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Agriculture Project

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K. SIVA RAMA RAJU – 2015048









PROJECT TITLE: Impact of Technology on Indian Agriculture


I, K Siva Rama Raju, hereby declare that this project on “Impact of Technology on Indian
Agriculture”, submitted by me is an original work done by me. I have accredited all those
sources using which the project has been made.

Signature of the student Signature of the Faculty


Successful achievement of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the people who
have made it achievable. So it’s with the thankfulness that I acknowledge the aid, which crowned
my hard work with accomplishment.

I owe my gratitude to Dr. K. Sudha., Faculty Information Technology and Law, for her
constant guidance and support. I would also like to thank the various department officials and
staff who not only provided me with required opportunity but also extended their valuable time
and I have no words to express my gratefulness to them.

Last but not least I am very much indebted to my family and friends for their warm
encouragement and moral support in conducting this project work.




7. TPP Trans Pacific Partnership





1. Introduction 6
2. Impact Of Technology On Agriculture 8
3. Emerging Agriculture Technologies 10
a. Soil And Water Sensors 11
b. Weather Tracking 12
c. Satellite Imaging 12
d. Pervasive Automation 12
e. Minichromosomal Technology 13
f. RFID Technology 13
g. Vertical Farming 13
4. Global Food and Agriculture: New Context And Challenges 14
5. Indian Scenario 16
6. New Achievements In Agricultural Technology 17
7. Components Of New Agricultural Technology 20
a. Irrigation 20
b. H.Y.V.Seeds 23
c. Fertilizers Corp-Protection 24
d. Mechanization 28
8. Challenges, Policies and Strategies 32
9. Conclusion 50


Modern farms and agricultural operations work far differently than those a few decades ago,
primarily because of advancements in technology, including sensors, devices, machines, and
information technology. Today’s agriculture routinely uses sophisticated technologies such as
robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. These advanced
devices and precision agriculture and robotic systems allow businesses to be more profitable,
efficient, safer, and more environmentally friendly. Modern farms and agricultural operations
work far differently than those a few decades ago, primarily because of advancements in
technology, including sensors, devices, machines, and information technology. Today’s
agriculture routinely uses sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture
sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. These advanced devices and precision agriculture
and robotic systems allow businesses to be more profitable, efficient, safer, and more
environmentally friendly.1

Farmers no longer have to apply water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields.
Instead, they can use the minimum quantities required and target very specific areas, or even
treat individual plants differently. Benefits include: Higher crop productivity Decreased use of
water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which in turn keeps food prices down Reduced impact on natural
ecosystems Less runoff of chemicals into rivers and groundwater Increased worker safety In
addition, robotic technologies enable more reliable monitoring and management of natural
resources, such as air and water quality. It also gives producers greater control over plant and
animal production, processing, distribution, and storage, which results in: Greater efficiencies
and lower prices Safer growing conditions and safer foods Reduced environmental and
ecological impact.2

Agriculture has remained as a centrepiece of Indian economy. Though it is a main source of

livelihood for a majority of Indian population, it still stands as a technologically backward sector.
Despite its importance to the economy, little has been done to revive the sector. From production
challenges to financing inefficiencies, Indian agriculture is plagued by several issues. Inadequate
farm equipments, lack of access to fairly priced credit, distribution challenges due to

IBEF, 2017.
Emerick et al., 2016.

intermediaries between farm to fork are some of the challenges facing the Indian farmer. Farmers
are the sole risk bearers of all these challenges that arise in the farming cycle. Be it lack of
quality tools, erratic monsoons or pest outbreaks, farmers have to face it all without any risk
mitigation among other stakeholders.3

Till the seventies of the last century, Indian agriculture was in a poor condition. The agrarian
economy was largely consump-tion-oriented and there were poor irrigation facilities and simple
agricultural implements. Agricultural yield was very low and dependency on nature was very


The objective of the study is to understand how Technology and change in it has an impact in


The significance of the study is that it is related to changes technology will bring in agriculture
whether good or bad.


The scope of the study is limited. The scope is limited to the position of agriculture in India.


The method of Doctrinal Study has been followed. This is a pure theoretical research. The study
is based on various published sources, books, articles, journals and online resources like e-books,
online magazines and databases.


In the case of India, agricultural sector plays a pivotal role in the economy. India achieved self-
sufficiency in foodgrains particularly in rice and wheat due to green revolution. But, soon it was
recognised that we have to move beyond green revolution as it has neglected rainfed areas,
nutrition crops like millets, non-cereals and resource poor farmers. It has also created ecological

Government of India, 2017a.

and environmental sustainability problems. It is well known that although its contribution to
gross domestic product (GDP) is now around one seventh, agriculture provides employment to
48 per cent of the Indian workforce.


In the first topic I have dealt with dealt with the introduction where I have introduced how
agricultur is being impacted by the change in technology. In the next topic this issue has been
dealt in depth. In the third topic emerging agriculture technologies have been discussed like soil
and water sensors, weather tracking, satellite imaging etc are discussed. In the 4th chapter the
issues in a global context are dealt. Then in the fifth chapter Indian scenario is discussed. The 6th
and 7th chapters talk about new achievements in agricultural technology and the components of
it. The eighth chapter the challenges, policies and strategies are discussed. The last chapter is


We live in a world where technology is at the heart of our everyday lives. Similar to the
transformations in other sectors, technology is sure to shape farming practices. Technology can
transform Indian agriculture by addressing challenges related to quality, quantity, distribution
and storage. Here’s how:

Production: Currently farmers choose crops on the basis of the trends of the last season.
Technology can assist them in making right growing choices by carefully analysing demand,
pricing and fluctuations in weather conditions. This will create a better balance between supply
and demand. Technology enabled farming tools can be a boon for small farms. Large machinery
used in developed countries have very little applicability in most of our small farms. The key is
to build mechanised processes suitable for small farms that reduce dependency on manual effort
and results in better productivity.

Technology based crop advisory around crop planning, pest control, disease mitigation can be
very useful. Online marketplaces offering wide variety of authentic agri inputs that are backed by
scientific agri-advisory can also help. 4

Financing: Technologies that enable contract farming arrangements can help solve financing
inefficiencies in the system.5 This reduces the farmer’s risk with guaranteed off-take
arrangements and agri-inputs supplied by the contracting company. Apart from with this,
technology can also help farmers avail crop insurance and credit that are rightly priced. This can
be possible by analysing data from various sources including land records, weather analysis,
historical and current satellite imagery and remote monitoring using drones.6

Distribution: In the traditional model, middlemen walk away with a large chunk of a farmer’s
income. E-marketplaces that can connect buyers and farmers directly can dis-intermediate the
chain and offer better incomes to farmers. An effective cold chain system is the need of the hour
for Indian agriculture. Most of the existing cold storage units are outdated. Technology enabled
cold storage chains that are controlled using smart devices can prevent post harvest losses.
Automated grading and sorting of crops using robotics and machine vision, can also reduce
efforts and wastage in the supply chain.

Sharing economy models that allow shared usage of high cost equipment like tractors can
decrease financial burden on the farmers. This model can help farmers use tools and machines on
a per usage basis instead of investing a high cost on outright purchase. With growing usage of
smartphones, farmers can tap into the wisdom of the crowds, other knowledgeable farmers and
agronomists to take inputs during the growing period.

Unlike the olden day farmers, the new age Indian farmer is not the stereotypical ‘kisan’. They are
tech savvy and are open to adopting new technologies that can help them improve their income.
For instance, a Facebook group for organic farmers in India with a member strength of 22,000
has become an engaging platform for farmers to seek help or advice from other farmers.

Government of India, 2013.
S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,
USDA-FAS, 2014.

Whatsapp groups are now used extensively by farmers to exchange knowledge and collaborate
with peers. From ordering seeds online to seeking inputs on social media, there is rapid adoption
of information technology by Indian farmers.7

In spite of new technologies making their way into agriculture, some factors still hold back their
adoption. Quite often, farmers can be hesitant to try out and invest in new technologies due to
lack of clarity on ROI or lack of successful case studies of other farmers. Infrastructural issues
like power supply and internet connectivity in remotely located farms can be a challenge while
building connected farms or deploying IoT solutions. Last mile logistics, to get agri products,
into the hands of farmers, is still a big challenge, and very often needs to rely on cash-based
traditional distribution channels, which are not nimble enough.8

During the past fifty years, development in the sustainability. For instance, best management
practices agriculture sector and policies has been changed for improvement of agriculture are
widely applied successfully at emphasizing external inputs to increase nowadays. New disease
resistant hybrids, reduced food production.


The agriculture sector recorded satisfactory growth due to improved technology, irrigation,
inputs and pricing policies. Livestock, poultry, fisheries and horticulture are surging ahead in
production growth in recent years and will have greater demand in the future. Industrial and
service sectors have expanded faster than agriculture sector resulting in declining share of
agriculture in national accounts. Despite the structural change, agriculture still remains a key
sector, providing both employment and livelihood opportunities to more than 70 percent of the
country's population who live in rural areas. The contribution of small farmers to the national
and household food security has been steadily increasing. The water availability for agricultural
uses has reached a critical level and deserves urgent attention of all concerned.

India has high population pressure on land and other resources to meet its food and development
needs. The natural resource base of land, water and bio-diversity is under severe pressure. Food
demand challenges ahead are formidable considering the non-availability of favourable factors of

Dastagiri et al., 2014.
Dastagiri et al., 2014.

10 | P a g e
past growth, fast declining factor productivity in major cropping systems and rapidly shrinking
resource base.9 Vast uncommon opportunities to harness agricultural potential still remain, which
can be tapped to achieve future targets. There are serious gaps both in yield potential and
technology transfer as the national average yields of most of the commodities are low, which if
addressed properly could be harnessed.10

Concentration was on enhanced production of a few commodities like rice and wheat, which
could quickly contribute to increased total food and agricultural production. This resulted in
considerable depletion of natural resources and the rainfed dry areas having maximum
concentration of resource poor farmers remained ignored, aggravating problems of inequity and
regional imbalances. This also led to a high concentration of malnourished people in these
rainfed, low productive areas. This era also witnessed rapid loss of soil nutrients, agro-
biodiversity including indigenous land races and breeds.11

The agriculture policy must accelerate all-round development and economic viability of
agriculture in comprehensive terms. Farmers must be provided the necessary support,
encouragement and incentives. It must focus both on income and greater on-farm and off-farm
job and livelihood opportunities.

