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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.210,488 B2

Sun et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 8, 2015
(54) TIMESTAMPADJUSTMENT IN USPC .......... 398/58, 67, 74, 75, 154, 155, 158, 161
MULT-POINT CONTROL PROTOCOL See application file for complete search history.
(71) Applicant: Futurewei Technologies, Inc., Plano,
TX (US) 7,733,886 B2 * 6/2010 Choi et al. .................... 370/401
2007/00 14575 A1 1/2007 Kramer et al. .................. 398.71
(72) Inventors: Fanglin Sun, Shenzhen (CN); Quan Bo (Continued)
Zhao, Shenzhen (CN); Li Zhang,
Wuhan (CN); Guang Sheng Wu, OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Shenzhen (CN); Jim Chen, Corona, CA “IEEE Standard for Informational technology Telecommunica
tions and information exchange between systems—Local and Met
(73) Assignee: Futurewei Technologies, Inc., Plano, ropolitan Networks—Specific requirements, Part 3: Carrier Sense
TX (US) Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access
Method and Physical Layer Specifications; Amendment: Media
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers, and Management
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks.” IEEE Standards 802.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 3ah, IEEE Computer Society, LAN/MAN Standards Committee,
Sep. 7, 2004, 640 pages.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/051, 197 (Continued)
(22) Filed: Oct. 10, 2013
Primary Examiner — Dalzid Singh
(65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Conley Rose, P.C.; Grant
US 2015/O104173 A1 Apr. 16, 2015 Rodolph; Jonathan K. Polk
(51) Int. Cl.
H04B I/00 (2013.01) A method performed by a FCU comprising receiving a MPCP
H04. I4/00 (2006.01) request message from a CNU via an electrical network,
(Continued) wherein the MPCP request message comprises a first times
tamp, adjusting the first timestamp in the MPCP request
(52) U.S. Cl. message by an electrical network delay, and forwarding the
CPC ............ H04O II/0071 (2013.01); H04L 45/16 MPCP request message with the adjusted timestamp to an
(2013.01); H04L 4 7/826 (2013.01); H04Q OLT via an optical network. Also disclosed is a method per
II/0067 (2013.01); H04O 2011/0064 formed by an OLT comprising receiving a MPCP message
(2013.01); H04O 2011/0079 (2013.01) from a CNU via a FCU and an optical network, obtaining an
(58) Field of Classification Search arrival time of the MPCP message, adjusting a timestamp in
CPC .............. H04J 14/0227; H04J 14/0272; H04J the MPCP message by subtracting an electrical network delay
14/0278; H04J 2014/0227; H04J 2203/0057; from the timestamp, and computing a RTT delay based on the
H04Q 11/0067; H04Q 11/0071; H04Q timestamp and the arrival time.
2011/0064; H04Q 2011/0079; H04L 45/16:
HO4L 47/826 24 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets

Network Element

2OO N Clock
update module
Downstream Timestamp
Ports adjustment

US 9.210,488 B2
Page 2

(51) Int. Cl. specification.” ITU-T Recommendation G.984.2, ITU-T Telecom

H04, 4/00 (2006.01) munication Standardization Sector, Mar. 2003, 38 pages.
H04Q 11/00 (2006.01) “IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for
Networked Measurement and Control Systems.” IEEE Instrumenta
H04L 2/76 (2013.01) tion and Measurement Society, IEEE Standard 1588, Jul. 24, 2008,
H04L 2/9II (2013.01) 289 pages.
“Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment X: Physical Layer Speci
(56) References Cited fications and Management Parameters for Ethernet Passive Optical
Networks Protocol over Coax.” IEEE Computer Society LAN/
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS MAN Standards Committee, IEEE P802.3bn/2, Sep. 17, 2013, 206
2010.0040369 A1 2/2010 Zhao et al. ...................... 398,58 “DOCSIS 3.0 Management Features Differences Technical Report.”
2013/0272708 A1* 10/2013 Mizuguchi et al. ... 398.71 CableLabs Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications,
2013/03 15595 A1* 11/2013 Barr ................................ 398,67
CM-TR-MGMTv3.0-DIFF-V01-071228, Dec. 28, 2007, 62 pages.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS “Cable Modem to Customer Premise Equipment Interface Specifi
cation.” CableLabs Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifica
“Draft Standard for Information technology Telecommunications tions, CM-SP-CMCIv3.0-I01-080320, Mar. 20, 2008, 19 pages.
and information exchange between systems—Local and metropoli “DOCSIS 3.0 OSSI Configuration Management Technical Report.”
tan area networks—Specific Requirements, Part 3: Carrier Sense CableLabs Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications,
Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access CM-TR-OSSIv3.0-CM-V01-080926, Sep. 26, 2008, 84 pages.
“Physical Layer Specification.” CableLabs Data-Over-Cable Service
Method and Physical Layer Specifications, Amendment: Physical Interface Specifications DOCSIS 3.0, CM-SP-PHYv3.0-I08
Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 10 Gb's Pas 090121, Jan. 21, 2009, 169 pages.
sive Optical Networks.” IEEE P802.3av D2.2, IEEE Computer Soci “MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification.”
ety, LAN/MAN Standards Committee, Dec. 3, 2008, 267 pages. CableLabs Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications
“Next Generation Ethernet Passive Optical Network (NG-EPON).” DOCSIS 3.0, CM-SP-MULPIv3.0-I12-100115, Jan. 15, 2010, 766
Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) Version pageS.
1.93, IEEE Standards Association, Sep. 3, 2013, 6 pages. “Operations Support System Interface Specification.” CableLabs
“Series G: Transmission Systems and Media, Digital Systems and Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications DOCSIS 3.0,
Networks, Digital sections and digital line system Optical line sys CM-SP-OSSIv3.0-I11-100115, Jan. 15, 2010, 805 pages.
tems for local and access networks, Broadband optical access sys "Security Specification'. CableLabs Data-Over-Cable Service Inter
tems based on Passive OpticalNetworks (PON).” ITU-T Recommen face Specifications DOCSIS 3.0, CM-SP-SECv3.0-I12-100115, Jan.
dation G.983.1, ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector, 15, 2010, 225 pages.
Jan. 2005, 124 pages. "Downstream RF Interface Specification.” CableLabs Data-Over
“Series G: Transmission Systems and Media, Digital Systems and Cable Service Interface Specifications, CM-SP-DRFI-I11-110210,
Networks, Digital Sections and digital line systems—Optical line Feb. 10, 2011, 70 pages.
Systems for local and access networks, Gigabit-capable Passive Opti
cal Networks (GPON): Physical Media Dependent (PMD) layer * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 1 of 9 US 9.210,488 B2

