ECENG Curriculum IOT Hawassa University

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3 Course List per Category

1. Humanity and Social Science Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

FLEn-201 Sophomore English 4 2 3 -
Phil-201 Logic (Reasoning Skills) 3 3 - -
CEEd-201 Civic and Ethical Education-I 2 2 - -
CEEd-202 Civic and Ethical Education-II 2 2 - -
FLEn-211 Technical Report Writing 3 - 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 - 3 -
Econ-201 Introduction to Economics 4 3 - -
MEng-402 Industrial Management & Eng’g Economy 4 2 2 -
Mgmt-401 Entrepreneurship 4 2 2 -

2. Engineering Science and Mathematics Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

GEng-1201 Introduction to Engineering Skills 2 1 - 2
MEng-203 Engineering Drawing 5 2 - 3
Math-233 Applied Mathematics I 6 3 3 -
Math-234 Applied Mathematics II 6 3 3 -
Math-331 Applied Mathematics III 7 3 3 -
ECEgg-2202 Computational Methods 6 2 - 3
CEng-1201 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) 5 3 2 -
MEng-202 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 5 3 2 -
MEng-203 Engineering Thermodynamics 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-3201 Probability & Random Processes 6 2 3 -

3. Core Electrical Engineering Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEgg-1302 Fundamental of Circuit 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-2301 Applied Modern Physics 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-2305 Electrical Workshop Practice I 3 - - 3
ECEgg-2306 Electrical Workshop Practice II 5 - - 6
ECEgg-2303 Applied Electronics I 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-2304 Applied Electronics II 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-2308 Electromagnetic Fields 7 3 3 -
ECEgg-3301 Introduction to Electrical Machines 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-3303 Electrical Materials and Technology 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-2302 Signals and Systems Analysis 6 3 3 -
ECEgg-3305 Network Analysis & Synthesis 6 2 3 -
ECEgg-2307 Fundamentals of programming 5 2 - 3

4. Communication Engineering Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEgg-3402 Introduction to Communication Systems 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-3404 Digital Signal Processing 6 2 - 3
ECEgg-4401 Communication Systems 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4404 Microwave Devices and systems 6 3 3 -
ECEgg-4403 EM Waves and Guide Structures 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4402 Telecommunication Networks 6 2 3 -
ECEgg-4405 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation 6 2 3 -
ECEgg-4406 Optics and Optical Communication 6 3 3 -
ECEgg-5402 Wireless & Mobile Communication 6 2 3 -
ECEgg-5404 Switching and intelligent Networks 6 2 3 -
ECEgg-4407 Advanced Digital Communication 5 2 3 -

5. Electric Power Engineering Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEgg-4501 Electrical Installation 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4505 Power Systems I 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4506 Power Systems II 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-4507 Energy Conver. & Rural Electrification 6 3 3 -
ECEgg-4504 Hydropower Engineering 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4508 Power System Planning & Operation 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-5502 Power System Protection & Control 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-5504 Computer Applications in Power Systems 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4503 Electrical Machines 5 2 - 3
ECEgg-4509 Power Electronics & Electric Drives 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4502 Advanced Power Electronics 5 2 3 -
6. Industrial Control Engineering Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEgg-4602 Process Control Fundamentals 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4604 Instrumentation Engineering 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-3602 Int. to Control Engineering 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-4608 Digital Control Systems 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-4601 Modern Control Systems 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-5602 Intro. to Robotics & Industrial Automation 6 2 3 -
ECEgg-4606 Advanced Control Systems 5 2 3 -

7. Computer Engineering Module Categories

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEgg-3701 Digital Logic Design 7 2 3 3
ECEgg-3702 Computer Architecture & Organization 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-3704 Object Oriented Programming 5 2 - 3
ECEgg-4705 Data Structures 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-4707 Database Systems 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-4709 VLSI Design 5 2 3 -
ECEgg-4701 Microcomputers & Interfacing 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-4703 Data Comm. & Computer Networks 5 2 1 2
ECEgg-4702 Algorithm Analysis & Design 5 2 3 -
ECEg-4704 Software Engineering 5 2 3 -
ECEg-4706 Programming Languages 5 2 3 -
ECEg-4708 Operating Systems 5 2 3 -
ECEg-5702 Embedded Systems 5 2 3 -
ECEg-4711 Artificial Intelligence 5 2 3 -
8. Project and Internship

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEg-4810 Semester Projects 4 - - 5
ECEg-5801 Industry Internship 30 - - -

9. Bachelor Thesis

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Lec. Tut. Lab.

