New Age Protected Cultivation 20.04.2020

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1 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

New Age Protected Cultivation

(A magazine devoted for the advancement of protected cultivation technology)
January - June, 2020
Published bi-annually, Vol 6 (1)

Editorial 4 Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech 38
News 5 Vegetable Cultivation
Brahma Singh G.L. Sharma, T.Tirkey, H.K. Panigrahi and Rajesh Agrawal

A. Soilless Agriculture 5 Commercial Orchids Production under 46

Protected cultivation by Amateurs….
B. Robotic Agriculture 8 Anand Zambre
C. Drone in Agriculture 9 Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture 49
D. Vertical Farming and Microgreens 9 S. R. Singh and S. Rajan
E. General 14 Glimpse of Research on Vertical Vegetable Production 53
at ICAR—CISH, Lucknow, UP
Year-Round Intensive Organic Vegetable Production 34
under Protected Cultivation NFT Gully System 54
Ashish Yadav, R.K. Avasthe, Adarsh Kumar Ganesh Mhaske
and Rajeni Pradhan Vertical Strawberry Gardens –Tourist Attraction 55
T. Janakiram
Prof. Brahma Singh Horticulture Foundation, BSHF 56

2 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

New Age Protected Cultivation
(A magazine devoted for the advancement of protected cultivation technology)
Published bi-annually

The magazine covers...

Protected cultivation technology Polyhouse/Greenhouse
Net and shade houses Climate- horticulture
Plasticulture —mulching, drip and fertigation Soilless horticulture
Innovations in horticulture nurseries Vertical garden/farming
Grafted vegetables, Tissue culture Robotic - horticulture
Mechanization in Protected horticulture Innovative protected cultivation
Container farming Space farming
Post-harvest management Allied subjects

Articles covering not more than eight pages including photographs, tables, diagrams etc. may be mailed to
[email protected] along with recent JPG photographs and five lines of brief about senior author.
Hard copies are not required.

Enquiry : Email: [email protected], Ph.: +91-9818 313 660

Views expressed and data given by the contributors in the magazine are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of editors and
publisher. New Age Protected Cultivation does not accept any direct or indirect responsibility or consequential damage caused to any indi-
vidual, party or organization due to the views expressed by any one or more persons in India and abroad. Disputes if any are subjected to
Delhi Jurisdiction only.

Citation :
Singh Brahma 2020.New Age Protected Cultivation, BSHF Delhi-p57

3 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)



Chief Editor and Founder Chairman

BSHF, New Delhi

Dear Readers

It gives me immense pleasure to state that among the new age protected cultivation technologies verti-
cal farming is not only progressing but is being debated too as a viable technology at every possible
level. There are lot of opinions highlighting its necessity, enormous advantages, limitations and pro-
hibitive cost for food, fodder, non-food and herbs production. Several opinions with facts and figures
you would find under chapter, News. Bio-wall or vertical mini gardens have made their presence felt
in metros, star hotels, Govt offices and important public places to improve the environmental chemis-
try and aesthetics in India.

There seems to be excitement and interest to practice soilless cultivation of certain crops, mainly
vegetables, in open as well as protected/controlled environment with all available state-of-the art
technologies for agriculture. Distinct and desired development is that these technologies are attracting
youths to food production- a positive sign for future farming.

Soilless farming involving all modern technologies and gadgets is surfacing not a competitor/replace-
ment to traditional or open field farming but as an unavoidable supplementary progressive and prof-
itable modern system of farming loaded with several advantages mainly the farming amenable to
aristocrat farmers with or without farms and lovers of automation. Saving on scarce water resource
and fertilizers are major advantages in soilless farming.

The magazine also covers important topics such as protray seedlings production and organic protected
cultivation. These technologies being in great demand in the country, hence are timely.

Wish you all happy, prosperous and rewarding 2020

Brahma Singh


4 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

temperatures are constant, and the shape he use of aeroponic farming
of the greenhouses allows for water to technology is not only to cultivate
HORTICULTURE constantly evaporate and replenish the without the soil but more
plants. What’s more, the high amounts importantly, it can develop into building
Indian agriculture sector to go of carbon dioxide act like steroids for the a three-dimensional spatial farming
dutch in future? plants, making them grow at very rapid model. Other surfaces, such as walls

rates (Hortitoday 03 Dec. 2019) and rooftops of urban buildings can be
he Indian agriculture sector may
cultivated, which can create a real urban
adapt Dutch technology for
Belgium: Indoor farming forest-like ecological space and is an
farming in the future because of
its promising output. A consortium of technology for mars biosphere important technical support for building

a sustainable city (;  lsmgny.
Dutch companies is planning to launch ill the first people to bake and com;
two projects, one in Uttar Pradesh and eat bread on Mars do it due to
the other one in Himachal Pradesh. The a Belgian breakthrough? This Aquaponics -the future or fad?
consortium aims to make Indian farmers

is the challenge facing the Space Bakery
aware of the high-yielding Dutch farm project, a unique consortium composed he experts have conflict views.
production technology. It wants Indian of seven Belgian organisations using Some question its economic
farmers to know that agriculture can be technology provided by Urban Crop viability. Others support as a
a lucrative business (Grainmart News 14 Solutions. However, before they use critical part of our food production
Nov. 2019 (Anukriti Aray) their research to help feed the first people system that we need. Others think
on the red planet later this century, the aquaponics will always be a niche sector.
China’s largest high-tech project aims to have a clear impact on It maybe it’s a hundred years into the
vegetable greenhouse Earth today. The project will focus on how future, when we’ve destroyed the planet

we can produce food more sustainably and we all have to live inside greenhouses
he Chinese horticulture venture (Aquaculture North America (Matt Jones)
and will help provide a nutritional staple
Kaisheng Haofeng has ambitious
food for many regions across the globe.
plans to become one of China’s
The consortium has just been awarded
largest high-tech greenhouse growers.
a subsidy of 4.5 million euros by the
The joint venture between the Chinese
Flemish Community (VLAIO, Flanders
CNBM group and Triumph Haofen Smart
Innovation & Entrepreneurship),
Agriculture Co., Ltd invests heavily in
contributing to a total of over 6.3 million
setting up new high tech greenhouse
euros in funding (urbancropsolutions.
operations. The group recently planted
the first tomato crops in a brand new
26-hectare glass greenhouse in Dezhou
Moscow: A vertical greenhouse
complex appeared in

An underwater greenhouse unique vertical farm opened in

he air of the greenhouse stands at Moscow. Vertical farming is
79 degrees with humidity hovering rather widely spread around the
world and the technology is applied more Aquaponics
around 83 percent. That’s a pretty
good environment for a typical plant. But and more often in projects with bigger
amounts of investments and smaller Turkey sends satellite into space
this is no ordinary greenhouse: it’s 20 feet
acreages. Due to multiple layers there to assist “smart agriculture”
under water, anchored to the floor of the

sea just off the coast of Noli, Italy. Over will be picked 10 times more greens here
urkey will send a satellite to space
here, experiments are underway with than in a traditional greenhouse. The
next year to track agricultural
submerged agriculture. According to innovative complex will grow lettuce,
fields and climate.
researchers, the project is interesting for herbs and microgreens with the use of
countries with little or no farmland. hydroponics and organic fertilizers only. The project which was announced in
Close water circuit allows for saving late August by the Turkish Ministry of
Various plants are grown inside of sea resources and minimizing the negative Agriculture and Forestry, aims to start a
through containers on the sea floor. The effect on the environment. The enterprise new era for Turkish agriculture.
containers are not too deep so that they employs 280 local dwellers. With the
can be reached by sufficient daylight to coming expansion, up to 700 associates The microsatellite called “Lagari” will
grow the cumin, strawberries and dill will be needed ( observe pilot areas that will be selected
inside.   based on product groups and climate.
Aeroponic cultivation Mini satellite Lagari is scheduled to
The balloon-like biospheres take technology be sent to space next year. The satellite
advantage of the sea’s natural properties is named after Lagari Hasan Celebi,
to grow plants. The underwater who, according to legend, was on the

5 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

first successful manned rocket flight. (A growing program, is right now spinning
Haber, at a rate which generates a force that is
equal to gravity on the surface of the
Hydroponics revolutionizes moon. Read the full article at IEEE
agriculture in Japan Spectrum (Michael Dumiak)

espite the high energy cost of How to cultivate on water
hydroponic agriculture, the
number of such factories in
Japan has tripled in a decade and there
are almost 200 facilities nowadays. The
hydroponic market is growing worldwide Aquaponic farmer, Rekha Reshmik
and it’s currently worth about 1.5 billion
dollars. According to the forecast of
Viennese start-up is dedicated
Allied Market Research, it is expected to to aquaponics

multiply by four by 2023, reaching 6.4
n Vienna, several young farmers
billion dollars (
Floating farm founded the Blün company. Using

aquaponics, they intend to save on
he stem of the plant will be rooted water and fertilizers. “Aquaponics is a
in land and a canopy will be circulatory system that combines fish
created above water for the plant farming with vegetable production,”
to grow and bear fruit. Harvesting the Gregor Hoffmann told the  Kurier  in an
produce is also easy as one could sit on interview.
a thermocol raft and pluck the vegetables
farmer.html ) 17 Sept 2019 Manorma

Hydroponics in Japan
Rekha reshmik from
German experiment on space Kozhikode, Kerala has won
tomatoes to sprout award for backyard aquaponics

t’s hard enough to grow tomatoes farm

from seeds out in a sunny garden View into the aquaponic facility / Source:
ekha Reshmik from Kozhikode, Blün
patch. To do it in sun-synchronous
Kerala has pioneered a unique

orbit—that is to say, in outer space—
method of farming which yields t this time, the new entrepreneurs
would seem that much harder. But is it? 
double the profits as well as the harvest. In are only growing five rows of
That’s  what plant biologists and her backyard, spanning no more than a few eggplants, tomatoes, peppers,
aerospace engineers in Cologne and hundred square feet, she has implemented chillies and cucumbers. “We have special
Bremen, Germany are set to find out. aquaponics.In just five years, Rekha’s varieties on offer, such as the ox-heart
Researchers are preparing in the next venture, Annapoorna Aquaponics, has tomato or black eggplants. Once you have
couple of weeks to send a software upload grown by leaps and bounds and fetched tasted one of these, you will want nothing
to a satellite orbiting at 575 kilometers her multiple awards. In fact, she is the else ever again. That’s how intense and
(357 miles) above the Earth. Onboard the recent district-level winner for modern good their flavor is.” And by the way:
satellite are two small greenhouses, each fish farming.  Besides the accolades, she nothing gets thrown away. “If we end up
greenhouse bearing six tiny tomato seeds also earns a sizable monthly income with too many tomatoes, we will make
and a gardener’s measure of hope. The alongside fresh, organic ingredients for ketchup out of it.” (
upload is going to tell these seeds to go her self-sufficient kitchen.A graduate in
ahead and try to sprout.The experiment Mathematics, Rekha previously worked UVI aquaponics featured in
aims to not only grow tomatoes in as a software developer in Kozhikode. national geographic
However, as her son was growing up, she

space but to examine the workings of
combined biological life support systems found the corporate job inherently taxing he University of the Virgin
under specific gravitational conditions, and decided to quit. Soon, she started Islands’ Agriculture Experiment
namely, those on the moon and on Mars. browsing options to earn from home (The Station (AES) has been featured
Eu:CROPIS, which is the name of the Better India -Sayantani Nath) in the August 2019 issue of National
satellite as well as the orbital tomato- Geographic, one of the leading magazines

6 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

on science, geography, history, and world to work on two different cultivation lines UK: A decade of coir substrate
culture, UVI has announced. UVI, a Land in an alternative manner. The gutters are in commercial strawberry
Grant institution, has been a leading connected to axes and motorized tubes
public university researching aquaponics through which they are automatically

and has a great depth of knowledge and lowered and raised, depending on the grovista has been working
experience in the field. The program, agronomic needs. During transplanting closely with three key partners
which began in 1979, boasts a facility or crop collection operations, the gutters over the past 10 years to develop
spanning 1.95 acres on the Albert A. can then be lowered or raised at intervals a comprehensive agronomy offering
Sheen Campus on St. Croix. (The Virgin so that to facilitate worker’s activities, to soft fruit growers.A decade ago, coir
Islands Consortium) therefore, allowing them to have more substrate was being introduced as a peat
space inside the structure. In addition to replacement for commercial strawberry
US (GA): Hydroponic school this edge, the raising and lowering system, production. During the intervening years,
gardens fight hunger, offer fresh which represents the main characteristic Botanicoir and Agrovista fine-tuned the
food options of the “Up & Down” tool, allows to adjust 100% coir mix to develop the Precision
the height of the cultivation lines to the

Plus grade, which put Botanicoir on the
lark Creek Elementary in desired level.In this way operations tasks global map, and more recently Precision
Acworth, Georgia, is about to are further facilitated. During rest times, Plus Ultra, now the product of choice for
get an upgrade to its food pantry. the entire cultivation is brought back to a many large growers. Agrovista started
The school pantry feeds 92 kindergartens single plan, so that to avoid the creation to look at the options for improving
through 5th  grade students each week, of shaded areasx ( the systems within which some of this
giving them a backpack full of food substrate was used, and in 2009 struck up
to keep them from going hungry over a trading relationship with Bato Plastics,
evenings and weekends when school a Dutch specialist in substrate troughs
meals aren’t available. Many of the kids and pot systems.Bato pioneered square
take food home to feed younger siblings pots on legs for the cane fruit market,
too. To date, the school pantry hasn’t been and trough systems to optimise substrate
able to offer fresh fruit or vegetables; but volume per plant.The move to substrate
that’s about to change. in a protected environment paved the
way for biological control techniques.
Clark Creek is one of 20 schools to receive Koppert UK has worked closely with
a Gro More Good garden grant. The grant Agrovista’s agronomy team to help more
provides two hydroponic garden systems, growers reap the benefits of this method
plus the seeds and technical support to of controlling pests, whilst keeping
grow fresh vegetables throughout the residues to the absolute minimum. (www.
school year. These hydroponic gardens
enable schools to grow fresh produce
inside the classroom, regardless of New raft for hydroponic crops
weather conditions or limited outdoor
space. And since one hydroponically
such as basil

Strawberry crop
grown plant can produce more than 10x osa Plast has introduced a new
the yield of one grown traditionally in Hydroponics bananas in raft to grow basil hydroponically.
soil, the schools will have double the Developed in collaboration with
harvest, too. (
Tajikistan- planned

Cammelli, the companies claim that the
embers of the “Dustobod 2” productivity increases by 25%. They are
10 plants per square meter farm in the Spitamen district designed to optimize processes, logistics,
thanks to up- and down of the Republic of Tajikistan maintenance, cleaning operations and,
system for soilless strawberry intend to build four innovative hectares most of all, to increase productivity per
production of hydroponics on 4 hectares by 2021. square meter  (Website:  www.rosagroup.

There, they plan to grow tomatoes, com)
he Up and Down system is not cucumbers, bell peppers and bananas
new in countries such as the (Source:
Netherlands, but it is not as
popular in Italy, especially when it comes
to strawberries. The fruit is grown in soil-
less conduits and the substrate is made
of coir and perlite. Conduits are on two
levels placed vertically, so operators can
work standing straight.  The system is
equipped with mobile gutters allowing
Greenhouse bananas-hydroponics  Hydroponic Basil Production

7 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

TAPKIT- Hydroponics food all year round.

APKIT is a complete, relatively There is a positive use of energy generated
low-cost hydroponic production by the sun. This leads to a very low or
system. Teshuva Agricultural even negative CO2 footprint (CO2 sink)
Products (TAP) develop and supply this for the food produced. (

Babylon Microfarms

Weed removing robot

Aquaponic hydroponics armWise Labs Inc. develops robots
for the agricultural sector, and has
B. ROBOTIC developed a robot that kills weeds
while leaving the crops untouched. The
AGRICULTURE machine has already weeded over 10
million plants. The machine reduces
Australia’s first fully robotic labor and offers a chemical-free solution
end-to-end vertical farm to weeds. The company has raised $14.5

million in a Series A round (digitaltrends.
fter four years of research
and development, the Stacked
Farm’s fully automated end-to-
Simon fraser university
end vertical farm will soon be supplying
leafy greens to national wholesalers develops robotic hand with
including Sumo Salad, QSR, Dnata, human touch

Crown Resorts and Morco Fresh. Stacked
Farm CEO Conrad Smith says the farm ver the last several years,
is commercially viable, scalable and researchers have sought to create
competitive, from seedling through to robotic personal assistants and
packaging with leading-edge technology. bionic limbs or prosthetics that combine
(Business News Australia (Matt Ogg) the durability of common robots with the
flexibility of soft robots. More recently,
Modular micro farms, a combinations of cellular structures have
shown interesting progress toward the
new approach to urban food enhancement of non-trivial capabilities,
production? such as grasping uniquely shaped objects.

TAPKIT hydroponics ne key tenet of the “urban In their latest study published in
resilience” idea is local food Advanced Intelligent Systems, Woo Soo
Good for growing chives, pak choi, basil, production. If fruits, veggies and Kim and colleagues from the School
and several lettuce varieties. Tapkit could herbs are grown in cities, they’ll reduce of Mechatronic Systems Engineering,
be used to can cultivate everything which the runoff, emissions, perishability and Simon Fraser University used 3D printing
has a three-four-week growing cycle from transport costs of produce. They’ll also to fabricate an architectured robotic body
plantlets to harvest. This includes various make cities more self-sustaining, rather with deformable lightweight cellular
leafy and baby leaf vegetables and fresh than having to fully rely on food grown structures.
herbs. ( elsewhere ( Forbes (Scott Beyer)

Aquaponics with solar and


he aquaponics-solar greenhouse
allows the simultaneous
production of vegetables, fish
and solar power. Low heating energy
requirements and H-LED technology
can guarantee production of high-quality Robotic gripper

8 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

Robot reaps ripe tomatoes expand, Michele Butturini, Vertical farming, micro-algae

Wageningen University & and bio-reactors — the new
oot AI, a Massachusetts-based
company, has developed a robot
Research frontier of sustainable food.

capable of picking tomatoes Leafing through newspaper reports, t’s attracting huge investment,
by ripeness and quality. Josh Lessing, you’d think that vertical farming is either particularly in the United States
Root AI’s Co-Founder and CEO, says the perfect solution to global hunger, or where venture capitalists see gains to
while the utilization of robotics isn’t a completely failed agriculture system. be made in vertical farming. The major
new, the industry is now fine-tuning As with many things, the truth isn’t quite players, to date, have concentrated on
the technology, providing exciting as extreme as that. Michele Butturini, producing perishable goods such as salad
opportunities for the produce industry. researcher at WUR, who together with vegetables — crops that traditionally
Leo Marcelis wrote the chapter “Vertical require large amounts of water. But
farming in Europe: present status and vertical farming expert Paul Gauthier
outlook” for the new Kozai book  Plant believes even staples like potato and
Factory, can attest to this (For more wheat could eventually be grown indoors.
information on the Sky High project, “Everything is possible. I don’t think
see the NWO website. Leo and Michele there is anything in the vertical farm that
also contributed a chapter to the second we can’t grow,” he says. “I was growing
edition of the book Plant Factory) coffee trees inside a vertical farm. “It’s
The harvesting robot is only the first
step in a multi-pronged strategy to offer a question of which kind of design we
Vertical farms with optimal use have to make and what the economics are
growers integrated ag-tech systems, with
future products like disease detection of sunlight behind it.”

and yield prediction. Lessing concluded. Dr Gauthier, who now works for the
he truly sustainable vertical
Ultimately, Root AI wants to be the global New Jersey-based company Bowery
farm of the future shouldn’t be a
leader for intelligent agriculture solutions Farming, admits both the capital and
compromise. The power of natural
( energy costs involved in vertical farming
sunlight is essential,” says François van
der Merwe, CEO of CAN-Agri. François are “definitely huge”. But that needs
C. DRONE IN has some innovative ideas about today’s to be put in context, he argues, because
AGRICULTURE vertical farms: “As I see it, most ‘vertical significant government subsidies have
farms’ are not actually vertical. They are long been provided to traditional farming
Unmanned aerial weed control made up of horizontal layers that have operations (ABC News (Antony Funnell)

been stacked vertically, and the top layer
cientists with the Weed Science blocks out the sun for the layers below. Tower gardens using LEDs

Society of America (WSSA) It’s a crying shame that we don’t make
say unmanned aerial vehicles optimal use of the power of natural ky High, a research programme
(UAVs) may soon revolutionize weed sunlight.” That realization prompted led by Professor of Horticulture &
management. (Weed Science Society of François and his business partner Gideo Product Physiology Leo Marcelis,
America) van der Merwe to develop a truly vertical which aims to bring about a revolution in
crop production system that requires vertical farming, received a total grant of
hardly any artificial light. They have €5 million. By growing plants in layers on
rotated the traditionally horizontal layers top of each other and illuminating them
through 90 degrees. François: “This with special LED lights, you can produce
allows each plant to get the necessary fresh vegetables all year round, anywhere
light from a naturally occurring source: in the world, and under all weather
the sun.” ( and climate conditions (Wageningen
University & Research)

Producing seedlings in an off-

Drone weed mapping
grid LED lit vertical farming
D. VERTICAL facility
lant Raisers Ltd, the largest
propagator of glasshouse salad
MICROGREENS crops in the UK, has in addition

number of vertical farms to a recent expansion of its conventional
glasshouse facility, partnered with sister
will disappear, but the company IGrowing Ltd to develop a
sector as a whole will Vertical farm with sun light top to bottom
system to produce seedlings using an off-
and rotation
grid LED lit vertical farming facility. The

9 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

resulting system is the culmination of are looking at helping to reduce food plant target values (
over three years’ research at Plant Raisers transport emissions further by expanding and
Ltd focussed on containerised growing our operation to other cities like
seedlings with the minimum energy input. Auckland, and growing more varieties of US (NJ): Aero farms announces
The project is now fully operational and edible plants ( launch of microgreens

will be further developed by iGrowing
Ltd for customer specific applications. Vertical farming reaches new he indoor vertical concern,
The system components can also be fitted heights in Germany Aerofarms, has just introduced

into larger vertical farm developments a new line of microgreens under
looking to take advantage of the energy he Association of vertical farming their proprietary retail brand Dream
savings and design methodology (nick@ (AVF) was invited to visit its Greens, to further expand their mission of member Fraunhofer IME in nourishing communities with safe, fresh,
Aachen, Germany, one of 72 institutes nutrient-rich food.Two new varieties of
Vertical farming is a part of of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, an microgreens are the Micro Super Mix and
New Zealand’s future” organization for applied science in Micro Spicy Mix, (

Europe with over 26,000 employees and
hoots Microgreens is New various international branches around the
Zealand’s first vertical farm in world.
the heart of Wellington’s CBD.
Underground, in a former nightclub,
multi coloured LED lights are stacked in
vertical rows to boost microgreen growth.
Shoots co-owner Matt Keltie opened
the business in February 2018, after
gaining funding support from the Energy
Efficiency and Conservation Authority
(EECA) to install the LED grow lights. Indoor ag seen as key to feeding

