Proposal Group English

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Compiled to fulfill the assignment group

Lecturer: Nadia Sya’ya, M. Pd., M. TESOL.

By Group 3:

Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan (2011204046)

Rabiatul Adawiyah (2011204028)






All thanks to Allah SWT who has created all living things in this world and

the hereafter. Hopefully, we get the blessings of His abundance of grace and

guidance, thanks to His grace and guidance the author can complete a proposal.

Sholawat and greetings are bestowed upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW,

who has brought us from the dark age to the shadow age to the bright light, because

of His blessings we can feel the glory and glory of Islam today. With this the author

can complete the task of counseling guidance in the form of a paper, adding thanks to

Mrs. Nadia Sya’ya, M. Pd., M. TESOL. who has guided us, may Allah SWT always

bless her. Amin ya rabbal alamin.

Hereby the author is aware of these shortcomings, so we ask for suggestions

and criticisms, whether or not we do not have any. Hopefully with the completion of

this paper can take the lessons that are in it, Amin ya rabbal Alamin.

Samarinda, 03 Maret 2023


TABLE OF CONTENT..............................................................................................3
BAB I............................................................................................................................4
A. Background....................................................................................................4
B. Research Problem..........................................................................................7
C. Research Purpose...........................................................................................7
D. Research Significance....................................................................................7
E. Research Scope and Limitation.....................................................................7
F. Definition of Key Terms................................................................................8
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................9
LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................9
A. Previous Study...............................................................................................9
B. Adjustment Process......................................................................................11
C. Language......................................................................................................13
D. New Santri...................................................................................................14
E. Islamic Boarding School..............................................................................14
1. Salafi Islamic Boarding School................................................................15
2. Modern Islamic Boarding........................................................................18
F. Factors Influencing the English Adjustment Process....................................20
1. Inhibiting factors of the English adjustment process...............................20
2. Factors of supporting the English adjustment process.............................24
CHAPTER III............................................................................................................27
RESEARCH METHOD............................................................................................27
A. Research Design...........................................................................................28
B. Research Setting...........................................................................................29
C. Research Instrument.....................................................................................29
D. Sample Sumber Data....................................................................................30
E. Data Collection Technique..........................................................................30
F. Data Analysis Technique.............................................................................32


A. Background

The success of student adjustment is determined by several factors, one of

which is communication, Mulyadi stated in tarigan he claimed, that good

communication can help a person achieve success.1 Communication that is well

established between one another, will make the relationship between friends as

well. Researchers have learned through a literature review that previous studies

have examined the difficulties of speaking English at boarding schools, observing

how English is learned so that it can improve its skills, and some have examined

how is the English learning method, no one has researched on how the English

language adjustment process of students at boarding schools.

The adjustment process of new students at Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding

School usually requires self-adjustment, so that the expectations of the students

are realized by adjusting themselves to their environment. The current

environmental culture must follow the provisions as well as the rules set by

Pondok Pesantren Al-Muhajirin. One of the rules is to communicate daily using

Setyo Mulyadi, “Kak Seto: Kualitas Komunikasi yang Baik Buat Anak Terbuka”, diakses
yang-baik-buat-anak-terbuka, pada tanggal 05 Maret 2023 pukul 11.43.
two languages, namely, Arabic and English to provide an understanding of the

importance of knowing and being able to speak foreign languages to face

advances from various aspects in the future. As Mustafa said, children who

master a foreign language have advantages in terms of intellectual flexibility,

academic, language, and social skills. In addition, children will have to prepare to

enter a context of association with various languages and cultures. So that when

they grow up, they will become qualified and accomplished human resources.2

Krashen argues that language learning is the process of mastering language,

both in the first language and in the second language. 3 The language adjustment

process for new students is given a period for the first 3 months to understand

Arabic and English language and not speak Indonesian if they want to interact

with friends or others. In Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School, there is also a

public school, so students who want to explore the knowledge of general subjects,

where the knowledge gained religious knowledge and also general subject

knowledge so that students will not be outdated and not lack the ethics of

learning, because anyone who studies well and earnestly, his affairs will be

facilitated to get to the comfort at the end of life. As with the hadith narrated by


