Y-Strainer IOM Rev A (03!26!18)

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Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance



This manual contains information concerning the Keckley offers a wide variety of Y-Strainer styles to meet
installation, operation, and maintenance of Keckley all of your strainer requirements. Specific engineering
Y-Strainers. To ensure efficient and safe operation of design data, not contained in this manual, may be located
Keckley Y-Strainers, the instructions in this manual within Technical Data pages for each Strainer Model or
should be thoroughly read and understood. This manual within the certified engineering drawing.
is general in nature and is not meant to take place of an
on-site, process engineer or pipe fitter. As such, Keckley Prior to selection of a Keckley Y-Strainer, the following
recommends that only experienced, skilled personnel factors must be determined:
be allowed to install and maintain Keckley Y-Strainers.
Please retain this manual in a location where it is readily • Material construction requirements of Y-Strainer.
available for reference. • Design working Pressure and Temperature
• Operating conditions (throttling, pressure drop,
GENERAL condensation, flow reversal, operation frequency,
A Y-Strainer is installed into a pipeline system to remove
unwanted debris from the pipeline flow by utilizing a
• Pipeline service media type (liquid, gas, abrasive,
perforated or mesh lined straining element. This is
corrosive, dirty, etc.).
illustrated in Figure 1. Y-Strainers remove only insoluble
• The debris size to be removed.
floating impurities with the most common range of
• The debris loading of the pipeline.
particle retention ranging from 1 inch to 50 micron
• Pipeline media flow-rate and viscosity.
(0.002 inch).
• Clean start-up pressure of the pipeline.
• Space availability for installation.
Straining of the pipeline flow is accomplished via a
perforated or mesh lined screen, internal to the strainer.
Please contact a Keckley Design Engineer to assist in
In general, the size of the screen perforation should be
the determination of these requirements prior to selection
slightly smaller than the smallest debris particle to be
and purchase.
removed. If the screen perforation is undersized, the
screen may require excessive cleaning. Consequently,
if the screen perforation is oversized, unwanted debris
Upon receipt of product, it is important to follow these
may be permitted to flow through the pipeline; possibly
unpacking and inspection procedures.
damaging downstream equipment.
All Keckley Y-Strainers are shipped in specialized
Figure 1 High particle retention
and accumulation areas shipping containers designed to prevent damage during
transportation. If external damage to the shipping
container is evident upon receipt of product, please
request that a representative of the shipping carrier be
Flow Unfiltered
present before unpacking the product.

• Carefully open the shipping container, following any

instructions that may be marked on the container.
Machined seats and
caps for fine filtrations
Remove all packing material surrounding the Strainer
and carefully lift it from the container.

Y-IOM1 KECKLEY COMPANY • 3400 Cleveland Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 1-800-KECKLEY

Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance

It is recommended to keep the shipping container and all INSTALLATION:

packing material for reuse in storage or reshipment.
Pre-Installation Checklist
For large or heavy Strainers, the appropriate material
• Ensure Working conditions (pressure/temperature)
handling equipment must be used to prevent injury
are within the specified capacity of the product being
and possible damage to the Y-Strainer.
installed. Please refer to the certified drawings to
assist in determining these values.
• Visually inspect the Y-Strainer for any signs of
damage including scratches, loose parts, broken • Make sure the construction material of the Strainer
parts or any other physical damage that may have is chemically compatible with the media flowing in
occurred during shipment. If damage is observed, the pipeline.
immediately file a claim with the shipping carrier.
Y-Strainers that are damaged during transportation • Inspect all sealing surfaces to ensure gasket surfaces
are the responsibility of the customer. For information are free of defects (no nicks or cuts). The pipeline
regarding Keckley Warranty policy, please refer to should also be checked for proper alignment. Keckley
the last page of this document. Y-Strainers should never be utilized to realign an
existing piping system.
• Before installation, the Y-Strainer’s cover should
be removed and inspected internally for any loose • Ensure the pipeline’s mating flanges are the same
or foreign materials that may have become trapped type as the Y-Strainer being installed. Raised face
in the screen during transportation. After inspection, flange ends cannot be mated to flat face flange ends.
ensure sealing surfaces are clean prior to reinstalling
the gasket and cover. Make sure the gasket is seated • For flanged units, ensure Strainer end-to-end length
correctly before tightening the cover bolts. and installation gap are within ¼” gap for gasket, and
have sufficient clearance for easy opening of cover
• If the Y-Strainer is not required to be installed and screen removal. Refer to the certified drawing for
immediately, it should be stored indoors in a clean, screen removal clearance requirements.
dry, consistent temperature environment. It is
also recommended to utilize the original shipping • If the Y-Strainer is to be located on the discharge
container and packing materials to properly store side of a pump, then a safety release valve must be
the Y-Strainer. If long term storage is required, a installed between the Y-Strainer and the pump.
desiccant may be necessary. This would be based
upon the local, environmental storage conditions. PRECAUTION:
Please consult a Keckley Design Engineer to assist A Keckley Y-Strainer should always be installed ahead
in this determination. of pumps and other expensive, downstream equipment
to help ensure proper protection and trouble-free
• When ready to install, remove any preservatives with operation. This even holds true for “clean lines” to
solvent dampened cloths. Remove any loose material protect against pipe scale and accidentally introduced
and protective packing material. items such as: gaskets or tools.

KECKLEY COMPANY • 3400 Cleveland Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 1-800-KECKLEY Y-IOM2

Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance

Installation Procedure OPERATION:

Step 1: Once proper installation has been successfully completed,

Install blow down valve (if provided) at blow-off start the system gradually, at start up as well as after shut
connection. Also, for maximum efficiency, install a down. This eliminates sudden shock to the strainer and
differential pressure gauge at inlet and outlet connections other equipment in the line. This is extremely important
or at the Strainer gauge tap (if provided). for steam service.

Step 2: Start-up Procedure

Keckley Y-Strainers must be positioned in the pipeline
ahead of the equipment requiring protection. If the Step 1:
equipment requiring protection is a pump, the Y-Strainer Open blow-down valve to remove air from the Strainer.
must be placed on the suction side of the pump. To remove all fluid from the Strainer belly, a drip-leg can
be installed or the piping can be placed at a ¼” slope.
Step 3: CAUTION:
To provide for easier maintenance, the Y-Strainer With piping system that contain fluids other than water
should be located where the drain plug can be removed. or when the working temperature is above 120°F, fluid
Additionally, ensure the drain or blow-off is located at must be drained to safe area, away from the operator.
the lowest position when installed. If installed in the Operators should always be fitted with appropriate
vertical position, the wye side of the strainer must be protective equipment when venting is performed.
pointing downward.
Step 2:
Step 4: Start the piping system by opening the outlet valve nearest
Ensure there is ample space at the wye side of the Strainer the Y-Strainer’s outlet first. Then gradually open the
for screen removal. Refer to the certified engineering inlet valve nearest the Y-Strainer’s inlet, approximately
drawing to determine the screen clearance requirements. 25% of normal operational flow. It is important to start
the system gradually to avoid displacing or damaging the
Step 5: Y-Strainer.
Before placing the Y-Strainer into place, support the
existing pipeline with pipe supports near the inlet and Step 3:
outlet connections. Continue to open the inlet valve until the desired service
flow has been reached.
Step 6:
Place the Y-Strainer into the pipeline, ensuring that the Step 4:
flow arrow on the body of the Y-Strainer is pointing in Close the blow-down when the air is removed and fluid
the direction of the pipeline flow. For large or heavy begins to flow. The system is now ready to start.
Strainers, appropriate material handling equipment must
be used.

