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ACI 439.3R-07

Types of Mechanical Splices

for Reinforcing Bars

Reported by ACI Committee 439


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First Printing
March 2007
American Concrete Institute
Advancing concrete knowledge

Types of Mechanical Splices for Reinforcing Bars

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ISBN 978-0-87031-239-7
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ACI 439.3R-07

Types of Mechanical Splices for Reinforcing Bars

Reported by ACI Committee 439

Conrad Paulson Mark D. Marvin

Chair Secretary

Joseph A. Bohinsky Gustav G. Erlemann* Murray A. Lount* Robert C. Richardson

Jean-Jacques Braun Anthony L. Felder Kenneth A. Luttrell Mario E. Rodriguez
James L. Caldwell Paul S. Fredrickson Leroy A. Lutz Philip E. Ross
Domingo J. Carreira William Gallenz Adolfo B. Matamoros Clifford A. Sabo
Louis J. Colarusso Steven E. Holdsworth Peter Meza Robert G. Smith
Christian L. Dahl Allen J. Hulshizer Theodore A. Mize Cloyd E. (Joe) Warnes
David H. DeValve James M. LaFave Richard A. Ramsey Ken Williamson
Alvin C. Ericson Harry B. Lancelot Roy H. Reiterman William H. Zehrt
Salem S. Faza


Reinforcing bar splices are key components in reinforced concrete types of mechanical splices generally available and sold in the North
construction. Because mechanical splices do not rely on the surrounding American market at the beginning of 2004; however, some mechanical
concrete to transfer the force between bars, splitting failures are not a splices new in the market may not be included due to lack of knowledge of
concern, and the strength of the splice is not sensitive to the compressive their existence or because no information was submitted for inclusion at
strength of the concrete or the amount of cover. Splices in reinforcing steel the time this report was written.
are grouped in three categories: lapped bars, mechanical, or welded; the Reasons for using mechanical splices, as well as various engineering
focus of this report is mechanical splices. Strength capacities established in considerations that should be made when specifying mechanical splices, are
ACI 318 are higher for mechanical splices than for lap splices. Several discussed. Mechanical splices are described in terms of seismic type, config-
types of mechanical splices have been qualified to sustain inelastic uration, installation procedure, clearance requirements, and other character-
reinforcing bar strain excursions representative of those that might be istics. Illustrations of the various mechanical splices are included.
brought about by overload due to seismic activity, wind, or blast.
This report provides engineers and contractors with updated information Keywords: dowel; mechanical connection; mechanical splice; reinforced
about bar-to-bar mechanical splices and the types of proprietary mechanical concrete; sleeve; splice.
splices currently available. There is no attempt to state conditions of accep-
tance or to endorse or rate one particular mechanical splice over another.
The information on mechanical splices and their installation was
Chapter 1—General, p. 439.3R-2
provided by mechanical splice manufacturers. Although it was compiled by
the committee, none of the information was directly verified by the
committee. An attempt was made to include generic descriptions of all 1.2—Usage
1.3—General considerations
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and
Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, Chapter 2—Design requirements for mechanical
designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This splices, p. 439.3R-5
document is intended for the use of individuals who are 2.1—Codes and specifications
competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its 2.2—Design considerations
content and recommendations and who will accept 2.3—Drawings and specifications
responsibility for the application of the material it contains.
The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all
responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not
be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. ACI 439.3R-07 supersedes ACI 439.3R-91 (Reapproved 1999) was adopted and
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract published March 2007.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Copyright © 2007, American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction
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Chapter 3—Mechanical splices and installation, a specified yield strength of 60,000 psi (420 MPa), and
p. 439.3R-7 Grade 75 (520) has a specified yield strength of 75,000 psi
3.1—General (520 MPa).
3.2—Compression-only mechanical splices
1.1.3 Type 1 and Type 2 mechanical splices—There are
3.3—Tension-compression mechanical splices
two primary classifications of mechanical splices, whose use
3.4—Dowel bar mechanical splices
is dictated by design loads in the constructed structure. Type 1
3.5—Mechanical lap splices
splices are used in elements where there is little concern for
inelastic deformations and elevated tensile stresses from
Chapter 4—Summary, p. 439.3R-18
seismic events. Type 2 splices have proven, through
Chapter 5—References, p. 439.3R-19 accepted industry testing, the ability to develop the specified
5.1—Referenced standards and reports tensile strength of the spliced bars for resistance to elevated
5.2—Cited references tensile stresses.
In accordance with ACI 318, Chapter 21, Type 2
CHAPTER 1—GENERAL mechanical splices are required to develop the specified
1.1—Introduction tensile strength of the bars being spliced. Type 2 mechanical
In reinforced concrete design, the engineer is faced with splices used with ASTM A 706/A 706M are required to
sizing individual members and establishing reinforcing steel develop 80,000 psi (550 MPa) minimum, and also not less
types, placement requirements, and types of splices that will than 1.25 times the actual yield strength of the bar. Type 2
be used throughout the structure. Design drawings or mechanical splices used with ASTM A 615/A 615M Grade
specifications should clearly show or describe all splice 60 (420) are required to develop 90,000 psi (620 MPa)
locations and the required performance. minimum, and Type 2 mechanical splices used with ASTM
The importance and necessity of clearly prescribing splice A 615/A 615M Grade 40 (280) are required to develop
requirements is evident in ACI 318. Chapter 1 describes 60,000 psi (420 MPa) minimum.
specific items to be included on the design drawings, details,
The requirements for Type 2 mechanical splices are
and specifications. These items include showing the location
intended to avoid a splice failure in locations where the
and length of lap splices, reinforcement anchorage lengths,
reinforcement is subjected to stress levels that are expected
and the type and location of mechanical and welded splices.
to approach the tensile strength of the reinforcement. Lap
Chapter 12 also addresses this subject, and states: “Splices
splices are not recommended in locations where inelastic
of reinforcement shall be made only as required or
yielding could occur because such splices are not reliable
permitted on design drawings, or in specifications, or as
under conditions of cyclic loading into the inelastic range.
authorized by the engineer.”

Under such circumstances, the engineer is encouraged to
In beams, columns, walls and slabs, mechanical, welded
specify Type 2 mechanical splices.
and lap splices are usually permitted. The merits of each type
of splice should always be considered. The selection of the In accordance with ACI 318, Type 1 mechanical splices
preferred mechanical or welded splice typically must should develop in tension or compression, as required, a
address project- and location-specific problems in addition minimum of 125% of the specified yield strength of the bar.
to cost, installation ease, and other factors. Type 1 mechanical splices are not required to satisfy the
1.1.1 Report background and scope—This report is a more stringent requirements for Type 2 splices. As a result,
revision of ACI 439.3R-91, and provides updated information Type 1 mechanical splices may not be capable of resisting
about types of proprietary bar-to-bar mechanical splices the stress and strain demands that can take place in sections
generally available and sold in the North American market at where yielding of the reinforcement is likely to occur during
the beginning of 2004. Those mechanical splice systems that a seismic event.
have become obsolete or inactive have been removed from For any mechanical splicing system under consideration
this report. Additionally, references to accessories and for use, the reader should obtain supporting test information
devices that connect reinforcing bars to structural steel or to directly from the manufacturer pertaining to the particular
headed end anchorage devices are not included because they mechanical splice device.
are outside the scope of this report. 1.1.4 Categorization of mechanical splices—Four basic
Usage and design requirements of mechanical splices, as categories of mechanical splices are considered in this
well as size capabilities and features of selected mechanical report. They are:
splices, are described in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of this report. 1. Compression-only mechanical splices, also known as
1.1.2 Reinforcing bar designations and grades—In end-bearing mechanical splices;
accordance with the current practice of ASTM International,
2. Tension-compression mechanical splices that can resist
reinforcing bar sizes shown in this report are stated as number
both tensile and compressive forces;
designations with inch-pound sizes shown first and SI sizes
shown in parentheses. Likewise, grades of reinforcing bars, 3. Dowel bar mechanical splices; and
unless otherwise described, are referred to in terms of 4. Mechanical lap splices.
minimum yield strength; Grade 40 (280) has a specified 1.1.5 Definitions—In this report, specific terms are
yield strength of 40,000 psi (280 MPa), Grade 60 (420) has defined as follows.
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bar-end check—checking the ends of reinforcing bars to 4. In tension tie members. Tension lap splices of reinforcing
determine whether they fit the devices intended for splicing bars in tension tie members are not permitted by the code;
the bars. 5. When the location of construction joints and provisions
coupler—threaded device for joining reinforcing bars for for future construction dictate the use of mechanical
the purpose of providing transfer of either axial compression, splices to provide tensile continuity. Mechanical splices
axial tension, or both, from one bar to the other. are often preferable to having long bar lengths projecting
position coupler—threaded device for joining reinforcing from existing concrete construction. A minimum of a 12 in.
bars where bars are not rotated. A component is rotated to (305 mm) bar extension provides sufficient length for
engage coupler threads or reinforcing bar threads. application of most mechanical splices without damaging
coupling sleeve—nonthreaded device fitting over the the existing concrete during installation. If mechanical
ends of two reinforcing bars for the purpose of providing splices must be staggered, the projecting bar extension
transfer of axial compression, axial tension, or both, from should be greater to allow for the stagger pattern;
one bar to the other. 6. To satisfy a steel-concrete ratio of 8% maximum for
end-bearing sleeve—device fitting over the abutting ends reinforced concrete columns. This limit is considered in
of two reinforcing bars for the purpose of ensuring transfer Chapter 10 of ACI 318 to be a practical maximum for
of only axial compression from one bar to the other. reinforcement in terms of economy and requirements for
placing. By using mechanical splices instead of lap splices,
mechanical lap splice—complete assembly of a coupling
the amount of longitudinal steel may be significantly
sleeve device and any additional components configured to
reduced in the splice region;
accomplish positive splicing of overlapping reinforcing bars.
7. When existing reinforced concrete structures are
mechanical splice—complete assembly of a coupler, a
renovated, modified or repaired and new reinforcing
coupling sleeve, or an end-bearing sleeve, including any
bars must be spliced to those already in concrete.
additional intervening material or other components required
Mechanical splicing requires less removal of concrete
to accomplish the splicing of reinforcing bars. (Note:
compared to lap splicing; and
“mechanical splice” was formerly called “mechanical
8. When members may be subjected to inelastic defor-
connection” in ACI 318-95 and earlier editions.)
mations due to earthquake. Strength capacities established
1.1.6 Welding—With the exception of friction welding, in ACI 318 are higher for mechanical splices than for lap
which is a solid-state joint process that is used in some splices. Lap splices may not be reliable under conditions of
mechanical splice systems, it is beyond the scope of this cyclic loading into the inelastic range. Type 2 mechanical
report to provide comprehensive information about welded splices are qualified by tests to sustain inelastic reinforcing
splices or other currently available special proprietary bar strain excursions.
splicing systems. Engineers are referred to the most current

