Fidp 1

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Flexible Instruction Delivery

Plan (FIDP)
Grade: Grade 11 Semester: 2nd Semester
Core Subject Title: English for Academic and Professional Purposes No. of Hours/Semester: 54 hours/ semester
Prerequisites (If needed):

Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read

What to Teach How to Assess How to Teach

WhY Teach

Performance Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in

Learning Competencies
Standards Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Developing the Highest Thinking
Skill to Assess
Standards Most Essential Topics
KUD KUD Flexible Assessment
Most Essential Enabling
Complete CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION RBT Activities (FAA) Flexible Learning
Level Strategies (FLS)
Performance Check(s)
1 Quarter

1. Explains why Uses various Watching video

there is a strategies to clips/reading
breakdown of U avoid U Applying Connections materials about the
communication. communication do’s and don’ts in
breakdown. communication of
The learner
2. Uses various the different
designs and
strategies in societies and
The learner performs
1. Effective order to avoid cultures.
A. Reading produces a effective U Demonstrates
Communication Skills communication
Academic Texts detailed controlled and sensitivity to the Annotated Script
2. Intercultural breakdown. Reading of passages
abstract of uncontrolled socio-cultural Situational Analysis
Communication on how people differ
information oral dimension of
Problem- in communication.
gathered from communication 3. communication D Creating
the various activities based Demonstrates situation with
Modelling a
academic texts on context. sensitivity to focus on
read the socio- D a. culture
situation to avoid
cultural b. gender
dimension of
situation with
focus on
a. culture
b. gender
1. Identifies Watching news
strategies used stories of specified
by each authorities or people
speaker to concerned about the
convey his/her status of the
The learner ideas pandemic in the
writes a 250- effectively. Crafts a 250- country on TV, on
word essay word essay of Essay: Speech the radio, or thru
1. Regulation/Control
The learner of his/her an objective Analysis of authorities
2. Social Interaction YouTube
B. Functions of values the objective observation and from various sectors
3. Motivation Problem-
Communication functions/ observation and evaluation of D Creating regarding the Sharing objective
4. Information solving
purposes of oral evaluation of the various pandemic, Guided insights based on
5. Emotional
communication. the various 2. Evaluates the speakers Critiquing of Speech points of references
speakers effectiveness of watched and Scenarios and comparisons
watched and an oral D listened to
listened to communication Critiquing the
activity. strategies and
effectiveness of the
speeches thru
1. Responds Watching mini
appropriately documentaries on
The learner and effectively YouTube
recognizes that to a speech act
1. Types of
communicative Engages in a Mini documentary, Sharing ideas or
Communicative The learner
competence communicative testimony, or a stories with family
C. Communicative Strategy demonstrates
requires 2. Engages in a situation portfolio (photos or members or
Competence a. Nomination effective use of
understanding communicative using drawings/write-ups) classmates
Strategies in b. Restriction communicative Problem-
of situation acceptable, D Creating sharing their
Various Speech c. Turn-taking strategy in a Solving
speech context, using polite and stories/experiences Answering Open-
Situations d. Topic control variety of
speech style, acceptable, meaningful during the Ended Interview
e. Topic shifting speech D
speech polite and communicative Coronavirus lockdown Questions
f. Repair situations.
act and meaningful strategies (audio recorded,
g. Termination
communicative communicative written or actual in
strategy. strategies the classroom)

2ND Quarter
1. Distinguishes Critical and
types of U comparative analysis
speeches. of at least two
videos watched in a
reliable website.
Guided reading of
organized group
1. According to chosen printed or
webcast, or
purpose online academic
The learner prerecorded videos
a. journals and
The learner proficiently about the implications
Expository/Informative publications related
D. Types of realizes the delivers various Uses principles and feasible
Speech 2. Uses Problem- to the videos
Speeches rigors of speeches using of effective D Creating countermeasures of
b. Persuasive Speech principles of Solving chosen.
crafting one’s the principles of speech the COVID-19
c. Entertainment effective D
speech. effective speech pandemic to the
Speech speech Outlining of main
delivery different sectors
2. Principles of Speech points using the
(education, health,
Delivery checklist for
business, etc.) in the
effective speech
Philippine setting.

teacher’s or peer’s
comments about the
speech draft.

