Understanding Decibels d350674x012
Understanding Decibels d350674x012
Understanding Decibels d350674x012
Understanding Decibels
(dB or not dB)
Floyd D. Jury
Technical Consultant
Fisher Controls International, Inc.
Most of us are quite familiar with the real number system and 104 = 1x10x10x10x10 = 10,000
what it means. We use these real numbers to express a quan-
tity of something. This quantity is usually referenced to some This brings up an interesting point of speculation. Suppose
absolute reference value, normally zero. For example, if I don’t that we elect to multiply the one by no tens at all! How would
work, I don’t earn any money; i.e., for zero days work, I receive we express this in exponential notation and what would be the
zero dollars. On the other hand, if my rate of pay is 10 dollars result? If we simply follow the pattern of the previous ex-
per day, then I know that after the first day I will have 10 amples, we can write this as;
dollars, and 100 dollars after 10 days. This type of relationship
is called linear. 1x(no tens) = 100 = 1
Not everything that we encounter in real life can be described Very interesting! Now, let’s push the issue even further. In-
by this type of linear relationship. For example, suppose that stead of multiplying the one by ten, suppose we elect to di-
I bet $1 on a 10 to 1 shot at the racetrack. If my horse comes in, vide by ten! If we assume that we can extend our exponential
my winnings on the first race would be $10. Since my luck notation to cover this situation, we would interpret 10-1 as;
seems to be good, I might continue to bet my winnings from
each race at the same 10 to 1 odds. If I won the first four races, 10-1 = 1/(one ten) = 1/10 = 0.1
my winnings for each race would be;
Following the clue provided by this example, we can now use
first race $10 this exponential notation to express 0.001 as;
second race $100
third race $1000 0.001 = 1/1000 = 1/(10x10x10) = 1/103 = 10-3
fourth race $10,000
Just to make certain that we have it all straight in our minds,
It’s obvious that this relationship is far from linear. The word lets summarize what we have done so far in a table.
we frequently use to describe this type of relationship is, “ex-
ponential.” We might further describe this relationship by 104 = 10,000
saying that the winnings increase by a factor of ten, or by a 103 = 1,000
power of ten, on each race. This simply means that we are 102 = 100
describing the increase in my winnings by an exponent of ten, 101 = 10
hence the name, “exponential relationship.” A table will help 100 = 1
to describe this relationship: 10-1 = 0.1
10-2 = 0.01
10-3 = 0.001
1 $10 10-4 = 0.0001
$101 1
2 $100 $102 2
We all know that numbers don’t always come in nice neat
3 $1000 $103 3
factors of ten. We frequently get numbers like 5327, 16.52, or
4 $10,000 $104 4
0.00139. In cases like this, it is helpful to remember that we can
manipulate these numbers into other forms with the help of a “BEL” in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, and added it to
multiplication or division. For example; their exponential notation. Now, if a sound was 1000 times as
powerful as the threshold sound, they could say that it was,
5327 = 5.327x1000 = 5.327x103 “up 3 BELS.”
16.52 = 1.652x10 = 1.652x101
0.00139 = 1.39/1000 = 1.39x10-3 It became immediately apparent that they were going to need a
unit of sound measurement that was somewhat smaller than
This type of exponential representation of numbers is known the BEL. They divided the BEL into ten parts, called
as scientific notation. You may have noticed that we wrote “deciBELS” since “deci” means “one-tenth.” Of course, these
each of these cases so that the lead number was always be- Bell Labs researchers knew all along that the exponents they
tween one and ten. If we make a standard practice of always had been using were really called, “logarithms.”
doing that on this type of notation, we refer to it as “standard
scientific notation.” In order to see this more clearly, we can refresh our memory on
the definition of logarithms; i.e.,
This type of exponential relationship, based on the number 10,
is quite common in the scientific world. For example, in early 10L = N (1)
studies of speech, hearing, and sound, researchers at Bell Labs where:
found this common base number of ten very useful. In rating 10 = Base
the magnitudes of various sounds, they found it necessary to L = Logarithm (or Log)
establish a base or reference level of sound. The reference N = Number (or anti-Log)
point chosen was that level of sound which could just barely
be detected by an average young man with normal hearing. Therefore, using this definition, the base ten logarithm of the
This “threshold of hearing,” as it was called, was statistically number 100 is equal to 2; i.e., 102 = 100.
determined using many, many tests.
