Practices, the author defined
record management as the whole range of activities which an organization
should perform to properly manage its records. The key activities include setting
policy, assigning
According to the R.A. 9184, Section 5, BAC refers to the Bids and Awards
Committee established in accordance with Article 5 of this Act. The main function
of the office is for procurement for each procurement entity. Many documents are
submitted in the office in compliance with the requirements for the transactions
and for eligibility and technicality (Government Procurement Policy Board, 2012).
"Records management" refers to the managerial activities involved with
respect to records creation, records maintenance and use, transmission,
retention and records disposition in order to achieve adequate and proper
documentation of policies and transactions of government for its efficient,
effective and economical operation (R.A. 9470, 2007).
According to Paperless Trail Inc. (2016). Record Management is an important
practice in any organization which more often than not are treated as a minor task
that requires little focus or attention. Often handled by Human Resources (HR) or
the finance/accounting department, Record Management ensures that any and
all information and documents of a company is up to date, accurate and is
compliant to all laws and regulations of the Philippines.
Paper and
by information
interchangeably. Each of the two mediums has its own advantages. Electronic
documents are easy to revise, store, and retrieve. Paper documents, on the other
hand, are light, flexible, portable, and easier to read. Paperless trade involves
conducting trade transactions on the basis of an electronic exchange of traderelated data and documents, in contrast to the conventional way of exchanging
trade information using paper documents (Ha and Lim, 2014).
paper cost reduce; 7. less energy used; 8. time spent reduce; 9. eliminates
duplication of files and; 10. reduces possibility of mistakes.
In fact, Ataullah (2009) stated that the problem of records retention is
often viewed as simply deleting records when they have outlived their purpose.
However, in the world of relational databases there is no standardized notion of a
business record and its retention obligations. Unlike physical documents such as
forms and reports, information in databases is organized such that one item of
data may be part of various legal records and consequently subject to several
(and possibly conflicting) retention policies.
However, there are challenges in making the records management electronic.
Some of which are: 1. the documents and records we now create are dependent
upon technology to interpret them, and more often than not, they are dependent
upon specific hardware and software system combinations; 2. there are a lack of
institutional policies and guidelines addressing the management of electronic
records; 3. there are a lack of affordable tools to appropriately and effectively
manage electronic records; 4. without effective tools and/or institutional polices
and guidelines for filing and managing records, the usability, and accessibility to
the records may be compromised; 5. there is a greater risk for potential security
breaches and damage via virus attacks; 6. there are significant risks of records
loss or damage due to instability of storage media; 7. the unmanaged
proliferation of copies, even in paper, that while they provide redundancy from a
backup point of view, they can ultimately wreak havoc with completing a final
disposition process (Library OSU, 2015).
2016). The system covers the entire thesis process as well as the document
management of the different thesis documents. The main objective of the system
is to provide a portal that can help track and accomplish the thesis cycle.
The researchers also found a study that is related to the current study. It
was also a web-based system that was developed by Fajardo and Mediario in
2016. Its general objective is to develop a Web-based Human Resource
Management and Payroll System for Department of Labor and Employment
Regional Office V or DOLE ROV that will lessen the manual processes and
generate timely and efficient documents that are significant to their day to day
Almarez in 2013 developed a system entitled Automated Office Supplies
Requisition and Inventory Systems Development:
According to Ambre and Trinidad, Jr. (2016), paper is still one of the major
media of communication extensively used in most office environments. There
were expert analyses and predictions that paper use will be eliminated or will be
limited in the near future. Electronic documents are expected to replace physical
documents. However, the use of paper documents is unexpectedly increasing
even with the claim of paperless systems. Most people still feel more convenient
with paper for reading, annotating, and record keeping purposes.
Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art
This related literature and studies have significant relationship with the
present study in the sense that both are discussing about the benefits of having
an electronic system that could replace the old method used by the office.
Requisition and BAC Record Management System will also allow employees to
finish their works on time. It will also help the office to have a proper way of
managing requests. The proposed system will provide the necessary reports to
access information.
Almarez, N. (2013). Automated Office Supplies Requisition and Inventory
Systems Development: A Step towards Institutional Progress. (Undergraduate
Thesis). Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas.
Ambre, J. A. and Trinidad, J. T. An Online Document Tracking System for a
Ataullah A. (2008). A Framework for Records Management in Relational
Database Systems. (Unpublished Masters Thesis). University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Cavoukian, A. (2003). Electronic Records and Document Management
Systems: A New Tool for Enhancing the Publics Right to Access GovernmentHeld
Dacuycuy-Pacio R. (2013). Online Student Information System of Benguet
State University (OSIS-BSU), Philippines. (An Undergraduate Thesis). Benguet
State University. Print.
Del Rosario, E., Del Rosario J., Nieva, M., Tan, T., and Tangkeko, M.
(2016). CollaborateIT: A CCS IT Thesis Portal with Electronic Document
Management System. DLSU Research Congress 2016, Vol: 4. Retrieved August
Dy, R. B. (2013). e-DoX: DEPED Student Grade Records Management
System with Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard and PKI
Infrastructure. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research,
Vol: 11, Issue: 1, pp 112-158.
Fajardo, D. M., and Mediario, S. T. (2016). Web-based Human Resource
Management and Payroll System for Department of Labor and Employment
Research Design
Project planning is a critical activity for system development. Good
planning helps the team work together to achieve a set of defined goals in a
defined period of time. The Researchers embark on the process of planning for a
system development project, and describes a practical approach to project
planning. Data and information from existing systems and other related studies
were coherently and cohesively collected for the development of this study.
The Researchers gathered data from the undergraduate thesis at the Bicol
University College of Science, Information Technology and Computer Science
Department and more information were gathered through thorough research from
the internet, books, related articles, documents and published and unpublished
thesis writings that were available during the development of this study.
Research Methodology
Rational Unified Process is the best suited method in developing the
system. RUP is based on a set building blocks and content elements, describing
what is to be produced, the necessary skills required and the step-by-step
explanation describing how specific development goals are to be achieved
(Kruchten, 2004). It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and
responsibilities within a development organization. Its goal is to ensure the
production of high-quality software that meets the needs of its end-users, within a
predictable schedule and budget.
in processing important documents but keeps records in paper base format and
puts them on folders or boxes that are then put on shelves.
The Researchers initially planned to create an eBidding System for the
BUCE BAC Office for the reason that Researchers believe that this would greatly
many entities. It would somehow serve as a model in improving the current
PhilGEPS which is used nationally. However, after several discussions, the
Researchers then decided to switch into a new system due to technical issues.
The new study is about a Web-based Requisition and BAC Record Management
System. The system not only involves the Supply Office but also the BAC Office.
At the end of this phase, the Researchers had had a better understanding
on the requirements needed in the system being developed in relation to how the
Office functions.
Table 1
Hardware and Software Requirements
Disk Space Requirement
Memory Requirement
Minimum of 40 GB
At least 256 MB of RAM
Intel or AMD Processor
Other Software
Figure 1
Rational Unified Process (RUP)
The Researchers used the Rational Unified Process as research
methodology in developing the System. It is a sequential process wherein there
are series of tasks to be completed.
Kruchten, Philippe (2004). The
Introduction. Addison-Wesley. p.33.