Construction Engineering
Construction Engineering
Construction Engineering
First Edition
-Bucharest 2003-
The construction sector is a major part of the construction industry, with projects rang-
ing in size from the small to the very large, all sharing common factors - workers, machinery
and materials, and the required organization and control. The graduate civil engineer must be
therefore familiar with the range of these common factors, procedures and techniques in
common use, and must be able to plan, and direct construction works.
This course book will be limited to presentation of basic principles and process tech-
niques in construction execution. It is intended as an aid and a guide to circumvent some
problems encountered in design and execution, outlining present techniques and materials re-
lated to construction technology for their evaluation and improvement.
The content of this book is arranged in 11 chapters that are summarized below.
Chapter 1. Industrialization of Construction Works, provides an introduction in the field of
Construction Engineering and method of industrialization of construction works.
Chapter 2. Formwork, addresses the design and presents basic information and specifies ma-
terials, construction, and removal of formwork, mouldwork and shoring.
Chapter 3. Steel Reinforcement, provides information and specifies the materials and work-
manship required for manufacturing concrete reinforcement.
Chapter 4. Concrete, provides an overview of conventional concrete technology form mate-
rial science and engineering systems perspective – specifically its structure and composition,
processing, properties, performance, and the quality control of it.
Chapter 5. Batching and Mixing Concrete, is devoted to discussing the proper equipment and
procedures for batching and mixing concrete by ensuring uniform quality throughout the mix.
Chapter 6. Building Material Transport Machinery and Equipment, presents relevant infor-
mation regarding proper equipment and procedures for handling and transport of building ma-
Chapter 7. Handling and Placing Concrete, presents fundamental concepts in regard of han-
dling and placing techniques required for cast in place conventional concrete and the quality
control of it.
Chapter 8. Compaction, Vibration and Concrete Finishing, provides a background on the
benefits of compaction of concrete and the techniques for undertaking the process on site.
Chapter 9. Curing Concrete, provides basic information in relation to related concepts of
concrete curing. A review is presented of various curing requirements and techniques for un-
dertaking the process on site and in precast concrete production plants.
Chapter 10. Off-site Prefabrication, provides information concerning precast concrete, ad-
vantages and limitations, application, techniques and manufacture requirements for different
types of elements.
Chapter 11. Erection of Precast Concrete Elements, presents theoretical back ground regard-
ing erection of precast concrete units.
The primary object of this first volume, and those which follow, is to provide a refer-
ence guide to Construction Engineering within the framework of the Civil Engineering De-
partment – English Section of the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest.
G. Ilinoiu, 2003
These notes are originally based on the ideas of Drs. Radu Popa and Mihai Teodorescu.
However, views and comments are the writer's own. The author has presented some positions
as starting points for drafting a course book rather than as the only positions that can be
Figure 2-1 Typical dimensioned lumber panel.10 Figure 3-16 Fixed arm and variable arm mesh-
Figure 2-2 Typical plywood sheathing panel ...10 bending machines .................................... 37
Figure 2-3 Steel panel.......................................11 Figure 3-17 Hoop and spiral bending machine 37
Figure 2-4 Pan forms ........................................12 Figure 3-18 Typical spiral reinforcement ........ 37
Figure 2-5 Plywood panels...............................13 Figure 3-19 Manual shears .............................. 38
Figure 2-6 Climbing formwork ........................13 Figure 3-20 Electronic measurement model.... 38
Figure 2-7 Sliding formwork............................14 Figure 3-21 Typical mesh cutting machine ..... 38
Figure 2-8 Formwork table...............................16 Figure 3-22 Typical arc-welding outfit............ 39
Figure 2-9 Form table assembly .......................16 Figure 3-23 Typical automatic/tack welding ma-
Figure 2-10 Permanent formwork ....................17 chine......................................................... 40
Figure 2-11 Below grade footing forms ...........17 Figure 3-23 Splicing of steel reinforcing......... 41
Figure 2-12 Shallow footing............................17 Figure 3-24 Sleeve splice connection .............. 42
Figure 2-13 Wall formwork..............................18 Figure 3-25 Typical alternate tying procedure of
Figure 2-14 Typical gang panel........................19 individual reinforcing bars to produce a
Figure 2-15 Typical slab-on-grade edge form- mesh ......................................................... 43
work ..........................................................19 Figure 3-26 Detail of column and slab rein-
Figure 2-16 Girder form details........................20 forcement intersection.............................. 43
Figure 2-17 Spandrel beam form details ..........20 Figure 3-27 Column cages being assembled on
Figure 2-18 Typical example of column formed site............................................................ 44
with plywood panels stiffened with triangu- Figure 3-28 Typical procedure of wiring main
lar yokes....................................................21 beam reinforcement to stirrups and ties ... 45
Figure 2-19 Typical steel column formwork....22 Figure 3-29 Typical wiring procedures ........... 46
Figure 2-20 Typical telescopic joists................24 Figure 3-30 Detail of slab reinforcement......... 46
Figure 2-21 Typical adjustable steel shores .....24 Figure 3-31 Typical storage of wire in spools . 47
Figure 2-22 Form accessories...........................25 Figure 3-32 Typical storage off the ground of
Figure 2-23 Concrete pilot mould ....................26 reinforcement ........................................... 47
Figure 2-24 Static metal moulds.......................26 Figure 3-33 Typical wire coil storage.............. 47
Figure 2-25 Stack wooden mould.....................26 Figure 3-34 Typical arrangement of reinforce-
Figure 4-15 Main moisture conditions of aggre- Figure 8-14 Compacting by rolling ................. 97
gate ...........................................................62 Figure 8-15 Standard set of vacuum dewatering
Figure 5-1 Twin shaft batch mixer ...................66 installation................................................ 98
Figure 5-2 Single shaft drum mixer..................67 Figure 8-16 Compacting by centrifugal force.. 99
Figure 5-3 Tilting drum mixer..........................68 Figure 8-17 Trowels (floats) for surface finishing
Figure 5-4 Reversing drum mixer ....................68 ............................................................... 100
Figure 5-5 Forward flow mixer ........................69 Figure 8-18 Power float ................................. 100
Figure 5-6 Backward flow mixer .....................69 Figure 8-19 Methods of concrete surface finish
Figure 5-7 Vibrating mixer...............................69 ............................................................... 100
Figure 5-8 General layout of concrete plant.....70 Figure 9-1 Effect of duration of water curing on
Figure 5-9 Mixing tower - Batching plant........71 the permeability of cement paste ........... 103
Figure 5-10 Linear batching center ..................72 Figure 9-2 Variation of concrete strength with
Figure 5-11 Cement silo ...................................73 curing environment (W/C =0,5)............. 104
Figure 6-1 Wheelbarrow...................................74 Figure 9-3 Spraying on a curing compound .. 105
Figure 6-2 Push chart........................................74 Figure 9-4 Temporary shelter ........................ 108
Figure 6-3 Forklift truck...................................75 Figure 9-5 Typical heating enclosure ............ 108
Figure 6-4 Typical types of dump trucks..........75 Figure 9-6 Framed enclosure ......................... 108
Figure 6-5 Chute and hopper............................75 Figure 9-7. a. Procedures for casting a structural
Figure 6-6 Typical concrete buckets ................76 concrete wall in enclosure;..................... 108
Figure 6-7 Belt conveyor..................................77 b. Air supported structure ............................... 108
Figure 6-8 Transit mix truck.............................78 Figure 9-9 Typical protection of fresh cast con-
Figure 6-9 Rail cars ..........................................78 crete with heating forms ........................ 109
Figure 6-10 Truck mounted concrete pump ....79 Figure 9-8 Heating form ................................ 109
Figure 6-11. Boom extensions of pump ...........79 Figure 9-10 Typical solution of concrete protec-
Figure 6-12 Typical tower pump detail ............79 tion using insulating blankets................. 109
Figure 6-13 Pumps for concrete transport ........80 Figure 9-11 a. Heating aggregates before intro-
Figure 6-14 Pneumatic pipeline........................80 duction in mix; b. heat source underneath
Figure 7-1 a. Placing techniques for flatwork. .83 the aggregate pile. .................................. 110
Figure 7-1 b. Concrete placing techniques for Figure 9-12 Typical curing racks in steam-
columns and walls ....................................84 chamber; Precast concrete curing accelera-
Figure 7-2 Compacting columns ......................85 tion cycle................................................ 112
Figure 7-3 Slab concreting ...............................85 Figure 10-1 Reinforced concrete centrifuged
Figure 7-4 Typical types of concreting joints for pipe ........................................................ 116
arches/vaults .............................................86 Figure 10-2 Layout of Stand setting .............. 118
Figure 7-5 Typical types of construction joints 87 Figure 10-3 Typical Multiple Beam Tensioning
Figure 7-6 Construction joint formed...............88 Stand cross section setting for prestressed-
Figure 8-1 Typical detail of concrete showing concrete units ......................................... 118
sand in a cement paste matrix...................89 Figure 10-4 Layout of Conveyor setting ....... 118
Figure 8-3 Sinusoidal motion ...........................91 Figure 11-1 Typical trailers ........................... 121
Figure 8-4 Types of vibration...........................91 Figure 11-2 Typical job-site casting yards .... 122
Figure 8-5 Typical aspects of concrete compac- Figure 11-3 Typical stack storage of precast
tion during vibration .................................92 stairs units .............................................. 122
Figure 8-6 Hand tapping tools..........................92 Figure 11- 4 Typical lifting devices for precast
Figure 8-7 Typical internal vibrator. ................94 concrete members .................................. 125
Figure 8-8 a. Internal / poker vibrator. Example Figure 11-5 Crane clearances ........................ 125
of working procedures with vibrator ........94 Figure 11-6 Typical tower crane.................... 126
Figure 8-9 b. Use of poker vibrator ..................95 Figure 11-7 Track-mounted crane ................. 127
Figure 8-10 a, b Typical surface vibrator.........96 Figure 11-8 Lorry mounted crane.................. 127
Figure 8-10 c. Degree of compaction varies Figure 11-9 Self propelled crane ................... 128
across width when surface vibrators are Figure 11-10 Typical gantry crane ................ 128
used...........................................................96 Figure 11-11 Transfer of prefabricated facade to
Figure 8-11 Typical positioning of clamp vibra- the working level ................................... 131
tors in formwork .......................................96 Figure 11-12 The precast facade is secured with
Figure 8-12 External vibrators..........................97 temporary bracing .................................. 131
Figure 8-13 Vibropress.....................................97
3.6.1. Straightening of Steel Bars............... 32
PREFACE ........................................................ I
3.6.2. Combined Straightening and Cutting
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..............................II Machines .................................................... 33
TABLE OF FIGURES ................................. III 3.6.3. Reinforcement Bending.................... 35 Manual Bending ........................ 35
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................V Automatic Bending Machines ... 36
CHAPTER 1. INDUSTRIALIZATION OF 3.6.4. Cutting Devices (Shears).................. 37
CONSTRUCTION WORKS ..........................7 Mesh Cutting Machines............. 38
1.1. General Considerations ..............................7 3.7. Welding ................................................... 39
1.2. Construction Industrialization ....................7 3.8. Splicing of Reinforcing Steel .................. 41
1.3. Basic Principles of Industrialization...........7 3.9. Reinforcement Assembly Workmanship. 42
3.9.1. Assembly of Column Reinforcement 43
CHAPTER 2. FORMWORK .........................9 3.9.2. Assembly of Wall Reinforcement .... 44
2.1. General Considerations ..............................9 Wall Reinforcement Assembled
2.2. Form Materials .........................................10 with Individual Bars ............................... 44
2.2.1. Wood .................................................10 Wall Reinforcement Assembled
2.2.2. Steel...................................................11 with Cages .............................................. 44
2.2.3. Plastic and Aluminum .......................12 3.9.2. Assembly of Beam Reinforcement with
2.3. Classification of Formwork......................12 Individual Bars ........................................... 45
2.3.1. Classification by Structure and Use ..12 3.9.3. Assembly of Slab Reinforcement..... 46 Dismountable Formwork ...........12 Slab Reinforcement Assembled Non dismountable Formwork ....14 with Individual Bars ............................... 46 Patent Formwork........................16 3.10. Transport and Storage of Reinforcement47 Permanent Formwork.................17 3.11. Reinforcement Manufacturing Shop ..... 47
2.3.2. Classification by Final Destination ...17 3.12. Quality Assurance of Reinforcement .... 48 Footing Forms ............................17 Wall Forms.................................18 CHAPTER 4. CONCRETE ......................... 49 Floor Forms................................19 4.1. General Considerations ........................... 49 Column Forms............................21 4.1.1. Classification and Types of Concrete49
2.4. Form Liners ..............................................22 4.2. Properties of Concrete ............................. 50
2.5. Release Agents .........................................22 4.2.1. Properties of Fresh Concrete ............ 50
2.6. Formwork Removal..................................23 4.2.2. Properties of Hardened Concrete...... 52
2.7. Shoring Members .....................................23 4.2.3. Durability.......................................... 55
2.8. Form Accessories .....................................24 4.3. Concrete Materials................................... 55
2.9. Moulds......................................................25 4.3.1. Cements ............................................ 55
2.9.1. Classification of Moulds ...................25 Manufacturing Process .............. 55
2.9.2. Basic Components and Main Types of Chemical Composition .............. 56
Moulds.........................................................25 Standard Types of Portland Ce-
ment........................................................ 57
CHAPTER 3. CONCRETE Physical Properties of Portland
REINFORCEMENT .....................................26 Cements.................................................. 58
3.1. General Considerations ............................27 Influence of Portland Cement on
3.2. Classification of Reinforcement ...............27 Concrete Properties ................................ 59
3.3. Material Properties ...................................27 4.3.2. Aggregates........................................ 60
3.4. Standard Bar Diameters and Types of Rein- Characteristics of Aggregates.... 61
forcement.........................................................28 4.3.3. Additions .......................................... 62
3.4.1. Plain and Deformed Steel Bars .........30 4.3.4. Water ................................................ 64
3.4.2. Welded Wire Mesh Reinforcing .......30 4.4. Theory of Mixes ...................................... 64
3.4.3. Wires .................................................31
3.5. Reinforcement Concrete Cover ................31 CHAPTER 5. BATCHING AND MIXING
3.6. Fabrication of Steel Bars, Stirrups and Wire CONCRETE ................................................. 65
Meshes.............................................................32 5.1. General Considerations ........................... 65
5.2. Batching Concrete ................................... 65
- Careful division of the production operations into specialized tasks comprising of rela-
tive simple, highly repetitive human motion patterns and minimal handling or positioning
of the workpiece that can be easily learned and rapidly performed with a minimum of un-
necessary motion or mental readjustment.
