JSA-Vertical Load On Test Pile - REV 0

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Document No: 13.02.

Rev. 0
Date: 16.10.2020
Activity: - Vertical Load On Test Pile

NA)e:ptablAcceNot-e: A/ptabl(AccerksRema
Base Risk

Proposed Control
(NR)Non RoutineRoutine (R)/


Legal Concern(Y/N)

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control

1 to 25

1 to 25
yProbabilit 1 to 5

1 to 5

yProbabilit 1 to 5
1 to 5


01 Mobilization, R 1. Fall of material Personnel injury 1.Deploy Competent N 3 2 6 PTW with LMRA. (OCP 01 & 02) and 2 2 4 A
Handling due to handling due to: personal for all works Training.
(loading / while unloading 1. Fall from according to work man
unloading) from truck. truck grading policy.
Equipment’s & 2. Failure of 2. Deploy personal only after
Materials. 2. Improper material completion of medical
Stacking of handling screening and safety
Materials. 3. Fall of induction.
material 3. Ensure healthiness of
3. Lifting tools 4. Personal rigging Tools & tackles also
Tackles failure Error. ensure valid Test certificate.
may lead to 5. Seviour 4.Ensure appropriate PPEs of
equipment and injury, fatal, fire Safety Helmet, Safety Shoe,
material fall. and explosion. hand gloves etc.
5.All works must be carried
4. Improper out with Valid PTW.
rigging resulting 6. Imparting the HIRA talks
material fall or before start of works.
crane toppling. 7.Ensure Proper Ground level
to place crane and
5. Deploying equipment’s, Stack the
inadequate Materials in Safe Manner,
Experienced 8.Ensure Barricading of
personal for material handling area and
works. deploy competent signal
6. Inclement man.
weather 9. Provide proper earthling.
( Lightning, 10. Stop the work in case
thunderstorm). of heavy rain and
02 Excavation R 1.Leg injury 1.Personal 1. Barricading is being N 3 2 6 A
(Manual) during use of injury provided.
hand tools. 2.Fracture 2. Vehicle movement near
2.Collapse of soil. the excavation is restricted.
3. Toppling of 3. Using the hand tools with
vehicle. healthy condition.
4. Toppling of 4. Using proper PPEs during
person. manual excavation.
5. Defective tools.
03 Loading / R 1.Mechancal / Injury due to: 1. Only trained rigger / Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary measures 2 3 6 A
Unloading and Manual handling 1.Hit by the operators are to be are in place
placing of sand without swinging part of performed the loading /
bags / Beams assessment crane unloading operation in
over 2.Hit by the presence of Signalling
KENTLEDGE swinging foreman.
Arrangement material 2. Carefully select the type of
equipment to carry out
loading / unloading activity.
3. Note the weight of the
Concrete block/ Beams
before lifting.
4. Use of rated capacity Chain
sling / wire sling / Web sling
and D shackles to lift the
5. The sling should be
calibrated & inspected before
6. Use Standard & Good
condition length of Guide
7. Ensure proper usage of
8. Barricade the lifting area
and Counter weight
movement area in case of
lifted with Crane.
04 Welding R 1.Working on hot Burns / arc flash 1.Deployment of qualified N 3 3 9 To follow OCP: Welding (Electric Arc) 2 3 6 A
surfaces/ flames/ welders.
molten metals. 2. Taking fire protection
measures such as placing
adequate fire extinguishers,
water buckets, sand buckets
and fire blankets.
3. Barricading the area with
signage, appointing well
trained fire watch & keeping
the area wet before starting
the work if required.
4. Housekeeping and removal
of combustible materials
before starting the work.
5. Using PPEs like leather
gloves, safety shoes and
4.1 Welding R Use of electricity. Electrocution 1.Provision of double earth N 2 4 8 To follow OCP: Welding (Electric Arc) 1 4 4 A
and personal conductors & RCCBs to avoid
burn injury. electric shock.
2. Pre-inspection of
machines, cables by a
qualified electrician.
4.2 Welding R Emission of fumes Respiratory / Providing appropriate PPE. N 2 3 6 A
& gases lung illness / Giving proper training using
acute & chronic the proper eye protection
effects on methods like welding shield,
human body barricading the area as much
as possible. Providing UV
filter safety glass for all
workers. Providing proper
05 Stacking of R 1. Collapse of Personal injury 1. Stack materials according Y 3 3 6 2 3 6 A
sand bags and KENTLEDGE due to by falling to its size.
Beams above Arrangement. of materials. 2. Provide packing for
Pile / Test rig 2. fall of Blocks preventing for uncertain
instability - from its stack. slip/fall down of stacked
collapse. 3. Hydraulic jack, materials.
dial gauge, 3. Do not stack the material
pressure gauge where there is water logging,
failure. slope.
4. Compressor 4.Donot not climb on
hose decupling Stacked material’s in
appropriate manner.
5.Use Ladder or alternative
safe approach to climb
above stocked materials.
6.Provide barricade in
surrounding of the Stocked
materials/ Kentledge
arrangement to avoid
unauthorized personal entry.
7. A compact, level area must
be maintained below and in
immediate area of testing rig.
8. Only competent and
trained personnel to erect
reaction system.
9. All Measuring & Test
Equipment’s used must be
well maintained.
10. It is to be taken care that
no spillage of fuel or
lubricants is allowed at site.
11. Keep appropriate
equipment and machinery
certificates on site.
12. A calibrated hydraulic
jack, dial gauge and pressure
gauge of capacity more than
test load will be used for
loading purpose.
13. Safety latches(Whip
Arrestor) should be provided
in jack and supporting hose
06 Working after R Poor Illumination Injury due to 1. Provide adequate Y 3 4 12 1.Obtain Extended Day shift or Night Shift 2 4 8 A
Sun set. Personal Hit illumination. 13.02.01 HSE OCP-07 PTW.
with Objects or 2.No Critical works shall be 2. Use Checklist for Loading Unloading of
Slip Trip fall, or allowed in late hours (heavy material after sunset or night HSE OCP 8
Poor Judgement lifting activities). Checklist.
of Loading and 3.All works shall be carried
unloading out in present of Supervisor
activity. only
07 Pile trimming / R 1.High Noise 1.Use of Ear Plug. Y 3 3 6 To follow OCP: Electrical Work Ensure the use of 2 3 6 A
pipe head cut levels. 2. All tools shall be class 2 standard make tools
off with the 2. Electrical Shock double insulated or have
use of Use with Portable reinforced insulation
hand operated equipment. throughout.
Breaker or 3. Short circuit 3. Connection of electrical
Mobile due to electricity Noise Pollution tools to be routed through
Breaker. 4. Laceration & resulting ELCB.
Abrasion due to headache / 4. To implement safety
use of faulty Fatigue and checklist before commencing
tools. health Hazard, of work.
5. Use of Electrocution 5. Only trained and
incorrect power and personal experienced person are
tools. burn injury allowed.
6. Inexperienced sometime fatal. 6. Use correct and healthy
personnel using electrical tools.
tools. 6.Use of Whip checks clamps
5. Compressor 7.Inspection of compressor
hose decupling. clamps and house on regular