U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 2 of 9 US 9.210,488 B2

NetWOrk Element

200 \ Clock
update module
220 250
DOWnStream Timestamp Upstream
POrts adjustment POrtS


FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 3 of 9 US 9.210,488 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 4 of 9 US 9.210,488 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 5 Of 9 US 9.210,488 B2

Receive MPCP Gate message 510

(timestamp = to)

Reset FCU optics clock time = to 530

Forward MPCP Gate message

(timestamp = to) 540

Receive MPCP Report message

(timestamp = t4) 550

Adjust timestampt
t1 = local optics time - Coax delay 560

Forward MPCP Report message 570

(timestamp = ti")
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 6 of 9 US 9.210,488 B2

U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 7 Of 9 US 9.210,488 B2

Receive MPCP Gate message 710

(timestamp = to)

Read timestamp to 720

Reset CNU Coax clock time = to 730

Process MPCP Gate message 740

Generate MPCP Report message 750

(timestamp = t4)

Adjust timestamp ti 760

t1 = local Coax time - Coax delay

SendMPCP Report message

(timestamp = ti") 770
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 8 of 9 US 9.210,488 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2015 Sheet 9 Of 9 US 9.210,488 B2

Generate MPCP Gate message 910

SendMPCP Gate message at

time to 920

Receive MPCP Report message 930

(timestamp = t4)

Read arrival time t2 of MPCP 940

Report message

Read timestamp ti' 950

Adjust timestamp ti' 960

t" = ti' - Coax delay

Compute RTT
RTT = t2 -t" 970
US 9,210,488 B2
1. 2
TIMESTAMPADJUSTMENT IN timestamp in a MPCP reply message, wherein the second
MULTI-POINT CONTROL PROTOCOL timestamp comprises a local transmission time adjusted for
(MPCP) MESSAGES FOR ETHERNET an electrical network delay, and a transmitter coupled to the
PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORK (PON) processor configured to transmit the MPCP reply message to
PROTOCOL OVER COAXAL NETWORK an OLT via the electrical network, the FCU, and an optical
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED These and other features will be more clearly understood
APPLICATIONS from the following detailed description taken in conjunction
with the accompanying drawings and claims.
Not Applicable.
SPONSORED RESEARCH ORDEVELOPMENT For a more complete understanding of this disclosure, ref
erence is now made to the following brief description, taken
Not applicable. in connection with the accompanying drawings and detailed
description, wherein like reference numerals represent like
Not applicable. FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of a
unified optical-coaxial network.
BACKGROUND FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of a
network element (NE), which may act as a node in a unified
A passive optical network (PON) is one system for provid optical-coaxial network.
ing network access over “the last mile'. PON may be a point FIG. 3 is a message timing diagram of an embodiment of
to-multipoint (P2MP) network with passive splitters posi 25 coaxial (coax) delay factors in a unified optical-coaxial net
tioned in an optical distribution network (ODN) to enable a work.
single feeding fiber from a central office to serve multiple FIG. 4 is a message timing diagram of an embodiment of a
customer premises. PON may employ different wavelengths method of MPCP message timestamp adjustment at a FCU.
for upstream and downstream transmissions. Ethernet pas FIG. 5 is a flowchart of another embodiment of a MPCP
sive optical network (EPON) is a PON standard developed by 30 message timestamp adjustment method at a FCU.
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) FIG. 6 is a message timing diagram of another embodiment
and specified in IEEE documents 802.3ah and 802.3av, both of a method of MPCP message timestamp adjustment at a
of which are incorporated herein by reference. CNU.
There may be a rising demand which Supports the use of FIG. 7 is a flowchart of another embodiment of a MPCP
EPON as an access system to interconnect with multiple 35 message timestamp adjustment method at a CNU.
coaxial cables to connect Customer Premises Equipment FIG. 8 is a message timing diagram of another embodiment
(CPEs) located in the subscribers’ homes with an Ethernet of a method of MPCP message timestamp adjustment at an
PON over Coaxial (EPoC) architecture. In an EPON or an OLT.
EPoC network, downstream traffic may be broadcast to cus FIG. 9 is a flowchart of another embodiment of a MPCP
tomer premises, while upstream bandwidths may be shared 40 message timestamp adjustment method and a RTT calcula
among multiple customer premises. An upstream scheduler tion method at an OLT.
may consider a network round trip time (RTT) delay when
assigning upstream transmission times. DETAILED DESCRIPTION