- Developing new and improved construction materials in factory type prefabrication up
to the total elimination of the time consuming operations (reinforcement bending, tying
wires, welding etc.) within the construction site. These operations must improve construc-
tion quality.
- Simplification and standardization of component parts through:
1. dimensional co-ordination – agreement made between the manufacturers of buil-
ding units and the designers in order to simplify assembly by standardizing sizes;
2. modular design – a technique that uses a standard size module (1M = 100 mm) as
the fundamental unit for space planning. Larger spaces comprise multiple modules
(n x M), while smaller spaces sub modules (M/n).
to allow large production runs of parts that are without difficulty fitted to other parts without
adjustment. The imposition of other standards (e.g. dimensional tolerances, parts location,
material types) on all parts of the product further increases the economic benefit that can be
Carefully designed, construction engineering and management, projects are required to
achieve the maximum benefits that application of these principles can provide. Planning be-
gins with the original design of the product; raw materials and component parts shall be
adaptable to production and handling by mass techniques. The entire production process is
planned in detail, including the flows of materials and information throughout the process.
For the industrialization of construction to be efficient, the production flow of compo-
nents/materials shall be:
- Carefully estimated because the selection of techniques depends upon the volume to be
produced and anticipated short-term changes in demand.
- Large enough, first, to permit the task to be divided into sub-processes assigned to differ-
ent individuals; second, to justify the substantial capital investment often required for spe-
cialized machines and processes; and third, to permit large production runs so that human
effort and capital are efficiently employed.
- Planed in detail because the large, continuous flow of product from the factory requires
distribution and marketing operations to bring the product to the client.
Advantages of industrialization in construction: In addition to lowering cost, the
application of the principles of industrialization has led to major improvements in uniformity
and quality. The large volume, standardized design, and standardized materials and processes
facilitate statistical control and inspection techniques to monitor production and control qual-
Limitations of industrialization in construction - the resulting system is inherently
inflexible, because maximum efficiency is desired; tools, machines, and work positions are
often quite precisely adapted to details of the parts produced but not necessarily to the work-
ers involved in the process. Changes in product design may converge toward high costs.
Usually, a production line is designed to operate most efficiently at a specified rate. If
the required production levels fall below that rate, operators and machines are being ineffi-
ciently used; and if the rate goes too high, operators must work overtime, machine mainte-
nance cannot keep up, breakdowns occur, and the costs of production rise. Proper planning
can eliminate the problems encountered; flexibility to accommodate changes economically
must be planned into the system.
- Forms must be as light (without any strength reduction) as possible so that one or two
workers can handle them. The weight of the panels should not exceed 30-40 kg for those
lifted by one worker and 60-70 kg for those lifted by two workers.
- Forms must be made so that workers can handle them in regard of safety, respecting the
Health, Safety, and Hygiene Regulation in effect.
A balance of the above requirements should be achieved, preferably at pretender stage,
so that an economic and competitive cost can be calculated.
2.2.1. WOOD
Figure 2-1 Typical dimensioned lumber panel Figure 2-2 Typical plywood sheathing panel
Caption: 1. Longitudinal frame (stud); 2. Trans- Caption: 1. Plywood sheathing; 2. Longitudinal
verse frame; 3. Lumber planks. frame (stud); 3. Braces; 4. Edge framing; 5. Holes in
Source: Popa R., Teodorescu M., 1984. edge framing for tie insertion; 6. Noggins.
Source: Popa R., Teodorescu M., 1984.
2.2.2. STEEL
Steel angles and
bars are used as sup-
porting members for
form panels faced
with plywood or
steel sheathing.
Steel forms have
the following advan-
tages: very good du-
rability and easy to
clean, low cost of
erection/ stripping,
no distortion with
moisture changes,
and limitations:
heavy, more difficult
to assemble and re-
- Correct spacing of forms at specified distance from one another by using plastic spacer
tubes in which ties are inserted.
- Positioning of horizontal members (wales) to increase the overall rigidity of the formwork
panels and to align them.
- Insertion of ties between wales, covering them at the outside with plate washers to ensure
that the loads are evenly distributed over the wales.
- Forms for walls, etc., shall have large cleanout openings at their lowest points, which
shall not be closed until just before placing concrete. All forms shall be thoroughly
cleaned and soaked with water immediately before filling.
The jacks used are usually specified by their load bearing capacities and consist of two
clamps operated by a piston. The clamps operate on a jacking rod of 25 to 50 mm diameter.
The upper clamp grips the jacking rod and the lower clamp, being free, rises, pulling the yoke
and platforms with it until the jack extension has been closed. The lower clamp now grips the
climbing rod while the upper clamp is released and raised to a higher position when the lifting
cycle is recommenced.
If the jack rod is to be reused, it is withdrawn from the wall after the forming is com-
plete. This is made possible by sheathing the rod with a thin pipe, which is attached at its top
end to the jack base and moves up with the forms. The sheath prevents concrete from bonding
to the jack rod and leaves it standing free within the hardened concrete. In some cases, the rod
is left unsheathed and remains as part of the reinforcing. The 2,5 to 4,0 m lengths of rod are
usually joined together with a screw joint arranged so that no joints occur at the same level.
A standard procedure regarding site operations is as follows:
- Formation of a concrete, 300 mm high, kicker incorporating the wall and jacking rod
starter bars.
- Anchorage of vertical reinforcing rods at the base of the structure that extends upward
between the inner and outer form. As the form rises and reaches the top of the first set of
rods, new lengths are added as concreting continues.
- Assembly of wall forms fixed together with yokes, upper working platforms, and jacking
- Placement of first concrete lift. The commencing rate of climb must be slow (150…450
mm/hr.) to allow time for the first batch of concrete to reach a suitable maturity before
emerging from beneath the sliding formwork.
- When openings are required to be produced in the wall bucks are inserted in the section of
the wall.
- If a concrete projection from the wall is required, it must be added after the forming is
complete. A pocket is formed in the wall with dowels bent in so as not to interfere with
the operation of the forms. After the forming is complete, the dowels can be bent out, the
forms for the projection built around them, and the structure cast.
The success of a slip-forming operation depends on good planning, design, and super-
vision so that the operation may in fact, be as continuous as possible. Some of the major fac-
tors contributing to successful slip form construction are:
- Round-the-clock working which will involve shift working and artificial lightning to en-
able work to proceed outside normal daylight hours.
- Careful control of concrete supply to ensure that stoppages of the lifting operation are not
encountered. This may mean having standby plant as an insurance against mechanical
- Suitably trained staff accustomed to this method of constructing in-situ concrete walls.
- The proper concrete mix design and careful control of the concrete to maintain the proper
slump and set, in spite of changing temperatures.
- Adequate facilities for supplying concrete to the forms at any height and an adequate con-
crete supply.
- A supply of reinforcing steel at hand and experienced workers to do the fabricating as
work progresses.
- Reliable forms, designed to stand the stresses placed on them by the constant heat of liq-
uid concrete.
b. Table formwork is used when casting large repetitive floor slabs in high-rise structures.
There main objective is to reduce the time factor in erecting, striking and re-erecting slab
formwork by creating a system of formwork which can be struck as an entire unit, removed,
hoisted and repositioned without any dismantling.
a. Built-in-Place Forms are built in place when the design of the structure is such that prefab-
ricated panels cannot be adapted to the shape or when the form is for one use only and the use
of prefabricated panels cannot be economically justified.
Note: When studs are used in form construction, wales are placed outside of them and held in
place by nails, clips, or wale brackets nailed to the studs. When there are no studs, wales are
placed against the plywood sheathing. In such a case, strongbacks-vertical members tied to-
gether in pairs with long ties through the form-are set and braced to provide vertical rigidity.
A standard procedure to assemble a built in place wall form may be as follows:
- Proper location on the foundation or slab from which the wall will rise.
- Sole plate anchoring on either the foundation or slab with preset bolts.
- Fastening of plywood sheathing to the studs. The first panel should be set and leveled at
the highest point of the foundation to establish alignment for the remainder
- Insertion of ties as sheathing progresses, between the double-sided wales.
- When one side of the form has been completed, the other may be built in sections and set
in place, with the tie ends being threaded through predrilled holes.
- Panels will be bolted or clamped to adjoining sections.
- Braces will be attached to the sole plate, form the wales or strongbacks. Braces may act in
compression only, in tension only or in both, as when forms are braced on one side only
heavy wire or cable is suitable for bracing that will be in tension only.
- Tightening of ties where possible and where not or not allowed, external bracing must be
provided to securely support both forms.
- Plumbing of formwork, by adjusting the braces. If braces are not adjustable, the wall must
be plumbed as the braces are installed and anchored. If one form is plumbed as soon as it
is built, there is no need to plumb the opposing one. The ties and spreaders will plumb the
second form automatically.
b. Giant Panels and Gang Forms. High
walls, in which the concrete will have to be
placed in two or more stages or lifts, will nor-
mally be formed by the use of giant panels
(panels much larger than the normal standard
size) or by gang forming. These large forms
are built or assembled on the ground by fasten-
ing together a number of steel (wood)-framed
panels and bracing them strongly to withstand
crane handling.
Figure 2-14 Typical gang panel
Caption: 1. Form sheathing; 2. Stud; 3. Wales; 4.
Steel strut. Source: Popa R., Teodorescu M., 1984.
1. Slab-on-Grade Forms are forms for concrete slabs placed on grade are usually quite sim-
ple. A standard procedure to produce a good slab-on grade from is as follows:
- Concrete will be placed on com-
pacted earth or gravel leveled base
(the granular material serving as a
capillary break under the slab where
moisture in the subgrade be a prob-
- Plank, plywood, or steel forms will
be required for forming the edges
(steel edge forms are commonly used
on larger jobs and for highway work).
- The forms will be held in place by
wooden pegs.
- Usually a vapor barrier will be placed
Figure 2-15 Typical slab-on-grade edge formwork under the slab on grade.
Caption: 1. Screed; 2. Slab edge form; 3. Cast con-
crete. Source: Suman R., 1988.
- Reinforcement in slabs on grade may or may not be specified depending on the slab area
and the use of control joints. Normally the amount of steel that is specified for slabs on
grade is for crack control rather than to increase the strength of the slab. Proper placement
of the reinforcement in the slab is important if it is to be of value. If a single layer of rein-
forcement is specified, its location should be 50 mm below the top surface of the slab to
help control cracking in the top of the slab.
- The reinforcement will be placed on its proper location according to the drawing on
chairs, bolsters, and spacers made of either metal or concrete.
- Temporary wooden guides named screeds will be positioned in the slab area to help in
bringing the concrete to the correct grade.
- When concrete has been placed to the correct level, the screed is removed and the depres-
sion filled.
- If the slab is to be placed in sections, construction joints must be made between them,
which will transmit shear from one to the other (see Concrete Placement).
Caption: 1. Stud; 2. Tie back; 3. Plywood sheet; 4. Ledger; 5. Joist; 6. Slab for sheathing; 7. Tie; 8.
Wales; 9. Brace; 10. Ledger; 11. Shore head; 12. Double shores. Source: Andres C., 1998.
- Assemble three sides together, set the partially completed form in place, and add the
fourth side later (this would probably be done in setting column forms for a job where the
reinforcement is already in position).
- Anchor them at their base, and keeping them in a vertical position are prime considera-
tions by using braces.
- Provision of a cleanout opening at the bottom of the form so that debris may be removed
before concrete placing begins and to allow the placing of concrete in the bottom half of
the form without having to drop it from the top.
- Final check of column forms position, plumbing, bracing, and ready to support the ends of
the girder and the beam forms that will be built to them.
Note: The length of the column form is determined be subtracting the thickness of the bottom
of the girder form that the column is to carry from the column height indicated on the plans or
in the column schedule.
Modular steel panel forms provide several ways to form columns of various shapes
and sizes. Generally, modular panels provide a fast and more accurate column form than job-
built forms.
The form consists of four panels, of various widths and lengths (maximum forming
height of 7.20 m and maximum edge of column 95 cm, 1.5 to 3 mm steel sheathing) that are
fastened together at each corner with wedge bolts or clamps.