Bacharudin Mustafa, Pendidikan Usia Dini, (Bandung: Unpublished, Book. 2007), p. 34.
Pranowo, Analisis Pengajaran Bahasa, (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1996),
‫م قا َ َل َم ْن َسلَكَ طَ ِر ْيقًا‬Uَ َّ‫صلَّى هللاُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسل‬
َ ‫ضيض هللاُ َع ْنهُ ع َِن النَبِ ِّي‬
ِ ‫ع َْن اَبِ ْي هُ َر ْي َرةَ َر‬

‫ َسهَّ َل هللاُ لَهُ بِ ِه طَ ِر ْيقًا ِإلَى ْال َجنَّ ِة‬ ،‫يَ ْلتَ ِمسُ فِ ْي ِه ِع ْل ًما‬

Meaning: Abu Hurairah r.a, from the Prophet, SAW said, "Whoever takes
the path to study, Allah SWT will facilitate for him the path to paradise." (HR.

In this study, researchers focused more on the process of language

adjustment in new students. The reason the researchers chose Al-Muhajirin
boarding school is that already has the 14th batch of alumni and in the
2023/2024 school year many prospective students are interested in entering
the boarding school for various reasons a boarding school is famous for its
excellent publication in social media, known for its good discipline, morals
and one of them is by being interested in hearing other students when leaving
the boarding school using foreign languages that are heard by those outside
the boarding school.

Based on the above phenomenon, the author is interested in conducting

research with the title " Process of English Language Adjustment in New

Students of Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School in Kutai Kartanegara".

B. Research Problem

In this research, the researcher wants to know the process of English

adjustment in new students, So that the problem is formulated as follows:

Fatchur Rohman, Musthalah al- Hadist, (Bandung: Al-Ma’arif, 1991) P.127.
1. What is the process of English language adjustment for new students of Al

Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School?

2. What are the inhibiting and supporting factors in the English language

adjustment process of new students of Pondok Pesantren Al Muhajirin?

Research Purpose
Based on the problem formulation above, the purpose of the research is:

1. To find out the English language adjustment process of new students of Al

Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School.

2. To find out the inhibiting and supporting factors in the English language

adjustment process of new students of Pondok Pesantren Al Muhajirin.

C. Research Significance
The study is expected to have both academic and practical contributions

1. Academically, to find out the development of communication science in

the adjustment process of new students.

2. Practically, it can make an important contribution in the field of education

to improve language, especially for new students.

D. Research Scope and Limitation

1. This research was conducted to find out how the English language

adjustment process of new students of Al Muhajirin Islamic Boarding

School in Kutai Kartanegara in the academic year 2022/2023.

2. This research is focused on the English language adjustment process of

new students and what factors are the obstacles and supporters of the
process of improving the English language of new students of Al

Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School.

E. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher makes definitions of each key term

based on the title based, as follows:

1. The adjustment process is a process that includes mental and

behavioral responses, in which each individual tries to successfully

overcome the needs within himself, the conflicts and frustrations he

experiences, to realize harmony or harmony between the demands of

the inner self and what is expected from his place of residence.

2. English is a global language that will support the language and

communication skills of the students. 5

3. New santri is someone who comes from within the region or outside

the region to take part in education and must stay at the boarding


4. Islamic boarding school is an Islamic institution as a place to explore

religious knowledge and practice it in daily life and emphasize the

importance of morals in society.

Desmita, Psikologi Perkembangan Peserta Didik, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya,
2014), P.192.

A. Previous Study
A similar study was researched by Halimatussa'diah with the research title

"The Ability of Santri to Adapt to Islamic Boarding School Life at the Modern

Islamic Boarding School Ummul Quro Al-Islami Leuwiliang Bogor" in 2019. 6

This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This study

uses self-adjustment theory which is an approach that is closely related to the

inner pressure and personal conflicts found in students. The results showed that

the students' adjustment ability continued to increase. In addition, researchers

found that there are efforts by pesantren in helping students to adjust. Researchers

also found that factors supporting students' adjustment ability are the existence of

programs that motivate students such as motivational training and time-sharing,

students already knowing each other's character, and pesantren collaborating with

other parties. While the inhibiting factor is the difficulty of finding intensive

control, some students are rarely visited so their motivation decreases and there is

friction between students in everyday life.