SUMMARY 45 It should be understood at the outset that, although an

illustrative implementation of one or more embodiments are
In one embodiment, the disclosure includes a method per provided below, the disclosed systems and/or methods may
formed by a fiber coaxial unit (FCU) comprising receiving a be implemented using any number of techniques, whether
Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP) request message from currently known or in existence. The disclosure should in no
a coaxial network unit (CNU) via an electrical network, 50 way be limited to the illustrative implementations, drawings,
wherein the MPCP request message comprises a first times and techniques illustrated below, including the exemplary
tamp, adjusting the first timestamp in the MPCP request designs and implementations illustrated and described
message by an electrical network delay, and forwarding the herein, but may be modified within the scope of the appended
MPCP request message with the adjusted timestamp to an claims along with their full scope of equivalents.
optical line terminal (OLT) via an optical network. 55 A PON may be a P2MP network comprising an OLT at a
In another embodiment, the disclosure includes a method central office, an ODN, and a plurality of optical network
performed by an OLT comprising receiving a MPCP message units (ONUs) at customer premises. The OLT may implement
from a CNU via a FCU and an optical network, obtaining an an EPON Media Access Control (MAC) layer for transmis
arrival time of the MPCP message, adjusting a timestamp in sion of Ethernet frames. MPCP may be employed to perform
the MPCP message by subtracting an electrical network delay 60 bandwidth assignment, bandwidth polling, auto-discovery,
from the timestamp, and computing a RTT delay based on the and ranging. Ethernet frames may be broadcast downstream
timestamp and the arrival time. based on a Logical Link Identifier (LLID) embedded in a
In yet another embodiment, the disclosure includes a CNU preamble frame. Upstream bandwidth may be assigned based
comprising a receiver configured to receive a MPCP message on an exchange of Gate and Report messages between an OLT
comprising a first timestamp from a FCU via an electrical 65 and an ONU. A clock synchronization protocol such as IEEE
network, a processor coupled to the receiver configured to set document 1588, which is incorporated by reference, may be
a local time based on the first timestamp, and encode a second used to synchronize clocks throughout a network. Alterna
US 9,210,488 B2
3 4
tively, MPCP messages may be time stamped and used for timestamp. The OLT may then take the RTT into consider
clock synchronization between an OLT and ONUs. ation when assigning upstream grants for the ONU.
Ethernet over Coaxial (EOC) may describe any technology The EPON MPCP signaling protocol may be extended to
which can be used for transmission of Ethernet frames over a the coaxial segment of the network So that an OLT may
coaxial network. Other than Data Over Cable Service Inter allocate upstream bandwidths for CNUs connected on the
face Specification (DOCSIS), all EoC technologies transmit coaxial network. Applying the same EPON RTT calculation
Ethernet Frames in the MAC layer. EoC technologies may method to the coaxial segment may result in a timing drift
include, for example, Multimedia over Coax Alliance since the OLT has no knowledge of the delay inherent in the
(MoCA), Home Grid (, Home Phoneline Networking coaxial network. Thus, a MPCP message transmitted from a
Alliance (HPNA), and HomePlug Audio/Visual (A/V). EoC 10 CNU may not be received on time at the OLT. Incorporation
has been adapted to run outdoor coax access from an ONU to of the coax delay into the RTT measurement may support
an EoC head end connected to CPEs located in subscribers
EPoC operation.
homes. Disclosed herein are mechanisms to Support the unified
An EPoC system may be a hybrid access network employ optical-coaxial network architecture. The disclosed embodi
15 ments may support inclusion of the coax delay in a unified
ing both optical and coaxial technologies. The EPoC may optical-coaxial network RTT measurement by adjusting the
comprise two segments: an optical segment that may com timestamp in MPCP messages. In one embodiment, the
prise a PON, and a coaxial segment that may comprise a MPCP message timestamp may be adjusted at a FCU. In
coaxial cable network. In the PON segment, an OLT may be another embodiment, the MPCP message timestamp may be
positioned in a local exchange or central office where the OLT adjusted at a CNU. In another embodiment, the MPCP mes
may connect the EPoC access network to an Internet Protocol sage timestamp may be adjusted at an OLT. The disclosed
(IP). Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), and/or Asyn embodiments may determine the coax delay at a FCU and/or
chronous Transfer Mode (ATM) backbone. In the coaxial a CNU and send the coax delay to the OLT in an Operation,
segment, CNUs may be positioned at end-user locations, and Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) message. In
each CNU may serve a plurality (e.g. three to four) of end 25 another embodiment, the coax delay may be a constant value,
users which may be known as subscribers. AFCU may merge and/or a range of values determined by the OLT based on
the interface between the PON segment and the coaxial seg network deployment configuration. The disclosed embodi
ment of the network. The FCU may be a single box unit that ments may apply a coax delay value to an individual CNU, a
may be located where an ONU and a Coaxial Line Terminal group of CNUs, and/or may apply a different coax delay for a
(CLT) are fused together, for example, at a curb or at a 30 different group of CNUs. In addition, the OLT may incorpo
basement of an apartment building. rate the coax delay into an OLT scheduler to allocate
In an embodiment of an EPON architecture, the MPCP upstream resources and control traffic flow in the network.
protocol defined in IEEE 802.3av may provide signaling EPON MPCP signaling protocol defined in IEEE 802.3av
mechanisms between an OLT and ONUs through a MPCP may be extended to support EPoC network with the added
message exchange. An OLT may assign upstream bandwidths 35 coax delay, which may support direct application of an EPON
to ONUs by sending MPCP Gate messages. Each MPCP Gate scheduler to an EPoC network. In addition, the disclosed
message may comprise a grant start time and a grant length embodiments may support coexistence of EPON ONUs and
for one or more upstream grants. ONUS may request EPoC CNUs. It should be noted that in the present disclosure,
upstream bandwidths by sending MPCP Report messages. the terms FCU, Coaxial Media Converter (CMC), Optical
Each MPCP Report message may comprise sizes of one or 40 Coaxial Converted Unit (OCU) and CLT may be equivalent
more queues ready for transmission. ONUs may request to and may be used interchangeably.
register to an OLT by sending MPCP Registration Request FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of a unified optical-co
messages comprising the ONUs capabilities. MPCP Report axial network 100 comprising an optical portion 150 and a
messages and MPCP Registration Request messages may coaxial (electrical) portion 152. The unified optical-coaxial
both be considered MPCP request and/or reply messages. 45 network 100 may include an OLT 110, at least one CNU 130
Each MPCP message may comprise a timestamp that may coupled to a plurality of subscriber devices 140, and a CMC
indicate a message transmission time. A timestamp may be a 120 positioned between the OLT 110 and the CNU 130, e.g.,
clock value on a local clock or a local counter at the transmit between the optical portion 150 and the coaxial portion 152.
