Annotated Bibliography

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Bautista, M. (1998). Tagalog-English Code-Switching and the Lexicon of Philippine English.

Asian Englishes, 1(1), 51–67.

The study explores Tagalog-English code-switching as a possible source of Tagalog

lexical items for Philippine English. The author emphasizes the Taglish code-switching
used in oral communication and informal written communication by young and well-
educated Filipinos in Metro Manila. The finding indicates that lexical items used in code-
switching such as enclitics, expressions, and conjunctions are probable to be included in
the Philippine English dictionary. Consequently, the study demonstrates that the process
of expanding the Philippine English lexicon is enhanced through borrowing words from
Tagalog that frequently appears in Taglish code-switching.

Caparas, P., & Gustilo, L. (2017). Communicative aspects of multilingual code switching in
computer-mediated communication. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics.

The present study aims to investigate the users preferred codes in code-switching, its
functions, and the reasons why they code-switch in computer-mediated communication.
The respondents of the study are students and graduates from Mindanao who speaks
various regional languages such as Chavacano, Cebuano, and Tausug. The findings show
that Taglish is the preferred code in computer-mediated communication. Additionally, it
implies that Taglish serves as an equalizer in online communication which is inclusive
for every user. Hence, the viability of the regional languages to co-exist with English and
other languages in computer-mediated communication is validated in this study.

Dumdum, S., Mo, T., & Mojares, R. (2008). In conversation: Cebuano writers on philippine
literature and English In conversation: Cebuano writers on Philippine literature and
English [Oxford Academic]. Oxford Academic.

The study investigates the Cebuano tradition of English language creative writing, the
bequest of Spanish and American colonialism, and the English in the Philippines.
Moreover, Dumdum et al. (2008) emphasize how code-switching is a common linguistic
practice in the Philippines, wherein Filipinos seamlessly switch between Cebuano,
English, and Tagalog languages. The findings reveal that a plethora of Cebuano writers
made significant contributions to Philippine literature, incorporating Tagalog, English,
and Cebuano languages in creating unique literary works. Nevertheless, this study is
beneficial to our research topic because it discusses how code-switching is influenced by
historical factors, and also, it shows how code-switching can be utilized in promoting
comprehension of pieces of literature.

Mave, D., Maharjan, S., & Solorio, T. (2018). Language Identification and Analysis of Code-
Switched Social Media Text.

The study emphasizes the comparison of the various word level of language identification
between Hindi-English and Standard Spanish-English. Moreover, Mave et al. (2018)
elucidate that the occurrence of code-switching is frequent in modern informal
communications between multilingual individuals, especially in social media (Facebook
and Twitter). The researchers explored and compared various sources such as movie
scripts, song lyrics, and chat conversations across different types of language pairs to
further investigate code-switching behavior. Furthermore, the findings of the study
demonstrate that code-switching data rely upon data sources, users’ behavior, typology
(how data are typed in the communication), and the relationship between languages

Roxas, M. J. (2018). Factors, Forms and Functions: An Analysis of Senior High School
Students’ Filipino-English Code-Switching Behavior.

The study explores the factors, forms, and functions of code-switching behavior in the
classroom interaction of senior high school students. A research-made questionnaire is
utilized to gather data on code-switching behavior. Moreover, the findings reveal in the
factors that most students code-switch because of “loss of words”; as for the forms it
shows that most of the participants used intersentential, and lastly, it demonstrates that
personification is the most dominant response in the aspect of function. Nevertheless,
Bautista (2019) explained how code-switching can be crucial in achieving mastery of
subject content which can eventually lead to an increase in academic performance.
Hence, this study is beneficial to our research topic as it illustrates the different factors,
forms, and functions of language code-switching.
The study explores the factors, forms, and functions of code-switching behavior in the classroom
interaction of senior high school students. A research-made questionnaire is utilized to
gather data on code-switching behavior. Moreover, the findings reveal in the factors that
most students code-switch because of “loss of words”; as for the forms it shows that most
of the participants us inter sentential, and lastly, it demonstrates that personification is the
most dominant response in the aspect of function. Nevertheless, Bautista (2019)
explained how code-switching can be crucial in achieving mastery of subject content
which can eventually lead to an increase in academic performance. Hence, this study is
beneficial to our research topic as it illustrates the different factors, forms, and functions
of language code-switching. The study explores the factors, forms, and functions of code-
switching behavior in the classroom interaction of senior high school students. A
research-made questionnaire is utilized to gather data on code-switching behavior.
Moreover, the findings reveal in the factors that most students code-switch because of
“loss of words”; as for the forms it shows that most of the participants us inter sentential,
and lastly, it demonstrates that personification is the most dominant response in the
aspect of function. Nevertheless, Bautista (2019) explained how code-switching can be
crucial in achieving mastery of subject content which can eventually lead to an increase
in academic performance. Hence, this study is beneficial to our research topic as it
illustrates the different factors, forms, and functions of language code-switching.

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