Gobezayohu Et Al

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Vol. 7(3), pp.

131-149, April 2019

DOI: 10.14662/ARJASR2019.018 Academic Research
Copy©right 2019
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article Journal of Agricultural
ISSN: 2360-7874 Science and Research

Full Length Research

Genetic Variability for Malting Quality, Yield and Yield

Related Traits of Ethiopian Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor
(L.) Moench] Genotypes
Gobezayohu Haftu Mengesha, 2Dr. Firew Mekbib Hailemariam, 3Dr. Taye Tadesse Mindaye
and 4Dr. Berhane Lakew
Ceareal Breeding, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Mekhoni Agricultural research Centre, Maichew, Tigray
Ethiopia, P.O.Box = 47, Mekhoni, Ethiopia. Email = [email protected], Telle = +251346641394/42066/44797
Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, Harar Ethiopia, P.O. Box = 138, Dre Dawa Ethiopia.
Email = [email protected], +251346641394/42066/44797
Plant breeding, Melkassa agricultural research centre, Melkassa Ethiopia, P.O. Box = 436, Melkassa Ethiopia.
Email = [email protected], +251915081067
Plant breeder, Holeta agricultural research centre, Holeta Ethiopia, P.O.Box = 31, Holeta Ethiopia.
Email = [email protected], Telle = +251911002198

Accepted 26 March 2019

Sorghum is drought tolerant C4 tropical crop with wide diversity grown for food, feed and beverages.
There is a growing demand for food and malt type sorghum varieties due to the low supply of mat
barley, climate resilient and gluten free nature of the crop. Therefore, this study was initiated to
characterize the malting quality, genetic variability and heritability of sorghum genotypes. The
experiment was conducted at Fachagama in Mehoni ARC, Northern Ethiopia in 2016/17 in α- lattice
design. Data were collected on agronomic traits and 300g pure seeds of each plot were malted (18hr
steeping, 72hr in 28 oc germinated and 24hr in 50 oc dried) for malt quality analysis. The genotypes Baji,
Tseada Achire, Abare-1, Yeju, Dabar, Degalit yelow-1 and Degalit Yellow produced better malt quality;
considering the most important malt quality parameters of DP, FHWE, CP, ET and MWL. High
heritability ranging 85.00-98.99 was observed for all the traits, except for PH (77.83) and CP (61.42)
which was moderate. Thus wide genetic variability, medium to high GCV, moderate to high heritability
and high GAM (20.89-128.43 ) of DF, DM, PH, NPT, GY, TKW,KW, KT, MWL and DP indicating these
traits were controlled by additive genetic factors and are important for sorghum yield and malt quality
improvement. Significant differences among the genotypes for all traits found and those genotypes
with sufficient DP and wort extracts could be used for brewing commercial beers and soft drinks.

Key words: Diastatic power, Genetic advance as percent of mean, genotypic coefficient of variation,
Heritability, Phenotypic coefficient of variation, Sorghum malt

Cite this article as: Gobezayohu, H.M., Firew M.H., Taye, T.M., Berhane, L (2019). Genetic Variability for
Malting Quality, Yield and Yield Related Traits of Ethiopian Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Genotypes.
Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res. 7(3): 131-149


Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is classified Africa, more precisely in Ethiopia, between 5000 and
under the grass family of Poaceae, genus Sorghum 7000 years ago Vavilov, (1951) and/or diversity Harlan,
Moench (Poehlman and Sleper, 1995). It is originated in (1992). The crop has spread to other parts of Africa,
132 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

India, and Southeast Asia, Australia and the United in the form of adjunct in Ethiopia by Meta Beer company
States (Mesfin and Tileye, 2013). (subsidiary of Diageo) in 2016 (2SCALE, 2017).
Sorghum is drought tolerant C4 tropical crop with wide Eventhogh, Ethiopia is the centre of origin with diverse
diversity. It is the fifth most important cereal crop in the genetic resources of sorghum; several improved food
world with grain production grown in arid and semi-arid sorghum varieties are adapted to semi arid tropical
parts of the world (FAO, 2016). It contributes to the regions; only two malt sorghum varieties (Red Swazi and
protein and energy requirements for millions of people Macia) have been released and little efforts have been
mainly living in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia Orr et al., made to promote the varieties to be used by the brewery
2016). Sorghum is one of the major staple food crops on industries and the landraces were not characterized, for
which the lives of millions of Ethiopians depend. The their malting potential to be used as malt and
majority of grain production goes for the preparation of considerable scope remains to use in the brewing
diverse food recipes, like porridge,”injera”, “Kitta”, “Nifro”, industries Asfaw, (2007); Asfaw et al., (2011).This is
infant food and syrup (Asfaw, 2007). A small fraction of mainly due to sorghum industrial processing is largely
of the grain it is being malted for local beverages, such missed (EIAR, 2014), high demand of sorghum grain for
as”Arake”,”Tella” and”Borde” (Abegaz et al., 2002). food, and lack of access for potential malt sorghum
Malting is the controlled germination of cereals in moist varieties. It has been speculated that the demand for
air, under controlled conditions for mobilizing the malting type sorghum will be increased for the reason
endogenous hydrolytic enzymes, especially α-amylase that sorghum is climate resilient crop and the area for
and β- amylase enzymes of the grain. The malting barley production is not growing with malt demand.
process modifies the grain structure, so that it will be Hence, it is high time to explore the genetic variability in
readily solublized during the brewing process to produce order to address the growing malting sorghum demand
fermentable wort (Taylor and Belton, 2002). with higher malting quality and yield. Hence, selecting
Regardless of the availability of several other cereal genotypes meeting the specific malt quality clear malt
types, barley is the grain of choice for malting in modern drink, malted extruded instant flour, to save foreign
brewing (Taylor and Dewar, 2000). In tropical Africa, currency used to import malt barley and improve
however, barley cultivation has not seen any success and livelihood of sorghum farmers. Therefore, the study was
industries are relying on imports of this grain. This is still undertaken with the following objectives) to determine the
problem to the brewing industries and also to the malting quality of sorghum genotypes and ii) to assess
economies of mostly tropical African countries. genetic variability, heritability, and genetic advance for
Researchers showed next to barley sorghum malt found malting quality, yield and related traits.
the most appropriate alternative for brewing Taylor et al.,
(2006); Ogbonna, (2011): Agu and Palmer, (2013).
Sorghum has been used for brewing beer in Africa for MATERIALS AND METHODS
ages, mainly for producing opaque beer in many parts of
Sub-Saharan Africa. Brewing clear lager beer from Description of the Experimental Area
sorghum was put on industrial platform by Nigeria in the
1980s after government banned importation of malt The experiment was carried out at Mehoni Agricultural
barley. The brewing qualities of sorghum are further Research center (MhARC) Fchagama test station site in
advanced due to gluten-free nature of sorghum protein to Raya Azebo Woreda using supplementary irrigation in
substitute the gluten rich cereals in the diet of people 2016/2017 cropping season. Fachagama is located 668
suffering from celiac disease Delserone, (2007); Km from the capital Addis Ababa and about 120 Km
Anheuser-Busch, (2010) and evaluation on the malting south of Mekelle, capital city of Tigray regional state.
and brewing qualities of the sorghum varieties have Geographically the experimental site is located at 12.70°
resulted in successful use of sorghum malt in the brewing N latitude and 39.70°E longitude with an altitude of 1578
of beers in Nigeria and other countries, including Cuba, m.a.s.l. The site receives a mean annual rainfall of 539
Israel, Mexico the South Africa and USA Ijasan, et al., mm with an average minimum and maximum
(2011). temperature of 12.81 and 23.24°C, respectively. The soil
In any crop improvement program, the first thing that textural class of the experimental site was clay with pH of
the breeder looks into is the existence of 6.89 (Gebremeskel et al., 2017).
genetic variability for the characters of interest
(Acquaah 2012). Hence, estimation and Selection of
genotypes meeting specific local food and industrial Treatments and experimental design
requirements of the existing variability in the available
germplasm is essential to breeders for food security. The study genotypes (Table 1) including the two checks
For the first time sorghum is used as a beer ingredient (Redswazi and Macia) were kindly availed by the national
Gobezayohu et al 133