ter when the MPCP message is transmitted. The MPCP pro The OLT 110 may be coupled via an ODN 115 to the CMCs
tocol may employ a global timing model, where the global 50 120, and optionally to one or more ONUs, or one or more
reference time may be provided by the OLT clock. All ONUs Hybrid Fiber Coaxial (HFC) nodes 160 in the optical portion
may be required to adjust their local clocks based on the OLT 150. The ODN 115 may comprise fiber optics and an optical
clock. The MPCP messages timestamps may allow the OLT splitter 117 and/or a cascade of 1 xM passive optical splitters
to estimate a round trip time (e.g. upstream and downstream that couple OLT 110 to the CMC 120 and any ONUs. The
transmission times plus delays) in the network. For example, 55 value of Min EPoC, e.g., the number of CMCs, may for
when an OLT transmits a MPCP Gate message to an ONU, example be 4, 8, 16, or other values and may be selected by the
the OLT may time stamp the MPCP Gate message with its operator depending on factors such as optical power budget.
current clock time. The ONU may reset its local clock to the The CMC 120 may be coupled to the CNUs 130 via an
OLT clock upon the reception of the MPCP Gate message by electrical distribution network (EDN) 135, which may com
setting its local clock to the time value carried in the MPCP 60 prise a cable splitter 137, a cascade of taps/splitters, and/or
Gate message timestamp. The ONU may respond by sending one or more amplifiers. Each OLT 110 port may serve 32, 64.
a MPCP Report message and time stamp the MPCP Report 128 or 256 CNUs 130. It should be noted that the upstream
message with the ONU's updated clock time at the time of transmissions from CNUs may only reach the CMC 120 and
transmission. Upon reception of the MPCP Report message, not the other CNUs 130 due to a directional property of the
the OLT may determine the RTT between the OLT and the 65 tap. The distances between the OLT 110 and the ONUs and/or
ONU by computing the difference between the OLT current CMCs 120 may range from about 10 to about 20 kilometers,
local clock time and the value in the MPCP Report message and the distances between the CMC 120 and CNUs 130 may
US 9,210,488 B2
5 6
range from about 100 to about 500 meters. The unified opti same or different logical structure as compared with the opti
cal-coaxial network 100 may comprise any number of HFCs cal signals. As such, the CMC 120 may encapsulate or frame
160, CMCs 120 and corresponding CNUs 130. The compo the data in the optical portion 150 and the coaxial portion 152
nents of unified optical-coaxial network 100 may be arranged differently. In an embodiment, the CMC 120 may include a
as shown in FIG. 1 or any other Suitable arrangement. 5 MAC layer 125 and physical (PHY) layers, corresponding to
The optical portion 150 of the unified optical-coaxial net the type of signals carried over the respective media. The
work 100 may be similar to a PON in that the optical portion MAC layer 125 may provide addressing and channel access
150 may be a communications network that does not require control services to the PHY layers. As such, the PHY may
active components to distribute data between the OLT 110 comprise an optical PHY 127 and a coaxial PHY 129. In
and the CMC 120. Instead, the optical portion 150 may use 10 many embodiments, the CMC 120 may be transparent to the
the passive optical components in the ODN 115 to distribute CNU 130 and OLT 110 in that the frames sent from the OLT
data between the OLT 110 and the CMC 120. Examples of 110 to the CNU 130 may be directly addressed to the CNU
suitable protocols that may be implemented in the optical 130 (e.g. in the destination address), and Vice-versa. As such,
portion 150 may include asynchronous transfer mode PON the CMC 120 may intermediate between network portions,
(APON) or broadband PON (BPON) defined by the Interna 15 namely an optical portion 150 and a coaxial portion 152 in the
tional Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecommunication example of FIG. 1. As discussed further below, an identifier
Standardization Sector (ITU-T) document G.983, Gigabit may be associated with each CMC 120, and the identifier may
PON (GPON) defined by the ITU-T document G.984, the uniquely identify the each CMC 120.
EPON defined by the IEEE documents 802.3ah and 802.3av, The electrical portion 152 of the unified electrical and
all of which are incorporated by reference as if reproduced in coaxial network 100 may be similar to any known electrical
their entirety, the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) communication system. The electrical portion 152 may not
PON (WDM-PON), and the Next Generation EPON (NGE require any active components to distribute data between the
PON) in development by IEEE. CMC 120 and the CNU 130. Instead, the electrical portion
The OLT 110 may be any device configured to communi 152 may use the passive electrical components in the electri
cate with the CNUs 130 via the CMC 120. The OLT 110 may 25 cal portion 152 to distribute data between the CMC 120 and
act as an intermediary between the CMCs 120 and/or CNUs the CNUs 130. Alternatively, the electrical portion 152 may
130 and another backbone network (e.g. the Internet). The use Some active components. Such as amplifiers. Examples of
OLT 110 may forward data received from a backbone net suitable protocols that may be implemented in the electrical
work to the CMCs 120 and/or CNUS 130 and forward data portion 152 include MoCA,, HPNA, and HomePlug
received from the CMCs 120 or CNUS 130 onto the backbone 30 A/V.
network. Although the specific configuration of the OLT 110 The EDN 135 may be a data distribution system that may
may vary depending on the type of optical protocol imple comprise electrical cables (e.g. coaxial cables, twisted wires,
mented in the optical portion 150, in an embodiment, OLT etc.), couplers, splitters, distributors, and/or other equipment.
110 may comprise an optical transmitter and an optical In an embodiment, the electrical cables, couplers, splitters,
receiver. When the backbone network employs a network 35 distributors, and/or other equipment may be passive electrical
protocol that is different from the protocol used in the optical components. Specifically, the electrical cables, couplers,
portion 150, OLT 110 may comprise a converter that may splitters, distributors, and/or other equipment may be com
convert the backbone network protocol into the protocol of ponents that do not require any power to distribute data Sig
the optical portion 150. The OLT converter may also convert nals between the CMC 120 and the CNU 130. It should be
the optical portion 150 protocol into the backbone network 40 noted that the electrical cables may be replaced by any elec
protocol. trical transmission media in some embodiments. In some
The ODN 115 may be a data distribution system that may embodiments, the EDN 135 may comprise one or more elec
comprise optical fiber cables, couplers, splitters, distributors, trical amplifiers. The EDN 135 may extend from the CMC
and/or other equipment. In an embodiment, the optical fiber 120 to the CNU 130 in a branching configuration as shown in
cables, couplers, splitters, distributors, and/or other equip 45 FIG. 1, but may be alternatively configured as determined by
ment may be passive optical components. Specifically, the a person of ordinary skill in the art.
optical fiber cables, couplers, splitters, distributors, and/or In an embodiment, the CNUs 130 may be any devices that
other equipment may be components that do not require any are configured to communicate with the OLT 110, the CMC
power to distribute data signals between the OLT 110 and the 120, and any subscriber devices 140. The CNUs 130 may act