AWS code for welding reinforcing steel (ANSI/AWS D1.4)
1.3—General considerations
and the ASTM specifications for reinforcing bars, such as All mechanical splices have particular physical features, in
ASTM A 615/A 615M, A 706/A 706M, and A 996/A 996M. the splice components or in the required installation equipment
Information about welding of reinforcing bars is also or procedure, that can influence design and construction.
presented in the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. Selection of splice type, components and installation
requirements, installed cost, and available options should be
1.2—Usage considered in the design process. The following subsections
There are numerous situations that dictate the use of identify considerations for splice selection.
mechanical splices or that make their incorporation more 1.3.1 Spacing and cover requirements—Minimum clear
practical and cost effective than lap splices. Some of the distances between adjacent reinforcing bars are specified in
most common conditions are: codes and design specifications. For example, Chapter 7 of
1. Where size No. 14 and 18 (No. 43 and 57) bars are ACI 318 sets an absolute minimum clear distance between
used. This occurs most often in columns, raft mat founda- parallel bars in a layer of not less than the nominal diameter
tions, and other heavily reinforced concrete structures. ACI of the bar or 1 in. (25 mm), except that for columns, the
318 does not permit size No. 14 and 18 (No. 43 and 57) bars minimum clear distance is not less than 1-1/2 times the
to be lap spliced. Lap splices are only allowed by ACI 318 in nominal bar diameter or 1-1/2 in. (38 mm). Chapter 7 states
the case of size No. 11 (No. 36) and smaller bars; that the clear distance limits also apply to adjacent bars in
2. Where spacing of the reinforcing bars is insufficient lapped splices, but does not address clearance limits for
to permit lap splicing the bars. This generally occurs in mechanical splices.
situations requiring large amounts of reinforcement and the Clearance limits for mechanical splices may be a factor in
use of larger bars, as in heavily loaded columns; the selection and positioning of the appropriate mechanical
3. When requirements in current codes and specifications splice. The outside diameter of the mechanical splice should
for tension lap splices result in long lap splice lengths. be known. Up-to-date dimensional data should be obtained
This is the case especially for bar sizes such as size No. 9, 10, from the splice manufacturer. By knowing the diameter of
and 11 (No. 29, 32, and 36) bars in Grade 60 (420) steel or in the mechanical splice, the engineer/specifier can decide
epoxy-coated reinforcing bars; whether the mechanical splices need to be staggered on the
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basis of the clearance required. For constructibility reasons, to experience large oscillations when being rotated during
mechanical splices are usually best located in the same plane field assembly. In the structure, linear alignment from bar to
or elevation. There is little justification for staggering bar can generally be preserved across the splice by using bars
mechanical splices solely to prevent undesirable failure with straight ends and securing the continuation bar in place
modes that are associated with lap splices because, unlike lap at the time of installation. Splice tolerances for angular
splices, the ability of mechanical splices to carry and transfer misalignment and misinsertion should be obtained from the
load from bar-to-bar is not affected by concrete cover or the splice manufacturer. In situations where the axes of the
compressive strength of concrete. Nevertheless, it has been reinforcing bars to be spliced are not concentrically aligned,
the practice of some designers in the past to stagger mechanical such as with curved bars, mispositioned dowel bars, and
splices as if they were lap splices. Pending any future code precast-to-precast connections, coupling sleeve systems
revisions, however, the minimum stagger length should be tolerant to misalignment should be selected.
checked and specified by the engineer only when required to The reinforcing steel fabricator should be made aware of
be consistent with an applicable code section, such as the any special end preparation or threading requirement for the
provisions in Chapter 12 of ACI 318 related to splices that do reinforcing bars by design drawings and specifications.
not meet Type 1 or 2 requirements. Special requirements may entail the use of end-threading
The size and operation of field equipment, if any, required machines or special tools and equipment at the construction
for the installation of mechanical splices can sometimes site. End threading is typically completed in the fabrication
dictate a minimum spacing or a stagger pattern. Some shop, although automated threading machines for field use
information to evaluate these requirements is available in are now becoming available.
Chapter 3 of this report. Most reinforcing bars are deformed bars with lugs or
Some proprietary mechanical splices currently available protrusions that limit longitudinal movement or slip of the
have outside diameters that are substantially larger than that bar relative to the surrounding concrete; however, ACI
of the reinforcing bars. Special consideration should be allows limited use of plain reinforcing bars, and ASTM
given to the minimum concrete cover of the stirrups, ties, or standard specifications exist which define material require-
spirals at these splice locations. In many cases, the stirrup or ments for such, in sizes up to and including 2 in. (50.8 mm).
tie patterns adjacent to the mechanical splices, or the location Several types of mechanical splices rely on mechanical
of the splice itself, can be adjusted to avoid a reduced interlock with reinforcing bar deformations and are therefore
concrete cover. Codes do not mandate the placing of stirrups not suitable for use with plain round bars. The mechanical
and ties over mechanical splices. Where designs involving splice manufacturer can advise accordingly.
close spacing of stirrups and ties necessitates their placement The contractor and fabricator should coordinate to ensure
over couplers or coupling sleeves, however, it may be neces- that proper tooling and equipment exists at the site for
sary to require greater cover over the splices and longitudinal installing selected mechanical splices on the specified
reinforcement so that stirrups or ties encompassing the reinforcing steel within placing tolerance. Related to this, a
mechanical splices have adequate cover. Ideally, the bar-end check is sometimes advisable before proceeding
dimensions of hoops or stirrups at the splice location should with certain mechanical splices. The mechanical splice
be adjusted to account for the larger diameter of the splice, manufacturer can advise accordingly.
but that is not generally the case in practice. All structural 1.3.3 Coated reinforcing bars—Reinforcing bars can be
components of mechanical splices should meet the code- epoxy coated to ASTM A 775/A 775M or A 934/A 934M, or
prescribed minimum concrete cover dimension. In the case zinc coated (galvanized) to ASTM A 767/A 767M as a means
of dowel bar mechanical splices with flanges, it should be of protection from corrosion. Mechanical splices of coated
noted that flanges are nonstructural in nature. Therefore, the and uncoated reinforcing bars are made in similar ways. To
designer need only consider cover over flanges with respect properly install some types of mechanical splices on coated
to durability. bars, the bar ends should be shielded at the time of coating, or
1.3.2 Matching of end alignments, end preparation of the coating has to be completely removed over the length of
deformed bars, use of plain round bars, special bar deforma- the splice device and a short distance, approximately 2 in.
tions, and equipment—The engineer/specifier should be (50 mm), beyond the ends of the splice device.
aware of any special end preparation of bars required for a After installation of mechanical splices on coated reinforcing
particular mechanical splice. For example, for end-bearing bars, the splice components and any damaged coating on the
splices, Chapter 12 of ACI 318 requires that the ends of the bars adjacent to the mechanical splices should be touched up

bars be cut to within 1-1/2 degrees of square with respect to with the appropriate compatible patching material. Project
the longitudinal axis. specifications should define the requirements for touch-up of
By definition, couplers are threaded, and some require the mechanical splices and repair of damaged coatings (refer
matching threads on the bar ends. One mechanical splice to Chapter 5 of ACI 301). Flame-cutting of coated bars in
requires reinforcing bars with special thread-like deformations. any location should be avoided, when possible, because of
In most cases, for field assembly purposes, the mechanical damage to the coating. Where mechanical splices are used,
splice should be concentrically aligned with the longitudinal flame-damaged epoxy coating may be more difficult to remove.
bar axis. This is especially important for couplers that 1.3.4 Stainless steel reinforcing bars—Stainless steel bars
require reinforcing bar rotation, so that the bar is not likely for concrete reinforcement, such as ASTM A 955/A 955M,
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can be mechanically spliced by stainless steel couplers that no recommendations on the testing frequency of installed
have chemical composition and corrosion resistance similar splices on a project.
to that of the bars. Information on availability should be
obtained from the supplier or splice manufacturer. If stainless CHAPTER 2—DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR
steel bars are mechanically spliced to dissimilar steels such MECHANICAL SPLICES
as carbon steel reinforcing bars, the potential for galvanic 2.1—Codes and specifications
corrosion due to dissimilar metals should first be assessed. Design requirements of the applicable code (for example,
ACI 318, 349, 350 or 359) or specification (for example,
1.3.5 Field erection—In many applications, mechanical
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges or
splices may be staggered for clearance, access, and code
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications) for reinforcing
requirements. If staggered mechanical splices are used in
bar mechanical splices are not reproduced or discussed in
columns, for example, free-standing erection and assembly
detail in this report. Codes generally specify a minimum
of the reinforcement may be required rather than preassembled
splice strength. For example, ACI 318-05, Chapter 12,
cages, thus necessitating use of external bracing or formwork to
requires that a (Type 1) full mechanical splice develop in
hold bars while completing splices.
tension or compression, as required, at least 125% of the
There is a considerable difference in the time and equipment specified yield strength fy of the bar, so some yielding will
required to install different mechanical splices. Therefore, occur in the reinforcing bar adjacent to the mechanical splice
the field erection procedure and schedule should be coordinated before failure in the splice itself. ACI 318-05, Chapter 21,
with the selection and installation procedure of the mechanical requires that Type 2 mechanical splices develop the specified
splices. If special equipment is required, particular information tensile strength of the spliced bar. For further background
regarding its size, weight, operation, and availability should information and some of the considerations made in
be obtained from the supplier or splice manufacturer. developing the ACI 318 mechanical splice provisions, the
For some projects, the engineer may find it appropriate to reader is encouraged to review the commentary provided in
specify the types of mechanical splices to be used. Also, the Chapters 12 and 21 of ACI 318-05.
method of construction may determine the types of mechan- ASTM A 1034/A 1034M describes the methods for testing
ical splices that can be most readily used. Any unique mechanical splices, such as monotonic tension tests,
requirements of a selected mechanical splice should be monotonic compression tests, and cyclic load tests, but does
considered by all parties before beginning construction. not quantify the parameters for testing nor acceptance criteria.
Study of the subsequent descriptions will assist in deter- Information regarding the claimed qualifications of
mining these requirements. The supplier or manufacturer mechanical splices is limited in this edition of the report to
should be able to provide information related to unique the Type 1 or Type 2 criteria of ACI 318, as summarized in
requirements, if required. Table 2.1. Supporting test results for a particular proprietary
1.3.6 Inspection and quality assurance—For all of the mechanical splice should be obtained directly from the splice
splices described in Sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5, some type of manufacturer.
installation inspection or quality assurance is needed to Table 2.1 includes a complete listing of tension-compression
ensure satisfactory performance. Quality system program mechanical splices and shows the performance claimed by
statements, certificates of compliance, or certified material the manufacturers as Types 1 and 2 when used in conjunction
test reports should be requested from mechanical splice with Grade 60 (420) deformed reinforcing bars. It should be
suppliers. Mechanical splice manufacturers can provide noted that some manufacturers have more than one version
installation acceptance criteria for use by engineers and field of a specific mechanical splice. For example, there might be
inspectors. Depending on jurisdiction, special inspection a version that is specifically Type 1, and another version that
may be required in accordance with a building code or is capable of Type 2 performance. Other splice manufacturers
design specification. may offer a single version that is rated as both Type 1 and
Destructive tensile testing of sister splices (also known as Type 2. Type 2 splices inherently satisfy Type 1 splice
companion splices), or a proportion of production pieces, performance requirements because the required tensile strength
can be specified by the engineer to verify that a particular of a Type 2 splice is greater than that of a Type 1 splice.
splice will not prematurely slip or otherwise fail, particularly For repair, renovation, and structural modification, the
in critical locations where Type 2 splices are used. The strength of the mechanical splice is generally dictated by the
frequency and manner of tensile testing may form part of the condition and attributes of the existing reinforcement. For
project specifications or may be prescribed in building example, if ASTM A 615/A 615M Grade 60 (420) bars are
codes. When mechanical splices are used in safety-related mechanically spliced to 80-year-old structural grade bars that
structures, such as nuclear containments, it may be mandatory have a characteristic yield strength of 33,000 psi (230 MPa)
to perform destructive tensile tests on as many as 1-in-50 with an unknown specified tensile strength, it may be
splices. In some jurisdictions, two or three test specimens unrealistic to specify a particular mechanical splice without
may be prepared and tested at the start of the splicing phase. first testing the mechanical splice with the old bar. Only
Batch testing (or ongoing testing) is performed by some certain types of mechanical splices are suitable for these
agencies on 1-in-500 splices or in accordance with kinds of applications. It is not feasible, for example, to use
instructions issued by the project engineer. ACI 318 makes
--```````,,,,,```,`,`````,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- threaded couplers because of the impracticality of forming
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Table 2.1—Tension-compression mechanical splices: availability, applications, and suitability of Types 1