Table 1. List of fifty six Sorghum genotypes including two checks used in the study
G.N Genotype Seed Seed Source G.N. Genotype Seed Seed Source
color color
1 Abamelko Brown JARC 29 Degalit Yellow Yellow SARC
2 AL-70 White MARC 30 Demhay Chalky TARI
3 Baji Red MARC 31 Dima Red MARC
4 Birimash Red MARC 32 Jamiyu Red MARC
5 Osmel Red MhARC 33 Jeru Yellow MARC
6 Chiro Red MARC 34 Jigurti Red MARC
7 Dagim Red MARC 35 Kodem Yellow MARC
8 E36-1 White MARC 36 Lalo Brown TARI
9 Emahoy Brown PARC 37 Masugi Red Red MARC
10 Merawi Chalky MhARC 38 Masugi Yellow yellow MARC
11 AbaAre-1 White MARC 39 Tetron White Chalky MARC
12 America-1 Red MARC 40 Tewzale Red TARI
13 Baduqane Yellow MARC 41 Tseada Achire White TARI
14 Berjokecoll#1 Red MARC 42 Tseada chimure White MARC
15 DagalitYellow-1 Yellow MARC 43 Wediarse Chalky TARI
16 Gorade-2 White MARC 44 Wegere Yellow MARC
17 Hodem-1-3 Yellow MARC 45 Wetetbegunchie Red MARC
18 JimmaLocal-2 Brown MARC 46 Wode aker Chalky MARC
19 Marye#2 Yellow MARC 47 Yeju White SARC
20 Meminay-4 White MARC 48 ZeriAdis Yellow TARI
21 Welenchity Col # 3 Redish MARC 49 Goronjo White MARC
22 Wollo Col#050 Red MARC 50 Gedo White SARC
23 Gano Yellow MhARC 51 Melkam White MARC
24 Bobe red Red MARC 52 Misikir White SARC
25 Bobe white White MARC 53 Dekeba White MARC
26 Dabar White MARC 54 Seredo Buff MARC
27 Dagnaw Yellow TARI 55 Macia (check) White MARC
28 Degalit Yellow JARC 56 Redswazi (check) Buff MARC
Key: TARI = Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, MARC = Melkassa Agricultural Research center, MhARC = Mehoni
Agricultural Research center, SARC = Sirinka Agricultural Research center, JARC = Jimma Agricultural Research center
and PARC = Pawe Agricultural Research center and G.N=Genotype number

Sorghum Research Program of Melkasa Agricultural at a spacing of 75 x 20 cm. The full dose of DAP (46%
Research Center (MARC). The genotypes are selected P2O5: 18% N) at the rate of (100 kg/ha) were drilled at
based on their dominancy in production and historical planting. Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of urea (46% N at
usage for local beverage preparation and for some are a rate of 100 kg/ha were applied half at sowing by mixing
recently released food varieties to evaluate whether they with DAP 5 cm apart from the seed and the remaining
can to use for both food and malting. The treatments half top-dressed at knee height. The seeds were sown by
(genotypes) were grown in (7, 8) α- lattice in two hand in the rows as uniformly as possible and covered
replications, 2m path width between replications and 0.5 with soil manually and thinning of seedlings was done
m path between plots found within incomplete blocks but two weeks after emergence.
no path for plots between (across) incomplete blocks.
The gross size of experimental plot was 1.5 m x 3 m (4.5
m2) accommodating two rows with spacing of 75 cm Data Collection and Measurements
between rows and 20 cm between plants. The two outer
most rows at both ends of first and the last blocks were Agronomic Traits
treated as borders leaving two middle rows of each of the
genotypes for sampling. The experimental field was Agronomic data's were collected from two rows in each
prepared by using farm tractor plough according to semi plot on the following parameter: Days to flowering (DF),
conventional farming practice. It was sown July 11/2016 days to maturity (DM), plant height (PH cm), number of
134 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

productive tillers per plant (NPT), thousand kernel weight food science laboratory.
(TKW g) and grain yield (GY kg): The moisture level for
TKW and GY adjusted to 12.5% according to Biru (1979). Steeping: Sorghum grain samples of 300 g of each plot
were cleaned by hand picking to remove any defectives
ℎ = Intial seed weight ! and washed three times to remove dirty, dusty and other
foreign matters. The samples of the cleaned grains were
placed in 300 x 300 mm nylon bags and steeped for 6h in
Where: OMC = Original moisture content and DMC = steeping vessels (1 Kg) containing 0.1% NaOH solution
Desired moisture content
(Taylor, 2008). At the end of 6 hr, the vessel were
drained off and then refilled with fresh tap water at 25 oc
Sorghum grain quality parameters
and the water was drained of every 3 hrs after 1hr of air
rest for total of 18 hrs (Dewar et al., 1997a).
Hectoliter weight (HLW Kg/hL): Calculated using the Germination: The steeped samples of each genotype
instrument which uses hectoliter weight, electronic were allowed to germinate in a germination vessel at
balance and moisture tester together according to the optimal temperature (28 oc) for 72 h germination time and
American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) (2000) keeping the relative humidity high (95%). Distilled water
method 55-10 and the obtained values were adjusted to
(20 ml) was sprayed using hand sprayer twice daily to
moisture content of 12.5% by the following equation avoid the decrease of relative humidity. The grain was
turned to avoid meshing roots and shoots. The
HLW (12.5% M basis) germinated samples of the test genotypes were
100 − % moisture measured in the grain
= HLW transferred to temperature controlled drying oven for
100 − 12.5 kilning (Dewar et al., 1997b).
Drying or Kilning: The germinated samples were dried
Where, HLW= Hectoliter weight o
in a temperature controlled drying oven at 50 c for 24 hrs
according to Dewar et al. (1997a).
Kernel size (KS): The kernel width (KW), kernel length Malting weight loss (MWL %): The total malting weight
(KL) and kernel thickness (KT) of ten kernels of each loss was determined by weighing the grains before and
variety of each plot were measured and average value after malting by using the following equation (Dewar et
were taken using digital caliper (+0.01 mm) according to al., 1997b).
modified method of (Schuler et al., 1994).
Germination energy (GE %): This was done in
Haramaya university food science laboratory. It was done Malting weight loss
by placing 100 representative grains on damp filter paper Initial dry weight of grains − dry weight of malt
with 4ml water in closed petridshs and allowed to = x 100
germinate at temperature of 25 OC and 100% relative Initial dry weight of grains
humidity and counting germinated seeds after 24, 48 and
72 hours. Germinated seeds were counted and Malt moisture content (MMC %): The Moisture Content
expressed in percentage (Taylor, 2008). of the malt was estimated by gravimetric method of the
Endosperm texture (ET): The relative proportion of European brewing convention (EBC) EBC (1997.). Malt
vitreous (corneous) to floury were determined by cutting 5 flour of 5g was dried in an air forced dry oven for 3 hrs at
kernels in halves longitudinally and evaluated using rating 1030C. The mass loss on dry mass was determined as %
scale of 1 (corneous), 2 (intermediate to corneous), 3 moisture by using the equation
(intermediate), 4 (intermediate to flowery) and 5 (floury) (CD CE)
as described by Rooney and Millner (1982). %89 (8:;<=>?@ A:B=@B=) = (CD C )
∗ 100
Grain crude protein content (CP %): The total protein
content was measured by using Near Infrared reflectance Where: MC = Moisture content of the malt, W 1 = Weight
spectrometry (NIRS), Model EU Perten Machine- IM9500 of container, W 2 = Weight of container and the sample
at Melkassa Agricultural research center food science before drying and W 3 = Weight of the container and the
laboratory. Finally, the results were taken from the sample after 3hr drying
display screen after 1 to 3 minutes.
Diastatic power of malt (DP) (°WK): The diastatic
Sorghum malt preparation and Sorghum malt quality power of the malt was determined using EBC Method
traits 4.12, (1997) in Asela malt factory.
The malting process was done in Haramaya university Fine grind hot water extract (FHWE %): It was done in
Gobezayohu et al 135

σL H
H2 = σLM ∗ 100
Asela malt factory using the method of American Society
of Brewing Chemists (ASBC 2008). σD p =σD g +σD e,