ECEg-5906 B.Sc Thesis 12 - - 18
5.4 Course Sequence

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut Lab. Hour.
GEng-1111 Introduction to Engineering Skills 2 2 1 - 2
CEng-1201 Engineering Mechanics I(Statics) 5 3 2 3 -
MEng-1001 Engineering Drawing 5 3 2 - 3
Math-233 Applied Mathematics-I 6 4 3 3 -
FLEn-201 Sophomore English 4 3 2 3 -
Phil-201 Logic (Reasoning Skill) 3 3 3 - -
CEEd-201 Civic and Ethical Education-I 2 2 2 - -
Total 27 20 15 9 5 29

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut Lab. Hour.
ECEg-1302 Fundamental of Circuits 7 4 2 3 3
FLEn-211 Technical Report Writing 3 1 - 3 -
MEng-202 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 5 3 2 3 -
Math-234 Applied Mathematics-II 6 4 3 3 -
Econ-201 Introduction to Economics 4 3 3 - -
Total 25 15 10 12 3 25

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-2301 Applied Modern Physics 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-2303 Applied Electronics-I 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-2305 Electrical Workshop Practice-I 3 1 - - 3
ECEg-2307 Fundamentals of Programming 5 3 2 - 3
Math-331 Applied Mathematics-III 7 4 3 3 -
MEng-201 Engineering Thermodynamics 5 3 2 3 -
Total 32 18 11 12 9 32

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-2202 Computational Methods 6 3 2 - 3
ECEg-2302 Signals and Systems Analysis 6 4 3 3 -
ECEg-2304 Applied Electronic-II 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-2306 Electrical Workshop Practice-II 5 2 - - 6
ECEg-2308 Electromagnetic Fields 7 4 3 3 -
Total 31 17 10 9 12 31
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-3201 Probability & Random Processes 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-3701 Digital Logic Design 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3301 Introduction to Electrical Machines 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3303 Electrical Materials and Technology 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-3305 Network Analysis & Synthesis 6 4 3 3 -
Total 31 18 11 15 6 32

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-3702 Computer Architecture & Organization 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-3704 Object Oriented Programming 5 3 2 - 3
ECEg-3602 Introduction to Control Engineering 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3402 Introduction to Communication Systems 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3404 Digital Signal Processing 6 3 2 - 3
Total 30 17 10 9 12 31

Communication Focus Semesters

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4401 Communication Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4403 EM Waves and Guide Structures 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4405 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers and Interfacing 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4703 Data Comunication and Computer Networks 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4407 Advanced Digital Communication 5 3 2 3 -
Total 31 18 12 14 4 30

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4402 Telecommunication Networks 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4404 Microwave Devices and Systems 6 4 3 3 -
ECEg-4406 Optics and Optical Communication 6 4 3 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 29 17 10 15 5 30
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5402 Wireless and Mobile Communication 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-5404 Switching and Intelligent Networks 6 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 32 18 8 10 18 36

Power Focus Semesters

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4501 Electrical Installation 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4503 Electrical Machines 5 3 2 - 3
ECEg-4505 Power Systems-I 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4507 Energy Conversion and Rural Rectification 6 4 3 3 -
ECEg-4601 Modern Control Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4509 Power Electronics and Electrical Drives 5 3 2 3 -
Total 31 19 13 15 3 31

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4502 Advanced Power Electronics 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4504 Hydropower Engineering 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4506 Power Systems-II 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4508 Power Systems Planning and Operation 5 3 2 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 31 18 10 16 7 33
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5502 Power System Protection and Control 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-5504 Computer Applications in Power Systems 5 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 30 18 8 10 18 36

Industrial Control Focus Semesters

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4501 Electrical Installation 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4503 Electrical Machines 5 3 2 - 3
ECEg-4505 Power Systems-I 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4509 Power Electronics and Electrical Drives 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4601 Modern Control Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers and Interfacing 5 3 2 1 2
Total 30 18 12 13 5 30