A standard procedure to assemble a steel column form may be as follows:
- Selection of proper type and thickness of sheathing.
- Location of forms accurately by using templates, they are carefully located by chalk line
or paint and anchored in position.
- Marking the location of each yoke on the side of the panel.
- Inspection of yokes to ensure that they withstand bending and shear and that deflection
will not exceed 1,5 mm.
- Four-panel assembly by fastening them together on each corner, which sets partially,
completed form in place.
- Assembly of yokes on the top of the first panel height.
- Stacking the rest of the panels until reaching the desired height and positioning the rest of
the yokes on their upper frame.
- Final check of column forms position, plumbing, bracing, and ready to support the ends of
the girder and the beam forms that will be built to them.
All concrete sections made with poured-in-place concrete require some temporary
means of support for the freshly mixed, plastic concrete. As in the case of precast sections,
some means of support is necessary to hold the concrete in place during its curing period; this
temporary framing is known as a mould.
In designing such details an effort is made to: select standard shapes and sizes for
economy of mouldwork, lower operational costs, limit size variations, withstand the required
number of reuses within permissible tolerances without excessive maintenance.
Concrete moulds - referred to also as
pilot moulds because when precasting
individual moulds a concrete replica (pi-
lot model) of the final mould is con-
structed. Several intermediate models,
cast from the pilot model, are used to
produce the required number of finished
Figure 2-23 Concrete pilot mould
Caption: 1. Mould concrete base; 2. Com-
pacted sand; 3. Concrete mould; 4. Concrete
face; 5. Steel angle shape; 6. Edge form; 7.
Metal plate; 8. Bolt.
Metal moulds - are sometimes used in
place of milled woodwork, especially if
a detail is repeated.
Figure 2-24 Static metal moulds
Caption: 1. Brace frame; 2. Striking of de-
vice; 3. Thermal insulation; 4. Heating duct;
5. Prefabricated element; 6. Mould sheet; 7.
Sheet frame. Source: Popa R., Teodorescu
M., 1984.
Plaster moulds are used for various architectural or ornamental details. The moulds are made
of casting plaster containing jute fiber and further reinforced by rods, where necessary. A
mould can be used only once, as it is broken in stripping.
Wooden moulds – presents the limitation given by the woods tendency of the wood to swell.
For this reason and ease of stripping, it is best not to recess deep into the concrete mass.
The most common method of casting concrete using moulds is by using the stack
method. It consists of casting one element on top of another, with each successive element
utilizing the preceding element as a casting bed.
The stack may be started in an excava-
tion to permit a greater number of ele-
ments to be poured direct from transit-
mix trucks. All castings in one stack
should have identical dimensions and
openings of identical size and location.
The stack method conserves space, per-
mits castings to gain added strength be-
fore removal, simplifies curing, and
eliminates extra handling.
Figure 2-25 Stack wooden mould
Caption: 1. Mould base; 2. Mould sheath-
ing; 3. Stud; 4. Tie rods. Source: Popa R.,
Teodorescu M., 1984.
Characteristic strength is the value of the yield or proof strength (ultimate specified
strength) of reinforcement, fy, below which 5% of all possible test results would be expected
to fall.
The most common steel grades are: OB 37, PC 52, and PC 60 with ultimate strength
of 37, 52, and 60 N/mm2.
Tensile strength min. 510 N/mm2 min. 590 N/mm2 min. 890 N/mm2
Elongation min. 20 % min. 16 % min. 8 %
Delivery of reinforcement
φ 6 - 12 mm φ 14 - 30 mm > φ 30 mm
Coiled bundles (40 – 600 kg) Bundles of bars (8-20 m length) Individual rods
PC 52
PC 60 φ 6 – 12 mm φ 14 - 30 mm > φ 30 mm
PC 90 φ 10 - 30 mm > φ 20 mm
Heat Treated Cold Drawn Wire - not for prestressing Source: Ductil Steel SA, SR EN 10025, STAS 889
1. Wire for General Purpose, for Netting and Knitting
Black wire for tying 0,60 – 1,40 mm (STR – in Rom. Sarma trasa rascoapta)
Drawn wire for concrete (STNB – in Rom. Sarma trasa neteda pentru beton)
Wire for meshes 4,00 – 10,00 mm
Technical Characteris-
packed in crepe paper secured with adhesive band; spools packed in crepe paper or with stretch
Strand for Concrete Prestressing (TBP – in Rom. Toron pentru beton precomprimat) -7 mm wire con-
figurations with tensile strengths that vary between 1670 and 1860 N/mm2;
Size 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 4,0 mm
Cross Sectional Area Unit Weight [kg/1000m]
Symbol Diameter [mm]
Min. Max.
Figure 3-3
Carare T.,
3.4.3. WIRES
Tie Wires are plain, cold drawn annealed steel of 1,5 mm diameter. Other types of
wires can be an assemblage of three or more ropes twisted together for extra strength, or a
rope made by twisting together several strands of metal wire.
This stranded wire rope for concrete (used in prestressing) is made of steel wire
manufactured from cold drawn plain carbon steel. The wire can be plain round, crimped or
indented with a diameter range of 2 to 7 mm. Consisting of six individual wires twisted about
a hemp (core) rope core to form the strand.
The function of the core is to provide a firm cushion for positioning the wires in the
strands, to maintain a firm rope structure, and to provide some internal lubrication when bend-
ing stresses are involved.
Figure 3-4 Typical
profile of
Source: Carare T.
Crimped and indented bars (SBP, SBPA) will develop at greater bond strength than
plain round bars and are available in 5, 6, and 7 mm diameters.
The strengthening of rods is usually achieved with a force that must exceed half of the
necessary stress needed to reach its yield point R0,2 .
work orders and a mobile shear able to cut twelve 32 φ rods at the same time.
They consists of a control console able to interface a remote PC for programming of
The machine is available in two basic models, with a hydraulic power of 50 and 100
tons respectively (corresponding to a maximum rod diameter of 32 and 40 mm).
The preliminary works that need be completed before bending starts are: removal of soil,
oil spots and paint from the bars; removal of loose rust by light hammering and removal of
adherent rust by brushing or wiping with a cloth.
a. Stirrup Bending Machines are automatic machines for construction of stirrups and shaped
parts from coils, particularly suitable for medium production runs.
The work cycles are programmed, stored, and controlled by a dedicated industrial
computer installed on a console complete with buttons and selectors for manual operations.
b. Mesh Bending Machines are hydraulically driven machines for bending welded mesh
consist of work cycles that are controlled by an electronic appliance with keyboard-type pro-
grammer that can record 60 cycles containing up to 10 angles to be carried out in sequence.
The scope of this machine is to both flatten the mesh so it will not have reveres bends or ten-
dency to spring back and to bend it.
They are electro-hydraulic portable tools for rod cutting. The electric motor drives a
small hydraulic pump that supplies the cutting cylinder. The cutting length is set by position-
ing a mobile locator along a roller track against which the rods are driven by using an electric
winch with a steel cable. The cutting unit consists of a special shear mounted at the end of the
track. The machine is complete with powered wheels for sideways movement.
Two models are available: manual model (manual movement of the measurement lo-
cator) and electronic measurement model (automatic positioning of the measurement locator
controlled by a computer).
The range includes a large number of models
for cutting of up to 25-mm diameter rods.
Electro-mechanical machines available in
various models for cutting of 6- to 42-mm diameter
rods (they are able to cut the maximum diameter also
in the case of high strength materials). These ma-
chines are able to cut the rods from the minimum to
maximum diameter without any adjustment.
A hydraulic model is also available with an up
to 60-mm cutting capacity.
Figure 3-20 Electronic measurement model
Source: OSCAM SpA.
Welding is technique of jointing metals by heating with/or without the application of
pressure and filler metal.
The main techniques used for welding are:
1. Electric arc uses an electric current in conjunction with a filler rod.
2. Gas uses a hot flame from a torch to melt the metal in conjunction with a welding or filler
3. Resistance Spot/Seam uses electrodes on either side of metal sheets to be joined.
All these methods use high amounts of energy, resulting in heat to locally melt and
fuse two pieces of metal, at the same time ensuring continuity of the metallic bonding and
crystal structure across the join.
As welding effectively makes a larger piece of the same material, there are repercus-
sions in having one large piece. When the welded areas cool, stresses can be generated which
interfere with bonding, ultimately causing cracking. Defects can spread across large areas of
material, do to this some components have to be designed so that large sheets are joined by
riveting in this case cracks cannot then jump across separate components.
Note: Welding reinforcement on site is not encouraged, only particular weldable steels can be
used, and welding should be restricted to fixing reinforcement in position between crossing
members, or transferring loads to other steel members (in accordance with C28-835 and C
1. Metal arc welding with consumable rod electrodes (named also line welding) consists of
an arc that burns between the electrode and a rod of suitable composition (heavy cellulose or
mineral coating) and the parts to be welded. The metal parts should be properly shaped before
the welding takes place by beveling them on both edges when they are to be joined in the
same plane or by butt-welding. The metal is fused at both ends of the arc and the fused elec-
trode deposited in the joint in a series of layers until it is properly filled. After each layer, the
protective slag formed by the melting of the coating is removed by chipping.
Figure 3-22 Typical arc-welding outfit
Caption: 1. Metal parts to be welded; 2.
Electric arc; 3. Electrodes; 4. Electrode
holder and a suitable shield or helmet for
protecting the eyes of the laborer; 5. Electric
cables; 6. Welding generator or transformer
with a control panel for varying the current,
a voltmeter, and ammeter. Source: Carare
T., 1986.
As the weld proceeds, the rod metal should be added until the surface of the joint is
built up a little above the edge of the plates. Impurities and the small amount of oxide that
forms during welding remain on the surface, as scale, easily removed after they have been
cooled by grinding or machining.
3. Resistance (Tack/Seam) welding is made in a relatively short time (typically 0,2 seconds)
using a low-voltage, high-current power source with force applied to the joint through two
electrodes, one on each side. The parts to be joined, after proper shaping, are pressed together.
A large electric current is then passed through the joint until it has reached the required weld-
ing temperature, when further pressure is applied upsetting the joint and completing the weld.
The voltage required is so low and the current so high that the only convenient source
is a large-turns-ratio transformer, built into the welder and as close as possible to the jaws,
which hold the parts and transmit the current to them.
produce a continuous seam or a series of overlapping spots. This method is usually limited to
relatively thin sheets, but is readily applicable to straight seam or to circular seams.
The standard of reinforcement workman-
ship on site will be such as to ensure the
required performance for the structure
throughout its service life.
General rules that must be followed for correct reinforcement assembly:
- Reinforcement should be free from mud, oil, paint, retarders, loose rust, loose mill scale,
grease or and other substances which can be shown to affect adversely the steel or con-
crete chemically, or reduce the bond (normal handling and fabrication prior to embedment
in the concrete is usually sufficient for he removal of loose rust and scale form reinforce-
- Reinforcing bars shall be accurately placed at the position prescribed, in the drawings,
within an acceptable tolerance and sufficiently secured to maintain continuity (displace-
ment) of the cage through the period of placement and curing of concrete.
- The location, anchorage length, laps, and splices of reinforcing bars shall be in accordance
with the design documents and drawings.
- Bar lists and Bending schedules shall be furnished in accordance with design drawings.
- The concrete cover value shall not be less or mare than the value specified in the drawings
by an appropriate limit, to achieve this chairs and spacers will be used: they will be posi-
tioned as follows: slabs - 3 spacers/m2, beams – 1 spacer/m, for beams – 4 spacers/m2.
- Lapping lengths of re-bars will be calculated while splicing of re-bars shall be welded or
Tying of re-bars shall be made according to specific rules for type of member (slab,
wall, and beam):
Slab and wall: the mesh network will have all the
marginal intersections, on at least two rows tied;
for the rest of the intersections the tying can be
made two by two on both directions (alternate);
Figure 3-25 Typical alternate tying procedure of indi-
vidual reinforcing bars to produce a mesh
Beam: All the intersections between the longitu-
dinal bars and the edges of the stirrups/ ties will
be wired; the rest of the longitudinal bars will be
tied from two to two intersections.
The inclined (bent) reinforcement will be tied to all the stirrups that they intersect.
Substitution of reinforcement shall be done according to the following:
- Using other diameters, than the ones designed, is allowed only if the re-bar cross sectional
area is equal or bigger by 5% than the initial one. The new diameter chosen will be 25 %
bigger or smaller that the one designed.
- Substitution in the field of bars differing from the design should be done only with the ap-
proval of the designer.
- Closing and wiring the topside of the stirrups according to the design.
- Positioning and wiring of ties.
- Positioning of circular spacers on the reinforcement at the bottom and edges (minimum 1
- Final inspection of reinforcement assumes that they are positioned correctly in the form,
that they are held, tied, and correctly spliced respecting the technical specifications and
structural design.
Note: The beam reinforcement will commence after concrete placement has finished for the
walls or columns at a level not more that 50 mm under their clear height.
Figure 3-29 Typical wiring procedures Figure 3-30 Detail of slab reinforcement.
Source: Popa R., Teodorescu M., 1984.
A standard procedure to assemble slab reinforcement with individual bars shall be as
- Inspection of slab formwork to ensure its stability and tightness.
- Marking with caulk the location of stirrups on the formwork surface.