Data Analyses Where σD e = Environmental (error) variance

Analysis of Variance The genetic advance (GA) for selection intensity (K) at
5% was calculated by the formula suggested by Allard
Data on phenological parameters, growth parameters, (1960) as: GA= (K) (δP) (h2)
yield, yield components, grain quality parameters and
malt quality parameters were subjected to analysis of Where, GA= Expected genetic advance, δ P = the
variance (ANOVA) using SAS Computer Statistical phenotypic standard deviation, h2 = the heritability, K=
Package version 9.0 (SAS Institute, 2004) by the model: Selection differential (K=2.06 at 5% selection intensity).
Yijk = μ+ Rj + Bij + Tk+ eijk GA (as % of the mean) = S
*100, Where, xO = population
Where; μ= overall mean, Rj = replication effect (fixed) of
the jth genotype, Bij = random effect of block j within The GAM categorized as low, moderate and high as
replication i, Tk = effect of treatment k (random or fixed), suggested by Johnson et al. (1955a) as follows.0 - 10% =
and eijk = the environmental effect of the ijkth Low, 10 – 20 = Moderate and > 20 = High.
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used for
mean separation at 5% probability level. Analysis of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
variance for NPT was done after the data had transferred
using square root. Analysis of Variance

Genotypic and Phenotypic Variances The analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the mean
squares due to genotypes were highly significant (P
The phenotypic and genotypic variance estimated as <0.01) for all of the traits recorded. (Table 2), indicating
suggested by Burton and De Vane (1953). the existence of adequate variations among the tested
genotypes. A significant difference for the agronomic
σD p =σD g +σD e traits of Ethiopian sorghum was found (Haile et al., 2016;
H I Mihret et al., 2015). Highly significant variation for MWL,
σD g = MMC, DP and FGHWE while, significant variation for
HLW, KL, KT, GE and crude protein content for six
Where, σD p = phenotypic variance, σD g = Genotypic verities was reported (Aychew et al., (2012). Similarly
variance, σD e = Environmental (error) variance (Error observed highly significant variation (P <0.01), grain size,
mean square), Mg= mean sum square of genotypes, Me= DP, malting MWL, GE and wort extract (Adetunji et al.,
mean sum square of error and r=Number of replications. 2013).

Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation

(GCV and PCV) Agronomic traits

The GCV and PCV were estimated according the The mean in days to flowering was 96.69 and ranged
methods of Burton and De Vane (1953). from 70.5 to 122.5 days (Table 3). The mean for days to
KσL M maturity was 149.55 and ranged from 112.5 to 177 days.
Phenotypic coefficient of variation, PCV = ∗ 100
NO A partially agreed result for days to flowering and maturity
Genotypic coefficient of variation, GCV = *100, was also reported for Ethiopian sorghum landraces
Amsalu and Endashaw (2012) Haile et al. (2016).
Where xO = population mean
Among the tested genotypes, the most early flowering
were Yeju (74) followed by Dagnaw (75.5) and Seredo
Broad Sense Heritability and genetic advance (77), Tseadachumure (77.5) and Wedi Aker (77.5).
However, Lalo (122.5) days followed by Chiro (120.5)
Broad sense heritability was computed based on the days had the most late flowering period. The check
formula developed by Allard (1960) as:
136 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

Table 2. Mean square values from analysis of variance, coefficient of variation (CV) and coefficient of determination (R )
for 17 traits
Traits Source of variation
Error Gen Rep Rep/Block
df=41 df=55 df=1 df=14 C V (%) R
DF 3.45 372.72** 42.57 * 16.29 2.12 99.36
DM 12.98 585.50** 86.75 ** 59.54* 2.41 99.48
PH 935.71 7506.65** 6967.79** 1889.06* 11.77 92.22
NPT 0.004(0.0007) 0.374(0.0981)** 0.009(0.0017)
19.66(3.09) 99.31(99.49)
GY 178714.6 2571289.5** 506874.1** 339422.9* 9.01 98.05
TKW 3.85 65.50** 18.00* 4.37 6.39 96.26
HLW 0.54 8.50** 0.76 NS 0.73 NS 1.01 95.94
KL 0.01 0.24** 0.09 * 0.01
2.11 97.38
KW 0.02 0.30** 0.05
3.75 95.45
KT 0.01 0.20** 0.19** 0.01
2.78 97.93
GE 5.44 88.26** 14.29NS 5.12 NS 2.49 96.27
CP 0.37 1.59** 2.12* 0.66
5.46 87.27
MWL 0.86 12.48** 0.03
5.05 95.51
FHWE 4.17 60.72** 13.30
4.52 3.05 95.86
MMC 0.07 0.78** 0.01 NS 0.04 NS 3.15 94.67
DP 4.64 994.17** 5.29
6.04 99.68
df = degrees of freedom, *= highly significant at P <0.01, ** = significant at P <0.05 and NS= non significant,
respectively, CV (%) = coefficient of variation, R2= coefficient of determination.
N.B. The values for number of productive tillers (NPT) in the parenthesis are the transformed values.

variety Redswazi matured in 112.5 days and none of the landraces (Amsalu and Endashaw, 2012; Haile et al.,
tested genotypes matured earlier than the check; as the 2016).The sufficient variability in plant height among the
other standard check variety Macia matured in 126.5 genotypes suggested that the huge potential to make an
days. In comparison to Macia five genotypes matured improvement through selection and crossing for this trait.
earlier (Yeju, Dagnaw, Wediakir, Gedo and Wediarse) Twenty one genotypes produce productive tillers while
with the range between 120.5 to 126 days. The top three thirty five of the 56 genotypes do not produce productive
late maturing were Lalo (177), Bobe Read (176) days and tillers (Table 3). Number of productive tillers per plant for
Zeri Adis (176) days followed by Chiro (175.5), Gorade -2 tested genotypes ranged from 0.2 for Welenchity Col#3
(175) and AL-70 (174.5) days. This result indicated that to 1.45 for Meminay-4 and with mean of 0.31. Alam et al.
those late maturing genotypes could not be suitable for (2014) and Yalemtesfa (2014), found fertile tiller numbers
the targeted environment. Among 56 genotypes 12 with mean 2.25, 1.86 and 1.28 for inbred lines and
genotypes showed 112.5-129.5 days to maturity which released varieties respectively. However, those tillering
can be used for development of early and medium genotypes are not preferred, due to their inefficient water
maturing varieties for moisture stress areas. use efficiency in water-limiting environments of tillering
Minimum and maximum plant heights of 132 cm and type sorghums (Hammer et al., 2006).
426cm were recorded for Gedo and Lalo, respectively, Thousand kernel weight showed a mean of 36.34g with
with mean of 259.99cm (Table 3). The genotypes Gedo a range of 23-53g (Table 3). The maximum and minimum
(132 cm) and Wedi aker (140 cm) showed shortest plant values of TKW were obtained from Lalo and Hodem-1-3,
height than the second check Macia (144.13cm) and respectively (Table 5). The genotypes Hodem-1-3 (53),
above the check Redswazi (112.3cm) which was the abaAre-1(52) and Marye#2 (51) were the top three with
shortest. Previous studies showed the existence of large high TKW followed by Dgalit yellow-1 (44.5). Twenty-five
genetic variability in plant height in Ethiopian sorghum genotypes were identified with TKW above the grand
Gobezayohu et al 137