Performance Task: You are to participate as youth advocates in an Online Youth Convention to be attended by youth leaders all over the Philippines. You are to address the sustainable development goals with the
objective of spreading awareness about the different issues and possible solutions to resolve them through the delivery of various kinds of speeches (informative, persuasive, and entertainment). From the said task,
expected to demonstrate the principles of effective verbal communication skills, to reinforce his or her thoughts and ideas by making sure that all points presented to argue align to his or her general purpose, to
exhibit appropriate nonverbal communication skills, and to display communicative competence.

Online: The learners will submit their speech recording through their Learning Management System.
Distance/Remote: The learners will submit their speech recording through flash drives to be delivered to their schools/teachers.
PERFORMANCE TASK RUBRIC: The rubric consists of three (3) domains of performance for evaluation, namely (I) Principles of Effective Verbal Communication and Speech Delivery, (II) Effective
Nonverbal Communication Skills, and (III) Communicative Competence. Each of these provides the key areas and purposes of Oral Communication in Context, as reflected in the Culminating Performance

CONSIDERATIONS 4-Excellent 3-Good 2-Average 1-Poor

(Advanced competency, skill, feature, (Developing competency, skill, (Emerging competency, skill, (Beginning competency, skill,
constituent or particular is clearly and feature, constituent or particular feature, constituent or particular feature, constituent or
fully established, exhibited or is generally established, exhibited is established, exhibited or particular is established,
demonstrated.) or demonstrated.) demonstrated.)) exhibited or demonstrated.)


ACHIEVEMENT OF The speech effectively establishes and The speech establishes and achieves The speech partially establishes and The speech did not and achieves
PURPOSE (x4) achieves its purpose to either inform, its purpose to either inform, achieves its purpose to either its purpose to either inform,
persuade or entertain. persuade or entertain. inform, persuade or entertain. persuade or entertain.

Speaker reinforces his or her thoughts Speaker reinforces his or her The speaker, to a limited extent, The speaker does not
and ideas by making sure that all points thoughts and ideas by making sure communicates his or her thoughts communicate his or her thoughts
presented to argue align to his or her that key points presented to argue and ideas and some key points and ideas and points presented
general purpose. align to his or her general purpose. presented seem to contradict the observably contradicted the
general purpose. general purpose.

CONTENT AND Clearly understood the topic in-depth Clearly understood the topic in- Seemed to have understood the Did not show an adequate
UNDERSTANDING (x4) and presented information forcefully depth and presented ideas with main points of the topic, but did understanding of the topic; led
and convincingly; the student appears relative ease. not present with ease. to awkward presentation.
very knowledgeable on the topic.

ABILITY TO EXPRESS AND Thoughts are organized and effective; Thoughts are organized; Some thoughts lack organization; Thoughts are not organized;
CONVEY IDEAS (x2) appropriate inflection is evident; word appropriate inflection is evident; inflection is sometimes inflection is inappropriate; word
choice shows ability to capture and word choice shows ability to inappropriate; some words choice does not show the ability
maintain audience interest. capture and maintain audience cannot capture and maintain to capture and maintain
interest. audience interest. audience interest.
ORGANIZATION (x2) Sophisticated arrangement of content Functional arrangement of content Confused or inconsistent No control of content sequence
with evident and/or subtle transitions that sustains a logical order with arrangement of content with or or arrangement is observed.
are observed. some evidence of transitions are without attempts at transition is
observed. observed.
The speech demonstrates logical The speech demonstrates a The speech demonstrates a The speech does not show
arrangement of paragraphs: logical use generally clear arrangement of confusing arrangement of logical arrangement of
of transitions between paragraphs, and paragraphs: generally clear use of paragraphs: a formulaic use of (or paragraphs: absence of logical
a logical organization of ideas within transitions between paragraphs, lack of) transitions between use of transitions between
paragraphs. and a generally clear organization paragraphs, or a confusing paragraphs, and a logical
of ideas within paragraphs. arrangement of ideas within organization of ideas within
paragraphs. paragraphs caused observable
The organizational logic enhances the confusion among listeners/
viewer’s understanding of the speech’s The organizational logic assists the The disorganization makes it viewers.
ideas. viewer’s understanding of the difficult for the viewer to Observable disorganization made
speech’s ideas. understand the speech’s ideas. it improbable for listeners/viewers
to grasp speech’s gist.


