Benzene Recovery 1
Benzene Recovery 1
Benzene Recovery 1
DOI: 10.1002/apj.2609
Siliang Gao | Wencheng Tang | Ming Zhao | Siyuan Qie | Weiwei Pang |
Longsheng Tian
aromatics, composite solvent, extractive distillation, methylsulfonylethane, pyrolysis gasoline
Asia-Pac J Chem Eng. 2021;16:e2609. © 2021 Curtin University and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 of 12
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2 of 12 GAO ET AL.
believed to be more suitable if the content of aromatics to select a suitable cosolvent to improve separation
in the hydrocarbon feed is between 65% and 90%5 for its efficiency of the ED process for BTXs recovery.
low energy consumption. Pablo Navarro et al.6 proposed This study focused on the ED process aided by
the use of the ED process with ionic liquids (ILs) for the sulfolane and cosolvent to obtain aromatics with high
separation of aromatics from pyrolysis gasoline to over- purity and high yield, while avoiding energy loss caused
come liquid–liquid extraction limitations, and quantum by back-mixing. Seventeen organic compounds were
chemical-based simulation methodology (COSMO-based/ screened as cosolvents, and methylsulfonylethane (MSE)
Aspen Plus) was employed to simulate the ED process was found to achieve the highest improvement in
rigorously. Their results showed that extractive distilla- selectivity with sulfolane. The selectivity of the novel
tion stands as a more effective process configuration to composite solvent was investigated under different condi-
separate aromatics from aliphatics, even requiring less tions. Continuous experiment of extractive distillation
operating costs and investment. Ismael Díaz et al.7 and solvent recovery was carried out to evaluate the
made a conceptual design of ED process for the actual separation performance of the composite solvent,
aromatic–aliphatic separation from naphtha using using C6–C8 cut of pyrolysis gasoline as feedstock.
the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dycianamide [EMIM] Finally, the solvent to feed ratio on each stage in the ED
[DCA] IL as entrainer. They concluded that for the high column was discussed in detail to explore more informa-
aromatic content naphtha, good separation performance tion of the separation process.
was obtained with a significant reduction of the
energy required per ton of naphtha fed to the system in
comparison with the separation by liquid–liquid 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
extraction. Though a wide number of works has
been done to characterize the phase equilibria for 2.1 | Materials
(aliphatic + aromatic + ILs) systems as well as the IL
application in the ED process,8–14 to the best of Sulfolane (mass fraction purity: 99.0%) was supplied by
our knowledge, continuous experiment of aromatics Liaoning Guanghua Chem. Co., Ltd. Its decomposition
separation and solvent recovery using ILs as solvent has temperature is 220 C.31 The sources and mass fraction
not been performed yet; thus, the actual purity and yield purity of 17 organic compounds used in this work as
of the aromatic products remain uncertain. cosolvents were listed in Table 1. All the cosolvents have
On the other hand, organic compounds used as sol- good thermal stability with low toxicity, and their physi-
vents or cosolvents for aromatics separation have always cal properties were listed in Table S1. Three organic com-
attracted attention,15–24 such as sulfolane, N-methyl pounds (ethylene carbonate, 1-cyclohexyl-2-pyrrolidone,
pyrrolidone (NMP), N-formyl morpholine, ethylene and propylene carbonate) recommended in literature21,24
glycol, or propylene carbonate. However, most of them as solvents were purchased from Tokyo Chemical
were applied in the liquid–liquid extraction process.25,26 Industry, and their mass fraction purity were all higher
Their use in the ED process has not drawn attention until than 99%. Benzene (AR) and ethylcyclohexane (AR) were
recently. The sulfolane extractive distillation (SED) purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
process was studied by Tian's group 27 and mainly (Beijing, China). The C6–C8 cut of pyrolysis gasoline was
applied for the recovery of benzene or benzene and tolu- obtained from a Sinopec refinery, and its composition
ene.28,29 Gaile et al.30 also explored the application of was listed in Table 2.