Y-IOM3 KECKLEY COMPANY • 3400 Cleveland Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 1-800-KECKLEY

Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance

MAINTENANCE: Blow-Down Cleaning:

Keckley Y-Strainers require little monitoring once they To avoid shutting down the system, when possible,
are properly installed. The pressure differential across the clean the screen when pressure differential is 5 to 10 psi.
strainer should be checked periodically to determine if Clean the screen of debris by opening the blow-down
the screen needs to be cleaned or replaced. If the pressure valve. Keep valve open until all debris has been removed
differential goes unchecked and the screen becomes and pressure differential returns to normal range. Close
completely clogged, the screen will break and require the valve and resume normal operation. If pressure
replacing. differential does not return to an acceptable level after
blow-down cleaning, then the screen needs to be removed
and cleaned or replaced.
Strainer screens are not designed to withstand the
same pressure ratings as the housings. If the screen
becomes completely clogged, it will be exposed to the CAUTION:
same pressure as the housing. In most cases, this will Before removing the cover of the Y-Strainer, the pressure
cause the screen to fail and potentially damage down- inside the vessel must be reduced to atmospheric
stream equipment. via suction or venting. Failure to do so may result in
serious bodily injury.
Keckley Y-Strainers are designed to require very little
maintenance. Regular maintenance involves: CAUTION:
Before removing the Y-Strainer’s cover, ensure that the
• Blow-down cleaning. media that is flowing in the pipeline is known and any
• Timely cleaning or replacement of screen and gasket. special handling precautions are understood. Please
• Periodically checking for leaks. review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that
specific fluid.
During normal use, the screen will become clogged
with foreign matter, causing the differential pressure to Screen Removal/Cleaning/Replacement:
increase. Once the differential pressure has increased to
an unacceptable value, typically by 5 psi to 10 psi, it is Step 1:
time to clean or replace the screen. It is not advisable Isolate the Strainer by closing the inlet and outlet valve
to let the differential pressure increase beyond 10 psi. connections on either side of the Y-Strainer. Make sure
This may cause the screen to fail and possibly damage valves are bubble tight.
downstream equipment.
Step 2:
A convenient and safe way to determine when the screen Open blow-down valve or other vent to relieve pressure
needs to be replaced is to install pressure gauges on inside and drain fluid from the Strainer.
the inlet and outlet side of the Strainer. The maximum
acceptable pressure drop across the Strainer will indicate Step 3:
when the screen needs to be replaced. Screen size and Once pressure is relieved, remove the wye side cap or
construction determine the maximum pressure drop a cover.
Strainer screen can withstand. Please consult factory for
exact pressure ratings. Step 4:
Remove screen and clean. Do not permit screen to dry as
it will be difficult to remove debris after it has hardened.
Avoid banging or hitting the screen to remove stubborn
debris. For perforated screens, it is recommended to use
high pressure water or air stream to clean the screen.
KECKLEY COMPANY • 3400 Cleveland Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 1-800-KECKLEY Y-IOM4

Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance

This is not recommended for mesh or mesh lined SPARE PARTS LIST:
screens as this may cause the mesh to tear. Solvent may
be required if service is fuel, oil, or chemicals. Follow For the bill of materials and spare parts listing of each
manufacturer’s instructions when using solvent to clean Y-Strainer model, please refer to the corresponding
the screen. Technical Data page. For special or fabricated units,
please refer to the certified engineering drawing for that
Step 5: unit.
Inspect screen and cover gasket for damage. If either is
damaged, replace. Always ensure there is a spare gasket RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS:
and screen on hand prior to maintenance.
Qty. 1 Keckley Replacement Screen
Step 6: Qty. 1 Keckley Replacement Gasket
Remove any debris or sludge from within the Strainer.
Always use genuine Keckley replacement parts for
Step 7: guaranteed fit and performance.
Replace cleaned or new screen into its original position,
ensuring it is squarely positioned on the screen seat.

Step 8:
Replace cover gasket and cap or cover. Tighten cap or
cover to specified torque rating.

Step 9:
Close blow-down valve.

Follow the Start-up procedure outlined within the

OPERATION section of this manual.