VOCALIC CUES (x2) Consistent and effective volume, The speaker spoke loudly and The speaker could be heard most The audience had difficulty
articulation, and expression were clearly enough to be easily of the time, but at certain points hearing and/or understanding
present in the speaker's voice. understood. The speaker used was inaudible. Little expression much of the speech due to low
Appropriate rate and pausing were adequate expression and rate. was shown. volume. Very little expression
employed. was shown.

EYE CONTACT (x2) Holds attention of the entire audience Consistent use of direct eye Displayed fair eye contact with No eye contact with the
with the use of direct eye contact, contact with the audience, but still the audience, while reading audience, as the entire speech is
seldom looking at notes. returns to notes. occasionally from the notes. read from notes.
FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND The speaker maintained good posture. The speaker maintained adequate The speaker had some distracting The speaker's posture and
BODY LANGUAGE (x2) Movements were purposeful and posture and non-distracting and/or nervous movement during expression indicated a lack of
enhanced the delivery of the speech. movement during the speech. delivery. Facial expressions enthusiasm or comfortableness
Facial expressions were comfortable Expressions were comfortable. seemed forced or absent. with the discussion. Some
and showed enthusiasm for the topic. movements were very
distracting and made the speech
difficult to follow.


COMMUNICATIVE Used the most appropriate sentence Used correct sentence structure Used correct sentence structure Used incorrect sentence
COMPETENCE (Structural, structure that supported the topic. No that is appropriate for the topic. that is mostly appropriate for the structure that is not appropriate
Lexical, and Sociocultural utterance of grammatical error during Utterance of one or two topic. Numerous utterances of for the topic. Almost all
Aspects) (x2) the course of the presentation. No grammatical errors. grammatical errors. utterances have a considerable
mispronounced words. Uses academic/ Mispronounced one or two words. Mispronounces three to five number of grammatical errors.
consultative language with a high to Uses academic/ consultative words. Uses academic/ Frequently mumbles or
very high degree of effectiveness. The language with a sound degree of consultative language with a mispronounces several keywords
learners exhibit outstanding respect effectiveness. The learners exhibit minimal degree of effectiveness. in the presentation. Does not use
and inclusivity throughout the speech. respect and inclusivity throughout The learners exhibit partial academic /consultative
the speech. respect and inclusivity throughout language. The learners did not
the speech. exhibit respect and inclusivity
throughout the speech.

***COMPLETENESS OF Necessary parts of the documents Necessary parts of the documents Some parts of the necessary The documents do not provide
WRITTEN OUTPUT (x5) supplement and complement the complement the presentation. documents are missing. support to the presentation.
(may be included or presentation.
excluded depending on
the absence or presence
of the components of the

TOTAL= 100 points

Remarks/Other Feedback deemed necessary in achieving the Culminating Performance Standard

Areas/Components/Features/Skills Most Honed or Developed by the


Areas/Components/Features/Skills that Need Reinforcement or Strengthening:

Striking/Quotable Phrase/s or Expression/s:


Prepared by: Checked by:


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