and 2 splices for Grade 60 (420) uncoated deformed reinforcing bars
Applications Suitability
 = primary;  = secondary  = primary;  = secondary
A = cast-in-place E = shop or preinstallation
B = precast to precast F = field installation
C = new construction G = for deformed bars
Bar designation no. D = in-place renovation/repair H = plain round bars
Report section and mechanical splice generic name Type 1 splice Type 2 splice A B C D E F G H
3 to 18
3.3.1 Cold-swaged steel coupling sleeve (10 to 57)  —      —

3.3.2 Cold-swaged coupler with taper-threaded ends 3 to 18  —      —

(10 to 57)
6 to 18    
3.3.3 Coupler for thread-like deformed reinforcing bars (19 to 57) — — * —

3.3.4 Extruded steel coupler with parallel threaded ends 4 to 18  —  —  —  —

(13 to 57)

3.3.5 Friction-welded bar coupler with parallel threads 6 to 18  —  —  —  

(19 to 57)

3.3.6 Friction-welded coupler with taper-threaded ends 5 to 18  —  —  —  

(16 to 57)
3 to 18
3.3.7 Grout-filled coupling sleeve (10 to 57)        —

3.3.8 Grout-filled coupling sleeve with parallel thread 4 to 18        —

(13 to 57)

3.3.9 Grout-filled coupling sleeve with taper thread 6 to 18        —

(19 to 57)

3.3.10 Shear screw and rail coupling sleeve 4 to 18 4 to 14  —   —   

(13 to 57) (13 to 43)

3.3.11 Shear screw and wedge coupling sleeve 4 to 18 3 to 14  —   —   

(13 to 57) (10 to 43)
4 to 18
3.3.12 Steel-filled coupling sleeve (13 to 57)  —   —   —
3 to 18
3.3.13 Taper-threaded steel coupler (10 to 57)  —  —  —  
3.3.14 Threaded coupler with standard national coarse 4 to 11 4 to 8  —  —  —  
threads (13 to 36) (13 to 25)
3.3.15 Threaded coupler with upsized bar threads, 4 to 18  —  —  —  
cold-forged (13 to 57)
3.3.16 Threaded coupler with upsized bar threads, 4 to 11  —  —  —  
hot-forged (13 to 36)

3.3.17 Upset bar and coupling sleeve with straight threads 5 to 14  —      

(16 to 43)
3.4.1 Cold-swaged steel flanged coupler with taper- 3 to 18
threaded ends (10 to 57)  —  —  —  —
3.4.2 Coupler with standard national coarse threads and 4 to 11 4 to 8  —  —  —  
flange (13 to 36) (13 to 25)
3 to 18
3.4.3 Coupler with taper threads and mounting plate (10 to 57)  —      

3.4.4 Integrally forged coupler with flange 4 to 11  —  —  —  

(13 to 36)
Coupler must be used with compatible thread-like deformed reinforcing bars.
Notes: IMPORTANT—Contact the manufacturer for capabilities in splicing ASTM A 615/A 615M Grade 75 (520) bar. Each splice type classification is based solely on a manu-
facturer’s claimed performance with uncoated ASTM A 615/ASTM A 615M Grade 60 (420) or ASTM A 706/A 706M bar. Splice type classifications may be different for coated
bars and other grades or specifications. Neither ACI, nor the committee, tests or approves any manufacturer’s product or process, and consequently do not warrant the
splice type classifications. Splice performance, availability, suitability, limitations, and exclusions should be verified directly with the mechanical splice manufacturer. All informa-
tion is subject to change.

the required threads on the exposed ends of the reinforcing or the ductility of the reinforcing steel. Design codes cover
bars that extend from the concrete. For this reason, Table 2.1 strength requirements for welded and mechanical splices, but
includes some information pertaining to applications and generally do not specify how to avoid potential weaknesses that
suitability. may be directly attributed to the specific details or materials
of a mechanical splice.
2.2—Design considerations
Due to the minimum mechanical splice strength requirement, • In a flexural member, the mechanical splice should not
it is generally assumed in design that the presence of a result in a low effective longitudinal stiffness of the
mechanical splice of two reinforcing bars does not result in reinforcement that violates the strain conditions
a reduction of the anticipated structural strength, the stiffness,
assumed in the member design; and
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• In sections where inelastic strains are anticipated, such

as in potential plastic hinge sections, the assembly of
the mechanical splice and the reinforcing bars should
possess adequate ductility so that premature failure of
the spliced reinforcement is avoided. A Type 2 splice
should be used in accordance with the provisions of
ACI 318-05, Chapter 21. The use of welded splices,
Type 1 mechanical splices, and lap splices in these
sections is not permitted by Chapter 21 of ACI 318-05.

2.3—Drawings and specifications

Design drawings and specifications should clearly define
splice type(s), locations, and force requirements (for
example, lapped versus mechanical, tension splice versus
tension-compression splice), as well as typical installation
requirements. Design drawings and specifications should
define typical splices, approved manufacturers (as applicable),
and available options, as well as further information on
materials, installation, and post-installation testing to Fig. 3.1—Steel-filled coupling sleeve.
demonstrate proper installation (as required). Placement of
the reinforcing steel should consider constructibility and, longitudinal axis. ACI 318 also requires that an end-bearing
where possible, the engineer should seek input from the splice device be capable of holding the bars in concentric
contractor regarding the use, installation, and location of bearing contact.
splices. Two commercially available compression-only mechanical
splice devices that remain on the market are described in
CHAPTER 3—MECHANICAL SPLICES terms of configuration, bar sizes that can be spliced, capability
3.1—General of splicing bars of different sizes, and installation procedure.
A variety of proprietary mechanical splices are currently 3.2.1 Steel-filled coupling sleeve—A steel-filled coupling
available. In this chapter, the relevant features, characteristics, sleeve, where the connection is made by introducing molten
and installation procedure of various available mechanical steel filler material within the interior of a steel tube or
splices are generally described. No attempt has been made to sleeve, is available for compression-only applications. By

include dimensional data because information varies from means of an exothermic process, molten filler solidifies
each manufacturer and may change. around the deformations on the bar and internal grooves of
Descriptions of the mechanical splices are presented in the sleeve, creating a mechanical interlock between the bar,
alphabetical order by generic name. The committee does not sleeve, and filler material (Fig. 3.1). The configuration of
endorse or rate one particular mechanical splice over another. this coupling sleeve and its installation procedure are the
An attempt was made to include all mechanical splice types same as the description of the steel-filled coupling sleeve
available and sold in the North American market at the that is given under tension-compression mechanical splices
beginning of 2004. The descriptions of the mechanical splices (Section 3.3.12), and will not be repeated herein.
are based on information furnished by the manufacturers. Steel-filled coupling sleeves are available to splice bar
When no information was submitted by a manufacturer, sizes No. 11, 14, and 18 (No. 36, 43, and 57). Transition
no generic description of their product(s) was included in mechanical splices for different bar sizes can be made with
this report. special inserts, varying up to two sizes, such as No. 11 to 18
(No. 36 to 57). Bar ends do not require special end preparation;
3.2—Compression-only mechanical splices however, a bar-end check is recommended to prevent fitting
When considering the use of a compression-only mechanical problems in the field between the inside of the sleeve and the
splice, the engineer, as a safeguard, should confirm that the deformations of the larger bar. The ends can be shear cut or
splice will not be subjected to stress reversal. Temporary flame-cut because the molten steel material fills the space
stress reversals might be brought about by a dynamic between the ends of the bars to enhance bearing. When used
condition such as seismic activity, wind loading, or impact. with epoxy- or zinc-coated bars, the bar ends should be
When loading is less certain, tension-compression splices shielded at the time of coating application, or the coating
rather than compression-only splices are recommended. should be removed.
In compression-only end-bearing mechanical splices of Although intended for compression-only applications, this
the type described in Chapter 12 of ACI 318-05, compressive coupling sleeve, by its nature, is capable of developing some
stress is transferred by vertical concentric bearing from one tensile strength, but it is not intended to resist significant
bar to the other bar. Except for a steel-filled coupling sleeve, tensile loading. Bars can be connected in any orientation. A
ACI 318 requires that the ends of the bars be sawcut, or cut clear spacing of 1-1/2 nominal bar diameters is required to
by some other means, within 1-1/2 degrees of square to the bar provide clearance for the connecting equipment. The difference
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Fig. 3.3—Cold-swaged steel coupling sleeve.