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4602 Process Control Fundamentals 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4604 Instrumentation Engineering 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4606 Advanced Control Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4608 Digital Control Systems 5 3 2 1 2
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 31 18 10 14 9 33
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5702 Embeded Systems 5 3 2 3 -
Introduction to Robotics and Industrial
ECEg-5602 Automation 6 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 31 18 8 10 18 36

Computer Engineering Focus Semesters

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers and Interfacing 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4703 Data Comunication and Computer Networks 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4705 Data Structures 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4707 Database Systems 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4709 VLSI Design 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4711 Artificial Intelligence 5 3 2 3 -
Total 30 18 12 10 8 30

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4702 Algorithms and Analysis Design 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4704 Software Engineering 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4706 Programming Languages 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4708 Operating Systems 5 3 2 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 31 18 10 18 5 33
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -

Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5702 Embeded Systems 5 3 2 3 -
Introduction to Robotics and Industrial
ECEg-5602 Automation 6 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 31 18 8 10 18 36
Appendix 1 - Module Handbook

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 1 Humanity and Language

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  This module is important to develop human and cultural aspect of a person.
 Introduce the students to basic ethical principles and to apply this information
to the moral and ethical problems to which engineers face.
 Gives students the principles of engineering economics.
 This module focuses on developing communication skill of engineers.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand human relations, societal interactions, human rights and societal

 Discuss about moral and ethic and reinforce these basic concepts in the
 Improve normative interaction of engineers or other professionals.
 Learn skill of oral communication and report writing.

Total ECTS of the 14


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
FLEn-201 Sophomore English 4
Phil-201 Logic (Reasoning Skills) 3
CEEd-201 Civics and Ethical Education-I 2
CEEd-202 Civics and Ethical Education-II 2
FLEn-211 Technical Report Writing 3
Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number FLEN-201

Course Title Sophomore English
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Humanity and Language
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences English is essential for one to be able to compete internationally.
to be Acquired After acquiring mastery over English Language, students will develop
confidence in them-selves. Hence, a course like this is most essential.
On successful completion of the course, students start gaining
confidence over English Language, to some extent.
Course Description/Course Essential requirements for written English Simple, Complex, and
Contents Compound Sentences Various Clauses Punctuation Itemizing and
Paragraphing Listening Comprehension
Exercises involving the students taking down the notes when a few
topics are dictated Essay writing Preparing a detailed notes from a
few points that are given Writing essays on given topics Preparing a
brief notes from a Detailed one Condensing the subject matter given
in a few pages to a few paragraphs Precise writing from Essays.

Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture (50 %), Paper presentation and discussion by individual or
group of students in class (50%)
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments (three)…..………………… 15%
System Mid-term Examination …………………. 35%
Final Examination ……………………….50%
Attendance Requirements Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours
Literature Text book:
John Langan, College Writing Skills with Readings: Text &
Student CD, 2005 - Student Edition. Joseph F. Trimmer, Writing
With a Purpose, Jul 13, 2005. Jeff Coghill and Stacy Magedanz,
English Grammar (Cliffs Study Solver), Jun 27, 2003.
National Writing Project and Carl Nagin, Because Writing
Matters: Improving Student Writing in Our Schools, Feb 10, 2006.
Getachew Seyoum, A Manual of Report Writing for College
Students. Jimma University. IV – Discourse types, 1991. Thomas
E. Tyner, College Writing Basics: A Progressive Approach, Jul
Stegberg C. Norman, An introductory English Grammar, New
York. MC Graw Hill Book Company, 1981.

Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number Phil-201

Course Title Logic (Reasoning skills)
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Humanity and Language
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences After completing this course, students shall be able to
to be Acquired  differentiate between induction, analogy, legal and moral
 state the purpose of definition and definitional techniques
 state what propositional logic is and the corresponding rules
 define syllogistic logic and list methods of testing validity
 list down the types of fallacies
 identify the different types and natures of arguments
Course Description/Course This course attempts to introduce the fundamental concepts of logic
Contents and methods of logical reasoning. The purpose of the course is to
develop in learners the skills required to construct sound arguments
of their own and the ability to critically evaluate the arguments of
others; cultivate the habits of critical thinking and develop
sensitivity to the clear and accurate use of language.
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture (50 %), Paper presentation and discussion by individual or
group of students in class (50%)
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments……………….… (20%)
System Mid-Semester Exam………… (30%)
Final Exam…………………... (50%)
Attendance Requirements 75% attendance
Literature Reference:
Hurley, Patrik J. (2005), A Concise Introduction to Logic, 9th
edition, Belmarnt, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Stephen, C. (2000), The Power of Logic, London & Toronto,
Mayfield Publishing Company.

Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number CEED-201

Course Title Civic and Ethical Education-I
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Humanity and Language
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours (per week) 2
Course Objectives & Competences Students will be able to:
to be Acquired  Explain the objectives, goal and significance of civic and
ethical education.
 Appreciate the different theoretical debates on non-
normative ethical and morality concepts.
 Distinguish state-society relations, state ,government
structures and responsibilities
 Describe the principle of democracy and democratic
 State issues necessitating democracy and democratic
governance in Ethiopia.
 Explain the concept, modes of acquiring and losing
Course Description/Course  Introduction to Civic and Ethical Education
Contents Basic definitions of civic and ethical education, basic objectives of
learning civic and ethical education
 Ethics
Examine ethical issues in the context of business theory and
practice, jointly examine thoughtfully ideas and perspectives in
the field of business ethics and extend these
ideas/perspectives to administrative practice and decision
making, enhance our moral sensibility and expand our capacity
for moral inquiry, dialogue, and decision making in ways that
will be useful in our professional and civic lives
 Society, State and Government
Society and its engagement with the state, Society and
government policies, state and government relations
 Democracy
History and development of democracy, Types of Democracy,
Values of Democracy.
 Citizenship and Civic Participation
Types of getting citizenship, active participation of civic societies
in the affairs of their state.

Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Gaped lectures, Project work and field work, Discussion and Role
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Project work………….10%
System Presentation…………..10%
Mid Exam…………… 30%
Final Exam……………50%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature Reference:
What Is Democracy? by Touraine, Alain
Globalizing Democracy: Power, Legitimacy, and the
Interpretation of Democratic Ideas by Fierlbeck, Katherine
Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number CEED-202

Course Title Civic and Ethical Education-II
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Humanity and Language
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours (per week) 2
Course Objectives & Competences At the end of the course the students will able to:
to be Acquired  Describe the concept of constitution and constitutionalism.
 Distinguish the principle of the Ethiopian constitution.
 Explain the concepts and futures of human rights
 Create awareness in the concept of development and theories
of development.
 Realize development polices and strategies in Ethiopia.
 Distinguish the concept of international relations, actors and
instruments in external relations of state.
 Enumerate the objectives and strategies outlined Ethiopia
foreign policy Discuss.

Course Description/Course  Constitution and Constitutionalism

Contents Basic definitions of constitution and constitutionalism, history and
principles of Ethiopian constitution
 Human Rights
Basic concepts and features of Human Rights, Human Rights in
the Ethiopian constitution.
 Applied Ethics and Civic Virtues
More concepts on Ethics, Types and Principles of civic Virtues
 International Relations and Contemporary Global Issues
Rules that govern international relations, Important actors and
instruments in external relations, Ethiopia‘s policy in
international relations.

Pre-requisites Civic and Ethical Education-I

Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Short Lecture, Discussion and Role play
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Project work………….10%
System Presentation…………..10%
Mid Exam…………… 30%
Final Exam……………50%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature Textbook:
Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 4th Edition,
Eide, Jenison, Mashaw, Northrop, McGraw-Hill,
―Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology‖, Robert
Pool, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number FLEn-211
Course Title Technical Report Writing
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Humanity and Language
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences to be  To teach writing skills appropriate for technical reports.
Course Description/Course Contents Technical writing
 Necessity, types and levels of technical writings;
 formats, contents, grammatical, punctuation and
idiomatic techniques;
 technical reports and proposals, formats and
Report presentation skills
 Listening, reading, composition and oration;
 knowledge of key vocabularies in engineering and
 oral presentations formats;
 applications of audiovisual equipment;
 coordination of presentation/discussion forums