Table 3. Mean separation of 17 traits of 56 sorghum genotypes tested at Raya Azebo, Fachagama site during 2016/17
o-r m-p c-g fg bc e-n c-k r-u
1 Abamelko 94.5 149 304.13 0.8(1.12) 6316.5 37.5 74.05 4.33 3.42v-y
cd ab b-e n i-m h-p l-w i-n j-q
2 AL-70 116 174.5 320.88 0(0.70) 4562 35.75 71.6 4.68 3.93
3 Baji 96 o-q 152l-n 207.4i-n 0(0.70)n 3522q-t 33.55l-q 70.95r-w 4.44 o-s 3.57q-w
4 Birimash 96.5 op 146.5 o-q 204j-o 0.35(0.91)l 4175j-q 29.25q-u 71.7l-v 4.6k-p 3.8l-t
5 Osmel 87tu 141rt 313.5b-f 1.15(1.28)c 7062.6a 43.05b-d 74.6b-h 5.19b-d 3.96i-o
6 Chiro 120.5ab 175.5ab 289.63c-h 0(0.70)n 4500.5i-m 36h-p 71.5p-w 4.75h-m 4.23e-j
7 Dagim 95 o-q 147 op 210.88i-n 0.7(1.09)h-i 3032.5t 29.5q-u 68.3xy 4.23s-v 3.18xy
8 E36-1 82.5Vw 127.5uv 166.88m-p 0(0.70)n 3725n-s 32.5 o-s 75.55a-c 4.75h-m 3.91j-r
9 Emahoy 89 s-u 142q-t 206.63i-n 0(0.70)n 4776.5h-j 35j-p 70.7t-w 4.46n-s 4.03g-n
10 Merawi 86uv 147 op 273c-j 0.75(1.12)gh 4157j-q 36.9g-o 72.75i-r 4.62j-o 4.05g-n
11 Aba Are-1 105.5 j-l 163 h-j 295.38c-g 0(0.70)n 5567d-g 52a 73.95c-k 4.83f-k 4.65a-d
12 America-1 90.5 r-t 147.5n-p 260.25d-k 0(0.70)n 6820ab 41.88b-f 76ab 5.28b-c 4.61a-d
13 Baduqane 113 d-g 165f-1 310.63c-f 0(0.70)n 4376i-n 35.55h-p 70.2u-w 4.63j-o 4.06g-n
14 Berjokecoll#1 111.5e-h 173.5 a-c 298.5c-g 0(0.70)n 3866m-r 32.9m-r 70vw 4.98d-h 4.32d-i
15 DagalitYellow-1 106i-l 161.5ij 288.5c-h 0(0.70)n 5970c-e 44.5b 72.95h-q 4.39p-t 4.21e-k
16 Gorade-2 114.5c-e 175ab 301c-g 0(0.70)n 5565d-g 41.5b-g 70.95s-w 5.39ab 3.69n-w
17 Hodem-1-3 95 o-q 147 op 305.38c-g 1.1(1.26)cd 6906.1ab 53a 75.3a-e 5.3b-c 4.53b-e
18 JimmaLocal-2 106i-k 158.5ji 297c-g 0.9(1.18)ef 5542d-g 35.15j-p 74.75a-g 4.37q-t 3.45t-x
19 Marye#2 108h-j 164.5g-i 322.5b-e 0(0.70)n 6871ab 51a 75.6a-c 4.81f-k 4.43c-f
20 Meminay-4 92.5p-s 140st 261.88c-k 1.45(1.39)a 5733.5c-f 37g-o 75.2a-e 4.86f-j 4.06g-m
21 Col#3 92q-s 147 op 247.5e-k 0.2(0.84)m 4585.5i-l 33l-r 72.65i-s 4.64j-o 3.76l-v
22 WolloCol#050 87.5tu 144 p-s 291.13c-h 0(0.70)n 6174.5cd 39d-k 73.6d-k 5.04d-f 3.75m-v
23 Gano 102l-n 156.5kl 321.75b-e 0(0.70)n 5607.5d-g 36.75g-o 74.3b-i 4.75h-m 4.82ab
24 Bobe red 117.5bc 176a 281c-i 0(0.70)n 4562.5i-m 40b-i 72.4k-t 4.88e-i 4.38c-g
p-s o-r d-k n k-r p-t++ e-l f-k f-l
25 Bobe white 92.5 145.5 249 0(0.70) 4016 31.75 73.55 4.83 4.12
s-u o-r k-o n j-o p-t q-w wx u-x
26 Dabar 89.5 145.5 193.25 0(0.70) 4300 31.5 71.4 3.9 3.44
y wx c-g ij k-r g-o f-m d-f j-r
27 Dagnaw 75.5 122 305.13 0.6(1.04) 3985.5 37.1 73.4 5.03 3.9
28 Degalit 110f-i 164.5g-i 277.5c-j 0(0.70)n 5615d-g 41.5b-g 72.95h-q 4.75h-m 4.95a

c-e c-f b-e n e-h g-o p-w f-j a-c

29 Degalit Yellow 115 168.5 319 0(0.70) 5345 36.75 71.5 4.86 4.68
op n-p c-i n m-r n-r t-w m-r p-w
30 DemHay 96.5 147.5 281.63 0(0.70) 3853.5 32.75 70.7 4.55 3.58
31 Dima 118bc 173.5a-c 298c-g 0.75(1.12)gh 4558.5i-m 39.25c-j 70.85t-w 4.83f-k 4.22e-j
32 Jamiyu 98.5no 152.5lm 209.38i-n 1.1(1.25)cd 5305f-h 34.3k-p 72.5j-t 4.81f-k 4.48b-e
33 Jeru 114c-f 169.5c-f 384.25ab 0(0.70)n 6318.5bc 43.25b-d 73.55e-l 5.1b-e 4.37c-g
34 Jigurti 88.5s-t 141.5rt 324b-d 1.15(1.29)c 7164.2 a 35.95h-p 75.4a-c 5.52a 4h-n
35 Kodem 89.5s-u 139t 242.75f-l 0.9(1.21)5e 6108.5cd 43.75bc 76.5a 5.17b-d 4.7a-c
a a a hi u v y x y
36 Lalo 122.5 177 426 0.65(1.06) 2359.5 23 67.25 3.87 3.09
138 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

Table 3. continuation
37 Masugi Red 115c-e 173a-d 314b-e 0(0.70)n 4315j-o 40.15b-h 72.5j-t 4.38q-t 3.99h-o
k-m kl d-k n g-i b-g b-i d-g l-u
38 Masugi Yellow 103 156 256.88 0(0.70) 5019.5 41.5 74.35 4.99 3.79
39 Tetron White 95o-q 150m-o 232.75g-m 0(0.70)n 4237.5j-o 33.65l-q 76.5a 4.09vw 3.39w-y
40 Tewzale 88.5s-u 145 o-r 239.4f-m 1(1.22)de 4626i-k 35.25i-p 74.25b-j 4.59k-q 3.85k-s
41 Tseada Achire 92q-s 139t 277.38c-j 0(0.70)n 3850m-r 37.75e-l 72.35l-t 4.79g-l 3.89j-r
42 Tseada chimure 77.5xy 129.5u 250.5d-k 0(0.70)n 4370.5i-n 34.3k-p 75.35a-d 4.67i-o 3.91j-r
43 Wediarse 81wx 126u-w 275c-j 0(0.70)n 3752.5n-s 28.8r-u 71.65l-v 4.56l-q 3.81l-t
e b-e c-h n c-f b-e g-p j-o l-s
44 Wegere 171 291 0(0.70) 5693 42.13 73.2 4.63 3.83
45 Wetetbegunchie 101mn 158.5ik 336.38bc 0.5(1.00)jk 5236.5f-h 35.25i-p 69.85wx 4.85f-j 3.87j-r
46 Wode aker 77.5xy 123v-x 140n-p 1.3(1.34)b 3687.5 o-s 25.8uv 70.05u-w 4.25s-v 3.77l-v
47 Yeju 74yz 120.5x 169.25l-p 0(0.70)n 3987.5k-r 37.6e-m 75.9ab 4.66i-o 4.11g-m
48 ZeriAdis 116cd 176a 270.3c-j 0(0.70)n 4151k-q 37.25f-o 71r-w 4.3s-v 3.95j-p
49 Goronjo 167e-h 242.38f-l 0.4(0.94)kl 2350u 27.95s-u 68.35xy 4.25s-v 3.63 o-w
50 Gedo 80 126u-w 132.63 o-p 0.8(1.14)fg 2975t 27.85tu 71.8l-u 4.26s-v 3.88j-r
51 Melkam 81wx 126.5u-w 167.75m-p 0(0.70)n 4202j-p 35.5h-p 73.35f-n 4.795g-k 4.32d-h
52 Misikir 82.5vw 127uv 233.38g-m 0(0.70)n 3920k-r 32.85m-r 74.75a-g 4.63j-o 3.93j-q
vw uv h-m n k-r h-p a-g t-v j-q
53 Dekeba 82 127 218.75 0(0.70) 4050 36 74.95 4.17 3.92
54 Seredo 77xy 126.5u-w 166.25m-p 0(0.70)n 3550p-t 29.5q-u 71.55 o-w 4.25s-v 3.51s-x
vw u-w n-p n st j-p a-e s-v r-w
55 Macia 82.5 126.5 144.13 0(0.70) 3206 35.05 75.1 4.32 3.55
yz y o-p de r-t tu g-o u-w
56 Redswazi 70.5 112.5 112.3 1(1.23) 3414 27.75 73.3 4.1 3.35w-y
N.B. The values for number of productive tillers (NPT) in the parenthesis are the transformed values.

