Us 495582

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(No Model.

) ,
No. 495,582, Patented Apr. 18, 1893,


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A, Ozzy-s,
the worris Peters co., PHOTO-Litto, WASHINofon, d. c.

SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 495,582, dated April 18, 1893.
Application filed August 29, 1892, Serial No, 444,391 (No model)
To all whom it. Tay concern: elements with a suitable solution rich in Oxy
Beit known that I, MICHAEL EMME, a citi gen, chlorine, bromine, iodine or fluorine, or
Zen of France, residing at Oakland, in the with a solution of a salt of an alkali. As ele
county of Alameda and State of California, ments I prefer to use iron as a positive elec 55
have invented certain new and useful Im trode and hard pressed coke carbon for the
provements in Ground Generators of Elec negative electrode. The positive electrode is
tricity; and I do hereby declare the following preferably a U-shaped bar of iron round in
to be a full, clear, and exact description of the cross section. The two limbs of the U Strad
invention, such as will enable others skilled dle a rod of carbon. The iron should be Soft
O in the art to which it appertains to make and wrought iron. Cast iron also can be used,
use the same. but I find that cast iron gives a little less
Myinvention relates to chemical generators electro-motive-force, probably by reason of
of electricity, a prepared body of earth being the percentage of carbon and other impuri
used as the support and exciting medium for ties contained therein. Magnesium also yields
the electrodes or elements. In a generator excellent results producing with carbon a
constructed in accordance with my invention, voltage of 2.25. Zinc, aluminium or any metal
any desired number of elements may be as with which the ground and its contained salts
Sembled in the same piece of ground and or exciting medium will develop electrolytic
coupled in series or multiple series to produce action may be used with varying results. 7o
the electro-motive force desired. I find that In carrying my invention into practice I
if a series of galvanic couples beinserted in level a piece of ground of sufficient area.
a body of ground so that a straight line will to contain the generator. For instance, for
pass transversely through the several couples three hundred positive elements each twenty
and the space between the several couples be inches long and two inches in diameter bent 75
made large comparatively to the distance be as indicated in Fig. 3, and three hundred
tween the two elements composing the cou negative elements fifteen inches long and
ples, the couples may be joined for series in three inches in diameter, the length of the
the same manner as if they were contained in piece of ground should be about one hundred
independent vessels. In order, however, to feet and its width about three feet. I dig
3O attain the best results it is necessary to pre forty-three holes, at a distance of thirty inches
pare the body of soil immediately adjacent to apart from center to center, in a line as indi
the two elements composing a couple in a man cated in Fig. 1. Each hole is ten inches wide
ner which will be hereinafter fully described. and thirty inches broad and of a depth suffi
The several features of novelty of the in cient to contain the elements. The loose Soil
35 vention will be hereinafter more fully de dug from the ground is mixed with a proper
scribed in this specification and definitely in salt or acid to render the generator active.
dicated in the claims appended to this speci For instance, if the ground is a vegetable mold
cation. commercial concentrated nitric acid should
In the accompanying drawings Figure 1 be added in sufficient quantity to saturate the.
illustrates an earth generator in which the soil, and peroxide of manganese or pyrolusite
Several couples are arranged in series. Figs. should be mixed with the mass. If the soil
2 and 3 show a cross section of ground con be of a sandy character hydrochloric acid or
taining one couple. Fig. 4ShoWSWedge shaped carbonate of soda or potash may be substi
electrodes. Fig. 5 shows the co-operation of the tuted for thematerials justmentioned. Should 95
45 internal circuits of the several couples. Fig. the soil be of a clayey character hydrochloric
6 shows the means for supplying an excitant or sulphuric acid and chloride of sodium may
or moistening medium periodically to the sev be used, the salt being dissolved in Water and
eral couples. poured in the hole before the acid is mingled
Any character of soil may be adapted for with the soil. The bottom of the hole is mois OC
use with my ground generator by saturating tened with water and the prepared soil mixed
that portion of it surrounding the several with water to the consistency of a thick paste
is then introduced, the composite elements inferior results are obtained by such an ar
being immersed in it. The several groups of rangement) as indicated at G.