- Positioning of reinforcement bars on one direction.
- Positioning of reinforcement (main or repartition) on the other direction.
- Wiring of bars at intersections, in accordance to the following rule, the grid will have all
the intersections between bars tied on minimum two marginal rows; for the rest of the in-
tersections the tying can be done from two to two intersections, on both directions.
- Positioning of circular spacers on the reinforcement (minimum 1 spacer/m2).
Figure 3-32 Typical storage off the ground of rein- Figure 3-33 Typical wire coil storage
done on jigs or on job constructed template benches, with the reinforcement tied or spot-
For moving the reinforcement bundles and coils the yard is usually equipped with a
gantry crane or a traveling crane.
weight (ρ), or between the solid volume phase (Vs) and the apparent total volume (Va).
co = a = s
b. Strength14 - is used as a quick method of evaluating other properties of concrete and is
generally used as the measure of quality. Actually, strength is not always true indicator of
other properties such as durability. However, when all other variables are fixed there is usu-
ally a good correlation between strength and other desire properties.
Compressive strength of concrete is the force needed to crush a sample of a given age
or hardness. These tests are generally made on samples taken from the forms and allowed to
set for some predetermined period such as 3, 7, 14, or 28 days.
The class of specified concrete is defined based on the characteristic strength fck (cyl-
inder/cube) MPa (N/mm2) of a concrete specimen (cube - with the facet of 150 mm or cylin-
der - 150 mm in diameter and 300 mm high) tested at the age of 28 days under ideal curing
conditions, below which 5% of all possible results will be expected to fall.
Table 4-3 Standard concrete classes (MPa).
Concrete classes C C C C C C C C C C C
according to 4/5 8/10 12/15 16/20 20/25 25/30 30/37 35/45 40/50 45/55 50/60
NE 012-99
Characteristic strength (grade) of concrete (MPa)
fc,28 cylinder 4 8 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
fc,28 cub 5 10 15 20 25 30 37 45 50 55 60
Diffusion is the process by which a vapor, gas, or ions can pass through concrete un-
der the action of a concentration gradient. Diffusivity defines the rate of movement of the
agent and is the mechanism by which carbonation occurs, characterizing the ingress of chlo-
rides and other ions. It is, therefore, closely linked to reinforcement corrosion problems.
Permeability16 is defined as the flow property of concrete which quantitatively char-
acterizes the ease by which a fluid or gas will pass through it, under the action of a pressure
differential. It may be tested by measuring the flow, measured in Bar (1 Bar = 10 MPa),
through a saturated specimen, of 100 mm respectively 200 mm height, subjected to pressure
(4, 8 or 12 Bar); (Permeability grades: P104 , P108 , P1012 , P420 , P820 , P1220). The permeabil-
ity of concrete is a major indicator of its potential durability, both in the sense of mechanical
strength and resistance to chemical attack.
Moisture movement in concrete may be use-
fully considered in terms of both permeability
and diffusion. Although these are derived
from the same physical processes, the
mathematical forms differ. Permeability is
associated with a pressure difference and is
associated with saturated materials, while dif-
fusion is more useful in considering partly
dry materials with the fluid driven by chemi-
cal or moisture potential.
Figure 4-4 Entrained air voids in concrete
Source: Stutzman P., 1993.
Permeability is influenced by porosity and hydration of material within pores, and
capillaries will greatly reduce flow. Normally, water movement will occur within capillaries,
rather than the pores. The most important driving force for diffusion is the gradient between
internal moisture and surface or capillary forces.
Porosity is the property of concrete, which describes to what extent it contains pores
or voids17 filled with gas (usually air). There are two classifications of pore sizes: capillary
pores – space formed between hydrated grains and gel pores – very small spaces in the
chemical compounds of the hydrated grains
The bulk volume of concrete is the total volume of the material and the pores it con-
The solid volume is the volume of the actual material, so,
Vb (Bulk volume) = Vs (Solid volume) + Vp (Volume of Pores)
d. Volume change - Volume stability18 is desired in order to minimize the formation of ei-
ther small or large cracks in the concrete. Most cracking is caused by excessive volume
change that occurs during setting, during temperature changes, and during moisture changes.
For a concrete to be successful there must be good adhesion between the reinforcement, ag-
gregate and the matrix. Concrete relies partly on good mechanical binding achieved in the
kind of surface irregularities found on reinforcement, as well as some weak chemical binding
between cement and the aggregate interface. Cracking is more likely to propagate at these in-
terfaces and this can be minimized by choice of aggregate. If aggregates are chosen angular as
a result of crushing rather than smooth and rounded from the wearing action in running river
beds, the greater mechanical degree of interlocking will improve the overall strength of the
Thermal cracking may arise from great temperature differentials through the harden-
ing concrete member and the outside air temperature. The only acceptable level of cracking is
a dimensional gap of 0.3 mm or below. Wider gaps will significantly affect water penetration
and the corrosion of reinforcement and durability generally.
a b
Figure 4-5 Types of concrete shrinkage
Caption: a. Free shrinkage, b. Restrained shrink-
age, restrained shrinkage cracking.
Plastic shrinkage - cracking of concrete can occur in the initial set do to shrinkage of
the hardening material and from settlement of aggregates and cement and loss of water, often
referred to as bleeding, in deep sections.
When the evaporation rate exceeds the rate of bleeding and the free settlement period
is ended (water evaporates faster than it can reach the surface), a hydrostatic tension begins to
develop throughout the mass owing to the formation of menisci at the water surfaces in the
capillaries, resulting in vertical and lateral compressive forces manifested, primarily in slabs,
by pattern cracking, known as plastic shrinkage cracking.
e. Freeze –thaw strength19. Represents the maximum number of freeze-thaw successive cy-
cles that the concrete specimens can go through without decreasing their strength by 25 % in
comparison with the laboratory reference specimens. Freeze-thaw grades: G50, G100, G150
(approximately 50 cycles per year, average max. 150-200 cycles per year).
Major factors that affect resistance to freezing and thawing: air entrainment, w/c ratio,
volume stability of aggregates (stiff aggregates with low coefficient of thermal expansion).
f. Other properties of hardened concrete include: thermal properties, electrical conductiv-
ity, exposure to high temperature, fire resistance, acoustical properties etc.
The main factors that affect concrete durability are as follows: curing conditions (hu-
midity, temperature), w/c ratio, air content, aggregates (characteristics, roughness, grading,
mineralogical composition), cement (composition, fineness, cement content), strength poros-
ity relationship and mixing water.
To ensure the long term service of concrete, the following items shall be considered:
expansion in wet condition, drying shrinkage, carbonation, corrosion of reinforcement, alkali-
silica reaction20 (chemical reaction between the alkalis contained in the cement paste and cer-
tain reactive forms of silica within aggregate, that creates a gel that can swell and cause ex-
pansion and cracking of the concrete), erosion, sulfate attack (chemical attack on concrete, do
to the presents of sulfates in groundwater, soil, and seawater), freezing and thawing, biologi-
cal degradation other chemical attack.
4.3.1. CEMENTS
Figure 4-7 a. A sectioned clinker nodule, b. Unhydrated ordinary Portland cement particles, field
width of 320 microns.
Source: Stutzman P., 1993.
The need for retardation of set is attributed mainly to the C3A, and the content of C3A is re-
lated inversely to ability of the concrete to resist disintegration by sulfate-bearing water. Rais-
ing the amount of C4AF, by raising the iron-oxide content of the mix without increasing the
alumina content, is one means of reducing the amount of C3A. The C3A and C3S are the com-
pounds that release the most heat when the cement hydrates, or hardens.
- 11…35 -
Pozzolan Cement IV
Composite Cement
V 18…30 18…30 -
ated when cement and water react. The
amount of heat generated is dependent C3S
mainly upon the chemical composition of the
cement, with C3A (tricalcium aluminate) C4AF
and C3S (tricalcium silicate) being the com-
pounds primarily responsible for high heat C2S
Figure 4-8 Speed of cement components heat
Table 4-7 Cement component heat of hydra-
0 3 7 28 180 days
tion development.
Component Heat of hydration (J/g)
3 days 7 days 28 days 90 days
C3S 406 460 485 519
C2S 21 105 167 184
C3A 590 661 866 929
C4AF 92 251 377 414
4. Setting time32, 33- early hydration of cement is principally controlled by the amount and
activity of C3A, balanced by the amount and type of sulfate interground with the cement. C3A
hydrates very rapidly and will influence early bonding characteristics.
Cements are regarded as gels that are mixtures of solids and liquids. In cement the
chemical reaction progresses when water is added and silicate structures form, sometimes
forming three-dimensional structures from fine tubes that hold together other cement particles
and water. Every particle is wrapped in cement and connected to other particles by cement
bridge like links.
Time of setting: initial set – paste begins to stiffen (2-4 hours) and final set – ability
to withstand loads (5-8 hours).
Abnormal hydration of (C3A) can lead to flash set, false set, slump loss, and cement-
admixture incompatibility.
Early stiffening. The two measures of early stiffening are: false set – rapid rigidity
without much heat generation, plasticity can be regained by further mixing with no additional
water and flash set - is a significant loss of plasticity shortly after mixing with considerable
heat generation, plasticity cannot be regained.
Figure 4-9 Mechanism of cement setting. Figure Figure 4-10 Schematic view of cement setting
shows long needle-like crystals and short
crystal–like formations of calcium-silicate-
Source: NRC, 1999.
hydrate gel.
Table 4-8 Physical criteria for usual setting times for different types of cement.
Cement grade 32,5; 32,5 R; 42,5; 42,5 R 52,5; 52,5 R
Setting time (minutes) ≥ 60 ≥ 45
5. Compressive strength34.
strength (MPa)
Other properties of Portland cement are: loss on ignition, air content, specific gravity etc.
Aggregates are inert granular materials classified35, 36 in: igneous rocks (granite, gab-
bro, basalt, ash, tuff etc. – cooling of molten rock), sedimentary rocks (mechanically depos-
ited -consolidated shale, siltstone, sandstone etc. or chemically deposited - calcareous: lime-
stone, dolomite or siliceous: chert, opal etc.) or metamorphic (originally sedimentary, but un-
der high pressure and heat they converted similar to igneous rocks, e.g. slate, quartzite, marble
Cement is relatively expensive, strong fillers (sand, gravel, stones, or even boulders,
that are called aggregates) are not, do to this they are usually added to the mix to form what is
called concrete.
Aggregates along with water and Portland cement, are an essential ingredient in con-
crete. For a good concrete mix, aggregates need to be clean, hard, strong particles free of ab-
sorbed chemicals or coatings of clay and other fine materials that could cause the deteriora-
tion of concrete. Even small quantities of the organic compounds present in topsoil will seri-
ously retard and impair the strength-producing chemical reaction between cement and water.
Aggregates, are divided into two distinct categories - fine and coarse.
- Fine aggregates generally consist of natural sand or crushed stone with most particles
passing through 7 mm sieve. They shall be clean sand in compliance with STAS 1667-76
or approved equal. Any contamination shall not be allowed. Crushed sand may be added
to natural sand in order to achieve required gradation. Beach sand or others from chloride
environment shall not be used on any conditions.
- Coarse aggregates (also referred to as gravels) are any particles greater than 7 mm, but
generally range between 7 mm to 40 mm in diameter. They shall comply with the re-
quirements of STAS 1667-76 or approved equivalent. They can be used as either natural
gravel or stone crushed to the desired size and shall only be obtained from quarries, qual-
ity approved pits or other sources.
Gravel aggregate shall be free from clay, earth, loam, or other organic or similar mate-
rials and shall be hard and dense.
Crushed stone shall be from hard durable rock and perfectly clean and shall contain no
soft, clayey, shaley, or decomposed stones. Any dust or fine materials below 5 mm in size re-
sulted in the crushing process shall be removed through screening. The stone obtained and
screened shall be thoroughly washed by a method approved by the Engineer.
Coarse aggregate containing significant portion of elongated particles shall not be ac-
cepted. The tolerable portion of the elongated particles shall be assessed by sieve method as
directed by the Engineer.
Natural gravel and sand are usually dug or dredged from a pit, river, lake, or seabed.
Crushed aggregate is produced by crushing quarry rock, boulders, cobbles, or large-size
gravel. Aggregate processing consists of crushing, screening, and washing the aggregate to
obtain proper cleanliness and gradation. Once processed, the aggregates are handled and
stored in a way that minimizes segregation and degradation and prevents contamination. Ag-
gregates strongly influence concrete's freshly mixed and hardened properties, mixture propor-
tions, and economy. Consequently, selection of aggregates is an important process. Although
some variation in aggregate properties is expected, characteristics37 that are considered
when selecting aggregate include: grading of aggregates, abrasion / skid resistance, particle
shape, size, surface texture, unit weights, absorption/surface moisture and durability.
Figure 4-14 Moisture conditions of aggregate Figure 4-15 Main moisture conditions of aggregate
The amount of water in the concrete mixture must be adjusted to include the moisture
conditions of the aggregate.
Moisture conditions in aggregate: damp or wet (pores connected to surface are
filled with water + free water on surface), SSD (pores connected to surface are filled with wa-
ter no free water on surface), Air dry (dry surface with some water in pores) and Oven dry
(no water on surface and in pores).
