Peer Review Qa B Sung

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Reviewer Presenter Comment Question Q&A part + Mark

L.T Yến Hoàng Minh The presentation’s sructure is clearly divided (1)What is the most Mark: 86
L.T Thảo Nhật into an overview of the project, past results, challenging issue/event Mark: 83
evaluation of completed works and future you need to overcome in (1)At the first
works. The organization helps the listener the rest of time of response, he
understand the past process of the project to project? focused on the
the present time. Nhat has shown that he is project challenge in
confident and knows very well about his (2)What do think you total (time-
project, what is the future development of the about the dedicating, manage
next steps, what are the remaining problems. feedback/reaction of resources..), it’s
However, the introduction will be more companies/audiences to good, but it would
complete if you give the plan of the whole your new web? be better if he
project so that listeners know what the caught question’s
specific steps are and how long the key words, most
performance will take. In addition, in the challenging
Progress Report section, you clearly indicate issue/event and the
what the problems are, but you should have rest of time to
specific solutions to solve them, avoid emphasize a
repeating in the next steps. The video is difficulty at a
simple but looks quite professional, eye- particular stage of
catching, and detailed. You have a confident all project and it
performance and good body language. belongs to future
stage you have to
deal with. The
repetition and
second explanation
he had a satisfing
answer. Good
confident, smoothly
N.T.T Cầm Nguyễn Quang Content is well organized so that the listener Mark: 85
L.T Thảo Chung can understand the progress of the project. (1) What methods Mark: 85
Going into specific 4 parts of the content, help you to assess
Chung clearly outlines the steps and specific the entire course? His responses in
content when building a workbook and the Is it effective or three questions
content of the lessons and supporting ineffective? satisfy the
materials for the lesson. Fully illustrated, interviewers’
with stage wall output. However, in the (2) What challenged question (detailed,
section Weaknesses & Updates, Chung gives you most in the logical and
2 line charts, however he does not specify the completed focused). However,
chart name and caption for the 3 blue, gray stages? Then how he does not apply
and black lines so that readers can did you tackle it? body language and
distinguish. He gives a confident seem to concentrate
(3) What are your
presentation, it would be even better if he project’s on his note rather
made better use of his boday languauge. strengths? than contacting by
eyes with

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