One-Minute Papers Students write for one minute on a specific question (which
54. Gallery Walk Stations or displays are spread across the room, and students go around
to each station individually or in groups, completing a task or responding to a prompt at
each station.
55. Activity Gallery Walk Stations around the room have activities, rather than
materials to read/debrief/discuss, each of which take a significant amount of time to
work through. Students usually choose to work on problems they have the most trouble
with, and skip ones they already understand.
56. Turn Taking Reading Instead of the instructor reading a paragraph on screen (or
leaving silence for students to do it), instruct them we will sit in silence until someone is
moved to read ONE sentence, then someone else anyone will start the next sentence.
ension and raises energy.
57. Haiku Students write a haiku (a three-line poem: 5-syllables, then 7, then 5) on a given
topic or concept, and then share it with others.
58. Whip Around Give students a few seconds to think of their answer to a question, then
move around the whole class with each one giving their (one word?) answer. Disallow