Barangay Final Inventory and Turnover Treasurer
Barangay Final Inventory and Turnover Treasurer
Barangay Final Inventory and Turnover Treasurer
Final Inventory and Turnover
of Barangay Properties, Financial Records, Documents (BPFRDs) and Money Accountabilities
Date: ________________________
A. Financial Records/Documents
Particular (if any) Quantity
( may indicate Series Nos. and/or Year)
1 Journal/Logbook of Daily Income/Expenses
2 Journal/Logbook of Used Checks
3 Bank Deposit Slips
4 Bank Withdrawal Slips
5 Purchase Slips
6 Vouchers/Payments/Payroll
7 Loan Documents
8 Brgy. Official Receipts (Used and unused)
9 Other Financial Documents (pls. specify)
B. Legislative Documents
Particular Quantity
( may indicate Series Nos. and/or Year)
1 Session Journal/Logbook
(Attendance and Minutes
2 Ordinance/Resolution Logbook
3 Others (pls. specify)
C. Administrative and other Documents
Particular (if any) Quantity
( may indicate Series Nos. and/or Year)
1 Barangay Officials/employees Logbook
2 Lupon Journal/Logbook:
a. Attendance/Minutes of Meetings
b. Mediation/Settlement
c. Cases/complaints
d. Others (pls. specify)
3 Others (Please specify)
D. Properties
Particular (if any) Quantity ( may indicate condition (serviceable 0r not)
and other details)
1 Service Firearms
2 Service Vehicle/s (attache Itemized List)
3 DRR Equipment (attach Itemized List)
4 Computer Set (desktop/cpu/keyboard/web cam)
5 Printer
6 Scanner
7 Photocopier
8 Office furniture (attach Itemized List)
9 Appliances: (Please specify:i.e. Refrigerator, T.V.,
Water Dispenser, etc.)
E. Money Accountabilities
1. Cash on Hand 2. Cash in Bank 3. Checks
Denomination Quantity Amount Bank/Address Acct. No. Amount Date Drawee Bank Check No. Amount
Total Total Total
4. LOAN/S: (If any)