Fraunhofer IME building in Aachen, ecent Controlled Environment
Germany. Credit: AVF Indoor and Vertical Food
Production Coordinated Research
The Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Conference held at Southern Arizona’s
Biology and Applied Ecology IME world-famous Biosphere2 research
has six different sites in Germany laboratory. “Open field agriculture in the
and conducts research in the field of U.S. is the largest in the world aimed at
applied life sciences from the molecular feeding the largest number of people, but
level to entire ecosystems. Its division there are limitations in land, labor, and
“Molecular Biotechnology” is located in resources,” said co-coordinator Gene
Aachen, Germany and conducts R&D in Giacomelli, estimating that the current
the field of biotechnology with a strong greenhouse-grown  vegetable effort
Underground Vertical farm focus on plant-based applications. represents slightly more than 1.3 million
An indoor farm avoids many of the Over the last 10 years, the IME has acres under glass.
problems that come with growing developed and established two different
microgreens in the great outdoors; no vertical farming systems at the Aachen
chemical pesticides or weed sprays are site in cooperation with the Fraunhofer
needed in this controlled environment. IPT and IIS (à VertiPharm) as well
Plants can get optimal delivery of as the Fraunhofer IML (à OrbiPlant):
‘sunlight’ through the LEDs, and these VertiPharm, a fully automated
can be adjusted to mimic longer sunlight vertical farm with a strong focus on
hours, which is why the plants grow different research applications (e.g.
around twice as fast. The temperature, air Indoor View
plant cultivation, plant phenotyping,
flow and water supply to microgreens is biopharmaceutical production) and A prototype greenhouse for use on
also carefully tailored to suit the plants, OrbiPlant, a novel and cost-efficient lunar or Mars missions is displayed at a
seeing the business use 95% less water approach to vertical farming of food recent conference on food production at
than a traditional farm crops. These two vertical farming systems Southern Arizona’s famous Biosphere2
are complemented by LEDitGrow, an research laboratory.
Vertical farming is not a replacement
innovative multi-chamber system for
for traditional New Zealand farming Over the course of the conference,
the rapid development of plant growth
yet, but definitely part of our future. We 33 speakers told of their research
protocols and the optimization of specific

10 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

successes and remaining problems in US (PA): 60,000-square-foot

trying to grow things better, faster, and vertical farm built in braddock
cheaper with discussions ranging from

nutrition and post-harvest concerns to ifth Season, an indoor farming
production systems and pest and disease company, announced plans for its
management. first highly efficient, commercial-
scale indoor vertical farm, which will
“We struggle with the same issues that open in early 2020 in Braddock, an
greenhouse growers and indoor vertical historic steel town near Pittsburgh (www.
farms do in looking at food security,
keeping astronauts operating at peak
performance on long-duration missions,” Could duckweed (lemna minor)
said Ralph Fritsche, Senior Crop Project
be the next big vertical farm The fully automated greenhouse
Manager in NASA’s Life Sciences
Office. “Right now, NASA is taking from crop? “Plantcube” / Image: Agrilution

current CEA knowledge and technology uckweeds are a family of aquatic The high nutrient density ensures
with a pay-if-forward mentality.  Once plants that can be found floating an intense aroma and pronounced
we find solutions to similar problems in on still or slow-moving bodies of textures. Currently, 17 different lettuces,
space, light bulbs will light up in the CEA water worldwide. Also known as bayroot microgreens and herbs can be selected
industry on how these answers can be or watermeal, duckweed is a popular food from the Agrilution range, among which
applied on earth.” ( Western FarmPess 25 in Southwest Asia. Duckweed is a major there are unusual varieties such as red
Sept 2019 source of protein, which accounts for 40 Pak Choi or Wasabina leaf mustard. The
percent of its dry weight. It’s also the system is controlled by the Agrilution
Growers use rockwool to world’s fastest-growing plant. Cloud and a user-friendly app provides
produce specialty crops insight into the growth process and

notes on maintenance and harvesting.
hile Grodan rockwool may The “Plantcube” is the size of a small
be more often associated refrigerator ( 
with greenhouse tomatoes
and cucumbers, controlled environment Urban farming start-up at
growers are quickly learning that this
michigan farm
substrate is an ideal choice for specialty

crop production. Many growers n September 30th, Square Roots
producing-controlled environment food will cut the ribbon and officially
crops are familiar with Grodan rockwool. open its newest indoor farm on
The clean, disease-free, inert substrate is the Gordon Food Service headquarters
used worldwide to produce greenhouse in Wyoming, Michigan. The company
tomatoes and cucumbers. What growers said this is the beginning of a strategic
The world’s largest collection of
may not be aware of is that Grodan partnership that will see Square Roots’
duckweeds can be found at  Rutgers
rockwool can be used to produce specialty high-tech farms built on or near Gordon
University. Professor Eric Lam in the
crops like strawberries, microgreens and Food Service locations across the
Department of Plant Biology and his
hemp( continent.
research team are developing a production
platform using a hydroponic vertical farm
Square Roots’ partnership with Gordon
production system. Growing in stacked
Food Service established urban farmiming
trays, about 2½ acres of duckweed can
training facility was announced at the end
produce 1.4 million pounds of dried plant
of March, with the first co-located farm
matter annually. For the same production
opening six months later. Square Roots’
area, this is about 50 times the production
says this speed is possible thanks to the
output of corn (
modular, scalable farm-tech platform.
Mini greenhouse for

he fully automated “Plantcube”
greenhouse from Munich-based
company Agrilution offers a closed
ecosystem for plants and, according to the
manufacturer, optimal growth conditions.
Microgreens on rockwool Irrigation is done automatically. Urban farm training facility

11 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

to scale up. Plenty, Bowery, Aerofarms they have entered into a contract for a
and 80 Acres Farms say they are prepared large-scale turn-key greenhouse project
to make their crops ‘grocery store with the company Debets Schalke. Mr.
competitive (Indoor Vertical Farming, Faisal Al Batal of Dava corporation
July, 10, 2019). and Wim van Weele of Debets Schalke
confirmed the cooperation for the
US: Aero farms raises $100m as realization of three different greenhouse
investors rush to indoor farms projects at three different locations with

a total project size of 44 hectares. This
Urban farm training facility nother multi-million-dollar is the largest horticultural investment in
investment in vertical farming. the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ever(www.
Each farm is described as “smart” - with AeroFarms confirms the
digital technology allowing farmers to publication by The Financial Times,
learn from each other. The company says reporting that they raised $100m in their
that opening the Michigan farm brings Series E fundraiser to further expand their
it closer to the vision of a distributed warehouses of stacked growing trays and
network of indoor farms (www. branch out into different produce. This round again was led by the Ingka Group,
the parent company of Ikea. Earlier
High-tech indoor farming in AeroFarms announced its participation in
Dubai a new high-tech consortium developing Proposed set-up

crops for indoor agriculture. Working
esert terrain, extremely high Microgreen quality
together with Fluence, Priva, and BASF,
temperatures and limited
they want to develop new crops specially
rainfall have historically made Dr. Roberto Lopez of Michigan State
intended for indoor agriculture.(Financial
agriculture unworkable in the United University recently presented on the keys
Times (Lindsay Fortado)
Arab Emirates (UAE) — but thanks to to producing high quality microgreens
new technology, companies in Dubai using grow light technology.
Bejo Zaden and signify team up
are finding ways to grow locally-
sourced produce. With temperatures in to accelerate breeding of more Summary of Dr. Lopez’s findings:
the desert city regularly exceeding 40 seed varieties

degrees Celsius in summer months, a 1) plants can be taller (easier to cut) un-
massive 80% of the Dubai’s food supply ignify  has partnered with  Bejo der lower light
is imported. But the government is Zaden  to accelerate breeding of
keen to reduce dependency on imported more seed varieties through a new 2) yield of microgreens only moderate-
foods. Badia Farms is one of several vertical farm approach to cultivation. In ly increases under higher light
firms tapping into the demand for locally the facility, a large climate-controlled
room is equipped with Philips GrowWise 3) leaf area decrease under higher light
grown foods by developing an indoor
farm in the city. Using hydroponics, a Control System  to automate control
4) carotenoids and mineral nutrients de-
growing technique that doesn’t require of  Philips GreenPower LED dynamic
crease under higher light
soil, the farm is successfully growing modules. The company can now produce
fruit and vegetables that are already being multiple crop cycles per year to meet the 5) anthocyanins (purple pigment) in-
served in some of Dubai’s top restaurants high demand from growers, faster (www. crease, intensifying color under high-
(CNBC (Chloe Taylor). er light. All together Roberto recom-
mends using relatively low light (6-8
Modern vertical farms mols per square meter per day) for

growing microgreens and then fin-
lenty, Bowery, Aerofarms and 80 ish up with higher light to intensify
Acres Farms are among young the color. These levels of light can be
companies that see a future in achieved at an intensity of 100-140
salad greens and other produce grown in micromole per square meter per sec-
what are called vertical farms that rely ond over plants for 16 hours lighting
on robotics and artificial intelligence, Development of seed varieties for vertical
per day (
along with LED lights. While the first farming
versions of modern vertical farms Microgreen with vertical
sprouted about a decade ago, in recent 44-hectare greenhouse vegetable farming trend
complex comes to Saudi Arabia

years the introduction of automation and

the tracking of data to regulate light and morette Farms is an indoor,
ava corporation, owned by the Al vertical farm that grows non-
water has allowed them to get out of lab
Batal family, is forecast to grow GMO microgreens – the shoots
mode and into stores. Now they are trying
in agricultural business since of salad greens like arugula – using

12 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

controlled environment agriculture. than conventional farms, require very

Since launching this spring, the company little land, and use no pesticides, making
is already serving about a dozen them competitive with organic farms.
commercial clients, said its founder, And because vertical farms exist in
Devyn Rothbrust(The Business Journal windowless buildings that can be located
(Jeremy Lydic) in the heart of urban areas, produce does
not have to travel far by fossil-fuel-
Russia: Indoor strawberry guzzling trucks to reach stores(Reuters
cultivation (Jane Lanhee Lee)

ne of the potential growth Vertical greenhouse production
markets is indoor cultivation of in Turkey

strawberries in Russia. First, some Microgreens
general data regarding the Russian market urkey is looking to improve its
for year-round strawberry cultivation:The position in the global agriculture Vertical farm US (CA)
economics of a strawberry greenhouse market and has directed its
is as under in Russia. According to the focus to vertical greenhouses. Vertical Plenty debuted its new farm, Tigris,
report, the net operational margin of a greenhouses are expected to triple within designed for the flavor while producing
plastic foil greenhouse project is 35-40%. the next 30 years and they will bring with efficiency and cleanliness. 
The production margin for year-round significant savings in transportation,  
projects involving lighting is higher. environmental and energy costs. Vertical “Plenty is on a mission to change the way
greenhouses are expected to be built we eat by growing produce with crave
specifically in major cities in order to able flavour while increasing availability
save space and to prevent price increase to a world that long ago ran out of
in agricultural products. Additionally, it additional fruit and vegetable farmland,”
will create more jobs for the people living said Matt Barnard, CEO and co-founder
Possible economics of strawberry in the area( Yeni Asir) of Plenty. “The globe can grow only one-
cultivation in plastic foil greenhouses third of the fruits and vegetables required
without lighting. Source: Company data, to provide people with a healthy diet, and
SPARK, open sources (www.neoconsult. those fruits and vegetables are largely
ru) available only to the affluent or people
who live near a Mediterranean climate.
U.S. vertical farms are racing A farm like Tigris has the potential to
against the sun improve human and planetary health, and
that’s exactly why Plenty is here.”

everal top U.S. indoor farms,
stacked with plants from floor
to ceiling, tell Reuters they are
boosting production to a level where Vertical vegetable production in Turkey
they can now supply hundreds of grocery
stores.Plenty, Bowery, Aerofarms and 80 Microgreens in vertical
Acres Farms are among young companies farming- Munich, Germany

that see a future in salad greens and
other produce grown in what is called rban and vertical farming-
vertical farms that rely on robotics and projects are becoming more Photo Credit: Spencer Lowell
artificial intelligence, along with LED and more present in the current, (Photographer)
lights. While the first versions of modern modern agriculture. For example, the “There are 70,000 edible fruit and
vertical farms sprouted about a decade South-German city of Munich has vegetable varieties in the world, and
ago, in recent years the introduction of recently got their own regional cultivation because of the challenges of growing
automation and the tracking of data to project: under the name of Munich outdoors and putting food on trucks,
regulate light and water has allowed them Micros, an ambitious team of innovative we’ve been relegated to eat the few dozen
to get out of lab mode and into stores. growers brings around 25 types of local that we find at the grocery store,” said
Now they are trying to scale up. cultivations to market. After the success Nate Storey, chief science officer and co-
in regional wholesale and food service founder of Plenty. “Plenty has unlocked
Plenty and others say their customized, industry, the cultivation company intends
controlled lighting - some more blue light a future where people across the globe,
to steadily increase the production regardless of income or geography,
here, some more red light there - makes capacity as well as the product range
for tastier plants compared to sun-grown can experience the joy of incredible,
(    nourishing fruits and vegetables.”
leaves and that they use 95% less water

13 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

World food prize foundation Holiday demand for edible

honored with slovakian peace flowers increasing

upplies of edible flowers from

he World Food Prize announced California are steady, although
that Ambassador Kenneth M. slowing down slightly.
Quinn was presented the Peace
Prize From Slovakia on behalf of the
Foundation and his work over the past 20
years. The ceremony was held December
Photo Credit: Spencer Lowell
12, 2019, at the Palffy Palace in Bratislava.
(World Food Prize Foundation)
Tigris is currently being commissioned
and will then undergo a facility-level Papaya crop an alternative
food safety certification pursuant to for intensive horticultural
internationally-recognized third-party production of Almeria The flowers, including edible roses,

standards (  marigolds, pansies and more which are
he high-yield agricultural model sometimes sold as a ‘confetti’ mixed pack
E. GENERAL in Almería is based on eight or by flower variety, are often greenhouse
diferent crops grown under plastic grown and come from Northern
Daimler in Brazil opens urban greenhouses: tomato, sweet pepper, California. (http://www.bayareaherbs.
cucumber, courgette, aubergine, green com/)
bean, melon and watermelon. Having

ercedes-Benz do Brasil has led fruit and vegetable exports in Spain Billion-year-old microbes could
opened an urban farm at its for more than 50 years, a decrease in give us new food, fuel sources
melon growing areas in Almería in the

plant in São Bernardo do
Campo: since November 2019 they last years has caused a change in supply nergy and food. These are the
have been growing organic vegetables at that is afecting the model’s profit. Papaya building blocks of any ecosystem.
the truck and bus plant in keeping with cultivation could reactivate the profit of They are also the most important
ecological farming standards and serving the agricultural model in Almería that is material components of any human
them in the works canteen in accordance at a mature stage and also improve the society. The causes of wars, the motivation
with the “farm-to-table” principle. As the available product range. for inventions, the history of humankind
vegetables are grown in a greenhouse itself is a struggle to find and secure
directly next to the main restaurant, no these two resources. But a billion-year
further transportation is necessary (www. old group of microbes has the potential to provide us with food supplements,
chemical feedstock and biofuels.

Kostas Vavitsas | December 9, 2019

Papaya in greenhouse

(Mireille N. Honoré, Luis J. Belmonte- Tubular glass photobioreactor. Image:

Ureña, Asensio Navarro-Velasco, IGV Biotech, CC-BY 3.0
Francisco Camacho-Ferre,  ‘Profit
Analysis of Papaya Crops under Sensors are useful in indoor
Greenhouses as an Alternative to growing

Traditional Intensive Horticulture in
Southeast Spain’, 2019,  International reenhouse sensors are critical
Journal of Environmental Research and components of your indoor grow
A view of the farm Public Health, 16, 2908.) monitoring systems. Sensors

14 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

continually measure specific conditions grown require a minimum CO2 Wild relatives of chile peppers

within a particular location and report concentration of 330 ppm to enable
that data to the system.  As agricultural them to photosynthesize efficiently. esearchers aimed to fill
technology changes the way farmers Mounted sensors in your grow critical knowledge gaps with
grow, it’s essential to stay informed on the operation will monitor CO2 levels regard to the distributions and
latest advances in technology to increase and alert you when levels dip below conservation status of the wild relatives
crop yields and prevent disease. the predetermined amount so you of chile peppers. The researchers were
can adjust accordingly. able to categorize 18 of the taxa as “high
priority” for further conservation action
5. Monitor power supply - Smart farms as a consequence of a combination of
require plenty of power for critical their ex situ and in situ assessments, 17
equipment like fans, heaters, lighting, as “medium priority,” and two as “low
sprinklers, humidifiers, etc. Sensors priority.” Priorities for resolving gaps in
can alert you to power outages that ex situ conservation were determined to be
may impact your operation. high for 94.6%, and medium or high with
regard to increased habitat protection for
6. Water pH levels - Placing sensors 64.9% of the taxa.The preliminary threat
into plumbing systems will monitor assessment indicated that six taxa may be
the pH levels in real-time. This can critically endangered, three endangered,
prevent nutrient deficiencies that ten vulnerable, six near threatened and 12
can occur when water is over or least concern.
under acidic, eliminating the need to
Here are six reasons one should have test water samples using alternative The researchers concluded that taxonomic
smart sensors in greenhouse: methods. richness hot spots, especially along
the Atlantic coast of Brazil, in Bolivia
1. Moisture Detection - Knowing when Most systems provide real-time status of and Paraguay, and in the highlands of
to water and how much is a crucial all monitored conditions through a cloud- Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela,
component in the success of your based system. This offers immediate represent particularly high priority
grow operation. Smart sensors can access to sensor data from any internet- regions for further collecting for ex situ
calculate precisely how much and connected device, such as a tablet or conservation as well as for enhanced
how often to water your crop to phone ( habitat conservation. (DIVERSITY AND
avoid root rot and other issues with DISTRIBUTIONS, harvest@worldveg.
over or under watering your plants.  Water-cooled LED lighting org)

2. Control Access - Smart sensors can reenhouse growers want more
light, but not more heat in Organic and fully self-
be installed on key access points of
their cultivation. They want to sustaining greenhouse growing
your growing operation, giving you
24/7 monitoring of who is accessing decrease energy use in the greenhouse, tomatoes in Iceland

key locations. Placing sensors on and minimize the amount of maintenance
the lights need to undergo. Oreon started ridheimar Farm (situated in
windows, doors, supply rooms,
from those ideas when it discovered the Reykholt, Iceland) produces
and other essential areas can alert
possibilities of LED lights. The water- one gallon of organic tomatoes
you when different areas are being
cooled luminaires make it possible to per day through completely organic
accessed and allow you to monitor
significantly increase the intensity of the and self-sustaining horticulture. It
unauthorized access.
lighting without adding heat to the crop, uses only renewable energy resources.
3. Monitoring Equipment - The something that was initially particularly Geothermal power plants supply natural
modern, smart farm requires many popular with cultivations like hydroponic hot water to heat the greenhouse, as
types of equipment to run optimally. lettuce, herbs and cresses, where heat well as electricity for the artificial
Using sensors on irrigation, misting, plays a major role. Now they’re seeing lighting, needed to grow tomatoes in all
and fertilizer systems will monitor more and more tomato growers making seasons. After shipping in a green fly
the performance of pumps and the switch as well, in order to be able to from Denmark - which acts as a natural
pressure lines, allowing you to stay work with higher levels of lighting. pesticide, eating insects that are harmful
up to date on the system’s efficiency. to the tomatoes – they have avoided
They can also be placed on vents, using harmful chemical pesticides.
fans, and vented roofs to be alerted if Breeding their own bees, pollination is
they stop working or operate outside sure to occur within their greenhouse.
of predetermined parameters. Over 99% of electricity production and
almost 80% of total energy production
4. CO2 levels - Carbon dioxide Oreon lights are all over the world now in Iceland comes from hydropower and
is essential to the process of ( geothermal power, reducing heating bills
photosynthesis. Most indoor plants and carbon footprint. This fiercely battles

15 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

climate change (Local London (Megan White and other poinsettia-the revealed that nitrogen is involved in
Bantleman) quest the regulation of the flowering time. In
March, Dr. Wahl’s group published their
Screens protect organic baby  exciting results in the scientific journal
leaf New Phytologist.

Arrigoni, the group specializing in the In summary, plants are able to adapt their
production of protective screens for life cycles depending on the availability of
agriculture, calls itself “an excellent nitrogen by delaying their flowering time,
ally for organic farming”, following due to suboptimal growth conditions.
a test in the field for the control of flea Poinsettia Pure WhiteThink Pink Deeper knowledge about the interplay
beetles. The test was performed on an of nitrogen and sugar sensing in terms of
organic rocket seeding, started in early flowering time will help to develop new
September and harvested 17 days later. strategies to increase the yield of crops
Both Scirocco MD White (windbreak when grown on nitrogen-limited soil. By
and medium shading net, in flat weave understanding these biological processes,
HDPE monofilament) and Biomaglia we stand to gain an important approach
(light polyamide net, anti-insects and to optimizing the use and application of
anti-frost) were tested, positioned on the nitrogen fertilizer (Max Planck Institute of
crop immediately after sowing and kept Molecular Plant Physiology) . In certain
until the harvest( fruit trees like cherry flower appearance
is prior to leaf production? The above
does not explain it?
Princettia Queen Pink Root zone temperature matters

o increase yield and shorten the
growing cycle of their flowers,
Cairo & Doutcher recently
invested in Roots’ RZTO system for their
farm in Italy. Suitable stable temperature
of roots has all positive effects on plants
both in summer and winter. Above ground
Screens protect organic baby leaf temperature does not harm much if root
zone temperature is optimal. Mulch
Precision medicine for plants and watering with warm and cold water

esearchers from the Utrecht Perfect for a Princess according to season are of help(www.
University, in collaboration with and www.cairodoutcher.
colleagues at the University of Nitrogen into the regulation of com)
York (UK) and the Nanjing Agricultural flowering
India: Tunnel farming gains

University (China) have developed a
new technology to selectively destroy he regulation of flowering in popularity among farmers

the pathogen that causes the devastating plants is a highly complex
process that is dependent on unnel farming technology for
wilt disease without side effects on
many internal and external factors. vegetable production has gained
other beneficial microorganisms.
Flowering at the wrong time point popularity among the small
“Here, we developed a novel approach
leads to a loss of seed production and growers and farmers in Punjab. Sources
using bacteriophages: special viruses
endangers the plant’s reproduction and in the Agriculture department said that
that only eat up pathogenic bacteria.
survival of the species. To combat this tunnel farming was being carried out
This precision medicine is fully natural
problem, plants use a complex network over 16,101 acres of land across the
and highly efficient”, Jousset says. This
of proteins to continuously monitor Province.Over 2,000 small farmers
new technology provides a long-lasting
environmental factors, such as light and including female farmers have adopted
protection by destroying the pathogen
temperature, to determine the best time tunnel farm technology on their own
while allowing soil life to recover. Even
point for flowering. The work group of expanse in Sialkot, Daska, Pasrur and
if pathogens survive the treatments, they
Dr. Vanessa Wahl from the Max Planck Sambrial tehsils of the district. cultivating
are so weakened that they cannot compete
Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, off-season vegetables like cucumber,
anymore with natural microbes and go
in cooperation with Dr. Anne Krapp from tomato, green chilli, paprika, pumpkin,
extinct. The researchers publish their
the National Institute for Agricultural bitter gourd, watermelon and melons etc.
new technology 2 December in  Nature
Research (INRA) in Paris, have now Business Recorder, 25 Nov. 2019
Biotechnology( Utrech University)

16 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

CEA to solve food shortages pollination. On the one hand, the mesh

will keep in the biological controllers and
review of the literature led by on the other hand, pests are kept out. But
researchers from the University the care for bees and bumblebees also
of Florida attempts to provide requires extra attention (www.ventiguard.
clarification and analysis on various com )
aspects of what a controlled environment
system entails and the extent to which Higher CO2 increases yield
differing food production approaches minimum by 2.8%
can be applied to the many current

and hopeful endeavours of Urban O2 plays a major part in the
Agriculture.For urban farmers to benefit production of glasshouse crops. A lit-up farm at night
from controlled environment agriculture, Carbon (the C in CO2) is the
analysis will need consideration of local second most abundant element that
Avoid the following for
demand and supply of food, location, makes up a tomato plant. (Water makes successful indoor farming
population density, facility design, and up 80% of the plant, carbon makes up
This list is not definitive but gives you a
crops produced. Preliminary research half of the remaining 20%). Most of
good idea of the most common mistakes
suggests that sustainability for these that carbon is taken up by the plant via
to avoid.
urban farms hinges on capital investment the absorption of gaseous CO2 through
and operating costs, production volume, the photosynthetic process.It’s amazing, 1. Avoid a trial and error approach to
product quality and consistency, and according to Godfrey Dol, specialist in design
local market trends.The researchers have growing in semi-closed greenhouses,
offered a detailed examination of multiple to think that a tiny concentration of 2. Pick the right crop
facets of the controlled environment: 400 ppm atmospheric CO2 (0.04%)
carbon dioxide enrichment, humidity can help create enough trees, plants, 3. Location, location, location
control, water and soil cycling and the fruits, and vegetables to feed all people,
4. Simplify your business model
environmental footprint, food safety, animals, and insects in the world.It
economic factors, electric lighting, and makes sense then, that increased level 5. Be realistic about operational cost
quite a bit more ( of CO2 results in yield increases.In the
worst-case scenario, during hot weather, 6. Set prices based on what consumers
Recent books on protected a semi-closed glasshouse will still will pay
cultivation yield a 2.8% yield increase compared
to a conventionalglasshouse(www. 7. The skills gap 
8. Remember what you’re selling
(Read more at Hort Americas)
West Bengal: LED for
chrysanthemum flowering Plants may be better than

mog has created havoc to technology at mitigating air
chrysanthemum production in pollution

West Bengal. Led light in open
Indian army has weaponized fields and ploy houses helped flowering dding plants and trees to the
ghost peppers of chrysanthemum and promoted tourism landscapes near factories and

to the area. (Times of India, 17 Nov. 2019) other pollution sources could
he Indian Army just weaponized reduce air pollution by an average of 27
one of the world’s hottest peppers. percent, new research suggests. The study
The newest biological weapon on shows that plants – not technologies –
the market is a homegrown substance may also be cheaper options for cleaning
for India: Ghost Peppers, Chilli grenade; the air near a number of industrial sites,
This chilli is also known as Bhoot roadways, power plants, commercial
Jhulakia or Naga Chilli. DRDO of DRL boilers and oil and gas drilling sites (Ohio
Tezpur did pioneering research on this State University (Laura Arenschield)
chilli (
Growing grapes in high tunnels
Insect screens will become

essential igh tunnels may help reduce

pests and improve yields for
esh screens will be an grape growers in Arkansas, said
essential part in the Integrated Elena Garcia, horticulture professor and
Pest Management and for Farmer putting up LED researcher for the University of Arkansas

17 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

System Division of Agriculture. High gas emissions and provide a substitute for
tunnels are plastic-covered structures, the fossil fuels that create them.The key
similar to greenhouses, but are passively to the process is a cheap, optimized red
heated and cooled,” Garcia said. They powder called cuprous oxide. Engineered
provide intermediate environmental to have as many eight-sided particles
protection between greenhouse and field as possible, the powder is created by a
conditions. Results indicate that table chemical reaction when four substances
grapes growing under tunnels have better – glucose, copper acetate, sodium
yield and fruit quality. Pest pressures hydroxide and sodium dodecyl sulfate –
are also greatly decreased (University of are added to water that has been heated to
Arkansas) a particular temperature.

