01-Brahmastra 3.0 Sch-III Extract - 02-10-2021
01-Brahmastra 3.0 Sch-III Extract - 02-10-2021
01-Brahmastra 3.0 Sch-III Extract - 02-10-2021
01 01
03 16
04 53
05 61
06 144
07 301
08 343
here "BRAHMASTRA"for CA Final Financial Reporting (New Syllabus), Version 3.0.
Cover all other Ind AS, and other topics like CSR. Integrated Reporting, etc.
in a separate book - DRONE CHARTS
* For Practicals on FR refer our STRIKER*
2 www.t.me/SarthakJainCA
CA. Sarthak Niraj Jain, Telegram Channel, where you will get all the Updates,
Tips from SJ Sir and of course you can put your doubts for resolving it with
fellow students.
20m of 4 m
Q1 Question
h 2 t
Q3 20m
pa - 4.
sub h question has
• Conclusion para to
specifically answer the questions
asked in the question
Para 3: Conclusion with assumption
or if’s/but’s if any • Make sure assumptions if used
in making conclusions are well
• In case of Conditional Answers
first give the most obvious
Flipkart Ltd
Best Price Shops Ltd
(Ind AS Applicable)
(FS) (Ind AS-n/a,
unless company itself is
listed or has Net Worth
> 250 Cr.)
Jabong Myntra Ltd
Ltd (S) (S)
Chain Subs.
Ltd (S)
• Includes : ESC,PSC,GR, P&L (cr), ESOS Reserves, Capital Grants forming part of net worth
• Excludes: Revaluation Reserve, Amalgamation Capital Reserve, Write back of Depreciation
1. Net worth is to be checked on Last Day of preceding F.Y. (but starting from
31.03.14 / for NBFC – 31.03.16)
a) A is an Unlisted Company
Net Worth: 31.03.14 = 550 Cr.
31.03.15 = 200 Cr.
31.03.16 = 150 Cr.
Is Ind AS Applies on A from 01.04.16?
Ans:- Yes applicable from 01.04.16
2. What will be the treatment of profit on sale in the given situation and how much
profit will be included in reserves?
Fixed Asset Rs 100 Cr. (Crore)
Carrying Amount Rs 40 Cr.
Sold for Rs 110 Cr.
Profit on Sales Rs 70 Cr.
Ans: (a)
(ii) Listing:
(i) Listed or to be
listed (i.e.Application (ii)
Debt or Equity
filed for listing but in India or
(i.e. Debentures or
listing is pending Outside India
Equity Shares)
on Recognised stock
Excludes: Companies listed on SME & ITP without Public Issue. (ITP- Institutional
Trading Platform nowknown as Innovator’s Growth Platform)
Company Controlled 2 or More Companies
(Control over by a Parent Companies > 20%
Subsidiary) + Company Contractu- Voting
(includes + Body ally agree to power
Body Corporate share control (usually)
V.IMP: H/S/JV/A or Listing are to be checked during the year (i.e. First date
of F.Y. until end of F.Y.), unlike Net worth that is to be checked on last day of
preceeding F.Y.
Eg. 31.03.15 H had Subsidiary S, which was covered under Ind AS from 01.04.2017 thru
Net worth Criteria. On 31.03.16, H Sold its Investment in S therefore H need not follow
Ind AS as S is no more H’s Subsidiary.
(VII) Imp. Note: Ind AS once applicable are applicable forever. (no EXIT from Ind AS)
(VIII) Date of Transition: Beginning of P.Y. from when Ind AS adopted.(cannot be changed)
(Company has to restate comparatives as per Ind AS)
Liabilities: PSC
Dividend Payable X X X
>10 Cr. >1 Cr.
(Any time in P.Y.), or
Bank, F.I. or Insurance
Nature of Entity, or - Remaining
Listing, or Listed or to be Listed -
Holding or Subsidiary Holding or
of above Subsidiary of above
Other Intangible assets Cost Cost or Fair Value
Biological Assets Fair Value less cost to sell Fair Value less cost to sell
Bearer Plants (Plantation Assets) Cost Cost or Fair Value
Trade receivables Fair Value (Face Value) Face Value
Loans Fair Value Cost or Fair Value
Deferred Tax Assets Accounting Value Accounting Value
Illustrative list of recognition and measurement bases under Ind AS
2.2. Definition
• Fair value under Ind AS is the exit price that is the price at which the asset
can be sold or a liability can be settled between market participants in
ordinary course of business.