08 Truck R 1.Working on the 1.Trained personal only Y 3 3 6 2 3 6 A

movements trailer without allowed.
edge protection. 2. After slinging the materials
2. Vehicle personal should get down
accident. Personal injury. from truck.
In extreme 3. During the movement
circumstances of equipment, the
death. operator must blow horn
to caution the people
09 Fall from R 1.Personal 1.Erection and dismantling Y 3 3 6 1. To follow OCP: Work at Heights 2 3 6 A
Falls resulting in
height slip/trip/fall from must only be undertaken by 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task checklist.
Major injury or
Pile testing stack. trained and competent crew.
death. Falls of
2. Falling of 2. No obstruction should be
tools and
objects from made in the passage at
equipment on
height. height.
to personnel
3. Following of 3. No loose materials shall be
below causing
unsafe work placed at edge.
methods. 4. Ensure close supervision.
10 Using ladders R Fall from ladder Ladders must be in good Y 3 3 6 2 3 6 A
or steps to resulting personal Serious injury condition and regularly
access/egress injury. caused by slips, inspected. Ladders must be
the trailer. trips or falls secured or footed at all
from ladders or times. A three point contact
steps. must be maintained at all
times by the operative.
11 Use of hand R 1.Pinch injury by 1.Erection and dismantling Y 3 3 6 2 3 6 A
held tools. Placing of 1. Pinch or must only be undertaken by
Materials and entrapment trained and competent crew.
Equipment’s. injuries to 2. All hand tools will be
2. Spark operatives inspected before use by the
3. Use of while using or operative.
defective tools manipulating 3. Defective tools will be
tools. reported to the supervisor,
2. Fire and will not be used and will be
explosion replaced.
4. Use of non-sparking tools. RISK MATRIX
12 Use of mobile N Chances of Provide wheel guard for N 3 3 9 To follow OCP: Mechanical equipment's 2 3 6 A
Likely 5 5 10 15 20 25
crane for personal fall mobile crane avoid - handling
material lifting under wheel, fall under the mobile crane

and shifting chances of

Severe injury/ Likely 4
wheel, over dimension -or
4 8 12 16 20

toppling over load materials should
Possible 3 3 6 9 12 15
not be lifted, deploy flag -
man. Unlikely 2 2 4 6 8 10
Very Unlikely 1 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Negligible Slight Moderate High Very High
Risk Risk Level Action
May be acceptable but review task to see if risk can be reduced
1 to 6 Low Risk
Task should only be undertaken with appropriate management
8 to 12 Medium Risk
authorization after consultation with specialist personnel and
Task must not proceed. It should be redefined or further control
15 to 25 High Risk
measures put in place to reduce risk. The controls should be
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

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