CMC 120. It should be noted that the optical fiber cables may 50 as intermediaries between the CMC 120 and the subscriber
be replaced by any optical transmission media in some devices 140. For instance, the CNUs 130 may forward data
embodiments. In some embodiments, the ODN 115 may received from the CMC 120 to the subscriber devices 140,
comprise one or more optical amplifiers. The ODN 115 may and may forward data received from the subscriber devices
extend from the OLT 110 to the CMC 120 and any optional 140 toward the OLT 110. Although the specific configuration
ONUs in a branching configuration as shown in FIG. 1, but 55 of the CNUs 130 may vary depending on the type of unified
may be alternatively configured as determined by a person of optical-coaxial network 100, in an embodiment, the CNUs
ordinary skill in the art. 130 may comprise an electrical transmitter configured to send
The CMC 120 may be any device or component configured electrical signals to the CMC 120 and an electrical receiver
to forward downstream data from the OLT 110 to the corre configured to receive electrical signals from the CMC 120.
sponding CNUs 130 and forward upstream data from the 60 Additionally, the CNUs 130 may comprise a converter that
CNUs 130 to the OLT 110. The CMC 120 may convert the may convert CMC 120 electrical signals into electrical sig
downstream and upstream data appropriately to transfer the nals for the subscriber devices 140, such as signals in IEEE
data between the optical portion 150 and the coaxial portion 802.11 wireless local area network (WiFi) protocol. The
152. The data transferred over the ODN 115 may be trans CNUs 130 may further comprise a second transmitter and/or
mitted and/or received in the form of optical signals, and the 65 receiver that may send and/or receive the converted electrical
data transferred over the EDN 135 may be transmitted and/or signals to the subscriber devices 140. In some embodiments,
received in the form of electrical signals that may have the CNUs 130 and coaxial network terminals (CNTs) are similar,
US 9,210,488 B2
7 8
and thus the terms are used interchangeably herein. The 232, which may be executed by processor 230. The memory
CNUs 130 may be typically located at distributed locations, module 232 may comprise a cache for temporarily storing
Such as the customer premises, but may be located at other content, e.g., a Random Access Memory (RAM). Addition
locations as well. ally, the memory module 232 may comprise a long-term
The subscriber devices 140 may be any devices configured 5 storage for storing content relatively longer, e.g., a Read Only
to interface with a user or a user device. For example, the Memory (ROM). For instance, the cache and the long-term
subscribed devices 140 may include desktop computers, lap storage may include dynamic random access memories
top computers, tablets, mobile telephones, residential gate (DRAMs), solid-state drives (SSDs), hard disks, or combina
ways, televisions, set-top boxes, and similar devices. tions thereof.
The OLT 110 may schedule a CNU 130 with an upstream 10 It is understood that by programming and/or loading
grant by taking the RTT between the OLT 110 and the CNU executable instructions onto the NE 200, at least one of the
130 into consideration. The RTT in a network may vary processor 230 and/or memory 232 are changed, transforming
depend on various factors including system configuration, the NE 200 in part into aparticular machine or apparatus, e.g.,
network deployment, and/or network traffic load. For the a multi-core forwarding architecture, having the novel func
example, an embodiment may comprise varying numbers of 15 tionality taught by the present disclosure. It is fundamental to
amplifiers between a CMC 120 and a CNU 130. As another the electrical engineering and Software engineering arts that
example, the CMC 120 may be located at the head-end in functionality that can be implemented by loading executable
close proximity to the OLT 110. In addition, the RTT in Software into a computer can be converted to a hardware
network 100 may include delays over both the optical portion implementation by well-known design rules. Decisions
150 and coaxial (electrical) portion 152 of the network 100. between implementing a concept in Software versus hardware
It should be noted that the present disclosure may describe typically hinge on considerations of stability of the design
mechanisms for adjusting the timestamp in a MPCP Report and numbers of units to be produced rather than any issues
message, which may be sent by a CNU 130 during a band involved in translating from the software domain to the hard
width request. However, it will be understood by those skilled ware domain. Generally, a design that is still Subject to fre
in the art that the MPCP message timestamp adjustment 25 quent change may be preferred to be implemented in Soft
mechanisms set forth herein may also be applied to other ware, because re-spinning a hardware implementation is
MPCP operations, such as a discovery process, where the more expensive than re-spinning a Software design. Gener
timestamp adjustment may be applied to a MPCP registration ally, a design that is stable that will be produced in large
request message sent by a CNU 130. volume may be preferred to be implemented in hardware, for
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of a 30 example in an ASIC, because for large production runs the
Network Element (NE) 200, which may act as an OLT 110, a hardware implementation may be less expensive than the
FCU 120, or a CNU 130 by implementing any of the schemes software implementation. Often a design may be developed
described herein. In some embodiments NE 200 may also act and tested in a software form and later transformed, by well
as other node(s) in the network. One skilled in the art will known design rules, to an equivalent hardware implementa
recognize that the term NE encompasses a broad range of 35 tion in an ASIC that hardwires the instructions of the soft
devices of which NE 200 is merely an example. NE 200 is ware. In the same manner as a machine controlled by a new
included for purposes of clarity of discussion, but is in no way ASIC is a particular machine or apparatus, likewise a com
meant to limit the application of the present disclosure to a puter that has been programmed and/or loaded with execut
particular NE embodiment or class of NE embodiments. At able instructions may be viewed as a particular machine or
least some of the features/methods described in the disclosure 40 apparatus.
may be implemented in a network apparatus or component FIG. 3 is a message timing diagram 300 illustrating the
such as a NE 200. For instance, the features/methods in the transmission delays between a FCU and a CNU in a coaxial
disclosure may be implemented using hardware, firmware, portion of a network, such as FCU 120. CNU 130, coaxial
and/or software installed to run on hardware. As shown in portion 152, and network 100, respectively. In the example of
FIG. 2, the NE 200 may comprise transceivers (Tx/RX) 210, 45 FIG.3, an OLT may transmit a MPCP Gate message 301 to a
which may be transmitters, receivers, or combinations FCU at time 310. The MPCP Gate message 301 may arrive at
thereof. A TX/RX 210 may be coupled to plurality of down the FCU optical PHY at time 311. After a time interval T
stream ports 220 for transmitting and/or receiving frames elapses, the FCU coaxial PHY may forward the MPCP Gate
from other nodes and a TX/RX210 may be coupled to plurality message 301 to a CNU at time 312, where the time intervalT
of upstream ports 250 for transmitting and/or receiving 50 is the FCU downstream residence delay. After a time interval
frames from other nodes, respectively. A processor 230 may T. elapses, the MPCP Gate message 301 may arrive at the