• Further Ind AS 113 gives principles for determination of fair value.
Statement of Profit and Loss (As per Statement of Profit and Loss (As per
AS) (For 2015-16) (Extract) Ind AS) (For 2015-16) (Extract)
Particulars 2015-16 2014-15 Particulars 2015-16 2014-15
Depreciation Depreciation
103 200 103 (200-53)
Expense Expense
(as per wdv)
Short Depreciation 57 -
Balance Sheet (As per AS) Balance Sheet (As per Ind AS)
(As on 31.03.2016) (Extract) (As on 31.03.2016) (Extract)
Particulars 31.03.16 31.03.15 Particulars 31.03.16 31.03.15 01.04.14
PPE 240 400 PPE 240 343 490
Recognise Reduce by 57
No current (Opening re-
current Reduce
Reserves adjust- Reserves year dep duced by 110
year dep by 110
ments exp of 103 & CY increase
exp of 160
only by 53)
Journal Entries
Cash or Financial
Investment in Liability
Equity Shares
or Right to
receive the Contractual Residual
same obligation to Interest in NET
pay cash or ASSETS of the
other FA company
2. Authority:
a) Ind AS prevail over S.III
b) When Ind AS has an option wherein one option is in line with Schedule III & other
contradicts schedule III, then follow the former option.
E.g. Investments purchased on 01.01.2016 (Debenture-3 years)
Statement of
Format & G.I. given in schedule III
Profit & Loss
SOCIE if applicable
Notes to F.S.
3.1 General Instructions F.S.
• Flexible format of Schedule III
• Rounding off: (mandatory)
Turnover > 100 Cr., Only then rounding off in crore is permitted else Hundreds (00),
Thousands (000),Lacs (00000), Millions (000000)
• Notes to Accounts Financial Statements:
I. Narrative Descriptions – E.g. Contingent Liabilities
II. Disaggregation of items presented in F.S.-
E.g. BS-PPE-Notes to PPE-Disaggregation
III. Disclosure of items not otherwise presented in F.S.
E.g. Charge on assets
• Rule (ii)
a) Applies to all inventory items like stock of raw material, WIP, Finished Goods,
By-products, Spares classifiable as inventory
b) Spare parts classifiable as Fixed Assets/PPE will not be covered under this rule
c) Inventory is Always Current whether it is slow-moving or not
* Slow moving or Non moving but if it is inventory, classify it as current
• Rule(iii)
a) Relevant for all assets
b) Realised means encashed (under this rule)
c) Any asset, expected to be encashed within 12 month from balance sheet
date will be ‘Current’
Eg. A 6 months capital advance for Fixed Asset with 10 months life will not
necessarily classified as current, as they are not expected to be realised
(encashed) within 12 months
d) Fixed Assets will only be classified as current:
(i) When they have been classified as held for sale, and
(ii) Are expected to be sold and realised within 12 month of balance sheet date
e) Prepaid expense, Advance to supplier etc. are not classifiable under this rule
as such assets are not encashed, unless contract is cancelled & money becomes
refundable (as we will receive services/goods against these and not cash)
f) Eg. Loan given to borrower for 50 lacs, repayable 10 lacs p.a., what
will be classification?
Hint: Classification:
• 10 lacs- Current maturities of long-term loans will be classified as current
• 40 lacs- Non-Current
Particulars Amount
Non-Current Assets
Other Non-Current Assets: Share issue expenses
* As the obligation is to determine time taken to complete one cycle of business and
not to determine working capital blocked in business
Normal operating Cycle is to be considered :
w Normal or Average operating cycle is considered and not contract specific
operating cycle
One business to have one Operating Cycle only
w But if Company has Multiple Business, then it can have separate normal Operating
Cycle for each business and accordingly current/non-current classification of asset/
liabilities of each business will be determined
If Operating Cycle is not determinable, then assume to be 12 months
In the Illustration to Notes:
Plain Vanilla (term pre-fixed) Redeemable preference shares to be classified as
Ind AS based financial statements prescribed for NBFCs
III. Goodwill:
A reconciliation of the gross and net carrying amount of goodwill at the
beginning and end of the reporting period showing additions, impairments,
disposals and other adjustments.