The powder then serves as the catalyst,

or trigger, for another chemical reaction
when it is mixed with water into which USDA Red
carbon dioxide is blown and a beam
of white light is directed with a solar Worldwide water scarcity by
simulator.“This is the chemical reaction 2040
that we discovered,” said Wu, who

has worked on the project since 2015. he World Resources Institute
“Nobody has done this before.” forecasts that the world’s
demand for water is likely to
The reaction produces oxygen, as in surge in the next few decades. Rapidly
photosynthesis, while also converting growing populations will drive increased
carbon dioxide in the water-powder consumption by people, farms and
Grapes under high tunnel
solution into methanol. The methanol companies.It’s not clear where all that
is collected as it evaporates when the
An “Artificial Leaf” for fuel water will come from. Climate change
solution is heated. An hour-long chemical is expected to make some areas drier and
( university of waterloo) reaction creates the engineered red others wetter. As precipitation extremes
powder that is the key to new technology increase in some regions, affected
to turn carbon dioxide into fuel. communities face greater threats from
Next steps in the research include droughts and floods (World Resources
increasing the methanol yield and Institute)
commercializing the patented process
to convert carbon dioxide collected
from major greenhouse gas sources
such as power plants, vehicles and oil
drilling.“I’m extremely excited about the
potential of this discovery to change the
game,” said Wu, a professor of mechanical
and mechatronics engineering, and a
Credit: Pixabay member of the Waterloo Institute for

Nanotechnology. “Climate change is an
cientists have created an “artificial urgent problem and we can help reduce Lorigene introduces new blue
leaf” to fight climate change by CO2 emissions while also creating an
inexpensively converting harmful carnation
alternative fuel.” (Wu et al. (2019) Facet-

carbon dioxide (CO2) into a useful dependent active sites of a single Cu2O MO flowers are widely accepted
alternative fuel. The new technology was particle photocatalyst for CO2 reduction by the general public. Generally,
inspired by the way plants use energy to methanol. Nature Energy. DOI: https:// people see this as a flower, which
from sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into is not consumed such as food (www.
food. “We call it an artificial leaf because and
it mimics real leaves and the process World’s first true red spinach
of photosynthesis,” said Yimin Wu, an
variety released
engineering professor at the University

of Waterloo who led the research. “A SDA Red, the world’s first true
leaf produces glucose and oxygen. We red spinach variety has been
produce methanol and oxygen.” developed and released by the
Agricultural Research Service (Hortdaily
Making methanol from carbon dioxide,
Wed 6 Nov 2019)
the primary contributor to global Blue carnation
warming, would both reduce greenhouse

18 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

New snack tomato for children has taken the challenge with theBioline Agriculture of the Russian Federation) 

App.The Bio-line App is a mobile
n addition to the existing Honey application developed by Bio-line VR glasses slowly becoming
tomatoes and Joyn brands, Looye Agrosciences to help producers and known in horticulture
Growers are now

distributors to implement their biocontrol
programs in the best conditions.The ne can visit the greenhouse
goal of this application is simple: to without visiting the greenhouse.
make Integrated Pest Management and VR glasses would be more than
protection with Beneficial’s accessible to just a nice gadget in greenhouse industry.
all producers. Sébastien Rousselle, bio- Eventually, these glasses are used to give
solutions marketing manager, explains virtual tours during training (www.ogvg.
the concept: “The Bio-line App brings com).
together many tools in a single place. It is
no longer necessary to be cluttered with multiple sources of information, many

sites or datasheets. Everything is gathered
Kalanchoe Tiger now available in the same place and updated regularly.
We wanted an application accessible to

ew Kalanchoe Tiger series in pot all, easy to use and intuitiveto browse,”
size with a total of 9 colours such says Sébastien Rousselle. “That’s why
as red, orange, bronze, copper, it’s totally free andavailable in many
yellow, pastel, white, pink, dark pink languages.” Already three languages are OGVG Facebook
have been developed. available:French, English and Spanish. It
can be downloaded immediately on iOS A new scouting tool – natutec
and Android application stores.(www.

new scouting tool – Koppert’s
Internet of things “replaces” Natutec Scout is being used by
traditional labour model a number of tomato growers

in the Netherlands. This tool does the
emote and automated agricultural work of scanning for pests using image
production and management have recognition. The user then enters the
greatly improved production count so that a dashboard can interpret
efficiency and saved costs.After seeing the results into schematic overviews
  the dashboard, you can quickly complete of the situation in the greenhouse. The
The Kalanchoe Tiger is grown exclusively irrigation with one click. In the past, this tool allows growers to optimize the data
by Decorum grower Slijkerman and is often took a lot of effort to complete, and collection of greenhouse pests so that
now (only to a limited extent) available intelligent IoT applications are changing hotspots can be treated as rapidly and
in the Decorum webshop (webshop. all walks of life. The role of IoT engineers effectively as possible(www.koppert. is to make people’s production and life com)
more convenient and intelligent( scnews.
Edible flowers popular with (Wen Ji, Zhang Yu, Li Dan)  World food prize 2019

floral designers Russian greenhouses produced he 2019 World Food Prize was

dible flowers have become more almost 1 million tons of awarded to Simon N. Groot of the
popular among top class chefs vegetables in Jan-Sep 2019 Netherlands for his transformative

and high-end restaurants over the role in empowering millions of
years. However, nowadays more and ussian farmers collected 966.7 smallholder farmers to earn greater
more floral designers are starting to use thousand tons of protected incomes through enhanced vegetable
them as well in their floral designs. At ground vegetables from January – production, benefitting hundreds of
table arrangements and in glass vases, September 2019, of which 897.0 thousand millions of consumers with greater access
they are used more and more - all to tons in winter greenhouses, which is to nutritious vegetables for healthy diets.
make the dining experience more special. 13.5% higher than the level of 2018 As founder and leader of East-West Seed,
( ) (790.4 thousand tons).New greenhouses his initiative over the past four decades
significantly exceed previously built has developed a dynamic, smallholder-
Bio-line app for bio-control ones in terms of production performance centric tropical vegetable seed industry,

resulting in production volumes increase starting in Southeast Asia and spreading
ll the biological control in your by 65% compared to 2014. By 2025, through Asia, Africa and Latin America.
pocket, anywhere, anytime and it is planned to increase production to Congratulations to Simon N. Groot.
instantly: Bio-line Agrosciences 1.5 million tons per year (Ministry of
19 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

Turkey: Purple strawberries acid, referred to as NHP. This chemical World food prize awarded to
grown in aksaray from chinese agent, in turn, triggered a series of simongroot : Congratulations
chemical responses that made uninfected

seeds in high-demand
leaves less hospitable to pathogens he World Food Prize was awarded

avva Inanc, a woman grower seeking to invade. (Stanford October 22, to Simon Groot on 17 October,
in Eskil town of Aksaray, has 2019) 2019. The 2019 World Food Prize
been growing pharmaceutical honors the unique achievements of Simon
plants in the last 6 years but now she Santiana - Jointless tomato Groot and his company East-West Seed

has started growing purple strawberries (EWS) over the past four decades. Groot
he first jointless tomato variety has successfully developed a dynamic,
with imported seeds from China.The
has been announced in the Rijk smallholder-centric tropical vegetable
grower now has production of purple
Zwaan range. seed industry, starting in Southeast
strawberries in a 0.4-hectare area and
the demand for the product has been It is a generative, open crop with Asia and spreading throughout Asia,
increasing rapidly. Currently, the grower horizontal leaves. The variety delivers Africa, and Latin America. His work has
is sending her products to various Turkish nice trusses with evenly spaced fruit. invigorated both rural and urban markets
cities such as Kahramanmaras, Konya, The plant has sufficient strength and for vegetable crops, making nutritious
Sivas, Tokat, and Canakkale.The grower flower production to allow pruning to six vegetables more widely available and
also noted that 2 academicians from fruits during some parts of the season. affordable for millions of families each
Kayseri Erciyes University are testing the It also responds well to increasing light; year.(European Seed)
use of these strawberries in the treatment whereas some varieties struggle (www.
of diabetes. Currently, the sale price for
US (IN): Purdue scientist
these strawberries is around 5 USD per sending tomatoes into space to
kg(Haber 7) study plant defense

ny trip to Mars, likely to take
a year or longer, will require
astronauts to grow at least
some of their own food along the way
since it can cost  $10,000 to send a
N. Korean leader visits pound  of anything just as far as Earth’s
orbit. Astronauts will need the nutrients
greenhouse farm under
provided by fruits, leafy greens and other
construction amid food vegetables grown during their journey.

Before a journey to Mars happens,
Purple strawberries orth Korean leader Kim Jong- however, scientists need to answer
un visited a greenhouse farm fundamental questions about how life
Vaccine to repel pathogen in under construction, calling for an is affected by spaceflight and low-
tomato improvement in agricultural techniques or no-gravity environments. Purdue

to increase vegetable output, state media University’s  Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi  aims
cientists knew that plants wage reported Friday.”(Kim) said ... to build to improve the odds of successful crops
chemical war against bacterial, such a modern greenhouse farm in each with a recently awarded NASA grant to
viral and fungal infections. Now province to supply various species of understand the effects of spaceflight and
they’ve learned how to “vaccinate” fresh vegetables to the people all the year simulated microgravity on plant defense
tomato plants with a natural chemical round is a thing he has long wanted to do responses.
to boost their defenses against a pest certainly,” it said.(Yonhap News Agency)
that makes leaves shrivel up and
die. In a report  published  Oct. 22
in  Science Signaling, a team led by
plant biologist  Mary Beth Mudgett  and
chemical engineer  Elizabeth
Sattely  describe how they saved tomato
and pepper plants from bacterial speck,
the common name for a bacterial Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi
infestation that can spread from leaf to
leaf, turning leaves yellow and ultimately “We can’t just assume that plant defense
killing the plants.They accomplished mechanisms work the same way in
this by treating uninfected leaves with a space flight as they do on Earth,” said
newly discovered and naturally occurring Iyer-Pascuzzi, an associate professor
chemical called N-hydroxy-pipecolic in the  Department of Botany and Plant

20 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

Pathology. “There’s evidence that The growcoon has a stable open net delivered through drip irrigation (www.
microgravity may alter cell walls, and we structure and is made from a 100 per
know that the cell walls are barriers to cent biodegradable polymer which is
plant pathogens.” approved for organic growing. It can be
used with all propagation systems such as
Iyer-Pascuzzi has designed two sowing, cuttings, grafting, tissue culture
experiments for astronauts to carry out and hydroponic systems. The Growcoon
on the International Space Station (ISS). is suitable for a wide range of standard
The results will be compared with similar trays and can be placed into the tray
experiments conducted on Earth. The either manually or automatically using
date for her experiments to be taken to a dispenser that can be connected to the
the ISS is still being finalized. tray filling line.(
“NASA has been talking about going to
IIHR Bangalore develops 2
Mars or long-term missions to the moon,
and it’s been working for years on the processable tomato hybrids

systems necessary to grow food there,” he Indian Institute of Horticultural
Iyer Pascuzzi added. “Plant defenses Research has developed two
are critical components of that. What we tomato hybrids, exclusively
learn here will get us a little closer the meant for the processing industry.
goal of longer space missions.” ( Purdue These hybrids – Arka Vishesh and Arka
University) Apeksha – are disease-resistant and
are expected to not only boost farmers’
Russia: Greenery and potted incomes through higher yields but are
flowers will be grown by robots also aimed at reducing processing costs
in moscovsky greenhouse because of higher total soluble solids
Trials in coco substrates and organic

(TSS) and lycopene content (The Hindu
obots in the new universal BusinessLine (Vishwanath Kulkarni) fertigation
greenhouse by  Moskovsky
Agricultural Holding with an Wood fibre and coir even
acreage of 1.8 ha will allow for the
yearround production of lettuce, tulips

and potted flowers. With that, they are ibreDust have released a new
planning to grow 3.5 million pieces premium blend of coir and wood
of flowers by the start of International fiber, creating a new level of
Women’s Day.“Robotics is capable of growing media. “As an organic media,
transporting huge tables with lettuce, coir has significant advantages. From
clever machinery is monitoring the water retention, to aeration, to low EC
microclimate and watering of 1.5 million and near neutral PH, coir is hard to beat.
plants at a time”, shared the Production By adding wood fiber, we have made
Director of the agricultural complex it even better”, said CEO Sam Ahilan
Moscovsky, Mr. Anatoliy Makaruk. (
Organic fertigation in
A biodegradable plant greenhouses
propagation system

fter three successful years of After separation, this is what the
new innovative plant propagation testing, Van der Knaap Group irrigation water looks like.
system that can be used for all are able to bring their biological
propagation methods is proving fertilizer solution to the market. It will No more clogging up the drippers.
to a big hit with Australian horticultural offer the USDA – National Organic
companies, according to its international Program growers in the US and Canada El Niño triggers 27.9% decline
distributors Klasmann-Deilmann. production numbers that are similar to of vegetable production in
those in traditional growing methods. Philippines

The organic fertilizer is released in
a reactor and administered through ccording to statements by
drippers. The organic fertilizer is created the National Economic and
by converting residue proteins from other Development Authority (Neda)
industries through a process inside of a of Northern Mindanao, there was a
reactor into liquid fertilizer that can be 27.9 percent decrease in the volume

21 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

of vegetables, root crops, fruits and slightly, with 1,280 hectares expected, Grafting in vegetables

industrial crops in the second quarter of compared to 1,250 hectares last season; an
2019. increase of 2.3%. The productive acreage rafting plants onto specially bred
under biological control only represents rootstocks is a practice that is
Neda-Northern Mindanao traced the 16% of the total in this case. Melons common in tree crops. Grafting
overall decline to the occurrence of and watermelons fall by more than 9%. confers resistance to soil-borne diseases
the weak El Niño, which started in the The melon and watermelon spring crops and pests, requiring less inputs and
later part of 2018 until July of this year, continue with the downward trend. 530 leading to sustainable crop productivity. It
which brought damage to crop areas in hectares of melons and 1,050 hectares of is now being used in some vegetable and
the region. Banana and pineapple, which watermelons are expected, which is 9.4% fruit crops, such as tomatoes, eggplant,
contributed the largest share to total fruit and 9.5% less, respectively, than the watermelon, cucumbers and cantaloupe.
production, showed negative harvests 2018-2019 campaign(diariodealmeria.
during the second quarter of 2019, es).
registering 418,610 tons (a decrease
of 0.19 percent) and 352,733 tons (a Year-round strawberry
decrease of 0.09 percent), respectively production

antyshevsky greenhouse in
Biological control in Almeria’s Ingushetia planned year-round
greenhouses greenhouse production of
A grafted tomato plant. (Photo: UC Davis

strawberry.Once the production capacity
n the 2019-2020 agricultural is achieved, we are aiming at getting on Tomato Genetics Resource Center Image
campaign, the area under plastic in average 60-70 thousand kilos of crops Library)
Almeria cultivated with biological that we will be mostly sending to Moscow
control mechanisms has increased by Grafting conveys a lot of merits in terms of
as well as to neighboring regions and
more than 2,000 hectares compared disease resistance and yield maintenance.
local market. Kantyshevsky greenhouse
to the previous year. This represents It enriches the production practices by
complex was created in 2018, the first
an increase of 8.25 % compared to last introducing more variety. And by making
crops were picked in the beginning of
season, bringing the total acreage to impossible things become possible.
2019 (TASS).
24,740 hectares, according to data from (University of California (Jeannette E.
the Territorial Delegation of Agriculture, New tomato greenhouse variety

Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable
Development. By crops, peppers are the n Axia Vegetable Seeds’ test India: Punjab to set up Centre
flagship product, with 11,500 hectares; greenhouse enough can be found: of excellence for floriculture

1,020 hectares more than last season. yellow, orange, brown, white-yellow,
This means that almost 100% of the all cherry tomatoes that can be cultivated unjab in collaboration with the
pepper acreage features biological control for a vine or loose (Axia Vegetable Dutch government is coming
techniques for pest control. Seeds, Burgemeester Elsenweg 53; 2671 up with a Centre of Excellence
DP Naaldwijk, Phone:  0174-255255 (CoE) for floriculture at Doraha in
Tomatoes are second in the ranking E-mail: [email protected] Ludhiana.  This CoE has already been
with 5,300 hectares, compared to last approved and sanctioned under the
season’s 4,200 hectares. This crop has National Horticulture Mission in the
thus recorded a significant 20% increase. last fiscal year. The Centre would be
In the case of tomatoes, the acreage with established over an area of 7.5 acres with
biological control represents 60% of the a total project cost of around Rs 8 crore.
total. The area under biological control has The project cost will be shared between
also increased in the case of cucumbers, the Centre and state in the 60:40 ratio.
from 3,350 hectares in the 2018-2019 This will be the fourth CoE in the state.
campaign to 3,410 hectares this season. Vine cherry XavyHTL1709081   Currently, the state has CoE for vegetables
This represents an increase of almost 2%, (at Kartarpur), fruits (at Hoshiarpur) and
with 70% of the crop’s total area already Potato (at Jalandhar).The Tribune 27 Sept
featuring biological control. In the case 2019 (Vijay C Roy)
of eggplant, the acreage has increased,
but more slowly. The total acreage with New bio-stimulant improves
biological control amounts to 1,620 chlorophyll production

hectares, which is only 10 hectares more
than last season (almost 1% more). In this axstim, which originates from
case, the area under biological control the UK, has proven to be a
represents 73% of the total. In the case very effective biostimulant
  in crops like berries (blueberries,
of zucchini, the area has also increased
HTL1708146  HTL1505394 

22 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

raspberries, strawberries, grapes), flowers Not just environmental groups, but

(roses, alstroemeria, chrysanthemum), increasingly large chain stores such as
greenhouse crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, REWE are also demanding ever greater
peppers), agricultural crops (melons, quantities of peat-reduced substrates for
potatoes, pumpkins) and top fruit (apples, the cultivation of decorative plants, fruit
pears, peaches, oranges). Maxstim and vegetables.
is a 100% natural biostimulant from
vegetative origin, which uses a complex,
precise blend of naturally occurring
primary and secondary plant metabolites
which stimulates growth and resistance.
Maxstim is a plant primer, an elicitor
and has biostimulant-like effects (www.