be coupled to the TX/RX 210 to process the frames and/or CNU at time 313, where the time interval T is the coaxial
determine which nodes to send the frames to. The processor downstream propagation delay. After a time interval T
230 may comprise one or more multi-core processors and/or elapses, the CNU may return a MPCP Report message 302 to
memory devices 232, which may function as data stores, 55 the FCU at time 314, where the time interval T is the coaxial
buffers, etc. Processor 230 may be implemented as a general processing delay. After a time interval Telapses, the FCU
processor or may be part of one or more application specific coax PHY may receive the MPCPReport message 302 at time
integrated circuits (ASICs) and/or digital signal processors 315, where the time interval T is the coaxial upstream propa
(DSPs). Processor 230 may comprise a clock management gation delay. After a time interval Ts elapses, the FCU optical
module 233, a timestamp adjustment module 234, and a RTT 60 PHY may forward the MPCP Report message 302 to OLT at
measurement module 235, which may implement the times time 316, where the time interval Ts is the FCU upstream
tamp adjustment method 500 at a FCU, the timestamp adjust residence delay. The FCU upstream residence delay Ts may
ment method 700 at a CNU, and/or the timestamp adjustment include upstream processing delay and packet and/or burst
method 900 at an OLT, respectively. In an alternative embodi buffering delay, which may be about 1 millisecond (ms).
ment, the clock management module 234, timestamp adjust 65 MPCPReport message 302 may arrive at the OLT at time 317.
ment module 235, and/or RTT measurement module 235 may As illustrated in FIG. 3, the coax delay factors may include
be implemented as instructions stored in the memory devices the FCU downstream residence delay T, the coaxial down
US 9,210,488 B2
9 10
stream propagation delay T, the CNU processing delay T. tamp value to. At step 540, the FCU may forward the MPCP
the coaxial upstream propagation delay T, and the FCU Gate message with the same timestamp value to to a CNU.
upstream residence delay Ts. After some time, the FCU may receive a MPCP Report
In network 100, each device may maintain a local hardware message returned from the CNU with a timestamp valuet at
clock and/or counter in the device's operating domain, which step 550. At step 560, the FCU may load the MPCP Report
may be optical or coaxial domain. The network global refer message timestamp with an adjusted value t', where t is
ence time may be provided by the OLT 110 clock. Other computed by subtracting the coax delay from the FCU local
devices in the network 100, such as FCUs 120 or CNUs 130 optics time when the MPCP Report message is transmitted at
may reset their local clock to the OLT clock upon reception of the FCU MAC layer as shown in equation (1) described above
downstream MPCP messages. The disclosed embodiments 10 in reference to method 400. At step 570, the FCU may for
may preserve the downstream MPCP messages timestamp ward the MPCP Report message to an OLT.
according to the EPON MPCP protocol, while adjusting the FIG. 6 is a message timing diagram of another embodiment
upstream MPCP messages timestamp to include the coax of a method 600 of a MPCP Report message 602 timestamp
delay at a FCU 120, or a CNU 130, or an OLT 110, which are adjustment at a CNU, such as CNU 130, during bandwidth
described in more detail with respect to the figures described 15 allocation in a unified optical-coaxial network, Such as net
below. work 100. According to method 600, an OLT may assign a
FIG. 4 is a message timing diagram of an embodiment of a CNU with an upstream grant by sending a MPCP Gate mes
method 400 of a MPCP Report message 402 timestamp sage 601 to a FCU at OLT local optics time 611. When the
adjustment at a FCU, such as FCU 120, during bandwidth MPCP Gate message 601 arrives at the FCU, the FCU may
allocation in a unified optical-coaxial network, Such as net reset FCU local optics clock time 613 to the receive times
work 100. According to method 400, an OLT may assign a tamp value to and forward the MPCP Gate message 601 to the
CNU with an upstream grant by sending a MPCP Gate mes CNU. When the MPCP Gate message 601 arrives at the CNU,
sage 401 to a FCU at OLT local optics time 411. The MPCP the CNU may reset CNU local coax clock time 615 to the
Gate message 401 may be time stamped at the OLT MAC receive timestamp value to.
layer with the OLT local optics time 411, denoted as to. When 25 After the CNU processes the grant, the CNU may send a
the MPCP Gate message 401 arrives at the FCU optical PHY, MPCP Report message 602 to the FCU at CNU local coax
the FCU may reset FCU local optics clock time 413 to the time 616, denoted as t. When the MPCP Report message is
received timestamp value to Subsequently, the FCU optics transmitted at the CNU MAC layer, instead of time stamping
clock may continue to run. At the same time, the FCU coax the MPCP Report message with the local transmission time
PHY may forward the MPCP Gate message 401 with the 30 (e.g. CNU local coax time 616) according to the EPON
timestamp value to to the CNU. When the MPCP Gate mes MPCP protocol, the CNU may loadan adjusted valuet' to the
sage 401 arrives at the CNU, the CNU may reset the CNU timestamp by subtracting the coax delay as below:
local coax clock time 415 to the received timestamp value to t'=CNU local coax time 616-coax delay (3)
The CNU coax clock may continue to run afterwards.
After the CNU processes the grant, the CNU may send a 35 When the FCU receives the MPCPReport message at FCU
MPCP Report message 402 to FCU at CNU local coax time local optics time 614, the FCU may forward the MPCP
416. The MPCP Report message 402 may be time stamped at Report message 602 with the same timestampt to an OLT.
the CNU MAC layer with the CNU local coax time 416, When the OLT receives the MPCP Report message 602, the
denoted ast. Upon receiving MPCPReport message 402, the OLT may determine the RTT between the OLT and the CNU
FCU may forward the MPCPReport message 402 to the OLT. 40 according to the EPON MPCP protocol since the coax delay
However, instead of time stamping the MPCP Report mes has been included when the CNU adjusts the timestamp at
sage 402 with the local transmission time (e.g. FCU local local coax time 616. The RTT may be the difference between
optics time 414) according to the EPON MPCP protocol, the the MPCP Report message 602 arrival time t and the times
FCU may load an adjusted value t' to the timestamp to tamp value t' carried in MPCP Report message 602, which
incorporate the coax delay as below: 45 may be expressed as:
t'=FCU local optics time 414-coax delay (1) (4)
Thus, when MPCPReport message 402 arrives at the OLT, where t is the OLT local optics time 612.
the RTT between the OLT and the CNU may be computed FIG. 7 is a flowchart of another timestamp adjustment
according to the EPON MPCP protocol since the FCU has 50 method 700, which may be implemented on a CNU, such as
included the coax delay in the timestamp adjustment. The CNU 130, during bandwidth allocation to account for the
RTT may be the difference between the MPCP Report mes coax delay as described in method 600. The method 700 may
sage 402 arrival time t and the timestamp value t' carried in begin with receiving a MPCP Gate message with a timestamp
the MPCP Report message 402, which may be expressed as: value to forwarded by a FCU at step 710. At step 720, the CNU
55 may read the value in the MPCP Gate message timestamp,
which is the OLT local optics time when the MPCP Gate
where t is the OLT local optics time 412. message is transmitted at the OLT MAC layer. At step 730, the
FIG. 5 is a flowchart of a timestamp adjustment method CNU may reset the CNU coax clock time to the MPCP Gate