The next research was researched by Putu Zarkasih with the title "Language

Adaptation Process in New Santri at Dar-El Hikmah Islamic Boarding School

Halimatus Sya’diyah, “Kemampuan Penyesuaian diri Santri pada Kehidupan Pesantren
diPondok Pesantren Modern Ummul Quro Al Islami Leu Wiliyang Bogor”, Fakultas Ilmu Dakwah dan
Komunikasi, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2019, P.18.
Pekanbaru" in 2019.7 The method used in this study is a qualitative research

method using adaptation theory. Researchers appointed 10 informants consisting

of 3 Mts students, 3 high school students, 2 ustad/ustazah, and 2 language

administrators (osdh) as informants. The results showed that of the 6 informants

used by the researcher, 3 students needed a short/short term to master and

pronounce vocabulary, then there were 2 more students who needed a medium-

term to master the language, as well as there was 1 student who needed a long

term to master the language at the Dar-el Hikmah Islamic boarding school. In

Dar-el Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, 2 types of languages must be used,

namely Arabic and English. They communicate and interact using language with

friends, ustad / ustazah, and senior brothers / elder brothers of the language

section. The inhibiting factor in the language adaptation process in Darel Hikmah

Islamic boarding school is due to 2 factors, namely internal factors and external


Hasneli, Alfaiz dan Augusto’s research in tittle “New Students' Self-

Adjustment at Ar-Risalah Islamic Junior High School: Roles and Supporting

Factors” pada tahun 2021.8 This is use qualitative descriptive research with data

collected from teachers, students, principals, and other school officials through

interviews, observation, and documentation. The data collected were analyzed

Putu Zarkasih, “Proses Adaptasi Bahasa Pada Santri Baru Di Pondok Pesantren Dar-El
Hikmah Pekanbaru”, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Riau 2019. P. 19.
Hasneli, Alfaiz, Augusto Da Costa, “New Students' Self-Adjustment at Ar-Risalah Islamic
Junior High School: Roles and Supporting Factors”, dalam jurnal At-Ta’lim, Vol. 28, No. 03 (2021).
using reduction and triangulation processes. The result showed that the teacher

had expertise as a motivator to support and trigger the student’s enthusiasm in

adapting and learning new materials at school. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors

of the self-adjustment process were parents that have not been able to let their

children go to boarding schools and teachers without psychological backgrounds

because this background is needed for a better approach and intervention for

children to make them enthusiastic in learning in boarding school.

B. Adjustment Process

Self-adjustment is a process involving mental and behavioral responses in

which the individual seeks to meet his or her needs, overcoming tensions,

frustrations, and conflicts to improve the balance between the individual's internal

needs and the environment. According to Sunarto and Hartono, in Halimatus

Sya'diyah's research, self-adjustment is the process of how individuals achieve

self-balance in meeting needs according to their environment.9 In facing a new

environment in the Islamic boarding School, usually, new students will face

problems regarding the adjustment. Most of the new students can adjust happily,

but some of them fail in trying to adjust to the new environment.10

Halimatus Sya’diyah, “Kemampuan…………”, P.19.
Pebrianti Beti Rahayu, Kajian Tentang Adaptasi Santri Baru di Pondok Pesantren
Darussalam Putri Selatan Blokagung Perspektif Psikologi Sosial, dalam jurnal kreativitas mahasiswa,
Vol 1, No. 1 (2018).
Self-adjustment as self-mastery carried out by individuals (santri) are those

who can master the habits carried out every day in Pesantren. The next point of

view is that self-adjustment is defined as the ability to plan and organize

responses in certain ways so that conflicts, difficulties, and frustrations do not

occur in students. In other words, self-adjustment is defined as the ability to

master self-development so that drives, emotions, and habits become controlled

and directed. It also means mastery in having strengths in the ability to adjust the

environment, self with reality based on good, accurate, healthy ways, and able to

cooperate with others effectively and efficiently, and able to manipulate

environmental factors so that self-adjustment can take place properly. 11 Like

getting up early, queuing to get food every day, and mastering living always

together cannot be alone, so they can control emotional impulses and habits that

are controlled and directed.