Under each classification, details shall be given of names of the bodies corporate that are-
(i) subsidiaries,
(ii) associates,
(iii) joint ventures, or
(iv) structured entities,
In whom investments have been made and the nature and extent of the
investment so made in each such body corporate (showing separately
investments, which are partly paid). Investments in partnership firms along with
(iii) Allowance for bad and doubtful loans shall be disclosed under the relevant
heads separately.
IX. Financial Asset -Bank deposits: Bank depositswith more than 12 months
maturity shall be disclosed under ‘Otherfinancial assets’;
B. Current Assets
I. Inventories:
(i) Inventories shall be classified as-
(a) Raw materials;
(b) Work-in-progress;
(c) Finished goods;
(d) Stock-in-trade (in respect of goods acquired for trading);
(e) Stores and spares;
(f) Loose tools; and
(g) Others (specify nature).
IV. Cash and cash equivalents: Cash and cash equivalents shall be classified as-
a. Balances with Banks (of the nature of cash and cash equivalents);
b. Cheques, drafts on hand;
c. Cash on hand; and d. Others (specify nature).
(iii) Allowance for bad and doubtful loans shall be disclosed under the
relevant heads separately.
(iv) Loans due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either
severally or jointly with any other person or amounts due byfirms or private
companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a
member shall be separately stated.
1. Authorised
2. Issued, sub- Shares (under Options on SC
scribed, called each class) held (Eg EXOPs)
up, paid up by:
Convertible Instruments
3. Call in arrears a) Holding Com-
(Eg. Conb. Deb./PSC) Other than
4. Forfeiture pany
5. Each class of b) Ultimate Hold- a) Shares
share ing Company Sequence of furthest to issued for
- No. of shares, c) Held by Subs./ nearest conversion date cash con-
per / face sideration
Associates of
value, paid up Shares issued for other than (OR )
H/UH Com- b) Shares
6. Reconciliation pany cash
7. Rights of any OR issued to
special right Share holder > Bonus Issue repay on
shares 5% of holding OR existing
of ESC (Name + Buy Back liability
Holding) In proceeding 5 FYS.
Types of Reserves
b) Retained Earnings represents surplus i.e. balance of the relevant column in the
Statement of Changes in Equity;
c) A reserve specifically represented by earmarked investments shall disclose the fact
that it is so represented;
d) Debit balance of Statement of Profit and Loss shall be shown as a negative figure
under the head ‘retained earnings’. Similarly, the balance of ‘Other Equity’, after
adjusting negative balance of retained earnings, if any, shall be shown under the
head ‘Other Equity’ even if the resulting figure is in the negative; and
E. Non-Current Liabilities
(Shown under Financial Liabilities)
I. Borrowings:
(i) Borrowings shall be classified as-
(a) Bonds or debentures
(b)Term loans
(I) From banks (II) From other parties
(c) Deferred payment liabilities
(d) Deposits
(e) Loans from related parties
(f) Long term maturities of finance lease obligations
(g) Liability component of compound financial instruments
(h) Other loans (specify nature)
(ii) Borrowings shall further be sub-classified as secured and unsecured. Nature of
security shall be specified separately in each case.
(iii) Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount
of such loans under each head shall be disclosed.
(iv) Bonds or debentures (along with the rate of interest, and particulars of redemp
tion or conversion, as the case may be) shall be stated in descending order of
maturity or conversion, starting from farthest redemption or conversion date, as
the case may be. Where bonds/debentures are redeemable by installments, the
date of maturity for this purpose must be reckoned as the date on which the first
installment becomes due.
(v) Particulars of any redeemed bonds or debentures, which the company has power
to reissue,shall be disclosed.