500, which may be implemented on a FCU, such as FCU 120, message timestamp value to. At step 740, the CNU may
during bandwidth allocation to account for the coax delay as 60 process the grant. At step 750, the CNU may generate a
described in method 400. The method 500 may receive a MPCP Report message. At step 760, the CNU may load the
MPCP Gate message with a timestamp value to from an OLT MPCP Report message timestamp with an adjusted value t',
at step 510. At step 520, the FCU may read the value in the where t' is computed by subtracting the coax delay from the
timestamp carried in the MPCP Gate message, which may be CNU local coax time when the MPCP Report message is
the OLT local optics time when the MPCP Gate message is 65 transmitted at the CNU MAC layer as shown in equation (3)
transmitted at the OLT MAC layer. At step 530, the FCU may described above in reference to method 600. At step 770, the
reset the FCU local optics clock time to the received times CNU may send the MPCP Report message to the FCU.
US 9,210,488 B2
11 12
FIG. 8 is a message timing diagram of another embodiment t and the adjusted timestamp valuet" according to equation
of a method 800 of a MPCP Report message 802 timestamp (6) described above in reference to method 800.
adjustment at an OLT, such as OLT 110, during bandwidth Alternatively, the timestamp adjustment in step 960 of
allocation in a unified optical-coaxial network, Such as net method 900 may adjust the arrival time of the MPCP Report
work 100. According to method 800, an OLT may assign a message to account for the coax delay instead of the MPCP
CNU with an upstream grant by sending a MPCP Gate mes Report message timestamp. In this case, the arrival time
sage 801 to a FCU at OLT local optics time 811. When the adjustment may be computed as:
MPCP Gate message 801 arrives at the FCU, the FCU may (7)
reset FCU local optics clock time 813 to the receive times
tamp value to and forward the MPCP Gate message 801 to the 10 where t is the adjusted arrival time. Thus, the RTT may be
determined as:
CNU. When the MPCP Gate message 801 arrives at the CNU,
the CNU may reset CNU local coax clock time 815 to the
receive timestamp value to. RTT = 1 - 1. (8)
After the CNU processes the grant, the CNU may send a
MPCP Report message 802 to the FCU at CNU local coax 15 = t2 - t + coax delay
time 816. The MPCP Report message 802 may be time
stamped at the CNU MAC layer with the CNU local coax time
816, denoted as t. Upon receiving MPCP Report message Note that both equations (6) and (8) may produce the same
802, the FCU may forward the MPCP Report message 802 to RTT measurement, which may include delays in both the
the OLT at FCU local optics time 814. The MPCP Report optical portion and coaxial portion of the network.
message 802 may be time stamped at the FCU MAC layer At least one embodiment is disclosed and variations, com
with the FCU local optics time 814, denoted as t". binations, and/or modifications of the embodiment(s) and/or
Upon receiving MPCP Report message 802, the OLT may features of the embodiment(s) made by a person having ordi
determine the RTT between the OLT and the CNU by com nary skill in the art are within the scope of the disclosure.
puting the difference between the MPCPReport message 802 25 Alternative embodiments that result from combining, inte
arrival time t and the timestamp valuet' in the MPCPReport grating, and/or omitting features of the embodiment(s) are
message 802. However, since the coax delay has not been also within the scope of the disclosure. Where numerical
included by either the CNU or the FCU, the OLT may adjust ranges or limitations are expressly stated. Such express ranges
the timestamp value from t' to ta' prior to the RTT computa or limitations should be understood to include iterative ranges
tion. The timestamp value may be computed by Subtracting 30 or limitations of like magnitude falling within the expressly
the coax delay from t'as below: stated ranges or limitations (e.g. from about 1 to about 10
t=t-coax delay (5) includes, 2, 3, 4, etc.; greater than 0.10 includes 0.11, 0.12,
0.13, etc.). For example, whenever a numerical range with a
wheret' is the adjusted timestamp value. Thus, the RTT may lower limit, R, and an upper limit, R, is disclosed, any
be computed as: 35 number falling within the range is specifically disclosed. In
particular, the following numbers within the range are spe
RTT = t2 - 1. (6) cifically disclosed: R=R+k*(R-R), wherein k is a variable
ranging from 1 percent to 100 percent with a 1 percent incre
= t2 - t + coax delay ment, i.e., k is 1 percent, 2 percent, 3 percent, 4 percent, 7
40 percent, . . . , 70 percent, 71 percent, 72 percent, . . . , 97
percent, 96 percent, 97 percent, 98 percent, 99 percent, or 100
wheret, is the OLT local optics time 812 and the optical delay percent. Moreover, any numerical range defined by two R
is captured in the expression, t-t' in equation (6). numbers as defined in the above is also specifically disclosed.
FIG. 9 is a flowchart of a timestamp adjustment and RTT Unless otherwise stated, the term “about” meansit 10% of the
computation method 900, which may be implemented on an 45 subsequent number. Use of the term “optionally with respect
OLT, such as OLT 110, during bandwidth allocation to to any element of a claim means that the element is required,
account for the coax delay as described in method 800. The or alternatively, the element is not required, both alternatives
method 900 may begin with an OLT generating a MPCP Gate being within the scope of the claim. Use of broader terms such
message to granta CNU an upstream transmission window at as comprises, includes, and having should be understood to
step 910. At step 920, the OLT may send the MPCP Gate 50 provide Support for narrower terms such as consisting of
message to a FCU, which may be forwarded to a CNU. The consisting essentially of and comprised substantially of
OLT MAC layer may load the MPCP Gate message times Accordingly, the scope of protection is not limited by the
tamp with the local transmission time, which may be the OLT description set out above but is defined by the claims that
local clock time, denoted as to. After some time, the OLT may follow, that scope including all equivalents of the Subject
receive a MPCP Report message returned from a CNU and 55 matter of the claims. Each and every claim is incorporated as
via a FCU at step 930. When the MPCP Report message is further disclosure into the specification and the claims are
received, the OLT may read the OLT optics clock for the embodiment(s) of the present disclosure. The discussion of a
arrival time of the MPCP Report message, which may be reference in the disclosure is not an admission that it is prior
denoted as t at step 940. At step 950, the OLT may read the art, especially any reference that has a publication date after
timestamp value t' carried in the MPCP Report message, 60 the priority date of this application. The disclosure of all
which may be the FCU local optics time when the MPCP patents, patent applications, and publications cited in the
Report message is transmitted at the FCU MAC layer. At step disclosure are hereby incorporated by reference, to the extent
960, the OLT may adjust the timestamp value t' to account that they provide exemplary, procedural, or other details
for the coax delay by offsetting the coax delay as shown in Supplementary to the disclosure.
equation (5) described above in reference to method 800. At 65 While several embodiments have been provided in the
step 970, the OLT may determine the RTT between the OLT present disclosure, it should be understood that the disclosed
and the CNU by computing the offset between the arrival time systems and methods might be embodied in many other spe
