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Abstract-Controlled atmosphere microscopy techniques have been used to study the formation of several forms of
carbon produced when methane was passed over heated nickel surfaces. The predominant forms of carbon were
found to be nodular clusters of polycrystalline material and graphite flakes. The latter type of deposit appeared to be
favoured under conditions of rapid cooling of specimens which had been held at 1000°Cfor a significant period.
Experiments were designed to demonstrate that a solution mechanism could account for a large fraction of the flake
deposit. The absence of filamentous carbon growth is accounted for in terms of a previously postulated mechanism.
18 R. T. K. BAKER et a[.
1060°Cfor periods of up to 12hr. Micrographs were taken possible to discern the grain boundaries. When the
of the metal surface at regular intervals throughout the specimen was exposed to 600Torr methane and the
heating and cooling periods. temperature raised to 850°C deposition of carbonaceous
After the deposition reaction has been terminated some material was apparent after about 5 min and collected at
specimens were examined in a Cambridge Stereoscan grain boundaries in the form of clusters. Over a period of
scanning microscope and others by transmission electron 5 hr the deposit coverage and size of clusters increased. In
microscopy. The transmission specimens of the carbona- Fig. 2 is shown a scanning electron micrograph of the
ceous deposit were obtained by allowing the specimen to deposit.
float in approximately 5M HCI for a period of 15hr, when
the carbonaceous film was found to separate quite readily
from the nickel surface.
Fig. 3. Optical micrograph of a specimen after temperature cycling Fig. 4. Scanning micrograph showing depressions in the laminar
from 1000°C to 200°C in 600 Torr methane, showing the formation deposit produced from cooling a specimen which had been
of deposit nuclei at the lower temperature. exposed to 600 Torr methane at 1000°C for 35 min.
Fig. 5. (a). Transmission electron micrograph of the stripped laminar deposit. (b). Selected area diffraction pattern
indicating the graphitic nature of this material. (c). Diffraction pattern with 12 spots in the innermost ring.
20 R. T. K. BAKER
et al.
The formation of crystalline or “flake” graphite on iron
Fig. 6. Transmission electron micrograph of laminar deposit which
and nickel surfaces from the decomposition of hydrocar-
had been stripped from the outer wall of a nickel tube after bons has been widely reported[l-lo]. Suggested growth
passing 600Torrmethanethroughthe tube at lOUU”C. mechanisms have involved
Formation of carbonaceous deposits fromthe reactionof methane over nickel 21
a. direct formation of epitaxial layers from decomposi- appe~ing at the surface is fairly uniform and the sites at
tion of an adsorbed precursor, which they emerge are determined by the crystal structure
b. formation and decomposition of metastable carbide of the metal.
intermediates, and, At temperatures below 4O@‘Cthe thermal expansion
c. the mobility of carbon atoms generated by the coefficients for nickel and graphite have opposite
decomposition of the hydrocarbon on the metal surface. signsflfi]; graphite expands in the basal plane directions
These explanations can only be tentative because they with decreasing temperature. The resultant stresses are
lack firm evidence for their validity. This work shows that a mostly removed by formation of twin ridges as observed
further mechanism must also be considered: in Figs. 4 and SA. The formation of depressions in the
d. the precipitation of carbon from solution in the metal graphite film, Fig. 4, might also arise for the same reasons.
during the cooling stage of the experiment 1131. Although this work and that of Derbyshire et al.[14]
For most deposition studies the cooling down of the establishes the general characteristics of this underlying
specimen from the reaction temperature to room tempera- layer it certainly cannot be stated that all crystalline
ture prior to examination is an essential part of the graphite is formed in the same manner and it is not yet
experimental technique. Derbyshire et at. [14] showed that possible to distinguish graphite formed by a precipitation
such precipitated films could consist of extremely good mode from any formed by other high temperature
quality graphite and suggested that these processes could processes.
be operative in pyrolytic systems. The failure to find carbon ~laments of the type
We have found that graphite flakes grew from the produced from nickel catalysed decomposition of
metal”deposit interface. and that crystaliites of graphite acetylene[ll] in the present series of experiments is not
were produced on nickel surfaces which had not been in unexpected. In the suggested mechanism for carbon
contact with methane. Both these observations are filament production[l 11 one of the postulated require-
consistent with a mechanism involving the formation of ments is that the decomposition of the hydrocarbon
graphite by precipitation of dissolved carbon in the nickel. imparts heat to the exposed face of the metal particle.