In US venture capitalists invested more than $2 billion in agriculture technology startups in 2014
and again in 2015. That trend is expected to continue in 2016 because the demand for innovative
farm technology is high, and when inventors show results, modern farmers have demonstrated a
willingness to embrace those inventions and new techniques. With that in mind, here are seven
emerging technologies that can literally change the agricultural landscape in the years ahead.

1. Soil and Water Sensors

Perhaps the equipment having the most immediate effect are soil and water sensors. These
sensors are durable, unobtrusive and relatively inexpensive. Even family farms are finding it
affordable to distribute them throughout their land, and they provide numerous benefits. For

S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,
The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd, 2017.
ISAAA, 2015

11 | P a g e
instance, these sensors can detect moisture and nitrogen levels, and the farm can use this
information to determine when to water and fertilize rather than rely on a predetermined
schedule. That results in more efficient use of resources and therefore lowered costs, but it also
helps the farm be more environmentally friendly by conserving water, limiting erosion and
reducing fertilizer levels in local rivers and lakes.12

2. Weather Tracking

Although we still make jokes about our local meteorologists, the truth is that computerized
weather modeling is becoming increasingly sophisticated. There are online weather services that
focus exclusively on agriculture, and farmers can access these services on dedicated onboard and
handheld farm technology but also via mobile apps that run on just about any consumer
smartphone. This technology can give farmers enough advanced notice of frost, hail and other
weather that they can take precautions to protect the crops or at least mitigate losses to a
significant degree.13

3. Satellite Imaging

As remote satellite imaging has become more sophisticated, it’s allowed for real-time crop
imagery. This isn’t just bird’s-eye-view snapshots but images in resolutions of 5-meter-pixels
and even greater. Crop imagery lets a farmer examine crops as if he or she were standing there
without actually standing there. Even reviewing images on a weekly basis can save a farm a
considerable amount of time and money. Additionally, this technology can be integrated with
crop, soil and water sensors so that the farmers can receive notifications along with appropriate
satellite images when danger thresholds are met.

4. Pervasive Automation

Pervasive automation is a buzz term in the agriculture technology industry, and it can refer to
any technology that reduces operator workload. Examples include autonomous vehicles
controlled by robotics or remotely through terminals and hyper precision, such as RTK
navigation systems that make seeding and fertilization routes as optimal as possible. Most

BIS Research 2015
Tech Mahindra, No date.

12 | P a g e
farming equipment already adopts the ISOBUS standard, and that puts on the precipice of a
farming reality where balers, combines, tractors and other farming equipment communicate and
even operate in a plug-and-play manner.14

5. Minichromosomal Technology

Perhaps one of the most exciting advents in agriculture technology is coming in a very tiny
package.15 A minichromosome is a small structure within a cell that includes very little genetic
material but can, in layman’s terms, hold a lot of information. Using minichromosomes,
agricultural geneticists can add dozens and perhaps even hundreds of traits to a plant. These traits
can be quite complex, such as drought tolerance and nitrogen use. However, what is most
intriguing about minichromosomal technology is that a plant’s original chromosomes are not
altered in any way. That results in faster regulatory approval and wider, faster acceptance from

6. RFID Technology

The soil and water sensors mentioned earlier have set a foundation for traceability. The industry
has only begun to realize this infrastructure, but it’s taking shape quickly. These sensors provide
information that can be associated with farming yields. It may seem like science fiction, but
we’re living in a world where a bag of potatoes can have a barcode that you can scan with your
smartphone in order to access information about the soil that yielded them. A future where farms
can market themselves and have loyal consumers track their yields for purchase is not far-

7. Vertical Farming

Vertical farming has been a science fiction topic as far back as the 1950s and perhaps further,
and now it’s not only scientifically viable but will be financially viable within the decade.
Vertical farm technology Vertical farming a component of urban agriculture is the practice of
producing food in vertically stacked layers. This offers many advantages. Perhaps the most
obvious is the ability to grow within urban environments and thus have fresher foods available

Shashwati, 2017
Agfunder, 2017.

13 | P a g e
faster and at lower costs. However, vertical farming won’t be limited to just urban environments
like initially expected. Farmers in all areas can use it to make better use of available land and to
grow crops that wouldn’t normally be viable in those locations.


There have been significant changes in global food and agriculture in the last few decades.
Economic growth seem to be conveging across countries. This has implications for convergence
of food demand, food production and agricultural policies and trade16.

There are many challenges at global level such as climate change, urbanization, migration,
technologies like automation, increased inequality, changes in political factors like the US
policies, Brexit, and protectionism. These factors and anti-globalisation is the changing context
for food systems and agriculture.

There are geo-political challenges of uncertainty due to US policies. Recent anti-globalisation

measures like threats to NAFTA, TPP (trans pacific partnership) and, tariffs by the US and China
may have adverse impact on trade further. The US also does not respect the Paris Agreement on
climate change. These actions by the US lead to shift away from multilateral and international
agreements. The US started systematically undermining the WTO. It is now questioning the very
basic principles on which the WTO is founded. The rules-based system that drives WTO through
the dispute settlement mechanism -- so far the only arm of multilateral body that is functioning
well -- is now being threatened by the US. Trade wars and anti-globalisation is going to hurt
trade further. International trade will have benefits and negative effects. The risks associated
with trade opening –including rising inequality, health impact, increasing energy use, and
environmental damage should be addressed with policies directly target the source of the
problem rather than hampering trade

Another challenge is high and increasing inequality. Income of the top 1 per cent in the world
has grown twice as much as that of the bottom 50 per cent. Inequality increased both in
developed and developing countries. It will have significant implications for food and
agriculture. Women, youth, small farmers and other vulnerable groups have to be protected in
this sector. At the economy level, the key source of inequality at global level has been
Martin (2018). On agriculture and economic development through global lens, see Pingali (2007)

14 | P a g e
technological change favouring higher skills. In Western Europe and the USA, technological
progress has also translated into reduction of middle class jobs, a phenomenon known as
polarisation (IMF, 2017). One global trend is automation’ and ‘digitization’ and other new
technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which can take away the routine jobs
outsourced to labor abundant economies.

Urbanisation and climate change are other global challenges. The urban share of global
population is likely to increase from 55% in 2018 to 68% by 2050. It will have implications for
agriculture supply, demand, food markets and value chains. Climate change is real and growing
threat to food and agriculture which have to change to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of
climate change.

Major challenge of food systems17 is to tackle the problems of hunger and triple burden of
malnutrition - undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and obesity. Around 815 million suffer
from undernourishment, 155 million children under five are affected by stunting, two billion
people lack micro nutrients, two billion adults suffer from overweight and obesity. As food
systems are increasingly globalized, the governance issues relating to food and nutrition security
are becoming complex. Hunger and the triple burden of malnutrition has to be addressed at both
country level as well as global level. So far the global governance has been weak. There are
platforms such as UN organisations for example UN Committee on world food security, FAO,
informal coordination mechanism among countries like G7 and G20. But they work in silos.
Therefore, designing a governing platform for intergovernmental coordination is needed. There
are also suggestions of having ‘International Panel on Food, nutrition and agriculture’ similar to
panel on climate change. But, the experience of coordination on climate change is a mixed one.
Climate change is one issue where global governance is important. It is a public good. But,
recent actions by the US show that there are challenges for climate change issues.

What are the likely trends in food and agriculture markets in the next ten years? OECD-FAO
Agricultural Outlook 2018 says that the weakening of demand growth is expected to persist in
the next decade. Although rate of population declines, it will be the main driver of consumption

“Food systems encompass the entire range of activities involved in the production, processing,
marketing,consumption and disposal of goods that originate from agriculture, forestry or fisheries, including the
inputs needed and the outputs generated at each of these steps” (p.3. FAO, 2013)

15 | P a g e
growth for most commodities. There are increasing uncertainties with respect to agricultural
trade policies and concerns about the possibility of rising protectionism globally. The demand for
feed will continue to outpace food demand as livestock production intensifies. China continues to
have larger share of additional feed demand in the next decade also. Per capita consumption of
many commodities and real agricultural prices are expected to be flat at a global.18

Global population is projected to reach almost 10 billion by the middle of the century. It is
known that current agri-food systems are capable of producing enough but doing in an inclusive
and sustainable manner will require major transformations. The growing demand for food has to
be achieved by ensuring that the use of the natural resource base is sustainable, while containing
green house gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change.


Important role played by agricultural technology is obvious in case of our country. The
population of India in 1951 was 36.10 crores which increased with galloping speed (rate) to
102.7 crores in 2001 (census). Thus the growth was more than double. Now if food production
viewed vis-a-vis population, in 1950-51 total food grain production was 50.82 million tonnes,
which increased to 203 million tonnes in 1999-2000. It is beyond imagination what would
happen in absence of new agricultural technology. Today India has become a self sufficient
nation in food supplies, which could feed such a huge population. Not only this but India is one
of the exporter of many agro products.19

Despite the significant achievements made in agricultural technology in India, there are problems
causing following concerns –

1. The growth rate of population in the country is as high as 1.8 percent, and inspite of a
significant growth in production of food crops, she has over 200 million poor people to
2. The Planning Commission had fixed a target of 4.5 percent annual growth rate of
agriculture during 1997-2002. Expected food grain in 2002 was 220.5 million tonnes and

level (OECD-FAO, 2018), In this report, the projections cover consumption, production, stocks, trade and prices
for 25 agricultural products for the period 2018 to 2027.
Information on ITC’s e-Choupal is available at http://www.itcportal.com/businesses/agribusiness/agri-
commodities-and-rural-services. aspx, accessed 11 February 2017.

16 | P a g e
actual production was 212.0 million tonnes. To fill up such a gap more efforts would be
3. To provide food to every one is a problem confronting the country today.
4. Declining per capita availability of cultivable land.
5. There occurs wide spread mismatch between production and post harvest technologies.
Minimization of losses is possible through improved post-harvest technologies.
6. Inadequacy of infrastructure facilities in rural areas.
7. Emerging problem of declining capital investment in agriculture.
8. The existing institutions are in a state of reorientation, particularly following the W.T.O.
regime of liberalization and globalization. The role of state, cooperative sector, private
sector, N.G.Os etc. would have to be redefined, to face the new challenges relating to
input use and input and output markets.


The Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) was set up in 1973 in the
Ministry of Agriculture for coordinating research and educational activities in agriculture, animal
husbandry and fisheries. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an apex
institution which in fact implements the programmes of DARE in the country. ICAR is the
parent body carrying out R&D work on all types of crops, animals, fisheries etc. through a
network of research institutes. Research stations and state level agricultural universities in
various parts of the country has done commendable work in evolving, testing and propagating
new farm technologies.20 Following are some of the significant achievements, in farm

Bio-Technology –

(1) Bio-diversity in Agriculture: Scientists think that mapping and sequencing should be given
top priority as they are the potential contributors of genetic improvement in crop plants and live

(2) Boll G uard Cotton Boll worm attack is the single major threat to the cultivation of the
cotton. Efforts in the direction of controlling the boll worm challenge through spraying bacterial
Information on M&M’s Trringo comes from https://www.trringo.com/about-us/, accessed 11 February 2017.

17 | P a g e
extract gave only temporary relief Attempts were therefore made to transfer the genes
responsible for the bacterial toxin to the cotton plant. The efforts were successful in 1981 but it
took almost 15 years to complete field trials. Inspite of this achievement, still cotton farmers are
beset by the boll worm infections. Therefore it calls for studies on the suitability of boll guard
cotton to our conditions, and recommendations by the experts in the field

(3) Genetic Enhancement of Plants

The International Rice Research Institution (IRRI) (Phihppines) is in the forefront of the genetic
engineering research in rice and had already transferred several genes targeted against stem borer
insect, fungal sheath blight and bacterial blight. The new varieties have to be field tested before
they are released for cultivation21

Water Management –

Water is a scarce resource therefore various techniques have been developed for increasing water
use efficiency. Watershed management is the approach in the inigation development, particularly
in rainfed agriculture. Watersheds are spatially laid from ridge (line of meeting two sloping
surfaces) to valley, they most efficiently conserve land and water resources and facilitate
availability of water throughout the crop period.22

Agricultural Engineering –

It deals with mechanization through efficient use of input to increase farm productivity,
conserving natural resources, reduce crop losses, improve quality of agro-produce etc.
Mechanization is one of the measures of modernization of agriculture.

Bio-Intensive, Integrated Pest Management –

Indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides have an ill-effect on corps, and consequently harmful
for health. Therefore bio-intensive Integrated pest management, a technically feasible and
economically viable method of pest management has become popular, particularly among small

TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India). Various years. Annual Report, 2012–13, 2013– 14, 2014–15.
New Delhi: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.
Government of India. 2013. Key Indicators of Household Consumer Expenditure in India. 68th National Sample
Survey (July 2011 – June 2012). National Sample Survey Office. Ministry of Statistics and Program
Implementation. New Delhi: Government of India.

18 | P a g e
and marginal farmers. It relates to conservation and augmentation of natural enemies of corps
pests and adoption of all compatible cultural, mechanical, physical, genetic, selective chemical
pesticides, tolerant varieties and legal methods.

Agro-Biodiversity -

In September 2000 the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resource was having 197839 seed
samples with them. These samples were for 160 species of different agricultural and horticultural
crops. Out of the above said 197839 samples, 90832 accessions pertained to cereals 31179
pulses, 25070 oilseeds, 13430 minor millets 10088 vegetables, 6755 fibers crops 1539 spices 709
medicinal and aromatic (perfume smell) plants and 778 narcotics.23

Biodiversity has direct consumptive value in food, agriculture, medicine and industry. It also
maintains ecological balance and helps in the continuation of the evolutionary process. The
indirect eco-system services provided through biodiversity are photosynthesis pollination,
transpiration, chemical cycling, nutrient cycling soil maintenance, climate regulation, waste
treatment and pest control.

Integrated Plant Nutrient System –

Basic of this system is conservation of natural resources. Components of this system are:

1. On-site resource generation (recycling of crop residues)

2. Mobilization of off-site nutrient resources addition of chemical nutrients from outside.
3. Integration of on-site and off-site nutrients.
4. Optimal use of all the resources.

In short this system reflects management of overall farming system.24

Post Harvest Technology –

2017a. Third Advance Estimates of Foodgrain Production for 2015–16. Directorate of Economics and Statistics.
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare. New
Delhi: Government of India.
Shashwati, S. 2017. ‘Data Harvesting Makes Agri-Tech Startups Hot for Investors’. Economic Times, 23 January.
Available at http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/ small-biz/startups/data-harvesting-makesagri-tech-startups-hot-
for- investors/ articleshow/56726006.cms.

19 | P a g e
It is a common experience that a substantial quantity of food crop is lost after harvest because of
handling and storage problems. It is estimated that such loss is upto 9.33 percent in India.
Scientists are working on various methods to prevent this loss. It is mostly required for
perishable products like vegetables etc also other products like fish eggs meat etc.

Remote Sensing –

A system which can forecast useful information about climate moisture, etc. accurately is
required to be installed at national, state and even district level. Such organizations can be
encouraged even in cooperative sector or voluntary organizations.25


High yielding variety program which is also called as New Agricultural Strategy was put into
practice for the first time in India in the kharif season of 1966. This programme was introduced
in the form of a package programme. Components of this successful strategy were, HYV seeds,
fertilizers pesticides, irrigation, machinery, improved implements, soil conservation etc. In this
paragraph an attempt has been made to examine the importance of all these components of new
agricultural technology.26


Irrigation is one of the fundamental factor in the adoption of the new agriculture strategy.
Assured irrigation saves agriculture from the gamble of rainfall and averts severe famine and
semi famine conditions. Availability of irrigation facility encourages and creates an opportunity
for multiple cropping, intensive and effective use of land, through which higher production can
be achieved.

Traditional way of irrigation was dependence on seasonal monsoon and wells, very few canals
were used. Management or planning part in irrigation was unknown. There is a drastic change in
inigation due to new technology. After independence India adopted planned way of

Tech Mahindra. No date. “Precision Agriculture and Potential Market in India.” White Paper: Research Insights.
Tech Mahindra. Available at http://www.techmahindra.com/ sites/ResourceCenter/White%20Papers/
Dastagiri, M. B., M. N. V. Prasad Gajula, and I. P. Ganeshagouda. 2014. ‘World and Indian Agriculture:
Revolutions & Multi Speed Strategies for Future’. Science Discovery 2 (1): 14–26. doi:10.11648/j.sd.20140201.12

20 | P a g e
development, in agriculture too. Huge amount of money has been invested by the Union
Government for constructing dams, and similar irrigation projects. This created irrigation
potential and its optimum utilization.

National Water Policy - 1987 states that “The Water rates should be such that the user knows the
scarcity value of water and is motivated for efficient use of water". It was therefore expected that
the water rate charges should cover annual maintenance and operation costs and a part of the
fixed cost. "But only few states revised the rates so far”27

DRIP Irrigation / Sprinklers

In drip irrigation a drip is kept near the stem of the plant and water dropping rate is controlled
with help of special type of nozzles developed for this purpose. Another system is ‘Sprinklers’,
where the requirement of water is like shower this method is useful.

This system is useful for plantation crops like tea, coffee etc. Both the above systems require
quite large investment of money to buy the pipe line of particular diameter and a special quality
which would withstand the atmospheric conditions on the farms. Expenses are also involve in
maintenance, but 30 to 40 percent water is saved which could be used for another crop.

There is a new method again, by which pipes for iiTigation are put 6-8 inches underground and a
particular pressure of water flow is maintained so that small holes on the tubes do not get
blocked with mud. Advantage of this system is that the rate of evaporation of water is reduced to
90 percent being underground. A very cheaper and commonly feasible way to protect from
evaporation is to spread some broad type leaves of trees over the ground, under the sown plants.

Rain Water Harvesting –

Due to water crisis and irregularity of rains, a new concept has been developed. This system is
useful both for urban water requirements as well as agricultural need. Under this system, a tank
(size depends upon construction of house) is required to be constructed underground and rain
water is chanallised into the tank from the roof of the house. This can accumulate water which
can meet the demand for water upto 30 to 40 percent of total need.

Economic Survey 2000-01 pg. 159.

21 | P a g e
For agriculture also a big tank constructed and rain water of stored can be useful during the
season of the crop. Water from tank can be lifted with the help of motor pump. The above
discussed system also requires money capital to complete.28

Watershed Development

A watershed (or catchment) means a geographic area that drains to a common point. It becomes
an ideal planning unit for conservation of soil and water. A watershed may cover one or several
villages. The watershed approach enables a holistic development of agriculture and allied
activities in the area taking into account land use based on crops, horticulture, agro forestry, and
forests etc. But experience of some past years had been pessimistic, as far as community active
share is concerned.29

However the Tenth Five year Plan (2002-07) has a target of treating 15 million hectares of
rainfed land under the various Watershed Development Programmes. The world area under drip
and other micro-irrigation systems went from 56 thousand hectares in mid 1970s to 208 million
hectares in 1998.

Studies conducted in Israel, Jordan, Spain, and India have shown that drip irrigation reduces
water use by 30 to 70 percent and raises crop yields by 20 to 90 percent. In 1985 only about 1000
hectares of land was under drip irrigation in India. In 1998 this increased upto 2,25,000

According to some experts, there is a potential to install drip irrigation systems in 10 million
hectares of agricultural and in India, mostly in water scarce state of M.P. Gujarat, Rajasthan,
Maharashtra, A.P. and Tamil Nadu. In Maharashtra Sugarcane area under drip system resulted in
50 percent improvement in the yield and 25-30 percent saving in fertilizers. (Indian Agriculture -

BIS Research. 2015. Global Precision Agriculture Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2016 to 2022. November, 2014.
BIS Research. Available at http://bisresearch.com/industry-report/ global-precision-agriculture-market-
and-systems. html
The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. 2017. National Cotton Scenario. Available at http://cotcorp. gov.in/national-
cotton.aspx#indiancotton. Accessed on 13 March 2017.
Indian Agriculture - 2003 Page No. 54 Pub. Indian Economic Data Research Centre New Delhi.

22 | P a g e
(2) H.Y.V.SEEDS –

High yielding variety of seeds is a second and most important component of New Agricultural
Technology. These seeds are considered to be neural to scale and can be adopted by small
farmers also.