Perligran provides an ideal basis for the

successful cultivation of flowers, fruit
and vegetables – with guaranteed quality
Example of the effect of Maxstim in and certified according to stringent
parsley, showing the effect in key Dutch quality standards (RHP). It is
processesU also included on the Swiss and German
FiBL lists as a soil additive for organic
Hydrophobic forces, Not agriculture (
h-bonds, bind DNA together
Woven polyethylene®

n international greenhouse SOLARIG®
and woven polyethylene (PE)
cover company is looking to SOLARIG® is also easily fabricated
strengthen its market in Australia with (stitched, welded). So in the case of
the development of new and stronger greenhouses, it’s often advantageous to
products. stitch insect nets onto the sides or add
Scientists at Chalmers University of a venting net into the apex of a tunnel
Technology in Sweden refuted the PIC Plast Ltd from Israel has been cover. Repairs to cuts or damaged covers
prevailing theory that hydrogen   bonds operating in Australia periodically for on greenhouses or tunnels can also be
(H-bonds) bind the two strands of the several years with customers mainly easily done by stitching these closed.
DNA together. They found out that water from the vegetable growing industry, but In terms of lighting properties, Mr
is the key. The results are published in more recently blueberry, raspberry and Bunyard commented on the good light
the journal  Proceedings of the National blackberry growers have begun to use transmission (88%) and light diffusion
Academy of Sciences of the United States PIC Plast’s Solarig® tunnel covers. (up to 60%) of SOLARIG®. Different
of America (PNAS). grades (thicknesses), widths and roll
“We are also excited about the potential lengths are available (www.pic-plast.
New solution in the trend of our new, strengthened the edges of com ).
SOLARIG® for covering crops like
towards peat substitutes- grapes, kiwifruit, cherries and apples,” Scented blooms lasting months
Peligran Sales and Marketing manager Mark
without care

Bunyard said. “I’d like to start promoting

hese days, more and more
these in Australia and New Zealand. We n innovation in floral design
professionals and end customers
have had good success in South America and all-natural home fragrance.
are demanding peat-reduced
and in the grape growing regions of Natural Fragrance Rose offers
substrates. The mineral substrate
Europe. Furthermore, our factory has a something entirely new in floral that
Perligran is an additive to ensure good
capability to produce metal structures is both natural and long-lasting, they
results together with peat substitutes.
which allows us to manufacture announce in a press release. “It is an
Many substrate manufacturers – who
greenhouse tunnels kits, net houses, intuitive, eco-friendly home fragrance
often also extract their own peat – are
A-Frames structures and crop protection.” collection made of luxurious, organic
currently facing a changing market.
roses.” At the PMA Fresh Summit

23 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

Conference and Expo that will be held chalk and coatings from the greenhouse physical protection against rain, hail,
in Anaheim (CA) next month, one can roof. This is now possible with an organic wind and frost with reduction of crop
discover this complete line of beautiful, cleaning product based on plant extracts. losses. “The protection of fruit trees
botanically-infused blooms (www. under plastic covers has established itself as an essential tool in the search for the
early return on investment in some fruit
Turkish tomatoes for Italian species like grape, cherry, banana and as
delicacies a valuable alternative for the viability of

other species like kiwi, mango, peach,
zmir, a city located in western Turkey, papaya, and Japanese medlar (www.
is one of the major exporters of dried
tomatoes in the country. The city
exports dried tomatoes to 85 countries, Horticulture is the future

mainly to Europe (AA (Metin Aydemir)
n the United States, there is no
end in sight for developments in
the horticultural sector, thinks
AG Clean+ has a 100 percent biological
Peter. “Also not worldwide. Climate
composition of natural plant extracts
change, water scarcity, labor shortages,
combined with water, alcohol, citrate and
urbanization - concentrated agriculture is
vinegar (
the answer to all these problems. And this
is only possible in the modern greenhouse.
Functional quality of little- You can place these structures in the
studied tomato varieties craziest places.”

cientists at Universidad de Sevilla “You can use raw materials very efficiently.
Solar dehydration of tomatoes (Spain) have investigated the Not to mention the mechanization and
commercial and functional quality automation possibilities. It makes me
Turkey tops Europe with its parameters in little-studied tomato proud that we, as the horticultural sector,
greenhouses and generates varieties to find possible noticeable can offer solutions for the issues the
2 billion USD revenue from differences. For the study, five cherry world is facing. I sometimes wonder if
tomato varieties and six common (i.e., we acknowledge that enough. Of course,
greenhouse products non-cherry) tomatoes were evaluated.

there is money to be made in this sector.
urkey tops the European countries Overall the commercial quality But as a Dutch-American, I like to
in terms of greenhouses with parameter values were lower in cherry combine idealism with capitalism,” Peter
77.200 hectares and generates varieties - the scientists report - Cherry concludes(
a revenue of 2 billion USD from these cereja showed the highest values of total
greenhouses annually. The average sugars, Green Zebra showed the highest CO2 GRO begins first commercial
organization size doubled in the last levels of phenolics, Tigerella and Byelsa floriculture demonstration in Canada
decade from 0.2 hectares to 0.4 hectares showed the highest levels of lycopene,
Orange showed the highest levels of Toronto based CO2 GRO has begun its
and Turkey shares the 3rd place with
phytoene (Food Chemistry, Vol. 277: first commercial demonstration project
Spain in the world in terms of greenhouse
480-489.:2018). of its CO2 Delivery Solutions with a
area. China tops the world rankings with
Canadian floriculture operation in the
2.7 million hectares of greenhouses
followed by South Korea. 46 % of the In fruit trees, plastic has much Niagara region. The demonstration
better yield return than glass or is being conducted at the customer’s
greenhouses in Turkey are from plastic.
commercial greenhouse with the goal
24 % of the greenhouses are low tunnel horticultural nets of demonstrating more developed root

greenhouses whereas 17 % are high
here is a worldwide rising demand systems in young plants, more flowering,
tunnel greenhouses. Only 13 % of the
for tree protection”, says Juan accelerated growth time and the positive
greenhouses are made from glass (A
Antonio García of Armando effects on common pathogens on a number
Alvarez. “In fruit trees, plastic has of flower varieties(
Organic soap for a clean much better yield return than glass or
How can China provide
greenhouse roof horticultural nets, due to the versatility
in helping the crop development and vegetables for 1.4 billion

n the summer there is sometimes too the relatively small investment” Just people?

much, in the winter often just too little. like traditional horticultural plastics,
Yes, the sun cannot be controlled. To the advantages of fruit tree protection ver the past decade, China’s
catch every ray of light in the coming are better fruit quality, increasing vegetable production has
dark days, it is time for growers to remove productivity, extension of the crop cycle, increased and has always been
the world’s largest. Thanks to the six
24 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

large key vegetable production areas Empowering taxonomic • better energy conversion (LED
and technologies such as greenhouse research on important lighting, smart dehumidification)
and vegetable breeding, China now
pollinators • better insulation through the
can provide its 1.4 billion people with

fresh vegetables all year round, despite deployment of screens, coated glass,
he family Syrphidae, commonly
the country’s diverse land and weather double glass, etc.
called hover flies or flower flies,
conditions. include some 6,000 living species. The following are explained
As “one of the most abundant groups of
In Mohe, China’s northernmost city
flower-visiting insects”, with adults of 1. How can growers help reach
winter temperatures can reach below
most species feeding almost exclusively worldwide carbon neutral goals?
minus 40 degrees Celsius. In western
on pollen and nectar or honeydew, these
China’s Tuokexun, there are only nine 2. Energy-conserving techniques could
flies are among the most important
days of rainfall on average each year. The help mitigate rising fuel bills.
pollinators, both for wild plants and
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in southwest China
numerous crops (Biodiversity Heritage
has an average elevation of more than 3. Alternative heating methods.
Library (Grace Costantino)
4,000 meters. Despite its diverse land
conditions, 1.4 billion Chinese people are 4. Growers advised to harvest
UK: New greenhouse ready for excess heat from glasshouses.
still able to eat vegetables all year round.
So how does China provide vegetables to date palm tissue culture The report also recommends that

its population all year round? growers harvest excess heat from
hen thinking of a greenhouse their own glasshouses.During the
In northern China, temperatures drop in the United Kingdom, summer, there is so much solar
rapidly in autumn and soil gradually the production of date light and heat excess from that
freezes in winter and outdoor plants palms probably doesn’t come to mind. [light] that it easily compensates
cannot be grown for five to six months. However, this is what a new greenhouse for the heat demands in winter. Be
But science and technology have solved in Glastonbury, built by Bridge prepared for the future. If you build
this problem. (Read the full article at Greenhouse, will be used for. Date Palm a new greenhouse now then build it
XinHuaNet) Developments produces high quality, in such a way that you can already
virus-free date palms by tissue culture, add a second screen, for example, so
Tomato jumping genes could which they then ship to farms all over that it will not be too difficult to go
the world, mainly the Middle East. In
help speed-breed drought 2002 Bridge Greenhouses build their
towards a low-temperature heating
resistant crops system(
first greenhouse, which they have now

outgrown. 20 metres next to the old Fine-mesh multifunctional anti-
esearchers from the University
greenhouse, a brand-new complex has
of Cambridge’s Sainsbury
hail nets. -good for pest control

Laboratory (SLCU) and
Department of Plant Sciences have rofessional agriculture is
Working towards a fossil fuel- increasingly focusing on pest
discovered that drought stress can trigger
the activity of a family of jumping genes free future control , as pests have damaged

(Rider  retrotransposons) previously and continue to severely damage crops.
rowers should start preparing Protecting crops is now a must in
known to contribute to fruit shape and
their greenhouses now for a fossil agriculture and defense tools to prevent
color in tomatoes. Their research revealed
fuel-free future, researchers attacks and reduce the use of pesticides
that the Rider family is also present and
from Wageningen University & Research and treatments must be implemented. 
active in other plants such as  rapeseed,
(WUR) advise.
beetroot, and quinoa.
Speaking this June to an audience at the
Transposons, or jumping genes, are
GreenTech exhibition in Amsterdam,
mobile snippets of  DNA code  that copy
Feije de Zwart – WUR’s researcher in
themselves into new positions within
greenhouse technology – revealed that
the genome. Discovered by Nobel prize-
researchers examined several options,
winning scientist Barbara McClintock
in the 1940s, only now are scientists
realizing that transposons are not junk • lowering the glasshouses’ set points In horticulture, attention mainly focuses
at all but actually play an important (such as for temperature, light, and on controlling viruses.
role in the evolutionary process, and in humidity) The 20/10 anti-aphid net features holes
altering gene expression and the physical
• using CO2-free energy sources like measuring <0.24 mm2. This way, even
characteristics of plants.
green electricity, geothermal waste/ the smallest insects cannot get through,
For more details, read the news heat, and surplus heat extracted from which is essential especially when plants
article in the  University of Cambridge the greenhouse start producing.
websiteSeptember 18, 2019.
25 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

mph) The roofs and walls were retracted Berry cultivation under plastic
before the hurricane. Conventional photoconverters

poly houses (lower two photos) were
destroyed. he French companies Agripolyane
and Cascade during the
Hectares can be retracted in less 2017/2018 campaign, research
was carried out on strawberry, raspberry
than 6 minutes
and blueberry crops. With strawberries,

rowers have a choice to leave it was shown that the use of luminescent
the roof closed during the storm plastics led to a yield increase of 15%,
to protect the crop or retract the with precocity and equal sugar content
structure and walls to protect the house and shelf life. A raspberry yield increase
The Monotex 50 net with holes measuring in the event that the winds are forecast to of 15% was also observed in the early
1 mm2 is suitable against Tuta absoluta. exceed the design load of the structure,” stages, while an approximately 60%
It achieves control of the insects while explained Richard Vollebregt with Cravo. higher yield was recorded in the case of
guaranteeing ventilation. When it comes blueberries (
to fruit cultivation, Monotex 50 is useful “One of the biggest benefits for those
against  Drosophila suzukii, which is growers who live in areas prone to these
harmful mainly to cherries and soft fruit, storms is that they can retract hectares of
but it can also be used in citrus groves, roofs in less than 6 minutes allowing them
where it is also used as a shading net. to react only when the storm will hit their
Finally, to control  Halymorpha Halys, location.” This means that growers do not
R&D projects conducted by prestigious have to decide days ahead of a hurricane
Italian and international bodies such as arrival whether to cut the poly off their
roofs when a major storm is forecast.  Berry Cultivation in France
project Life Su.Sa. Fruit have reached
excellent results when using fine-
Retracting automatically Vaccinating for tomato viruses
mesh multifunctional anti-hail nets. In

particular, peach and apple test fields in is the future

f the winds are forecast to be greater
Piedmont showed how photoselective
than the design load, hectares of bbreviations such as CMV,
anti-hail net  Iridium® (2.4 x 4.8 mesh)
roof and walls can be automatically TYLCV, ToMV, ToMMV,
considerably reduced attacks while
retracted in minutes to protect the TSWV terrorise tomato growers
guaranteeing an excellent use of the
structure and coverings. In the event nowadays, as they represent the acronyms
light. Mulching films are also practical to
of a power failure after the storm, the of some of the viruses that damage
prevent weeds, which are often vectors of
motors can be manually powered using both greenhouse and open-field crops.
this virus (
an Allen key turned by hand or a drill that Growers spend most of their money
is powered by a battery or a generator trying to control the spreading of viruses.
Preparing a greenhouse for Hygiene measures, crop protection,
storm in 6 minutes insects - whatever is available. Italian

ne of the biggest benefits for
Coco-pallet growers believe things might change in

the near future. A scientist gave the details
growers who live in areas prone nnually, the world harvests an of a new method that enables a quick
to storms is that they can retract estimated 74 billion coconuts, identification and production of “RNA”
hectares of roofs in less than 6 minutes where around 85% of the vaccines effective against infectious
allowing them to react only when the unwanted hairy husk is either being agents. The research group showed that
storm will hit their location. The company burned, thrown in the ocean, or piled up it is possible to strengthen the plants’
showed in a video how their retractable to create a giant biohazard.Jan van Dam, a natural defenses against viruses using
greenhouse underwent a tropical storm.   researcher at the Wageningen University RNA vaccines.  (Source: Gago-Zachert
who helped develop the product for S. et al. Highly efficacious antiviral
CocoPallet, says that they can find means protection of plants by small interfering
to turn the often-thrown resource into RNAs identified in vitro. Nucleic Acids
something useful. Research (2019). doi: 10.1093 / nar /

Little leaf farms‫‏‬ - England 

his is what six acres of lettuce
Top photos: Cravo greenhouse two looks like from way up high.
months after Hurricane Irma came Thanks to @ahorowitz1 for
through with gusts reaching 180 kph (110 snapping this incredible picture
Coconut pallet
26 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

and that do not use petroleum. The first from kids to seniors with knowledge
products are ready for practical use, like about nutrition, gardening and how
bio-degradable foil made of polylactic healthy foods like fruits and vegetables
acid or grass paper. affect their health. In a country where
millions of people don’t eat enough fruits
Polylactic acid is produced with the help and vegetables, it’s an important service.
of lactic acid bacteria, for example, from NJTV News (Lauren Wanko)
corn starch and is biodegradable. It can be
used to make foils, cups and bowls. Such Protected growing of
plastics from renewable raw materials raspberries
have a significantly better climatic impact

than petroleum-based plastic, as corn, aspberry off season production
wheat or sugar cane will extract carbon is possible in pol-tunnels.
dioxide from the air for their growth. (
Lettuce farm Even though “plant plastic” is still in its
infancy and comparatively expensive,
Cauliflower and broccoli pills experts see great prospects.  Packaging

specialists are also experimenting with
ustralian farmers could soon algae, coconut fibers, tomato plants,
be producing broccoli and banana stems, sawdust and cotton waste
cauliflower pills, giving to develop novel boxes and trays for food.
consumers one serves of vegetables in Grass paper has been in use successfully
a tiny capsule. The horticulture industry for some time and consists of up to 60
hopes a demand for nutrient-rich powders percent grass instead of wood (BZfE,
and supplements will create a new market hortdaily 9/3/2019). 
for vegetables, indirectly solving the
Archive picture
problem of farm waste in the process. It’s Fusarium-resistant cucumber
an idea John Said is helping to develop. varieties introduced byRijk China is trying to boost its
He grows vegetables on 2,000 hectares Zwaan
across the country: “I mean it’s a pretty crops by using electric fields

big ask to say to someone, ‘Here, just For years, there has been an urgent need hinese scientists are exposing
take this pill and it’s a broccoli pill’, from growers for cucumber varieties crops to powerful electric fields
but in the future, who knows? I mean, if with Fusarium oxysporum resistance. in an attempt to make them grow
it’s got other vitamins and minerals and Rijk Zwaan has introduced not one but faster without using chemical pesticides
perhaps other oils as well and it serves a two such varieties onto the commercial or fertilizers (New Scientist, West Herald,
really good purpose for the body, then, by market. The newcomers Forami RZ 27 August, 2019;
all means, let’s develop that.” and 24-272 RZ are both resistant to the
It’s also a chance to make something of
fungal infection which is notably difficult Rain resistant wheat: Gene
to combat. The varieties are particularly editing
the cauliflowers and broccolis that aren’t suitable sfor growers in Spain, Greece

picked at harvest time, with about 15 and South Africa ( esearchers from the National
per cent of his crop left on the ground,
Agriculture and Food Research
often just with slight and/or cosmetic
Organization (NARO) and
defects. “We’ve always thought about
Okayama University said that  genome
food waste, we’ve always thought about
editing  helped them develop the new
yield, but we’ve never been able to truly
wheat variety in just about a year. Such
get a market or a particular process that
development used to take about 10 years
addresses that issue,” Said said. “So I
using conventional breeding techniques.
think we’re the closest we’ve ever been to
being able to address an issue like that.”
( Resistant and susceptible cucumber

Plant plastic possible New Jersey (US)-mobile

lastic is a problem for the greenhouse gives residents
environment and the planet’s education in healthy eating

health. As a result, universities and
WJBarnabas Health’s Wellness
businesses are increasingly developing
on Wheels van is traveling around Photo Source: Okayama University
food packaging materials that break
New Jersey, equipping everyone and the National Agriculture and Food
down faster, with no harmful residues,
Research Organization

27 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

US (NH): Extending strawberry retention properties, and the manure 12 lb/yard3  of TC (high rate) or the 4
season with low tunnels boosts microbial activity while the lb/yard3  of TC combined with 9.44 lb/
river sand acts as a mulch and holds yard3  of VC (medium rate) fertilizers

esearchers with the  New the water within the soil, reducing were suitable replacements for CF for the
Hampshire Agricultural evaporation and unwanted humidity cultivation of cucumber transplants.
Experiment Station  at the (
University of New Hampshire have Yuqi Li  and Neil S. Mattson 2019  Effect
succeeded in quadrupling the length of Organic greenhouse cucumber of Organic Fertilizer Source and Rate on

the Granite State’s strawberry growing Growth and Nutrient Leachate Profile of
season as part of a multi-year, multi-state ertility management of seedlings Greenhouse-grown Cucumber. American
research project that aims to benefit both and transplants is considered a key Society for Horticulture Science
growers and consumers. Learn more challenge in organic greenhouse in  HortTechnology:Volume 29: Issue
about this research project in the video production. This study was conducted 4:  450–456.
produced in collaboration with  USDA to determine response of greenhouse-
Northeast Climate Hub. grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and Protected apple cultivation
nutrient release profile to two organic under convertible cover

Growing more with less fertilizers and their combinations applied
at three different concentrations in etractible / convertible foil cover

Nuffield research report organic substrate. The organic fertilizers is the most important aspect of
reveals numerous currently used were a turkey litter–based compost the innovative protected apple
available methods for Australian (TC) and a dairy manure vermicompost cultivationsystem that Wageningen
horticulture producers to boost the (VC). In addition, two control treatments University & Research has been working
efficiency and productivity of low-tech [no fertilization (CK), conventional on since 2018. The cultivation system
greenhouse systems and unlock new liquid fertilizer (CF)] were included. For combines biological crop protection,
market opportunities. Travelling across TC, substrate leachate pH decreased for physical crop protection and targeted
Brazil, Singapore, Japan, Israel, Europe, the first 17 days after addition and then capturing of pests such as the apple
Canada, the United Kingdom, the United increased, whereas electrical conductivity sawfly. Within the ‘Green crop protection
States and the Netherlands, Mr Nguyen’s (EC), and calcium (Ca) and nitrate- and pollinators’ project, new cultivation
research defines factors that impact low- nitrogen (NO3−-N) concentrations systems are being researched that would
technology greenhouse management increased and then declined. For VC, ensure crops of strawberries, lilies, apples
and makes recommendations to growers EC decreased continuously over time or arable crops are not as dependant on
operating in these systems. from days 0 to 52, whereas pH increased. crop protection agents while making sure
The Ca and NO3−-N concentrations that growers can maintain their market
1. Temperature control and ventilation decreased over time to 24 days and positions.(Wageningen University &
is key to productivity, and in low then did not change further. For TC/ Research)
tech greenhouses, temperature VC combinations, EC was stable for the
control with roof vents is effective, if first 17 days and then declined. For all
somewhat limited. organic fertilizer applications, potassium
concentration was stable for the first 17
2. In places with hot, dry climates like
days and then decreased, whereas most
the Arava Valley in Israel, saw-tooth
of the sodium, ammonium-nitrogen, and
multi-span or flat arch structures
chloride were no longer leached by 24
are used. A strip is cut out of the
days. The VC and TC/VC combinations
structure and replaced with insect
did not affect cucumber seed germination
netting that is permanently open.
rate, seedling survival rate, seedling
With an average rainfall of only
height, and leaf greenness (SPAD) as
20mm, humidity is not an issue.
compared with CF. The stem length, The convertible cover closes within 2.5
3. Other low-tech climate control leaf number, dry weight (DW), root minutes when it starts to rain.
practices observed in Brazil included index, and SPAD readings of cucumber
evaporative cooling with misters and transplants increased with increasing TC The difference between
suction fans, and the laying of black and VC fertilizer applications. The TC/ semi-closed and pad and fan
plastic along crop rows to pool water VC combinations increased the biomass
of cucumber transplants compared with

which would then evaporate.
CK, and did not differ from CF. The ad and fan glasshouses have been
4. By covering the ground with a results of this study indicated that the in use for a long time. Most fruiting
clay loam, overlain with a layer of 28.32 lb/yard3  of VC (high rate) or the plants are prone to reduced quality
manure and capping it with river 9.44 lb/yard3  of VC combined with 4 and yield at maximum temperatures
sand, growers have created an ideal lb/yard3  of TC (medium rate) can be of more than 30 degrees Celsius. The
environment for preserving precious substituted for CF for the cultivation of cause is a reduced viability of pollen and
water.The clay loam has high water cucumber seedlings. Based on DW, the as a result, the fruit will be soft, dull,
28 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

misshapen and smaller in size.As fruit reaching a continuous area of about

University has revealed. In an analysis of
and vegetable production in greenhouses 30,000 ha, the  widest greenhouse area
all suitable sites for onshore wind farms,
gained popularity, growers in hot climates in the world. Almería greenhouse covers
the new study reveals that Europe has
resorted to pad and fan greenhouses. have two complementary positive
the potential to supply enough energy
The evaporation of water can reduce the effects on climate change: one local,
for the whole world until 2050.The study
air temperature significantly. Everyone neutralizing global warming in the area,
reveals that if all of Europe’s capacity
experiences the evaporative cooling and another on a planetary scale, partially
for onshore wind farms was realised,
power of water, after a swim, when you offsetting of the total carbon footprint.
the installed nameplate capacity would
leave the water and a mild breeze starts (  Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en
be 52.5 TW - equivalent to 1 MW for
evaporating the water droplets on your Voedselkwaliteit)
every 16 European citizens (University
body. It feels warmer to be under the
of Sussex (Neil Vowles)
water where no evaporation takes place. Paper mulch

Russia: Major eggplant few days ago, the experimental
UAE: Growing sustainably greenhouse to be opened in farm that the INTIA (Navarre
in the heat of the Abu Dhabi leningrad region- Russia Institute of Agrifood

Technologies and Infrastructures) has in
desert he biggest eggplant greenhouse the Navarre town of Sartaguda hosted

in the Northwest Federal District an open day, which served to showcase
he Pure Harvest Smart Farms
of Russia is scheduled to be the tests that the entity is carrying out
greenhouse in Abu Dhabi is
opened in September 2020. Production to replace plastic mulch in horticultural
producing greenhouse vegetables
capacity is going to reach 10 thousand greenhouses for more sustainable
in temperatures that reach 53 degrees
tons from 14 ha. The overall amount of ones(
Celsius. The greenhouse features a state
investments will comprise 81.7 million
of the art climate control system that
adjust the lighting and air intake through
Euro ( Pollinator collapse

sensors, so the greenhouse stays around
Sygenta purple tomato here’s a saying among lawyers
a Mediterranean climate. The greenhouse

that goes, “If the facts aren’t on
can grow year-round, and because of the he new purple-skinned YOOM your side, argue the law. If the
high amount of solar hours, the produce cocktail tomato was developed law isn’t on your side, argue the facts. If
is of very high quality (www.pureharvest. through a natural selection neither the facts nor the law are on your
ae) breeding program by Syngenta Vegetable side, pound the table.”
Seeds’ tomato specialists. YOOM
AI- for tomato production tomatoes have a distinctive purple- Substitute the word “science” for “law”

skinned color. It is packed with flavor and the same would apply to many
his artificial intelligence is part of environmental advocacy groups and
and has a nice sweet-sour balance, which
a Bosch technology solution called even some politicians campaigning to
gives a lasting Umami/savory taste
Plantect. Developed specifically ban various pesticides on the grounds
sensation for consumers.( www.syngenta.
for agriculture, Plantect is a data-based that they’re contributing to a dangerous
early-warning system that alerts farmers collapse in our pollinator population.
to the potential risk of crop infection. The ​​​​​​​ (Jon Entine  | July 30, 2019https://
system’s hardware consists of wireless
sensors that measure temperature, the-world-faces-pollinator-collapse-
humidity, and other conditions in the how-and-why-the-media-get-the-
greenhouse.These parameters affect crop science-wrong-time-and-again/?mc_
development and provide the intelligence cid=6e277be9b1&mc_eid=9b4cfb9f18)
YOOM cocktail tomato
needed to detect the risk of infection,
not only in tomatoes, but also in other
Spain: Cooling greenhouse
greenhouse crops. The sensors’ readings
are uploaded to the Bosch IoT cloud in a surface trend in Almeria

data package ( his is an update of the research
on albedo or reflectance,
Europe has the untapped which, 12 years ago, meant the
onshore capacity to meet global characterization of a buffer effect of
energy demand global warming by urban settlements,

specifically in the horticultural area of
urope has the capacity to produce Almería.Greenhouse horticulture  has
more than 100 times the amount experienced in recent decades a dramatic
of energy it currently produces spatial expansion in the semiarid province
through onshore windfarms, new analysis of  Almería, in southeastern  Spain, Pollnators
from the University of Sussex and Aarhus