Additions are ingredients other than water, aggregates and cement that are added to
the concrete batch immediately before or during mixing to induce a desired change in prop-
erties. A proper use of additions offers certain beneficial effects to concrete, including im-
proved quality, acceleration or retardation of setting time, enhanced frost and sulfate re-
sistance, control of strength development, improved workability and compaction they
also prevent the segregation of aggregates and consequent bleeding of cement, prevent plastic
cracking by the control of shrinkage, and generally improve durability.
Additions vary widely in chemical composition, and many perform more than one
function. They can be either soluble (plasticizers and pigments) or insoluble (retarders, air en-
training agents, superplasticizers, accelerators and waterproofers).
The basic types of additions are available: mineral and chemical.
1. Mineral admixtures are added to the cement (between 6-35% of the cement weight) in the
scope of making the mixture more economical and to enhancing the properties of concrete
(workability of fresh concrete, reduce permeability, increase strength, improve resistance of
concrete to thermal cracking, or influence other concrete properties). Typical examples are
natural pozzolans, fly ash, silica fume, and ground granulated blast-furnace slag that can
be used individually with Portland or blended cement or in different combinations.
- Fly ash is a fine divided residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered
coal from thermal power generating stations that is carried from the combustion chamber
of the furnace by exhaust gases. Their chemical composition resulting from the type of
coal burned. They are generally finer than cement and consist mainly of glassy-spherical
particles as well as residues of hematite and magnetite, char, and some crystalline phases
formed during cooling. It is used in concrete to improve its properties: workability, re-
duces segregation, bleeding, heat evolution, and permeability, inhibits alkali-aggregate
reaction, and enhances sulfate resistance. In addition it cheapness the final cost of cement.
- Silica fume, also called condensed silica fume and microsilica, is a byproduct of silicon
or ferro-silicon alloys that is carried from the electric furnace by the exhaust gases. It is
used in concrete to improve its properties: compressive strength, bond strength, and abra-
sion resistance, reduces permeability, protects reinforcing steel against corrosion. It can
be used up to 15 percent by weight of cement, although the normal proportion is 7 to 10
- Slags. Ground granulated blast-furnace slag is the granular material formed when molten
iron blast furnace slag is rapidly chilled (quenched) by immersion in water. It is a granu-
lar product with very limited crystal formation, is highly cementitious in nature and,
ground to cement fineness, hydrates like Portland cement. It can be substituted for cement
on a 1:1 basis.
2. Chemical additions, known as additives, are added by to concrete by producers, in very
small amounts, to modify certain properties of fresh or hardened concrete.
Successful use of additives depends on the use of appropriate methods of batching and
concreting. Most admixtures are supplied in ready-to-use liquid/powder form and are added to
the concrete at the plant or at the jobsite.
The effectiveness of an additive depends on several factors including: type and
amount of cement, water content, mixing time, slump, and temperatures of the concrete and
Admixtures are classified in several distinct categories:
- Air-Entraining Admixtures produce air-entrained concrete, they are used to incorporate
a distribution of fine air-voids in the cement-paste phase to provide spaces for the water to
expand on freezing, reducing the possibility of internal stress and cracking. The amount
of entrained air is usually between 2…7 % of the volume of the concrete, but may be var-
ied as required by special conditions. The use of air-entraining agents results in concrete
that is highly resistant to severe frost action and cycles of wetting and drying or freezing
and thawing and has a high degree of workability and durability. They reduce bleeding
and improve the workability of the concrete, minimizing particle segregation.
- Water-Reducing Admixtures. They reduce the required water content for a concrete
mixture by about 5 to 10 percent. Consequently, concrete containing a water-reducing
admixture needs less water to reach a required slump than untreated concrete. The treated
concrete can have a lower water-cement ratio. This usually indicates that a higher strength
concrete can be produced without increasing the amount of cement.
- Retarding Admixtures Retarding water reducing agent, these reduce the temperature rise
in concrete. These work by reducing the temperature and rate of reaction at which the
concrete will set. They delay the setting time normally by one to three hours but can be
specified to delay setting for two or three days. This may be needed for continuous con-
creting operations, by keeping the concrete workable (without affecting the long-term
mechanical properties). They can avoid complications when unavoidable delays between
mixing and placing occur and they compensate for concreting in hot weather and allow
for a better junction in poured concrete to be made when large quantities are being placed.
- Accelerating Admixtures are added to concrete either to increase the rate of hydration
/early strength development or to shorten the time of setting, or both (particularly in cold
climates). Accelerators have a negligible effect on long-term strength but can improve
early strength by at least 25 % after one day. Plasticizers can also be used to reduce water
demand and accelerate early strength gain of the concrete.
- Superplasticizers, also known as plasticizers39 or high-range water reducers (HRWR),
reduce water content by 12 to 30 percent. They can be added to concrete with a low-to-
normal slump and water-cement ratio to make high-slump flowing concrete. The effect of
superplasticizers lasts only 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the brand and dosage rate, and
is followed by a rapid loss in workability. Because of the slump loss, superplasticizers are
usually added to concrete at the jobsite.
Other types of admixtures are: damp-proofing and water-proofing admixtures40, cor-
rosion inhibitors, shrinkage reduction, alkali-silica reactivity reduction, workability enhance-
ment, bonding.
4.3.4. WATER
Water shall comply with the requirements of STAS 790-8441 or approved equivalent.
Clean fresh potable water shall be used for the mixing of all concrete and mortar and shall be
from an approved source. Seawater shall not be used at any time.
The function of water when incorporated in concrete is as follows:
- Water begins the reaction of cement hydration. Reacting chemically with the cement to
form a cement paste in which the inert aggregates are held in suspension until the cement
has hardened.
- Water serves also as a vehicle or lubricant between the fine and coarse aggregates in order
that the concrete may be made more readily placeable in the forms (more workable).
Only 1/3 of the water is needed for cement chemical reaction (hydration) the rest is
used form workability, most remaining in the pores and holes thus resulting porosity.
The water used in concrete must be clean, and free from injurious amounts of oils, ac-
ids, alkalis, organic materials, or other deleterious substances. Excessive impurities in mixing
water not only may affect setting time and concrete strength, but also may cause efflores-
cence, staining, and corrosion of reinforcement, volume instability, and reduced durability.
- Mix by shoveling the aggregates with the cement, using a turning and spreading motion
until a uniform color is obtained.
- Mound the material and form a crater in the center
- Add water slowly into the crater and turn the material into the water.
- Shovel the components from the edge towards center of the mass, until a consistency
somewhat wetter than the required final concrete texture and consistency is obtained. If
too dry, additional water may be sprinkled on and the mass again turned.
- Mixing should continue until every piece of aggregate is completely coated with a thor-
oughly mixed cement paste.
Mechanical mixers are available in sizes varying from 0,01 to 3 m3 capacity. For lar-
ger projects and central mixing plants, mixers of 1,5…6 m3 capacity are used, with drum
speeds of 22 (rev/min) capable of mixing at a rate of 12 batches per hour having the produc-
tion output rate 1,2…2,4 m3/hr.
In no case shall the volume of the mixed material exceed the manufacturers rated ca-
pacity of the mixer and they should not be operated at speeds other than those for which they
were designed. Overloading or running either too quickly or too slowly prevents the proper
mixing action from taking place. When increased output is required, a larger mixer or addi-
tional ones should be used.
The mixer shall be washed out with cementitious grout sufficient to coat the inside of
the drum before mixing the first batch after any stoppage or alternatively the first mix shall be
The plant and the concreting program shall be so arranged that only one class of con-
crete be produced in one mixing drum until the pours of that class of concrete have been com-
pleted. When such a phase of work has been completed, the mixing drum and wet hopper
shall be washed out thoroughly before another class of concrete is mixed in the same drum.
Mixing shall continue for a minimum of two minutes and maximum of 5 minutes after
all the materials, including the water, are passed into the drum before any of the batches is
discharged. Batch mixers shall be fitted with timers to record the mixing time for each batch.
Admixture shall be introduced at specified points in the batching process to provide the in-
tended concrete properties at the actual time of casting.
During windy weather, precautions shall be taken to prevent loss of cement during
batching and mixing.
ily intended for small batch outputs ranging from 100…200 liters mixed batch output. The
complete cycle time for mixing one batch from load to reload is usually specified as max. 2
1. Forward flow mixer has the primary current flowing in the same direction with the current
of the mixing system employed. Both the pan and the mixing tools rotate in a clockwise direc-
tion. The pan rotates with the speed of 20 rpm while the paddles with 40 rpm.
The cycle consists of the following phases: load-
ing of materials, lowering the paddles in the pan, mix-
ing, lifting the paddles, tilting the pan for unloading and
bringing back to the initial position of the pan.
2. Backward flow mixer consists of a horizontally revolving pan, into which is suspended
one or more, vertical three-paddle mixing tools (stars), offset from the center of the pan. The
drum rotates in a clockwise direction, while the mixing tools turn counterclockwise, thus pro-
ducing a high degree of agitation in the materials being mixed.
The mixing cycle consists of the following phases:
- Turning on the mixer and priming the drum with approximately 10% of the required mix-
ing water before the dry ingredients are added.
- Adding the coarse aggregate followed by the sand and then the cement.
- Blending the ingredients until a uniform color is achieved.
- Adding the rest of the water
slowly and sparingly until a
workable mix is achieved.
- Continuing mixing according to
the time specified.
- Discharging the mixer.
The loading of the aggregates is achieved by radial dragline. All the operations re-
quired such as scrape, pivot and slewing operations are controlled manually from the high-
visibility cabin via clearly arranged operation levers and foot pedals. After which they are dis-
charged form the weighing belt into the feeding device of the concrete or by front power
loaders, via a ramp or ramps piled on one or both sides, or by means of belt conveyer systems.
1. Short Distance Transport - for short distance the following means of transport can be
used: wheel barrows, push charts, forklift trucks, dump trucks, chutes, crane hoisted buckets,
belt conveyers, pneumatic devices etc.
a. Wheelbarrows are produced in a variety of sizes and ca-
pacities ranging from 0,08 to 0,12 m3. They are used on
small jobs (maximum economical distance of transport 70
m), permitting most of the load to be carried on the wheel,
but some of the load must be assumed by the operator to bal-
ance it during movement. Bouncing of the wheelbarrow can
cause concrete to segregate, to avoid this it is important to
provide smooth runways for its travel.
Figure 6-1 Wheelbarrow
b. Pushcarts produced in a variety of sizes and capacities
ranging from approximately 0,10 to 0,30 m3 capacity. They
are used on small jobs (maximum economical distance of
transport 150 m), permitting the load to be carried by the
rubber tire wheels, while the worker is required to balance it
during movement. Bouncing of the wheelbarrow can cause
concrete to segregate, to avoid this it is important to provide
smooth runways for its travel.
Figure 6-2 Push chart
d. Chutes are of steel or wood with metal lining (galvanized iron), with rounded bottoms, and
of sufficient size to guard against overflow. They are used to carry concrete directly from
mixer to forms or form or hopper, conveniently situated to allow chuting.
mended that the slope of chutes be 30o, depending on site conditions and the consistency of
the concrete as well as the smoothness of the chute.
In setting up chutes, it is important that they be braced sufficiently to prevent serious
deformation or actual collapse under the weight of concrete.
Usually at the discharge end of the chute a hopper should be attached to prevent the
segregation that results from a free discharge and to direct the flow perpendicular on the con-
creting surface.
e. Crane-hoisted buckets are metal containers produced in a variety of sizes / capacities
(ranging from 0,4 to 6 m3) and types (circular or rectangular in cross section).
a b
Buckets are lifted and moved about by crane, cable, railroad car, or truck. The crane
offers one of the most flexible methods of handling mixed concrete. It is used where concrete
has to be placed at a considerable height above ground level where forms are in otherwise in-
accessible locations or when needed to be placed over wide areas.
The concrete load is released by opening a self-closing gate that is located at the bot-
tom of the bucket; they can regulate the flow by closing them so that only a part of the load
will be discharged.
Where the loading height of concrete is low, a special type of "laydown" bucket has
been developed which can receive concrete while lying on its long side but turns through 90°
when lifted (see Figure 6-6).
f. Belt conveyors are used to transfer concrete; they are produced of sizes - capacities (rang-
ing from capacity of concrete transport 60 m3/h; width of belt 400 mm; maximum lengths 40
m; speed 150 m/min. or better) and types (portable, series or side discharge conveyors).
They can be made of fabric, rubber, plastic, leather, or metal and are driven by a
power-operated roll mounted underneath or at one end of the conveyor.
The belt forms a continuous loop and is supported either on rollers, for heavy loads, or
on a metal slider pan when the load is light enough to prevent frictional drag on the belt. Elec-
tric motors operating through constant- or variable-speed reduction gears usually provide the
Concrete should be fed onto a belt conveyor from a hopper to get an even distribution
of material along the belt, and it should be supported well enough so it will not vibrate and
cause segregation of the concrete. The slope used will vary with the concrete mix and with the
type of belt used. It is generally recommended that the slope of conveyors be 30o, depending
on site conditions and the consistency of the concrete as well as the smoothness of the chute
(those with straight ribs on their surface work best on steep slopes). Conveyors should be
covered to prevent climatic conditions (sun, rain or wind) from affecting the concrete during
its transfer.
paste. In extremely hot weather, it may be necessary to use ice to keep the temperature down.