Pre-requisites None
Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System Assignment………..70%
Final Exam……………30%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature None
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 2 Research and Quality

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the  Develop student‘s capacity in scientific research.
module  Enable students understand the constructive interrelation of natural & social
sciences as well as business and art to engineering and their positive impact on
the socioeconomic aspect of a society.
 Develop leadership skills, strategic thinking and effective organizational and
communication skills to become successful business leader.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Equip graduates with knowledge of various statistical and quality improvement

 Provide graduates the technical knowledge necessary to supervise quality
management projects.
 Understand methodologies/techniques and process of doing research projects.
 Learn presentation skills both in written and oral form with/without the aid of
audiovisual equipment.

Total ECTS of the 7


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
MEng-401 Quality Management 5
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2

Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number MEng-401

Course Title Quality Management
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Research and Quality
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & To students will be able to:
Competences to be Acquired  Manage quality improvement teams and projects.
 Compare and contrast the various tools used in quality
 Comprehend the concepts of customer‘s value and role.
 Discuss the emerging tendencies towards global
competitiveness and the role of the customer.
 To summarize six-sigma management and its tools
 To demonstrate how to design quality into product into
product and services.
 Explain and illustrate various statically-based quality
improvements for variables.
 Describe the importance of developing a strategic plan for
total quality management.
 Explain the significance of customer-driven quality.
 Discuss the importance of ‗benchmarking‖, as a means of
identifying the choice of the market.

Course Description/Course  Introduction to Quality

Contents  Quality and Global Competitiveness
 Quality Culture
 Customer-Defined Quality
 Employee Empowerment
 Team building
 Communication and Training
 ISO 9000
 Total Quality Tools
 Statistical Process Control
 Benchmarking
 Just-in-Time Manufacturing
 Implementation

Pre-requisites Senior Standing

Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Assignments…………70%
Grading System Final Exam……………30%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature References:
Goetsch,D.L.,& Davis, S.B.(2003).Quality Management
(4th ed.).Jersey:Prentice Hall.ISB:0-13-093387-2
Root Cause Analysis: A Tool for Total Quality Management
(H0701) by Paul F. Wilson, Larry D. Dell, and Gaylord F.
Anderson (Hardcover - Sep 1993).

Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4102

Course Title Research Methods and Presentation
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Research and Quality
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences to be  To pay attention to designing and adhering to the
Acquired appropriate methodology throughout improving the
quality of research
 To enable researchers in developing the most
appropriate methodology for research studies
 To make them familiar with the art of using different
research methods and techniques
 As the field of engineering is concerned with problem
solving, following up acceptable methodology is
essential, though there is no absolute methodology.
Course Description/Course Contents  General Concepts
 Identifying the research problem
 Methods of data collection
 Sampling
Pre-requisites Senior Standing
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment.…………..30%
System Mid Exam……………..30%
Final Exam……………40%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Litrature Jerry R. Thomas,Jack K. Nelson, Stephen J. Siliverman:
Research Methods in Physical Activity Presentation,
Package, 5th edition, 2005.
Van Emden J. and Easteal J. Technical Writing and
Speaking,an Introduction (McGraw-Hill 1996).
Sekaran: Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building
Approach, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Bruce L. Berg: Qualitative Research Methods, (3rd edition,
Davies J.W.: Communication for Engineering Students,
Longman 1996.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 3 Economics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Gives students the basic principles and the application of economics in the field
of science and engineering.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand the fundamental principles of fundamentals of economics.

 Defines the elements of economic system.
 Introduce management tools to achieve economy.
 Introduce the relation between economics and science and technology to
achieve development.