C. Language

Language is a communication tool that is used and needed in everyday life.

Language is a means of human assistance or media for interaction among humans

and conveying arguments and opinions both in oral and written form. Language

has an important role in a person's adjustment to his environment because

basically every region and even country has its language, culture, and

Mohammad Ali & Mohammad Asrori, Psikologi Remaja: perkembangan peserta didik,
(Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, cet-7, 2011), P. 174.
characteristics that are different in communicating. Therefore, according to Adolf,

language has an important social role in communicating with the wider

community12. Mulyadi said that good communication can help someone achieve

success,13 this is one of the reasons modern cottages apply the introduction, and

adjustment to the application of communication in foreign languages, especially

Arabic and English.

According to Devianty, language can bring good changes to all elements of

communication,14 With the adjustment of this foreign language, especially

English, will support the language and communication skills of students in this

increasingly advanced era in building interaction with various parties they face.

D. New Santri

A student who is included in the pesantren education system wants to master

Islamic sciences and teach the knowledge they master during society. Now the

motive of a student to enter the world of pesantren is not only to master Islamic

sciences but also to master various forms of skills taught in pesantren. Beyond all

that, the motive of parents to release children to pesantren is so that they have a

good personality, are religious, simple, independent, honest, disciplined, polite,

obedient, respectful to parents, and other good personalities.

Okarisma Mailani, Irna Nuraeni, Syarah Agnia Syakila, Jundi Lazuardi, Bahasa Sebagai
Alat Komunikasi Dalam Kehidupan Manusia, dalam KAMPRET Journal Vol. 1 No. 2, Januari (2022).
Setyo Mulyadi, “Kak Seto: Kualitas…..”.
Okarisma Mailani, dkk, ………
Santri is a term for students who gain knowledge in pesantren. Santri occupies

a very important element in the pesantren education system. Without students,

pesantren cannot carry out its function as a religious educational institution that

carries out the learning process.15 In the pesantren education system, santri is a

very valuable identity. The main characteristic inherent in a student is its very

simple appearance, for sons wear black peci, always wear sarongs, and clog

sandals, for daughters always use a veil or headscarf.

E. Islamic Boarding School

Islamic boarding schools are indeed established for Islamic religious teaching

because it is not too wrong if some people outside the pesantren view pesantren as

a place of Islamic religious teaching. Pesantren which are usually known to only

teach the yellow book, now the pesantren curriculum has developed a madrasah

curriculum, many pesantren also use the school curriculum, and there are even

pesantren that compile their curriculum by combining the madrasah and school

curriculum at once.

Dhofier looked at it from the perspective of openness to the changes that

occurred, then divided pesantren into two categories, namely Salafi and modern

pesantren. Salafi boarding schools continue to teach their educational teaching.

Islamic scriptures The application of the classical system as the core madrasah to

Achmad muchaddam Fahham, Pendidikan Pesantren: Pola Pengasuhan, Pembentukan
Karakter dan Pelindungan Anak, (Jakarta: publica institute Jakarta,2020, P.45.
facilitate the sorogan system used in old-form institutions of study, without

introducing the teaching of general knowledge. While modern pesantren have

incorporated general lessons in developed madrassas or opened types of public

schools within the pesantren environment.16

The differences between modern Islamic boarding schools and Salafiy

based on the method are as follows:

1. Salafi Islamic Boarding School

Pesantren salaf is also always attached to classical Islamic

treasures commonly known as the yellow book. This yellow book

has become the main source studied in pesantren to date. The

learning methods commonly applied in pesantren are the

bandhongan and sorogan methods.

