Leadership Below Officer Level

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One step down- the old future leaders

Leadership Below Officer Level: Have the Indian Armed Forces Neglected this Aspect?

LEADERSHIP 1. Leadership is the attribute by which one can motivate or inspire an individual or group of individuals towards a common aim or goal so that it can be completed by their best of capabilities. 2. Some great leaders have defined leadership in the following manner.. LEADERSHIP IS THE CAPACITY AND WILL TO RALLY MEN AND WOMEN TO A COMMON PURPOSE AND THE CHARACTER WHICH INSPIRES CONFIDENCE. F M MONTGOMERY LEADERSHIP IS THE PROJECTION OF PERSONALITY. IT IS THE COMBINATION OF PERSUATION, COMPULSION AND EXAMPLE THAT MAKES OTHER PEOPLE DO WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO. F M SLIM WHETHER YOU LEAD FIVE MEN OR FIVE MILLION MEN, THE ESSENTIALS OF LEADERSHIP ARE THE SAME. FD MARSHAL SLIM 3. Leadership is the ability of a person to mob & direct the efforts of his gp members for solving the gp problem by relating himself to the characteristics of the gp and sensitising himself about the nature of the problem.

One step down- the old future leaders


1. Persons in army, navy or air force from a recruit to junior commissioned offrs/ warrant offrs/ chief petty offrs form the major lot of forces. Referred to as persons below offr rank they are of immense importance to the proper functioning of the system in forces.


1. As far as an offr is concerned, he is been trained and exposed to the traits of leadership at various stages of his life starting from the basic of his/ her mil trg at various academies over the nation, then at various courses such as young offrs course, junior cmd course, senior cmd course for army and equivalent courses in navy and air force. But leadership at levels of junior commissioned offr/ warrant offr/ chief petty offr and the chain below, is the subject of todays need of armed forces. The major chunk of the nations armed forces consists of this gp and for any operation/ exercise/ war or action to become successful leadership below offr level would play a key role.

2. For instance, even the Kargil Committee report observed that training of junior leaders was one of the major deficiencies. Although there are commanders at various levels from a basic section through bn/ units to the brigade, from a nk/ hav and equivalent ranks in air force/ navy, to lt gen but as far as cdrs at persons below offr rank level are considered, has to be supervised by an offr.

3. Since junior commissioned offrs and non-commissioned offrs comprise a major and an important component of the human resource at a unit level, leadership at this level would prove out to be extremely beneficial to armed forces. This would definitely at first reduce

One step down- the old future leaders

the load on junior offrs, who otherwise has to supervise the tasks designated to junior commissioned offrs/ non- commissioned offrs while there is as such a shortage of offrs in forces.

4. Todays system in Armed forces dictates that a person below offr rank shall go through the rank structure and move up through the years to become senior non- commissioned offr/ junior commissioned offrs provided they fulfil certain conditions and availability of vacancies. By this time their age profile forms a major restraining factor, especially in combat leadership.

5. Leadership comes with responsibilities which are never independently given to the persons below offrs rank when for every minutest of task designated to them, there would be an offr responsible for their acts and actions.

6. When a non- commissioned offr is promoted to junior commissioned offr with a letter from president, they are treated as a separate class and hold many privileges viz. mess, travelling by first class, good salary, respect, then why not the complete responsibilities? An offrs with two years of service may be considered more responsible compared to a junior commissioned offr with more than twenty years of service. This is where the armed forces have actually lacked to instil leadership and trust on persons below offr rank. This is actually a wrong trend been followed since the British era. Ours is a nation which has been under the British rule for ages and has imbibed their culture, specific to armed forces, their customs and traditions are still been followed. During British rule, non-commissioned offrs and junior commissioned offrs then called viceroys commissioned offrs, which was the highest rank that most Indians could achieve while most full commissioned offrs were British- A tactics followed by the British for their own safety so viceroys commissioned offrs were

One step down- the old future leaders

intentionally not given the object of leadership. The wrong trend continues till date where much emphasis is not laid still on these vast groups to embark upon leadership. The major gp is vast resource which can be channelized for the betterment of nations armed forces.

7. Despite getting commission from the president of India, this gp specifically junior commissioned offrs and above have restricted authority. If the same rank wise structure is compared to the United States army, a sergeant major is tuned into a leader in himself.

8. And far most important aspect that matters ever is the experience, which the senior noncommissioned and junior commissioned offrs have a vast experience in their respective field of work/trade. Considering their age profile the only hindrance and restraining factor in combat leadership, a good training and timely short courses would surely keep them at par with their counter parts in other militaries. Moreover since the senior non- commissioned offrs/ junior commissioned offrs are the ones who come through the stages down the chain they know it better of pros and cons of any action and the ways and means to motivate the ranks below them or more specific the men under them.

9. Drawing a comparison with the united states defence forces, even the sergeant/ equivalent rank of the avn corps and air force are trusted upon to fly choppers and planes although under certain conditions, once they are through with the basic flying course. Such actions instil confidence in such persons below the offr rank and hence provide with good leaders. Its high time now that even the Indian armed forces consider the experience of their senior persons below offrs rank and start trusting them to give away the independent responsibilities. Ever since independence, there has always been a huge shortage of offrs in the armed forces and at this stage if the duties and responsibilities of junior offrs could be discharged by the junior commissioned offrs and non- commissioned offrs there could be a

One step down- the old future leaders

huge relief to the system in the forces and the step would surely improve the quality of work in the forces as well as boost the morale of the jawans.