The problem of HYV seeds is that it requires regular irrigation and fertilizers for its
implementation. As it requires often heavy investments, small farmers may lag behind large
farmers in adoption. But with the passage of time, all types of farmers realized its importance.
Research and development in this field is continuous in the countiy. HYV Seeds are more prone
to diseases and other pest infections, therefore, scientists are engaged in finding such varieties
which can withstand the infections due to fungal or other organism. They have been successful to
a great extent.31

Through the genetic diversity, the scientists in India have been able to evolve over 2600 high
yielding varieties and hybrids of various corps which have helped in enhancing the yields of
wheat and potato by 7-fold, rice, sorghum, sugarcane and cotton by 3-fold and maize by more
than 4-fold, during last 50 years. Amazing progress has been achieved by the use of these H.Y.V.
seeds in the country as a whole.

Tissue Culture Technique

Tissue Culture is an established method of micro-propagation of plants including cash corps,

flowering shrubs and trees. Tissue culture technology is particularly useful for aforestation as
trees take long time to grow and many of the conventional methods of propagating such as
through seeds, rooting of cuttings and grafting are slow, difficult and not satisfactory. In tissue
culture propagation or multiplication, plant-lets are first produced in a test tube from plant
tissues. They are then induced to flower by supplementing the culture media with appropriate
quantities of plant growth regulators under strictly sterile and hygienic conditions.

One of the advantages of tissue culture propagation is that the plantlets are true copies of the
parent plant, while marked variability exists in the natural population. The productivity can be

ANKUR SETH, KAVERY GANGULY, Digital Technologies Transforming Indian

23 | P a g e
increased significantly by cloning of superior individuals. Virus can be eliminated by culturing
the shoot of meristem and a pathogen free stock can be maintained by routine micro propagation.
Mass propagation drastically reduces the time required for raising the second generation of
plants. The problem is that, all this process involves high costs and hence, the system is suitable
for more valuable plants.32

Tata Energy Research Institute has done valuable research work and during last five years more
than 8 million tissue culture plantlets of forest trees and cash coips like sugarcane, banana,
potatoes etc. have been planted in about 10000 hectares of forests land and farmers fields.
Government of India has set up two Tissue Culture Pilot Plants Facilities, in 1989.One at Teri
near Delhi and another at National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) in Pune.33

The tissue culture regeneration does not help only in the mass production but also improvements
in the quality and yield. If the parent material is disease free, the plant-lets produced are also
disease free. This saves the loss resulting from planting of diseased seeds in the conventional
cultivation process. Survival rate of good plantlets is more than 95 percent.


Fertilizer is the third important component of new agricultural technology. Organic manures and
chemical fertilizers are essential inputs for boosting the output of various crops. Every tonne of
fertilizer increases food grain yield by 10 to 12 tonnes. Fertilizers provide additional nitrogen,
phosphorous and potash to the crops. Their use in optimal quantity is essential for maintaining
the fertility of land to obtain the benefit of high yielding variety sees. Land is a limited resource,
hence use of fertilizers becomes all the more important not only for increased yield for higher
income for the farmers but also to meet the basic food requirements of the growing population.
In the new agricultural strategy fertilizer has been assigned the role of king-pin because it
increases yield tremendously.

S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,
APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority). 2017. Three Year Export
Statement of APEDA Products. APEDA agriXchange. Available at http://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/indexp/

24 | P a g e
An F.A.O. (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UNO) annual study has described the
importance of fertilizer use as a “Spearhead" of agricultural development, because wherever
efforts are made to raise agricultural efficiency and production for expanding populations, more
fertilizer and manures have been invariably needed. Perhaps more important, on many soils they
make possible good yields of valuable crops that would not grow at all without them, or would
grow more poorly. "This possibility of diversification is more profitable system of farming, to be
more flexibled in farai management, and to adjust more readily to changing economic

Balanced Use of N.P.K. –

At the Indian National level Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash (NPK) use in the ratio of 4:2:1 has
been referred as an optimum ratio for balanced use of chemical nutrients.35 This ratio is mainly
for food crops like rice and wheat, plantation, and horticulture crops. However ratio may vary
according to soil nutrient status and crop needs. To encourage balanced fertilizer use, the Central
Government continues to provide subsidy on urea and as well on decontrolled phosphate and
potassic fertilizers such as DAP; MOP, SSP36 and complexes. Central Government has spent a
very huge amount on subsidity so far. To formulate the policy on subsidy for fertilizers, High
Powered Fertilizer Policy Review Committee and Expenditure Reforms Commission has been
organized by the Government.

Use of all types of chemical fertilizers, and increase in production thereby has been discussed in
detail at national, state and Ahmednagar district, in the corresponding chapters. A recent trend is
to minimize the use of chemical fertilizers because continuous long term use of chemicals causes
serious degradation of soil, and it becomes saline. It is very difficult then to restore the original
production capacity of soil. Production of organic manures with the help of decomposition of
farm side organic material using earth wornis is being encouraged for this purpose.

Organic Manure

"Efficient use of Fertilizers” Editors: Vladimer Ignatieffand Herold J.Page Pub: F.A.O. Rome 1966 Page 2.
"Economic Survey 2000-2001 page I6I.G.0.I. Publication
DAP (Diammonium Phosphate), MOP (Muriate of Potash) SSP (Super Phosphate)

25 | P a g e
According to a study made by the scientists of the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, if crops
residues of rice, maize, sugarcane sorghum, pearl millet, pulses and biomass from aquatic and
wasteland weeds are processed properly into organic manure, they can produce fertilizer
equivalent of 2.20 million tonnes of N.P.K. About 8 million tonnes equivalent N.P.K. can be
made from 2027 million tonnes of cattle manure and 7 million tonnes of NPK from 7.5 million
tonnes of organic waste produced in urban areas. About 24000 million tonnes of agricultural
waste is produced every year in India, which can be converted into 14.22 million tonnes of

Many farmers in the country have now started using organic manure in place of chemical
fertilizers, though the number is very small. The compost helps in storing soil nutrients and
prevents its leaching frorn the soil. It strengthens the rooting system which improves nutrients
absorption and soil fertility. The manures can be used for diverse crops like banana sugarcane,
coconut and vegetables. The main problem with manures is that the quality of organic manure is
often inconsistent and the products are not standardized.

Bio Fertilizers

Bio-fertilizers are living cells of different types of microorganisms (viz. bacterial, algae, fungi
etc.) which have an ability to mobilise nutritionally important elements from non usable to
usable form. They require organic mater for their growth and activity in soil and produce
valuable nutrients to the plants in the soil. These are of three types, biological nitrogen fixers,
phosphate solubilisers and mycorrahizae.

Bio-fertilizers are ecofriendly and environmentally safe as against chemical fertilizers which
could be harmful. They are low-cost substances which form a part of the integrated nutrient
system of plants. The most commonly used biofertilizers are azospirillum phosphobacteria, blue
green algae, azolla, and mycorhiza. The root exudates of the crop provide nutrients for the
survival and the multiplication of bacteria. Azospirillum also absorbs phosphorus and silicon to
some extent and makes the plant drought tolerant in cases of delayed rainfall or irrigation. The

APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority). 2017. Three Year Export
Statement of APEDA Products. APEDA agriXchange. Available at http://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/indexp/

26 | P a g e
average nitrogen fixing capacity of blue green algae is 15 kg per hectare.38 It oxygenates, the
water impounded in fields excretes organic acids that solubilise phosphorous. Algae mat in field
also protect moisture loss from soil.

Seaweeds provide a very good source of macro and micronutrients vitamins and plant growth
regulators such as cytokinins and the biofertilizers in different concentrations can be prepared
from them. Liquid seaweed fertilizers can be used as sprays in soils or for soaking the seed in it
before planting. Biofertilizers catalyse the germination of rice black gram and green gram seeds


This is also an important component of new agriculture technology. Plant protection is very
important in order to reduce crop losses and improve crop yield. The nature of new agricultural
technology is such that it yields more production although expensive. Therefore cultivator would
not like to lose even a part of his corp. Crops while growing in the fields and when output stored,
are prone to damage through pests and diseases.

When crops are in the fields many worms, pests, insects and fungal infections attack them and
destroy the plants ultimately yield is poor. In the godowns or storage places, rodents and other
various insects damage grains or even vegetables and fruits to a very large extent.

Quick growth of plants with use of irrigation and fertilizers has created problems of pest attack
and diseases, as new varieties of seeds are prone to diseases, and pests. Therefore a need arise to
control them. Though pesticides, fungicides and other chemicals are costly, they are profitable.
Unlike fertilizers they do not increase productivity of land. They merely protect crops from
losses. In India BHC and DDT were imported and used extensively. After 1960-65 other
chemicals also were imported and used. The use of chemical pesticides continued to increase in
the decades of 1970s and 1980s and 1990s but after that there was a decline in consumption, but
in fact the data of recent dates had excluded the crops other than serials. Almost all chemicals are

S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,

27 | P a g e
produced in India and some of them are exported. Advanced techniques have been developed in
western countries for spraying etc39

Integrated Pest Management

To prevent excessive use of chemical pesticides in various crops, efforts are being made to
popularize the concept of integrated pest management, since the beginning of Seventh plan
period. Under this scheme, alterative techniques of pest control like cultural, mechanical,
biological methods are used.

Significant progress has been made by Indian Scientists in developing a plan for integrated pest
management, for various corps like cotton, rice, pulses, oilseeds, sugarcane, citrus fruits grapes
and vegetables. To promote the concept of cheaper and environment friendly integrated pest
management, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has launched a mission-mode
IPM Programme for crops like cotton pigeon pea, chickpea, groundnut, tomato cabbage, apple
and mango in different agro regions in the country. These coips account for about 70 percent of
the pesticides consumed in the country.

Bio Pesticides

In the country, at present (2004) there are some 70 companies in the small, medium and large
scale sector manufacturing or marketing biopesticides, mainly neem based. But there is a need of
study on the efficacy and shelf life of their products in actual field application. These companies
have received provisional registration by the Central Insecticide Board in Jan. 1998. The
biopesticides are more suitable on small farms which are easy to look after and manage. These
pesticides do not work (are of no use) on large scale planting. Whenever a pest attack takes place
the farmer has no other choice but to use chemical pesticides otherwise his crop is completely


S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,

28 | P a g e
Farm Mechanization refers to the use of mechanical power in farm operations. It may be defined
as the process of performing certain agricultural operations, which are usually done either by
animals or men or by both, with the help of suitable machines. This includes the use of machines
for tillage operations, harvesting and threshing of the farm produce. It also includes power lifts
for irrigation, transportation of farm produce, processing machinery, dairy appliances, cotton
ginning rice handling etc. In short mechanization means the use of mechanical power along with
machines that go with it.

