FALTA Special Economic ZoneqSEFK

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Government of India
Secretariat of the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi, 26.06.2023


Subject: Filling up the post of Development Commissioner (Joint Secretary Level), FALTA Special
Economic Zone (SEZ), Kolkataunder the Department of Commerce — reg.

In partial modification of this office communication of even number dated 23.06.2023, paragraph
2 thereof, is to be read with following amendment:-

"Names of willing and eligible officers, may be recommended to this office along with
cadre clearance, vigilance clearance and detailed bio-data (through SUPREMO link:

Read: "Names of willing and eligible officers, who have been empanelled to hold Joint
Secretary or equivalent posts at the Centre under the Central Staffing Scheme may be
recommended to this office along with cadre clearance, vigilance clearance and
detailed bio-data (through SUPREMO link: https://supremo.nic. in)."

Yours faithfi.illy,

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tel. No. 011-23092187
I. The Chief Secretaries, All the State Governments.
2. The Secretaries, All the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India
Copy to:-
I. Department of Commerce (Shri Sunil Barthwal, Secretary), New Delhi.
2. Technical Director, NIC, Computer Cell, DoPT, North Block, New Delhi for uploading this
vacancy circular on the official website of this Department immediately.
3. PA to DS(SM), DoPT, New Delhi with a request to arrange to upload this vacancy circular
through bulk e-mailing system of officers.
Government of India
Secretariat of the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi, the 13 .06.2023


1. The Chief Secretaries, All the State Governments.

2. The Secretaries, All the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India

Subject: Filling up the post of Development Commissioner (Joint Secretary Level), FALTA
Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Kolkata under the Department of' Commerce — reg.


It is proposed to fill up the post of Development Commissioner (JS Level), FALTA

Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Kolkata under the Department of Commerce with pay at Level 14
(Rs. 1,44,200-2,18,200/-) othe Pay Matrix on deputation basis vice Shri B.K.Panda, IOFS (1988).

2. Names of willing and eligible officers, may be recommended to this office along with cadre
clearance, vigilance clearance and detailed bio-data (through SUPREMO link: https://suprcmo.nic.in).
In case the officers are currently on deputation outside the cadre, the nomination may be forwarded
with the approval of the competent authority/Minister-in-charge concerned.
3. The last date for submission of application for the above referred circular is 94 .07.2023.
Nominations are to be routed through DoPT online interface (DoPT website>>EO Division>>Apply
for posts of CSS, CVO and Others- Non-CSS category>>SUPREMO; through SUPREMO link:
https://supremo.nic.in) for those officers who have not yet applied for any other posts online this year.
Nominations as well as all correspondence on the subject may be routed through email id:
dirsrnnic.in and [email protected] only. This office is not accepting any physical communication.

Yours faithfully,

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tel. No.011-23092187
Copy to:-
I. Department of Commerce (Shri Sunil Barthwal, Secretary), New Delhi.
2. Technical Director, NIC. Computer Cell, DoPT, North Block, New Delhi for uploading this
vacancy circular on the official website of this Department immediately.

3. PA to DS(SM), DoPT, New Delhi with a request to arrange to upload this vacancy circular
through bulk c-mailing system of officers.

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