Psych - Arc
Psych - Arc
Psych - Arc
BMI formula: kg/height m2 - OLOF (Optimum Level of Functioning)
Normal BMI: 18.5-24.9 - Rehabilitation (when a patient had a defect
or disability is permanent and irreversible. It
MENTAL ILLNESS- is a mental disorder or involves minimizing the effects of long term
condition manifested by disorganization and disease or disability by interventions direct
impairment of function that arises from various at preventing complications and
cases such as deteriorations)
- Psychological- trauma/experiences - Prevent relapse, promote rehabilitation, and
- Neurobiological- neurotransmitters/biologic reduce the nature of the disorder
- Genetic factors- hereditary
1. Orientation Phase
- Starts when client meets nurse as
- Defining problem and deciding type
of service needed
- Client seeks assistance, coveys
needs, ask questions, shares
preconceptions and expectations of
past experiences
2. Identification
- Feeling of helplessness and
hopelessness Physiological Needs
- The identification phase begins - Physical requirements for human survival
when the client works - *Breathing/Air/Oxygen
interdependently with the nurse, - Water
expresses feelings and begins to - Food
feel stronger - Macronutrient: carbs, protein, fat
- Selection of appropriate professional - Micronutrients: vit and minerals
assistance - Sleep and Rest
- Patient begins to have a feeling of - Homeostasis- balance
belonging and a capability of dealing - Excretion
with the problem which decreases - Sex
the feeling of helplessness and
hopelessness Safety & Security
3. Exploitation phase - Needs are about keeping us safe from harm
- The client makes full use of the - Safety
services offered - Shelter/house
- Problem solving - Security
- Individual feels as an integral part of - *Law & order
the helping environment - Employmeny
- Independent, dependent, - Health
collaborative - Stability
4. Resolution phase
- In resolution phase, the client no Love & Belongingness
longer needs professional services - Social needs, interpersonal and involves
and gives up dependent behavior feelings of belongingness
- Termination of professional - Belongingness
relationship - Love
- Patient drifts away and breaks bond - Affection
with nurse and healthier emotional - Intimacy
balance is demonstrated and both - Family
becomes mature individuals - Friends
- Relationships
- Clothing
- Home
Self Esteem SANGUINE
- Needs are ego needs or status needs - It is described primarily as being
- Self confidence enthusiastic, active and social
- Achievement - Extroverted and enjoy being part of a crowd
- Recognition - Social, outgoing and charismatic is easy to
- Respect accomplish
- Individuals with this personality have a hard
Self Actualization time doing nothing and engage in more risk
- Is the highest level of maslow’s hierarchy. seeking behavior
This level of need pertains to what a
person’s full potential is and realizing that CHOLERIC
potential - Also tend to be more extroverted
- What a man can be, he must be - Independent, decisive, and goal oriented
- Contentment/Satisfied - They enjoy being in charge of a group since
they have many leadership qualities as well
JOHARI WINDOW as ambition
Joseph Luft & Harry Ingram - Choleric personalities also have a logical
and fact-based outlook on the world
A tool for self understanding, awareness and
personal growth MELANCHOLIC
- These individuals tend to be analytical;
detail oriented and they are deep thinkers
and feelers
- They are introverted and try to avoid being
singled out in a crowd
- They often strive for perfection within
themselves and their surroundings
- Tends to be more relaxed, peaceful, quiet
and easy going
- They are sympathetic and care about
others, yet try to hide their emotions
- They are also good at generalizing ideas or
problems to the world and making
Sigmund Freud
- Father of modern psychology
- All behaviors can be explained
- Personality develops from 0-6 years old
Sigmund Freud