The logarithm definition above is often written in another
Using the threshold of hearing as a reference, these research- equivalent form.
ers proceeded to measure other sounds common to the envi-
ronment, ranging from soft whispers to speeding trains. The (Logarithm definition)
range of sound powers that were encountered was tremen-
dous. Furthermore, they discovered that, within this range, L = Log N or 10L = N (2)
the apparent loudness did not increase in a linear fashion with
sound power, but rather increased quite rapidly by factors of This is read as, “L equals the base ten logarithm of the number
ten. N.” As was mentioned before, the base ten is the most com-
mon base number that is used in our physical systems. For
The researchers found themselves dealing with everyday this reason, the logarithm to the base ten is called a “common
sounds that ranged from a million times as powerful as the logarithm.” When referring to the common logarithm, it is
threshold of hearing sound, or perhaps only one tenth as pow- sometimes customary to omit the base ten designation and
erful. They found it very cumbersome to express these vari- write the common logarithm simply as;
ous sound power levels this way, so they decided to use the
exponential representation. Even so, it was still cumbersome L = Log N
to say that a sound was 106 more powerful than the threshold
of hearing, or conversely 10-4 as powerful as the hearing Here the symbol, “Log” denotes a “common” logarithm. Us-
threshold. ing the definitions given, we can develop a small table of loga-
rithms as follows:
To simplify things even further, some of the researchers adopted
their own shorthand notation and simply said that the POWER NUMBER (N) LOGARITHM (L)
was “up 6” or “down 4.” What they were stating was simply 0.01 -2
the exponent on the common base number, ten. “Up 6” meant 0.1 -1
that the sound was 106 times more powerful than the thresh- 1 0
old of hearing; whereas, “down 4” meant that the sound was 10 1
only 10-4 as powerful. 100 2
DEFINING dB You have probably already noticed that the common logarithm
(L) is the same exponent of the common base ten that was
To help clarify this new notation even further, the Bell Labs used in the previous sound measurements. In that case, the
researchers coined a new measurement unit which they called number (N) was the ratio of the measured sound power to the
threshold sound power; i.e., the logarithm (L) is identical to We can now express the dB equation as a function of the
what we previously defined as a BEL. potential as well as the power:
and, since the deciBEL is really only one-tenth of a BEL we can This second equation should remind us of a theorem that we
write learned in high school math; i.e.,
(Number of deciBELS) = dB = 10x(Number of BELS) Log N2 = 2Log N (See Appendix for a proof)
From this equation, we see that the term “deciBEL,” or more dB = 10Log (Meas. Power/Ref. Power) (6)
commonly, “decibel,” can be abbreviated to the simple nota-
tion, “dB.” The following table will confirm our understanding and
of this relationship.
dB = 20Log (Meas. Potential/Ref. Potential) (7)
(Meas. Power)/(Ref. Power) (dB) These two important equations may appear to be different, but
0.01 -20 dB they really express the SAME definition in two equivalent
0.1 -10 dB ways.
1 0 dB
10 10 dB EXAMPLE: Assume an electrical circuit with a resistance of
100 20 dB 50 ohms. If we apply 100 volts to this circuit, equation (5)
above shows that the amount of power that would be dissi-
So far, we have only talked about measurements of the POWER pated would be 200 watts. If we were to change the voltage on
level. It is frequently desirable to take measurements of PO- this circuit to 200 volts, the amount of power dissipated would
TENTIAL. In a pneumatic or an acoustic system, pressure now be 800 watts. This represents a change of +6 dB. We
represents the system potential. In an electrical system, the doubled the voltage and quadrupled the power. Either way, it
variable that represents system potential is voltage (E). If we calculates out to +6 dB. As we indicated earlier, pressure is the
were to review our high school physics book, we would recall potential in an acoustic system. Thus, if we doubled the acous-
the electrical formulas; tic pressure we would quadruple the acoustic power, and the
change would be +6 dB.
E = IR
We can manipulate these two equations into another form The concept of measuring things in decibels is also used ex-
which is very enlightening; i.e., tensively in the field of automatic process control, so a review
of this application is also appropriate.
Power = E2/R (5)
People who work with process control systems find the con-
Since R represents a system constant and E represents the cept of GAIN very useful. In very simple terms, gain is essen-
potential, we can generalize this equation by saying, “Power is tially the amount of change in output we get from a device or
proportional (α) to the square of the potential.” In view of system for a given change in input; i.e.,
this relationship, we can express the power ratio that we devel-
oped previously as; GAIN = (Magnitude of output change) (8)
(Magnitude of input change)
(Meas.Pwr/Ref.Pwr) α (Meas.Pot./Ref.Pot.)2
Even though gain appears to be a type of ratio, it is not a true RATIO = 50%/100% = 0.5
dimensionless ratio. Many control devices have units of out- Or (10)
put that are different from the units of input measurement. A RATIO = (0.083 in./psi)/(0.167 in./psi) = 0.5
simple pneumatic positioner-actuator device is a good example.
In a typical situation, this device might require a 12 psi change When we are talking about a gain change, it makes little differ-
in the input bellows pressure to produce a 2 inch change in ence whether we use the ratio of the actual gains or the ratio of
stem position. In this example, the gain would be the normalized gains; the result is the same.
GAIN = 2 in./12 psi = 0.167 in./psi Now comes a loaded question! How many dB does this gain
change represent? You may already have guessed that the
Before we even begin to consider applying the concept of correct answer is –6 dB, but let’s find out why.
decibels to this gain, we need to get rid of these units of mea-
surement and form a true dimensionless ratio. Control people When dealing with gain in decibels (dB), the only two equa-
handle this problem in two ways. We’ll investigate both. tions that we have to chose from are equations (6) and (7).