Y-IOM5 KECKLEY COMPANY • 3400 Cleveland Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 1-800-KECKLEY

Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance


Written quotations are firm for a period of 30 days unless Seller Seller warrants all parts and assemblies are warranted to be free from
indicates on the quotation a longer period. All orders placed by defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from
the Buyer from a published price list, written quotation or verbal date of shipment from the Seller’s plant. The Seller reserves the
quotation are subject to acceptance by the Keckley Company. All right to examine all parts or assemblies claimed to be defective to
delivery dates are subject to prior sale. determine whether they are defective in material or workmanship.
All parts or assemblies which are determined to be defective in
PAYMENT either material or workmanship may, upon express authority of the
Unless otherwise noted on Seller’s Invoice to Buyer’s Purchase Seller, be returned to the Seller’s plant prepaid and will be repaired
Order, payment shall be net cash 30 days after shipment from Seller or replaced or credit allowed at the Seller’s option. In no event
to approved credit purchasers. Seller reserves the right to demand shall the Seller be liable for consequential costs or damages. This
terms of payment different from those specified herein whenever warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or
it reasonably appears that the Buyer’s financial condition requires implied and whether of merchantability or fitness. This warranty
such change, and may demand assurance of Buyer’s ability to pay does not apply to parts or assemblies which have been subject to
whenever it reasonably appears that such ability is in doubt. Seller misuse, negligence or accident. Also, it does not apply if repairs,
may suspend production, shipment or delivery until it receives modifications or reconditioning work is undertaken without prior
payment of all amounts, whether or not due, owing to Seller or until written approval of the Seller. The customer is required to examine
adequate arrangements for payments are made. all parts and assemblies immediately upon receipt of shipment and
PACKAGING promptly notify the Seller of any defects or alleged defects of the
Unless Buyer specifies in writing, material will be packed as Seller parts and assemblies.
deems necessary for proper protection. Export shipments will RETURNS
be subject to an additional charge for special overseas shipping. Returns must not be made without our written consent. Goods
Additional charges may also be imposed if packaging instructions/ must in all cases be carefully handled, properly packed and shipped
specifications are other than standard. prepaid. Goods authorized for return are subject to a restocking
SHIPMENT charge. Restocking charges will be based upon our inspection which
Routing and manner of shipment will be at Seller’s discretion and may include any charges for retesting, reconditioning or repainting
may be insured at Buyer’s expense, value to be stated at order price. as required. Seller reserves the right to refuse credit for unwanted
The Seller does not accept standing general or blanket shipping fabricated items. Goods returned for repair will be subject to our
instructions. Full shipping instructions must accompany each evaluation and charges will be based upon replacement of parts and
individual order. No claim for shortages will be allowed unless made labor.
in writing with (10) days of receipt of shipment. Claims for material CANCELLATION
damaged or lost in transit should be made to the carrier, as Seller’s Any order or part thereof may be canceled by the purchaser upon
responsibility ceases on delivery to the carrier. written notice to the Seller prior to 45 days before completion. Upon
DELIVERY receipt of a cancellation notice, all work on the order or part thereof
Delivery and shipment dates are estimated dates only, and unless being canceled will be stopped as promptly and as reasonably as
otherwise specified, schedules commence with the date the Seller possible, and the purchaser will be liable for a cancellation charge.
receives authorization to proceed with the order and order is This charge is calculated on the basis of established or quoted prices
accepted into production. In estimating such dates, no allowance for all completed items and for the full cost incurred by the Seller
has been made for delays of carriers or delays from labor difficulties, up to the time of work stoppage plus 15% on incomplete items. In
shortages, strikes or stoppages of any sort, fires, accidents, failure addition, there will be supplementary costs for packing and storing
or delay in obtaining materials or manufacturing facilities, acts of those items.
government affecting Seller directly or indirectly, bad weather, or NOTE
any cause beyond our control or causes designated Acts of God or We reserve the right to correct obvious clerical errors in quotations,
forces majeure by any court of law, and the estimated delivery date invoice and other contracts.
shall be extended accordingly.
Shipping schedules and statements as to the expected date of Net 30 days.
shipment by Seller represent Seller’s best estimate and shipment in
accordance with such estimate is not guaranteed. Seller is not liable MINIMUM CHARGE
for any freight costs because of late delivery. $35.00 (Net)
All shipments are F.O.B. Skokie, IL.

KECKLEY COMPANY • 3400 Cleveland Street • Skokie, Illinois 60076 1-800-KECKLEY Y-IOM6

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