F. Current Liabilities
I. Borrowings: (disclosure similar to non-current borrowings)
(i) Borrowings shall be classified as-
(a) Loans repayable on demand
(I) From banks
(II) From other parties
(b) Loans from related parties
(c) Deposits
(d) Other loans (specify nature);
(ii) Borrowings shall further be sub-classified as secured and unsecured. Nature of secu
rity shall be specified separately in each case;
(iii) Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount of
such loans under each head shall be disclosed;
(iv) Period and amount of default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of bor
rowings and interest shall be specified separately in each case
II. Trade Payables [Shown under Financial Liabilities]
(i) A payable shall be classified as a ‘trade payable’ if it is in respect of the MSMI
amount due on account of goods purchased or services received in the normal
(b) the amount of interest paid by the buyer in terms of section 16 of the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, along with the amount
of the payment made to the supplier beyond the appointed day during each
accounting year;
(c) The amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay in making
payment (which have been paid but beyond the appointed day during the
year) but without adding the interest specified under the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006;
(d) The amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at the end of each
accounting year; and
(e) The amount of further interest remaining due and payable even in the
succeeding years, until such date when the interest dues above are actually paid to
the small enterprise, for the purpose of disallowance of a deductible expenditure
under section 23 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,
Trade Payables –Micro and Small Enterprises:
On Face of BS classify Trade Payables as –
i. To Micro and Small Enterprises
ii. To creditors other than Micro and Small Enterprises
Notes to BS
i. Related Disclosures as in Schedule III Div 1 (as given above)
III. Other Financial Liabilities: Other Financial liabilities shall be classified as-
(a) Current maturities of long-term debt;
(b) Current maturities of finance lease obligations;
(c) Interest accrued;
(d) Unpaid dividends;
(e) Application money received for allotment of securities to the extent refundable
and interest accrued thereon;
(f) Unpaid matured deposits and interest accrued thereon;
(g) Unpaid matured debentures and interest accrued thereon; and
(h) Others (specify nature).
‘Long term debt’ is a borrowing having a period of more than twelve
months at the time of origination
II. Commitments shall be classified as-
(a) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account
and not provided for;
(b) Uncalled liability on shares and other investments partly paid; and
(c) Other commitments (specify nature)
Proposed Dividend:
Proposed dividend is not a liability until it is approved/declared by sharehold-
ers Hence ‘Dividend Payable’ is a current liability but proposed dividend is only
shown in notes to financial statements.
Arrears of preference dividend if any to be also disclosed in notes.
Funds raised-End use disclosure:
When funds are raised through issue of securities and if any amount is not used
for the intended purpose then disclose the amount not so used along with where it
has been used. (Remember! No specific need to disclose amount utilised)
Where in respect of an issue of securities made for a specific purpose the whole
or part of amount has not been used for the specific purpose at the Balance
Sheet date, there shall be indicated by way of note how such unutilized amounts
have been used or invested.
(ii) Debt Instruments through Other Comprehensive Income;
(iii) The effective portion of gains and loss on hedging instruments in a cash flow hedge;
(iv) Share of Other Comprehensive Income in Associates and Joint Ventures, to the
extent to be classified into profit or loss; and
(v) Others (specify nature).
Balance at the beginning FChanges in equity share Balance at the end of the
of the reporting period capital during the year reporting period
Equity compo- Reserves and Surplus
Share application
nent of compo-und
money pending
financial instru- Capital Other Reserves Retained
allotment Securities Premium
ments Reserve (specify nature) Earnings
Balance at the
beginning of the
reporting period
Changes in
Restated balance
at the beginning
of the reporting
Transfer to
retained earnings
Any other
change (to be
Balance at the
end of the
SOCIE (Continued from last page)
Comprehensive Comprehensive Flow Hedges statements warrants
of a foreign (specify
Income Income
operation nature)
Depreciation and amortization expense
Impairment losses
Net loss on de-recognition of financial
assets at amortized cost
Net loss on reclassification of financial assets**
Other expenses If It of total Income or Ioc whicheverishigher
Total expenses (VI)
Profit/(loss) before exceptional
items and tax (V- VI)
Exceptional Items