Need of Mechanization

Now a days, the high yielding variety seeds are used, and chemical fertilizers are used as
nutrients, this gave opportunity for multiple cropping pattern. These miracle seeds and other
inputs can show their production potential if all operations of farming are conducted at the
proper time. For example seedbed preparation should be of good quality and done at proper time,
there should be uniform application of fertilizers, assured irrigation at the proper time and in
proper quantity, harvesting and threshing should be early to sow the next corp. All these
operations mentioned above if performed with human and animal energy can neither be
satisfactory nor be finished in time. Tlierefore, timely farm operations of satisfactory quality can
only be achieved by using sufficient and well adopted machinery and implements.40

Thus taking into account the modernization of agriculture for getting more output, and
consequent economic betterments mechanization is needed invariably. Histoiy shows that
mechanization in agriculture has revolutionized the farming in the western countries and United
States of America.

It is true that mechanisation of agriculture results in increase of production and reduction in the
costs. Besides, agricultural machinery has been useful in reclaiming barron lands. This is why
the prosperity and richness of peasantry in the western countries has been due, largely to the
extensive use of fann machinery. Naturally there is now a common belief that progressive
agriculture is impossible without mechanisation of agriculture.

Need for Mechanisation of Agriculture

www.Agriculture Policy: Vision 2020 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,

29 | P a g e
Firstly, mechanisation of agriculture is based primarily on advantages of large scale production.
Man by himself can produce only very little, but with help of machinery he can produce much
more. For example if a farmer with a pair of bullocks can plough a certain area (acre) in 10 days,
a tractor can do this work in one day, and in better way.

Secondly, machinery relieves man of much of the heavy work. For example land digging and
canying earth, land reclamation, ploughing etc. works are very heavy jobs. Mechanisation makes
it easy. Thirdly, Large scale production is possible with machinery use. Large plots can be
ploughed, in short time, crops can be harvested quickly and transportation becomes easy with
machines than bullock carts. Time is saved, and cost of production is reduced. Example of
Western Countries, USA and Russia can be cited, where extensive mechanisation of agriculture
has taken place and productivity raised manifold. Though the population depended on agriculture
is much less, these countries are able to export agricultural goods to the world to a very high

In India there is considerable scope for mechanisation yet. For example tractors are useful in
reclamation work and soil conservation, which is needed in India. Besides this there is a good
scope for other machinery like electrically operated pumps, threshers, cane crushing oilseed
crushing etc.

Experience of many developed countries show that with development, human and animal labour
become costlier compared to machines. According to Dr. C.H. Hanumantha Rao “Technical
progress and industrial development contribute, in general, to increasing the ease with which
capital can be substituted for labour and also to reducing the cost of machines and fuel. On the
other hand economic development and the growth of per capita income raise the cost of
biological sources of energy by increasing demand for labour in the non-agricultural sector”.41

Farming is a seasonal production activity, and requires labour urgently during certain operations.
For example when the crop is ripe for harvesting there is greater demand for labour to harvest the
crop within time. Sometimes labour is not available, this type of bottleneck can only be done
away with help of machines. Mechanisation leads to commercialization of agriculture. It widens

C.H. Hanumantha Rao, “Farm Mechanisation” Edited by C.H. Shah Agricultural Development in India, Bombay-

30 | P a g e
the base of industrialization and creates off-farm jobs, consequently pace of prosperity is speeded

Mechanisation Modifies Social Structure in Rural Areas

Traditional agriculture involves hard work and drudgery. Mechanization helps in freeing the
farmers from this drudgery and allows them to enjoy more leisure and work under agreeable
conditions. According to Prof Hanumantha Rao “It may even raise the participation rate among
those who could afford to abstain from drudgerous manual work”. The whole out look of a
farmer changes with the introduction of mechanisation. Farmer can think of better perspective
and his general well being.42

Case Against Mechanisation

Following are some of the arguments which are put forth against mechanisation of agriculture in
India (developing country). The first is that Mechanisation has no scope in India because of the
majority of very small size of holding (between 3 to 12 acres). Such tiny plots are scattered in the
villages. A tractor can not be used to plough a half an acre plot, hence existence of large size
fann is an essential condition. Farms should be large and compact and not scattered as in care of
India. In USA and Canada average size of a holding is about 60 and 90 hectares respectively.
Best use of machanisation therefore was possible in there countries. This is not possible in India.

The second and important argument against mechanisation is that mechanisation in agriculture
will result in unemployment of too many agricultural workers. Non agriculture sectors would not
be able to absorb such huge number of unemployed persons from agriculture, taking the slow
growth of industries in India. In western countries, USA and Canada, the real problem is
shortage of labour hence machinery is used. But this is not case in India, where there is abundant
labour. This problem can be solved by creating opportunities in rural areas by expansion of rural

APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority). 2017. Three Year Export
Statement of APEDA Products. APEDA agriXchange. Available at http://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/indexp/

31 | P a g e
The third argument is that, the cattle population will be surplus, and feeding them would be a
heavy burden on farmers. 43

The fourthly, farming machinery would require petrol and diesel. India imports oil and one or the
other way there is shortage of this fuel. This would create bottleneck. Finally, increase in the
productivity of land is important than increase in labour productivity. Japan is the country which
could increase productivity of land without mechanisation, and doing intensive agriculture.

Selective Machinisation – The Correct Approach

It is a fact that full mechanisation like advanced countries is not possible or desirable in the
country like ours. Therefore it is suggested to develope suitable labour intensive machinery,
which can be used on small size fami also, this will minimize displacement of labour.
Recognizing this need, in the fifth plan and policy of selective mechanization was proposed to be

In the Sixth Plan it was decided that “unrestricted mechanization of agricultural operations will
not, however, be in the interest of our country as it severally worsen the rural unemployment
problem. As such a policy of selective mechanisation will be adopted.44


Enhancing Yield of Major Commodities

Yield of major crops and livestock in the region is much lower than that in the rest of the world.
Considering that the frontiers of expansion of cultivated area are almost closed in the region, the
future increase in food production to meet the continuing high demand must come from increase
in yield. There is a need to strengthen adaptive research and technology assessment, refinement
and transfer capabilities of the country so that the existing wide technology transfer gaps are
bridged. For this, an appropriate network of extension service needs to be created to stimulate
and encourage both top-down and bottom-up flows of information between farmers, extension

BIS Research. 2015. Global Precision Agriculture Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2016 to 2022. November, 2014.
BIS Research. Available at http://bisresearch.com/industry-report/ global-precision-agriculture-market-
and-systems. html
Draft Five Year Plan 1978-83 Vol. III chapter – I.

32 | P a g e
workers, and research scientists to promote the generation, adoption, and evaluation of location
specific farm technologies. Ample scope exists for increasing genetic yield potential of a large
number of vegetables, fruits as well as other food crops and livestock and fisheries products.
Besides maintenance breeding, greater effort should be made towards developing hybrid
varieties as well as varieties suitable for export purposes. Agronomic and soil researches in the
region need to be intensified to address location specific problems as factor productivity growth
is decelerating in major production regimes. Research on coarse grains, pulses and oilseeds must
achieve a production breakthrough. Hybrid rice, single cross hybrids of maize and pigeonpea
hybrids offer new opportunities. Soybean, sunflower and oil palm will help in meeting future oil
demands successfully. Forest cover must be preserved to keep off climatic disturbances and to
provide enough of fuel and fodder. Milk, meat and draught capacity of our animals needs to be
improved quickly through better management practices.45

Integrated nutrient management: Attention should be given to balanced use of nutrients.

Phosphorus deficiency is now the most widespread soil fertility problem in both irrigated and
unirrigated areas. Correcting the distortion in relative prices of primary fertilizers could help
correct the imbalances in the use of primary plant nutrients -nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash
and use of bio-fertilizers. To improve efficiency of fertilizer use, what is really needed is
enhanced location-specific research on efficient fertilizer practices (such as balanced use of
nutrients, correct timing and placement of fertilizers, and, wherever necessary, use of
micronutrient and soil amendments), improvement in soil testing services, development of
improved fertilizer supply and distribution systems, and development of physical and
institutional infrastructure.46

Arresting deceleration in total factor productivity: Public investment in irrigation,

infrastructure development (road, electricity), research and extension and efficient use of water
and plant nutrients are the dominant sources of TFP growth. The sharp deceleration in total
investment and more so in public sector investment in agriculture is the main cause for the

S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,
www.Agriculture Policy: Vision 2020 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,

33 | P a g e
deceleration. This has resulted in the slow-down in the growth of irrigated area and a sharp
deceleration in the rate of growth of fertiliser consumption. The most serious effect of
deceleration in total investment has been on agricultural research and extension. This trend must
be reversed as the projected increase in food and non-food production must accrue essentially
through increasing yield per hectare. Recognising that there are serious yield gaps and there are
already proven paths for increasing productivity, it is very important for India to maintain a
steady growth rate in total factor productivity. As the TFP increases, the cost of production
decreases and the prices also decrease and stabilise. Both producer and consumer share the
benefits. The fall in food prices will benefit the urban and rural poor more than the upper income
groups, because the former spend a much larger proportion of their income on cereals than the
latter. All the efforts need to be concentrated on accelerating growth in TFP, whilst conserving
natural resources and promoting ecological integrity of agricultural system. More than half of the
required growth in yield to meet the target of demand must be met from research efforts by
developing location specific and low input use technologies with the emphasis on the regions
where the current yields are below the required national average yield.

Literacy had a positive and significant relation with crop productivity and a strong link exists
between literacy and farm modernisation. A recent study (Kumar and Mittal, 2000), has shown
that literacy emerged as an important source of growth in adoption of technology, use of modern
inputs like machines, fertilisers, and yield. Recognising that in the liberalised economic
environment, efficiency and growth orientation will attract maximum attention. Literacy will
play a far more important role in the globalised world than it did in the past. Contribution of
literacy, through TFP, will be substantial on yield growth and domestic supply. As future
agriculture will increasingly be science-led and will require modern economic management, high
return to investment on education is expected.

