Front Matter
Front Matter
Front Matter
in up to 80% of patients,t
ZIAC controls blood pressure for a full 24 hours
for true once-a-day dosing2 N
ZIAC minimizes traditional beta-blocker- and
HCTZ-associated metabolic effects (hypokalemia,
hyperuricemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia)'
'The two most common side effects - dizziness and fatigue - occurred at rates
comparable to placebo.
'Clinical trial response rates were: 2.5 mg-61%; 5 mg-73%; 10 mg-80%. (bisoprolol fumarate-hydrochlorothiazide)
ZIAC is contraindicated in patients in cardiogenic shock, overt cardiac failure
(see WARNINGS section of full Prescribing Information), second- or third- 2.5,5, & 10 mg Tablets with 6.25 mg HCTZ
degree AV block, marked sinus bradycardia, anuria, and hypersensitivity to
either component of this product or to other sulfonamide-derived drugs.
Please see Brief Summary of Prescribing Information on adjacent page.
ZIAC'" (BllOprolol Fumeratealld Hydroclliorottrllzldl) lIbl...
%of Patients with Adverse Experiences'
No statistically significant difference from natural sleep (at baseline) for all
sleep stages, in a double·blind, controlled study of 12 healthy volunteers.'
The clinical significance is unknown.
01993 Sfarle
A Favorable Safety Profile Indicated For Short-Term
• No rebound insomnia in studies of up to 35 Management of Insomnia
nights at recommended doses 1'" • Prescriptions for AMBIEN should not exceed a
• No evidence of tolerance in sleep latency in 1-month supply. Hypnotics should generally
studies of up to 35 nights 1,3 be limited to 7to 10 days of use, and reevalu-
ation of the patient is recommended if they
• A low incidence of adverse events are taken for more than 2 to 3 weeks.
In short-term treatment (up to 10 nights) with AMBIEN at doses
$; 10 mg, the adverse events seen at statistically significant differences Recommended Dosage:
from placebo were: drowsiness (2%), dizziness (1 %), and diarrhea
(1 %); and in longer-term treatment (28 to 35 nights): dizziness (5%)
and drugged feelings (3%), For normal adults: .;.~ one 10-rng tablet
• Because of additive effects, AMBIEN should For elderly/debilitated patients: . " one 5-rng tablet '
not be combined with alcohol. Dosage adjust-
Patients should take AMBIEN right before going to bed and when~
ments may be necessary when AMBIEN is ready for sleep.
coadministered with eNS depressants.
• In patients with hepatic dysfunction,
dosage should be reduced and appropriate
monitoring instituted.
The First in a New Chemical Class of Sleep Agents (ZOlPIDEM TARTRATE)@5·MG & lCJ.MG TABLETS
References: 1. Data on file, Searle. 2. Merlolli l, Roehrs T, Koshorek G. et al. The dose effects of zolpidem on the sleep of healthy normals. J elin
I'!ychopharmacol. 1989;9:9-14.3. Vogel GW, Scharf M, Walsh J, et al. Effects of chronically administered zolpidem on the sleep of health insomniacs.
Sleep Research. 1989;18:80. Abstract. 4. Scharf MB, Mayleben OW, Kaffeman M, et al. Dose response effects of zolpidem in normal geriatric subjects.
Ambien™ @ J elin I'!ychiatry. 1991;52:77-83. 5. Walsh JK, Schweitzer PK, Sugerman Jl, et al. Transient insomnia associated with a Hour phase advance of sleep time
and treatment with zolpidem. J elin I'!ychopharmacol. 1990; 10: 184-189. 6. Oswald I, Adam K. A new look at short-acting hypnotics. In: Sauvanet JP,
(zolpidem tartrate) langer SZ. Morselli Pl, eds.lmidazopyridines in Sleep Disorders. New York, NY: Raven Press; 1988:253-259.
INDICATIDNS AND UIADE comparable to those seen in histOrical controls and the tumor findings are lnet...... allho....II·Eme'1lIlllAdft,.. flI... ~_1 I.