splice manufacturers also claim to meet Type 1 tension-

compression capability with Grade 75 (520) bars.
3.3.1 Cold-swaged steel coupling sleeve—A cold-swaged
steel coupling sleeve consists of a seamless steel sleeve that
Fig. 3.2—Strap-type steel coupling sleeve. slips over the ends of two reinforcing bars and is deformed
onto the reinforcing bar profile to produce mechanical
interlock (Fig. 3.3).
between this steel-filled coupling sleeve for compression- Bar sizes No. 3 through 18 (No. 10 through 57) can be
only applications and the tension-compression coupling spliced by this method, including bars of different sizes.
sleeve is in the length of the sleeve. For example, a 3 in. Coupling sleeves are available for use with reinforcing bar
(76 mm) long coupling sleeve is used for connecting size Grades 40 (280), 60 (420), and 75 (520). When used with
No. 18 (No. 57) bars in compression only, whereas a 9 in. epoxy-coated bars that comply with ASTM A 775/A 775M,
(229 mm) long coupling sleeve is used for the tension- it is not necessary to shield the bar ends at the time of coating
compression mechanical splice. application or to remove the coating from the bar ends. Hot-
3.2.2 Strap-type steel coupling sleeve—Strap-type steel dipped galvanized coupling sleeves can be ordered for
coupling sleeves are the end-bearing sleeve type described in galvanized bars that comply with ASTM A 767/A 767M.
Chapter 12 of ACI 318-05, designed for compression-only The cold-swaged splicing method is suitable for new
applications. These types of sleeves are approximately a construction, field repair, and the splicing of older types of
half-cylindrical shell, with a bent flange at one side and slots reinforcing bars, provided that such bars have deformations
along the other side. L-shaped straps clip through the slots of for mechanical interlock.
the coupling sleeve and are bolted to the flange (Fig. 3.2). The first reinforcing bar is marked and inserted halfway
Installation of the strap-type steel coupling sleeve consists into the sleeve. A hydraulic press fitted with a removable
of joining two sawcut sections of reinforcing steel at the two-piece die set is used for field installation. The die set
midpoint of the sleeve. The straps are then tightened using a deforms the first half of the coupling sleeve in a radial direction
standard hex-shaped socket wrench. Strap-type steel onto the reinforcing bar in a series of overlapping pressings.

coupling sleeves are available in North America to splice bar The second bar is inserted to abut against the first, and the
sizes No. 7 through 18 (No. 22 through 57). When used with remaining unswaged portion of the sleeve is swaged onto the
epoxy- or zinc-coated (galvanized) bars, there is no need to second bar. Field-type presses, including dies, weigh
shield the bar ends at the time of coating application or to between 20 and 230 lb (9 and 105 kg). They can be supported
remove the coating from the bar ends. Special adapter for use in any orientation.
wedges are available for insertion into the coupling sleeve to Larger bench-type presses with adjustable stops and insertion
allow for mechanically splicing bars of different sizes. gauges are available for field or shop use. These machines,
which weigh approximately 1600 lb (726 kg) or more, can be
3.3—Tension-compression mechanical splices used to swage a coupling sleeve onto the end of a reinforcing
Seventeen types of commercially available tension- bar before placing it onto the other bar. Adapter kits allow
compression mechanical splices are described in this section. the aforementioned field presses to be used in the same way.
Information made available to the committee is reported in No special bar end preparation is required, so ends can be
terms of configuration, capability of connecting bars of sheared, sawed, or flame-cut; however, a bar-end check is
different sizes, requirements for preparation of bar ends, recommended. Bars can be connected from any orientation
requirements for equipment, tools, materials for installation, because special positioning of the press around the bar is not
and installation procedure, as relevant. required. For very closely spaced bars, access of the
All mechanical splice manufacturers claim Type 1 equipment to install the mechanical splices should be
tension-compression capability with Grade 40 (280) and checked with the manufacturer.
Grade 60 (420) bars in accordance with Chapter 12 of ACI 3.3.2 Cold-swaged coupler with taper-threaded ends—
318-05. Table 2.1 summarizes the claimed conformance of This type of coupler consists of two pieces, both of which are
the listed mechanical splices to the Type 1 or 2 criteria of manufactured from seamless steel tubing or carbon steel bar.
ACI 318 with Grade 60 (420) bars. Certain mechanical The internally threaded coupler has a precut taper thread
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Fig. 3.4—Cold-swaged steel coupler with taper-threaded Fig. 3.5—Cold-swaged position coupler with threaded stud
ends (partial section). (partial section).

inside one end; a preformed externally threaded coupler has

taper thread to match (Fig. 3.4).
The bar ends should be straight and can be sheared, sawed,
or flame-cut; however, a bar-end check is recommended.
Reinforcing bars are correctly positioned inside the couplers
by means of internal stops. The couplers are deformed onto
the bar profile to produce mechanical interlock by a swaging
process using a bench press or a field-type press, as described Fig. 3.6—Transition cold-swaged coupler with taper-
in Section 3.3.1. The swaging can take place on the job site or threaded ends (section).
at a fabricator’s plant. A single pressing per coupler half is
needed to install most bar sizes when using a bench press.
The tapered thread on the coupler helps to align the threads
before rotating one of the two bars. The manufacturer
requires that the threads be fully assembled. No special
equipment or torque wrench is needed for this operation. A
pipe wrench may be needed to overcome bar weight. Because
threads are formed on the couplers and not on the reinforcing
bar, the cross-sectional area of the bar is not reduced. Fig. 3.7—Coupler for thread-like deformed reinforcing bars
A variation of this is the position coupler, which consists (partial section).
of two internally threaded ends and an interconnecting
externally threaded steel stud. This three-piece variation is 1. In installations where one of the two bars can be rotated,
generally used where neither reinforcing bar can be rotated a coupler is engaged on the ends of the two opposing bars,
to engage the threads (for example, where each bar is bent). and the two bars are tightened against each other. For
The stud has a right-hand taper thread on one end and a right- mechanical splices working in compression, the bar ends
hand parallel thread on the other. Rotating the stud connects should be perpendicular to within 1-1/2 degrees and may be
the two internally threaded couplers together (Fig. 3.5). No either sawcut or abrasion wheel-cut;
torque wrench is required for this operation. 2. In installations where neither of the bars to be connected
Bar Grades 40 (280), 60 (420), and 75 (520) in sizes No. 3 can be rotated, a coupler is engaged on the end of the two
through 18 (No. 10 through 57), including transition sizes opposing bars and a jam nut is tightened against each end of
(Fig. 3.6), can be spliced by either the two-piece or three- the coupler, as shown in Fig. 3.7. In this case, the ends will not
piece type couplers. When used with epoxy-coated bars that have to be cut to the 1-1/2 degree perpendicularity tolerance.
comply to ASTM A 775/A 775M, it is not necessary to In all mechanical splices described in Section 3.3.3, the
shield the bar ends at the time of coating application or to assembly components are torqued together. Torque values
remove the coating from the bar ends. Hot-dipped galvanized range from 150 to 750 ft·lb (203 to 1016 N·m) for the No. 6
splice components can be ordered for mechanically splicing through 11 (No. 19 through 36) sizes, and are 1500 and
galvanized bars that comply with ASTM A 767/A 767M. 3000 ft·lb (2032 and 4065 N·m) for the No. 14 and 18 (No. 43
3.3.3 Coupler for thread-like deformed reinforcing bars— and 57) sizes, respectively. Hydraulic torque wrenches are

A reinforcing bar conforming to ASTM A 615/A 615M, available to achieve the larger torque values. Required
except for markings, with rolled-on deformations having a torque values may be less, depending on specific project
profile similar to the shape of a stub-acme type of thread is requirements.
used. The reinforcing bars can be mechanically spliced using No special cleanliness requirements for the bar ends apply.
matching threaded couplers and nuts available from the Different size bars can be spliced. Bars should have a clear
reinforcing bar manufacturer. This mechanical splice is spacing of 1-1/2 bar diameters to provide room for tightening.
available for all grades up to Grade 75 (520) in bar sizes As required, the manufacturer can supply compatible bars,
No. 6 through 18 (No. 19 through 57) and a special bar size threaded couplers, and nuts that have been epoxy coated or
No. 20 (No. 63), Grade 80 (550). galvanized. It is not necessary to shield the bar ends at the
The bars are mechanically spliced together using one of time of coating application or to remove the coating from the
two methods: bar ends.
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When neither reinforcing bar can be rotated, a position

splice is made by use of one standard internally threaded
coupler and one longer internally threaded coupler in
conjunction with an external thread positional steel stud that
is pre-engaged into the longer internally threaded coupler.
During the final stage of assembly at the job site, the position
Fig. 3.8—Extruded steel coupler with parallel threaded stud is unscrewed from the longer internally threaded
ends (partial section). coupler component into the standard internally threaded
coupler. A locknut is provided if the second bar should be
held in a specific position. Connection of reinforcing bars of
different sizes can also be made by this method. A further
variation uses a longer position stud to allow for a certain gap
between the two bars to be spliced. Marks on the stud are

