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No: 01-54i2011-Trg

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Deparhrent of Posts (Training Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad M*g,

New Delhi 110 001
Date: 16.05.2013

AII Chief Postmasters General

Sub: PIan Training activities for GDSs under 'Human Resource Development'- Re-
imbursement of Travelling, Board and Lodging expenses etc.


Gramin Dak Sevaks are now being imparted various trainings. A few references have
been received from Circles, inquiring about rates and allowances payable to GDSs for attending
such trainings. To have uniformity in rates and to simpliff re-imbursement, the following
entitlement has been worked out and decided.

2. Total Incidental Charges (amount in Rupees) payable for/to an individual GDS during
training, away from his place of duty/work will be as under:

S. No Item Number of days of Training

I 2 3 4 5 6
1 Travel (Both, To and Fro) 100 100 100 100 100 100
2 Food (@ Rs 100/per dav ) r00 200 300 400 s00 600
J Stay (@ Rs 200/per nieht ) Nil 200 400 600 800 1000
4 Stationery Charges (one time) 100 100 100 100 100 100
5 Total 300 600 900 r200 1500 1800

2.1.-lt may be noted that the amount indicated for atrd*ing of more than aday will be
applicable only in cases, where GDSs can't commute daily from home due to distance or other
factor and night stay becomes unavoidable at the place of training.

2.2. In cases of GDSs commuting daily from Home to Place of Training, Travel and Food
Charges only will be payable. In such cases, charges for night stay will not be paid. For
example, for a2 day training programme where a GDS commutes from home, he will get Rs.
2001- for travel and Rs.200/- for food altogether.

2.3. Expenditure in respect of serial numbers I to 3 (Travel, Food and Stay) will be booked
under the Head of Account 3201. TE (Plan) and expenditure for serial number
4 (Stationery Charges) will be booked under the Head 3201. OE (Plan).

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2.4. Expenditures in respect of stationery (item No. 4 in para 2) will be incurred by the
office.It will be Rs. 100/- irrespective of the number of days of a training programme.
Normally, the duration of any training progfttmme for GDSs will not exceed 3 days.

3. lncidental charges payable to GDSs, prescribed earlier vide this office letter No. 27-0112012-
Trg dated 23.04.2012 are applicable only for modular trainings of 2000 GDSs, identified for it,
under pilot of Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (REP). The rates now prescribed in para-2
will be applicable for all other training programmes to be organized for GDSs during the 12&
Five Yem Plan, under IT Modernization Project and Mid-career/In-service training

4. These orders will be effective from the date of issue and past cases should not be re-

Deputy Director General
(Training, Welfare & Sports)

Copy to:

1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)

2. AllMembers of PSB
3. JS&FA
4. Secretary (PSB)
5. All Postnasters General
6. Additional DG APS, New Delhi
7. Director RAK National Postal0cademy, Ghaziabad
8. CGM BD & MD/PLI Directoratei Mail Business Division
9. All DDsG Directorate
10. Directors, All PTCs
11. Budget Section, Postal Directorate
1 2. Secretary Generals, NFPE/FNPO.

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