Ambian (zolpidem tartrate) is indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia. thought to be a spontaneous occurrence. lang-linn PI_-Controll.d Ctlnlcol Trtl" (ConI'd)
Hypnotics should generally be limited to 7 to 10 days of use, and reevaluation M"",."..: Zolpidem did not have mutagenic activity in several tests including (Perc.ntage of pati.nts reporting)
of the patient is recommended If they are to be taken for more than 2 to 3 the Ames test. genotoxicity in mouse lymphoma cells in vitro, chromosomal Zolpid.m
weeks. aberrations in cultured human lymphocytes, unscheduled DNA synthesis In rat Body Syst.m/ (:S10 mg)
Amb,en should not be prescribed in Quantities exceeding a 1-month supply hepatocytes in vitro, and the micronucleus test in mice. Adverse Event- (N-152) (N-161)
(se. Warnings). ' ' ' ' ' _ ., lin/lily: In a rat reproduction sludy. the high dose (100 mg
base/kg) of zolpidem resulted In irregular estrus cycles and prolonged precoital Musculoskel.tal System
CONTRAINDICATIONS intervalS, but there was no effect on male or female fertility after daily oral Myalgia
None known. doses of 4 to 100 mg base/kg or 5 to 130 times the recommended human Arthralgia
WARNINGS dose in mg/m2. No effects on any other fertility parameters were noted. Respiratory System
Since sleep disturbances may be the presenting manifestation of a physical Pr.gOl • ., Upper respiratory infection 6
and/or psychiatriC disorder, symptomatic treatment of Insomnia should be Category B. Studies to assess the effects of zolpidem on human reproduction Sinusitis 2
initiated only after a careful evaluation of the patient. The failure of insomma and development have not been conducted. Pharyngitis I
to remit after 7 to 10 days of treatment may indicate the presence 01 a Teratology studies were conducted in rats and rabbits. Rhinitis 3
primary psychiatric andlor medIcal iUness which should be evaluated. Worsening In rats. adv.rse maternal and fetal effects occurred at 20 and 100 mg base/ Skin and App.ndages
of insomnia or the emeroence of new thinking or behaVior abnormalities may kg and includ.d dose-relat.d matemal lethargy and ataxia and a dose-related Rash
be the consequence of an unrecognized psychiatric or physical disorder. Such trend to incomplete ossification of fetal skull bones. Urog.nital Sysl.m
findings have emerged during the course of treatment with sedative/hypnotic In rabbits, dose-related maternal sedation and decreased weight gain occurred Urinary tract infection
drugs. including Ambien. Because some of the important adverse effects of at all doses test.d. AI the high dose. 16 mg baseikQ. there was an Inc..... 'Events reported by at least 1% of pati.nts tr..l.d w~h Ambi.n.
Amblen appear to be dose related (see PrrcautiOfls and Oosaae and Admin- in postimplantation fetal loss and underosslfication of sternebrae in viable
istration). it is important to use the smallest possible effective dose. especially fetuses There is evidence from dose comparison trials suggesting a dose relationship
in the elderly. This drug should be used during pi'egnancy only n clearly need.d. for many of the adverse events aSSOCiated with zolpidem use, particularly for
A variety of abnormal thinking and behavior changes have been reported to
occur in asSOCiation with the use of sedative/hypnotics. Some of these changes
M.,,",.,.,..,. ",..,,: Studies to assess the effects on children whose
mothers took zOlpidem during pregnancy have not been conducted. However,
certain CNS and gastrOintestinal adverse events.
Adverse events are further classified and enumerated In order of decreasing
may be characterized by decreased inhibition (eg, aggressiveness and extro- frequency using the following definitions: frequent adverse events are defined
children born of mothers taking sedative/hypnotic drugs may be at some risk as those occurring In greater than 1/100 subjects: infrequent adverse events
version that seemed out of character), similar to effects produced by alcohol for withdrawal symptom. lrom the drug during the postnatal p.riod. In addition.
and other CNS depressants. Other reported behavioral changes have included are those occurring in 1/100 to 1/1,000 patients: rare events are those
n.onatal flaccidity has been reported In infants bom of mOlhere who received occurring in less than 1/1.000 patl.nlS.
bizarre behavior, agitation, hallucinations, and depersonalization. Amnesia and sedative/hypno1ic drugs during pregnaney.
other neuropsychiatric symptoms may occur unpredictably. In primarily de- frI.....nt abdominal pain, amnesia, ataxia, confusion, depression, diarrhea,
lIbDf Ind dellv.,,: Ambien has no eslabllsh.d use In labor and deliv.ry. diplopia, dizziness, dreaming abnormal, drowsiness, drugged feeling, dry mouth,
pressed patients, worsening of depression, including suicidal thinking, has been N...IIg mOltl...: Studi .. in lactating indicat. that _en 0.004
reported In association with the use of sedative/hypnotics. dyspepsia. euphoria. fatlgu,. headache. insomnia. lethargy. lighlheadedness.
and 0.019% of the total administered dose is .xcreted into milk. bu1 the .ff.ct myalgia, nausea, upper respiratory infection, vertigo, vision abnormal, vomiting.
It can rarely be determined with certainty whether a particular 'Instance of
of lolpidem on the infant is unknown. Infrequlnt: agitation, allergy, anorexia, anxiety. arthralgia, arthritis, asthenia.
the abnormal behaviors listed above are drug Induced, spontaneous in origin, The use of Ambien in nursing mothers is not recommended.
or a result of an underlying psychiatriC or physical disorder. Nonetheless, the back pain, bronchitis, cerebrovascular disorder. chest pain. constipation, cough~
Safety and effectiveness in children below the age of 18 have not been Ing. cyst~is. decr..sed cogn~ion. d.tach.d. difficulty concentrating. dysarthria.
emergence of any new behavioral sign or symptom of concern requires careful established.
and immediate evaluation. dysphagia. dyspn... .molional lability. eye irritation. falling. lever.