The investments that are good for agricultural growth-technology and its dissemination, rural
infrastructure (roads), education and irrigation - amount to a 'winwin' strategy for reducing rural
poverty by also increasing the non-farm economy and raising rural wages. Creating
infrastructure in less developed areas, better management of infrastructure and introduction of
new technologies can further enhance resource productivity and TFP. Generation and effective
assessment and diffusion of packages of appropriate technologies involving system and

34 | P a g e
programme based approach, participatory mechanisms, greater congruency between productivity
and sustainability through integrated pest management and integrated soil-water-
irrigationnutrient management, should be aggressively promoted to bridge the yield gaps in most
field crops. Besides this, efforts must be in place to defend the gains and to make new gains
particularly through the congruence of gene revolution, informatics revolution, management
revolution and eco-technology.47

Many observers have expressed concern that technological gains have not occurred in a number
of crops, notably coarse cereals, pulses and in rainfed areas. Recent analysis on TFP growth
based on cost of cultivation data does not prove this perception (Table 2). In all the 18 major
crops considered in the analysis, several states have recorded positive TFP growth. This is spread
over major cereals, coarse grains, pulses, oilseeds, fibres, vegetables, etc. In most cases, in the
major producing states, rainfed crops also, showed productivity gains. There is thus strong
evidence that technological change has generally pervaded the entire crop sector. There are, of
course, crops and states where technological stagnation or decline is apparent and these are the
priorities for present and future agricultural research. Farming system research to develop
location specific technologies and strategy to make grey areas green by adopting three-pronged
approach - watershed management, hybrid technology and small farm mechanisation will
accelerate growth in TFP. It is necessary to enlarge the efforts for promoting available dry land
technologies. Promoting efficient fertiliser practices, improving soil-testing services,
strengthening distribution channel of critical inputs specially quality seed and development of
physical and institutional infrastructure will help resource-poor farmers.

Bridging Yield Gaps: Vast untapped potential in the yield exists for all crops in most of the states
accounting for more than three-fourths of crop area. Emphasis must be given to the states in
which current yield levels are below the national average yield. Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West
Bengal and Uttar Pradesh are the priority states accounting for 66% of rice area which need
emphasis on bridging yield gaps to attain target demand and yield growth. For wheat we must
focus mainly on Uttar Pradsh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan accounting for 68% of
wheat area. For coarse cereals, major emphasis must be given to Rajasthan, Maharashtra,

Agfunder. 2017. AgTech Investing Report: Year in Review 2016, January 2017. Agfunder. Available at
https://agfunder.com/research/ agtech-investing-report-2016.

35 | P a g e
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. To meet the demand for pulses
greater emphasis is needed in almost all the states with particular focus on Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar pradesh which have
three-fourths of total pulse area. The target growth in pulse yield from these states annually must
be 6 per cent; otherwise the nation will experience shortage of pulses for all times to come. The
task of attaining self sufficient in pulses production looks difficult without area expansion and
irrigation. In cases of oilseeds greater emphasis is needed on Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh to increase the yield by
about 4 per cent.48 The possibilities of developing processing industry for extracting edible oils
from non-oilseeds commodities, like rice bran etc, needing to be explored. The introduction of
palm cultivation for oil production may release pressure on traditional oilseeds crops to meet
future edible oil demand. In case of sugarcane, research and development efforts are to be
strengthened in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to increase the yields per hectare by about 4% per
annum. The demand for sugar can also be met by developing mini sugar mills so that substantial
sugarcane production can be diverted from Khandsari to sugar production. This may also help
release some sugarcane area to other crops. Cotton crop requires greater yield improvement
emphasis on 81 per cent of the cotton area in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.

Water for Sustainable Food Security India will be required to produce more and more from
less and less land and water resources. Alarming rates of ground water depletion and serious
environmental and social problems of some of the major irrigation projects on one hand, and the
multiple benefits of irrigation water in enhancing production and productivity, food security,
poverty alleviation, as mentioned earlier, are well known to be further elaborated here: In India,
water availability per capita was over 5000 cubic metres (m3 ) per annum in 1950. It now stands
at around 2000 m3 and is projected to decline to 1500 m3 by 2025. Further, the quality of
available water is deteriorating. Also, there are gross inequalities between basins and geographic

S. Mahendra Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability, S. Mahendra
Dev, Transformation of Indian Agriculture? Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability,
www.Agriculture Policy: Vision 2020 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,

36 | P a g e
Agriculture is the biggest user of water, accounting for about 80 percent of the water
withdrawals. There are pressures for diverting water from agriculture to other sectors. A study.
has warned that re-allocation of water out of agriculture can have a dramatic impact on global
food markets. It is projected that availability of water for agricultural use in India may be
reduced by 21 percent by 2020, resulting: in drop of yields of irrigated crops, especially rice,
thus price rise and withdrawal of food from poor masses. Policy reforms are needed from now to
avoid the negative developments in the years to come. These reforms may include the
establishment of secure water rights to users, the decentralization and privatization of water.
management functions to appropriate levels, pricing reforms, markets in tradable property rights,
and the introduction of appropriate water-saving technologies.

The needs of other sectors for water cannot be ignored. Therefore it is necessary that an
integrated water use policy is formulated and judiciously implemented. Several international
initiatives on this aspect have been taken in recent years. India should critically examine these
initiatives and develop its country-specific system for judicious and integrated use and
management of water. A national institution should be established to assess the various issues,
regulatory concerns, water laws and legislations, research and technology development and
dissemination, social mobilization and participatory and community involvement, including
gender and equity concerns and economic aspects. This institution should function in a
trusteeship mode and seen as the flagship of a national system for sustainable water security.

Emphasis on Rainfed Ecosystem Resource-poor farmers in the rainfed ecosystems practice

less-intensive agriculture, and since their incomes depend on local agriculture, they benefit little
from increased food production in irrigated areas. To help them, efforts must be increased to
disseminate available dry land technologies and to generate new ones. It will be necessary to
enlarge the efforts for promoting available dry land technologies, increasing the stock of this
knowledge, and removing pro-irrigation biases in public investment and expenditure, as well as
credit flows, for technology-based agricultural growth. Watershed development for raising yields
of rainfed crops and widening of seed revolution to cover oilseeds, pulses, fruits and vegetables.
Farming system research to develop location specific technologies must be intensified in the
rainfed areas. Strategy to make grey areas green will lead to second Green Revolution, which

37 | P a g e
would demand three-pronged strategy - watershed management, hybrid technology and small
farm mechanisation.50

Accent on Diversification of Agriculture and Value Addition – In the face of shrinking

natural resources and ever increasing demand for larger food and agricultural production arising
due to high population and income growths, agricultural intensification is the main course of
future growth of agriculture in the region. Research for product diversification should be yet
another important area. Besides developing technologies for promoting intensification, the
country must give greater attention to the development of technologies that will facilitate
agricultural diversification particularly towards intensive production of fruits, vegetables,
flowers and other high value crops that are expected to increase income growth and generate
effective demand for food. The per capita availability of arable land is quite low and declining
over time. Diversification towards these high value and labour intensive commodities can
provide adequate income and employment to the farmers dependent on small size of farms. Due
importance should be given to quality and nutritional aspects. High attention should be given to
develop post-harvest handling and agroprocessing and value addition technologies not only to
reduce the heavy post-harvest losses and also improve quality through proper storage, packaging,
handling and transport. The role of biotechnology in post-harvest management and value
addition deserves to be enhanced. 51

Accent on Post-Harvest Management, Value Addition and Cost-Effectiveness – Post-harvest

losses generally range from 5 to 10 percent for non-perishables and about 30 percent for
perishables. This loss could be and must be minimized. Let us remember, a grain saved is a grain
produced. Emphasis should therefore be placed to develop post-harvest handling, agro-
processing and value-addition technologies not only to prevent the high losses, but also to
improve quality through proper storage, packaging, handling and transport. With the thrust on
globalization and increasing competitiveness, this approach will improve the agricultural export
contribution of India, which is proportionately extremely low. Cost-effectiveness in production

Agfunder. 2017. AgTech Investing Report: Year in Review 2016, January 2017. Agfunder. Available at
https://agfunder.com/research/ agtech-investing-report-2016.
BIS Research. 2015. Global Precision Agriculture Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2016 to 2022. November, 2014.
BIS Research. Available at http://bisresearch.com/industry-report/ global-precision-agriculture-market-
and-systems. html

38 | P a g e
and postharvest handling through the application of latest technologies will be a necessity. The
agro-processing facilities should preferably be located close to the points of production in rural
areas, which will greatly promote off-farm employment. Such centres of processing and value
addition will encourage production by masses against mass production in factories located in
urban areas. Agricultural cooperatives and Gram Panchayats must play a leading role in this
effort. In doing so, the needs of small farmers should be kept in mind.52

Increased Investment in Agriculture and Infrastructures

The public investment in agriculture has been declining and is one of the main reasons behind
the declining productivity and low capital formation in the agriculture sector. With the burden on
productivity - driven growth in the future, this worrisome trend must be reversed. Private
investment in agriculture has also been slow and must be stimulated through appropriate policies.
Considering that nearly 70 percent of India still lives in villages, agricultural growth will
continue to be the engine of broad-based economic growth and development as well as of natural
resource conservation, leave alone food security and poverty alleviation. Accelerated investment
are needed to facilitate agricultural and rural development through:

 Productivity increasing varieties of crops, breeds of livestock, strains of microbes and

efficient packages of technologies, particularly those for land and water management, for
obviating biotic, a biotic, socio-economic and environmental constraints;
 Yield increasing and environmentally-friendly production and post-harvest and value-
addition technologies
 Reliable and timely availability of quality inputs at reasonable prices, institutional and
credit supports, especially for small and resource-poor farmers, and support to land and
water resources development
 Effective and credible technology, procurement, assessment and transfer and extension
system involving appropriate linkages and partnerships; again with an emphasis on
reaching the small farmers
 Improved institutional and credit support and increased rural employment opportunities,
including those through creating agriculture-based rural agro-processing and agro-

ANKUR SETH, KAVERY GANGULY, Digital Technologies Transforming Indian

39 | P a g e
industries, improved rural infrastructures, including access to information, and effective
markets, farm to market roads and related infrastructure.
 Particular attention to the needs and participation of women farmers; and
 Primary education, health care, clean drinking water, safe sanitation, adequate nutrition,
particularly for children (including through mid-day meal at schools) and women.

The above investments will need to be supported through appropriate policies that do not
discriminate against agriculture and the rural poor. Given the increasing role of small farmers in
food security and poverty alleviation, development efforts must be geared to meet the needs and
potential of such farmers through their active participation in the growth process.

Government should facilitate and support community level action by private voluntary
organizations, including farmers groups aimed at improving food security, reducing poverty, and
assuring sustainability in the management of natural resources. In addition, governments should
enhance efforts to ensure good nutrition and access to sufficient food for all through primary
health care and education for all.