a. Bandhongan Method

According to Zamakhasyari Dhofier, a bandhongan

method is a group of students (between 5 and 500)

listening to a teacher who reads, translates, explains, and

often reviews Islamic books in Arabic. 17 Meanwhile,

according to Taqiyuddin, the bandongan method is a

lecture method in which students follow lessons by sitting

Mujamil Qomar, Pesantren: dari transformasi metodologi menuju demokratisasi institusi,
(Ciracas, Jakarta: PT Gelora Aksara Pratama, cet-1,2005), p. 16.
Zamakhari Dhofier, Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai dan Visinya
mengenai Masa Depan Indonesia, (Malang:LP3ES,2011), P.54.
on a kiai seeking that explains in lectures, students listen to

each other's books and make notes on them.18 The term

wetonan comes from the word time (Javanese) which

means, the recitation is given at times that are before and

or after fardhu prayer. 19

And while according to Yasmadi

bandongan is a study whose initiative comes from the

kiyai itself in determining the place, time, and the book.20

From the above opinion, it can be concluded that the

understanding of the bandongan method is kiyai, ustadz,

and ustadzah read the contents of the material to the

students in front of him or around his teacher, then the

students listen to his explanation and make small notes that

they consider important to write in addition to the material

taught in his book. Then learning using this bandongan

method regarding the time and place to learn is determined

according to the wishes of the teacher.

a. Sorogan Method

Zamakhari Dhofier, Tradisi Pesantren: p. 151.
Sutrisno Sastro Utomo, Javanese Indonesian Dictionary, (Jakarta: PT Gramedua Pustaka
Utama, 2015), p. 743.
Yasmadi, Modernisasi Pesantren: Kritik Nurchalis Madjid Terhadap Pendidikan Islam
Tradisional, (Jakarta: Ciputat Press, 2002), P.67.
Sorogan comes from the word sorog (Javanese) which

means to thrust.21 This sorogan method is a form of

method that is considered complicated. According to

Abdullah Aly, in his book Multicultural Islamic Education

in Pesantren. The sorogan method is individual book

learning, where each student takes turns facing Kyai to

read, explain or memorize the lessons given before.22

According to Majid, the sorogan method is a method in

which students are quite good at submitting a book to the

kyai or ustadz (teacher) to be brought before him, the error

in reading is immediately corrected by the kyai.23 Another

definition states that the sorogan method is a method

where students face kyai or ustad (teachers) one by one

with the book they will study. In this method, a student

will read a certain book in front of the kyai or ustad.

Meanwhile, the kyai or ustad (teacher) provides basic

corrections and gives instructions, especially those related

Sutrisno, Javanese……, P. 561.
Abdullah Aly, Pendidikan Islam Multikultural di Pesantren, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar,
2011), p. 165
Abdul Mujib dan Jusuf Mudzakkir, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada
Media, 2008), p. 236.
to how to read and understand the text correctly according

to the structure of the Arabic language.24

From the definition above, researchers concluded that

the sorogan method is a learning method in a pesantren

environment where students face directly to Kyai or ustadz

to read, memorize and explain previous learning.

2. Modern Islamic Boarding

Modern pesantren were established with the aim that pesantren

can produce a generation that can answer the challenges of the

times. Modern pesantren is intended as an effort to give birth to

individuals who are characterized by pesantren values but master

modern sciences that are in line with the times.

The teaching method in modern Islamic boarding schools is a

learning method resulting from renewal among Islamic boarding

schools by incorporating methods that develop in modern society,25

Although it is not followed by implementing a modern system like

the school system or madrasah system in general. Meanwhile,

Saefuddin Zuhri argues that "In some Islamic boarding schools,

Arief Subhan, Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Abad Ke-20 Pergumulan Antara
Modernisasai Dan identitas, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2012), hp.87.
Ulfa Nur Fajariya, Modernisasi Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren Modern diakses di
full, 19:46, Jum’at 19 Mei 2023.
students do not only occupy themselves in reciting and studying.

There are also times for recreation. This method is a distraction

from other methods so it is relatively rarely used, not determined

regularly, and not continuously. The field trip method is

coincidentally used when pesantren hold recreations that are not

scheduled in their academic calendar. While the application of this

method in public schools has long been familiarized, especially

before the farewell for final grade students.26

It can be concluded that modern Islamic boarding schools are

not only a place of learning, but a place of life processes in a

general form. The modernization of pesantren education is directed

to the modernization of its education system, which results in the

development of the pesantren education curriculum by including

general subjects, which further has implications for the

diversification of pesantren educational institutions, leadership,

and management of pesantren education.