Table 3. continued…


q-u l o-r p-u a-d pq h-j
1 Abamelko 2.6 74.5 9.88 15.39 74.39 7.1 36.81

2 AL-70 2.93h-l 93c-f 12.11a-i 15.68 o-u 71.2b-j 8.75c-g 51.84e

3 Baji 2.7m-s 99ab 9.66q-r 15.4p-u 76.83a 9.45ab 49.48e

4 Birimash 2.69n-t 94a-f 10.90g-r 14.81q-u 72.55a-g 8.25g-l 51.42e

5 Osmel 3.04f-i 96.5a-e 11.27c-n 17.1i-p 60.6r-u 8.75c-g 98.07a

6 Chiro 2.86i-o 86h-i 11.44b-m 20.49a-g 61.4q-t 7.05q 25.76lm

7 Dagim 2.54s-v 78.5j-l 11.58a-j 18.46g-l 71.75b-i 9.5ab 41.57gh

8 E36-1 2.64p-u 88.5f-h 12.20a-h 17.13i-p 66.5j-p 8.95b-f 15.19 op

i-o a-c r u j-p h-m op
9 Emahoy 2.87 98.5 9.56 13.48 66.35 8.1 15.16
Gobezayohu et al 139

Table 3. continued…
10 Merawi 2.97g-j 97.5a-d 12.49a-d 16.71k-r 63.25n-t 8i-n 18.59no
11 Aba Are-1 3.41a-c 97.5a-d 12.21a-h 19.92b-h 74.05a-c 7.8j-o 58.89d
12 America-1 3.18d-f 98a-d 11.30c-n 20.52a-g 69.1d-m 8.3g-l 29.84kl
j-p ab a-d i-q k-q q op
13 Baduqane 2.79 99 12.54 16.99 65.95 7 14.71
c-e e-g k-r e-k g-o b-d i-k
14 Berjokecoll#1 3.28 91.5 10.49 18.76 67.6 9.1 33.57
15 DagalitYellow-1 3.07f-h 91.5e-g 11.11e-q 19.03c-i 74.89a-b 8i-n 52.6e
16 Gorade-2 2.52s-w 99ab 10.53k-r 18.74f-k 72.6a-f 9.05b-d 22.64mn
17 Hodem-1-3 2.9h-m 99.5a 11.61a-l 21.7ab 72.3a-h 7.7l-p 67.13c
i-o g-i o-r b-h ab c-g gh
18 JimmaLocal-2 2.85 87 9.73 19.89 75.25 8.8 40.6
19 Marye#2 3.19d-f 98a-d 12.08a-j 20.58a-g 71.6 b-i
8.2g-m 48.98ef
f-h a-e d-p a a-e j-o hi
20 Meminay-4 3.07 96.5 11.23 22.66 73.4 7.85 37.58
j-p ab ab p-u k-q e-j mn
21 Welenchity Col#3 2.79 99 12.88 15.51 65.9 8.4 22.4
22 WolloCol#050 2.55s-v 97a-e 12.18a-h 19.09c-i 58.9tu 7.7l-p 44.47fg
23 Gano 3.08f-h 95.5a-e 10.95g-r 21.61ab 72.2a-i 8.2g-m 50.29e
24 Bobe red 3.17d-f 82i-k 10.75h-r 18.53g-l 62.75 o-t 8.8c-g 13.38p
25 Bobe white 2.86i-o 98.5a-c 11.44b-m 16.94i-q 68.5e-m 9.25bc 29.82kl
26 Dabar 2.68 o-t 99ab 10.69h-r 14.77q-u 73.9a-d 8.1h-m 43.42fg
l-r a a a-c m-s h-m fg
27 Dagnaw 2.75 99.5 12.96 21.16 64.3 8.1 44.66
28 Degalit 3.58a 98.5a-c 10.72h-r 19.95b-h 72.3a-h 7.7l-p 70.4c
29 Degalit Yellow 3.28c-e 93c-f 12.20a-h 20.98a-e 73.8a-d 8.1h-m 60.75d
30 DemHay 2.77k-q 99.5a 12.29a-g 18.86d-k 60.25r-u 9.1b-d 44.98fg
31 Dima 3.35b-d 83.5h-j 10.46k-r 13.89tu 67.3i-o 7.05q 11.36p
32 Jamiyu 3.2d-f 99.5a 11.49a-j 16.41l-s 69.8b-l 8.5d-i 26.17lm
33 Jeru 3.4bc 98.5a-c 9.96m-r 20.93a-f 70.3b-k 8.2g-m 43.77 fg
g-k e-g a-k p-u s-u g-l no
34 Jigurti 2.95 91.5 11.88 15.15 60 8.3 18.83
3.12e-g 93.5b-f 10.41k-r
35 Kodem 16.7 70.4b-k 7.9i-n 42.11gh
36 Lalo 2.39v-x 68.5m 10.59 i-r 17.86h-o 67.4h-o 9.15bc 34.03i-k
37 Masugi Red 2.75l-r 82i-k 9.71p-r 16.81j-r 67.6g-o 9.2bc 32.7jk
38 Masugi Yellow 3.51ab 92.5d-f 10.56j-r 21.03a-d 65.1l-r 7.75k-o 40.84gh
39 Tetron White 2.32x 99.5a 9.86 o-r 18.56g-l 56.05uv 8.4e-j 29.87kl

Table 3. Continued…
s-w a-e l-r ab b-l i-n c
40 Tewzale 2.53 94.5 10.25 21.75 69.9 8 66.93
41 Tseada Achire 2.89i-m 95.5a-e 9.95m-r 21.75ab 74.89a-b 7.25 o-q 70.06c
x a-d a-k a-c n-t i-n op
42 Tseada chimure 2.03 98 11.89 21.21 63.2 8 15.15
t-w a-d e-r r-u r-t m-q no
43 Wediarse 2.5 97.5 11.04 14.39 60.9 7.6 18.5
44 Wegere 2.88i-n 98.5a-c 12.33a-g 14.25st 68.5e-m 8.35f-k 44.58fg
u-x a-e a-h a r-t n-q a
45 Wetetbegunchie 2.47 95 12.18 22.4 60.85 7.4 96.03
46 Wode aker 2.85j-o 99.5a 11.56a-j 19c-j 53.45v 8.7c-h 15.24 op
p-u a-c e-r a a-d h-m b
47 Yeju 2.65 98.5 11.05 22.5 73.7 8.1 85.6
140 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

Table 3. Continued…
j-p h-i k-r g-l o-t bc d
48 ZeriAdis 2.8 84 10.55 18.37 62.8 9.3 60.57
49 Goronjo 3.08f-h 94a-f 12.27a-g 16.02m-t 69.4c-l 8i-n 29.74kl
50 Gedo 2.71m-s 77kl 12.77a-c 14.59r-u 61.9p-t 8.4e-j 18.50no
q-u a-c d-o n-t r-u b-e kl
51 Melkam 2.59 98.5 11.25 15.87 60.5 9 30.06
52 Misikir 2.58q-u 98.5a-c 12.64a-d 17.93h-n 65.9k-q 8.8c-g 25.88lm
r-v b-f b-n ab f-n d-i mn
53 Dekeba 2.56 93.5 11.37 21.65 67.9 8.5 22.19
54 Seredo 2.6q-u 96.5a-e 10.94g-r 18.23h-m 53.2v 10a 38hi
55 Macia 2.35wx 98a-d 10.97f-r 21.35ab 59.25tu 8.5d-i 60.07d
56 Redswazi 2.3x 97a-e 12.15a-h 17i-q 54.5v 8.7c-h 26.09lm