Total ECTS of the 4


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
Econ-101 Introduction to Economics 4
Humanity and Communication

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number Econ-101

Course Title Introduction to Economics
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Economics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Engineering of any Project lies in Safety, Strength, Durability, and
Competences to be Acquired Economy. Hence, all students of engineering need the basics of
Economics. After completing the study of this course, they will be in a
position to apply the Fundamentals of Economics.
Course Description/Course  Introduction to Economics
Contents Distinction between Financial feasibility and Economic
Feasibility of a Project
Use of Graphs and Equations
 Elements of Economic system
World Economy
International Economy
Exchange Rates
National Economy
 National Income and Accounting
Circulation of Money
Banking Policy
Simple, Compound Interests
Loans and Deposits
 Supply and Demand
Price Mechanism
Market Demand
Market Equilibrium
 Introduction to management tools to achieve economy
Basics of Work-study R&D works and themes
Pre-requisites Senior Standing
Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Assignments ………..70%
Grading System Final Exam…………….30%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature Reference:
Microeconomics, 4th edition, Michael Parkin
Macroeconomics, Timothy Tregarthen
International economics,2nd edition, Hgmannur

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 4 Entrepreneurship

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Enable students understand the constructive interrelation of natural & social
sciences as well as business and art to engineering and their positive impact on
the socioeconomic aspect of a society.
 Develop leadership skills, strategic thinking and effective organizational and
communication skills to become successful business leader.
 Prepare students for career positions in supervision and management of
technology oriented industries.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Give insights from management sciences like strategy, organization, and

marketing and information management, will be applied to the cases.
 Understand economics, production, distribution, and material handling.
 Understand the principles and processes of engineering management.
 Develop an understanding of the principles and practices of engineering
 Understand human factors (human-machine/computer interaction) of industrial
 Provide graduates the technical knowledge necessary to supervise quality
management projects.

Total ECTS of the 8


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
Meng-402 Industrial Management & Engineering Economy 4
Mgmt-414 Entrepreneurship 4

Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number MEng-402

Course Title Industrial Management and Eng’g Economy
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Entrepreneurship
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per week) 4
Course Objectives & To enable students:
Competences to be Acquired  Understand basic management concepts and industrial
 Know forecasting techniques and plant design.
 Give knowledge on basics of accounting principles, project
management and financial evaluation.
Course Description/Course  Basic management concepts
Contents  Forecasting
 Plant design
 Material management
 Project management & resource scheduling
 Engineering economy & investment
 Basic accounting principles & budgeting
 Fundamentals
Pre-requisites Senior Standing
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Project and Presentation...…..20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….……50%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance during lecture hours
Literature Refences:
Industrial Engineering& Management, O.P.Khanna, Dhanpat Rai
Publications, Revised &Enlarged Edition, 1999.
Industrial Engineering& Management, O.P.Khanna, Dhanpat Rai &
Co., 2nd Edition, 2004.
Industrial Management & Engineering Economy,Daniel Kitaw,AAU
Productions Operations Management,Thomas E.Morton,ITP,1999

Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number Mgmt-381

Course Title Entrepreneurship
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Entrepreneurship
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per week) 4
Course Objectives & The student will:
Competences to be Acquired  Understand basic element required to start a new venture.
 Be exposed to different strategies to launching and managing
small businesses.

Course Description/Course  Nature and concept of entrepreneurship,

Contents History of entrepreneurship, basic elements of
 Characteristics and background of entrepreneurs
Building characteristics and important types of
 Issues related to starting a new venture
Basic issues to be answered before becoming an entrepreneur.
 Managing a new venture
Developing basic managing skills of a new venture
 Financing a new venture
 Issues with particular emphasis to the Ethiopian business

Pre-requisites No pre-requisite
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Project………………......…..40%
Grading System Final Exam…………….……60%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature Reference:
Entrepreneurship by David H. Holt

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 5 General Engineering Skills

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  To enable students understand the constructive interrelation of natural & social
sciences as well as business and art to engineering and their positive impact on
the socioeconomic aspect of a society.
 Understand the methods and techniques of reading and representing technical
objects using engineering drawings.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand interrelations and distinction among engineering, science and

technology - R&D in engineering;
 Know technical professional levels: qualifications, duties & responsibilities of
technicians, technologists and engineers (carrier structures and levels);
 Know engineering disciplines - Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial,
Manufacturing, Electrical, Computer, Biomedical, Aeronautic and Space;
 Understand specific roles of electrical engineers in the engineering profession;
 Understand engineering professional ethics and moral issues - engineering for
civil and military applications;
 Learn Descriptive Geometry,
 Able to prepare and read One-D, 2-D and 3-D of technical objects.

