Decibel Units (DB) : Appendix

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Appendix D

Decibel Units (dB)

The illustration of a parameter having orders of magnitude on a linear chart is imprac-

tical. Also, the manual addition of two quantities is easier than multiplication. The
decibel unit (dB) allows one to present amplifier gain and power quantities in a simple


The Decibel (dB)

The decibel is a logarithmic unit of power ratio, although it is commonly also used
for current ratio and voltage ratio. If the input power Pi and the output power Po of a
network are expressed in the same units, then the network insertion gain or loss is

Po Pi
G = 10 log dB or G = −10 log dB
Pi Po

For example, if Po = 10 W and Pin = 2.5 W (like testing a single-stage HPA under
10 W
G = 10 log = 10 log 4 = 6 dB
2.5 W

If Po = 2 W and Pin = 10mW = 0.01W like testing a driver for small-signal gain),

G = 10 log = 10 log 200 dB
0.01 W
= 10(log 2 + log 100) = 10(0.3 + 2) = 23 dB

The decibel unit (dB) is used for characterizing or measuring gain, noise figure, return
loss, insertion loss, conversion loss, and so on.

Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Transistor Amplifiers. By Inder J. Bahl

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

644 Appendix D Decibel Units (dB)

dB to Power Ratio

G = 10 log(Po /Pi )
Po /Pi = antilog(G/10) = 10G/10

For example, for G = 5 dB,

Po /Pi = 105/10 = 100.5 = 10 ∼
= 3.16

Table D.1 provides the relationships between power ratio and the decibel unit for
commonly used power ratio values.

The dBm and dBW

The absolute power levels are expressed in dBm, which is defined as the power level
P in reference to 1 mW; that is,

P (mW)
P (dBm) = 10 log

If the reference power level is 1 W, then the power ratio is P (dBW).

If the signal is expressed in dB, with respect to the carrier level it is expressed in
dBc. For example,

P = 1 mW = 10 log = 0 dBm
P = 5 mW = 10 log = 7 dBm
10 × 103 mW
P = 10 W = 10 log = 40 dBm
P = 10 W = 10 log = 10 dBW

Table D.1 Relationships Between Ratio, R, and Decibel Unit (dB)

Ratio, R log R dB Ratio, R log R dB
1 0 0 10 1 10
2 0.3 3 100 2 20
3 0.48 4.8 103 3 30
4 0.60 6 104 4 40
5 0.70 7 105 5 50
6 0.78 7.8 0.1 −1 −10
7 0.85 8.5 0.01 −2 −20
8 0.90 9.0 0.001 −3 −30
9 0.95 9.5 10−4 −4 −40
10−5 −5 −50
D.1 Power Ratio to dB 645

The conversions of typical power units to mW are given as follows:

1 MW = 109 mW 1kW = 106 mW

1 W = 103 mW 1μW = 10−3 mW
1 nW = 10−6 mW 1pW = 10−9 mW

More Examples

(a) 3 mW = 5 dBm
(b) 50 mW = 17 dBm
(c) 60 W = 6 × 104 mW = 48 dBm
(d) 4 kW = 4 × 106 mW = 66 dBm
(e) 2.5 MW = 2.5 × 109 mW = 94 dBm
(f) 5 μW = 5 × 10−3 mW = −23 dBm
(g) 8 nW = 8 × 10−6 mW = −51 dBm
(h) 20 pW = 2 × 10−8 mW = −77 dBm

Pc = carrier level = 10 dBm

Ps = spurious level = −20 dBm
Pc /Ps = 10 dBm − (−20 dBm) = 30 dBc
Or Ps /Pc = −20 dBm − 10 dBm = −30 dBc ← more accurate, reference is carrier

Input reflection coefficient S11 = 0.1

Return loss = 10 log = 20 dB
|S11 |2

Always with positive sign

Input reflection = 20 log |S11 | = −20 dB

Always with negative sign

Table D.2 provides decibel operations and their meanings.

dBm to Power

P (mW)
P (dBm) = 10 log
P (mW) = antilog[(P dBm)/10]
= 10P (dBm)/10
646 Appendix D Decibel Units (dB)

Table D.2 Decibel Operations and Their Meanings

Operation Resulting Unit Physical Meaning Allowed?
1. dB + dB dB Product of two numbers Yes
2. dB − dB dB Comparing two numbers Yes
3. dBm + dBm XX Multiplying two powers No
4. dBm − dBm dB or dBc Comparing two powers Yes
5. dBm + dB dBm Power amplification Yes
6. dBm − dB dBm Power attenuation Yes

For example,

P (dBm) = 23 dBm
P (mW) = 1023/10 = 102.3 = 200 mW


So far, only power ratios and power amplification have been described. However, in
low-frequency electronics, voltage amplification (i.e., voltage gain) is an important
factor. Although voltage gain can also be expressed as a ratio, this particular ratio
cannot be immediately converted to decibels. Remember that decibels originated in
power comparisons. It is possible in many cases, however, to express powers in terms
of the associated voltages. Since power = (voltage)2 /resistance, the following can be
done. Since
Power A = VA2 /RA

Power B = VB2 /RB


dB = 10 × log(PA /PB )
VA2 · RB
= 10 × log
VB2 · RA
Normally, the two resistances RA and RB are chosen to be equal for purposes of
comparison. This means that the power generated by two separate voltages, VA and
VB , can be compared when applied across resistors of equal values (or across one
standard resistor).

dB = 10 × log(VA2 /VB2 )
= 20 × log(VA /VB )


Similarly, current gain can also be expressed in decibels as

dB = 20 log(IA /IB )

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