This is done to prevent the initial set of concrete from taking place before it can be delivered.
c. Rail cars are specially designed for transporting concrete for large projects. Some are tilted
to discharge through side or end gates, whereas others discharge through bottom gates. Con-
crete is normally dumped into a large hopper from which short chutes or downspouts direct it
to the forms. It is essential to closely supervise this operation to prevent segregation.
d. Concrete pumps can be divided into three categories: stationary concrete pumps, truck
mounted concrete pumps, and tower concrete pumps.
Concrete pumps are used to transport concrete under pressure through some type of
piping system that can be: piston pump, pneumatic pump, and squeeze pump.
Truck mounted concrete pumps. Standard equipment includes motor, feed hopper,
delivery pipeline, chassis, and outriggers on which a distributing three-, four- and five-fold
boom is mounted.
Pumping distances - The distance concrete can be pumped depends on a series of factors: the
capacity of the pump, the size of the pipeline, velocity of pumping and characteristics of con-
e. Conveying systems
e.1. Piston pump consists of an inlet and outlet valve, a piston, and a cylinder connected to a
hopper on the intake end and to a hose or pipe on the discharge end. The cylinder receives
concrete from the hopper, and the piston forces it out into the house and, by continuous ac-
tion, eventually to the form. A delivery system carries the concrete to the job.
- Assurance of the necessary amount water for wetting of concrete surfaces after placement
and for cleaning of concrete trucks (1m3 per truck, by rotating the drum 5 minutes with the
water inside).
- Assurance of electricity necessary for concrete transport and vibration.
- Assurance of runways for laborers and equipment.
- Assurance of standby equipment to replace any that fails during the pour (vibrators, trans-
port equipment etc.).
- Protection of fresh concrete from heavy downpours of rain. If the pour takes place in cold
weather the necessary protective materials and equipment should be immediately avail-
able. These would include canvases, warm-sir blowers etc.
- Assurance shall be made for standby carpenters and ironworkers to make immediate re-
pairs that can occur during the pour.
- The placement of each layer shall take place so that each lift is placed in time to integrate
easily and completely with the one below. This time factor is determined by type of ce-
ment used in making the concrete, the w/c ratio, the presence, or absence of accelerators,
and atmospheric conditions at the time of placing.
- Excessive vibration should be avoided as it causes segregation by forcing the coarse ag-
gregates away from the vibrator resulting in pockets of cement mortar lacking in coarse
- Concrete placed in columns and walls shall be allowed to stand for approximately 2 hr be-
fore placing the concrete for monolithic girders, beams, and slabs. This time allows the
concrete in the walls or columns to settle and thus prevents cracking due to settlement,
which would occur if all members were placed at one time.
- The first batches of each lift shall be placed at the ends of the form section or in corners,
and placing should then proceed toward the center. This positioning is done to prevent the
trapping of water at ends of the sections, in corners, and. along form faces. The integration
of each lift with the one below is done with the aid of puddling spades or vibrators.
- Special types of equipment foundation that will be subjected to intense vibrations are not
allowed to have construction joints, they will be concreted continuously.
It is usually desirable to provide a key between adjoining sections to prevent lateral
movement. One method of doing this is to attach a galvanized iron strip to the inside face of
the bulkhead form (Figure 7-6).
The strip is bent into a right angle and fastened to the
inside face of the bulkhead. When the bulkhead is re-
moved, the bent half is straightened and projects into
the adjacent pour. The metal also acts as a waterstop
to prevent passage of water through the joint.
Figure 7-6 Construction joint formed
Caption: 1. Bulkhead form; 2. Galvanized iron. Source:
Andres C., 1998.
2. Contraction joints are also called control joints because they control the location of
cracking because of the shrinking of the concrete and they allow lateral movement of the
concrete on either side of the joint. These are transverse joints, placed between expansion
joints at 12 to 24 m in reinforced slabs and at 4,5 to 7,5 m in non-reinforced slabs to limit
the size of the slab.
3. Longitudinal joints are similar to contraction joints and are required where slab width
exceeds 4,5m.
4. Expansion joints are necessary in slab construction to provide space for the slab to ex-
pand, due to changes in temperature, without exerting damaging pressure on the member
adjacent to it. They are transverse joints located at 36 to 72 m in reinforced slabs and at 27
to 54 m in non-reinforced slabs. They are usually formed around exterior walls, columns,
and machine bases by placing a tapered wood strip around the perimeter before concrete is
placed, removing it after the concrete has set, and filling the void with some type of filling
5. Isolation joints. Allow the free / independent movement of slabs between walls, around
columns etc., and are often used in combination with other types of joints to allow maxi-
mum panel movement causing shrinkage, temperature changes, and seasonal variations.
Compressible cellular materials are commonly used to fill these joints.
Vibration is a periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body (e.g.
fresh/plastic concrete) or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is
displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to re-
store equilibrium.
Vibrations fall into two categories: free and forced.
1. Free vibrations occur when the system is disturbed shortly and then allowed to
move without restraint. A classic example is provided by a weight suspended from a spring.
These kinds of vibrations have a simple harmonic motion (SHM). This occurs whenever the
disturbance to the system is countered by a restoring force that is exactly proportional to the
degree of disturbance. In this case, the restoring force is the tension or compression in the
spring, which (according to Hooke's law) is proportional to the displacement of the spring. In
simple harmonic motion, the periodic oscillations are of the mathematical form called sinu-
A universal feature of free vibration is damping. All systems are subject to frictional
forces, and these steadily sap the energy of the vibrations, causing the amplitude to diminish,
usually exponentially. The motion is therefore never precisely sinusoidal.
2. Forced vibrations occur if a system is continuously driven by an external force. A
simple example is a child's swing that is pushed on each downswing. Of special interest are
systems undergoing SHM and driven by sinusoidal forcing. This leads to the important phe-
nomenon of resonance.
Table 8-1 Frequencies for which aggregates of different diameters go into resonance.
Frequency (Hz) 10 20 25 50 100 150
Rot./min 600 1200 1500 3000 6000 9000
Diameter of particle that goes into 100…280 24…69 16…44 4…11 1…2,8 0,4…1,2
Resonance occurs when the driving frequency approaches the natural frequency of
free vibrations. The results in a rapid take-up of energy by the vibrating system, with an at-
tendant growth of the vibration amplitude, ultimately, the growth in amplitude is limited by
the presence of damping, but the response can be very great.
One period therefore equals the reciprocal of the frequency, or 1/frequency (T=1/ν).
In simple harmonic motion, the period is the time required to complete one vibration.
When a point moves around a circle with uniform speed, its projection on any line
taken as the diameter will execute simple harmonic motion. Although the point is moving
with constant speed, the projection point will accelerate or decelerate according to whether it
is moving toward the center of the circle or away from it. If the ratio of its displacement dis-
written f= v/ λ.
f = 1/T—this equation may be
Caption: a. placed concrete before compaction; b. concrete after compaction; c. concrete after a effi-
cient compaction; d. over compaction (segregated concrete). Source: Ionescu I.,1997.
- Stiff concrete will be compacted with wooden or steel mallets (G=12-15 kg). The proce-
dure consists of tamping the concrete; every hit has to overlap half of the last hit. The
concrete member will be cast in layers of maximum 200 mm. Compaction will start from
the extremities of the form towards the direction of concrete placement. This operation
will commence until loose bubbles of air and excess mix water will float on the surface;
- Fluid concrete will be compacted differently according to type of member:
1. For slabs, the procedure of compaction consists of hitting the concrete surface with
shovels or by striking off the level as soon as it has been placed, which is done by the
use of strike-off bars worked against the top edge of screeds previously set to the
proper height. These bars are operated either by hand or by power the latter acting as
vibrators as well as strike-off bars. Striking off removes all humps and hollows, leav-
ing a true and even surface;
2. For beams, columns and walls the concrete will be placed in maximum 300 mm lay-
ers that will be compacted with steel rods, that will compact the concrete between re-
inforcing bars. The distance between two consecutive strikes will be about 5-10 cm.
After using the rods, the compaction will continue using light mallets (5-8 kg) and
wooden hammers (2-3 kg).
This operation will commence until loose bubbles of air and excess mix water will
float on the surface VIBRATION
The most common methods for compacting concrete by vibration are of two types:
immersion vibrators - internal (also referred to as poker / spud vibrators) and surface - ex-
ternal vibrators (clamp vibrators, vibration tampers and form vibrators – used in precast
1. Internal Vibrators - The common type of internal vibrator is the poker vibrator. It consists
essentially of a tubular housing, and a vibrating head that contains a rotating eccentric weight.
The out-of-balance rotating weight causes the casing to vibrate and, when immersed in con-
crete, the concrete itself. Power is supplied by a small petrol, diesel, or electric motor and in
some cases by compressed air.
Table 8-2 Technical characteristics of internal vibrators.
Average amplitude
of vibrations(mm)
Radius of action
crete placement
Vibrating head
frequency (Hz)
diameter (mm)
Total weight
Rate of con-
38 150- 0.8 80-150 0.8-4 16.0 High slump concrete in very thin members and confined
250 places.
58 140- 0.8 130- 2.3-8 22.5 Concrete (100-150 mm slump) in thin walls, columns, beams,
210 250 precast pipes, thin slabs, and along construction joints.
71 130- 0.9 180- 4.6-15 21.8 Concrete (less than 80 mm slump) in normal construction (e.g.
200 360 walls, floors, beams and columns in buildings).
110 120- 1.5 300- 11-31 37.0 Mass and structural concrete (0-50 mm slump) deposited in
180 500 large quantities in relatively open forms of heavy construction.
180 90- 1.0- 400- 19-38 50.0 Mass concrete in gravity dams, large piers, massive walls etc.
140 2.0 600
Note: Assumes insertion spacing 1 ½ times radius of action, and that vibrator operates two-
thirds of time concrete is being placed.
Figure 8-8 a. Internal / poker vibrator. Example of working procedures with vibrator
Caption: 1. Steel cylinder (head); 2. Rotating eccentric element; 3. Electric motor; 4. Reinforced rub-
ber hose. D1= 1.4 r, D2= 1.73 r, where r- radius of vibrator head (see Table 8-2). Source: Popa R.,
Teodorescu M., 1984; Cement & Concrete Association of Australia, 2000.
- In concrete members that are thin and heavily reinforced, careful vibration will cause the
concrete to follow uniformly around the reinforcement and this increased fluidity due to
vibration will occur with mixes which in normal circumstances would be considered too
dry for reinforced concrete.
- When operating the vibrators, they should be inserted vertically into the concrete as
quickly as possible, penetrating previous layers of freshly placed concrete (about 50-150
mm), and then held stationary until air bubbles cease to raise to the surface, usually in
about 15-20 seconds. The vibrator should then be slowly withdrawn and reinserted in a
fresh position adjacent to the first. These movements should be repeated in a regular pat-
tern (see Figure 8-8).
- Random insertions are likely to leave areas of the concrete uncompacted. Never use the
vibrator to lead the concrete towards a certain direction because it will segregate the con-
- The effective radius of a poker vibrator is about 600-700 mm; therefore the poker should
be inserted at approximately 700-1000 mm centers (1,4 x effective radius) to achieve an
overall consolidation of the concrete. The circle of concrete that is set in motion should be
observed and these areas should overlap (see Figure 8- 8 c). The distance between two in-
sertions can be shortened in accordance with the member size and reinforcement dense-
- The vibrator should not be allowed to
touch the forms as this can cause deterio-
ration of forms. Generally, the vibrator
should be kept about 50 mm clear of the
form face. Similarly, the vibrator should
not be held against the reinforcement as
this may cause its displacement.
2. Surface vibrators (also referred to as external vibrators) are applied to the top surface of
concrete and act downwards form there, they are useful in compacting slabs, industrial floors,
road pavements, and other flat surfaces, they also aid in leveling and finishing the surface.
Surface vibrators can cover al speeds and centrifugal forces, and can be used inde-
pendently or with external frequency converters and switch boxes.
The basic forms of vibrator used in building works, are: vibration plates and tam-
pers, clamp vibrators and vibormoulds and vibrating tables.
a. Vibration plates and tampers consist of small vibrating engines (shaft with eccentric) that
are fixed to the top of a plate or a tamping board (steel or aluminum) for consolidating con-
crete paving and slabs.
The intensity of vibration, and hence the amount of compaction achieved, decreases
with depth because surface vibrators act form the top down. They are most effective, there-
fore, on slabs less than 200 mm in depth.
The vibrating beams and plates combine in-depth action with the capability to produce
flat floors. They are ideal for finishing operations in small areas and for low-slump concrete.
They are usually left in one place between 30-60 sec. Two consecutive work positions must
overlap on minimum 50 mm, on all sides.
Figure 8-10 a, b
Typical sur-
face vibrator
Caption: a. Vibra-
tion plate; b., and
c. Vibration tam-
Tremix, 2001
Figure 8-10 c.
Degree of
varies across
width when
surface vi-
brators are
With centrally mounted vibration units, the degree of compaction achieved may vary
across the width of the beam. When they rest on edge forms, the latter may tend to damp the
vibration at the extremities of the beam. It is generally desirable to supplement vibrating –
beam compaction by using immersion vibrators alongside edge forms.