IX Profit/(loss) before tax(VII+VIII)
X Tax expense: (1) Current tax (2) Deferred tax
XI Profit (Loss) for the period from
continuing operations (IX-X)
XII Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations IndAs
XIII Tax expense of discontinued operations
Figures as at
Figures as
the end of
at the end
Particulars Note No. the previous
of current
reporting period
1 2 3 4
(1) Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment Bearer plants
(b) Capital work-in-progress
Cap adux
(c) Investment Property
(d) Goodwill
(e) Other Intangible assets Brands I patent license
(f) Intangible assets under
development under research
(g) Biological Assets other
than bearer plants livestock
(h) Investments accounted for using
the equity method
(i) Financial Assets
(i) Investments
(ii) Trade receivables
(iii) Loans
(iv) Others (to be specified)
(j) Deferred tax assets (net)
(k) Other non-current assets
Current assets
(a) Inventories
(b) Financial Assets
(i) Investments
(ii) Trade receivables
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents
(v) Loans
(vi) Others (to be specified)
(c) Current Tax Assets (Net)
(d) Other current assets
Total Assets
(a) Equity Share capital
(b) Instruments entirely equity in
(c) Other Equity
Sh W Oct
(d) Non-controlling interests
Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings
(ii) Trade payables
(iii) Other financial liabilities (other
than those specified in item (b), to be
(b) Provisions
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (Net)
(d) Other non-current liabilities
(2) Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings
(ii) Trade payables
(iii) Other financial liabilities (other
than those specified in item (c)
(b) Other current liabilities
(c) Provisions
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net)
Total Equity and Liabilities
in all
as per the
Applicability Structure Disclosures
Off-Setting Estimation
Except formats Uncertainity
Frequency of Reporting
2. General Instructions
2.1 Materiality & Aggregation :
• Definition of Materiality: Transaction or other events and information is material if omitting
misstating or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence decisions that the
primary users of general purpose financial statement (FS for generic users and not for spe-
cific use of any user) make on the basis of those financial statements, which provide finan-
cial information about a specific reporting entity.(Amendment)
• Materiality is based on magnitude and/or nature of transaction or other events and
conditions judged in surrounding circumstances
• Ind AS 1 requires that: Items of Dissimilar nature (e.g. CSR & Donation) Or Items of Similar
Nature, Different class (Donation to political & non-political parties) Should not be
aggregated to obscure material information being presented/disclosed to users of Financial
Statements (except if required by law)
• Ind AS 1 also states that company should not combine immaterial information with
material information
• Dis-aggregate information of material items may be given on Face of F.S. or Notes to F.S.
Obscuring (New) Amendment
Information regarded as obscuring (misguiding)
Vague/ Scattered Clubbing Similar items in- Information is hidden Eg. Mate-
Unclear across the FS dissimilar items appropriately dis-aggregate rial info shown as immaterial
Who do not get information directly from management and hence, primarily rely on FS for
Primary user taking their decision like investors, govt, shareholders etc. These users do have experience &
understanding of reading & interpreting FS
Rule (ii): Setting off ‘Provision on Assets’ with carrying amount of asset is not
off-setting (E.g. Trade receivables and Provision for Bad Debts, Property, Plant
and Equipment and Provision for Depreciation)
• If Company has been made for a specified period, only disclosure required (refer
‘Other Disclosure’ of Ind AS 1).
2.5 Accrual :
Entities following Ind AS to follow accrual basis of accounting only (section 128 of
Companies Act,2013 requires Books of account to be prepared as per accrual basis)
2.6 Comparatives :
• Minimum 1 year + in case of First Balance Sheet
time Adoption and Restatement
Comparatives are required for
1) ICAI has given a framework (i.e. Guideline for Preparation & Presentation
of Financial Statements)
2) Framework covers matters like:
a) Qualitative characteristics of F.S. (like Understandability, Comparability,
Relevance and Reliability)
b) Provides definitions for Asset, Liability, Capital, Income and Expenditure
c) Measurement basis (Like Cost, Realisable value, NRV, Replacement Cost, Present
Value etc.)
d) Underlying Assumptions (Accrual& Going Concern)
3) Capital Maintenance:
E.g.(1) E.g.(2)
Opening Capital Rs 50,000 Opening Capital Rs 56,250 (50000x 112.50%)
C.Y.Profits RS 5,000 Closing Capital Rs 55,000
Inflation 12.5% Whether physical capital maintained?
Whether financial capital maintained? Hint: No, Physical capital not maintained as
Hint: Yes, it has increased by Rs 5,000 closing capital < opening capital (by ` 1250)