The possibility of carbide intermediates being involved is Some of the carbon produced from this reaction is taken
discounted on the grounds that the temperature ranges in into solution by the metal and filament growth proceeds
which carbides are known to be persistent, < 250°C and by a diffusion process of carbon from the hotter leading
> 12OO”C, were not entered for a su~~iently long period face of the particle to be precipitated at the cooler regions.
to enable a carbide phase to establish itself [lS]. In the case of methane, the decomposition reaction is
It is now necessary to discuss what part of the overall endothermic (A~,~ = +21~4kcal.mole~‘)~l7] and to a
deposit structure we can expect to be due to reorganisat~- greater extent than the solution of carbon in nickel is
ons following the cooling down of the specimen. The exothermic, and so the postulated conditions for filament
fraction of the carbon deposited on the nickel surface formation are never attained. This seems to suggest that
which enters into solution is determined by both the the filaments in the deposits from commercial grade
solubility and the rate of diffusion of carbon in the metal. methane[5] are indeed due to the presence of an impurity.
On cooling the amount of carbon which is precipitated It should also be borne in mind, however, that oxygen
will depend on the degree of supersaturation achieved and could in principIe achieve the same effect as a depositing
the rate of diffusion back to the surface. These factors impurity through the release of heat from the exothermic
cannot be quantified on the basis of present knowledge oxidation of methane at the metal surface.
but the optical microscopy results indicate that precipita-
tion is a rapid process even compared to the rate of
cooling of small laboratory specimens and the structure of
the carbon deposit could be very much dependent on the 1. Robertson S. D., Carbon 8, 365 (1970).
detail of the way an experiment is performed. In general 2. Robertson S. D., Carbon 10, 221 (1972).
the amount of graphite formed will increase with (a) the 3. Baird T., Fryer J. R. and Grant B., Nature 233, 329 (1971).
duration of the ex~riment, probably to some limit, (b) 4. Baird T., Fryer J. R. and Grant B.. Int. Carbon Conf.,
Baden-Baden, June 1972,p. 266.
increasing deposition temperature, fc) increased cooling 5. Evans E. L., ThrowerP. A., Thomas.I. M. and Walker P. t.
time, and (d) may be influenced by the thickness of the Jr., Int. Carbon Conf., Baden-Badeo. June 1972,D. 284.
foil-either directly. or indirectly through the increased 6. Presland A. E. B. and Walker P. L. Jr., Carbon 7, I’( 1959).
heat capacity. This crystalline deposit will underlie 7. Presland A. E. B., Roscoe C. and Walker P. L. Jr., 3rd Conf.
fnd. Carbon and Graphite, London (1970).
whatever carbon remains on the surface. it is not 8. Presland A. E. B. and Biau 6.. 3rd Conf. Ind. Carbon and
unreasonable to suppose that the graphite layer will be Graphite, London (1970).
formed epitaxially particularly if the flux of carbon atoms 9. Karu A. E. and Beer M. J., J: Apgl. Phys. 37, 2179 (19%).
22 R. T. K. BAKERet al.
10. Rostrup-Nielsen J. R., J. Cnfal. 27, 343 (1972). 15. Hansen M., Constitution ofBinary Alloys. McGraw Hill 1958)
ii. Baker R. T. K., Barber M. A., Feates F. S., Harris P. S. and p. 374; R. P. Elliot, Constitution of Binary Alloys, McGraw
Waite R. J., f. Catal. 26, 51 (1972). Hill I%5 p. 223.
12. Baker R. T. K. and Thomas R. B., J. Cry~fu~G~o~f~ 12, 185 16. Reynolds W. N., physical Properties of graphite. Elsevier
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