Total ECTS of the 7


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
GEng-1201 Introduction to Engineering Skills 2
Meng-203 Engineering Drawing 5

Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number GEng-1201

Course Title Introduction to Engineering Skills
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module General Engineering Skills
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences  To enable students understand the constructive interrelation of
to be Acquired natural & social sciences as well as business and art to
engineering and their positive impact on the socioeconomic
aspect of a society.
Course Description/Course  Interrelations and distinction among engineering, science and
Contents technology - R&D in engineering;
 Technical professional levels: qualifications, duties &
responsibilities of Technicians, Technologists and Engineers
(carrier structures and levels);
 Engineers in academics and in industrial professions - BSc and
B.Eng; MSc and MEng;
 Engineering disciplines - Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial,
Manufacturing, Electrical, Computer, Biomedical, Aeronautic
and Space;
 Specific roles of electrical engineers in the engineering
 Engineering professional ethics and moral issues - engineering for
civil and military applications;
 Normative interaction of engineers with other professionals as
well as art and business;
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture (50 %), Paper presentation and discussion by individual or
group of students in class (50%)
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………………20%
System Mid-Semester Exam (30%)……30%
Final Exam ……………………50%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 4th Edition,
Eide, Jenison, Mashaw, Northrop, McGraw-Hill,
―Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology‖, Robert
Pool, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number MEng-203

Course Title Engineering Drawing
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module General Engineering Skills
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives &  To enable students express ideas or technical ideas in mind to
Competences to be Acquired paper
Course Description/Course  Practical lettering
Contents  Principles of projection
 Dimensioning
 Auxiliary
 Orthographic Projection
 Pictorial drawing
 Sectioning
 Development

Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Assignments…………… (30%)
Grading System Mid Exam…………….... (20%)
Final Exam……………... (50%)
Attendance Requirements Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and
100% attendance during practical work sessions.
Literature Textbook:
French, Thomas; Engineering Drawing and Graphic
Technology, 1993
Giseck, Frederick E; Technical Drawing; 2005
Jensen, Cecil; Engineering Drawing and Design; McGraw-
Hill; 5th edition; 1996
Voland G.S., Modern Engineering Graphics and Design; 1999
Luzzader, Warren J.;Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing,
Prentice Hall; 11th edition; 1983
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 6 Applied Mathematics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Introduce students to mathematical computation, realisation and visualisation.
 Help students to begin to develop the skill of analysing problems in a rational
(rigorous, logical) and methodical manner.
 Motivate the comprehension and use of important analytical concepts, calculus
methods and linear mathematics fundamental to engineering.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Use linear-algebraic methods for solving applied problems,

 Carry out calculations using complex numbers, calculus, vector calculus and
analytic geometry.

Total ECTS of the 12


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
Math-233 Applied Mathematics I 6
Math-234 Applied Mathematics II 6
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number Math-233

Course Title Applied Mathematics I
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Applied Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 6
Course Objectives & Competences To equip students with basic mathematical techniques of calculus
to be Acquired and vector algebra and help them develop skill build-up in
mathematical analysis for solving engineering problems
Course Description/Course  Vectors;
Contents Properties of vectors, scalar ( dot) product, vector(cross product
 Matrices, Determinants
Definitions, important properties, operations of matrices and
 Systems of linear equations
Techniques of solving linear equations using determinants
 Some Transcendental functions with inverses
Properties and applications basic transcendental functions and
their inverses.
 Derivative & its applications
Techniques of solving derivatives and their applications in real
world applications
 Integrations & its applications
Techniques of solving derivatives and their applications in real
world applications

Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Calculus with analytic Geometry: 6th Edition, 2002. R. Ellis and
D. Gulick
Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, and Bruce H. Edwards, Calculus
with analytic Geometry, 8th ed, 2005. C. Henry
Edwards and David E. Penney, Calculus with analytic Geometry:
5th Edition, 1993

Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number Math-234

Course Title Applied Mathematics II
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Applied Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 6
Course Objectives & Competences The objective of this course is to equip students with basic
to be Acquired Mathematical techniques of calculus and computational Mathematics
and help them develop skill buildup in mathematical analysis for
solving engineering problems.
Course Description/Course  Real sequences and Series
Contents  Power series
 Differential calculus of functions of several variables
 Multiple integrals.
Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics I
Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements At least 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Calculus with analytic Geometry: 6th Edition, 2002. R. Ellis and
D. Gulick
Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, and Bruce H. Edwards, Calculus
with analytic Geometry, 8th ed, 2005. C. Henry
Edwards and David E. Penney, Calculus with analytic Geometry:
5th Edition, 1993

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 7 Advanced Mathematics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Develop a solid understanding of the higher mathematical methods, which are
very useful for research and engineering problem-solving.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Use mathematical methods of partial differential equations, complex

variable theory, Z-transforms, Fourier series and Fourier transforms.