Technical characteristics of vibration plate: plate width 300 – 600 mm, operating
weight 60-90 kg, frequency 80 – 100 Hz, average travel speed 18 – 20 m/min, maximum
compaction depth 200-350 mm.
b. Clamp vibrators (also referred to as form vibrators) are devices that are attached to the
wall, they can be attached to only one side (< 150 mm) or on both (≥ 300 mm).
external sides of formwork to vibrate the whole of the form. According to the thickness of the
Compaction by rolling is a specific proce-
dure for compacting concrete prefabricates
using the conveyor procedure (see chapter
Revibration of concrete is the intentional systematic vibration of concrete that has
been compacted some time earlier. It should not be confused with the double vibration that
sometimes occurs with the haphazard use of immersion vibrators or multiple passes of a vi-
brating-beam screed.
It is generally agreed that revibration of concrete can be beneficial to its strength, its
bond to reinforcement and its surface finish, the practice is not widely used, partly due to the
difficulty of knowing just how late it can be applied. A good rule of thumb is the revibration
may be used as long as the vibrator is capable of liquefying the concrete and sinking into it,
under its own weight.
Re-vibration is used to: bond layers of concrete into those preceding them, close plas-
tic shrinkage and settlement cracks, improve the surface finish at the tops of columns and
walls by expelling the air that tends to congregate there as the concrete settles in the form-
work and improve bonding to reinforcement when concrete is placed in layers
The procedure to follow depends primarily on whether the surface is horizontal or ver-
tical. Horizontal surfaces are usually exposed and must be finished before the concrete has
hardened. Timing is an important factor in this operation. Finishing must be done when the
concrete is neither too hard to be worked nor so soft that it will fail to retain the desired finish.
The main types of finishes are as follows: screeding, floating and trowelling.
a. Screeding is the operation of leveling the concrete after it is placed in the forms and
roughly distributed with shovels. It is done by hand, or by means of vibrating-beam screeds,
which work off the forms or guide rails. It should be done before bleed water rises to the sur-
Hand screeding off edge forms involves the use of a screed board (or beam) to strike
off the concrete to the required height. The striking surface of a screed board should always
be straight and true. The surface is struck off by pulling the screed board forward, while mov-
ing it back and forth in a sawing-like motion across the top of the edge forms. A small roll or
surcharge of concrete should always be kept ahead of the screed. Surface hollows created by
aggregate “roll out” or insufficient surcharge in front of the screed should always be filled
immediately to prevent variations in floor levels.
b. Floating. The purpose of floating is to make the surface even and open in texture, ready for
finishing. It embeds large aggregate particles beneath the surface, removes slight imperfec-
tions and produces a surface closer to the true plane and compacts the concrete, consolidates
mortar at the surface, preparing it for finishing and closes minor surface cracks, which might
appear as the surface dries.
Floating is working the surface of concrete with hand floats, bullfloats or with rotary
finishing machines fitted with suitable floats or shoes. Generally, it should not begin until all
bleed-water has evaporated from the surface and the concrete is hard enough to withstand foot
traffic with only minor indentations in the surface. These indentations are removed by the
floating operation.
Bullfloating. The bullfloat is a large float on a long handle, which is worked back and
forth on the concrete -in a direction parallel to the ridges formed by screeding. Bullfloating is
useful as an initial floating operation to smooth the concrete surface immediately after screed-
ing, and should be completed before bleed water appears on the surface.
Floating by hand. The hand float is held flat on the surface and moved in a sweeping
arc to embed the aggregate, compact the concrete, and remove minor imperfections and
cracks. The surface may sometimes be floated a second time-after some hardening has taken
place-to impart the final texture to the concrete.
Floating by machine. Float blades are turned up along the edges to prevent them dig-
ging into the surfaces in the flat position. The power-float should be operated over the con-
crete in a regular pattern, leaving a matt finish. Surfaces near to obstructions, or in slab cor-
ners, that cannot be reached with a power-float should be manually floated before power
c. Trowelling is carried out some time after floating. The delay is to allow some stiffening to
take place so aggregate particles are not torn out of the surface.
Trowelling by hand. A trowel for hand finishing has a flat, broad steel blade and is
used in a sweeping arc motion with each pass overlapping the previous one. For trowelling to
be most effective, the timing of the operation calls for some experience and judgment, but in
general terms, when the trowel is moved across the surface, it should give a ringing sound.
For the first trowelling (often referred to as 'breaking'), the trowel blade should be kept
as flat against the surface as possible because tilting, or pitching, the trowel at too great an
angle can create ripples on the surface. More trowelling increases the smoothness, density,
and wear resistance of the surface. Successive trowelling operations should be made with
smaller trowels at increasing pitches. This increases the pressure at the bottom of the blade
and compacts the surface.
Trowelling by machine. The trowelling machine (power trowel) is a common tool for
all classes of work and consists of several (generally four) steel trowel blades rotated by a mo-
tor and guided by a handle.
- Concrete temperature.
- Size and shape of member.
- Ambient conditions during and after curing.
- Exposure conditions of the structure in service.
- Method of curing.
Since all desirable properties are improved with curing, the period should be as long
as practical. For most concrete structures, the curing period at temperatures above 5°C should
be a minimum of 7 days or until 70% of the specified compressive or flexural strength is at-
tained. The period can be reduced to 3 days if high early strength concrete is used and the
temperature is above 10° C (see formwork strike off).
Table 9-1 Minimum curing times in days according to exposure classes.
Strength development of concrete Rapid Medium Slow
Temperatures of concrete during curing above °C 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15
Ambient conditions during curing
I - No direct sunshine, relative humidity of surrounding air not lower 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 2
than 80 %
II - Exposed to medium sunshine or medium wind velocity or rela- 4 3 2 6 4 3 8 5 4
tive humidity not lower than 50 %
III - Exposed to strong sunshine or high wind velocity or relative 4 3 2 8 6 5 10 8 5
humidity below 50 %
2. Ponding – is a quick, inexpensive and effective form of curing concrete. The method con-
sists of ponding or hooding (immersing) the concrete surface, to a depth of 1 to 5 cm, in water
(this method is suited to curing flat surfaces, such as pavements and floors).
temperature is above freezing and humidity is low. A common requirement is that it shall
form a film that shall retain at the end of 3 days at least 85 per cent of the water.
Advantages: low cost to apply and easy ap-
plication on vertical surfaces.
Limitations: failure in the field to place them
at the correct instant (when surface is watery
the spray will collect in globules on the water
and no film will form and if it is applied too
late the water in the upper concrete layer will
evaporate and the harm is done), and also the
failure to cover the surface completely.
Figure 9-3 Spraying on a curing compound
Source: Cement & Concrete Association of Aus-
tralia, 2000.
Surfaces coated with curing compound shall be kept free from foot and vehicular traf-
fic, and from other causes of abrasion and contamination during the curing period.
8. Insulating Blankets - when temperatures fall below freezing, layers of dry porous material
such as straw may be used to insulate the concrete from the cold. Formwork can also be eco-
nomically insulated with commercial blanket. Framed enclosures of canvas, polyethylene, or
other material can also be used and heated by space heaters or steam. In these cases, care
needs to be taken to ensure that temperatures do not rise excessively.
Concrete which has attained a strength of 5 MPa is considered past the danger stage,
although it is still not capable of withstanding repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. Fur-
ther gain in strength will depend on temperature and humidity conditions, but care must be
taken to see that temperatures do not rise to a high level.
Good practice requires during cold weather to follow details that will reduce the risk
of poor concrete quality work, such as using:
1. Fast hardening cement, adding of accelerator additives and hot water blended to the
mix, to achieve the required temperature range;
2. Enclosure and protective layers of insulating materials;
3. Steam generators for defrosting plant and materials or heating water.
1. Hot concrete. Emphasis has been placed on the necessity for keeping fresh concrete tem-
peratures in the range of +5°…+30°C. For concrete that is to be placed in the field, the main-
tenance of such temperatures is necessary to allow time for placing, compaction, and finish-
But in situations in which concrete is to be mixed in a central plant for use in produc-
ing reinforced precast products, it has been found that, under the proper conditions, fresh con-
crete can be placed successfully at temperatures up to 80°C.
The primary reason for using hot concrete is that it sets and gains early strength much
more rapidly than concrete placed at conventional temperatures. For example, it has been
shown that curing times of 3 hr can produce approximately 60% to 70% of the 28-day design
strength. Therefore, more intensive use can be made of expensive plant facilities. Moulds can
be used two or sometimes three times in an 8-hr day rather than once, as is the case with nor-
mal temperature concrete.
Good practice requires during cold weather to follow details that will reduce the risk
of poor concrete quality work:
- Heat the mixing water and the aggregates. When hotter concrete is required, injection of
steam into the mixer is used to produce temperatures of 50° to 80°C. Temperature is con-
trolled by regulating the amount of steam entering the countercurrent mixers mixer. Nor-
mally, steam is injected into the mixer at the same time the aggregates are dumped, but
just before adding cement and water. Water produced in the mix due to the condensation
of steam is included in the total amount of water required for strength and slump control.
If more water is required for slump adjustment, it should be the same temperature as the
- Additives added to the mix as an accelerator, speed up setting so the concrete can be fin-
ished. Faster setting and earlier finishing allow the concrete to be covered more quickly,
retaining heat and reducing the risk of freezing.
- Do not place concrete on a frozen subgrade, it will most likely thaw unevenly, which
means it will settle unevenly and have hollow areas under the slab.
2. Enclosures and Protective Layers of Insulating Materials. Workers and materials will
need protection from adverse winter conditions if an acceptable level of production is to be
maintained without interruption under adverse conditions to ensure maximum quality and
Such protection can be of one or more of the following types: temporary shelters,
framed enclosures, air-supported structures and protective layers of insulating materi-
a. Temporary shelters are the most common enclosure material is reinforced polyethyl-
ene/plastic sheets because they are the cheapest and simplest form of giving protection to the
working areas. Sometimes the plastic is used only as temporary hoarding for door and win-
dow openings or as window strips, but often the whole enclosure is covered with polyethylene
fixed to the outside of the scaffold to form a windbreak.
3. Steam generators for defrosting plant and materials or heating water. The steam genera-
tor can be connected to steam coils that can be inserted into stockpiles of materials or alterna-
tively the steam generator can be connected to a hand-held lance.
midity). Therefore, the chemical effects are the strength loss at later ages, which influence
negatively the durability.
Table 9-2 Strengths (MPa) of normal and steam cured concrete specimens.
Age (days) 1 7 28 90
Curing Steam Normal Steam Normal Steam Normal Steam Normal
Compressive 55.4 67.2 84.1 74.1 93.1 84.1 102.1 94.8
Flexural 6.3 6.5 7.3 7.4 9 7.8 10.7 9.3
Tensile 4.2 4.6 4.8 4.6 5.3 5.2 6 5.9
E Modulus 32,571 36,756 39,183 37,858 40,810 40,533 45,600 42,750
2. Physical effect of heat curing of concrete is microcracking. The constituents of concrete
are cement, aggregates, admixtures, water, and air. Of all these materials, air has the highest
coefficient of expansion. Therefore, during the temperature rise phase of heat curing, air ex-
pands the most and, as the concrete is still very weak, the stresses caused by the air expansion
may cause microcracks to form, do to the porosity of the concrete that has is increased. If dur-
ing the cooling phase, concrete cools very rapidly, further stresses are induced which may
widen the existing microcracks and/or create new ones.
From this it is evident that microcracking is a parameter of concrete deterioration and
the causes for microcracking are: high curing temperatures, rapid cooling after demoulding
(thermal shock), non uniform transfer of prestress leading to localized stress concentration.
With careful temperature selection, the strength of concrete after 3 days can exceed
the 28-day strength of normally cured concrete. Besides the early strength gain, steam-cured
concrete has reduced drying, shrinkage and creep as compared to normally cured concrete do
to the induced microcracks that are preferable paths for ingress of aggressive agents that cause
concrete deterioration.
time, and so that the variation of temperature throughout the steam chamber at any time shall
not exceed 5°C.
in position at the same time. Charts shall not be removed from any recording thermometers,
nor the recording thermometers disturbed or moved in any way until after the removal of the
steam covers.
The following information shall be recorded on the chart: date on which steaming
commenced, description of concrete unit, temperature correction (if any), time correction (if
any), time completion of placing concrete, temperature of concrete when placed, ambient tem-
perature at time of removal of steam covers, name of Contractor or Manufacturer and name of
During curing, the concrete is taken through a curing cycle consisting of the following
1. An initial delay before steaming named presetting period (i.e.: the duration be-
tween placing the last concrete and commencement of steam curing) so to facilitate de
setting of cement in good conditions. This period after completion of concreting al-
lows the concrete to gain sufficient tensile strength to resist the expansive forces. Rec-
ommended stage period Ta = 3…6 hr.
2. A period for increasing the temperature, the temperature inside the enclosure shall
not be increased or decreased at a rate greater than 10…20oC/hr. Recommended stage
period Tr = 1…4 hr.
3. A period for holding the maximum temperature constant. The maximum tempera-
ture of the air space during the application of steam (typically 75 oC). The nominated
temperature shall be maintained within ±3°C and the maximum and minimum tem-
peratures occurring, and the variation of temperature with time, shall be recorded us-
ing a suitable thermograph. Recommended stage period Ti = 4…21 hr.