Modern biotechnology tools, genetic engineering, as well as conventional breeding methods are
all expected to play important roles in the generation of higher yielding, pest and stress resistant
varieties of rice, wheat, maize and other cereal crops. The availability of genetic innovations in
developing countries will depend on continued high levels of investments in agricultural
research, both at the international and the national levels. Free and unhindered access to
germplasm to breeders worldwide is absolutely crucial to the rapid dissemination and adoption
of improved germplasm. This free movement and the dissemination of modern biotechnology
innovations to developing countries are hampered by increased patent protection and private
sector investments. There is an urgent need to address this problem of free access to technology
in the future.

Increased attention will also have to be given to development of sustainable systems that protect
the natural resource base. Recent evidence of resource degradation and declining productivity in
some intensively cropped areas is of particular concern. Also population driven intensification of

40 | P a g e
agriculture without the use of external inputs, is leading to a serious problem of mining soil

ustaining global food supplies will depend on continued high levels of investments in research
and technology development. It is essential that research capacity has to be increased
substantially. In addition to investments in research, infrastructure investments, particularly in
irrigation, transport and market infrastructure development are equally important for sustaining
the productivity and profitability of food crop production.

Mobilize the best of science and development efforts (including traditional knowledge and
modern scientific approach) through partnerships involving national and international research
institutions, NGOs, farmers' organizations and private sector in order to tackle the present and
future problems of food security and production. Donors and Government must urgently increase
funding for agricultural research targeted at the needs of the rural and urban poor, and every
effort must be made to ensure the free flow of information, technology and germplasm so that a
proper sustainable agriculture can be achieved.

Fighting Poverty and Hunger

Nearly one-fourth of India's population, 251 million out of nearly one billion, is below the
poverty line. One hundred seventy millions of the poor, 68 percent, are rural and the remaining
32 percent are urban (Table 4). Number at the national level in rural area has decreased after
1983; the number of poor in the cities has been increasing. This is essentially due to migration of
the destitute from villages to cities. There are serious implications of this trend on feeding the
cities and food security of urban people, urban poverty and environment. A question may be
asked as to whether the rural settings and opportunities could be improved for securing
livelihood security and consequently rationalizing the migration to the cities.

An analysis of the incidence of rural poverty and hunger by farm size revealed that more than
half of the landless people are poor. Poverty got significantly reduced from 54 percent in the
landless group to 38 percent in the sub-marginal group (Table 5), suggesting that even a small

BIS Research. 2015. Global Precision Agriculture Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2016 to 2022. November, 2014.
BIS Research. Available at http://bisresearch.com/industry-report/ global-precision-agriculture-market-
and-systems. html

41 | P a g e
piece of land, less than 1/2 hectare, can greatly reduce both poverty and hunger1. The incidence
of hunger and poverty gets reduced as one is able to meet even part of his/her dietary energy
requirement through growing his/her own food (Table 6). Studies show that even a small plot of
one's own helps women to escape extreme poverty and deprivation. Land is the main asset for
livelihood security.54

Although several factors affect the extent and depth of poverty and hunger, some of them have
overwhelming impacts under the Indian setting. These include, irrigation, farming system and
literacy. Generally, there is higher concentration of poor, and hungry people in rainfed areas as
compared with those in irrigated zones. Even with 20 percent of the irrigation intensity, there is a
sharp fall in the proportion of hunger and poverty and it remains there irrespective of further
intensification of irrigation (Table 7). Evidences suggest that extensive irrigation will prove
much more effective than to adding more and more water, and often wasting it along with the
associated degradation of the natural resources. Such a policy will not only reduce poverty and
hunger, but will also promote equity and environmental protection and natural resource
conservation. An effective water policy and institutional support is needed to ensure judicious
and equitable allocation, distribution and exploitation of water and water resources.55

Livestock has the highest effect on reducing poverty and hunger. In rural India, 43 percent of the
people who do not own even a single livestock are malnourished. Addition of one cattle or one
buffalo to their assets reduces the hunger prevalence by 16 and 25 percentage points,
respectively (Table 8). Only 14 percent of the people who owned one cattle and one buffalo were
malnourished. In urban areas also, the addition of one cattle or one buffalo had significant impact
on reduction of proportion of malnourished people. Livestock sector should also receive high
priority with multiple objectives of diversifying agriculture, raising income and meeting the
nutritional security of the poor farm households.

Literacy has a very high impact on poverty alleviation as well as on hunger reduction. The
illiterate people, whether urban or rural, are the most poor and malnourished. In urban areas the
impact of literacy on poverty is the highest. Education, even above primary level, is extremely

Agfunder. 2017. AgTech Investing Report: Year in Review 2016, January 2017. Agfunder. Available at
https://agfunder.com/research/ agtech-investing-report-2016.
ANKUR SETH, KAVERY GANGULY, Digital Technologies Transforming Indian

42 | P a g e
effective in reducing both poverty and hunger. Graduate and technical education is, of course,
the most important instrument for reducing both poverty and hunger. But its impact is most
visible on poverty reduction. Therefore, the education policy of the country must be geared to
remove illiteracy as soon as possible, as 50 percent of our people are still illiterate. Free
education up to 8th standard coupled with mid-day meal in the schools will go a long way in
reducing both poverty and hunger and will thus help build a strong India. Further, this move will
greatly reduce the violation of child labour laws and will offset some of the non-tariff restrictions
imposed by developed countries on exports from developing countries on the grounds of use of
child labour.

Accent on Empowering the Small Farmers

Contributions of small holders in securing food for growing population have increased
considerably even though they are most insecure and vulnerable group in the society. The off-
farm and non-farm employment opportunities can play an important role. Against expectation
under the liberalized scenario, the non-agricultural employment in rural areas has not improved.
Greater emphasis needs to be placed on non-farm employment and appropriate budgetary
allocations and rural credit through banking systems should be in place to promote appropriate
rural enterprises. Specific human resource and skill development programmes to train them will
make them better decision-makers and highly productive. Human resource development for
increasing productivity of these small holders should get high priority. Thus, knowledge and skill
development of rural people both in agriculture and non-agriculture sectors is essential for
achieving economic and social goals. A careful balance will therefore need to be maintained
between the agricultural and non-agricultural employment and farm and non-farm economy, as
the two sectors are closely inter-connected.

Raising agricultural productivity requires continuing investments in human resource

development, agricultural research and development, improved information and extension,
market, roads and related infrastructure development and efficient small-scale, farmer-controlled
irrigation technologies, and custom hiring services. Such investments would give small farmers
the options and flexibility to adjust and respond to market conditions.

43 | P a g e
For poor farm-households whose major endowment is its labour force, economic growth with
equity will give increased entitlement by offering favourable markets for its products and more
employment opportunities. Economic growth if not managed suitably, can lead to growing
inequalities. Agrarian reforms to alleviate unequal access to land, compounded by unequal
access to water, credit, knowledge and markets, have not only rectified income distribution but
also resulted in sharp increases in productivity and hence need to be adopted widely. Further,
targeted measures that not only address the immediate food and health care requirements of
disadvantaged groups, but also provide them with developmental means, like access to inputs,
infrastructure, services and most important, education should be taken.

Identification of need-based productive programs is very critical, which can be explored through
characterisation of production environment. We have to develop demand-driven and location-
specific programs to meet the requirements of different regions to meet the nutritional security of
most vulnerable population in the rural areas. Improved agricultural technology, irrigation,
livestock sector and literacy will be most important instruments for improving the nutritional
security of the farm-households. Watershed development and water saving techniques will have
far reaching implications in increasing agricultural production and raising calorie intake in the
rainfed areas. Livestock sector should receive high priority with multiple objectives of
diversifying agriculture, raising income and meeting the nutritional security of the poor farm
households. Need based and location-specific community programs, which promise to raise
nutritional security, should be identified and effectively implemented. Expansion of micro credit
programmes for income-generation activities, innovative approaches to promote family planning
and providing primary health services to people and livestock and education should enhance
labour productivity and adoption of new technologies. Development of the post-harvest sector,
co-operatives, roads, education, and research and development should be an investment priority.
A congenial policy environment is needed to enable smaller holders to take the advantage of
available techniques of production, which can generate more incomes and employment in
villages. For this poor farmer needs the support of necessary services in the form of backward
and forward linkages. Small-mechanised tools, which minimise drudgery and do not reduce
employment, but only add value to the working hours are needed to enhance labour productivity.

ANKUR SETH, KAVERY GANGULY, Digital Technologies Transforming Indian

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Special safety nets should be designed and implemented for them. Can agricultural co-operatives
internalise and galvanize these marginal and excluded people? Off-farm employment provided
through co-operatives will go a long way in pulling them out of the state where poverty breeds
poverty. Therefore, investment in the empowerment of the small landholders will pay off
handsomely. Let us create rural centres of production and processing by masses through co-
operatives or empowerment of Gram Panchayats to promote co-operatives. This will improve
efficiency of input and output marketing and give higher income. There is need to disseminate
widely post-harvest handling and agro-processing and value addition technologies not only to
reduce the heavy post-harvest losses but also improve quality through proper storage, packaging,
handling and transport. Panchayati Raj institutions and co-operatives can play significant role in
all these directions. Giving them power over the administration, as contemplated under the 73rd
and 74th Amendment of the Constitution has not been implemented seriously so far in any of the

Disaster Management

The frequency and intensity of disasters such as floods, droughts, cyclones and earthquakes have
increased in the recent years. The devastating earthquake in Gujarat has brought untold miseries
to the whole state and caused a national disaster. Special effort should be made to develop
appropriate technologies for increasing preparedness to predict and to manage the disasters.
Effective and reliable information and communication systems, contingency planning and
national and international mobilization of technologies and resources are a must. Experiences of
other countries in prevention and management of the disasters should be shared.58

Keeping Pace with Globalisation

The globalization of agricultural trade will bring to the fore access to markets; new opportunities
for employment and income generation; productivity gains and increased flow of investments
into sustainable agriculture and rural development. I believe that if managed well, the
liberalization of agricultural markets will be beneficial to developing countries in the long run, It

Agfunder. 2017. AgTech Investing Report: Year in Review 2016, January 2017. Agfunder. Available at
https://agfunder.com/research/ agtech-investing-report-2016.
APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority). 2017. Three Year Export
Statement of APEDA Products. APEDA agriXchange. Available at http://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/indexp/

45 | P a g e
will force the adoption of new technologies, shift production functions upwards and attract new
capital into the deprived sector. However, this will only come to pass if we are mindful of the
interests of billions of small and subsistence oriented farmers, fisher-folk and forest dwellers in
the short and medium tern. So far the magic of globalization has not been felt in India. During
the past one-decade of liberalization certain trends such as deceleration of the growth rate of
agricultural GDP, declaration in yield growth rates, and low non-agricultural employment have
emerged against expectations. As we globalize, however, it is imperative that we do not forget
social aspirations for a more just, equitable and sustainable way of life. Trade agreements must
be accompanied by operationally effective measures to ease the adjustment process for a small
farmer in developing countries.