29 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

Turkey: Entrepreneur started bell peppers, tomatoes, and even eggs The 79 ASCA photovoltaic modules
dragonfruit production in his without breaking or damaging them, installed as part of this demonstration
mimicking the strength and tenderness cover a total surface area of 43m².
greenhouse and earn significant
of a human hand (advancedsciencenews. The green electricity produced will be
profits com) monitored over a period of one year and fed

back into the grid, covering a proportion
rower Bilal Bayram in Kumluca
district of Antalya switched
Growing fruits and vegetables of the greenhouses’ energy costs: lighting,
to dragonfruit production 2 at an average summer dehumidification, automatic irrigation
temperature of 45°C- Saudi system, etc.The objective of the pilot
years ago in his greenhouses and he
project is therefore to demonstrate the
is delighted with the results so far. The Arabia merits of OPV technology and especially

harvest period starts after July and
audi Arabia is hot and dry. Difficult of the ASCA photovoltaic film for this
continues until the end of December.
conditions for growing fruits or type of application. If the test proves
Since there is no need to use chemicals or
vegetables, but not impossible. to be a success it will be deployed on a
fertilizers for production, the production
Farmers and growers in the country larger scale (
costs are relatively low compared to
other products. Bilal Bayram: I have a would, therefore, be greatly helped with
1.5-hectare greenhouse for dragonfruit knowledge about watering, fertilization A new way to fight crop diseases,
production which I had started in 2017. and crop protection. That is why the with a smartphone

Last year I have received 4.000 products Greenhouse Horticulture Business Unit
at Wageningen University & Research is hand-held device could help
and sold it for 2.5 USD per piece. This
contributing to the setup of demonstration farmers identify blighted plants,
year I’m expecting around 12.500
plots spread around the kingdom. and perhaps reduce agricultural
products and I expect the prices to remain
losses. It’s like a strep test for tomatoes
around the same level. Dragonfruit is
and tubers. With a smartphone-based
much more profitable compared to other
sensor, a tomato leaf is tested for late
fruits. Production costs are much lower
blight (By  Knvul Sheikh, The New York
and the prices at the market are high and
Times, July, 30, 2019)

Nanotechnologies and semi- There will be around 100 demonstration

closed greenhouses for plots. The farmers and growers are being
approached by King Faisal University
protected cultivation
with support from WUR Greenhouse

anotechnologies too can be Horticulture and the cooperation of
applied to regulate the protected the Ministry of Environment, Water &
environment in a greenhouse, Agriculture of Saudi Arabia, which is Smartphone
especially in places with difficult weather also financing the project.(  Wageningen
conditions. Idromeccanica Lucchini, a University & Research)  Hybrid lighting system in
specialist in the design and manufacture greenhouse tomatoes-UK
France: Greenhouses fitted with

of greenhouses, can do just that. 
photovoltaic films vesham Vale Growers and R & L

Holt, premium tomato growers in
hree French horticultural partners the UK, have once again chosen
have installed ASCA photovoltaic Philips LED and HPS lighting for a new
films at a commercial greenhouse greenhouse, based on the 25% increase in
nearby France. Partners in the project are crop production that was achieved with its
Semi-closed Greenhouse horticultural Eiffage Energie Systèmes, Philips hybrid lighting set-up which was
the French growers with Les Maraichers installed by Philips Horti LED partner
Nanotechnologies can work as a shield Nantais and Groupe Olivier.  Covering Certhon in 2015(
against infrared rays while maintaining 43m² and incorporated in three different
transmittance unaltered. This means that ways, the project aims to demonstrate the
the quantity of light that reaches plants merits of the ASCA organic photovoltaic
is not modified, but the temperature is film and its ability to meet the specific
lowered. In addition, films last longer needs of producers.
as rays are reflected. In some cases,
they can last double the time of normal
films. (

By virtue of the architectured cellular

technology, the robotic gripper was Hybrid lighting system
capable of handling soft objects such as
30 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

Generate energy above the crop in crops such as sweet pepper. can fetch a price of ₹10 to ₹20 [0.13-
in greenhouse 0.26 EUR] in the market.
A characteristic of resistant plants is

solar concentrator should can their ability to defend themselves against The CoE began experimenting in 2017.
offer a solution. The grower viruses by recognising them. The genetic The horticulture department narrowed
can hang the concentrators just material of viruses can change easily, down on genus Dendrobium, one
under the roof. The incoming light is however, which may mean that the of the widely cultivated orchids for
‘split’: active light can be converted plant can no longer recognise the virus, commercial use in India and abroad. (The
into electrical and thermal energy via and the resistance stops working. While Hindu (Sangeetha Devi Dundoo- floral
a small solar panel, while diffuse light the traditional approach to tackling this Daily 7/12/2019) 
would feed the crop. The grower can use problem involves introducing a new
the energy that is generated or deliver resistance by breeding with for instance Light4food

it back to the grid. (Lucas de Groot wild relatives of a crop plant, such
breeding programmes take many years. n order to be able to follow the crop
[email protected], HortiDaily reactions under extreme conditions,
-19-7-2019 very high light levels between 1000
In cooperation with four leading vegetable
breeding companies, Rijk Zwaan, Enza, and 1500 µmol PAR have been chosen. A
‘Non-susceptible’ sweet pepper part of the cells is fitted with dynamically
Limagrain Vegetable Seeds and Takii,
plants discovered KeyGene scientists chose a strategy adjustable LED lighting to investigate

that is very similar to resistance yet still both the effects of the light level and the
orking in a partnership
completely different: breeding crops that light spectrum in Vertical Farming in
with vegetable breeding
have lost their susceptibility and, in doing greenhouse horticulture.
companies, scientists from
so, become insensitive to the virus.
Dutch research company KeyGene have
discovered sweet pepper plants which These non-susceptible plants do not need  
show a new type of insensitivity to a to defend themselves at all: the viruses
group of harmful pathogens: Gemini cannot get to them as the plant no longer
viruses. The new find is also described as produces a particular protein required for
a ‘loss of susceptibility’. infection by the virus. It is expected that
Facility to come up
this ‘loss of susceptibility’ approach will
This type of insensitivity to virus
last longer than ‘resistance’ as it is much Through an extensive measuring and
infections is expected to last longer than
harder for viruses to adapt to something control system, photosynthesis, water
the commonly used ‘resistance’ approach.
that is not there than to something that is and nutrient uptake of the entire crop
The scientists presented their findings at
( can be made measurable, whereby
an international scientific conference in
Glasgow on 14 July. KeyGene aims to different nutrient solutions can be
use this breakthrough to contribute to the
Indigenous techniques to grow offered independently of each other. The
sustainable cultivation of crops such as orchids in Telangana complete energy balance of the cells can

sweet and hot pepper, cotton and cassava, also be followed by intensive energy
nside one of the poly houses at and climate monitoring (Wageningen
which currently require regular spraying
the Centre of Excellence (CoE), University and Research).
against whitefly, the main disseminator of
Jeedimetla, an experiment has been
on for the last two years. The poly house All climate research greenhouse

In addition to causing a loss of yield in has rows of raised platforms on which
various crops worldwide, geminiviruses are 10,000 plants each of Sonia White greenhouse within a greenhouse
are a key factor in the so-called ‘zero and Sonia Red varieties of Dendrobium to research all climates in a
tolerance’ chemical approach to the orchids. Beneath these platforms research the
whitefly. This insect can disseminate are micro sprinklers, which when in behaviour of a greenhouse in a certain
the virus so efficiently that only a small operation, create a mist-like atmosphere climate, you need to simulate the climate
number can engender massive virus within the poly house. These, coupled outside the greenhouse. And what better
damage.  with rooftop sprinklers, help reduce the way to do that than... a greenhouse? A
temperature and increase the humidity greenhouse in a greenhouse - that’s the
To breed crops that are sensitive to levels that are required to grow orchids. All Climate Greenhouse in a nutshell.
geminiviruses (such as sweet and hot Actually, it concerns two greenhouses:
pepper, cotton and cassava) in a more Telangana’s arid weather conditions are a large greenhouse as an outer shell and
sustainable way and achieve good yield not conducive to grow orchids. However, within a somewhat smaller greenhouse
stability, crops with a resistance to the there’s a growing demand for orchids with two sections. Every outside climate
virus offer a smart and effective solution. in the commercial market in Hyderabad in the world can be simulated in the
However, very few varieties with and other urban pockets of the State. In outer greenhouse, after which the inner
resistance against geminiviruses have recent years, a few farmers in Sangareddy greenhouse can be used to see how
been available to date and no resistance and Medak districts have begun growing the cultivation of various crops can be
against the virus is available for breeding orchids, knowing that each flower stalk

31 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

optimized in that climate.Parties, that and drought.Unlike greenhouses, high • Early fruit colouration (7-10 days)
helped make the special greenhouse tunnels are simple structures over bare • Improved root development.
possible, are Demokwekerij Westland, ground and its natural soil. They function • Wonderful tasting fruit.
Bom Groep, Ridder, Priva, Hoogendoorn without elaborate heating or cooling • Better shelf life due to firmer fruit.
Growth Management, Hortilux Schréder, systems and are generally basic frames Cucumber:
AAB NL and Stolze. (©  HortiDaily. set into the ground and covered with • Increase yield across the full season
com7/11/2019 ) one or two layers of greenhouse-grade up to 23%.
plastic.High tunnels are an increasingly • Increase average fruit weight.
Electric tractor to transport popular part of the infrastructure among • Increase fruit numbers per plant.
and tow fruit bins small and diversified farms that market • Improve fruit uniformity.

their products directly to consumers. In • Regulate fruit shape index. 
elpy, an electric tractor for the addition to extending the growing season, Peppers:
transport and towing of fruit bins research has strongly indicated that high • Higher number of fresh fruit (15%).
by  Ecogreen Italia  is suitable to tunnels can increase yield, enhance • Higher average fruit weight (40-50g/
harvest apples, pears, peaches, oranges, shelf life, and improve the quality of fruit).
kiwifruits, etc. crops grown.(The complete article is • Higher fresh yield (19%, 1.9kg/m2).
available on the ASHS HortTechnology • More uniformal fruit shape index.
electronic journal web site:  https:// • Thicker fruit wall.
j o u r n a l s . a s h s . o rg / h o r t t e c h / v i e w / • Optimum shelf-life.
xml. DOI:
Generate energy above the crop

HORTTECH04258-18  . Or you may sing sunlight to generate energy
“It can tow between 10 and 12 bins contact Analena Bruce of Indiana without filling the greenhouse
and makes fruit harvesting extremely University at  [email protected]  or with solar panels. With this
efficient. We are selling a lot of them, call her at (412) 716-5040 idea, Lucas de Groot recently won
precisely because it is an electric and
first prize in the Cleantech Challenge.
eco-friendly machine,” explains owner New technology manipulates In the energy agreement, the Dutch
Leonardo Zanarini (in the photo below).  light naturally for different government also requires glasshouse
Helpy tractors have the following crops horticulture to reduce energy demand.

characteristics depending on the model: This can be achieved by using less
particular plastic for a particular energy or by generating energy. The
• 2 motors 750 W / 1000 W each crop. That’s the idea behind the known solutions for generating energy,
5 layers’ technology of Egyptian such as wind turbines and solar panels,
• 4 batteries 240 A / 260 A each film manufacturer Al Quds. For several are not ideal for this sector. Windmills
• charger included years, they’ve been cooperating with provide drop shadow and you cannot lay
the Lancaster University to manipulate solar panels on top of the greenhouse.
• max speed 3.00 km/h
the light naturally through the plastic for The grower hangs the concentrators
• wheel track 100 / 105 cm different crops. “Each and every crop is just under the roof. The incoming light
• electrical steering different and that is vital to bear in mind is ‘split’: active light is converted into
when choosing your crop cover. Together electrical and thermal energy via a small
• unladen weight 300 kg
with the growers, we’ll try to create a crop solar panel, while diffuse light feeds the
• size 140x120x55 / 150x130x63 cover that is unique to their crop”, says crop. The grower can use the energy that
[email protected] Ibrahim Shabaan, Executive Manager is generated or deliver it back to the grid
at the company.  According to Ibrahim, ([email protected])
High tunnels for specialty it’s time to write a new chapter in the
way a grower is growing their vegetable
crops- US (Indiana)
crops. “We have tested hundreds of

study out of Indiana and Purdue crop cover designs until we had just
Universities sought to gain a the right combination of properties to
better understanding, from the deliver the perfect light environment
perspective of farmers, of the challenges for this remarkable fruit.”  Egyptian film
and advantageous opportunities manufacturer Al Quds introduces 5 layers’
associated with using high tunnels for technology. Effects on three vegetables
specialty crops in Indiana.High tunnels are are as under ( USA (NH): strawberry with
essentially unheated greenhouses that can low tunnels

help farmers extend the growing season
so that they can improve profitability and • Increase yields up to 15%. esearchers with the  New
productivity of their farms. They provide • Early fruit maturity. Hampshire Agricultural
protection from extreme weather such • Reduced internode length. Experiment Station  at the
as high winds, heavy rain, hail, snow University of New Hampshire have
32 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
NEWS - Protected Cultivation (Compiled by Brahma Singh)

succeeded in quadrupling the length of eliminated or prevented. The steam and enjoy fresh blooms. SmartWick does
the Granite State’s strawberry growing deactivates nematodes, fungi and weed all the work to provide easy, effective
season as part of a multi-year, multi-state seeds with an entirely organic principle. watering, helping maintain the longevity
research project that aims to benefit both and optimum health of each orchid plant.
growers and consumers. Learn more (
about this research project in the video
produced in collaboration with  USDA Hurricane resistant greenhouse
Northeast Climate Hub(:  University of system rated up to 175 mph
New Hampshire (Lori Wright) wind loads

Transparent solar panels on the lquimi and its technology group
greenhouse roof Island AgTech, together with

Biovap its strategic engineering partner
ight is important for greenhouse Sprung Structures Ltd, based in Calgary,
horticulture. The more light, There are two models available: the larger Alberta, have finalized development of
the higher the production. For has a 1000 kg/hour vapor generator, the first fully certified hurricane resistant
that reason alone, it is not profitable for while the smaller has a 650 kg/hour greenhouse system that can withstand
entrepreneurs to place regular solar panels generator. The steam is injected into the wind loads up to 175 mph to meet IBC –
on the roof of their greenhouse in order soil at a depth of 20-25 cm. A film is 2015 building codes.
to generate electricity. But what if those immediately placed to cover the sterilized
solar panels are partially transparent? surface so as to make the treatment more
Would the loss of light outweigh the effective. (
production of electricity? To answer that
question, the Greenhouse Horticulture Self-watering system- Orchids
Business Unit of Wageningen University

& Research is examining existing semi- esterlay Orchids introduces 10.5K IAT-Sprung greenhouse project in
transparent solar panels.(Wageningen SmartWick: an innovative self- the Caribbean region
University) watering system featured for
their Bloom Haus collection of premium
Root zone temperature orchids for Kroger stores. Rooted in
optimisation (RZTO) and the rich horticultural history of Santa
Irrigation by condensation Barbara, Westerlay Orchids is a second
generation family-owned business. With
(IBC) technologies a simple mission of growing orchids that

he delegation organised by “inspire your home” Westerlay’s debut of
the Australia-Israel Chamber the innovative SmartWick system carries
of Commerce learned about that mission one step further. Greenhouse damage across Puerto Rico
Roots’ agri-tech solutions – including after hurricane Maria, 2017
its patented Root Zone Temperature Alquimi has projects underway across the
Optimisation (RZTO) and Irrigation by Caribbean and soon hopes to expand into
Condensation (IBC) technologies - and the Pacific region. The company intends
how they might be applied in Australia to to “disrupt the current food supply chain
help ameliorate the impact of drought on and grow local” through its climate
agriculture ( smart greenhouse technologies.(www.
Disinfecting the soil using
steam- Biovap The SmartWick easy watering system Greenhouse cultivation will

is designed to keep each plant perfectly never replace open fields
machine that uses steam to hydrated from farm to store and on to

disinfect the soil with excellent customer homes. After purchase, owners n addition, outdoor herb grows more
results is finally available. It is simply fill the water reservoir every week robust and the aroma is incomparable
semi-moving, suitable for both protected with 3oz. – 5oz. of water, making sure to greenhouse products.(www.
crops and open-fields and works in that the SmartWick (but not the plant )
all cases where soil fatigue must be itself) is partly submerged, then sit back

33 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Year-Round Intensive Organic Vegetable Production under Protected Cultivation

Year-Round Intensive Organic Vegetable Production under

Protected Cultivation
Ashish Yadav*, R.K. Avasthe, Adarsh Kumar and Rajeni Pradhan
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim
*Email: [email protected]

as practiced by smallholder farmers in held tightly in the soil and heavy rainfall
developing countries are particularly may leach them below the roots of
vulnerable to climate change. Adapting plants grown on bare ground. Protected
vegetable productionto climate change cultivation prevents rainfall from
is essential for promoting food security percolating through the soil and leaching
and poverty alleviation, as well as for the nutrients beyond reach of plant roots
sustainable management and conservation especially in light sandy soils. Preventing
of natural resources. Many countries leaching improves the efficiency of
Ashish Yadav already are experiencing climate change production and quality of produce.
impacts such as irregular, unpredictable
Weed controls
Introduction rainfall patterns, increased incidence

of storms and prolonged droughts.
Black plastic mulch prevents the growth
ndia is the second largest producer of Changing weather patterns also allow
of most weeds thus reducing the labour
vegetables in the world next to China. for the emergence of pests and diseases
requirement. Clear plastic, however, does
Horticulture production is gaining that affect crops and animals. Adoption
not prevent weed growth because light
importance in the country and there has of protected cultivation techniques with
can penetrate it.
been a record production of horticulture organic management not only increases
crops with production reaching 311.7 productivity and income but also reduces Increased plant growth
Million Tonnes during year 2017-18 risks from extreme weather events and
which is 3.7% higher than the previous climate changes, and also contributes Plants grow more under protected
year and10% higher than the past 5 years’ to reduced emission efforts. Protected conditions because of greenhouse effects
average production.The contribution of cultivation or plasticulture in the forms and increase in air & soil temperatures.
vegetables remains highest (59–61%) in of greenhouses, net houses, low tunnels, When plants are grown under protected
horticulture crop productions over the mulches etc. offers several advantages conditions, the CO2 released from
last five years. During 2017-18, the area to grow crops of high quality and yields, plants during night accumulates in the
under vegetables is estimated at 10.3 thus using the land and other resources greenhouse and eventually increases the
million ha with a production of ~180.0 more efficiently. According to World photosynthetic efficiency during day
million tones in India. According to Greenhouse Vegetable Statistics 2019, time.
FIBL & IFOAM Year Book 2018, India an estimated world greenhouse vegetable
rank 9th in terms of World’s Organic area is 4,96,800 ha (www.cuestaroble. Less water requirement
Agricultural land and 1st in terms com).
Mulching helps in reducing evaporation
of tota l number of producers. India
from the soils and maintained soil
produced around 1.70 million MT (2017- Advantages of protected
moisture more uniformly than the open
18) of certified organic products. The cultivation field conditions. Since plant growth
total organic produce exported during
Earlier production rate on mulch may be twice that on
2017-18 was 4.58 lakh MT of worth
unmulched soil, plants may require
Rs. 3453.48 crore(515.44 million USD)
Protected cultivation raises the more water even though evaporation is
( The total area in
temperature, which helps plants grow reduced. Mulching cannot substitute for a
India under organic certification is ~5.71
more quickly and mature earlier. sound irrigation program. However, less
million hectare and total certified organic
Vegetables grown under low cost plastic water evaporates from soil under plastic
cultivable land in Sikkim is ~78,000
tunnels, plastic rain shelters or on black mulch and therefore less water required
hectare with an average size holding of
plastic mulch can be harvested 7 to 21 for per unit of production.
1.17 hectare.( The
market for organic vegetables is on days earlier. Harvesting one to two weeks
earlier often significantly increases Improved quality
the increase and there are a variety of
markets possibilities for producers who market advantage and the prices growers Vegetables grown under protected
want to grow certified organic vegetable receive. conditions are cleaner, disease free and
crops. Vegetables are an important source less subject to rots especially during rainy
Reduced loss of nutrients
of food and nutrition and provide regular season.
cash income. Vegetables, especially Many bio-fertilizers nutrients are not

34 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Year-Round Intensive Organic Vegetable Production under Protected Cultivation

Reduced soil compaction General cultivation practices to small pieces can be applied in soil to
Soil under plastic low tunnels and mulch
for organic vegetables further improve the nutrient status in soil.
remains loose, friable, and well aerated. Site
Roots have access to adequate oxygen,
and microbial activity is enhanced. Site should be free from gravels,
well drained and near to market. Site
Disadvantages of protected preparation is an important component of
cultivation a successful protected cultivation system.
The field should be ploughed early and
Greater initial costs allowed sufficient time todecompose the Plastic Tunnel
applied FYM or organic manure before
Establishment of protected structures planting crops. Green manure crops are capable of
requires an intitial investment making accumulating 4-5 t/ha of dry biomass and
production costs significantly higher Orientation 100 kg N2/ha in 50-60 days.
than for traditional practices. Yearly
maintenance costs further increase A north-to-south orientation is Pollination
production expenses. These costs, recommended for more uniform plant
however, should be offset by increased stands and ripening. However, facilitating Pollination should be a major problem
returns from earlier harvests, better soil drainage is the most important factor under low cost plastic tunnels and low-
quality and higher yields. to be considered for planting. cost plastic greenhouses so it is advised
to grow self pollinated vegetables or
Increased management Soil leafy vegetables.