US 9,210,488 B2
13 14
cific forms without departing from the spirit or scope of the forwarding the MPCP report message with the adjusted
present disclosure. The present examples are to be considered timestamp to an optical line terminal (OLT) via an opti
as illustrative and not restrictive, and the intention is not to be cal network;
limited to the details given herein. For example, the various receiving an MPCP Gate message from the OLT via the
elements or components may be combined or integrated in 5 optical network, wherein the MPCP Gate message com
another system or certain features may be omitted, or not prises a second timestamp;
implemented. setting a local counter to a value encoded in the second
In addition, techniques, systems, Subsystems, and methods timestamp; and
described and illustrated in the various embodiments as dis forwarding the MPCP Gate message to the CNU via the
crete or separate may be combined or integrated with other 10 electrical network.
systems, modules, techniques, or methods without departing 9. A method performed by an optical line terminal (OLT)
from the scope of the present disclosure. Other items shown comprising:
or discussed as coupled or directly coupled or communicating receiving a Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP) message
with each other may be indirectly coupled or communicating from a coaxial network unit (CNU) via a fiber coaxial
through some interface, device, or intermediate component 15 unit (FCU) and an optical network;
whether electrically, mechanically, or otherwise. Other obtaining an arrival time of the MPCP message;
examples of changes, Substitutions, and alterations are ascer adjusting a timestamp from the MPCP message to create an
tainable by one skilled in the art and could be made without adjusted timestamp by Subtracting a coax delay from the
departing from the spirit and scope disclosed herein. timestamp; and
What is claimed is: computing a round trip time (RTT) delay based on the
1. A method performed by a fiber coaxial unit (FCU) com adjusted timestamp and the arrival time.
prising: 10. The method of claim 9, wherein obtaining the arrival
receiving a Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP) report time comprises reading a local counter value when the MPCP
message from a coaxial network unit (CNU) via an message arrives at the OLT, and wherein computing the RTT
electrical network, wherein the MPCP report message 25 delay comprises Subtracting a time value in the adjusted
comprises a first timestamp; timestamp from the arrival time.
adjusting the first timestamp to create an adjusted times 11. The method of claim 9, further comprising receiving an
tamp by Subtracting a coax delay; and Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) mes
forwarding the MPCP report message with the adjusted sage comprising the coax delay.
timestamp to an optical line terminal (OLT) via an opti 30 12. The method of claim 11, wherein the OAM message is
cal network. received from the FCU.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the electrical network 13. The method of claim 11, wherein the OAM message is
comprises a coaxial network, wherein the coax delay is a received from the CNU via the FCU.
delay associated with a coaxial physical (PHY) interface, and 14. The method of claim 9, further comprising determining
wherein the optical network comprises a passive optical net 35 the coax delay based on a configuration of an electrical net
work (PON). work.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein adjusting the first times 15. The method of claim 9, wherein the MPCP message is
tamp comprises: an Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) MPCP Report
setting the first timestamp in the MPCP report message to message.
a local counter value when the MPCP report message 40 16. The method of claim 9, wherein the MPCP message is
passes through a local transmitting controller, and an Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) MPCP registra
Subtracting the coax delay from the first timestamp. tion request message.
4. The method of claim 3, further comprising: 17. The method of claim 9, wherein the coax delay com
computing the coax delay; and prises:
sending an Operation, Administration, and Maintenance 45 an FCU downstream residence delay:
(OAM) message comprising the coax delay to the OLT. a coaxial downstream propagation delay;
5. The method of claim 1, wherein the MPCP report mes a CNU processing delay;
sage is an Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) MPCP a coaxial upstream propagation delay; and
Report message. an FCU upstream residence delay.
6. The method of claim 1, wherein the MPCP report mes 50 18. A coaxial network unit (CNU) comprising:
sage is an Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) MPCP a receiver configured to receive a Multi-Point Control Pro
registration request message. tocol (MPCP) message comprising a first timestamp
7. The method of claim 1, wherein the coax delay com from a fiber coaxial unit (FCU) via an electrical network;
prises: a processor coupled to the receiver and configured to:
an FCU downstream residence delay; 55 set a local time based on the first timestamp; and
a coaxial downstream propagation delay; encode a second timestamp in an MPCP reply message,
a CNU processing delay: wherein the second timestamp comprises a local
a coaxial upstream propagation delay; and transmission time adjusted for a coax delay; and
an FCU upstream residence delay. a transmitter coupled to the processor and configured to
8. A method performed by a fiber coaxial unit (FCU) com 60 transmit the MPCP reply message to an optical line
prising: terminal (OLT) via the electrical network, the FCU, and
receiving a Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP) report an optical network.
message from a coaxial network unit (CNU) via an 19. The CNU of claim 18, wherein adjusting the second
electrical network, wherein the MPCP report message timestamp comprises Subtracting the coax delay from the
comprises a first timestamp; 65 second timestamp.
adjusting the first timestamp in the MPCP report message 20. The CNU of claim 18, wherein the processor is further
based on a coax delay; and configured to compute the coax delay and sendan Operation,
US 9,210,488 B2
15 16
Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) message compris
ing the coax delay to the OLT via the FCU and the electrical
21. The CNU of claim 18, wherein the MPCP reply mes
sage is an Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) MPCP
Report message.
22. The CNU of claim 18, wherein the MPCP reply mes
sage is an Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) MPCP
registration request message.
23. A fiber coaxial unit (FCU) comprising: 10
a receiver configured to receive from an optical line termi
nal (OLT) a Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP) gate
message comprising a first timestamp with a first local
value of a first MPCP clockassociated with the OLT and
a processor comprising a second MPCP clock and coupled 15
to the receiver,
wherein the second MPCP clock comprises a second local
wherein the processor is configured to set the second local
value to the first local value in order to achieve a syn
chronization function,
wherein the receiver is further configured to receive an
MPCP report message comprising a second timestamp
based on the first timestamp, and
wherein the processor is further configured to adjust the 25
second timestamp to create an adjusted timestamp by
Subtracting a coax delay.
24. The FCU of claim 23, further comprising a transmitter
coupled to the processor and configured to forward to the OLT
the MPCP report message with the adjusted timestamp. 30
k k k k k

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