sulfolane–NMP mixtures to extractive rectification of the
benzene fraction from reformed naphtha. The results
showed that after benzene separation, the distillate con- 2.2 | Screening of cosolvents
tains less than 1 vol% benzene and can be used as a com-
ponent of automobile gasolines. Apparently, sulfolane As described in Section 1, among all hydrocarbons from
has resulted the most extensively used due to its proper C6 to C8, it is the most difficult for benzene (B) and
capacity of aromatics and polarity, good thermal stability, ethylcyclohexane (ECH) to be separated, so they were
and nontoxicity. But when the fraction of the feed chosen as the model components of aromatics and nonar-
becomes wider, sulfolane or sulfolane–NMP composite omatics, respectively. Considering that in the ED column,
solvent is not selective enough to keep benzene (boiling if there was still a small amount of nonaromatics at the
point: 80.1 C) at the bottom of the ED column, while bottom, they would be sent to the recovery column with
evaporating C8 cycloalkanes, such as ethylcyclohexane the rich solvent and lower the purity of the final aromatic
(boiling point: 131.8 C), to the top. Thus, BTXs and non- products; therefore, the selectivity of solvent at the
aromatics cannot be totally separated. So it is necessary bottom of ED column is especially important. Because
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GAO ET AL. 3 of 12
TABLE 1 Compound description, mass fraction purity, and 2.3 | Measurement of relative volatility
supplier αECH/B
fraction In the ED process, the selectivity of solvent can be
Chemical purity Supplier characterized by the relative volatility of nonaromatics
2-Pyrrolidinone >99.0% Alfa Aesar Co. to aromatics. In this work, the headspace gas chroma-
tography (GC) was used to determine the relative vola-
N-methylpyrrolidone AR Sinopharm Chemical
(NMP) Reagent Co.
tility. The main instruments were as follows: Agilent
7694 headspace sampler; HP6890 GC (The chromato-
Dimethyl sulfone >99.0% Tokyo Chemical
graphic column is a capillary column with the length of
60 m and the inner diameter of 0.32 mm, and the sta-
MSE >98.0% Tokyo Chemical
tionary liquid is the modified PEG20000), FID hydrogen
flame detector. The measurement procedure was as
Dipropyl sulfone >99.0% Tokyo Chemical
follows: appropriate amount of hydrocarbon feed and
composite solvent were taken respectively and mixed
Isopropyl methyl >97.0% Tokyo Chemical
according to a certain mass ratio. A mixed solution
sulfone Industry
(10 ml) was placed in the balancer of the headspace
Diethylene glycol >98.0% Sinopharm Chemical
GC. The balancer had a volume of 20 ml, and its lid
Reagent Co.
would be sealed after the prepared solution was added.
Triethylene glycol AR Sinopharm Chemical By shaking and letting stand for 1 h at a certain tem-
Reagent Co.
perature, vapor–liquid equilibrium was achieved. Then
Dipropylene glycol CP Sinopharm Chemical the sample of the vapor phase in the balancer was
Reagent Co.
taken by a special needle supplied with the instrument,
Ethylene glycol >99.0% Tokyo Chemical and its composition was analyzed by GC. The detector
monobutyl ether Industry
temperature of GC was 280 C, column temperature was
Ethylene glycol >98.0% Tokyo Chemical 80 C, and it held for 20 min. The carrier gas was high-
monophenyl ether Industry purity nitrogen with a flow rate of 25 ml/min; the com-
Diethylene glycol >99.0% Aladdin Biochemical bustion gas was high-purity hydrogen with a flow rate
monomethyl ether Technology Co., Ltd. of 30 ml/min; and the assistant combustion gas was
Diethylene glycol >98.0% Alfa Aesar Co. purified air with a flow rate of 350 ml/min.
monoethyl ether Because the amount of hydrocarbons that enter
Diethylene glycol CP Sinopharm Chemical the vapor phase due to volatilization was little, its
monobutyl ether Reagent Co. influence on the composition of the liquid phase can
Triethylene glycol >98.0% Tokyo Chemical be ignored. The relative volatility αECH/B of the two
monomethyl ether Industry hydrocarbon components was calculated according to
Tetraethylene glycol >98.0% Alfa Aesar Co. Equation 1.
monomethyl ether
Tetraethylene glycol >98.0% Alfa Aesar Co.
αNA=A = ðyNA =yA Þ=ðx NA =x A Þ = ðANA =AA Þ=ðx NA =x A Þ ð1Þ
dimethyl ether
Weight percentage/%
xb xf − xr TABLE 4 Changes in αECH/B before and after adding solvents
yield of aromatics = × 100% ð2Þ
x f ðx b − x r Þ Mass fraction of
Solvent cosolvent/% αECH/B
(none) — 0.140
Sulfolane 0 1.537
x: mass fraction of aromatics.