Although plasticulture technology offers Healthy soil is the basis of organic farming. Nursery management and sowing
several important advantages over Regular additions of organic matter in methods
conventional production practices, it the form of cover crops, compost, or
requires skilled and trained persons to manure create a biologically active soil, Nursery should be raised under protected
harness the full potential of protected with good structure and capacity to hold condition in low cost polyhouse or
cultivation. Timely management of all nutrients and water. The practice of crop under low cost plastic tunnels. Seeds of
the operations is necessary to get higher rotation to promote a healthy soil should cole crops, pakchoi, rayo sag etc., can
and quality produce. be initiated in the one or two years prior be sown in nursery about 30-40 days
to planting establishment. This is best for before transplanting. The selected area
Preliminary considerations both reducing soil pests and maintaining should be free from soil-borne diseases,
prior to going into protected soil organic matter. well leveled, fertile and provided with
better irrigation and drainage facilities.
cultivation Land preparation The raised bed of 15 cm height and 5
Before deciding to go for the protected m x 1 m size should be prepared. The
Land preparation or bed shaping, is seeds should be sown in rows made 10-
cultivation or plasticulture system for an important practice in the protected
high value crops, one should carefully 15 cm apart and 1.5 cm deep. Watering
cultivation system. The soil must be should be done regularly to maintain the
consider the following factors: loose and friable and free of stones, required moisture for proper germination.
clods, sticks, and undecomposed plant The bed should be covered with thin
• Vegetables intended to grow suits to residue. About 4-5 inch raised bed should layer of dry grass to check evaporation
production under protected cultiva- be prepared. The land should be prepared and to maintain temperature. As soon
tion. to a fine tilth for low cost plastic tunnels, as the seeds germinate the upper grass
low cost plastic shelters, low cost plastic layer should be removed carefully and
• Vegetables should be intensively
greenhouses and open conditions. Well later on cultural operations should be
managed under various cropping
decomposed FYM to be applied @ 1.5- followed as per requirement. Normally
2.0 kg/m2 or vermicompost @ 0.5-1.0 four to six weeks after seed sowing the
• Sufficient financial resources avail- kg/m2 along with neem cake @ 200 g/ seedlings are ready for transplanting.
able or obtainable. m² at the time of final land preparation. If Irrigation should be stopped one week
soil is acidic in nature, it is advisable to before transplanting. Cole crop, okra,
• Good market availability. apply dolomite/lime @ 200 g/m2. Lime dalley chilli and tomato seedlings should
should be applied at least 20-30 days be treated with Azospirillum + Phosphate
• One should establish first a success- before planting. Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) (20 %) for
ful track record growing high value
The soil should be prepared well and 15 minutes at the time of transplanting
crops under open conditions then
brought to a fine tilth before transplanting. to get better yield and quality produce.
plasticulture system may be profit-
Green manure crops like dhaincha, Transplanting of cole crops seedling is
sunhemp and cowpea should be cut after done in rows at a distance of 30 cm x 30
45 days of planting and after chopping in cm. Direct seeding should be done for

35 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Year-Round Intensive Organic Vegetable Production under Protected Cultivation

leafy, root and other vegetables after seed diameter. A transparent UV stabilized Vegetable cropping sequences for low
treatment with Trichoderma viride @ 1g/ plastic sheet of 35 or 45 GSM is placed cost plastic tunnels
kg seed to reduce damping off (seedling on the bamboo structure to allow sunlight
rot) disease. during the day passes through the plastic # Cropping Sequences
sheet, and is absorbed by the soil. 1. Broccoli - Spinach - Coriander -
Interculture and irrigation
Broccoli - Coriander
Most of the vegetables like cole crops 2. Broccoli - Coriander - Cabbage -
and leafy vegetables are shallow rooted Radish - Coriander
crop and roots are restricted within 15- 3. Coriander - Radish - Fenugreek –
20 cm of soil so light earthing up should Spinach - Coriander
be done after 30 days and 45 days of
4. Cabbage - Local Rayo Sag -
planting and deep cultivation should
Broccoli – Coriander
be avoided.Regular shallow cultivation
should be given to the soil to remove 5. Cabbage - Spinach - Broccoli -
young weeds and to provide soil mulch. Walk-in-Tunnel Coriander
Once the foliage has covered the soil, 6. Coriander – Radish –Fenugreek –
it is better to stop hoeing since it may This raises the temperature to desired Cauliflower - Pakchoi
damage the roots. Normally three to levels. The plastic sheet serves two
four hoeing and weddings are required purposes: first it traps heat and reduces b. Low cost plastic rain shelters
to keep the crop weed free.Vegetables water loss and second it protects plants
from adverse climatic conditions. Plastic rain shelters are very simple
require sufficient moisture in the soil for
Transparent plastic films are stretched structures, covering the plants along the
uniform and continuous growth. Hence,
over low (about 0.5 m or so) as a row. These are about 7 ft. high at one end
frequent irrigation at 10-15 days interval
flexible wall on both sides of tunnels. and 6 ft. high at other end to give slanting
is given depending on weather conditions
The plastic films are properly tied up on roof. Crossed bamboo sticks are placed at
for the crops under protected cultivation.
bamboo structures with wire. Good cross the roof for supporting the plastic sheets.
The dry conditions adversely affect the
ventilation and potential stresses caused The width of these shelters can be 6-8 ft.
quality and yield of shoots by being more
by heavy wind, hail or heavy rains must The plastic rain shelters are erected with
be considered while constructing the bamboo or wooden poles of about 1-2
inch diameter.
Organic vegetable production structure.
under low cost protected Advantages of low-cost plastic tunnels
• Vegetables can be produced year-
The Indian scenario has changed
round regardless of the season to get
tremendously during the last decade
better return.
because of change in the life style and food
habits. The people are becoming more • Provides crop diversification oppor-
aware to eat healthy foods. High value tunities and supports production of Bambo Polyhouse
crops like vegetables are an important high quality and clean products.
component of health food and provide A transparent UV stabilized plastic sheet
nutritional and health security. Though, • Makes cultivation of vegetables pos- of 45 GSM is placed on the bamboo
the greenhouse technology has registered sible in areas where it can’t grow in structure to cover the roof. The plastic
substantial growth in the recent years on open conditions viz. high altitudes. films are properly tied up on bamboo
productivity and quality improvement structures with wire. The plastic sheet
around the globe but still the low cost • Used for raising healthy and early simply protects the plants from adverse
protected structures are preferred over nursery. climatic conditions for eg. high rainfall,
high cost structures considering the cost hail storms and frost during winter.
• Maintains optimum temperature for
involved and poor financial status of
plant growth. Advantages of low-cost rain shelters
Indian farming community. The most
common low cost protected structures • Enhances nutrients uptake by the
are: • Vegetables can be produced in rainy
season to get better return per unit
a. Low cost plastic tunnels • Increases photosynthetic activities of area.
the plants.
Low cost plastic tunnels or open tunnels • Provides crop diversification oppor-
are greenhouse-like structures, covering • Used for cultivation during winter. tunities and supports production of
the plants along the row. These tunnels high quality and clean produce viz.
are about 1.0 m high and 1.5 m wide at • Protection against wind, rain, frost
the base and are erected with bamboo and snow.
sticks or wooden poles of about 1 inch
36 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
Year-Round Intensive Organic Vegetable Production under Protected Cultivation

tomato, cucumber, gourds, capsi- green stage or full ripe (red or yellow) • Breed/identify crop varieties for or-
cum, pea etc. but firm stage as per market demand ganic production system.
generally capsicum requires 45 days from
• Maintains optimum temperature for anthesis to full grown mature green stage • Develop efficient and cost-effective
plant growth. and further about three weeks to reach seed and planting material supply
firm ripe stage. chain to augment productivity.
• During winter season it protects crop
from frost. • Develop cost effective production
• Protection against wind, rain and hail
storm during rainy season. • Ignorance of right stage of harvest-
Vegetable cropping sequences for low ing and value addition which results
cost plastic rain shelters in low price of produce.

• Inadequate attention towards value

# Cropping Sequences chain management to prevent losses
1. Tomato –Tomato - Pea and to ensure supply during off sea-
Tomato in Polyhouse
2. Bitter gourd/Sponge Gourd/Bottle sons.
Gourd –Tomato - Pea Advantages of greenhouse
• Creation of value chain infrastruc-
3. Bitter gourd/Sponge Gourd/Bottle ture and establish market informa-
Gourd – Capsicum - Pea • Vegetables can be produced year- tion system for intelligent marketing
round regardless of the season to get of truthfully labeled produce to fetch
c. Greenhouse better return. better price.
Greenhouses are generally madeup • Provides crop diversification oppor- Strategies for sustainable development
of various clading material viz., tunities and supports production of
polycarbonate sheet, FRP sheet or high quality and clean products. • Horticulture advisory service needs
plastic sheet (low cost polyhouse). The to be strengthened.
high priced vegetables viz., broccoli, • Makes cultivation of vegetables pos-
tomato, cucumber and capsicum are most sible in areas where it can’t grow in • Awareness should be created for off-
important crops for production during open conditions viz. high altitudes. season vegetable production on sci-
winter season or off-season in greenhouse. entific lines.
Generally indeterminate tomato varieties • Maintains optimum temperature for
are grown in the protected structures plant growth. • Protected crop and nursery produc-
to utilize vertical space judiciously. tion technology should be popular-
• Used for cultivation during winter. ized to make it profitable/viable on
Optimum spacing found suitable for
tomato is 60 x 60 cm, capsicum is 40 • Protection against wind, rain, frost commercial scale.
x 40 cm and cucumber 100 x 100 cm. and snow. • Infrastructure for post-harvest man-
It has been found suitable that tomato
Vegetable cropping sequences for low agement viz., cool transport chain,
should be maintained as single stem
cost polyhouse pre-cooling units, packing houses,
plant by regular pinching of auxiliary
short- and long-term cold stores etc.
side branches and train them along the
# Cropping Sequences should be developed.
string. Capsicum and cucumber can also
be pruned and trained in such fashion. At 1. Cucumber –Tomato – Cabbage
• Human Resource Development pro-
the stage of first branching, two or more (Cole Crops)
grammes should be strengthened
shoots along with crown flower buds 2. Capsicum –Tomato – Broccoli with higher emphasis on training of
develop naturally. This crown bud should (Cole Crops) farmers for scientific cultivation of
be pinched off with side branches to allow 3. Tomato – Capsicum – Cauliflower vegetable crops.
one or two branches to develop as main (Cole Crops)
branch and trained along the string. Plant • Extension network for dissemina-
do keep producing the terminal flower Major challenges in organic vegetable tion of knowledge/technologies and
buds on the side shoots pruned as main production monitoring of their adoption should
stem, which should be pinched to allow be strengthened.
plant to grow continuously. Pruning is • Sustain production under the chang-
done frequently at an interval of 15 days • Agri Export Zone should be identi-
ing climatic conditions and increased
to avoid crowding of branches. In tomato, fied by the Government for export of
competition for land, labour, water
fruits are harvested at turning to red ripe organic vegetables and contract cul-
and energy for other economic uses.
stage according to the market distance tivation / cooperative farming should
capsicum are harvested at full mature be encouraged.

37 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

G.L. Sharma, T.Tirkey, H.K. Panigrahi and Rajesh Agrawal
Centre of Excellence on Protected Cultivation & Precision Farming
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Krishak Nagar, Raipur-492 012 (Chhattisgarh)

Irrigation and fertigation schedules irrespective of dependence on opti-

have also been standardized for raising mum climatic conditions to come.
of seedlings of different vegetables in This facility will enable the growers
different seasons. The root development to produce off- season vegetables.
under this system of nursery raising is Hence more profit to the vegetable
so vigorous that mortality rarely occurs growers.
due to transplanting. This technology has
a very high potential of adopting as an e. The protray raised seedlings can be
agro-enterprise supporting production of very conveniently handled. They are
seedlings of different vegetables crops. easy transfer from one place to an-
A suitable protected structure, depending other in form of the trays. Moreover,
Dr. G. L. Sharma on the local climate requirement and they can be kept for few days with
volume of seedling aimed to be produced proper care, where as the nursery bed
Introduction raised seedlings are to be transplant-

can be constructed. The plug tray nursery
vailability of healthy true to raising technology is also suitable for ed immediately after uprooting.
type seedlings is pre-requisite cucurbits for their off season cultivation
f. It is possible to grow seedlings of
for remunerative vegetable in Northern India during early spring.
cucurbit crops which are difficult to
cultivation. Generally, vegetable
grow in traditional nursery bed tech-
seedlings are grown in outdoor ground Positive aspects of the
beds using flats or raised beds in India. But technology
in the recent past with the advancement g. When transplanted the protray raised
of technology, vegetable seedlings can The protray seedlings raising technology seedlings are free from transplant-
also be grown inside a protected structure has provided several comparative ing shock. They also not show sign
either in ground beds or using various advantages as compared to the nursery of wilting after transplanting which
types of containers, primarily protrays bed technique used for production of the is common in case of nursery bed
or plug trays. In this advanced system, vegetable seedlings. These benefits are grown seedlings as they sre pulled
each seedling grows in an individual described briefly here under: for uprooting. The roots are damaged
cell so there is less competition among in this uprooting and plant takes few
the newly emerging seedling and greater a. This technology ensures production days to recover this damage. Since
uniformity can be achieved. Less labor of healthy, uniform, disease free this damage does not occur in pro-
is required for preparation of soil, vigorous vegetable seedlings for the tray raised seedlings, they give 7-8
formation of beds and uprooting seedling. vegetable growers. Whereas, it is days early fruiting.
This technique could also be subjected very difficult to produce uniform and
to mechanical automation. Protrays disease free seedlings from outside h. This protray seedlings raising tech-
seedlings establish better in the field grown nursery beds. nology is amenable for fully auto-
because roots are not damaged in pulling mation at various stages of seedling
while uprooting. The portrays or plug b. Since the cost of hybrid seed of veg- production. The filling of growing
tray nursery raising technology facilitate etables is very high, germination media, placement of the seeds, both
for production of disease free, vigorous and formation of healthy seedling time and frequency of irrigation,
and season independent seedlings using from every seed is important from nutrient and chemical applications,
protected environment. Depending on economic point of view. Therefore transfer etc. all can be accomplished
the objective, different types of protected protray seedling technology ensures by mechanical automation, which
structures, like greenhouse, net house good germination percent and pro- will save valuable human labour.
and poly tunnels are used to take care of duction of healthy seedlings.
biotic and abiotic stresses during seedling
Limitations of nursery bed
c. Seedling production under protected methods of seedling raising
growing period. In order to raise high
structures may provide opportunity
density seedlings without root borne
for self employment and help to gen- a. It is nearly impossible to raise virus
diseases, plastic portrays along with
erate more jobs in the field of horti- free nursery during rainy and post-
sterilized growing media are used. The
culture in the rural areas. rainy season because of prevalence
type and ingredients of media used for
nursery raising have been standardized d. Through this technology it is pos- of favourable ambient atmospheric
as also the size and volume of the cells sible to produce disease free nursery conditions.
of pro trays for different vegetable crops.

38 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

b. Development of soil borne fungus sucking insect vectors. The seedlings colour and depth of the protray also
and nematodes mainly during high would be ready in about 21-42 days for influence the quality of seedlings
humidity and temperature period, transplanting to the main field depending produced. Compared to plastic trays,
which adversely affect plant growth. on the crop species and ambient Styrofoam seedling trays are more
Moreover, duration of nursery rais- environment conditions. expensive, insulate the root media, delay
ing is long also during winter season. seedling growth, promote algae and harbor
Protray (seedling tray) selection disease. Plastic trays are more commonly
c. Germination in less during winter used and are preferred. However, darker-
month due to low temperature. The cell size influences the field colored trays absorb more heat and tend
performance of the seedling, especially to produce faster growth than light-
d. Nursery of vegetables like cucurbits earliness. When larger cells are used the colored trays (e.g., black versus white
is not at all possible under traditional plant has more space to grow, so it is plastic trays). Styler and Koranski (1997)
system of nursery beds. possible to produce an older, more mature reported that the plug tray was the base
seedling without it becoming spindly, of the transplant production and the
e. Off-season nursery cannot be raised
lanky or root bound. In general, larger design of its cell commanded more and
due to abiotic factors like tempera-
protrays result in earlier-maturing crops. more attention. The roots of seedlings in
ture, humidity and untimely rainfall.
Larger cells, however, take up greener cells proliferate mostly on the periphery
The working of the technology house space, more growing medium and of root ball at the growing medium and
are more expensive to grow. protray cell interface.
The tray or pro trays are filled with the
growing medium. A small depression Table-1: Size of commonly used veg- Tomato transplants grown in square cells
(0.6 cm) is made with fingertip in the etable portrays. were larger than those in round cells.
center of the cell of the portray for (Larson, 1987). Latimer (1991) reported
sowing. One seed per cell is sown and Tray Plant Cell Recom- that square cells improved soot growth
covered with medium. Coco peat with (no. Density Vol- mended of marigold seedlings compared with
300 to 400 per cent moisture is used and of (Cells ume Crops round cells. Lettuce and leek seedlings
hence no immediate irrigation is required cells) / 0.3 (CC) produced higher shoot weights when
until germination. After sowing 10 trays Sq.M.) they were grown in inverse pyramid
are kept one over other for 3 to 6 days, 24 14 171 Early to- containers compared to cylinder ones.
depending on the crops. The entire stack mato, Onion, (Cox,1984) However, these reporters
will be covered using polyethylene sheet Brinjal indicated that the influence of cell shape
to ensure conservation of moisture until 38 23 106 Early to- was caused by the change in the growing
germination. The stacked trays are spread mato, Onion, medium volume or plant density in the
in single layer once the germination Brinjal, Cole plug tray. Chen et al. (2002) found even
commences to avoid etiolation. The trays crops if the growing medium volume and plant
are shifted to net house on germination density in the plug tray was the same, cell
of seedlings and spread over the beds or 50 31 66 Early
shape also affected plant growth.
raised platform benches. The trays are tomato,
irrigated lightly every day depending Seedling age and transplant
upon the prevailing weather conditions Cole crops,
Brinjal scheduling
by using a fine sprinkling rose can or
with hose pipe fitted with rose spray. 72 47 43 Early pep- The optimum age for vegetable seedlings
Drenching the trays with fungicides as a pers, early depends on both the crop and the cell size
precautionary measure against seedling cole crops, to be used. In general, larger cells will
mortality is also being done. Spraying early Cucur- enable production of larger, more mature
of 0.3 per cent (3 g / litre) water soluble bits seedlings. Seedlings growth in larger
fertilizer using poly feed (19 all with 128 78 23 Main-season cells has been reported to give higher
trace elements) twice (12 and 20 days tomato, pep- and early yields compared to smaller
after sowing) is practiced to enhanced pers, Cole cells however; the overall yield is largely
the growth of the seedlings. The trays are crops the same. Hence, growing practices and
provided with protective cover from rain 200 122 11 Late-season schedules for different crop species and
by covering with polyethylene sheets in peppers, cell sizes has to be standardized based on
the form of low tunnel whenever there Cole crops prevailing local requirements.
is untimely rainfall. The seedlings at
right stage of planting are hardened by 288 175 7 Process- Growing media
withholding irrigation and reducing the ing tomato,
shade before transplanting or dispatching onion The growing media or soil less mixture is
to the growers. Systemic insecticides are generally composed of a combination of
sprayed 7-10 days after germination and Tray effect on plant growth Coco peat, vermiculite and horticultural
before transplanting for managing the perlite in the ratio of 3:1:1. Media
Besides other factors, the shape, size,
39 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

containing coarser-textured (long-fibred) and micronutrients also. FYM or compost Sphagnum moss
coco peat provide better drainage and is also used for mixing in the medium
aeration, therefore promoting better to improve its water holding capacity. Sphagnum moss is used for propagation is
root development. Some soil less mixes Well rotten and powdered forms are the dehydrated young residue of plants in
nutrients and fungicides which can used for better performance in seedling the genus Sphagnum, like S. papillosum,
also be used to raise vegetable nursery. raising. Undecomposed FYM leads S. capillaceum, and S. palustre. It is
Besides this equal ratio mixture of virgin to the termites and suppress the seed relatively light in weight and has a very
sand, well rotten FYM, and soil can also germination. The nutrient content of the high-water holding capacity, which is
be used as growing medium. compost and its air and water relationship able to absorb water 10 to 20 times of
can vary widely based on the nature of its weight. The stem and leaf tissues of
Rooting and growing media are one organic raw materials. sphagnum moss consist largely of groups
of the most important factors in raising of water holding cells. This material
vegetable nursery because the growth and Vermicompost is generally shredded, either by hand
development of nursery plants and roots or mechanically, before it is used in a
proliferation depends on it. Growing Vermicompost is a very useful growing propagation or growing medium. It has a
media are divided into soil, soil-less medium in nursery raising and it can be pH of about 3.5 to 4.0 and small quantity
group or mixture of both. Growing media prepared easily by rearing of worms. of minerals. The economic aspect should
are soil, sand, coco peat, FYM/compost, It provides all the required parameters be taken into account for use of sphagnum
vermicompost, peat moss, perlite, to the nursery like firmness, water, air moss as medium for portray raising of
pumice, sawdust, ashes etc. Mostly and better nutrition and support to the vegetable seedlings.
under open field condition, farmers are seedlings. This can be produced by the
using soil, sand and well rotten FYM as farmers themselves to reduce the cost of Perlite
they are cheap, easily available, retain production. It is a better alternative to any
sufficient water, air and allows sufficient other costly medium. Perlite is a grey white aluminium silicate
drainage. However, for protrays any mineral, mined from lava flows. It is
of the following medium solely or in Soil less medium light in weight, highly expandable 94-20
combinations as per local availability and times to its original volume) when heated
economy of production can be used after The suitable soil less media should be approximately at 982°C. The surface
standardization. capable to retain enough water, air and holds moisture and nutrients to make
available nutrient for the seedlings. It them available to the seedlings. Since it
Soil must also have good drainage and allows is sterile in nature, perlite is free from the
easy leaching for excessive salt that diseases and insect pests. It has low cation
Soil is the basic crust of the earth and accumulate in the substrate and damage exchange capacity and does not influence
composed of material in solid, liquid and the crops. Further research efforts are the pH of the media. The high porosity
gaseous states. Its texture depends on required to make soil less media as cost of perlite helps to control water holding
the relative proportion of sand, silt and effective for protray seedling production capacity and aeration of substrates. A
clay. The soil of the medium should be on commercial scale. course perlite is 1.2 – 2.0 mm in diameter
of optimum pH (6.5-7.5). It should have with pH of 7.5.
good drainage quality and good organic Saw dust
matter content as well. Vermiculite
Saw dust may be used for nursery
Sand raising medium. This is a by-product Vermiculite is a micaceous mineral
of wood and timber industry, free from that expands markedly when heated.
Sand is the small rock containing particle harmful substances. It has very good Chemically it is hydrated magnesium
size (00.05 to 2.00 mm) formed by the moisture retention capacity, free from aluminium / iron silicate. When
weathering with low 1.6 g cm-2 bulk microorganism inoculums and neutral in expanded, vermiculite is very light in
density. Sand alone or in combination reaction. weight, 90 to 150 kg per cubic meter,
with other growing media are used in neutral in reaction with good buffering
nursery. Sand is the heaviest of all rooting Peat properties, and insoluble in water. It is
media. Sand contains virtually no mineral able to absorb large quantities of water
nutrients and has no buffering capacity. Peat consists of the remains of aquatic,
(80 percent porosity). It has a relatively
It is used mostly in combination with marsh, or swamp vegetation, formed as
high cation exchange capacity (CEC
organic matter, soil. coco peat or any a result of partial decomposition under
100-150 meq/100 g) and thus can hold
other locally available material. anaerobic or semi-anaerobic conditions.
nutrients in reserve and later on release
It is dark brown to black in colour, low
them. It contains 9-12% magnesium and
FYM / Compost pH with a low moisture-holding capacity
5-8% potassium to supply the plants.
but with 2.0 to 3.5 percent nitrogen. It
Farm Yard Manure (FYM) or compost is can be used as per availability alone in Pumice
used as moisture-holding humus material combinations with other medium after
either alone or in combination with soil standardization. Chemically pumice is mostly silicon
and sand. Compost supplies the macro dioxide and aluminium oxide, with small
40 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)
Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium managed and transported and completely (b) Whether required for handling raw
and sodium in the oxide form. Pumice consistent in performance. It has a pH of seed as well as pelleted seeds;
is screened to different size grades but is about 7.0 – 7.5.
not heat treated. It increases aeration and (c) Number of portrays need to be seed-
drainage in rooting mixture and can be Coco peat ed per day.
used alone or mixed with peat moss. Generally, Plate type Vacuum seeders
Coco peat is biodegradable and an eco
and Needle or Nozzle type mechanical
Rock wool friendly growing medium made of natural
seeders are available. Gaikwad and
coir fiber. It is extracted from coconut
Sirohi (2007) at IARI has developed a
Rock wool is a manmade mineral fibre. husk-the mesocarp of coconut fruit. It is
prototype pneumatic seeder which was
It has a high percentage of pore space, a complete organic and soil free potting
fabricated and tested for its performance
which holds both the nutrient solution medium and if can replace soil and peat
for sowing capsicum and tomato seeds
and air to supply to the root system. moss. Coco peat is environment friendly,
in plug trays. The seeder could make
The rock wool contains 40-50% easily a mixture of corky cellular material
indents in one row of cells in a plug tray
available water and 40-45% air capacity and short fiber and does not create any
and simultaneously place single seeds in
by volume. It acts as a support medium disposal problem. It is free from any
the indented cells. The seeder worked
for the root system and as a means for admixture and heavy metals and like
satisfactorily at suction pressures of 4.91
holding nutrient solution and air in close peat moss. It has a high water holding
and 3.92 kPa and nozzle diameters of
proximity to the roots. It is sterile, easily capacity, almost five times its volume.
0.46 and 0.49 mm to achieve more than
90% single seed sowing in the case of
Table-2: Spacing, plant population and seed requirement of vegetable crops
capsicum and tomato, respectively. The
(Chaurasiaet al.2003) capacity of seeder, depending on the
tray size used, ranged between 38,000
Vege-tables Types of Spa-cing No. of plants 1000-seed Actual seed and 60,000 cells per hour. The total cost
Variety per ha weight (g) requirement (g) of sowing 1000 cells using a prototype
Tomato (OP) 60 x 45 33,333 4.0 200 precision plug seeder was found to be
Rs. 1.56 which was only 15.27% of the
Tomato (Hyb.) 60 x 50 30,000 3.3 150
estimated cost of manual sowing.
Brinjal (OPL) 60 x 45 33,333 4.0 200
Brinjal (OPR) 60 x 45 33,333 4.0 200 Further, at IIHR, Bengluru a tray type
Brinjal (Hyb. L) 90 x 60 20,000 4.0 120 dibbler with capacity of 100 portrays per
hour and a vacuum seeder with capacity
Brinjal (Hyb. R) 90 x 60 20,000 4.0 120 of 50 portrays per hour were designed
Chillies (OP) 60 x 30 50,000 4.0 250 and developed by Rathinakumariet al
Chillies (Hyb) 60 x 45 33,333 3.3 165 (2005). The tray type dibbler is made
Capsicum (OP) 60 x 30 50,000 3.3 415 out of wooden board with 98 nylon pegs
to dibble in the media. The tray type
Capsicum (Hyb) 60 x 50 30,000 5.5 250 vacuum seeder is made of acrylic sheet
Cabbage Early (OP) 45 x 30 66,666 3.0 300 and it consists of a vacuum chamber,
Cabbage Early (Hyb.) 45 x 30 66,666 3.0 300 seed plate with 98 holes to pick the seeds,
Cabbage Mid (OP) 45 x 45 44,444 3.0 200 vacuum pump and necessary control
valves. It was observed that the seeder
Cabbage Mid (Hyb.) 60 x 45 33,333 3.0 165 picked and dropped the round shaped
Cabbage Late (OP) 60 x 45 33,333 3.0 165 seeds like cabbage, cauliflower and
Cabbage Late (Hyb.) 60 x 60 25,000 3.0 115 knolkhol perfectly, i.e., 100% singles.
manually or through seeding equipment For other vegetable seeds, the metering
It provides better aeration and enhances performance of the seeder was good with
(or seed pen). Manual indenting and
strong and healthy root growth. It is singles in the range of 93-97%, doubles
sowing of small vegetable seeds in plug
resistant to bacterial and fungal growth. between 3-7% and no missing was
trays is a slow and labour-intensive
It retains and releases nutrients over a recorded. It is suggested that these handy
operation, which limits the production
long period. It has uniform texture and and low-cost tray type dibbler and tray
capacities of vegetable nurseries and also
consistency, free from pathogen, weed type vacuum seeder are very much useful
enhances cost of production per seedling.
seeds and toxins. This is one of the ideal for small vegetable nursery growers.
High-capacity imported seeders have not
medium for protray seedling raising and
been adopted by nursery growers due
available commercially in the form of
to their high costs. The selection of the
Seedling trays and covering
compressed coco peat cubes. seed
seeding equipment depends on
Seeding equipment The trays are filled with pre-moistened
(a) Ease of sowing on different protray growing media and then the media is
The sowing of the seeds can be done either sizes; compressed or “dibbled” to make a