4. And a period for cooling. Recommended stage period Tr = 1…4 hr.
When a curing chamber is not available, units may be placed in an enclosure of canvas
and subjected to steam at the temperature and of steam around the entire unit. The interior sur-
faces of the curing room or canvas jackets and the surfaces of the unit shall be entirely moist
at all times. The manufacturer shall provide automatic temperature recorders to continuously
record the curing temperatures. The units shall then be cured outdoors for a minimum of 3…7
b. High pressure steam. This method is used for small manufactured units. The curing is
done in autoclaves at temperatures in the 80°C range and pressures of 550 to 1170 kPa. This
environment changes the chemistry of the hydration producing a concrete that has the follow-
ing modified properties: a 24 hour strength equal to 28-day strength under ambient curing,
less creep and shrinkage, better sulfate resistance, lower moisture content after curing.
2. Electrical, Oil, and Infrared Curing These methods are used primarily in the precast
concrete industry. Electrical methods include a variety of techniques such as using the con-
crete itself as a conductor, using the steel as the conductors, and heated steel forms. Hot oil
may also be circulated through steel forms to heat the concrete. Infrared rays may also be used
to heat concrete under a covering or steel forms.
3. Radio-frequency curing is a process of heating materials through the application of radio
waves of high frequency - i.e., above 70,000 hertz (cycles per second). Two methods of radio-
frequency heating have been developed. One of these, induction heating, has proved highly
effective for heating metals and other materials that are relatively good electric conductors.
4. Dielectric curing is a method by which the temperature of an electrically nonconducting
(insulating) material can be raised by subjecting the material to a high-frequency electromag-
netic field. The material to be heated is placed between two metal plates, called electrodes, to
which a source of high-frequency energy is connected. The resultant heating, in homogeneous
materials, occurs throughout the material.
Figure 11-1
Source: Suman
R., 1989.
Transport of units is normally provided from these facilities to the site by trucks, only
after a very careful examination of the following:
- Shape, dimensions, and weight of prefabricated concrete element.
Figure 11-2 Typical job-site casting yards Figure 11-3 Typical stack storage of precast
stairs units
while inserts, loops, lifting eye bolts, hooks, plates, pulling irons and lift pins or slings are
used to remove the product.
The method used in removing a casting from the mould and to position it in the struc-
ture is influenced by the characteristics of the casting, temporary stresses developed, practical
use of available equipment, and economy. In securing a physical attachment to the casting for
lifting purposes, simple devices and inserts are frequently used. Lifting devices designed spe-
cifically for precasting are available from manufacturers.
A spreader beam is used in transmitting vertical loads from the two surface inserts to a
single point at the lifting hook. Larger elements may require three inserts to reduce the indi-
vidual insert load or bending in the panel. A continuous cable through sheaves on the spreader
and at the center insert may be used to equalize the load at all three inserts. The center insert
may be moved higher or lower on the panel to avoid openings. Large or heavy panels are of-
ten lifted with a four-point pickup with sheaves on the spreader for load equalization.
For direct vertical insert loads a double set of spreaders are used. To reduce bending in
a four-point pickup, two inserts are placed near the panel top and two near the center with ca-
bles run through sheaves on the spreader beam to rotate the panel to a vertical position.
Timber or steel strongbacks are often used to reinforce panels for bending stresses.
The panel may be lifted by a connection to the strongbacks or to other points on the panel.
g Spreader beam for lifting precast h Spreader beam for lifting precast
beams with two wire cables in two roof slabs with four wire cables in
points of pickup four points of pickup
i Staircase lifting de-
vice with rolling
Figure 11- 4 Typical lifting devices for precast concrete members
Source: Popa R., Teodorescu M., 1984; Suman R., 1989, Trelea A., 1997.
Cranes - a crane may be defined as a machine for lifting loads by means of a cable. The use
of cranes has greatly increased in the construction industry due mainly to the need to raise the
large and heavy prefabricated components.
If not possible then the stability of the footing must be increased by leveling and com-
pletely supporting them by their outriggers, which must be fully extended and positioned
firmly on stable ground.
Depending on the circumstances under which a load is lifted, either of these can gov-
ern the safe lifting load of the crane. Loading charts are provided with each crane and must be
adhered to religiously. Load charts should never be exceeded.
e. Traveling clearance for crane (S = min. 500 mm) given by maximum radius of tail
swing, width of chassis or length of outriggers.
Five basic types of cranes are commonly available for use on the construction site,
they can be classified as: tower cranes, track-mounted cranes, lorry-mounted cranes, self-
propelled cranes, and gantry cranes. There are several variations of each type, and each is
available in a wide range of lifting capacities and boom lengths, thus providing the contractor
with a generous selection of options.
A tower crane comes in several basic
variations (e.g. self-supporting static
tower cranes, supported static tower
cranes, traveling tower cranes and
climbing cranes).
Advantages offered by using a tower
- Tower cranes have one advantage
over mobile cranes in that the
operator's cab is placed at the top
of the tower, providing the oper-
ator an unobstructed view of the
construction site.
- Tower cranes are usually set up at
a location on the construction site
from where all corners of the
building can be reached, often in
Figure 11-6 Typical tower crane the elevator shaft of the building
being constructed.
Caption: 1. Outer tower; 2. Inner tower; 3. Jib; 4. Tail - High capacities range radii and
(counter jib); 5. Cab; 6. Load line; 7. Inner guy line; 8. heights (30 m and 100 m).
Outer guy line; 9. Fall back line; 10. Trolley line; 11. Limitations:
Counterweight; 12. Tower base with central ballast coun- - Low lifting capacities 150 kN.
terweights; 13. Frame; 14. Drive motor (hoist gear).
- At the completion of the building,
Source: Andres C., 1998.
they must be disassembled and
lowered to the ground in relatively
small sections by a mobile crane.
Materials and Labor Scheduling - the job planning required, however, is a sound in-
vestment. The basic nature of precast-concrete construction provides the contractor with close
control over all labor and materials, with little effort.
The continuous repetitious operations provide ideal opportunities for perfection of la-
bor and equipment allocation and efficiency. The daily repetitive use of identical quantities of
materials reduces waste. Close control and detailed and accurate records can be obtained on
materials, labor, costs, and progress on all phases of the work.
The application of basic precasting principles creates a neat and clean working area,
both at the casting yard and throughout the construction area. This cleanliness, rarely obtain-
able in other methods of construction, eliminates waste, promotes efficiency, and discourages
Proper scheduling will permit the installation of foundations and related work during
the period that the casting yard is being constructed and put into operation. The elapsed time
between storage and erection of the elements, at any specific portion of the building area, will
be short. Each area becomes available to the mechanical and other trades immediately upon
completion of the precast erection in that area. Therefore, exceptional continuity in the work
of those trades can be maintained.
- All cranes are clearly marked with their safe maximum working loads relevant lifting ra-
dius and maximum operating radius particularly when fitted with a derricking jib. Lifting
equipment not designed for personnel must be clearly marked as such.
- Jib cranes to be fitted with an automatic safe load indicator such as a warning; light for
the operator and a warning bell for persons nearby.
- Except for testing purposes, the safe working load must not be exceeded.
- When loads are approaching the safe maximum load, the initial lift should be short. A
check should then be made to establish safety and stability before proceeding to complete
the lift.
erection or increase the quantity of erection devices. Using additional erection devices to
shorten the schedule is justified only when sufficient cured castings are available to ensure a
continual operation.
Planning includes a study of casting weights and sizes, capacities and reaches of lifting
equipment, and clearances required for movement of the equipment and castings without in-
terference with previously erected framing members. A plan detailing the erection procedure
for all elements is drawn and checked to ensure conformance with the above limitations and is
then rigidly followed.
When choosing the erection scheme, we must take into consideration the following:
- Size of bay and span of warehouse.
- Height of erection.
- Cranes characteristics (regarding the clearance characteristics: height, radius of tall swing,
rotation of boom pin, height to boom pin, clearance radius of boom, length of boom).
- Assurance of safety (guard) lanes.
- Scheme adopted for precast units.
Along side these we must respect the following conditions:
- Assurance of member stability during erection.
- Process flow and erection operations must create, in a short period, job fronts for jobs that
will proceed.
- Assurance of complete use of equipment job time.
Schemes of precast unit erection must include the following:
- Ground positioning of precast units before erection.
- Order of precast unit erection in accordance with their types and sizes.
- Routs and stops for cranes for every type and sizes of precast units.
- Indication of members that will be mounted on every crane stop.
- Sequences and stops for lorries if the mounting takes places from the lorries.
Figure 11-11 Transfer of prefabricated facade to the Figure 11-12 The precast facade is secured
working level with temporary bracing
Connections may be either:
- Temporary (also referred to as dry connections) are made by weld, shear anchors, inserts,
additional reinforcing bars, posttensioning, or some combination of these can be used to
provide this continuity. The temporary connection is usually provided until the permanent
ones have been completed.
- Permanent (also referred to as wet connections) by concreting grout keys. When precast
units are placed adjacent to each other, load transfer between adjacent members is often
achieved through a grouted keyway. The keyway may or may not extend for the full depth
of the member. The keyway is grouted with one of several different grouting materials
(concrete, epoxy resins etc).
Connections to tie precast units together, and to join precast segments into a monolith,
are of paramount importance. Both temporary and permanent connections must be designed
with careful attention to details and construction procedure to ensure the critical load paths
and durability performance.
Connections usually consist of dowels, plates/pads or angles embedded in the units
ends that bear on similar plates embedded in the supporting section, the connections are usu-
ally made by welding them together or by overlapping them, until the final concrete casting
has been completed.
Care must be taken to provide temporary bracing during the erection of beams with
these types of connections until the connections are completed.
Tolerance – can be defined as the allowable range of deviation from design specifications
expressed as a percentage of the nominal value (the allowable variations in the dimensions of
Deviation - can be defined as the difference between the measured value and the expected
value of a controlled variable.
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STAS 438/1-89. Steel products for reinforcement of concrete. Welded fabric.
STAS 438/2 – 91. Steel products for reinforcement of concrete. Cold drawn wire.
SR 438/3-98. Wire fabric.
STAS 10107/0-1990. Calculul si alcatuirea elementelor structurale din beton, beton armat si beton pre-
C 28-83. Technical instructions of welding of reinforcing steel for concrete.
C 150-84. Technical specification for quality control of welded steel joints for civil, industrial and agricultural
C 28-83. Technical instruction for steel reinforcement welding.
STAS 6605-78. Tensile testing of reinforcing steel wire and wire products for prestressed concrete.
NE 012-99. Practice code for the execution of concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete works,
Part 1 – Concrete and reinforced concrete.
STAS 3622-86. Cement concretes. Classification.
STAS 1759-88. Tests on concretes. Tests on fresh concrete. Determination of apparent density, consistence
fine aggregates content and setting time.
ISO 9812. Concrete consistency. Slump test.
STAS 2414-91. Tests on concrete. Determination of density, compactness, and porosity of hardened concrete.
STAS 1275-88. Test on concrete. Tests of hardened concrete. Determination of mechanical strengths.
STAS 3519-76. Tests on concretes. Inspection of waterproofness.
ISO 7031. Tests on concrete watertightness.
STAS 5479-88. Tests on concrete. Tests on fresh concrete. Determination of air content.
STAS 2833-80. Tests on concrete. Determination of axial shrinkage of hardened concrete.
STAS 3518-89. Tests on concretes. Strength determination at frost-thawing.
STAS 5440-70. Inspection of the reaction between the alkalis and aggregates.
STAS 9602-90. Reference concrete. Specifications for manufacturing and testing.
SR EN 196-4/95. Methods of testing cement. Quantity determination of constituents
EN 196-2. Methods of testing cement. Chemical analysis of cement.
SR 6232-96. Cements, mineral admixtures and additives. Vocabulary.
SR 388-95. Portland cement.
SR 1500-96. Usual composite cements, type II, III, IV and V.
SR 3011-96. Limited hydration warmth cements and resistant to water damage with sulphates content.
SR 7055-96. White Portland Cement.
SR 227/2-98. Cements. Physical tests. Determination of grinding fineness.
SR EN 196/6-94. Methods of testing cement. Determination of grinding fineness.
SR 227/5- 96. Cements. Physical tests. Determination of hydration heat.
SR EN 196/3-97. Methods of testing cement. Determination of setting time and soundness.
SR 227/4-86. Cements. Physical tests. Setting time determination.
SR EN 196/1-95. Methods of testing cement. Determination of strength.
STAS 1667-76. Heavy aggregates for concrete and mortars with mineral binder.
STAS 2386-79. Lightweight mineral aggregates. General technical requirements for quality.
STAS 4606-80. Natural heavy weight aggregate for concrete and mortars with mineral binding material. Test-
ing method.
STAS 1667-76. Natural heavy weight aggregate for concrete and mortars with mineral binding material.
STAS 8625-90. Mixed plastified additive for concretes.
STAS 8573-78. Waterproofing additive cement mortars.
STAS 790-84. Water for concretes and mortars.
GP 004-97. Guide for design and execution of temporary membrane structures.
NE 13-2002. Practice code for the execution of prefabricated elements.
STAS 1799-88. Concrete reinforced and prestressed concrete buildings. Type and frequency checks of materi-
als and concrete quality used for civil engineering execution.
STAS 6657/3-89. Concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete elements – procedures, instrumenta-
tion and devices for characteristic geometry checks.
C 156-89. Handbook for the application of STAS 6657/3-89 prescriptions - Concrete, reinforced concrete and
prestressed concrete elements – procedures, instrumentation and devices for characteristic geometry checks.