mean (36.34) excluding the checks. The high grain and 2.84 mm, respectively (Table 3). The maximum
weight might be related to larger seed size of the kernel length, width and thickness were found in Jigurti
genotypes due to the supplementary irrigation and (5.52mm), Degalit (4.95 mm), and Degalit (3.58mm),
correlation between thousand kernel weights and the respectively, whereas the minimum kernel length, width
grain hardness Adetunji (2012), which results in good and thickness where found in Lalo (3.87mm), Lalo
milling quality attributes. Amsalu and Endashaw, (2012); (3.09mm) and Tseada chimure (2.02mm). Significant
Hile et al., (2016) have reported the existence of large difference in kernel length, width and thickness ranging
genetic variability in TKW of Ethiopian sorghum varieties 4.04-4.4, 3.23-3.97 and 2.36-2.67 mm were reported by
and landrace. Aychew et al. (2012). Abuajah et al. (2016) Reported
For grain yield, which is the primary interest in most major, minor and interior diameter with 3.88-4.92, 3.85-
breeding programs the genotypes showed wide range of 4.89 and 2.42-2.92 mm respectively. According to
variability i.e. 2350-7164.2 kgha-1 with a mean 4705.34 Cuevas et al. (2017) seed size 2.8-5.2 mm was found
kgha-1 (Table 3). Overall, the highest grain yield per from the USDA-NPGS Ethiopian sorghum germplasms
hectare was obtained from Jigurti (7164.2 kgha-1) and collection. The kernel size and shape affects malting
Osmel (7062.6 kgha-1) followed by Hodem-1-3 (6906.1 properties and water uptake of the grain especially the
kgha-1), Marye #2 (6871 kgha-1) and America-1 (6820) germination energy and capacity. Large kernel size
(Table 3). The genotypes Goronjo (2350 kgha-1), Lalo contributes to having high milling yield because of higher
(2359 kgha-1), Gedo (2975 kgha-1) and Dagim (3032 level of starchy endosperm (Lee et al, 2002) and also one
kgha-1) showed grain yield below the checks (Redswazi key consideration among grains is size: bigger grains or
-1 -1
(3414 kgha ) and Macia (3206 kgha ) and were the last kernels are often preferred because they contain
four low yielding. The checks were among the low proportionately with less husk and therefore higher starch
yielding genotypes. This is agreed with the results of content than smaller ones. So, those genotypes with
Tesfaye et al., (2011); Haile et al. (2016) for grain yield in larger grain size are preferred.
Ethiopian sorghum accessions. The germination energy was highly significantly
different among the genotypes and ranged from 68.5 to
Sorghum grain quality parameters 99.5% (Table 3). The minimum germination energy for
sorghum is recommended to be greater than 90% (Dewar
The hectoliter weight (HLW) ranged from 67.25 for Lalo et al., 1995; Taylor and Taylor, 2008). In this study,
to 76.5 for Tetrron white (Table 3). Ten genotypes except for Lalo, Abamelko, Gedo, Dagim, Bobe read,
showed HLW above the check Macia (75.1 Kg/hL) and Musgi red, Zeri Adis, Dima, Chiro, Jimma local and E36-1
twenty five showed above Redswazi (73.3 Kg/hL). the rest of the genotypes gave more than 90%
Chiremba et al. (2011) and Adetunji et al. (2013) reported germination energy indicating the grains were viable
HLW ranged 74.0-77.1 Kg/hL and 69.3- 78.5 kg/hL enough to be malted and enzyme modification of the
respectively. endosperm substrates. Similar results of grains of
The value ranged for kernel length 3.87 to 5.52 mm, sorghum varieties with high enough germination energy
kernel width 3.09 to 4.95 mm and kernel thickness 2.02 were reported by Kassahun et al. (2011) and Okrah
to 3.58 mm, and with mean value of 4.66 mm, 3.98 mm (2008).
Gobezayohu et al 141

There was a significant difference among the increases; in this study the germination time (72h) might
genotypes in protein content and varied from 9.31-12.96 not be enough for those larger grain sizes and their
% with a mean of 10.89 % (Table 3). The highest protein extract content might increase from what is found. Extract
content was found in Dagnaw (12.96%) followed by yield results by refractometry were probably higher than
Welenchity Col#3 (12.88 %) and Gedo (12.77%) while by the specific gravity method due to differences in
Emahoy (9.56) had the lowest protein content. Thirty four analytical principle involved. In this study the extract
genotypes revealed protein content above the check content is measured by specific gravity method and could
Macia (10.96%), and thirteen genotypes revealed above be the reason for the relatively low extract content. Malt
the second check Redswazi (12.15%). Differences in extract is affected by several factors these are,
protein content can be attributed to the genetic and environment (growing condition, temperature, fertilizer
influence of cultivation environmental factors (growing and nitrogen), genetic biochemical components that
conditions in terms of moisture and temperature influence (protein, starch, grain size, non starch
determine the relative proportions of starch to protein polysaccharides and enzymatic production) and malting
deposited in the sorghum kernel). Similar results were process (Collins et al., 2003). Low extract yield for some
reported by Kassahun et al. (2011), Chiremba et al. of the sorghum genotypes could also primarily due to
(2011) and Adetunji et al. (2013). Protein content ranged interaction between condensed tannins and the amylase
from1 to 16.9% of Ethiopian core site collection of enzymes during mashing. Condensed tannins also
sorghum germplasm were reported by Cuevas et al. complex irreversibly with the sorghum grain kafirin
(2017). proteins (Emmambux and Taylor, 2002) and this may
The protein value of sorghum grain, 8-11% (Palmer, have also contributed to poor starch hydrolysis in the type
1989) and 10 ±1% (Mackintosh et al., 2004) is an three tannin sorghum types.
acceptable level for proteolysis during malting. Based on The malt moisture content (MMC) shown in (Table 2)
the result obtained in this study, the 23 genotypes with reveals highly significant (p<0.01) difference among the
protein content ranging from9-11% meets the malting genotypes with highest being Seredo (10.0%) and lowest
specification. Chiro (7.0%) (Table 3). Thirty five genotypes revealed
MMC below the check Redswazi (8.7%) and thirty four
Sorghum malt quality traits genotypes below the check Macia (8.5%). According to
Daiber and Taylor (1995) moisture content of sorghum
The highest FHWE were observed in Baji (76.8%) malt dried at 50 oC for 24 h were around 10%. However,
followed by Jimma Local-2 (75.25%), Degalit yellow-1 Aychew et al. (2012) found MMC dried at same time and
(74.89%), Tseada Achirie (74.89%), AbaAre-1 (74.05%) temperature for six varieties ranging from 7-7.3%.
and Dabar (73.9) (Table 3). Twenty genotypes showed High diastatic power was observed by Osmel (98.07)
above 70% extract which can be considered for and Wetetbegunchie (96.03) followed by Yeju (85.6). The
improvement of sorghum malt quality development low DP was observed by the genotypes Dima (11.36
program as extract which is the single most important °WK) and Bobe Red (13.38) (Table 3). In comparison to
parameter. In comparison to the other check variety the check Macia with DP of (60.07°WK) the genotypes
Macia, which had 59.25 %, the genotypes WolloCol#050 Osmel (98.07), Wetetbegunchie (96.03), Yeju (85.6),
(58.9), Tetron White (56.05%), Seredo (53.2%), and Degalit (70.4), Tseada Achrie (70.06), Hodem-1-3
Wede Aker (53.45%) had lower values. Higher malt (67.13), Tewzale (66.93), Dgalit Yellow (60.75) and Zeri
extract content of South African varieties PAN 3860 Adis (60.57) showed greater diastatic power. Sorghum
63.8% to 81% and Orbit 63.8-84.5% were reported varieties having sorghum diastatic unit (SDU) values
(Adetunji, (2012) and Adetunji et al., (2013)). Malt extract ranging from 53-71 were reported by Adetunji (2012).
is the estimate of fermentable sugars and dextrins that Elgorashi et al. (2016) Found sorghum DP ranging from
can be obtained when the malt is mashed, is the most 28 - 79.84 SDU; which is supported by the current study.
important single parameter that determines malt The GH- malting and high-tannin are known for their high
suitability in beer brewing, because it is directly related to DP. It is not known why tannin sorghums produce malt
the level of starch hydrolyzed by the amylases, as well as with high DP. However, it could be due the higher level of
to starch content and availability, which in turn are water uptake than that of non-tannin cultivars. Thus, as a
influenced by protein content and composition of the result of adequate hydration, enzyme activities would be
grain (Taylor and Duodu, 2009). Accordingly, genotypes maximized during malting of high tannin genotypes as
that gave very near to and above 74% of FHWE were mentioned by Agu and Palmer (1998).
Baji (76.8%), JimmaLocal-2 (75.25%), Degalit yellow-1 Diastatic power (DP) is the primary and most limiting
(74.89%), Tseada Achirie (74.89%), AbaAre-1 (74.05%), sorghum malt quality parameter, which determines
Dabar (73.9), Degalit Yellow (73.8%) and Yeju (73.7%). sorghum suitability in malting and brewing (Taylor, 2003).
As germination time increases the extract content The minimum DP specification for sorghum malt by
142 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