Factors Influencing the English Adjustment Process

In the process of language adjustment, several factors can be obstacles

and supports, which will describe below:

Mujamil Qomar, Pesantren:……, p. 152.
Inhibiting factors of the English adjustment process
In the learning and adjustment of foreign languages in students,

it is inseparable from the factors that hinder the adjustment of

foreign languages. So the impact that will be felt by each

individual is in the acquisition of what he has achieved, if a

student can accept and adjust what he gets from adjusting and

improving foreign languages positively then his output will also

have a positive impact, but if on the contrary then a student will

get output as good as what he gets.

Self-adjustment to the habits in modern cottage regulations,

especially in foreign language adjustments, is not easy for all

students from each individual it is not uncommon for students to

feel pressure, boredom, and frustration in terms of adjusting to this

foreign language. This is because each student must build a new

concept in himself in the face of foreign language adjustments that

are very different from the concept of mother tongue or daily

language that is commonly used in daily interaction and


The inhibiting factors in adjusting the foreign language of

modern cottage students include:27

Ema Umiatul Husna, Muhammad Anshori, Khoirun Nisa, “Strategi Pembelajaran Program
Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Alumni Di Era Revolusi Industri
4.0 Di Pondok Pesantren Mamba’us Sholihin Suci Manyar Gresik” dalam Journal of Education and
a. self

The importance of self-awareness in learning and

adjusting to foreign languages is a major factor in the

success of foreign languages in individual students. This

will have a very influential impact on the output obtained

from each foreign language learning and adjustment,

depending on how each student responds to the learning

and adjustment. If the response is positive, the output will

be positive as well, and vice versa.

b. New conditions

New conditions become one of the inhibiting factors in

adjusting the foreign language of each student. Looking

back at the various backgrounds of life, daily life, and

various activities of each child before becoming a modern

cottage student which is an influence in adjusting the

habits that will be passed by each student, namely foreign

language adjustment. This new condition is sometimes

differences in habits, language, acquisition of very foreign

languages from the mother tongue, speech, to enter the

Management Studies Vol. 4, No. 1, Februari 2021.

realm of phonological, morphological, semantic, and

syntactic system levels, and sometimes have similarities

with the conditions of their mother tongue. Until not every

individual student is easily going through this foreign

language adjustment process.

c. Learning Strategies

Sometimes students feel bored to frustrated in foreign

language adjustment activities provided by modern cottage

coaches or educators. In this case, more emphasis is placed

on the coaching staff or educators to determine interesting

learning strategies and foreign language adjustments so

that students are happy and easier to follow. Before

choosing and determining the strategies to be used in

learning, an educator should consider certain principles.

These principles include educators must pay attention to

differences in the character of students, pay attention to the

level of development of their intellect, pay attention to the

social conditions that surround them at that time, consider

differences in the abilities of students and the presentation

of material must be done gradually meaning from easy to

difficult, from concrete to abstract.28 Using the right

strategy, students will be motivated to learn and not bored

with the subject matter delivered by the teacher.

F. Factors of supporting the English adjustment process

According to Mukakel in Masda’s research said that 4 factors support the

language learning process, namely:29
a. Intelligence

Intelligence is one of the factors that control language

behavior. It has long been believed that humans have abstract

thoughts that are used to control and determine their behavior.

Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn. Intelligence is

considered the power and basis of all learning activities. The

level, intensity, and speed of learning are determined by

intelligence. Intelligence is concerned with the process of

language acquisition. Smart children explore full language

learning opportunities. He is quick in understanding adult

language and in internalizing linguistic systems. Every child

has a different experience in the process of acquiring linguistic

Syaiful Mustofa, Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Inovatif, (Malang: UIN Maliki Press,
2017), 13.
Masda Surti Simatupang, Faktor-Faktor Psikologis Dalam Presentasi Bahasa Inggris Pada
Mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta, dalam Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan
Budaya, Vol 1, No. 01, (Juni 2013).
b. Have lots of ideas

Having a lot of ideas is always associated with verbal

behavior. In this regard, many ideas are distinguished by

intelligence. Smart individuals don't always have to have a lot

of ideas. Some people are intelligent but have minimal

language skills. Many ideas serve as verbal channels for

intelligence, i.e. when intelligence is demonstrated by verbal

behavior, it can be said to be many ideas. Many ideas here

have different meanings, for example as follows:

1) A person is said to have many ideas if he uses his

language skills to be able to adjust to socializing.

By having this basic social balance, the person will

have many ideas and be able to master the


2) Having many ideas includes not only passive social

adjustment but also utilizing one's language skills

to control and change their social environment for

the better People who have many ideas will be very

creative in using their language skills to control

their environment and change it positively.

3) Many ideas also include better and more efficient

use of language professionally. Many men and

women who are intelligent but do not have many

ideas, usually do not succeed in their professional

lives because they lack language skills. A

successful professional life will be obtained by a

person who has many ideas because he has a

combination of intelligence and mastery of


c. Creativity

Creative behavior includes ingenuity rooted in individual

intelligence. Resourceful and talented people have creativity

and think in new ways, their thinking is always productive.

Productive behavior comes from organizing productive

concepts. Creative behavior includes regulation in purposeful

thought and action. According to KBBI, creativity is the

ability to create or invent new and according to James J.

Gallagher in Yeni Rachmawati in his research, Elsa and

Srikandi explained that "Creativity is a mental process by

which an individual crates new ideas or products, or

recombines existing ideas and products, in a fashion that is

novel to him or her",30 which is with the ability to create new

inventiveness so that it can help the adjustment process when

acquiring a new language.

d. Motivation

Motivation functions as active energy among the factors

supporting the language adjustment process. According to

Fillmore, H. Stanford said that: “motivation is an energizing

condition of the organism that services to direct that organism

toward the goal of a certain class”,31 In doing something,

motivation is needed to arouse passion so that activities can

run well. Motivation is a factor that encourages a person to do

a certain activity, therefore motivation is often interpreted as a

motivating factor for someone to do something. Without

motivation, a person will be less passionate about achieving

the desired things.

Elsa Mutiah, Sardiah Srikandi, Konsep Pengembangan Kreativitas AUD didalam jurnal
BUHUTS AL-ATHFAL, Pendidikan dan Anak Usia dini, Vol.1 No.1 (1 Juni 2021).
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan,
( Bandung:Remaja Rosdakarya2017), p. 93.


A. Research Design

In this study, researchers used qualitative research methods. According to

Sugiyono, qualitative research is a scientific research process that is intended to

understand human problems in a social context by creating a comprehensive and

complex picture that is presented, reporting detailed views from information

sources, and carried out in a natural setting without any engineering from


The type of research that the author uses is descriptive. According to Nana

Syaodih Sukmadinata, qualitative descriptive research is aimed at describing and

describing existing phenomena, both natural and human engineering, which pay

more attention to the characteristics, quality, and relationships between activities.

In addition, descriptive research does not provide treatment, manipulation, or

change on the variables studied, but describes a condition as it is.33

Based on the information from some of the experts above, it can be concluded

that qualitative descriptive research is a series of activities to obtain data that is

Sugiyono, Metode penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif Dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2011), p.8.
Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,
2011, p.73.
what it is without any engineering. Here, researchers use qualitative descriptive

research methods because they want to describe or analyze how the process of

language adjustment in new students at the Al-Muhajirin Modern Islamic

Boarding School.

B. Research Setting

Researchers conducted research in grade 7 of Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding

School Kutai Kartanegara coinciding on Jln. Soekarno Hatta, Km. 02, Gg. H.

Kasiani, Rt. 036, Gunung Pagat, Loa janan Ulu, Kutai Kartanegara, East

Kalimantan. This Islamic boarding school is used as a place of research because

the pesantren has been established since 2008, but the application of using foreign

languages has only been implemented in 2022. The researchers started the

research on Saturday, February 25, 2023, until Wednesday, June 10, 2023, and

the researchers decided to conduct a study to find out how the process of English

adjustment in new students.