provided for the installer to verify that thread engagement is
sufficient on both ends of the stud (Fig. 3.10).
3.3.5 Friction-welded bar coupler with parallel threads—
Fig. 3.9—Extruded steel transition coupler with parallel This type of splice uses two parallel threaded steel bars and
threaded ends (section). an internally threaded coupler. The threaded steel bars have
a stress area equal to or greater than the nominal area of the
reinforcing bars being spliced, and are shop-attached to the
reinforcing bar ends by an inertia friction-welding process at
the factory of the mechanical splice manufacturer. In this
process, a flywheel containing the threaded bar element is
accelerated to a predetermined rotational speed. The
Fig. 3.10—Extruded steel positional coupler with parallel threaded bar is brought into contact with a stationary
threaded ends (section). restrained reinforcing bar while the drive motor is simulta-
neously disengaged. The components are forced together
3.3.4 Extruded steel coupler with parallel threaded ends— under pressure, and the energy that is stored in the flywheel
This type of splice consists of two pieces: an internally is dissipated through friction in the faying surfaces as they
threaded sleeve on the first-stage bar, and an externally rub together and heat is generated to create a weld interface.
threaded sleeve on the second-stage bar. Both sleeves have a As the flywheel stops, an axial compressive force is main-
hollow portion on one end that receives the reinforcing bar, tained until the materials coalesce. Characteristically, some
and a thread on the other end that is used to achieve the weld flash is produced as material is displaced from the
connection. Reinforcing bars with any deformation pattern faying surfaces. Because it is a solid-state process, friction
can be spliced (Fig. 3.8). welds are generally free from porosity and similar defects.
Before installation, the bar ends should be individually When used with ASTM A 706/A 706M or A 615/ A 615M
sheared or sawcut square; a bar-end check is recommended. reinforcing bars, the strength of friction welds are comparable
After the bar is inserted inside the coupler, the coupler is to that of the materials being welded.
extruded onto the reinforcing bar using an automatic The internally threaded coupler is fully screwed onto one
hydraulic press or a field-type press to produce mechanical of the threaded splice bars. In the field, the second threaded
interlock with the bar profile. The extrusion process can take splice bar is butted to the end of the first. The coupler is
place at a fabricator plant or on the job site. During the extrusion unwound from the first threaded splice bar onto the second
process, each connection is proof-tested by the application of threaded splice bar. Some adjustment may be necessary at
a tensile force, and values are automatically recorded. Final this stage to align the threads. An optional installation tool
assembly is done manually on site by rotating either bar. available from the mechanical splice manufacturer has been
Chamfers on the coupler components help to align the designed to rotate the internally threaded coupler. To
threads. No torque wrench is required for this operation. complete the connection, one of the bars is rotated and
Because threads are formed on the coupler components and snugly tightened. No torque wrench is required for this
not on the reinforcing bar, the cross-sectional area of the bar operation. End-to-end splicing of bar sizes No. 6 through 18
is not reduced. (No. 19 through 57), including transitions, can be accomplished
Connection of reinforcing bars of different sizes is made by this method (Fig 3.11). Epoxy-coated bars can be spliced
by use of standard internally threaded couplers extruded on by shielding the bar ends at the time of epoxy application or
both bars; a transitional steel stud with matching external removing the epoxy coating from the bar.
threads is used to complete the connection. Using standard In a variation of this, where neither bar can be rotated, the
internally threaded couplers on each side makes it unnecessary system can be used as a position coupler. A locknut and the
to plan for which bar size will be used for a transition. Studs internally threaded coupler are fully screwed onto one of the
can be produced with external threads for any combination threaded splice bars. A second locknut is prethreaded onto
of bar sizes No. 4 through 18 (No. 13 through 57) (Fig. 3.9). the second bar. The coupler is unscrewed from the first
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Fig. 3.11—Friction-welded bar coupler with parallel Fig. 3.13—Friction-welded coupler with taper-threaded
threaded ends. ends.

Fig. 3.14—Friction-welded bar ends with interconnecting

threaded sleeve.
Fig. 3.12—Friction-welded bar position coupler with parallel
threaded ends.

threaded splice bar onto the second threaded splice bar and
centralized. The locknuts are then tightened against the
coupler to a snug, tight condition. No torque wrench is
required for this operation (Fig 3.12).
3.3.6 Friction-welded coupler with taper-threaded ends—
This type of splice consists of matching external and internal
taper-threaded ends and coupling sleeves designed to
transfer both tensile and compressive stresses. The
components are attached to reinforcing bar sizes No. 5
through 18 (No. 16 through 57) using a shop friction-welded
fabrication process. Transitions to different reinforcing bar
sizes are also possible. The coupler components have stress
areas equal to or greater than the nominal area of the reinforcing Fig. 3.15—Grout-filled coupling sleeve.
bars being spliced. The strength of friction welds with
ASTM A 706/A 706M bars has been evaluated by static and
cyclic tests. Splice installation is done by positioning and Installed splices are designed with sufficient development
turning the reinforcing bars (Fig. 3.13). The use of a heat- length of bars inside the sleeve to meet the strength
shrink sleeve is recommended by the splice manufacturer to requirements of ACI 318 when used with either ASTM A 706/
properly seal the splice when the bars are epoxy coated. A 706M or A 615/A 615M Grade 40 (280) and 60 (420)
A variation of this system consists of an interconnecting reinforcing bars. Grade 75 (520) bars may also be spliced. This
internally threaded sleeve that unwinds from a parallel- type of mechanical splice can connect bars of varying sizes.
threaded end onto a taper-threaded end. This type of product The grout-filled coupling sleeve is particularly suited to
is used where neither reinforcing bar can be rotated; for precast concrete construction. The sleeve is cast-in at the
example, where each bar is bent (Fig. 3.14). end of a precast member with the reinforcing bar inserted
3.3.7 Grout-filled coupling sleeve—The grout-filled in the narrow end to the bar stop. The wide end opening is
coupling sleeve is a frusto-conical* ductile iron casting with held against the forms during casting. Later in the field, it
deformations similar to reinforcing bar patterns on the inner will be ready to receive a bar from the foundation or
wall. A nonshrink, high-strength, proprietary grout fills the another precast member.
sleeve around the bars. The grout is either pumped or poured The coupling sleeve can be used above the construction
into the chambers with a low-pressure hand-grout pump. The joint, which is referred to as post-grout orientation because it
bars do not require any special end preparation (Fig. 3.15). is grouted after the precast members are erected and braced.
This coupling sleeve may be epoxy coated to splice epoxy- It can also be used below the construction joint, which is
coated bars, or hot-dipped galvanized for zinc-coated bars. referred to as pre-grout, because the sleeve must be filled
The coating on the bars does not have to be removed for the with grout before the next precast member is erected. The
bars to be connected. former is more flexible for all weather conditions. The latter
results in a connection that is more architecturally attractive
because there are no visible grout ports.
Frusto-conical—a geometric net shape, being that of a cone intersected by two parallel
The grouted coupling sleeve can also be used horizontally
planes, usually perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cone. or at any angle in a closure pour by sliding the sleeve all the
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Fig. 3.16—Grout-filled coupling sleeve with parallel thread

at upset bar ends.
Fig. 3.17—Grout-filled coupling sleeve with taper thread.

way over onto one bar and then sliding it back over the other
bar to be connected such that the ends meet in the center of removed, and all the spaces within the sleeve are full of
the sleeve with a 1 to 2 in. (25 to 50 mm) gap, depending on grout. Adjoining bars are not permitted to be misaligned by
bar size. The ends are sealed, and the sleeves filled through more than 7 degrees. All spliced joints are required to be
the grout ports with the hand-grout pump. braced and supported to prevent movement until the grout
Special precautions should be taken to ensure that movement gains sufficient strength; the braces are left in place for at
of the bars within the sleeves does not take place after least 24 hours or until the grout has attained a minimum
grouting until the grout achieves a minimum compressive compressive strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa). The required
strength of 3000 to 5000 psi (21 to 34 MPa) within the initial 28-day compressive strength of the grout is 8500 psi (59 MPa).
24-hour period. Braces, shores, and cables are typical The compressive strength of field-mixed grout can be
supports used to stabilize the precast members and sleeves. determined by performing compressive tests on 2 in. (50 mm)
Precast members with vertical reinforcing bars may be cubes of the material cured in accordance with ASTM C
assembled without any closure pours or formwork. This 109/C 109M.
method of detailing is more fully discussed in ACI 550.1R. 3.3.9 Grout-filled coupling sleeve with taper thread—
3.3.8 Grout-filled coupling sleeve with parallel thread at Specifically designed for precast construction, the taper-
upset bar ends—This mechanical splice system consists of a threaded grout-filled coupling sleeve is designed to maintain
grout sleeve and a proprietary, metallic, nonshrink cementitious structural integrity between load-bearing precast members
grout. The system is for use with size No. 4 through 18 such as columns, beams, and shearwalls.
(No. 13 through 57) uncoated Grade 60 (420) reinforcing This type of mechanical reinforcing steel splice is designed
bars conforming to ASTM A 615/A 615M, and is used to to join size No. 6 through 18 (No. 19 through 57) reinforcing
splice equal-size bars and different-sized bars end-to-end. bars conforming to ASTM A 615/A 615M or A 706/A
Typical applications include precast and cast-in-place 706M. Epoxy-coated bars can be spliced without the need for
construction (Fig. 3.16). shielding at the time of coating application or removing the
The grout sleeves are produced as castings from ductile epoxy coating from the bar ends. The sleeve uses a tapered
iron complying with ASTM A 536, with yield and ultimate thread in conjunction with a proprietary grout. The sleeve is
tensile strengths of 55,000 and 80,000 psi (379 and 552 MPa), fastened to the first bar by means of a taper-threaded end.
respectively. The grout sleeves are straight cylinders with The assembly (bar and sleeve) is positioned within the
one end threaded to receive a parallel threaded reinforcing formwork at the precaster’s plant before placement of the
bar. The bars are required to be processed in a shop having concrete. The splice is completed at the job site, where the
suitable automatic equipment to upset the bar end and form exposed dowel of the adjoining structural member is inserted
threads on the upset end. Because threads are formed on the within the sleeve and filled with the proprietary grout. Once
upset end, the nominal specified diameter of the reinforcing hardened, the grout interlocks between the deformations of
bar is not compromised by the threading operations. the reinforcing bar and internal grooves of the coupler (Fig. 3.17).
Threaded reinforcing bar sizes No. 4 through 6 (No. 13 This type of system eliminates the use of anchor bolts or
through 19) may have a machined integral shoulder or lock embedded weld plates in precast construction, and is not
nut to facilitate torquing. Threaded reinforcing bar sizes dependent on the condition of the surrounding concrete.
No. 7 through 18 (No. 22 through 57) may have an optional The coupling sleeves are produced as castings from ductile
locking nut instead of the integral shoulder. The grout sleeve iron complying with ASTM A 536. Each sleeve is identified
is screwed onto the threaded bar using a wrench. with the reinforcing bar size, part number, and manufacturer’s
The opposite end of the grout sleeve has a cavity to receive name. Premixed and prepackaged grout is purchased from
a nonthreaded bar. The entrance to the cavity includes the splice manufacturer in 50 lb bags. Bags of grout are
internal threads that are pitched approximately 0.286 in. imprinted with the manufacturer’s name and address,
(7.3 mm) on center for optional use with proprietary lifting product designation, and water mixing instructions.
bolts. The wide opening of the cavity allows for transitioning 3.3.10 Shear screw and rail coupling sleeve—This type of
between bars of different sizes. The sides of the sleeve have device uses shear-head-type screws threaded into the side of
inlet and outlet ports to receive grout. The grout is pumped seamless tubing and two serrated rails that are the same
into the inlet tube located at the sleeve bottom until it is length as the coupling sleeve. The serrated rails cradle the
visible through the outlet at the top, all entrapped air is
reinforcing bar, and are embedded into the bar as the screws are
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Fig. 3.19—Shear screw and wedge coupling sleeve.

