REQUESTOR - LN II Portal Link & Instruction
REQUESTOR - LN II Portal Link & Instruction
REQUESTOR - LN II Portal Link & Instruction
using The Language Network’s new portal! (Including helpful videos below!)
I. Getting Started:
1. In order to begin making and managing online interpreter requests, The Language
Network created a login and password for you.
c. Enter your password [Your first name with the first letter
uppercase, followed immediately by your school/department code,
adding zeros to create four numbers if needed - no spaces.] Example:
2. After you log in for the first time, you may change your password by selecting the
drop down menu by your username/email in the top right-hand corner of the screen, &
selecting “User Profile”.
1. On the home page when you log on to Interpreter Intelligence (ii), you will see a
calendar outlining the appointment requests for your agency.
b. You can scroll through past and future months using the arrows to
the left-hand side at the top of the calendar.
c. Requests on this portal will be called “Bookings” and you will see a
blue button where you may easily select the option to “Create a New
Booking” when you want to make a new appointment request.
2. The appointment requests are shown according to date and time on the calendar.
They will be color coded, indicating the status of each request.
3. Appointments will also have an icon indicating the type of interpreting services
being requested.
a. The person indicates in-person interpreting.
4. If you hover over an appointment with your mouse, you will see a pop-up giving a
quick summary of the details.
5. Once a request is entered, each booking will have a Booking # as well as a Job
#. The job # is the number to document, and will be also listed on the automated
communication you receive via email.
b. Upon pressing enter, you will be taken to the full view of the
booking and its details.
6. You may also choose to view your appointments in “Tabular View” by selecting
the option toward the top right of the screen.
a. This will show your requests as a list and will offer more flexibility in
being able to search for appointments by various characteristics.
1. To enter a new request (or booking), start by selecting the blue button on your
home screen stating, “Create a New Booking”.
a. You will be taken to a page where you will enter the details of the
2. First, you will enter the client (the name of your business).
3. You will then enter the name of the requestor (you).
a. Begin to type either your first or last name, then select your name from
the drop-down menu. If your name isn’t already in our system, create a
new requestor (click box to the right). If you need to update the phone
number or email address, click the box to the right. Don’t forget to save
any changes.
6. For on-site requests, enter the service location by beginning to type the address,
(specific location or School) then you must select it from the drop-down menu, or create
a new location, using the box to the right of the field.
6 Enter “Site Contact” as the name, title and contact number of the person meeting
with the Limited English Proficient (LEP) consumer. This may be a caseworker, teacher,
doctor, attorney, etc.
7. Select the language from the pull-down menu (you can type part of the name of
the language)
10. Enter the name of the LEP consumer receiving the interpreting services.
a. The first & last name are REQUIRED fields. Begin to type either the
consumer’s first or last name, then select it from the drop-down menu or
create a new consumer using the box to the right of this field. (If your
company does not use names of consumers please enter an identification
number in the record number box with a first initial and last initial in name
boxes.) If a consumer name is unavailable please use No Name
Provided. Please keep in mind, the consumer’s name may help avoid a
potential conflict of interest with the interpreter.
11. Under “Additional References, select the Appointment Type using the drop down
menu, selecting the closest match. (ie. IEP/Public Meeting)
14. In the “Appointment Details” field, enter any vital information, including basic
description of the appointment, enabling the interpreter to check in prepared. Please
enter virtual meeting links and after hours contact info if applicable in this field.
15. The last section is the calendar portion, which will outline the date, time, and
duration of the appointment.There is a 2 hour min, if you need more time than that
please enter to actual duration.
16. When you are finished, you MUST click SAVE (located in the lower right hand
corner). Review the job confirmation window that comes up. If an error message pops
up on top, review what it reads is missing, enter that information, then click the SAVE
button again. You will lose everything if you don’t click SAVE.
17. If you make any changes, you must click SAVE again (on the left).
18. After you save, document the Job # now visible, on top:
The Job # (Ref #) is the most important number to document. That number will be
listed on all automated communication you receive via email.
Creating a Booking from Customer Portal:
If you have questions, you may contact our Interpreter Coordinators, 949-733-2446 or
[email protected]
Revised 10/7/22