Fidp Oral Com

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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st Semester

Core Subject Title: Oral Communication in Context No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/ semester
Prerequisites (If Needed):

Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy
Highest Thinking Skill to to Use in developing the
Learning competencies
Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Content Most Essential Performance
Content KUD Flexible
Standards Topics Standards KUD Flexible
Classif Assessment Enabling
Classif Learning
Complete Most Essential icatio RBT Level Activities (FAA) General
icatio Strategies
n Performance Strategy
n (FLS)
First Quarter
Nature and The learner... Effective The learner… Explains why U Uses various U Applying Narrative Essay: Connections Video Clip
Elements of understands Communicatio designs and there is a strategies in The students will Analysis:
Communication the n Skills performs breakdown of order to write a narrative The
nature and effective communication. avoid essay based on students will
elements Intercultural controlled and communication their real life watch a
of oral Communicatio uncontrolled Uses various U breakdown. experiences video of a
communicati n oral strategies in where the Problem communicat
on communication order to Demonstrates D Creating barriers of Solving ive situation
in context. activities avoid sensitivity to communication and with the
based on communication the are present and template
context. breakdown. sociocultural how they handle given by the
dimension of communication teacher, the
Demonstrates D communication breakdown. students will
sensitivity to situation with identify the
the focus on Infomercial: elements of
sociocultural a. culture The students are communicat
dimension of b. gender going to produce ion and its
communication c. age a one-minute cultural
situation with d. social status video aspect of
focus on e. religion demonstrating non-verbal
a. culture how people from communicat
b. gender countries deal ion.
c. age with various
d. social status communicative
e. religion situations
focusing in the
dos and don’ts.
Functions Of The learner... -Regulation/ The learner... Discusses the K Identifies U Analyzing Virtual Role Communicat Video Clip
Communication values the Control writes a 250- functions of strategies used Playing: ion Analysis:
functions/ -Social word essay communication. by each Based on the Through the
purposes of Interaction of his/her speaker to prompts given video
oral -Motivation objective Identifies the U convey his/her by the teacher, provided by
communicati -Information observation speaker’s ideas the group will the teacher,
on. -Emotional and purpose(s). effectively. present a role the students
Expression evaluation of Evaluating play that shows Reasoning will
the various Watches and U Evaluates the U how to and Proof complete a
speakers listens to effectiveness effectively use given table
watched and sample oral of an oral the Functions of about their
listened to communication communication Communication. observation
activities. activity. Other groups will and
critique and evaluation
Ascertains the U evaluate the on various
verbal and performance of communicat
nonverbal the presenter. ive
cues that each situations.
speaker uses to Telephone Relay
achieve (Blended):
his/her The class will be
purpose. divided into five
groups and each
Comprehends U group will
various kinds of choose their
oral representative
texts. who is in-
charged with the
Identifies U statement (the
strategies used statement is
by each composed of
speaker to various
convey his/her languages) to be
ideas given by the
effectively. teacher. Then,
Evaluates the U representative
effectiveness of will relay the
an oral message to the
communication members of the
activity. group. The last
member will be
the one to
interpret the
statement in
front of the class
to figure out
whether the
members of the
group had
delivered the
message clearly
and effectively.

Group 1 – Basta
mga taga Bicol,
mga oragon.

Group 2 - Ijo ton


Group 3 –
Maupayay nga
aga kamayo
hurot! (Kamayo)

Group 4 –
Annyeong jal
jinae. (Korean)

Group 5 –

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