elements thus arranged may be connected in The dotted lines Fig. 5 indicate the direc
series by conductors as shown in Fig. 1, tions of electro-motive-force in the internal 65
though the generator will act without any ex circuits, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 being in one direction
ternal conductors except the terminal wires. and 7,8 and 9 in an opposite direction. There
A generator constructed as above described is a resultant or differential electro-motive
Will yield 53.85 volts and fifty-six ampères, force which develops current in the external
developing a total of 3,015.60 watts, or about circuit.
O four horse-power. By increasing the number I am not prepared to state the cause of con
of cells the capacity of the generator may be stancy of action in the generator constructed
correspondingly increased to any desired as hereinbefore described, but I ascribe it to
horse-power. The couples may be joined in the mutual assistance of the several elements
simple series or in multiple series. The pre of the series, each positive element finding a 75
pared body of soil should be periodically conducting medium to all of the negative ele
moistened preferably with the acid with which ments of the Series as indicated by dotted
it was treated when first prepared for action, lines in Fig. 5, the solid ground acting as a
and in a plant constructed for continuous ac conducting medium. Thus the internal re
tion I prefer to provide a reservoir as indi sistance of the generator is lowered and the
cated at A in Fig. 6 and run a pipe of a ma output of the generator consequently in
terial not attacked by the acid throughout the creased. The fact that such internal circuits
plant providing nozzles over the several actually exist may be demonstrated by the in
couples So that they may be moistened when terposition of a voltmeter in the ground be
desired. With provisions of this nature the tween successive pairs of elements; the whole
Soil may be kept in a substantially uniform body of earth in the neighborhood of the gen
Condition and the generator rendered con erator seems to be permeated with stream lines
tinuously Serviceable. Any accumulation of of electric energy. This fact probably assists
Oxides or other products of the reaction be in some way to prevent polarization of the
tween the prepared soil and the elements may negative electrodes as the battery acts with 90.
3O be removed and a clean metal surface ex great constancy.
posed for chemical action by raising the posi Having thus described my invention, what
tive electrode and then forcing it back into I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters
place again. The carbon may be cleansed by Patent, is
simply turning it without lifting it from its 1. A generator of electricity comprising a 95
35 place. series of galvanic couples each couple being
I find that the period of activity of the gen embedded in an electrolytic medium com
erator during which no addition of salt or acid posed of earth mixed to a pasty consistency
is required increases with the length of serv with an exciting solution the spaces between
ice. For example, during the first day of use the several couples being occupied by unpre OO
the exciting medium should be added after pared earth.
ten hours of work, after which it will yield 2. A ground generator of electricity com
twenty-six hours of service, and then after prising a series of galvanic couples embedded
another addition of excitant it will yield serv in an electrolytic medium composed of earth
ice for two days, and so on. mixed to a pasty consistency with a suitable I O5
45 In Fig. 1 is represented a generator the sev excitant and filled in holes formed at inter
eral electrodes of which are composed of rods vals in the earth.
grouped in multiple and arranged as indi 3. A ground generator of electricity com
cated in Fig. 2 where B represents the solid prising a series of galvanic couples embedded
ground and C the mass of prepared soil. in the earth and connected in series relation, O
In Fig. 3 is shown a preferable shape of elec the distance between the several couples be
trodes, D representing an iron electrode and ing large compared to the distance between
E. a carbon. the elements of any couple, and a reservoir
A wedge shaped electrode as shown in Fig. for periodically supplying a moistening me
4 permits easy withdrawal from the soil and dium and maintaining the action of the gen IT 5
55 the corrugation increases the extent of active erator.
surface. In testimony whereof I affix my signature in
In Fig. 5 are indicated the internal circuits presence of two witnesses.
of the generator. The several couples may MICHAEL, EMIME.
be interconnected by conductors placed exte Witnesses:
rior to the ground as indicated by F or the LINCOLN SONNTAG,
conductors may be dispensed with, (although CHAS. SONNTAG.

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