Fig. 3.18—Shear screw and rail coupling sleeve.

tightened. The heads of the screws are designed to shear off at a

prescribed torque to accomplish proper installation (Fig. 3.18).
The reinforcing bar is inserted halfway into the coupler,
and the coupler is held in place while the corresponding Fig. 3.20—Steel-filled coupling sleeve.
screws are tightened finger-tight. The other bar end is
inserted into the coupler until the two bar ends meet and the
corresponding screws are tightened finger-tight. The screws grooves of the sleeve, creating a mechanical interlock
are then tightened using a wrench in an alternating pattern between the bar, sleeve, and filler material (Fig. 3.20).
until the heads shear off. The system may be used with plain No special bar end preparation is required, so ends can be
or deformed bars in sizes No. 4 through 18 (No. 13 through sheared, sawed, or flame-cut. The steel-filled coupling sleeve
57). Epoxy-coated bars can be spliced without the need for is capable of splicing misaligned or circumferentially
shielding at the time of coating application or removing the positioned bars due to the oversized inside diameter of the
epoxy coating from the bar ends. sleeve.
3.3.11 Shear screw and wedge coupling sleeve—This Field installation procedures consist of sliding the steel
mechanical splice consists of a smooth, seamless shaped steel sleeve over one bar, inserting the second bar, and then
sleeve with two converging sides. A series of cone-pointed hex- centering the sleeve over the bar ends. Expendable graphite
head screws are arranged along the sleeve length (Fig. 3.19). components are temporarily attached to the side of the sleeve.
Reinforcing bars are inserted from each end to a center The premixed filler material bag is emptied within the
stop. No special bar-end preparation is required, so ends can graphite crucible. An exothermic reaction produces a molten
be sheared, sawed, or flame-cut. As the screws are tightened, metal that flows into the sleeve, filling the void inside the
they indent into the surface of the bars, which in turn wedge sleeve and surrounding the deformations of the reinforcing
into the converging sides of the sleeve. Screws can be tight- bars. Inspection of the completed splice consists of viewing
ened using suitable impact wrenches or hand-held ratchet both ends of the sleeve to ensure that filler material is visible.
wrenches. The heads of the screws shear off at a prescribed Available in bar sizes No. 4 through 18 (No. 13 through
tightening torque. 57), the system is designed to be used on all grades of ASTM
When making splices between fixed points, a sleeve A 615/A 615M reinforcing steel [Grades 40 (280), 60 (420),
without a center stop can be slipped entirely onto one bar and and 75 (520)], in addition to ASTM A 706/A 706M. To
subsequently repositioned over the two bar ends being install this type of mechanical splice on epoxy- or zinc-
spliced. Bar sizes No. 3 through 14 (No. 10 through 43) can coated bars, the bar ends should be shielded at the time of

be spliced as can bars of different sizes. Epoxy-coated bars coating application, or the coating has to be completely
that comply with ASTM A 775/A 775M can be spliced with removed. The steel-filled coupling sleeve is suited to new
epoxy-coated coupling sleeves without the need for shielding construction, field repair and renovation applications, and
of the bar ends at the time of coating application or removing the splicing of older types of reinforcing bars, provided that
the epoxy coating from the bar ends. Galvanized bars can be such bars have deformations for mechanical interlock.
spliced with galvanized coupling sleeves. This mechanical 3.3.13 Taper-threaded steel coupler—Taper-threaded
splice is suitable for new construction, field repair applications, steel couplers have internal tapered threads. The use of
and the splicing of older types of reinforcing bars. tapered threads helps to reduce field damage or cross-
3.3.12 Steel-filled coupling sleeve—The steel-filled threading before full thread engagement is achieved. The
coupling sleeve is a mechanical means of butt-splicing taper also helps to align and self-center the reinforcing steel.
deformed reinforcing bars that works by introducing molten- This system requires approximately four revolutions to
steel filler material within the interior of a steel tube or assemble. Due to the proprietary nature of the taper-threaded
sleeve. By means of an exothermic process, molten filler steel coupler systems, the tapered threads and products are
solidifies around the deformations on the bar and internal not interchangeable between manufacturers.
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Fig. 3.23—Threaded coupler with standard national coarse

Fig. 3.21—Taper-threaded coupler assembled.

Fig. 3.24—Position coupler with standard national coarse

Fig. 3.22—Taper-threaded bar and coupler. threads.

Machining of the reinforcing bar ends is performed by reinforcing bars. There is no requirement for preforging or
reinforcing steel fabrication shops on automatic equipment for a bar end upsizing operation (Fig. 3.23).
supplied by the splice manufacturer. Before shipment to the Threading a bar end with a standard national coarse series
job site, the threaded ends of the bars are protected by of thread will reduce the nominal cross-sectional area of the
installing plastic thread protectors. bar by approximately 15 to 25% depending on the thread
Field assembly of standard couplers, which are used where size, but the effect of the area reduction on splice strength may
at least one bar is free to rotate (Fig. 3.21 and 3.22), consists be offset by specifying a higher-grade material, by imposing
of removing the thread protector from the end of the bar. The strength controls over the mechanical properties of the
taper-threaded steel coupler is then fastened to the threaded specified grade, or by increasing the specified bar diameter.
end of the first bar until it is hand tight (in some cases, the Threading of the bar ends with standard national coarse
coupler is installed on the bar at the fabrication shop). The threads can be performed by coupler suppliers or by reinforcing
second bar is inserted into the coupler and is rotated until steel fabricators with suitable equipment. Precautions should
hand tight. A pipe wrench is positioned on the second bar be taken to protect the threaded ends of the bars during
and rotated to complete the connection. Transition-style shipping and handling. A common installation practice is to
couplers, for splicing bars of different sizes, are assembled in connect the coupler to at least one bar end before reinforcing
the same manner as standard couplers. bar placement. The coupler may be manufactured with a
Position couplers are used to join curved or bent bars that thread stop at its center or the thread length on the reinforcing
must be held in a predetermined position during the bars should be controlled to ensure proper thread engagement.
assembly process. The couplers can also be used for straight The outside diameter of the coupler for Grade 60 (420) bars
bars where neither bar is free to rotate. Position coupler generally varies from 7/8 in. (22 mm) for the size No. 4 (No. 13)
installation is different from standard and transition couplers. bar, to 2 in. (51 mm) for the size No. 11 (No. 36) bar. The
All styles of taper-threaded steel couplers are designed to use of a pipe wrench may be necessary to abut the bar end
join size No. 3 through 18 (No. 10 through 57) reinforcing against the thread stop or otherwise secure the splice
bars conforming to ASTM A 615/A 615M or A 706/A assembly. No torque wrench is required for this operation. A
706M. Epoxy-coated couplers with taper threads are avail- position splice is made by machining a longer thread on one
able for splicing epoxy-coated bars without the need for of the bars to be connected. This method is used when
shielding of the bar ends at the time of coating application or neither reinforcing bar can be rotated. Assembly is
removing the epoxy coating from the bar ends. Hot-dipped completed in the field by unwinding a preassembled coupler
galvanized couplers can be produced for mechanically splicing from the long thread onto the adjoining threaded bar. A
galvanized bars. Stainless steel threaded couplers can be locknut may be used if one of the bars needs to be orientated in
manufactured for splicing stainless steel reinforcing bars. a certain direction (Fig. 3.24).
3.3.14 Threaded coupler with standard national coarse Epoxy-coated couplers with standard national coarse
threads—These types of mechanical splices, which are threads are available for splicing epoxy-coated bars that
normally used with bar sizes No. 4 through 11 (No. 13 comply with ASTM A 775/A 775M, without the need for
through 36) ASTM A 615/A 615M Grade 60 (420), use shielding at the time of coating application or removing the
couplers with internally machined threads and matching epoxy coating from the bar ends. Hot-dipped galvanized
exterior threads cut or rolled directly onto the ends of the couplers can be produced for mechanically splicing galvanized

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Fig. 3.25—Threaded coupler with upsized bar threads,

Fig. 3.26—Transition coupler with upsized bar threads,
bars that comply with ASTM A 767/A 767M. Stainless steel cold-forged.
threaded couplers can be manufactured for splicing stainless
steel reinforcing bars.
3.3.15 Threaded coupler with upsized bar threads, cold-
forged—This type of splice, for bar sizes No. 4 through 18
(No. 13 through 57), consists of two reinforcing bars with
upsized parallel threaded ends that are connected by a
coupler with internally machined threads (Fig. 3.25).
Each reinforcing bar with a sawcut end is inserted into a
hydraulically actuated bench press that enlarges the bar end
by a cold-forging operation. Thereafter, threads are formed
on the upsized section of bar by use of a thread-cutting Fig. 3.27—Position coupler with upsized bar threads, cold-
machine or a thread-rolling machine. By virtue of the forged.
upsizing method, the nominal cross-sectional area of the bar

in the thread region is not reduced.