sorghum brewing is between 28-30 SDU/g (Raschke et appearance which appears as dark shades while that of
al., 1995). Thus, the genotypes having above 28 SDU/g floury has an opaque or chalky appearance which
meets the minimum brewing requirement. The malt DP appears as brighter white shades. Sorghum genotypes
value could be enhanced based on each genotype having different endosperm texture (Corneous to floury)
germination time requirement which is influenced by seed range were reported by Kassahun et al. (2011) and
size and water absorption characteristics. The DP values Adetunji (2012). Similar result was reported by Haile et al.
of the 56 sorghum genotypes obtained in °WK were (2016) for north eastern Ethiopian sorghum landraces.
converted to Sorghum Diastatic Unit (SDU) (Table 4) According to Adeole et al. (2002) in general, those
using the regression equation (Etokakpan, 2004). sorghums genotypes with intermediate endosperm
texture were suitable than those flowery endosperm
Y=0.5595x+15.677 texture. Generally, genotypes possessing intermediate to
corneous endosperm are preferred for both malt quality
Where, Y is SDU and x is the European brewing and since serving as defense mechanism against mould
convention unit of measuring DP in Winds Kolbach and possible insect attack in non-tannin sorghum types.
The maximum MWL was obtained by Yeju (22.66%) and Estimation of Variance Components
the minimum from Emahoy (13.47%). Aychew et al,
(2012) found MWL ranging from 15.65 (Teshale) to The genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) ranged
26.34% (Meko) at 96h germination time. Eighteen from 2.39 % for HLW to 136.93 (25.30) % for NPT, while
genotypes showed malting weight loss below the check phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) ranged from
Redswazi (17%) while, eight genotypes showed above 2.74 % for HLW to 138.34 (25.49) % for NPT (Table 6).
the check Macia (21.35%) (Table 3). Most of the Phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic
genotypes that showed high malting weight loss are coefficient of variation (GCV) were categorized as low
those having high DP. Genotypes with the higher total (<10%), moderate (10-20%) and high (>20%) (Deshmukh
malting weight loss could be due to the high diastatic et al., 1986). High GCV was recorded for PH (22.05 %),
power and the 28 oc temperature, as malting loss is NPT [136.93 (25.30] %), GY (23.24 %) and DP (49.44%).
mostly affected by temperature. Malting weight loss is the High PCV were recorded for PH (24.99 %), NPT [138.34
key aspects of malting as it depends on malting condition (25.49) %], GY (24.92%) and DP (49.44 %). These high
and variety of sorghum used. Malting loss ranged from values of PCV and GCV revealed that the varieties have
13.77%-37.74 for ten Nigerian varieties germinated in a broad base genetic background, so that they can
four days (Nnamchi et al., 2014) . Therefore, minimizing respond positively to selection. This was in line with the
malting weight loss is essential for using sorghum at results reported by Kassahun et al. (2011) for grain yield,
commercial level. plant height and effective tillers by Abraha et al.(2015);
and PCV (>20%) values for and –amylase
Endosperm Texture enzymes by Alhassan and Adedayo (2010).
PCV and GCV values computed were moderate for
The endosperm texture of the genotypes is shown in days to flowering, days to maturity, thousand kernel
(Table 5). Six genotypes i.e. Aba Are- 1, Marye ≠ 2, weight, malting weight loss, kernel width and kernel
Musgi yellow, Tseada Chimure, Dekeba and Yeju were thickness. This was in line with the results reported by
found corneous. However, eighteen genotypes i.e. Bobe Kassahun et al. (2011) for days to flowering and
Red, Abamelko, Dagim, America - 1, Berjoke Col≠ 1, Badigannavar et al. (2015) for thousand kernel weight.
Jimma Local-2, Meminay-4, Welenchity Colldolgon-3, Moderate GCV values of these traits suggest the
Bobe white, Dem Hay, Dima, Jamiyu, Lali,Tewzale, possibility of improving these traits through selection. The
Wetet Begunchie, Goronjo and Seredo are found to be phenotypic coefficient of variation was relatively greater
with floury endosperm texture. Six genotypes i.e. E36-1, than genotypic coefficient of variation for all these traits
Dabar, Dagnaw, Musgi Red, Jeru and Macia were studied. The magnitude of the difference between PCV
intermediate to corneous, whereas, AL - 70, Osmel, and GCV in the present study was low for all of the traits
Baduquane, Gano, Jigurti, Kodem, Wede Aker, Zeri Adis, (Table 6). This indicated that the environmental effects on
Gedo and Redswazi were intermediate to floury. genetic expression of these traits were low and selection
Appendix Table 5, sixteen genotypes i.e. Baji, Chiro, based on the phenotype or genotypes would result in
Emahoy, Merawi, Degalit yellow-1, Gorade-2, Hodem-1- genetic improvement. The present study was in
3, Wollo Col≠050, Bobe Red, Dgalit, Degalit Yellow, agreement with the results for days to flowering, days to
Tetron White, Tseada Achire, Wediarse, Wegere, maturity, hectoliter weight and grain yield (Muhammad et
Melkam and Misikir showed intermediate texture. In al.,2015) and (Chavan et al. 2010). Low PCV and GCV
corneous endosperm, the structure gives a translucent values were computed for fine grind hot water extract,
Gobezayohu et al 143

Table 4. Diastatic power values in Windis Kolbach (°WK) and in Sorghum diastatic units (SDU)
G.N Genoytpes DP WK SDU G. N Genoytpes DP WK SDU
1 Abamelko 36.81 36.27 29 Degalit Yellow 60.75 49.66
2 AL-70 51.84 44.68 30 DemHay 44.98 40.84
3 Baji 49.48 43.36 31 Dima 11.36 22.03
4 Birimash 51.42 44.45 32 Jamiyu 26.17 30.32
5 Osmel 98.07 70.55 33 Jeru 43.77 40.17
6 Chiro 25.76 30.09 34 Jigurti 18.83 26.21
7 Dagim 41.57 38.93 35 Kodem 42.11 39.24
8 E36-1 15.19 24.18 36 Lalo 34.03 34.72
9 Emahoy 15.16 24.16 37 Masugi Red 32.70 33.97
10 Merawi 18.59 26.08 38 Masugi Yellow 40.84 38.53
11 AbaAre-1 58.89 48.62 39 Tetron White 29.87 32.39
12 America-1 29.84 32.37 40 Tewzale 66.93 53.12
13 Baduqane 14.71 23.91 41 Tseada Achire 70.06 54.87
14 Berjokecoll#1 33.57 34.46 42 Tseada chimure 15.15 24.15
15 DagalitYellow-1 52.60 45.11 43 Wediarse 18.50 26.03
16 Gorade-2 22.64 28.34 44 Wegere 44.58 40.62
17 Hodem-1-3 67.13 53.24 45 Wetetbegunchie 96.03 69.40
18 JimmaLocal-2 40.60 38.4 46 Wode aker 15.24 24.20
19 Marye#2 48.98 43.08 47 Yeju 85.60 63.57
20 Meminay-4 37.58 36.70 48 ZeriAdis 60.57 49.56
21 Welenchity Col#3 22.40 28.21 49 Goronjo 29.74 32.32
22 WolloCol#050 44.47 40.56 50 Gedo 18.51 26.03
23 Gano 50.29 43.82 51 Melkam 30.06 32.50
24 Bobe red 13.38 23.16 52 Misikir 25.88 30.16
25 Bobe white 29.82 32.36 53 Dekeba 22.18 28.09
26 Dabar 43.42 39.97 54 Seredo 38.00 36.94
27 Dagnaw 44.66 40.66 55 Macia 60.07 49.28
28 Degalit 70.40 55.07 56 Redswazi 26.09 30.27

Table 5. Endosperm texture (ET) of the 56 Sorghum genotypes

E Entry E
G. N Genotype T No Genotype ET G. N Genotype ET G.N Genotype T
1 Abamelko 5 15 Degalit yellow-1 3 29 Yellow 3 43 Wediarse 3
2 AL - 70 4 16 Gorade-2 3 30 Dem Hay 5 44 Wegere 3
3 Baji 3 17 Hodem-1-3 3 31 Dima 5 45 Begunchie 5
4 Birimash 5 18 Jimma Local-2 5 32 Jamiyu 5 46 Wede Aker 4
5 Osmel 4 19 Marye ≠ 2 1 33 Jeru 2 47 Yeju 1
144 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