Subscripts. Sulfolane/2-pyrrolidinone 10 1.583
f: gasoline feedstock; b: aromatics product; r: raffinate Sulfolane/NMP 10 1.509
product. Sulfolane/dimethyl sulfone 10 1.533
Sulfolane/MSE 10 1.693
Sulfolane/dipropyl sulfone 10 1.540
3 | R E S U L T A N D DI S C U S S I O N
Sulfolane/isopropyl methyl 10 1.627
3.1 | Cosolvent screening
Sulfolane/diethylene glycol 10 1.474
It is known that the relative volatility can be industrial application, the sulfolane/MSE composite sol-
increased by either inducing positive deviations from vent with an MSE mass fraction of 15% was used as the
Raoult's law for the interaction of the solvent with the solvent in the following experiments.
low-boiler or by inducing negative deviations from The use of MSE in combination with sulfolane con-
Raoult's law for the interaction with the high-boiler. tributes to the creation of moderate polar medium.
Also, a combination of both is possible. According to Yang et al.35 studied the dipolarity/polarizability and
Everson's research,34 the dielectric constant and the the hydrogen-bond basicity of the composite solvent to
dipole moment, which related to the polarity of the determine the microscopic solvent properties. They
molecules, have the greatest influence on the relative found that the increase of basicity and the increase of
volatility. Because benzene is more polar than ECH and dipolarity/polarizability had inverse effects on the sepa-
is more easily polarized by solvents, the interaction ration of the solute. In our study, using sulfolane/MSE
between benzene and solvent may be the reason of the composite solvent with an MSE mass fraction of 95% as
change in relative volatility. Under the induction of solvent, αECH/B was relatively small due to the relatively
solvent, the higher the polarization degree of benzene, weak hydrogen-bond basicity; with pure sulfolane as
the greater the value of αECH/B. The polarity of the com- solvent, αECH/B was also relatively small due to its rela-
posite solvent can be slightly changed due to different tively strong dipolarity/polarizability. As a result of the
cosolvent, which may also cause changes in αECH/B. combined effect of both basicity and dipolarity/polariz-
ability, αECH/B can achieve a larger value than pure
cases. That is why there was an optimal value for the
3.2 | Selectivity of sulfolane/MSE cosolvent content.
composite solvent
Figure 2 showed the effect of composite solvent composi- In the ED column, the mass flow of the solvent on each
tion on αECH/B, and the mass ratio of solvent to feedstock stage could be considered unchanged due to its non-
(solvent ratio, S) was 5.0, whereas the vapor–liquid equi- volatility. However, with the separation of the aromatics
librium temperature varied from 80 C to 120 C. It can be and nonaromatics, the mass flow of the hydrocarbons on
seen that after adding 15(wt)% of MSE in the sulfolane, each stage varied. Thus, the mass ratio of the solvent to
αECH/B could increase by about 10%–15% compared with hydrocarbons at different location of the column was not
sulfolane, which was very beneficial for the separation of a constant. Figure 3 showed the effect of S on αECH/B,
aromatics and nonaromatics. With the increase of MSE and the solution of benzene–ECH at the mass ratio of 9:1
content, the value of αECH/B tended to be stable and then was still used as simulated feed. The range of vapor–
dropped dramatically, and the maximum value at 100 C liquid equilibrium temperature was 80 C–120 C. It can
was 1.809. Considering the cost of adding cosolvent in be seen that when S is 3.2 at 100 C, αECH/B was only
F I G U R E 2 αECH/B using sulfolane/MSE composite solvent FIGURE 3 αECH/B using sulfolane/MSE composite solvent as a
with different MSE content function of S
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GAO ET AL. 7 of 12
3.2.4 | Effect of temperature on αECH/B αECH/B cannot be obtained at a higher temperature due
to the upper measurement limitation of our experimental
To further confirm the different trends of αECH/B when instrument, the trend of αECH/B with temperature can be
the liquid phase is homogeneous and heterogeneous extrapolated in a wider range. If other conditions remain
phases, the value of ECH/benzene relative volatility with unchanged, αECH/B will be lower when the temperature
temperature at two different solvent ratios was measured, gets higher because the liquid phase is homogenous at
and the results were shown in Figure 5. The hydrocarbon the bottom of ED column.
feed was benzene–ECH solution with a mass ratio of 7:3.
It can be seen that when the solvent ratio was high and
the hydrocarbon feed can be completely dissolved in the 3.3 | Continuous extractive distillation
solvent at room temperature, the decrease in equilibrium and solvent recovery using sulfolane/MSE
temperature could contribute to the increase in αECH/B. composite solvent
The αECH/B could rise to 3.315 C at 40 C. The trend
obtained in the experiment was consistent with the litera- Because the aromatics distillation unit was not included
ture.37 The reason might be the change in polarity of the in our experimental equipment, only the mixed aromatics
composite solvent with temperature. The forces among and the raffinate can be obtained in the end. Two indexes
polar molecules mainly include the orientation force and were used to evaluate the separation performance. The
the hydrogen bonds. In this system, the orientation force first one was the purity of mixed aromatics, which was
is dominant, and it increases with the polarity of mole- defined as the mass fraction of BTXs in mixed aromatic
cules. When the temperature decreases, the absolute products (the same below). The second one was the mass
value of interaction energy among molecules becomes fraction of aromatics (benzene, mainly) in the raffinate,
larger,38 resulting in the increase of the polarity of the which had a direct effect on the yield of mixed aromatics.