Bar end preparation can take place at a fabricator’s plant
or on the job site. A chamfer on the coupler helps locate the
threaded ends for proper bar alignment. Assembly is completed
by rotating either bar. No torque wrench is required for this
operation. Connection of reinforcing bars of different sizes is
made by use of a transition coupler with threads that match
the corresponding threads on the reinforcing bars. Using
standard threads on each bar makes it unnecessary to plan for
which bar size will be used for a transition (Fig. 3.26). Fig. 3.28—Threaded coupler with upsized threads, hot-forged.
When neither reinforcing bar can be rotated, a position
coupler is used by machining a longer thread on one of the
bars to be connected. The threads extend from the upsized national coarse series, 1/8 in. (3 mm) larger than the nominal bar
section of bar into some of the reinforcing bar deformations. diameter. For size No. 8 through 11 (No. 25 through 36) bars,
Assembly is completed by unwinding a preassembled the threads have a pitch of eight threads per inch with thread
coupler from the long thread onto the adjoining threaded bar. diameters of 1-1/8, 1-1/4, 1-7/16, and 1-9/16 in., respectively.
An optional locknut is provided if one of the bars must be The manufacturer can supply this type of splicing system
held in a specific orientation (Fig. 3.27). epoxy-coated, if required. In the event a transition mechanical
3.3.16 Threaded coupler with upsized bar threads, hot- splice is required, the socket can be formed on a larger bar
forged—In this system, the mechanical splice is manufactured with appropriately matching internal threads to accommodate
directly from two reinforcing bars. Each reinforcing bar is the external threads of the smaller bar end. No torque wrench
altered by a hot-forging operation that produces an integral is required during assembly.
internal or external threaded portion suitable for connecting A similar system to the above, for reinforcing bar sizes
the two bars. One reinforcing bar is hot-forged to provide a No. 7 through 14 (No. 22 through 43), comprises two rein-
cavity that is subsequently machined by the manufacturer with forcing bars with hot-forged upsized sections of bar that are
internal threads. A second reinforcing bar is hot-forged to machined by the manufacturer with external threads and
provide an upsized section of bar that is then machined by the connected by a coupler with internally machined threads.
manufacturer with external threads (Fig. 3.28). The threads have a pitch of eight threads per inch with thread
The system uses standard thread sizes larger than the nominal diameters as detailed previously for bar sizes No. 7 through 11
diameter of the reinforcing bar. The thread size is such that the (No. 22 through 36), and with a thread diameter of 1-7/8 in. in
system is capable of achieving the minimum tensile strength of the case of size No. 14 (No. 43).
Grade 60 (420) reinforcing bars. For size No. 4 through 7 3.3.17 Upset bar and coupling sleeve with straight
(No. 13 through 22) reinforcing bars, the threads are standard threads—This mechanical splice consists of threaded
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Fig. 3.29—Upset bar and coupling sleeve with straight


Fig. 3.31—Coupler with standard national coarse threads

and flange.

accidents. Industry terms for these devices include dowel bar

replacement and dowel bar substitute.
Four different dowel-bar mechanical splice systems are
described in this section. Although each is specifically
designed for splicing reinforcing bars to dowel splice bars,
nothing precludes their use as ordinary tension-compression
Fig. 3.30—Cold-swaged flanged coupler with taper-
mechanical splices subject to the general considerations in
threaded ends.
Section 1.3 and the design requirements in Chapter 2 of this
components and two reinforcing bars with ends that have report. Table 2.1 includes a listing of the four dowel bar
been upset by a portable hydraulic machine either on or off mechanical splices and shows the performance claimed by
site. It is available zinc-plated from bar sizes No. 5 through the manufacturers when used in conjunction with Grade 60

14 (No. 16 through 43); it is designed to be used in both (420) deformed reinforcing bars.
retrofit and new construction. Transitions to different 3.4.1 Cold-swaged steel flanged coupler with taper-
reinforcing bar sizes are also possible. There is no need to threaded ends—The cold-swaged coupler (Fig. 3.30) is
turn bars, which makes it suitable for bent and curved (hoop) basically the same as the coupler with internal threaded ends
bars. The installation procedure consists of placing threaded described in Section 3.3.2. These couplers have flanges with
components over the reinforcement and heating the reinforcing holes for nailing to wooden forms, as do the other dowel bar
bar ends to a temperature of 1650 °F (900 °C) to upset heads splices. Steel studs with nuts can be used to attach these
on reinforcing bars by hot-forging. Next, the installer hand- couplers to a steel bulkhead.
tightens the two threaded-component parts and locks the Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars that comply with ASTM A
assembly with a torque wrench (Fig. 3.29). 775/A 775M can be spliced without the need for shielding at
For the splicing of epoxy-coated bars, the splice manufacturer the time of coating application or removing the epoxy
recommends using a heat-shrink sleeve to seal the splice. It coating from the bar ends. Hot-dipped galvanized splice
is necessary to either remove the coating on bar ends or to components can be provided for mechanically splicing
protect the operator from possible toxic fumes resulting from galvanized bars that comply with ASTM A 767/A 767M.
heating epoxy. 3.4.2 Coupler with standard national coarse threads and
flange—In this system, a flanged threaded coupler is used.
3.4—Dowel bar mechanical splices This flanged coupler is a variation of the coupler described
Dowel bars are used at construction joints to transfer in Section 3.3.14. The coupler is fabricated from material
tension loads, compression loads, or both, across the joints conforming to ASTM A 108 and has an optional internal
between reinforcing bars on both sides of the joints. positive stop at midlength. The stop ensures that the reinforcing
Several manufacturers make dowel bar mechanical bar threaded from each end is installed to the proper depth.
splices. All include flanged couplers for new construction Alternatively, the thread lengths on the reinforcing bars are
that are designed to achieve the same tension-compression controlled to ensure proper thread engagement. A square
capability as the tension-compression splices described in flange plate is attached to one end of the coupler (Fig. 3.31).
the previous section. Grade 60 (420) reinforcing bars conforming to ASTM A
Flanged couplers have holes that permit nailing of the 615/A 615M are threaded with a standard national coarse
flange to the sides or ends of the formwork. In each case, the thread of the same or similar size as the nominal bar diameter.
coupler has internal threads that permit the attachment of a Because threading of standard reinforcing bars is employed,
dowel splice bar or long length of reinforcing bar. These the threaded bars may be fabricated locally or may be
systems have the advantage of permitting continuity of purchased from the coupler manufacturer. A common practice
reinforcement across construction joints without formwork is to attach the coupler to one of the reinforcing bar ends
penetration. Because flanged couplers are typically fully before shipment.
embedded in concrete, their use eliminates projecting bars, Straight or bent reinforcing bars are cast in concrete with
which can interfere with construction and can be a cause of the flanged coupler attached to the form face. After the form-
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Fig. 3.32—Coupler with taper threads and mounting plate.

Fig. 3.33—Integrally forged coupler with flange.
work is removed, straight or bent splice bars are installed into
the coupler to extend the reinforcing bar. These couplers are described in Section 3.3.16. Each reinforcing bar is altered
available for size No. 4 through 11 (No. 13 through 36) bars. by a hot-forging operation that produces an internally or
Because the cross section at the threads is less than that of externally threaded portion suitable for connecting the two
the reinforcing bar, the strength of the system is limited by bars. One reinforcing bar is forged and machined to provide
the cross section at the threads or by the coupler itself. The one end with an integrally flanged coupler with internal
effect of the area reduction on splice strength may be offset threads. Another reinforcing bar has a hot-forged upset end
by specifying a higher-grade material, by imposing strength with external threads (Fig. 3.33).
controls over the mechanical properties of the specified The system uses standard thread sizes larger than the
grade, or by increasing the specified bar diameter. nominal diameter of the reinforcing bar so that splices are
Epoxy-coated couplers with standard national coarse capable of achieving the minimum specified tensile strength
threads are available for splicing epoxy-coated bars that of Grade 60 (420) reinforcing bars. For size No. 4 through
comply with ASTM A 775/A 775M, without the need for 7 (No. 13 through 22) reinforcing bars, the threads are standard
shielding at the time of coating application or removing the national coarse series, 1/8 in. (3 mm) larger than the nominal
epoxy coating from the bar ends. Hot-dipped galvanized bar diameter. For size No. 8 through 11 (No. 25 through 36)
couplers can be produced for mechanically splicing galvanized bars, the threads have a pitch of eight threads per inch with
bars that comply with ASTM A 767/A 767M. Stainless steel thread diameters of 1-1/8, 1-1/4, 1-7/16, and 1-9/16 in., respec-
threaded couplers can be manufactured for splicing stainless tively. The internally threaded flanged coupler is hot-forged
steel reinforcing bars. on a reinforcing bar of the same size as the hot-forged upset
3.4.3 Coupler with taper threads and mounting plate— end with matching external threads. The internally threaded
Taper-threaded dowel bar substitutes are a two-piece and externally threaded pieces can be manufactured with
assembly designed to splice size No. 4 through 11 (No. 13 straight bars or with 90-degree hooked bars having the
through 36) reinforcing bars where concrete formwork desired dimensions. A bar with a coupler at each end can
prevents the use of one continuous section of bar. Assemblies transfer continuity of reinforcement across construction joints
consist of a reinforcing bar factory-attached to a coupler, and at two opposite faces of a member. In the event a transition
a separate reinforcing bar with external taper threads that mechanical splice is required, the internally threaded piece
subsequently fastens into the coupler. Assemblies can be can be formed on a larger bar with appropriately matching
produced by either friction welding in bar sizes No. 4 threads to accommodate the smaller, externally threaded
through 7 (No. 13 through 22) (Fig. 3.32) or by taper threading step-down bar. The manufacturer can supply this type of
both ends of a flanged-style coupler in bar sizes No. 4 splicing system epoxy-coated, if required.
through 11 (No. 13 through 36). Assemblies can be produced
from bars conforming to ASTM A 615/A 615M or ASTM A 3.5—Mechanical lap splices
706/A 706M. Completed assemblies are shipped to the job Two mechanical lap splices with a claimed Type 1
site with factory-installed thread protectors on the coupler strength capability, as defined by ACI 318-05, Chapter 12,
and externally threaded bar. Mounting plates are also are described in this section. These types of mechanical
factory-installed to the coupler. The mounting plates have splices are normally used in situations where the reinforcement
keyed holes to assist in positioning the assemblies against is required only for tension, such as column ties, stirrup ties,
the formwork. hoops, spirals, flexural reinforcement in bridge decks and slabs-
Coated assemblies are available to meet either ASTM A on-grade, or shrinkage-temperature reinforcement; however,
775/A 775M for epoxy or ASTM A 767/A 767M for zinc they are also capable of transferring compressive loads.
coating (galvanized). Taper-threaded stainless steel Compared with lap splices, which rely on the surrounding
couplers can be manufactured for splicing stainless steel concrete to transfer force between bars, mechanical lap
reinforcing bars. splices are much shorter because coupling sleeves and
3.4.4 Integrally forged coupler with flange—In this components are used to positively connect reinforcing bars
system, the mechanical splice is manufactured directly from in an overlapping configuration. This makes them suited for
two reinforcing bars. This is an extension of the integrally repair and renovation applications because significantly less
hot-forged threaded coupler system with upsized bar threads concrete must be removed to splice bars in concrete.