Table 5. continuation
6 Chiro 3 20 Meminay-4 5 34 Jigurti 4 48 Zeri Adis 4
7 Dagim 5 21 Col#3 5 35 Kodem 4 49 Goronjo 5
8 E36-1 2 22 Wollo Col≠050 3 36 Lalo 5 50 Gedo 4
9 Emahoy 3 23 Gano 4 37 Musgi Red 2 51 Melkam 3
10 Merawi 3 24 Bobe Red 2 38 yelow 1 52 Misikir 3
11 Aba Are- 1 1 25 Bobe white 5 39 White 3 53 Dekeba 1
12 America - 1 5 26 Dabar 2 40 Tewzale 5 54 Seredo 5
13 Baduqane 4 27 Dagnaw 2 41 Achire 3 55 Macia 2
Berjoke Tseada
14 Col≠ 1 5 28 Degalit 3 42 Chimure 1 56 Redswazi 4
Subjectively scored on a scale of 1-5, where: 1= corneous, 2 = intermediate to corneous 3 = intermediate, 4 =
intermediate to floury and 5 = floury

germination energy, protein, and malt moisture content phenotype.

and hectoliter weight. This suggests these traits were Generally, except PH and Pro, the rest studied traits
more influenced by the environment for their phenotypic showed high to very high H2 estimates indicating the
expression and relatively smaller variability. This was in possibility of improving these traits through selection.
line with the studies reported for protein content by According to Poehlmon and Sleper (1995), if a trait has
Kassahun et al, (2011). Low, moderate and higher PCV high heritability accompanied with high genetic advance,
and GCV values were reported for protein, germination it indicates that the influence of the environment on the
energy and malting loss by Alhassan and Adedayo trait is less and selection becomes easy.
Expected genetic advance as percent of mean
Broad sense heritability
Genetic advance as percent of mean ranged from
According to Singh (2001), very high estimate of 4.92% for HLW to 282.08 (51.73) % for NPT (Table 6).
heritability values were detected for DF, DM, NPT, GY, According to Johson et al. (1955a), GAM was classified
TKW, KL, KW, KT, GE, MWL, FGHE, MMC, DP and HLW as low (<10%), moderate (10-20%) and high (>20%); the
ranging from 85.00% to 98.99 (98.52) % (Table 6). This traits DF, DM, PH, NPT, GY, TKW, KW, KT, MWL and
result is in agreement with Ali et al. (2012) who reported DP revealed high genetic advance as percent of mean.
very high broad sense heritability estimates for days to High value of expected genetic advance expressed as
flowering, grain yield and thousand kernel weights. The percent of mean for genetic advance under selection
traits which exhibited high heritability suggested the effect refers to improvement in selected genotypes as
of selection could be fairly easy and improvement is compared to the base population with a single cycle of
possible using breeding. On the contrary, medium selection at a given selection intensity (Singh, 2001).
heritability estimates were noted for plant height (77.83%) Therefore, the results suggested that selecting the top
and protein content (Raschke et al., 1995; Yalemtesfa, 5% of the genotypes could result in genetic advance
2014). Similar results were previously reported in values of 4.92% to 282.08 (51.73) %. However, KL, GE,
sorghum by Abraha et al. (2015) for plant height (78.1 %) Pro, FHWE and MMC showed relatively low GCV, high
and Motlhaodi ( 2016) for protein (78%). Wright (1921) H and relatively moderate GAM. Protein content
also stated that genetic coefficient of variation along with revealed low GCV, medium H and moderate GAM.
heritability estimate provides a reliable estimate of the According to Johnson et al. (1955b) heritability along
amount of genetic advance to be expected through with genetic advances are usually more useful than
phenotypic selection. So, the traits which had moderate heritability alone in predicting the resultant effect of
and high GCV in magnitude i.e. DF, DM, PH, NPT, GY, selecting the best individuals and stated that high
TKW, KW, KT, MWL and DP showed medium to high heritability along with high genetic advance as
heritability and can be selected based on their percentage of mean implies the role of additive genes for
Gobezayohu et al 145

Table 6. Estimates of phenotypic and genotypic variances and coefficient of variations, heritability in broad sense,
genetic advance and genetic advance as per cent of mean
Traits 2
GV g) PV2p) GCV (%) PCV (%) H2 (%) GA GAM (%)
DF 182.08 185.61 13.95 14.09 98.1 27.53 28.47
DM 286.25 299.25 11.31 11.56 95.66 34.09 22.79
PH 3285.47 4221.18 22.05 24.99 77.83 104.17 40.07
NPT 0.18(0.048) 0.19(0.049) 136.93 (25.30) 138.34 (25.49) 98.99 (98.52) 0.89 (45.13) 282.08 (51.73)
GY 1196287 1375002 23.24 24.92 87 2101.6 44.66
TKW 27.55 31.01 14.89 15.8 94.26 10.81 30.68
HLW 3.02 3.96 2.39 2.74 87.27 3.58 4.92
KL 0.16 0.17 8.5 8.76 94.11 0.83 17.51
KW 0.17 0.2 10.14 10.94 85 0.84 20.89
KT 0.1 0.11 10.9 11.25 90.91 0.64 22.45
GE 41.41 46.85 6.87 7.3 88.38 13.26 14.15
CP 0.54 0.9 6.77 8.69 61.42 1.52 13.94
MWL 5.81 6.67 13.16 14.09 87.11 4.97 27.1
FHWE 28.27 32.44 7.95 8.52 87.15 10.95 16.38
MMC 0.36 0.42 7.16 7.83 85.71 1.23 14.76
DP 382.75 387.16 49.16 49.44 98.75 40.07 99
N.B. The values for NPT in the parenthesis are the transformed values

the expression of the traits and thus it could be very kgha-1) and America-1 (6820 kgha-1) while the lowest
effective in improvement upon selection. As indicated by from Goronjo (2350 kg ha-1), Lalo (2359 kg ha-1with mean
Burton and De Vane (1953), the GCV together with H2 of 4705.34 kgha-1. The highest FHWE was observed in
estimate gives the best picture of expected advances Baji (76.83%) followed by Jimma Local-2 (75.25%),
from selection. Therefore, high H2 with high GCV Degalit yellow-1 (74.89%), and Tseada Achirie (74.89%)
provides the required expected genetic advance through also meets the FHWE recommendation whereas, the
selection. lowest was observed by Seredo (53.2%) followed by
Selection for the traits DF, DM, PH, NPT, GY, TKW, Wede Aker (53.45%). Nine genotypes, Osmel,
KW, KT, MWL, DP is likely to be effective as medium to Wetetbegunchie, Yeju, Degalit, Tseada Achrie, Hodem-1-
medium to high heritability values were associated with 3, Tewzale, Dgalit Yellow and Zeri Adis showed diastatic
high genetic advance in the improvement of the power greater than the checks Macia (60.07 °WK) and
performance of the genotypes through these traits. Redswazi (30.27 °WK) and also meets DP
Similar results of high genetic advance estimates was recommendation.
found for grain yield and thousand kernel weights by Considering the most important parameters DP,
Ranjith et al. (2017), plant height and number of tillers by FHWE, CP, MWL and ET; the genotypes, Baji, Tseada
Kumari et al. (2016), dayas to flowering and days to Achire, Abare-1, Yeju, Dabar, Degalit yelow-1 and
maturity by Nyadanu and Dikera (2014). Degalit Yellow were producing better malt quality and
those genotypes with sufficient DP and wort extracts
could be used for brewing commercial beers and soft
For all of the traits studied, higher phenotypic over
Analysis of variance indicated highly significant genotypic coefficient of variation were observed with
differences (P <0.01) among the genotypes for all the range of GCV 2.39% for HLW to 136.93 (25.30) % for
traits studied. The highest grain yield were obtained from NPT, PCV 2.74 % for HLW to 138.34 (25.49) % for NPT,
Jigurti (7164.2 kg ha-1) and Osmel (7062.6 kg ha-1) H2 61.42% for protein content to 98.99 (98.52) % for NPT
followed by Hodem-1-3 (6906.1 kgha ), Marye #2 (6871 and GAM 4.92% for HLW to 282.08 (51.75) % for NPT.
146 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

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