solvent. Thus, the selectivity turns out to be stronger. On Increasing the evaporation of the rich solvent at the bot-
the other hand, when the solvent ratio was as low as 0.5 tom of ED column could enable more nonaromatics to be
and the liquid phase was always heterogeneous, increas- distillated to the top and contribute to an increase in the
ing temperature helped to improve αECH/B, though the purity of mixed aromatics. However, it might also cause
improvement was not large. The trends were consistent more loss of benzene whose boiling point is the lowest
with the experiment results of Section 3.2.3. The cross- among all aromatics and reduce the yield. Moreover, the
relationship of temperature and solvent ratio was also raffinate cannot be qualified as gasoline blending compo-
reported and fully discussed in Navarro's research.14 nent due to the excessive benzene content. On the con-
For the application in industry, the solvent ratio trary, reducing the heat duty of the reboiler may result in
cannot be too low for BTXs separation. Besides, it is an increase in the yield of aromatics, but more nonaro-
difficult to conduct extractive distillation at low tempera- matics may be left in the aromatics; thus, the purity of
tures such as 40 C. Instead, the actual temperature at ED BTXs may decrease. Therefore, the two aspects should be
column bottom is higher than 120 C generally. Though both taken into consideration during the operation, and
effort needed to be made to maintain a balance of aro-
matics purity and their yield.
The effect of Sc on the separation was investigated,
and the main operation conditions were listed in Table 5.
It can be seen that the temperatures both at the top (Ttop)
and bottom (Tbottom) of ED column changed most signifi-
cantly with Sc. With the increase of Sc, Tbottom rose gradu-
ally. The reason may be that the concentration of the
solvent at the bottom of the ED column was elevated due
to less gasoline feedstock entering into the column, and
the boiling point of the solvent was higher than 200 C.
Ttop basically remained the same when Sc was 6.0 and
7.0, but as Sc increased further, Ttop also went
up. Because the temperature changes of distillation col-
umn reflect the changes in composition directly, the
results indicated an obvious influence of Sc on the raffi-
F I G U R E 5 αECH/B using sulfolane/MSE composite solvent as a nate. Higher Sc may result in a larger αECH/B, and when
function of temperature the selectivity was improved to a certain extent, the
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GAO ET AL. 9 of 12
TABLE 5 Main operating parameters of the continuous automobile gasolines, and the best result obtained in our
experiment experiment was very close to but still a little higher than
that value, we recommended adding auxiliary equipment
at the top of ED column, such as a membrane separation
Items Sc = 6.0 SC = 7.0 SC = 8.0 unit39 or a small extraction column, to recover the extra
ED column benzene.
Ptop (absolute)/kPa 101 101 101 The composition and yield of the mixed aromatic
Reflux ratio 0.5 0.5 0.5 products and the raffinate obtained at the highest Sc were
listed in Table 8. It can be seen that the purity of mixed
Ttop/ C 80–84 80–85 84–87
aromatic products was 99.83%, and the major impurity
Tbottom/ C 122–124 123–125 126–128
was cycloalkanes. Although the contents of C6, C7, and
Solvent recovery column C8 cycloalkanes in the feedstock dropped in order, their
Ptop (absolute)/kPa 101 101 101 contents increased successively in the mixed aromatic
Reflux ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 products due to the difficulties in separation. As the con-
Ttop/ C 73–77 73–77 73–77 tent of C9 cycloalkanes was extremely low in feedstock,
their content in mixed aromatic products were still low
Tbottom/ C 174–176 174–176 174–176
even if they can hardly be separated.