C. Research Instrument

In qualitative research, researchers collect data based on observations of

natural situations, as they are without being influenced or manipulated.

Researchers who initiate or enter the field relate directly to the situation and the

people they investigate. Therefore, researchers must observe or plunge directly

into the field to get the results of interviews that can be documented in writing or

from recordings, or in the form of videos.

D. Sample Sumber Data

Researchers used purposive sampling in this study which referred to new

students in grade 7 MTS there were 17 people, 6 student coaches, and leaders of

the Modern Al-Muhajirin Islamic boarding school to make it easier for

researchers to get information from the research studied.

E. Data Collection Technique

Data collection techniques in this study are as follows:

1. Observation

Observation activities include systematically recording events,

behavior, objects seen, and other things needed to support the research

being carried out. According to Nasution, observation is the basis of all

science because scientists can work based on data obtained through

observation.34 Researchers dig up information from several sources at the

Modern Islamic Boarding School Al-Muhajirin Kutai Kartanegra, so that

researchers place themselves consciously in a certain location to observe

the behavior of subjects or natural things around them.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2021), p.226
According to Patton, the benefits of observation for researchers are:35

a. Able to understand the context of data in overall social


b. Gain new experience to use an inductive approach that

can find new things in research.

c. Found something that has not been revealed by

respondents in the interview process.

d. Find things that are beyond the perception of

respondents, to obtain a more comprehensive picture.

2. Interview

The interview is a face-to-face question-and-answer activity about the

problem under study, where the interviewer intends to obtain perceptions,

attitudes, and mindsets from the interviewee that are relevant to the

problem under study. In this case, interviews were conducted with the

lodge and the seventh-grade students involved in it to obtain the required


Researchers used semi-structural interviews in this study, according to

Esterberg This type of interview is included in the category of in-depth

interviews, where the implementation is freer when compared to

structured interviews. The goal is to find problems more openly, where the
Ibid,.. p. 414.
interviewee is asked for their opinions and ideas. In conducting

interviews, researchers need to listen carefully and record what is stated

by informants.36

3. Documentation

Documentation is a record that can be in the form of a piece of paper

containing writing about reality, evidence, or information, it can also be in

the form of photos, tapes or recordings, slides, or films. Documents are

complementary to the use of observation and interview methods that are

useful as evidence of data sources to prove the credibility of data on

something under study.37

F. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis is the systematic process of searching and organizing

transcriptions of interviews, field notes, and other materials that researchers have

collected to increase the researcher's understanding of these materials and to

enable researchers to present what researchers have discovered to others.

According to Miles and Huberman, several steps must be taken in qualitative data

analysis, namely:38

1. Data Reduction
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian……..,p.235
Ibid…., \p.240
The data obtained from the field is quite a lot, and for that, it

needs to be recorded carefully and in detail. Reducing data is

summarizing, choosing the main things, and focusing on the

things that matter. Thus the reduced data will provide a clearer

picture, and make it easier for researchers to collect further data,

and look for it when needed. Data reduction can be assisted by

electronic equipment such as minicomputers, by providing inde

into certain aspects.

2. Data Display

In qualitative research, the presentation of data can be done in

the form of brief descriptions, charts, relationships between

categories, flowcharts, and the like. According to Miles and

Huberman stated "the most frequent form of display data for

qualitative research data in the past has been narrative text", by

displaying data, it will be easier to understand what happened, and

plan the next work based on what has been understood.

3. Conclusion

The conclusions put forward are temporary and will change if

no strong supporting evidence is found at the next stage of data

collection. But if the conclusions presented at an early stage, are

supported by valid and consistent evidence when researchers

return to the field to collect data, then the conclusions put forward

are credible.

Thus, conclusions in qualitative research may be able to

answer the formulation of problems formulated from the

beginning, but may not be, because as has been stated that

problems and problem formulations in qualitative research are still

temporary and will develop after the research is in the field.


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