1. A reason why leadership at persons below offr rank level is not so common and rather unsuccessful today is the because of the quality of trg that is been imparted to them at the time of their enrolment and the courses subsequently in their services. Trg forms an important part of the way an airmen/ navy/ army men is tuned into a soldier perfect to his field of work and a man of character, moral ethics, integrity 2. Trg at various regt centers/ establishments where soldiers/ sailors/ airmen are initially groomed are never taught with the basics of leadership rather they are only taught well to be followers and to silently obey the commands of the offr over them. The intension of the trg part should change and it should be aimed at providing potential leaders at junior level. Rather than wasting much of their time in working jobs and as sahayaks , runners, etc. they should be given practical knowledge at hand; so that if required at any point of time, within the limits of the system, they can take over the task of their leaders as the situation demands. 3. TACTICAL; TECHNICAL PECULIAR TO EACH ARM, SERVICE OR TRADE a. The trg should pertain to the field of work, be it tactical, combat trg or the technical peculiar to each arm, service or trade viz. craftsmen, tech staff, comn engrs, etc. b. The trg imparted should not be a one- time affair but a progressive one so as to maintain the leadership traits alive n keep them updated with the new trends in worlds war arena.

One step down- the old future leaders

There is greater emphasis on Leadership, Leader-Led

relationship, Man Management, and Motivation and Morale. Leaders at all levels have been sensitized.
Adequate number of JCOs/NCOs has been trained as

counsellors. Institutionalized training is being imparted to officers, JCOs and NCOs at various courses of instruction. 4. Likewise the offrs who have various courses to harness the ever increasing leadership qualities at courses like young offrs course, junior command course, senior cmd course, college of defence management, etc. similar courses should even be held at lower levels to impart a sense of leadership in them.


1. Freedom of action in executing operational tasks. a. There is a tendency for higher commanders to conduct operations by applying the template of either similar situations or their earlier experience obtained elsewhere. Such commanders must remember that CI operations are generally conducted at unit / sub unit level. It is therefore a junior leaders battle and he must be allowed full freedom in execution of the tasks assigned to him. Commanders at higher echelons should not chase him. Instead, depending upon the level of command, the senior commander must concentrate on either shaping or managing environment.

One step down- the old future leaders

2. Restoring The IZZAT of the uniformed man a. The nation must take pride that our Armed Forces are a symbol of Secularism, National integration, Apolitical and Unity. They have stood the test of time and maintained the freedom which was won by our freedom fighters. They therefore deserve to be honoured and given the Izzat they commanded at the time of independence but has been eroded gradually. This is possible only if their warrant of Precedence is restored and financial status enhanced by giving better Pay and Allowances.

New Selection System for Officers and Recruits

1. The DIPR recommended in Jan 2007 to the Govt certain changes in the selection of Officers and Other personnel to tackle the problem of suicides and fratricides in the Army as told by Shri Manas K Mandal, Director, DIPR in New Delhi. The starting point is the right selection of officers and PBOR. The Psychological test for recruits was to be introduced from Oct 07 but still not implemented. (The process was to screen and detect cases of likely depression, suicidal tendencies And aggressive behaviour).

Leader Led Relationship

1. The focus of refinement is the leadership and its relationship with the men. It must be Bottom to Top approach instead of the traditional Top to Bottom approach:

One step down- the old future leaders

a. Strengthening the Junior Level Officers. i. They must cultivate and practice the art of open leadership. The soldiers must be kept well informed-orders, briefings, debriefing, format talks and informal chats all help in awareness, understanding the overall situations, explain the why of your actions and the participation of the JCOs/NCOs. Be accessible to your soldiers but without undermining the chain of command. Empathize with your command, share in their privations, live hard and be seen to live hard. Lay continuous emphasis on operational preparations and training of command. In and adverse situation, never allow the soldiers to take the law into their own hands, no matter how grave is the provocation. The challenge is to balance mission accomplishment; the safety and well- being of your command and the preservation of good order and military discipline. b. Junior Leaders i. The JCOs and NCOs can no longer afford to be parochial and unfair especially in the distribution of duties or granting leave. The JCOs and NCOs should be shown due respect, taken in the loop of decision making and held accountable for lapses in their respective commands. They should not be ignored, bypassed and made to feel irrelevant. c. Sensitizing the Leadership i. The officers may be as caring and sensitive to the sensitivities of the soldiers as their predecessors but do not seem to keep in mind that they are dealing with a new man in uniform. They must understand

One step down- the old future leaders

that the concept of welfare has changed. Leave, authorized rations and promotion cadres have been augmented like due care, respect and need for polite but firm handling. Similarly, the society has given a more impatient, intolerant and aggressive man to the Army, Therefore, the soldier of today is more sensitive to being humiliated abused or injustice- not that these were not decried before. ROLE OF YOUNG OFFICERS IN SHAPING LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL OF JCOS/NCOS AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS 1. The onus of turning the persons below offr rank level into a successful ldr lies on young offrs of the Indian armed forces. It is them who, at this present stage, may be embarked upon them for responsibilities. Have faith in them and task them with jobs that require the qualities of ldr, while constantly monitoring them but of course the silent monitoring only and no interference.

1. The only short coming of such a tedious job and great responsibilities being handed over the hands lies in the fact that with the huge experiences of these so called one step down future leaders is their age profile. The probable solution to this might be the direct entry of young talents at non commissioned offrs / junior commissioned offrs level. The direct entry at Hav/ equivalent ranks in forces is most preferred so as to have some feel of the life at levels below, the work, a little experience and vast knowledge with a good trg and grooming in the respective field of work may surely produce the best leaders at a level stepped down.

One step down- the old future leaders

2. At present there are entries direct to junior commissioned stage but that only corresponds to caterers and religious teachers who serve hardly any purpose towards the combat leadership in particular. CONCLUSION Indian armed forces has certain to an extent forgotten the aspect of leadership below offr level which if harnessed can prove out to be of great benefits to the forces and national as well, solving the most serious problem of shortage of leaders, the task taken up only by offrs at present, in forces.

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