When the control people originally decided that they needed
Nearly all control devices that we are interested in have a a dB relationship to express gain, they had to decide which of
normal operating range, or rated span, on both their input and these two equations were the most appropriate.
output. The positioner-actuator referenced above has rated
input and output spans of 12 psi and 2 inches respectively. From a theoretical point of view, there was no valid reason to
choose either one, because the gain isn’t necessarily either a
It is possible to express gain in a slightly different way so that power or a potential ratio. On the other hand, there is nothing
we can achieve the necessary dimensionless ratio; i.e., we so sacred about the dB definition that we have to restrict its
normalize the gain by expressing the input and output change use to either the power or potential ratio. Actually, the dB
as a percent of the rated span. definition is simply a logarithmic function that can be applied
to any dimensionless ratio, provided that the result has some
NORMALIZED GAIN (N.G.) = % change in output (9) useful meaning to us.
% change in input
Strictly from an intuitive point of view, the control people de-
Normalized Gain (N.G.) is sometimes referred to as magnitude cided that the concept of gain seemed more nearly related to
ratio, but what we call it is not as important as knowing how to the potential ratio than to the power ratio. Hopefully, you will
use it. We can calculate the normalized gain for the positioner- think so too! If not, you’re stuck with it anyway. The decision
actuator example above as follows. was made some time ago and that’s the way it’s always done
now! (NOTE: This decision was made easier by the fact that
N.G. = 100%/100% = 1.0 some of the early control theory work was done on electronic
systems where the gain of the amplifier is the ratio of the out-
Let’s assume now that some type of internal adjustment is put voltage over the input voltage.)
made on the positioner-actuator mechanism so that the same12
psi change in bellows pressure only produces 1.0 inch of stem Thus, the definition of gain in dB is
motion. If we make a new gain calculation, we get
GAIN (dB) = 20Log (Gain Ratio) (11)
GAIN = 1 in./12 psi = 0.083 in./psi
We still refer to the result as gain, but we give it units of dB.
This adjustment has cut the gain in half as we can easily see
from the normalized gain calculation. The Gain Ratio in equation (11) can actually take several forms.
As we saw in equations (10) that this ratio can be either the
N.G. = 50%/100% = 0.5 ratio of actual gains or the ratio of normalized gains.
Remember, the rated output span is still 2.0 inches. In addition, we can develop a Gain Ratio when we change a
system gain from one value to another; i.e.,
Next, we might ask what the ratio of the new gain is to the
original gain. We can look at this problem in two different Gain Ratio = (New gain)/(Initial gain)
ways; e.g., we can think about the ratio of the normalized gains,
or the ratio of the actual gains. For example, if we change the gain of a system or device from
a gain = 4 to a new gain = 2, we would have a gain ratio = 0.5. (Logarithm definition)
We would say that this represents a gain change of –6 dB, or
that we have cut the gain by 6 dB. L = Log N or 10L = N (2)
QUESTION: If the normalized gain ratio is 1.0, what would be The two equivalent forms of the definition of dB (decibels) are
the gain in units of dB?
dB = 10Log (Meas. Power/Ref. Power) (6)
ANSWER: ZERO! This particular value has great signifi-
cance to control people. and
Control people have found that under dynamic conditions, NOTE: In air-based acoustic systems, the reference values are
the gain of most control devices will vary as a function of the
frequency of the input signal. For example, let’s refer to the Reference Potential = 2x10-5 Pascals
original positioner-actuator example above where the unit was
adjusted so that a 12 psi change in the input would result in a Reference Power = 10-12 Watts
2 inch change in stem position.
The definition of dB Gain is
If we were to place the stem position in mid-range and then
vary the input pressure very slowly in a sinusoidal manner GAIN (dB) = 20Log (Gain Ratio) (11)
with a total amplitude of 12 psi (± 6 psi), the device would have
plenty of time to respond and we would expect a sinusoidal Finally, there are two fundamental principles that are worth
output variation of 2 inches total amplitude (± 1 inch). remembering:
Under these quasi-static conditions, we would have to say ± 6 dB represents a factor of 2 change in potential or gain,
that the gain (normalized) of the device was 1.0 (i.e., 0 dB). whereas ±3 dB represents a factor of 2 change in power.
On the other hand, if we began varying the input pressure at A given dB change represents the same physical change in
faster and faster frequencies, but still at a total amplitude of 12 the environment regardless of whether it is calculated from
psi, we can visualize that the device just wouldn’t have time to the power or the potential ratio.
respond to these faster changes, and the stem would no longer
be able to make its full 2 inches of sinusoidal travel. In other THE END
words, the gain of the device has decreased simply because
the frequency of the input signal changed.
We can verify this by starting with N2 and the original definition of logarithm; i.e.,
L = Log N
10L = N
2L = Log N2
2(Log N) = Log N2
2Log N = Log N2
There are two special operations involving logarithms which are often used. These two relationships are
The first of these operations can be proven quite easily from the definition of the logarithm; i.e., let
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