Interrupts & Serial Comn Questions

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1. Mention the various sources of interrupts in 8051.
2. Explain interrupt driven data transfer scheme.
3. Explain the use of SCON and SBUF registers for serial communication in
4. What is polling. Explain with examples.
5. Which are the hardware interrupts of 8051?
6. Explain serial data communication.
7. Differentiate between interrupts and polling.
8. Which are the different transmission and reception techniques of serial
9. Explain IP and IE registers.
10.Explain briefly about SCON and TCON registers.
11.Where are GF0 and GF1 pins used in 8051.
12. Explain the different modes of operation of serial communication.
1. Write a program to transfer the message “YES” serially at 9600 baud ,8 bit
data,1stop bit.
2. Discuss the interrupt priority in the 8051 and setting the interrupt priority
with the IP register.
3. Write a program that continuously gets 8-bit data from port 0 and send it to
port 1 at the same time simultaneously generating a square wave of 200
microsecond period on pin 2.1 using timer0.The crystal oscillator is
12MHz.Draw the flow chart also.
4. What are the different types of data transmission in 8051.Explain?
5. What are the different types of data reception in 8051.Explain?
6. i. Explain how interrupts can be used to program the 8051’s serial
communication port.
ii. Write a program for 8051 to transfer letter “A” serially at 4800 baud
7. Write a program to receive bytes of data serially and put them in P3. Set the
baud rate at 9600, 8 bit data, and 1 stop bit.

8. Write a program to
i.To receive data serially and send it to P0.
ii. To read from P1 and transmit serially and send a copy to P0.
iii. Make timer0 to generate a square wave of 5KHz on
P0.1. Assume XTAL=11.0592MHz and set the baud rate at

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