Exploiting Cyberspace Information

is power and will underpin future progress and prosperity. Efforts must be made to strengthen
the informatics in agriculture by developing new databases, linking databases with international
databases and adding value to information to facilitate decision making at various levels.
Development of production models for various agro-ecological regimes to forecast the,
production potential should assume greater importance. Using the remote sensing and GIS
technologies, natural and other agricultural resource should be mapped at micro and macro levels
and effectively used for land and water use planning as well as agricultural forecasting, market
intelligence and e-business, contingency planning and prediction of disease and pest incidences.


The third and important goal of agricultural development is sustainability. This goal is becoming
much more important in recent years with global recognition of achieving SDGs. Brundtland
Commission 1987 defines sustainability as “ development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of futute generations to meet their own needs” (World
Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) We have to look at issues such as energy,
environment, natural resources and climate change. Intensification of agricultural production in
irrigated and favourable rainfed environments combined with sometimes flawed incentives due
to inappropriate policies have caused substantial environmental degradation. Expansion in
cropped area into forest areas and onto steeper slopes increased soil erosion. Intensive livestock

46 | P a g e
production also added water and land quality problems. Indian soils are gradually degrading
because of soil erosion, loss of organic carbon, nutrient imbalance and salinization. Water
logging, soil erosion and ground water depletion are some of the problems leading to
unsustainability of agriculture.

Dr. M.S. Swaminathan appealed to the farmers as early as 1968 not to harm the long term
production potential for short term gain. He described this appeal in his own words as follows.“
In order to ensure that a productivity based agriculture does not result in ecological harm due to
unsustainable exploitation of land and water, adoption of mono culture and excessive use of
mineral fertilisers and chemical pesticides, I appealed to farmers in January 1968 not to harm the
long term production potential for short term gains. I pleaded for converting the green revolution
into evergreen revolution by mainstreaming the principles of ecology in technology development
and dissemination. I defined evergreen revolution as increasing productivity in perpetuity
without associated ecological harm. I pleaded for avoiding the temptation to convert the green
revolution into a greed revolution. Unfortunately, ecologically unsound public policies, like the
supply of free electricity, have led to the over-exploitation of the acqifer in Punjab, Hayana and
Western UP region.

The heartland of the green revolution is in deep ecological distress …The need for adopting the
methods of an evergreen revolution has therefore become very urgent”. Land, water, energy,
common property resources and forests are some of natural resources that needs to be sustained
over time. Fiscal and environmental implications of subsidy policies in energy, water and
agricultue sectors are being recognised. It is known that most of these subsidies pose a threat to
environment. Soil is under threat in India from soil erosion due to deforestation and use of
chemical fertilisers. Free or cheap power has encouraged excess drawal of groundwater leading
to falling water tables in large parts of the country.

Climate change and agriculture

Climate change is a reality. Agriculture is the sector most vulnerable to climate change due to its
high dependence on climate and weather and because people involved in agriculture tend to be
poorer compared with urban residents. Agriculture is part of the problem and part of the

47 | P a g e
solution59 Farm sector also contributes to climate change by raising emissions. Agriculture alone
contributed 13 per cent of total global GHG emissions in 2000. If we add emissions due to
deforestation, agriculture's share would be 30 per cent to global emissions. The sources of
emissions from agriculture are: 37% from Fertilizers (N2O), 11% from rice (CH4), 32% from
livestock (CH4), 13% from residue burning and/or forest clearing and, 7% from manure
management (CH4 and N2O).

Using district level data on temperature, rainfall and crop production, Economic Survey 2017-18
(GOI, 2018) examines a long term trend of rising temperatures, declining averge precipitation,
and increase in extreme precipitation events. The following are the findings of the study.

1. The first finding is that the climate change impact in terms of temperature and rainfall is
non-linear and felt in the extreme i.e. when temparatures are higher, rainfall is
substantially lower, and the number of dry days higher than normal.
2. The second finding which is not surprising is that the impacts of the climate factors are
significantly more adverse in unirrigated areas compared to irrigated areas.
3. The third finding relates to the impacts on agricultural yields and farm income. Table 21
shows that the extreme temparature shock reduce yields by 4% and 4.7% for Kharif and
Rabi respectively while the extreme rainfall shocks reduce yields by 12.8% and 6.7% for
kharif and Rabi respectively. The same table provides the impact on farm incomes. It
shows that extreme temparature shocks results in a 4.3% decline in Kharif farm income
and a 4.1% for Rabi farm income. In the case of extreme rainfall shocks, the farm income
declines by 13.7% for Kharif and 5.5% for Rabi.

The study also estimates the farm income loss by applying IPCC-predicted temparatures and
projecting India’s recent trends in precipitation. These estimates show that farmer income
decline from climate change could be between 15% and 18% on average and could be anywhere
between 20% and 25% in unirrigated areas. These results show that the impact of climate change
on farm income loss would be substantial in India.


48 | P a g e

Item Achieved TE 1997-99 demand in 2020 Yield target in

(million tons) 2020
Area (Million Production Yield LIG HIG LIG HIG
ha) (Million (Kg/ha)
tons) LIG
Rice 42.2 85.7 1903 112.4 111.9 2664 2652
Wheat 26.2 69.1 2582 82.3 79.9 3137 3045
Coarse 30.7 30.4 1041 38.9 37.3 1268 1214
Cereal 99.1 185.2 1814 233.6 229.0 2357 2311
Pulses 21.7 13.8 608 22.3 23.8 1029 1095
Food 120.8 199.0 1595 255.9 252.8 2119 2092
Edible oil 28.6 6.4 269 10.8 11.4 379.7 399
Potato 1.2 21.6 17188 27.8 30.6 22279 24566
Vegetables 5.3 74.5 14204 135.6 168.0 25673 31812
Fruits 3.2 43.0 13437 77.0 93.6 24064 29259
Sugarcane 3.7 26.9 7006 32.6 33.7 8788 9088
Milk - 71.2 - 115.8 137.3 - -
Meat - 5.0 - 8.8 11.4 - -
Eggs - 2873 - 7750 10000 - -
Fish - 5.3 - 10.1 12.8 - -
Source: R.S.Paroda and Praduman Kumar (2000). Food Production and Demand in South Asia.
Agril. Econ. Res. Rev. 13(1):1-24.

LIG: Low income growth 3.5% per capita GDP growth

HIG: High income growth 5.5% per capita GDP growth

49 | P a g e
Demand includes export 4.7mt rice, 3.6 mt wheat, and vegetables 2.2 mt fruits 1.4mt And fish
0.49 mt.


Agriculture is the one of the most important sector in India and also it is a pillar of Indian
economy. Now it demands second green revolution and it is possible only through the transfer of
technologies from lab to land. The generation and application of agricultural knowledge is
progressively important, particularly for small and marginal farmers, who require relevant
information in order to improve, sustain, and diversify their farm enterprises. Information
technology support new methods and ideas for precision and healthy agriculture like
computerized farm, weather forecasting, use of pesticides, fertilizers, and kind of crops. In this
paper we will try to find how information technology is useful for decision making, improve
planning and better produce of agro products and study the key elements and basic issues of
information technology in farm practice.

Technology is transforming nearly every aspect of our modern lives, and farming is no
exception. The produce on your table tonight will have gotten there faster, fresher and more cost-
effectively thanks to leading-edge technology in agriculture. Agriculture technology will become
ever more computerized in the decades ahead! Apart from the favourable and unfavourble effects
of mechanisation, during last 2-3 decades the rate of mechanisation continued to rise. This fact
was also revealed in the area under study of this work.

A successful future growth strategy for agriculture will need to perceive agriculture as a business
enterprise involving constant innovation and catering to dynamic market demand. Although
agricultural technologies are fast evolving in India and a mix of business models are driving the
ecosystem, there is a need to design the pathway to successful commercialization and to scale it
up by utilizing the right incentives and policy support. Technology will continue to play an
important role while the dynamics of the agriculture sector changes and produces new
challenges. With the private sector playing an increasingly important role in investments,
operations, and expertise, agriculture will gain immensely as the public sector catalyses these
efforts. The IT revolution in India was brought forward by the private sector, with the public
sector creating an enabling environment.

50 | P a g e
Uptake of technologies at market prices in a sector that has traditionally been heavily subsidized
remains challenging, but farmers are prompt to identify what works in their interest and are ready
to pay for it. Digital technologies offer the potential to achieve the necessary conditions for scale,
with distributed low cost and customized delivery, creating a unique opportunity for private
enterprise and innovation to thrive. The challenge before India lies in balancing high growth with
inclusive growth; leveraging technology to achieve these twin goals will be a fascinating journey
to track.

A developed agriculture system is based on three key pillars: knowledge, infrastructure, and a
robust delivery mechanism. Supporting the research and development ecosystem in agriculture
directly contributes to creating knowledge and preparing for the future. To strengthen the
supporting framework for growth, it will be important to focus on creating new physical markets,
improving storage and transport facilities, making better roads, and ensuring a continued
electricity and water supply. These system components also facilitate efficient mechanisms for
delivery and the monitoring of relevant government schemes and extension services that will
accelerate the pace of development. The public policy regime in India has been supporting
technology-led agricultural growth and has been increasingly developing new institutions to ease
access and affordability of technology adoption among farmers.



1. Agfunder. 2017. AgTech Investing Report: Year in Review 2016, January 2017.
Agfunder. Available at https://agfunder.com/research/ agtech-investing-report-2016.
2. APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority).
2017. Three Year Export Statement of APEDA Products. APEDA agriXchange.
Available at http://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/indexp/ exportstatement.aspx
3. BIS Research. 2015. Global Precision Agriculture Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2016
to 2022. November, 2014. BIS Research. Available at http://bisresearch.com/industry-
report/ global-precision-agriculture-market-analysisforecast-2015-2022-technology-vra-
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1. Heinonline
2. Manupatra
3. Westlaw
4. Scconline

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