Taste Brochure

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The three nerve associated with taste are:

The tongue
Facial nerve( cranial nerve VII)-provides
fibers to the anterior two third of the The Tongue:
Is a muscular organ in the mouth covered with a moist, pink tissue called mucosa.

tongue. Occupies floor of the mouth

Glossopharyngeal nerve( cranial nerve It is 3 inches long
IX)-provides fibers to the posterior third of Superior surface consists of
the tongue. stratified squamous epithelium
Vagus nerve ( cranial nerve X)-provides Has numerous papillae containing
fibers to the epiglottis region. sensory receptors for the sense of
Taste sense is served by cranial nerves VII, IX, taste in taste bud.
and X, that send impulses to the solitary

nucleus of the medulla. From there, impulses

are sent to the thalamus and the gustatory

Two major types of Epithelial cells in the

taste bud: .
Gustatory Epithelial cells: Parts of the Tongue:
Gustatory hair projects from the tip of the Root: Taste refers to the
gustatory epithelial cells located between the hyoid bone and throughout of flavour
Sensory dendrites, surround the gustatory the mandible felt in the mouth and
epithelial cells, this represents the initial Attaches the tongue to the roof of the
gustatory pathway to the brain
the throat in touch
with any substance.
Makes up the anterior ⅔ of the tongue

Basal Epithelial cells: Rough surface due to the lingual Is a muscular organ in
Taste buds are frequently exposed to friction papillae the mouth covered
and burns, by hot food thus, the buds are Apex(tip): with a moist,pink
replaced every 7-10 days Rest against the incisor teeth
The basal epithelial cells divide and tissue called mucosa.
Is highly mobile
differentiate into new gustatory cells

Fibers carrying taster from the

tongue are found in two cranial Gustatory Pathway
nerves pairs.
fibers synapse in the solidarity
nucleus the medulla,and from
there impulse stream to the
thalamus and to the gustatory
cortex in the insula.
fibers also project to the
hypothalamus and limbic system Taste Receptors
structure region determine the
The seven most common flavors in
appreciation of what we are
food that are directly detected by the
tongue are: sweet, bitter, sour, salty,

meaty (umami), cool, and hot.

Each taste bud has between 50 to

150 taste receptor cells. These cells
contain receptors that extend
upward inside the taste pore. These
Three nerves that carries taste signals to extensions are taste hairs called
the brain stem: microvilli. The microvilli come into
1. The chorda tympani nerve-provides fiber contact with the chemicals in the
to anterior two-thirds of the tongue food and drink you consume.
2. The glossopharyngeal nerve- provides

The three types of papillae Each type of receptor has a different

fiber to posterior third of the tongue
are: 3. The vagus nerve (from the throat area manner of sensory transduction: that
fungiform (mushroom like) and palate) is, of detecting the presence of a
filiform (filum - thread like) certain compound and starting an
circumvallate. action potential which alerts the

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