Model Question Paper-1 Subject: Microcontroller (18EE52) Semester: 5th

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Model Question Paper-1

Subject: Microcontroller (18EE52) Semester: 5th

Q.No. UNIT – I Bloom’s Marks
y Level
1. a) Explain With the neat diagram, the programming model of 8051 L2 (08)
b) Illustrate the oscillator circuit and execution timing of 8051 L3 (06)
c) Compare the Microprocessor and Microcontroller. L4 (06)

2. a) Interface 4k bytes RAM and 8k bytes ROM to 8051 microcontroller in L5 (08)

such a way that starting address of RAM is 1000H and ROM is C000H.
b) Explain with example the various addressing modes of 8051. L2 (08)

c) With simple block diagram explain the features of 8051 microcontroller. L2 (04)


3. a) Define assembler directives. With example explain all the assembler L2 (08)
directives supported by 8051 microcontroller.
b) Write assembly language program to multiply 25 by 10 using repeated L3 (06)
c) Transfer the contents of the register A,R0,and R1,respectively of L3 (06)
bank0 to the register B, R0 and R1 of bank1 using stack operations

4. a) With circuit diagram explain the function Port 0 L2 (08)

b) Write an assembly language program to exchange the lower nibble of L3 (06)

data present in external memory 6000H and 6001H.
c) Write an assembly language program to toggle the bits of port P1 L3 (06)


5. a) Write 8051 program to generate square wave with t ON = 3ms and tOFF L3 (08)
= 7ms on all pins of Port 0. System Clock is 22MHz. Use timer0 in
b) Illustrate with diagram the significance of gate in TMOD register to L4 (06)
control timer/counter module in 8051 microcontroller.
c) Write an 8051C program to monitor the switch S0 and when pressed, it L3 (06)
flashes the single LED0 ten times.
6. a) Analyze different data types supported by 8051C Microcontroller. L4 (08)

b) Assume that a 1-Hz external clock is being fed into pin T1(P3.5). Write L3 (06)
a C programming for counter 1 in mode-2(8-bit auto reload) to count
up and display the state of the TL1 count on P1. Start the count at 00H.
c) Write a 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P2 continuously 500ms. L3 (06)
Use Timer 1, 16-bit mode to generate the delay. f=11.0592Hz


7. a) Compare polling and interrupts. What are the steps a microcontroller L4 (08)
performs upon activation of Interrupt
b) Write a C program for the 8051 to transfer “VTU Belagavi” serially at L3 (06)
9600 baud, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit, do this continuously.
c) Explain the importance of TI and RI flags. L2 (06)

8. a) Explain RS-232 hand shaking signals and specify the purpose of MAX – L2 (08)
232 while interfacing
b) Explain how interrupt priority can be changed using IP register. Also L2 (06)
explain the default priorities assigned to interrupts in 8051
c) Write a program that continuously gets 8-bit data from ‘P0’ and sends L3 (06)
it to ‘P1’ where simultaneously creating a square wave of 200µs period
on pin P2.0. Use timer-0 to create square wave. Assume


9. a) Interface LCD to 8051 and write an 8051 assembly/8051 C program to L3 (08)

send MASTER to LCD display using busy flag.
b) Explain the control word format 8255 IC. What is the control word for L2 (06)
all the ports as out ports?
c) Explain the construction and working of stepper motor. Explain the 4 L3 (06)
Step sequence, step angle and steps per revolution.