It should be pointed out that the concentration of
other aromatics except benzene was too low to be
amount of light aromatics (e.g., benzene) evaporated to measured in the raffinate, meaning that the yield of
the top may be dramatically decreased. Therefore, the toluene and xylenes could easily exceed 99.9% in the
temperature rose up. extractive distillation process using sulfolane/MSE com-
The purity of mixed aromatic products obtained and posite solvent, whereas the yield of benzene was lower.
the mass fraction of benzene in the raffinate at three dif- That is a little different from the yield of aromatics in the
ferent Sc were shown in Tables 6 and 7, respectively. To liquid–liquid extraction process, in which the yield of
facilitate comparison, the purity of mixed aromatics was benzene is always the highest. Besides, the mass fraction
maintained at the same level by adjusting the heat duty of sulfolane and MSE in the lean solvent was higher than
of the ED column reboiler. It can be seen from Table 6 99.7% after the continuous experiment, and no decompo-
that the purity of the mixed aromatic products ranging sition products were detected, showing the efficient
from 99.8% to 99.9% was quite stable for at least 10 h in solvent recovery process and good thermal stability of the
every condition. However, the mass fraction of benzene composite solvent.
in raffinate was significantly reduced with the increase of
Sc, as shown in Table 7. When the Sc was 6.0, the average
mass fraction of benzene in the raffinate was as high as 3.4 | Discussion on the solvent ratio in
8.10% with large fluctuation. The reason may be that two the ED column
liquid phases appeared in the upper part of the ED col-
umn at the lower solvent ratio due to the poor solubility According to the experiment result in Section 3.2, when
of the composite solvent for the nonaromatics, which the solvent ratio (S) was 7.2, αECH/B was already up to
could lead to unstable operation of distillation. The aver- 1.982 C at 120 C for hydrocarbon feed that enriched with
age mass fraction of benzene in raffinate was reduced to aromatics, and it would continue to increase as S became
3.31% when the Sc was 7.0, and that value dropped to even larger. So if the mass ratio of solvent to hydrocar-
1.50% after Sc further increased to 8.0. Because it is gener- bons at the bottom of ED column could have been higher
ally accepted that raffinate, which contains less than than 7.0, it would be easy to separate benzene and ECH,
1 vol% benzene, can be used as a component of not to mention the separation of other aromatics and
TABLE 8 Purity and yield of mixed aromatics (Sc = 8.0) detailed information in the ED column, PRO/II soft-
ware was used to simulate the separation process, and
Item Experimental value
the nonrandom-two-liquid model and binary interaction
Composition of mixed aromatics parameters regressed from the unpublished VLE experi-
Aromatics/% 99.83 mental data were applied for calculation. Because MSE
C6 cycloalkanes/(μg/g) 97 did not exist in the original databank of the software, it
Dimethylcyclohexane/(μg/g) 268 was simulated as the pseudo-component. The feedstock
ECH/(μg/g) 905 and the operating conditions were the same as those of
the continuous experiment, and the relative deviation
C9 cycloalkanes/(μg/g) 430
in mass flow rate and aromatics content between the
Composition of raffinate
simulated and the actually separated raffinate was less
Benzene/% 1.5 than 2%, indicating the simulation was basically consis-
Toluene/% 0 tent with the experiment.
C8 aromatics/% 0 In the simulation model, the theoretical trays were
Yield of aromatics/% 99.7 numbered 1–40 from the top of the column to the
Yield of benzene/% 99.5
bottom. The gasoline feedstock entered the ED column
on the 20th stage, and the composite solvent entered on
Yield of toluene/% 100
the second stage. The result showed that the S cannot be
Yield of C8 aromatics/% 100 maintained at 8.0 from top to bottom of the ED column.
As shown in Figure 6, S was about 7.0–10.0 between the
feeding position of pyrolysis gasoline and the seventh
nonaromatics. However, the result of continuous experi- stage, and it dropped to only about 3.9 below the 20th
ment showed that the concentration of C6–C8 nonaro- stage. It can be also found from Figure 6 that the mass
matics was still 1270 μg/g in mixed aromatic product fraction of aromatics in hydrocarbons in the liquid phase
even if the solvent ratio (Sc) was 8.0. The confusing was higher than 90% below the seventh stage, and the
results can be explained from the difference in definition temperature in that zone was from 100 C to 120 C
of the two “solvent ratios.” S is the concept of solvent
ratio in theory, and it determined whether aromatics can
be totally separated, although Sc is more convenient to
measure in industrial operation. Though it has been
widely accepted by refineries, it is not the mass ratio of
solvent to hydrocarbons in the ED column, especially on
each stage.
In fact, because the solvent can be considered non-
volatile and remained in the liquid phase on each tray
of the ED column, its mass flow rate can be regarded
as a constant. With the evaporation of nonaromatics
into the vapor phase, the amount of hydrocarbons in
the liquid phase will be less and less from the bottom
to the top of the ED column. Thus, S may change
significantly with the separation of BTXs and nonaro-
matics at different positions in the column. This is
caused by the flow of substances in the column, not F I G U R E 6 S and mass fraction of aromatics on each stage of
related to the solvent or cosolvent. To obtain the the ED column (Sc = 8.0)
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