Following the rapid dose decrease or abrupt discontinuation of sedative/ ADVERSE REACTIONS flatulence, gastroenteritis, hallucination, hiccup, hyperglycemia, hypertension,
hypnotics, there have been reports of signs and symptoms similar to those willi dlaco.Un••lIon 01 Irlllmtnt 4% 01 1.701 hypoaesthesia, infection, influenza·lile symptoms, malaise, menstrual disorder,
associat.d w~h withdrawal from other CNS-depressant drugs (see Drug Abuse pati.nts who rec.ived zolpid.m at all doses (1.25 to 90 mg) In U.S. prem_ng migraine, nervousness, pallor, palpitation, paresthesia, pharyngitis, postural
and Depend."ce). clinical trials discontinued treatment because of an adverse clinical event. hypotension, pruritus, rash, rhinitis, scleritis, SGPT increased, sinusitis, sleep
Ambien. like other sedative/hypnotic drugs. has CNS-d.pressant effects. Events most commonly associated with discontinuation from U.S. trials were disorder. sleeping (after daytime dosing). stupor. sweating increas.d. tachycar-
Due to the rapid onset of action, Ambien should only be ingested immediately daytime drowsiness (0.5%). dizziness (0.4%). h.adache (0.5%). nausea (0.6%). dia, taste perversion, tinnttus, tooth disorder, trauma, tremor, urinary inconttn·
prior to going to bed. Patients should be cautioned against engaging in and vomiting (0.5%). ence, urinary tract infection, vaginitis.
hazardous occupations requiring complete mental alertness or motor coordi- 6% of 1.320 pati.nts who r..,.iv.d zolpidem at all doses (5 Rill: abdominal body sensation, abscess, acne, acute renal failure, aggressive
nation such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle after Ingesting to 50 mg) in similar foreign trials discontinued treatment becalJse of an adverse reaction, allergic reaction. allergy aggravated, anaphylactic shock. anemia.
the drug. including potential impairment of the performance of such activities event. Events most commonly associated with discontinuation from these trials appetite Increased, arrhythmia, arteritiS, arthrosis, bilirubinemia, breast fibroad~
that may occur the day following ingestion of Ambl.n. Ambien showed additive were daytime drowsiness (1.6%). amnesia (0.6%). (0.6%). headache enosis, breast neoplasm, breast pain female, bronchospasm, bullous eruption,
• ffects when combined wittl ~cohol and should not be taken with alcohol. (0.6%). and nausea (0.6%) . BUN increased, circulatory failure, corneal ulceration, delusion, dementia,
Patients should also be cautioned about possible combined effects with other
CNS-depressant drugs. Dosage adjustments may be necessary wnen Ambien
IS administered with such agents because of the potentially additive effects.
M..,..."".."" otumrI ,m,.•...""
loclrll... In ..ntroIltd ..1....11rI...
tn.1I: During short-
depersonalization, dermatitis, dysphasia. dysuria, edema periorbital, ententls,
.plstaxls.•ructalion. esophagospasm. ESR Incr....d. extrasystoles. eye ""In.
fac•• feeling strange. Ilushing. luruneulosis. gastritis. glaucoma. goul.
PRECAUTIONS :~~~e~m:~~.J0~~.~~hi~.~:h~~~::~: ~~~'~h~Pu~ ~~ ~~~~"m~~ hemorrhoids, hepatic function abnormal, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, hot
Go....1 seen at statistically significant differences from placebo-treated patients were flashes. hypercholesteremia. hypem.moglobinemia. hyp.rlipld.mia. hypen.n-
Un IrIIlllIIhrIy w'or rlltl/n."d /Milt.,,: Impaired motor and/or cognitiv. drOWSiness (reported by 2% of zolpld.m pati.nts). (f %). and diarrhea slon aggravated. hypol.nslOn. hypotonia. hypoxia. hysleria. illusion. Impolene••
performance after repeated exposure or unusual sensitivity to sedative/hypnotic (1 %). During longer-t.rm treatmenl (28 to 35 nights) w~h zolpid.m at doses injection Site inflammation, intestinal obstruction, intoxicated feeling. lacrimation
drugs IS a concern in the treatment of elderly and/or debilitated patients. up to 10 mg, the most commonly observed adverse events associated with abnormal. laryngitis. leg cramps. I.ukop.nia. libido d.cre...d. Iymphad.nop-
Therefore, the recommended Ambien dosage is 5 mg in such patients (see the use of zolpldem and seen at statistically significant differences from athy, macrocytic anemia, manic reaction, micturition frequency, muscle weak-
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1. Deal CLbSChnltzer TJ. Lipstein E. et al. Treatment of arthritis with topical capsaicin: a double-blind
trial [au set analysis of data]. Clln Ther. 1991;13:383-395.
2. McCarthy GM. McCarty OJ. Effect of topical capsaicin in the therapy of painful osteoarthritis of the GenOerm Corporation U.
hands. J Rheumatol. 1992;19:604-607.
3. Lotz M. Weisman M. Yaksh T. Hagaman C. Flynn P. Effects of topical capsaicin (0.075%) on substance
P and prostaglandin E, in synovial fluid: a double-blind study. Arthritis Rheum. 1992;35(9):8235.
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