10 a) How to interface DC motor to 8051 Microcontroller using optoisolator? L3 (08)

Write a C program to move DC motor with 25% duty cycle Pulse
b) Explain the salient features of an ADC. What are the signals of L2 (06)
importance while interfacing such an ADC to a 8051 controller
c) Write 8051 assembly program to rotate stepper motor 64O in clockwise L3 (06)
direction. The motor has step angle of 2O. Use 4 step sequence and draw
the schematic diagram. Steps per revolution = 180, number of rotor
teeth = 45. Movement per 4 step sequence = 8O
Model Question Paper-2

Subject: Microcontroller (18EE52) Semester: 5th

Q.No. UNIT – I Bloom’s Marks
1. a) Draw the block diagram of 8051 microcontroller. Explain the working of L2 (08)
a. Stack and Stack pointer
b. Program Counter and Data Pointer
b) Compare CISC and RISC microcontrollers. L4 (06)

c) Explain with the help of diagrams (connecting & timing) how to L5 (06)
interface 32K EPROM and 16K RAM to 8051 microcontroller

2. a) Describe the functions of various pins of 8051 microcontroller with pin L2 (08)
b) Explain the memory organization in 8051 controller. L2 (06)

c) Explain the bit pattern of Program status word (PSW). L2 (06)


3. a) Differentiate JMP and CALL instructions. Explain with suitable diagram L4 (08)
the jump and Call program range.
b) Write a program to count the number of 1’s and 0’s of 8-bit data L3 (06)
stored in location 6000H
c) Write a program to compute 1+2+……….+N (say 15) and save the L3 (06)
sum at 70H

4. a) Explain with examples the operation performed by the following L2 (08)

a). SWAP A b). MOV c,b c). DA A d). XCHD A,@R0
b) Write an ALP to convert a packed BCD number into two ASCII numbers. L3 (06)
Store the result in R5 and R6 respectively.
c) Write an assembly language program to find the largest element from L3 (06)
given array of data.


5. a) What are the different ways to introduce a delay in 8051C. Give the L4 (08)
three factors, which affect the accuracy of the delay
b) In a home guard system, a door sensor is connected to the P1.0 pin, L3 (06)
window sensor is connected to the P1.1 pin, and the siren is connected
to P2.0. write an 8051 C program to monitor the door and window
sensor. When any one gets open, sound the siren by sending a square
wave of a few hundred Hz.
c) Write a 8051 C program to toggle only bit P1.5 continuously every L3 (06)
50ms. Use Time 0, 16-bit mode to generate the delay. f=11.0592Hz

6. a) Explain Mode-1 programming of 8051 timer. Describe the different L2 (08)

steps to program in Mode-1.
b) Write an 8051 C program to convert 1111 1011 (FBH) to decimal and L3 (06)
then ASCII and display the digits on P0 sequentially (MSB first)
c) Write an 8051 C program to send byte 24h serially one bit at a time via L3 (06)
P2.0 send LSB first


7. a) Explain the bit contents of IE and IP registers. L2 (08)

b) Write an 8051 C program to transfer the message “Work is worship” L3 (06)

serially at 9600 baud rate, 8 bit data and one stop bit, continuously.
c) Write a note on Asynchronous serial communication and data framing. L3 (06)

8. a) Explain the bit contents of SCON and PCON registers. L2 (08)

b) Write a C program using interrupts to generate a square wave on port L3 (06)

pin P1.2 of 1kHz using timer-0 in mode 2.
c) Explain how programming of external hardware interrupts is done in L3 (06)
8051 microcontrollers with a code snippet.


9. a) What is PWM Technique? Explain bidirectional motor control using L3 (08)

LM293 Chip. If SW=0, the dc motor moves clockwise and if SW=1, the
dc motor moves counter-clockwise. Draw the schematic diagram. Write
8051 assembly program to do this.
b) Show simple keyboard interface with port of 8051 & explain the L2 (06)
scanning and identifying the key pressed.
c) Interface a DAC to 8051 microcontroller and write an assembly L3 (06)
language program to generate triangular wave using DAC interface.

10 a) With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface L3 (08)

ADC0804 to 8051 microcontroller.
b) A switch is connected to pin P2.7. write a C program to monitor the L3 (06)
status of ‘SW’ and perform the following:
a. If SW=0: the stepper motor moves clock wise
If SW=1: the stepper motor moves counter clock wise
c) Explain with the block diagram the architecture of 8255A L2 (06)

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