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between the reinforcing bars and extends through the hole on

the opposite side of the coupler. The tapered wedge pin
forces the deformation of the bars into the interior side walls
of the coupler. The system is capable of meeting the require-
ments of ACI 318-05, Chapter 12, in both tension and
compression. There is no need to shield epoxy-coated bar
ends at the time of coating application or remove the coating
when using this type of splice device with ASTM A 775/A
775M reinforcing bars. Hot-dipped galvanized coupling
sleeves can be produced for mechanical lap splicing of
Fig. 3.34—Shear screw and double-wedge coupling sleeve. galvanized bars.
A 10,000 psi (69 MPa) automatic unloading pump can be
used to drive the hydraulic hand-tool, which weighs less than
30 lb (13.6 kg).
The steel coupling sleeve with wedge is suited to new
construction, field repair, and renovation applications.

Updated information about mechanical splices has been
presented together with information on different types of
mechanical splice devices generally available and sold in the
North American market at the beginning of 2004. The struc-
Fig. 3.35—Steel coupling sleeve with wedge. tural engineer should also consider these points:
• It may be necessary to determine whether particular
mechanical splices are acceptable to local code or
3.5.1 Shear screw and double-wedge coupling sleeve— building officials. The mechanical splice manufacturer
This mechanical lap splice consists of a ductile iron sleeve should normally be the principal party to obtain the

with two converging wedges. Two series of cone-pointed necessary recognition or approval of the splicing
screws are arranged along the sleeve length opposite of the products it manufactures;
wedges (Fig. 3.34).
• The engineer should approve all splices on the project
Each reinforcing bar extends out of the sleeve by approx-
that are appropriate for certain conditions of inelastic
imately one bar diameter. No special bar end preparation is
behavior or repeated reverse loading, which should be
required. As the screws are tightened, they indent into the
considered in seismic design;
surface of the bars, which in turn wedge into the converging
• Where no special requirements or job conditions exist
sides of the sleeve. Screws can be tightened using suitable
that either favor or preclude the use of a particular
impact wrenches or hand-held ratchet wrenches. The heads
mechanical splice, as in certain Type 1 splice applications,
of the screws shear off at a prescribed tightening torque. The
project specifications should be left open to ensure
system is capable of meeting the requirements of ACI 318-05,
competition. Otherwise, the engineer may suggest a
Chapter 12, in both tension and compression.
splice based on design and offer options (as possible)
Bar sizes No. 3 through 7 (No. 10 through 22) plus certain
where experience dictates such;
bars of different sizes—either uncoated or epoxy-coated—
can be spliced using this coupling sleeve. There is no need to • Availability of required materials and equipment and
shield the bar ends at the time of coating application or service capabilities of the suppliers should be reviewed
remove the coating on the bars ends when using this type of before specifying any particular mechanical splice;
splice device with ASTM A 775/A 775M reinforcing bars. • Installation instructions and performance data should
Hot-dipped galvanized sleeves can be produced for mechanical be secured directly from the manufacturers of the
lap splicing of galvanized bars that comply with ASTM A mechanical splices. Manufacturer’s requirements
767/A 767M. The device is suited to new construction, field should be referenced in design drawings and specifi-
repair, and renovation applications. cations to provide greater assurance that the devices
3.5.2 Steel coupling sleeve with wedge—This mechanical will be installed properly;
lap splice consists of a steel sleeve with a hydraulically • Inspection or quality assurance is needed to ensure
driven wedge, which is designed for reinforcing bars in sizes satisfactory performance. Splice manufacturers can
No. 4 through 6 (No. 13 through 19). The sleeve is oval- provide installation acceptance criteria for field
shaped in cross section, permitting the overlapping of two inspection; and
reinforcing bars of the same diameter (Fig. 3.35). After the • Testing can be performed to verify that a particular
coupling sleeve is correctly positioned, a hardened wedge- splice type will meet specified performance require-
shaped pin is driven with a portable hand-held hydraulic tool ments, particularly in critical locations where Type 2
purchased from the manufacturer. The wedge is installed splices are used.
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CHAPTER 5—REFERENCES American Welding Society (AWS)

5.1—Referenced standards and reports ANSI/AWS D1.4 Structural Welding Code—Reinforcing
The documents of the various standards-producing Steel
organizations referred to in this report are listed below with These publications may be obtained from the following
their serial designations and the latest editions at the time this organizations:
report was prepared. Because these documents are revised
frequently, the reader is advised to contact the proper American Association of State Highway & Transportation
sponsoring group if it is desired to refer to the latest version. Officials
444 North Capitol Street NW
American Association of State Highway & Transportation Suite 249
Officials (AASHTO) Washington, DC 20001
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
American Concrete Institute
American Concrete Institute (ACI) 38800 Country Club Drive
301 Specifications for Structural Concrete Farmington Hills, MI 48331
318 Building Code Requirements for Structural
349 Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety American Society of Civil Engineers
Related Concrete Structures Three Park Avenue
350 Code Requirements for Environmental New York, NY 10016-5990
Engineering Concrete Structures
359 Code for Concrete Containments
(published as Section III, Division 2, of the ASTM International
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) 100 Barr Harbor Drive
550.1R Emulating Cast-in-Place Detailing in West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Precast Concrete Structures

ASTM International American Welding Society

A 108 Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and 550 NW LeJeune Road
Alloy, Cold-Finished Miami, FL 33126
A 536 Specification for Ductile Iron Castings
A 615/A 615M Specification for Deformed and Plain
Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Rein- 5.2—Cited references
forcement ACI Committee 318, 2005, “Building Code Requirements
A 706/A 706M Specification for Low-Alloy Steel for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary
Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete (318R-05),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
Reinforcement Mich., 430 pp.
A 767/A 767M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galva- CRSI, Manual of Standard Practice (MSP-2-01),
nized) Steel Bars for Concrete Rein- Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Schaumburg, Ill.
A 775/A 775M Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Reinforcing Bars The following manufacturers are to be thanked for permitting
A 934/A 934M Specification for Epoxy-Coated Prefabri- the committee to exhibit a picture or graphic of their product
cated Steel Reinforcing Bars in this report.
A 955/A 955M Specification for Deformed and Plain Barsplice Products, Inc., Dayton, Ohio:
Stainless-Steel Bars for Concrete Rein- Dayton/Richmond Concrete Accessories, Miamisburg,
forcement Ohio:
A 996/A 996M Specification for Rail-Steel and Axle- Dextra Manufacturing Co., Bangkok, Thailand:

Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Rein-

forcement Dywidag Systems International, U.S.A. Inc., Boling-
A 1034/A 1034M Standard Test Methods for Testing brook, Ill.:
Mechanical Splices for Steel Reinforcing Erico, Inc., Solon, Ohio:
Bars Headed Reinforcement Corp., Fountain Valley, Calif.:
C 109/C 109M Test Method for Compressive Strength
of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2- Splice Sleeve North America, Inc., Irvine, Calif.:
in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens)
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub Account/5620001114, User=yuyuio, rtyru
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NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS names are provided for reader convenience and information
While generic descriptions of known types of mechanical only. Those who wish to contribute information, pictures, or
splices are presented, it is beyond the scope of this report to graphics for consideration in any future edition of this

provide a comprehensive directory of mechanical splice report are encouraged to do so by active and voluntary
manufacturers or a directory of those reinforcing steel participation in committee meetings, by correspondence
fabricators and suppliers who buy and sell mechanical splice with the committee Chair, or both. Neither ACI, nor the
devices. References in the Acknowledgments Section to committee itself, endorses, tests, approves, or warrants any
trade associations and organizations that provide manufacturer manufacturer, product, or process described in this report.

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS under license with ACI Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub Account/5620001114, User=yuyuio, rtyru
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American Concrete Institute
Advancing concrete knowledge

As ACI begins its second century of advancing concrete knowledge, its original chartered purpose
remains “to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in
spreading knowledge.” In keeping with this purpose, ACI supports the following activities:

· Technical committees that produce consensus reports, guides, specifications, and codes.

· Spring and fall conventions to facilitate the work of its committees.

· Educational seminars that disseminate reliable information on concrete.

· Certification programs for personnel employed within the concrete industry.


· Student programs such as scholarships, internships, and competitions.

· Sponsoring and co-sponsoring international conferences and symposia.

· Formal coordination with several international concrete related societies.

· Periodicals: the ACI Structural Journal and the ACI Materials Journal, and Concrete International.

Benefits of membership include a subscription to Concrete International and to an ACI Journal. ACI
members receive discounts of up to 40% on all ACI products and services, including documents, seminars
and convention registration fees.

As a member of ACI, you join thousands of practitioners and professionals worldwide who share a
commitment to maintain the highest industry standards for concrete technology, construction, and
practices. In addition, ACI chapters provide opportunities for interaction of professionals and practitioners
at a local level.

American Concrete Institute

38800 Country Club Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Phone: 248-848-3700
Fax: 248-848-3701

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS under license with ACI Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub Account/5620001114, User=yuyuio, rtyru
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/26/2015 03:33:47 MST
Types of Mechanical Splices for Reinforcing Bars



was founded in 1904 as a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to public
service and representing the user interest in the field of concrete. ACI gathers and
distributes information on the improvement of design, construction and
maintenance of concrete products and structures. The work of ACI is conducted by
individual ACI members and through volunteer committees composed of both
members and non-members.

The committees, as well as ACI as a whole, operate under a consensus format,

which assures all participants the right to have their views considered. Committee
activities include the development of building codes and specifications; analysis of
research and development results; presentation of construction and repair
techniques; and education.

Individuals interested in the activities of ACI are encouraged to become a member.

There are no educational or employment requirements. ACI’s membership is
composed of engineers, architects, scientists, contractors, educators, and
representatives from a variety of companies and organizations.

Members are encouraged to participate in committee activities that relate to their

specific areas of interest. For more information, contact ACI.

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS under license with ACI Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub Account/5620001114, User=yuyuio, rtyru
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/26/2015 03:33:47 MST

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