41 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

uniform surface for the seed. The media of portrays should be level having slight conditions like temperature, humidity,
should be compressed between properly. gradient to prevent water from running and light, watering and nutrition, all
The seeded trays are then covered with into low spots and to facilitate proper affect the growth and quality of the
medium-grade vermiculite. Seed of drainage. seedlings. Nursery raising of various
all vegetable species must be covered vegetable crops within the same
after seeding. Vermiculite is preferred Environmental requirements greenhouse can be a difficult process. The
as covering material because it is easy environmental requirements for one crop
to apply evenly, allows good aeration, The ‘growing-on stage’ of the seedlings may not suit for another. For example,
does not support algae growth and does may be defined as the period of time cabbage transplants require relatively
not allow root growth between cells. The from their emergence to the plants to the cool temperatures and low fertility levels,
trays are now ready for watering before hardening before transplanting in the field. while tomato, brinjal, chilies seedlings
being placed in the shed net or poly During this growing stage, environmental require higher temperatures and more
house. The medium comprising of FYM,
soil, sawdust, peat etc. should be filled Table-3: Optimum temperature for germination of different vegetable crops.
dry in condition in protrays and watering
is done after seed sowing. Crop Germination Approx. no of days Growing Tem- Growing Tem-
to Emergence perature (Day) perature (Night)
Pretected structures for Tomato 21-24 3-4 18-21 10-18
germination Peppers 26-28 4-6 18-21 12-18
Cole crops 18-24 2-3 12-18 8-15
Most vegetable crops will benefit from
the use of the protected structures like Cucurbits 24-30 2-3 21-24 12-18
shed net, poly house, low tunnel poly Onions 18-24 3-4 16-18 8-15
house etc. This is usually an insulates
structure in which temperature and fertility. Wherever possible, crops with Feeding the seedlings in
relative humidity can be maintained as dissimilar requirements should be grown protrays
per requirement. The goal is to facilitate in separate greenhouse where they can be
the germination process in a confined managed in staggered batches as per their The application of the nutrients in raising
area to minimize the cost of seedling requirements. vegetable seedlings affects the quality of
production. Air circulation is important to the seedlings and its ability to establish in
ensure uniform temperature and humidity Temperature the field. Well-grown seedlings will have
throughout the chamber which can be adequate nutrient reserves to ensure rapid
Different vegetable crops vary in their establishment under a wide variety of
done either as natural ventilation or
response to temperature. The optimum field conditions. Vegetable seedlings are
installation of exhaust fans in combination
day and night growing temperatures for usually fertilized with a soluble fertilizer
of cooling pads. There should be a
several crops are listed in the Table No.-3 which is applied in the irrigation water.
thermostat to maintain the temperature
regime. The humidity can be regulated Avoid application fertilizers with a high
through use of automatic intermittent
Irrigation of protrays concentration of nutrients at the seedling
mist sprays.The protected structure by Before starting commercial vegetable stage. The fertigation programme used
ameliorating micro-climate enables off nursery raising enterprise it is advisable in raising vegetable seedling depends on
season production of seedlings. Reduce to have a detailed water analysis to nutrient requirement of vegetable seedling
incidence of disease and pests and also verify quality of irrigation water for the which is affected by species, season
help for uniform growth. seedling raising. The pH of the water and growing medium. After one week
used for watering plug transplants should of germination, seedlings of vegetable
Racks and benches for protray be between 5.5 to 6.5. In this pH range, crops required to be feed with various
placement nutrients are more available. The amount essential nutrients. As per availability in
and frequency of watering depends on the market we choose different fertilizers
Vegetable seedling raising rack system can cell size of protrays, growing media, which vary in percent of nitrogen (N),
be more suitable for placing the portrays greenhouse ventilation and weather phosphate (P2O5), and potash (K2O)
on benches inside the greenhouses and for conditions. It is important to water like 19:19:19 or 15:15:15 and traces of
transportation of the portrays to the field thoroughly, and moisten the entire plug micronutrients. After selection of suitable
for transplanting. Plug trays are usually of the protrays, which will promote root fertilizers, stock solution is prepared
handled on racks made of either angle- growth up to the bottom of the plug. If along with micronutrient and applied 70-
iron or wood with wire-mesh tops. Proper the plug is not watered thoroughly, root 80 ppm (parts per million) in the month
placement of racks in the greenhouse is growth will be confined to the top of the of summer and 140 ppm during winter
important. Trays must be elevated off plug. Allow the plug to dry down before season along with irrigation water once
the ground to prevent root growth in watering, but the plant should not wilt a day. If feeding once every seven days,
the soil underneath and to ensure proper severely, as this will damage roots and concentration of 250 to 350 ppm nitrogen
aeration. The benches or beds for placing seedling health. can be applied. Cole crops require less

42 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

Table-4: Concentrations of N, P, K and ECs for 100 ppm solution of various water volume (litres) divided by 10 x (% N of
soluble fertilizer materials for use in vegetable transplant production. fertilizer material).
(Hasan et al., 2010) Example: For making a 100 PPM solution
of 20-10-20 fertilizer in a 500-litre water,
Fertilizer Rate for Parts per million (ppm) Electrical the amount of fertilizer required is = (100
analysis 100 ppm N conductivity x 500) / (10 x 20) = 250 grams. Amount
(g/100 litres (EC) mm- of fertilizer required = 250 grams.
of water) hos/cm*
N P K Nursery raising technology for
20-20-20 50 100 43 83 0.40 cucurbits
20-10-20 50 100 21 83 0.60
At Centre for Protected Cultivation
20-08-20 50 100 17 83 0.75 Technology of the I ARI, New Delhi Singh
17-05-19 59 100 12 92 1.00 et al (2010) conducted experiments on
15-05-19 67 100 14 83 0.70 the plug-tray nursery raising technology
for major cucurbits and standardized
14-00-14 71 100 0 83 0.85
the technology. Under this technique
fertilizer as other crops. This solution of programme must be modified for seedlings of these cucurbits are raised in
nutrients can be applied either through different crops as per requirement. multi-celled plastic plug-trays consisting
spray or more conveniently as dissolved Tomato is very responsive to fertilizers the individual cell volume of 18-20 cc.
in irrigation water. Through this technique but excess of fertility will reduce These cells may be of any shape like
seedlings are ready to transplant after transplant quality. While feeding at every inverted pyramid, round or hexagonal
about 25-30 days.Growers should use watering, fertilizer concentration of 50 etc. but inverted pyramidal shape is
fertilizers that have most of the nitrogen to 100 ppm N should be used depending most effective for producing vigorous
in nitrate form. Fertilizers having high on the stage of plant development. It is seedlings Standardized soil-less media
concentration of urea should be avoided. advantageous to do feeding less often consisting of coco peat, vermiculite and
Fertilizer analyses recommended for at a higher concentration. For weekly perlite is used in 3:1:1 ratio as on volume
transplant production mentioned below: feeding, use a concentration of 250 to 350 basis. First the media is mixed thoroughly
ppm N. Peppers require more fertilizers and after adding required quantity of
A high concentration of phosphate than tomatoes therefore if feeding is done water. Then it is filled in the plug-trays
(P2O5) may promote excessive seedling at every watering, then approximately and a slight impression is made in each
elongation under certain conditions. Use 100 ppm N may be used but if feeding is cell by gentle push with first finger of
of the fertilizer with a low to medium done less often then higher concentration hand and then one seed in each cavity is
phosphate concentration is recommended. may be used. Cole crops do not require sown.
An alternative is to use a fertilizer with as much fertilizer as other crops and 100
no phosphate (such as 14-0-14) for most After sowing of the seeds a thick layer
to 150 ppm N application weekly should
feedings, and apply a high-phosphate of vermiculite is spread over the seeds
be sufficient under most conditions.
fertilizer periodically (once every four or in each plug-tray followed by a light
Since cucurbits have a relatively short
five feedings) to promote growth. Do not irrigation through fine sprinklers. If the
growing cycle compared to other crops
withhold phosphate completely, as this ambient temperature is low (< 12°C
therefore two to four applications of
will delay field establishment. during night) specially during winters,
100 to 150 ppm N at weekly interval
the plug-trays are kept in the germination
should be sufficient to produce good
Seedlings should be watered as required room by keeping the trays in vertical
quality vine crop transplants. Generally,
and the nutrient solution concentration stacks over each other and the temperature
the nutrient uptake by the roots is low
and application frequency should be of the germination room is kept at around
at low temperature during winter season
modified to promote the desired amount 20-25°C with the help of hot air blowers
therefore concentration need to be
of growth. Fertilizer requirements vary etc. The plug-trays are taken out from
increased accordingly and vice versa
depending on cell size (larger cells require the germination room immediately after
during summers when the nutrient uptake
less fertilizer), and the nutrient content germination of the seeds and are spread
automatically increases. The Nitrogen
of the growing media (less fertilizer on the floor of the nursery greenhouse
dose should be 140-150 ppm N during
should be used if the media contains high or seedling benches. Irrigation in the
winter and it should not be more than 90-
nutrient concentration). plug-trays was done as per requirement.
100 ppm N during summers.
Fertigation is done thrice a week in
Fertigation requirements of summer season but daily in winter season
Calculation of fertilizer solution
transplants and in each fertigation N:P:K (20:20:20
of PPM concentration grade) solution is applied at 100-140 ppm.
Different vegetable crops vary in their Seedlings of these cucurbits are mostly
Formula: Weight of fertilizer (grams) =
response to fertilizer, so the feeding ready for transplanting within 18-22
solution concentration (PPM) x solution

43 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

days of seed sowing during peak winter 40 days or more. Shorter growth periods (3.9%), aubergine (1.5%) and chilli
months (i.e. December and January). apparently did not result in sufficient (1.3%) caused by Pythium, Fusarium
The optimum time taken by different overall root development. Inoculation and Phytophthora, followed by seed
cucurbit vegetable for plug-trays nursery with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may treatment with captan. Among the fungal
raising is little bit different from crop to improve transplant development if they antagonists, Trichoderma viride recorded
crop. Summer squash nursery is ready for are grown for a longer period.Their study the lowest incidence of damping-off
transplanting within 20-25 days of seed has demonstrated that better quality (5.7% in tomato, 4.7% in aubergine and
sowing, cucumber seedlings takes 22- transplants can be obtained by growing 4.7% in chilli) followed by seed treatment
25 days, musk melon and water melon watermelon seedlings in plug cells of with Pseudomonas fluorescens, T.
25-28 days, bottle gourd 20-22 days and 100 ml volume rather than in smaller harzianum and Azotobacterchroococcum
pumpkin 18-20 days and bitter gourd cell sizes. In addition, mycorrhizae which were at par with each other.
takes 25-28 days. (Singh et al.,2010) fungi may have an added benefit if the They concluded that the occurrence of
plants are grown for at least 50 days. damping-off disease in nurseries, can be
Further, studies on watermelon transplants However, profitable production of quality effectively controlled by soil solarization
grown in plug trays and effect of watermelon transplants can be achieved of nursery beds during the peak of
mycorrhizae fungus was also done by Ban in 80 and 60 ml cells of at least 40 days summer or seed treatment followed by
et al. (2007) at Croatia .They concluded growth along with inoculation with the soil application with Trichoderma viride.
that plug trays containing 40 cells, each Glomus mosseae arbuscular mycorrhizal
of which were 100 ml cell volume, fungus. Sometimes, algae become a serious
produced plants that were the tallest, has problem on the surface of coco peat
greatest number of leaves and the thickest Pest and disease management mixture or growing medium because it
stems as compared to the transplants tends to form a crust which makes difficult
grown in smaller cells of 60 ml and 80 The primary means of controlling to wet the portray mixtures during routine
ml volume. There were no differences disease and pests on growing vegetable irrigation. The use of vermiculite for
between transplants in 60 ml and 80 ml seedlings is by sanitation and by covering the surface of newly seeded
cells. However,The mycorrhizae fungus managing the greenhouse environment trays will help prevent algae problem to
G. mosseae resulted in extra growth to avoid pest and disease development interfere with the seedling growth.
only in transplants that were grown for through prophylactic measures. Control
Hardening techniques
Table-5: Expected economics of plug-tray nursery raising in cucurbits and expected
employment generation. Hardening-off seedlings is very important,
especially if they are to be planted
Singh et al (2010) under stressful, early-season conditions.
Withholding of the irrigation of the
S. Size of nursery No. of pos- Estimated total Expected Expected seedling two days before transplanting
No. greenhouse sible seedling number of seed- net profit employment makes them ready to face the situation in
batches lings (lakhs) (lakhs) generation the field and ensures better establishment
1. 500 m2 naturally 4 three winter 12.0 (in four 1.5 150 days x and less mortality. Seedlings should not
ventilated with (Dec. to Feb.) batches) 4 persons be harden-off by withholding fertilizer as
foggers only one rainy = 600 man this can result nutrient deficiencies and
season days can delay field establishment. Besides
this keeping of plants outside green
of weeds inside and surroundings of the also seen within the greenhouse. These house under ambient conditions for 5-7
greenhouse is most important which diseases often flourish in damp parts of days can also be practiced. This allows
may harbor many diseases and pests. the greenhouse and where algae and moss plants to become acclimatized to the
If the portrays are reused for growing are allowed to grow, and will spend part field conditions while they are still in
of seedlings, they must be washed to of their lifecycle in the soil beneath the the protrays. Plants should be held in an
remove any soil or growing media which benches. Therefore, observance of proper area that is exposed to full sunlight, but
may remain adhered to the plastic trays. sanitation and prophylactic measures are is protected from desiccating winds. The
If signs of damping-off diseases are the pre-requisite for avoidance of pest plants should be observed regularly and
noticed in the greenhouse, seedlings can and disease incidence. watered as required. If a risk of frost the
be treated with Mancojeb (0.25%) or plants should not be moved inside the
Carbendazim(0.1%) fungicides solution A field experiment was conducted in polyhouse.
prepared in water either through spraying Andhra Pradesh, during the summer
or preferably drenching. Foliar fungicides and kharif seasons of 1997-98 and References
spray should be avoided under high- 2000-01, by Rahman et al. (2003). They
temperature conditions, which may injure reported that soil solarization with white 1. Ban D., M. Oplanic, B. Novak and I.
tender foliage of newly growing seedlings. polythene sheet for 30 days during the Zutic and S. Goreta2007 Effects of
Besides damping-off damage of Pythium peak of summer resulted in the lowest Plug Size, Mycorrhizae Inoculant and
and Rhyzoctonia disease have been incidence of damping-off in tomato Growth Period on the Development

44 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Protray Seedlings: A Boon for Hi-tech Vegetable Cultivation

of Watermelon Transplants Acta 7. Larson, R.A., C.B. Thorne and condition. Souvenir National Seminar
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45 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Commercial Orchids Production under Protected cultivation by Amateurs….

Commercial Orchids Production under Protected cultivation by

Anand Zambre
National Committee for Plasticulture Applications in Horticulture (NCPAH),
MoA & FW, GoI, New Delhi, India, [email protected]

waste, setting up an Engineering Testing Before proceeding any further in the

Lab or farming. Finally, they homed on to Project, the conflict started in decision
do something in the field of horticulture. making process, whether to go in for a
Due diligence and homework started by poly house or grow the orchids in shade
meeting the experts in the field, visiting net house which was the general practice
institutions, farm houses in Odisha, Goa, at that point of time in Odisha state. The
North East, and Pune. They zeroed on school of thoughts in favor of shade net
to “Orchids Cultivation” to start with house highlighted better ventilation and
and then expand to other fields after free air movement, rain water which is
Anand Zambre establishing a firm foothold. Now the good for orchids, less temperature built
question arises; why orchids? Well, up and low cost. However, just one
Introduction Orchid is considered amongst top ten point intrigued them is the likelihood of

beautiful and highest selling flowers excessive retention of water in the media
rchids cultivation under protected
in the world, it is a hardy plant, the cut (Coconut husk) during monsoon which
cultivation in India is still a new
flower has a long shelf life and to top it up, is like cyanide poison for the plants
concept and very few farmers are
we have a high potential to grow orchids and subsequent decomposition due to
successfully growing orchids in India.
in a conducive coastal climate and last continuous wetting of media. They finally
We got an opportunity to visit one of such
but not the least; there is an wow factor decided to go in for the Polyhouse and
successful projects near Bhubaneshwar
associated with this beautiful flower. today are happy for taking that decision.
in Odisha where a retired army officer
And probably orchids started growing in
after his retirement decided to grow
the Polyhouse for the first time in Odisha.
orchids under polyhouses. Orchids
cultivation is considered as a difficult Second important aspect was to check
crop to grow as the plants need low light the quality of water before starting the
intensity, high humidity and moderate Project. Though they had a bore well,
temperatures. Thus, controlling climate is it was lying defunct for last few years
a key issue in growing orchids along with without a pump. He activated the bore
other issues like high investment, skills well, took the water sample, got it tested
and knowledge in IPM, INM, cultural and it failed, pH value being highly
practices. Mr. Mohanti along with his wife alkaline. They realized, because of lack
decided to take a challenge of cultivating of use of bore well, the water might have
Orchids and within a span of 18 months, Orchids in polyhouse
become more alkaline. They continued
he managed to be a successful grower of doing pumping of water from the bore
Now, the idea is ready, concept chalked
Orchids and set a good example for other well for couple of days, and again got
out but where is the land? Like a divine
farmers in Odisha and pan India. the water tested. Fortunately, the water
blessing; they got the permission from
one of his very close childhood friend’s parameters matched the requirements in
After serving in the Indian Army for
mother to use their land for farming. There terms of pH, TDS (Total dissolved solids)
22 years and working for 5 years in the
was no looking back after that. They and EC (Electric conductivity).
corporate, he decided to come back to
his Hometown Bhubaneswar. He joined applied for subsidy to the Horticulture
Third important aspect which was needed
his very dear friend in his Engineering Department, Odisha and it was amazing
attention was the siting of the Polyhouse.
Consultancy Firm and his wife, Monalisa to see the support and help extended by
Being part of the cyclonic zone, the
was weighing various options of how the Government officials to keep the ball
6.5 mtr high Polyhouse (at the ridge)
to contribute positively and be part of a rolling for them and expedite the sanction
needed to be sited in such a way that it
growth story. There was always an urge process.
takes inherent advantage of the naturally
to do something, and get associated with available wind barrier in terms of trees
such a Sector, where one could add value Important check points before
all around, at the same time, care has to
and contribute in the economic growth, starting the project: be taken so that the structure is not very
no matter how big or small it may be.So, close to the nearest tree line. After due
theystarted exploring various options They received the subsidy sanctioned in
February, 2018. The Project of orchids diligence, the lateral distance between the
during August 2017 like starting a NGO polyhouse edge and the nearest tree line
with a social cause, disposal of solid cultivation started on 01st Mar 2018.
was kept 1.5 times the height of the trees.

46 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Commercial Orchids Production under Protected cultivation by Amateurs….

Salient Features of the Polyhouse and heavy rainfall in Bhubaneswar on like thick cylindrical ropes at the roof
Plantation: 21st July. Though the Polyhouse level to prevent it from getting torn
could withstand the rainfall from by the cyclonic gush of wind, filled
• Polyhouse with gutter height at 4.5 the top, the ground slope created up the water sump apprehending
mtr and ridge height at 6.5 mtr. the havoc. There was gush of water power break down for at least ten
towards the Polyhouse because of days, charged the emergency high
• 200micron UV stabilized Infrared
the sloping ground, the side curtains beam torch lights. Then came the
(IR) cooled 5layer white colored
could not sustain water pressure and cyclone ‘Fani’ with all its fury on
poly film.
it got sheared off from the top. The 03rd May 2019. The wind speed
• 115 GSM, UV stabilized, mono entire Poly house was flooded with touched 185 Kms per hour and it was
filament, black colored 50 % shade water. It was a herculean task to drain a total devastation with thousands of
net with sliding mechanism was off the water in next couple of days. trees and electric poles uprooted,
used. This is required for controlling One can well understand the agony roof top blown away, hoardings gone
the lux level. of doing repair work, just three days and dish antennas flying in the sky.
after the successful completion of the Anyway, with lots of difficulty by
• Multi-level irrigation system (micro Project. They remain ever grateful avoiding the fallen trees on each and
sprinklers, fogging and misting to the Erector, who immediately every road, he and his friend could
system) to address each layer of mobilized his team from Pune and reach the farm house riding a bike.
strata within the Poly house. we got it back to shape. A lesson was It was a heart wrenching scenario
driven home and we created a two out there. Hundreds of mango trees
• Application of pesticide and feet deep water channel parallel to gone with almost 8 to 10 thousand
fertigation through pumping system. one side of the Polyhouse to protect Kgs of mangoes strewn on the
it from flooding in future. ground. Finally, they could reach the
• Timer based air circulation fans,
Poly house location and noticed the
which create a gentle breeze and • Snake enjoying the warmth of following damages:
keep the orchids happy during the coconut husk: One fine morning,
hot and humid tropical summer. when applying the fertigation, some • 40% of the poles tilted to one side.
movement was observed on the bed
• Solar fencing system has been • One odd pole sheared off from the
where the orchids are freshly planted
erected all around the Polyhouse to foundation bedding.
and there it was, a two feet long
save the valuable orchids and the
snake all coiled up. Not to blame
structures from wild animals. This • The entire poly film torn into shreds
the poor creature as we are invading
fencing is friendly as far as life and lying scattered on the ground.
into their territory! After a bit of
of animal is concerned and not so
deliberation, they placed the carbolic • Solar fencing damaged at couple of
friendly if they want to trespass.
acid in bottles with the caps pierced places because of trees falling on it.
• 45,000 ltrs semi underground water at different locations so as to prevent
sump with CGI sheet cover. entry of snakes. • CGI roof top of the water sump gone
and along with it half of water was
• Rain water harvesting done for the • Elephant’s visit: Slowly the winter just sucked out of the sump and gone
surface run off water. set in and paddy harvesting started. by the cyclonic wind.
This is the party time for the
• Dendrobium orchids comprising pachyderms. In fact, a lone elephant • Electric pole inside the farm house
of 80% Earsakul Sonia and 20% visited the farm house one night uprooted.
Singapore / Sanan white were but was effectively stopped from
planted in the Polyhouse. entering the Polyhouse because of • Flooding due to accumulation of rain
the solar fencing. water but not as intense as it was on
• North-South alignment of the 21st July 2018.
benches on which the orchids • Devastation by cyclone ‘Fani’: Then
were planted keeping in mind the came the months of summer and the • Couple of benches the net portion
movement of sun. blooming of flowers had already had caved in.
started. As if the nature God was
The site clearance, construction of trying to test the perseverance of the Overcoming the disaster of
associated infrastructure and plantation orchids, they heard the announcement ‘fani’:
work was completed in a record time of of a very severe cyclone going to hit
four and half months on 18th Jul 2018. the coastal belt of Odisha. They had 04th May 2019, the day after ‘Fani’ was a
two days’ time in their hand. They clear sky and piercing bright sunlight and
Challenges faced: took four important steps. Rolled all orchids were braving out the scorching
down the side curtains and tucked it summer heat in the coastal area. The boys
• Torrential rain: After the plantation working in the Farm House had all tears
firmly to the framed structure, tied up
work on 18th July, they went out in their eyes and said, “Saab everything
the retractable side nets into bunches
for a short vacation. There was very is finished”.

47 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Commercial Orchids Production under Protected cultivation by Amateurs….

A quick assessment at site made them Next task was to get a generator, which of years back can say it and show it with
realize that they had to provide the shade could run bore well and sprinkle irrigation confidence that there is immense potential
to all the plants ASAP if they have to system. The requirement was 7.5 KV in this field provided, we adopt a scientific
give a second life to the orchids. Couple DG set but getting it from a branded approach, follow the discipline, process,
of more days of direct exposure to the company was costing something like two protocol and proactive. Most important
piercing sun, and that would be the end of lacs rupees including the transport from being the human factor; nothing succeeds
orchids and their dream. By God’s grace Kolkata. All generators in Odisha were if one does not have the right Team on
not a square inch of the retractable shade sold out and not available. Then started ground.
net was torn as they had rolled it and tied the process of exploring the market and
it up before ‘Fani’. They called the boys They believe in sharing of knowledge
finally, homed on to a locally assembled
together and said, “If we decide to save and welcome the budding entrepreneurs
DG set which was producing a lot of
the Project, we are ready to spend but you and enthusiasts to visit their Farm House.
noise at one fourth price. They got the
should also be ready to give your 24x7 for They take pride on their abilities to assist
normal electric supply back after almost
next few days”. They said they were ready and educate visitors about setting up the
a month. The DG set is still working fine
and one of the boys said he would first get infrastructure for growing orchids, and
in their farm house.
the farm house in order then go and repair hope visitors would gain better insight
his house in the village. That was the end Unfortunately, the project was not of the entire process and would adopt
of discussion and the herculean task of covered under insurance. It was not a holistic approach to set up their own
revival started. Climbing up the poles that we did not try for it but none of the enterprise. If required, they can provide
and opening up the net started. It was a insurance companies was forthcoming in the consultancy and assist in setting up of
difficult task; the knots were tightened getting the Polyhouse insured, might be the project.
because of high wind pressure. But there because of the high-risk factor.
It was really a dream came true for Mrs
was no going back, the work continued in
and Mr. Mohanty as we saw rich flowers
the night and the charged high beam torch
in his polyhouse. In his words, dream big,
light was handy. It took almost two days’
do bigger, work harder and fight till you
time to spread the shade net and fix it to
achieve dream…
the Poly house frame.
We learnt a lot from this couple during
Second task was to give a kind of
our visit to his farm. I am sure the
protection to the plants to save them from
surrounding farmers and young students
probable fungus attack and they sprayed Mr. Mohanty giving information on his
who visited and will visit his farm and
fungicide manually as the electrically Orchids Project
speak to him, will surely get motivated to
operated system was out of service.
start their own projects. My salute to Mrs
Back to normal: and Mr Mohanty for their grand success,
Next criticality was the irrigation, which
was of paramount importance to beat the It took more than a month to get the successful efforts and positive thinking
summer heat and drying up of the media situation under control and the orchids that made them successful farmers.
(Coconut husk). There was a respite fought like brave hearts to withstand
Col Sujan Mohanty (Retd) and Ms.
because of the rainfall post cyclone, the vagaries of nature. For the last three
Monalisa Mohanty
the media was fairy wet. They had months they are getting exquisite blooms
approximately 25,000 Ltrs of water still and achieving operational break even. Orchids n More
left in the sump. Manual irrigation started They have been harvesting approximately
by boys and by hiring labour. Slowly the 10,000 sticks every month on an average Mob: 85990 82300
water was getting depleted from the sump out of 25,000 orchids planted in the
and getting the electricity restored was Polyhouse. Challenges are plenty as they Note: Above story narrate the hidden
next to impossible. And they never had a are dealing with life of plants. But it is happening in a venture for which one
generator. 100% doable because amateurs like them should be careful to meet the challenges.
without any knowledge on orchids couple

48 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture

Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture

S. R. Singh and S. Rajan
ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Kakori-226101 Lucknow U.P.

fold production by using the roof and 1. Liquid hydroponics: In Liquid hy-
defective land with multiple cropping droponicsonly, the nutrient solution
under adverse climatic situation with used.
minimum external inputs and energy. It may be classified as
This technology is highly productive,
amenable to automation, suitable in areas
I. Circulating type:
with water scarcity, degraded and sick
lands, roof top and indoor of buildings. • Nutrient Film Method
S. R. Singh

Hydroponic is a method of growing • Deep Flow Method
reen revolution efforts are
being neutralized by faster the plant without soil by using the inert
growing population. One fourth medium and adding the nutrient solution II. Non circulating type (open system)
population of the nation is malnourished all elements needed by plants for its • Root dipping method
due to imbalance diet in spite of sufficient optimum growth and development.
food availability (FAO, 2012). The • Floating method
The hydroponic system has many
fruit and vegetable can mitigate these advantages over the conventional • Capillary method
problems as they are rich in minerals growing system.
and vitamins. Faster urbanization
and diversion of agricultural lands in 2. Solid hydroponics: The method has
• It needs 70-80 percent less water.
developmental works and expansion a solid medium for the roots It may
of cities has put much pressure for • More production per unit area classified as
higher production from a small piece with additional possibility vertical • Hanging bag method
of land. Rural-to-urban migration, have farming
profoundly enhance the proportion urban • Grow bag method
population. Though government has • Optimization of nutrient is possible
for different crop. • Trench method
secured the people for food but these are
not sufficient to solve the malnutrition • Less infestation of disease and pest • Pot method
problem. Balanced food is needed for due to control conditions, balance
32 % urban people of the nation which nutrients and devoid of soil. 3. Aeroponics System
presently being catered from rural areas
by using intensive cultivation and faster • It can address the problem of • Root mist system
transportation involving a huge amount residue free, natural antioxidant rich • Fog feed system
of non renewalenergy. Due to further fresh horticultural produce.
increasing of urban periphery, more and Component of Hydroponic system: A
more rural areas are becoming part of peri- • Space available at roof top, indoor hydroponic system needs following
urban and urban.Immense population can be productively utilized and component which varied according to
pressure, increasing food prices, socio- aesthetic value may be increased structure size and resources.
economic and environmental stresses, instead of fresh farm produce for
especially in the urban areas, making the consumer of vicinity (reducing the Water Pump: The parts of water pump
food, nutrition, health and environmental transport cost and environmental should be non reactive with nutrient salt
security a serious challenge (Devakumar concerns) solution. Pump with very high head
and Chhonkar, 2013). The main purpose does not require in hydroponics systems
of urban horticulture is to meet part of food Limitations for solution circulation. As the nutrient
demand of urban population by judicious solution more effectively conducts
• High initial investment cost
utilization of land and other available electricity compared to water hence a
resources, although small land holding • High degree of management skill safety device is necessary with the water
and uncertain climatic conditions, insect pump for safe operation. A trip switch
pest infestations restricts regular and • Less number of high value crops for should be used to disconnect electricity
higher production. Hence hydroponics Indian consumers preference supply whenever it needed.
may play an important role in order to
produce maximum food with efficient Designs of hydroponics: Nutrient and oxygen regulation
input use, and low climatic and insect sensors: Small plant needs less oxygen
pest risks. The hydroponic farming The three main types of hydroponics are than Therefore; the nutrient solution
has efficiency to increase the many prevalent. circulation span can be reduced during

49 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture

initial growth period of the plant which be essential if EC and TDSare not ‘Modified Hoagland solutions’ and
can reduce the electricity consumption. monitored properly. are widely used.
Automation by using timer could reduce Nutrient elements and their acceptable
energy consumption and can enhance Nutrient solutions concentration in a hydroponic solution:
the nutrient use efficiency. Inclusion of
oxygen concentration detection sensor Plant nutrients of hydroponics systems are
in inorganic and ionic form. The nutrient Element ppm in solution
is necessary for optimum circulation
of oxygen for maximum plant growth. dissolved in water in cat ionsforms are Range limit Average
The sensor automatically activates the Nitrogen 150-1000 300
pump,whenever the oxygen concentration • Calcium (Ca2+) Calcium 300-500 400
is low nutrient solution. Magnesium 50-100 75
• Magnesium (Mg2+)
Channels or growing structure: Phosphorus 50-100 80
• Potassium (K+)
Growing structure is made of according Potassium 100-400 250
type hydroponic systems. Aeropoics The major nutrient anions in nutrient
Sulphur 200-1000 400
require a frame box with fogger or solutions are:
mister. A nutrient film technique requires Copper 0.1-0.5 0.5
foodgrade PVC pipes for circulating • Nitrate (NO3) Boron 0.5-5.0 1.0
nutrient solution as the channels. UV Iron 2.0-10 5.0
stabilized channels pipes are more • Sulfate (SO4 )
Manganese 0.5-5.0 2.0
durable and sustainable. Painting of these
• Phosphate (H2PO4) Molybdenum 0.001-0.002 0.001
pipes white paint will prevent the increase
intemperature of nutrient solution during Hydroponic solutions: Zinc 0.5-1.0 0.5
the summer as higher temperature reduce
the root activity and nutrient up take of Use different combinations of salts to ppm - Parts per million (1 mg in 1000
plant which effect growth. The flow rate prepare final composition of nutrient ml water)
required in hydroponics is kept 2 litres solutions for hydroponically grown
Environmental requirements of
per minute. To adjust the flow rate an plants.
hydroponic: Specific environment is
over-flow pipe will have to be fitted in required for quality yield production
the system. Ebb and flow system require Most commonly used salts for the macro-
nutrients are; crops. Environmental conditions,
a shallow water tank of stainless steel or water quality, physiochemical status
plastic with growing trays whereas drip of substrate, frequency and doses of
system of hydroponic needs grow bags or • Potassium nitrate -KNO3.
irrigation, crop management and quality
grow channel with drip nutrient supply of light effect the crop yield and quality
• Calcium nitrate - Ca(NO₃)₂
system under hydroponics.
• Potassium phosphate- KH2PO4
pH and EC Meters: EC and pH meters Light: The requirement for light is just as
are essential component of hydroponic • Magnesium sulphate - MgSO4 essential for plants grown hydroponically
system. In commercial production system as for those in soil. When plants are
automatic EC, pH and temperature Essential elements to supply the micro-
nutrients of the plantsto be added to grown hydroponically outdoor one may
recorders are placed to check the EC, rely mostly on solar radiation, while
pH and temperature nutrient solution. In hydroponic solutions are
growing plants indoor it is necessary
small home garden units to monitor and to provide artificial illumination. In the
regulation of the EC and pH of nutrient • Fe (Iron)
past, balance has been achieved by using
solution one can use ordinary portable a combination of fluorescent tubes and
• Mn (Manganese)
EC and pH meter. ordinary sodium lamps, so that both
• Cu (Copper) the blue and red ends of the spectrum
Blowers: It maintainsthe air circulation
through the plants so that to avoid fungal were present respectively. Now days,
• Zn (Zinc) LED light emitters may be preferred.
disease and distribution of pollens to
facilitate pollination inside protected • B (Boron) Photosynthetically active radiation (400-
structures. Some pollination devices 700 nm) is essential is artificial lighting
may alsobe used in place of blower for • Cl (Chlorine) is required. Generally, areas with good
efficient pollination in cross pollinated sunlight do not require artificial lighting.
• Ni (Nickel)
crops. This device shakes the individual Temperature: A favourable temperature
plants to facilitate the pollination under • Chelating agents are used to keep Fe is as important for plants in artificial culture
the protected structures. soluble. as for those in soil. The night temperature
Nutrimeter: To measure the nutrient profoundly affects stem growth and fruit
• Many variations of the nutrient solu- setting. Leafy vegetables are preferred
content of the solution nutrimeter would tions used by Arnon and Hoagland in option for hydroponics system to avoid

50 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture

high nitrate and pesticide residue levels as Government. Suitability of crop varieties,
they consumed fresh. For leafy & exotic hydroponics system suitability, ideal
vegetables temperature range of 15-18°C microclimate, light intensity, nutrient,
is optimum although they can tolerate water temperature, Electric conductivity,
as low as 7°C temperature. Temperature and pH concentration has been
range of 15-32°C for cucumber and standardized for optimum production of
18-27°C for tomato and capsicum are high value horticultural crops.
optimum for crop production.
Strength of nutrient solution is measured
Water: Water quality is an important through electric conductivity but it
component of hydroponics as it measures as whole strength of solution
directly affects the nutrient availability. and does not indicate one or more nutrient
Hydroponically grown plant prefers are out of balance. Low conductivity
Smart nutrient solution for all crops
slightly acidic growing conditions than a implies low nutrient concentration which
geoponic plant. Between pH range 5.5 to results low growth rate of plant. Higher
6.5 most of nutrients becomes available conductivity leads to more yield but
hydroponic plant. Hence neutral water is one be careful as higher conductivity
preferred for the system. may damage the plant, hence optimum
conductivity for each crop should kept
Aeration for the roots: In order to for maximum productivity.
absorb water and nutrients, the roots
require a certain amount of oxygen. pH concentration regulates the nutrients
Plants do not grow well in water logged uptake of the crops. A high pH can reduce
soil devoid of air space and most plants the availability of iron, manganese,
do not grow well in water culture unless boron, copper, zinc and phosphorus
provision is made to aerate the solution where as low pH reduces the availability Propagation of guava
by circulating it or by bubbling air into potassium calcium sulphur, calcium
it. The solubility of oxygen in water is and magnesium. Optimum range of pH,
low (0.004%) and further decreases with EC, and TDS has been standardized for
increase in temperature. subtropical regions

Anchorage: For plants growing in soil, Crop pH EC TDS

sand or gravel culture anchorage is not (mS/cm) (ppm)
a problem. However, when plants are
Capsicum 6- 1.8-2.2 1250-
grown in water culture, it is necessary
6.5 1540
to provide some mean of support for
the seedlings (like clay balls filled in the Tomato 5.5- 2-5 1000-
plastic mesh cups) and later the plants 6.5 2500
Tomato under NFT
above the nutrient solution (stacking Lettuce 5.5- 0.8-1.2 400- 850
threads or wires) to allow plats to grown 6.5
vertically. Pak Choi 6.5- 1.5-2 1050-
7.0 1400
Standardisation package
Cucu- 6.0- 1.7-2.4 1150-
of practices hydroponics in mber 6.5 1750
subtropical region
The nutrients for nutri-rich high value
The successful attempts of standardization vegetables and strawberry plants have
of hydroponics technology package of been standardized.
practices for subtropics, Indian Council
of Agriculture Research - Central Institute
for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow
started to standardize the cultivation
of vegetables, herbs and strawberry as
well as hydroponic propagation of plants
under subtropical climatic conditions.
The Institute has demonstrated four
hydroponic system, i.e., aero-ponic
system, ebb and flow system, NFT system
and drip hydroponic system with help Lettuce in Aeroponics
of Rastriya Krishi Vikash Yojana U.P.
Drip system hydroponic

51 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture

Keeping in view the importance of soil Conclusion:

less culture in urban and peri-urban areas
CISH, Lucknow has started designing the Hydroponics is potential technology to
low-cost vertical hydroponics systems transform urban horticulture scenario.
for vegetable growers. Four to five Health consciousness of people, high
layered vertical structures developed incidence of fatal diseases due excess
to increase the productivity manifold of residual pesticides in horticultural
on roof top or indoor gardening of crops, inclination towards green living
vegetables and ornamentals. The Nutrient have forced people to adopt the reliable
Film Technique Modals and media-based system of crop growing which could
model has been designed according to offer ample opportunities to supplement
need of growers. The nutrient kit with the fresh safe and healthy, pesticide free,
management of nutrient concentration, natural antioxidant rich produce. The
electric conductivity and pH of the hydroponics technology can offer the
system has also being provided to the livelihood opportunity in vertical farming
growers for easy growing of the crops. system for roof and indoor gardening.
The round the year production possibility
makes it more promising for supply the
horticulture produce at lucrative prices.

Literature cited
F.A.O. (2012). Food agriculture and
cities: Challenges of food and nutritional
security, agriculture ecosystem
management in an urbanising world. FAO
food for cities multidisciplinary initiative
position paper. FAO Rome pp-45
Vertigo Hydroponics
Deva Kumar C and Chhonker P.K.
(2013) Urban and peri-urban agriculture
Policy paper no.67.National academy of
Triangle Agricultural Sciences New Delhi 12P.


52 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)


53 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Company Name : GM Greenhouse
Location : Talegaon Dabhade, Pune
Proprietor : Mr. Ganesh Mhaske
Phone : 9604111010
Email : [email protected]
Mr. Ganesh Mhaske

The fully automated greenhouse area 2000 sqmtr constructed by GM GREENHOUSES for M/s. Kevin Infrastructure
company, Banglore, has the latest and most advanced technology to create an ideal growing environment for the
respective crops by controlling the optimal temperature, humidity, EC/pH, timing for irrigation and many more
parameters. This is essential for practicing precision hydroponics NFT Gully system, where each crop gets the
ideal climatic conditions and nutrition for healthiest crop.

54 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Hydroponics: A Future Technology for Urban Horticulture

Vertical Strawberry Gardens –Tourist Attraction

T. Janakiram
Assistant Director General (HS), ICAR, New Delhi-110012

Farmersmostly cultivate the plants while at the same time they get to taste
growing in rows. However, these are delicacy of farm fresh strawberries.
sometimes grown in vertical stacks as
well using thermocol and card board Every year Strawberry Festival attracts
structures supported by iron frames and many tourists and they are allowed to
provided with fertigation facility. Bhilara pick but also to eat as many strawberries
farm cultivates strawberries in 3-4 as they like. The farms are open for this
acres of which one acre is dedicated for purpose.
T. Janakiram verticalfarming. The farmer is cultivating

The Mahabaleshwar strawberry is a
ahabaleshwar is synonymous two varieties namely Nabila and Winter
seasonal fruit with the usual season
with strawberries and is Dawn. The crop is taken in 6 months from
lasting between October–November and
also known as the Land of October to March. Thepotting media
April–May. Mother saplings, some of
Strawberries.Strawberries are known for included cocopeat and soil. Four plants
which are imported from Californiain the
its delicacy and value-added products are accommodated per pot and the pots
month of June, are planted in nurseries in
like strawberry jellies, fudge and even are arranged in such a way to allow sun
places like Wai. The runners produced by
a strawberry pizza. Strawberries were light in equalproportion. Nearly 50 fruits
each of these saplings are replanted in the
brought to the region from Australia by are harvested per pot per month which
month of September. The land is prepared
the British during the British rule. As of yields 300 fruits in 6 months. Vegetables
after the monsoon season in September by
late 2015, it is grown in an estimated like broccoli and cauliflower are planted
fumigation and covering the fields with
area of 3,000 acres with about 30,000 at the base of the vertical poles for
plastic sheets. The saplings are planted in
metric tonnes of the fruit being produced additional income utilizing the ground
holes punched through these sheets and
annually. It contributes to about 85 space. The fruits are sold at Rs 400 per
all cultivation practices are followed like
percent of the total strawberry production Kg. The strawberries are first plucked and
application of fertilizersetc.
in the country. then segregated depending on their size
and quality Mahabaleshwar strawberry is used
The region between Mahabaleshwar in making various food products in
and Panchgani is known for large-scale The vertical farming attracts many tourists
the region such as preserves, jams,
strawberrycultivation due to its climate during the harvesting season, pickers are
fruit crushes, ice-creams, milkshakes,
being cool, stable, and dry. Strawberry given boxes to enjoy harvesting of tasty
strawberry with fresh cream, strawberry
plants mainly thrive in regions where the strawberries. This is an awesome activity
fudge, strawberry wine and jelly toffees.
temperatures range between 18 °C and 25 to indulge in with the kids. It teaches
°C. them about the ecology and cultivation;

Photographs from Facebook

55 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

Prof. Brahma Singh Horticulture
Foundation, BSHF
Registration No.1590; 03 October 2019
E-713, Mayur Vihar, Phase-2, Delhi-110021
[email protected]

Activities of the foundation

a. To organize national and international horticulture and associated sciences
congress, conclave, seminar, conference, workshop and meetings.
b. To organize exhibitions/ trade fairs on horticulture and associated subjects.
c. To promote horticulture education, research and development.
d. To recognize contributions in horticulture and associated subjects by way
of awards.
e. To undertaking, support, outsource innovations and productive research.
f. To promote secondary horticulture/protective horticulture/hi-tech horticul-
ture/vertical farming/high value crops/products and alike subjects.
g. Search for innovative horticulture crops and farmers and consumer’s
friendly horticulture marketing and other post- harvest activities.
h. Promotion of linkages and cooperation among national and international
horticultural bodies and institutions both in public and private sector.
i. To work in national and international collaborative mode for promotion of

From this issue onwards the BSHF would publish New Age Protected Cultivation e-Magazine

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57 | New Age Protected Cultivation | January-June 2020 | Vol 6(1)

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