Total ECTS of the 13


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
Math-331 Applied Mathematics III 7
ECEg -2202 Computational Methods 6
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number Math-331

Course Title Applied Mathematics III
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Advanced Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 7
Course Objectives & Competences The objective of the course are:
to be Acquired  To give students a broad understanding on effective techniques
for solving common advanced mathematical problems arise in
engineering applications in their related fields.
 To enable students apply the principles in solving engineering
Course Description/Course Fourier series; Vector calculus; calculus of complex variables;
Contents analytics, contour integration, series expansion, calculus of residue
and their application.

Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics I

Applied Mathematics II
Semester III
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements At least 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Calculus with analytic Geometry: 6th Edition, 2002. R. Ellis and
D. Gulick
Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, and Bruce H. Edwards, Calculus
with analytic Geometry, 8th ed, 2005. C. Henry
Edwards and David E. Penney, Calculus with analytic Geometry:
5th Edition, 1993

Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -2202

Course Title Computational Methods
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Advanced Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To acquaint the fundamental computational methods to solve
to be Acquired scientific and engineering problems.
Course Description/Course  Number System and Numerical Error Analysis
Contents The Error Problem; Representation of Integers and
Fractions; Number Representation and Storage in
Computers; Rounding Off Problem; Numerical Errors;
Significant Digits; Numerical Cancellation; Algorithm for
Conversion from one base to another; Computational
Problems and Algorithms; Computational Efficiency;
Computational Methods for Error Estimation
 Solution of Nonlinear Equations
Methods used in Root Finding; Summary of the Solutions
of Nonlinear Equations; Fixed Point Iteration; Real Roots
of Polynomial Equations; Iterative Methods for Finding
Real Zeros of a Polynomial; Order of Convergence
 Review Matrices
Elementary Properties of Matrices; Orthogonaity and
Orthonormality of Vectors and Matrices; Norm of Vectors
and Matrices
 System of Linear Equations
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions; Methods of Solution
of Linear Equations
 Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations
The Iterative Method; The Newton-Raphson Method
 Interpolation and Approximation
Class of Common Approximation Functions; Criteria for the
Choice of the Approximate Function; Finite Differences;
Divided Differences; Interpolation by Polynomials; Least
Square Approximation by Polynomials; Piecewise
Polynomial Approximation; Cubic Spline Interpolation
 Numerical Differentiation and Integration
Numerical Differentiation; Numerical Integration
 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
Ordinary Differential Equations; Partial Differential
Pre-requisites Fundamentals of Programming
Semester IV
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, programming exercises and
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (15%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (55%)
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Mohammed Abdo, Introduction to Computational Methods
Ralston A. and P. Rabinowitz: A First Course in Numerical
Analysis, 2nd ed, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 8 Engineering Mechanics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  This module provides the students understanding of the principles and methods
of mechanics - static and kinematics, to develop the ability to formulate and
solve engineering mechanics problems in a systematic manner.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand vector and scalar treatment of coplanar and non coplanar force
 Understand resultants, equilibrium, friction, second moments of areas, principal
second moments of area, radius of gyration, internal forces, shear and bending
moment diagrams.
 Particle and rigid body kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, kinetics of plane
motion, rigid body problems using work-energy, linear, and angular impulse-
momentum principles, vibrations.

Total ECTS of the 10


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
CEng-201 Engineering Mechanics-I (Statics) 5
MEng-202 Engineering Mechanics-II(Dynamics) 5

Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number CEng-201
Course Title Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences The objective of the course is to learn the basic concepts of equations
to be Acquired of static equilibrium, determination of centroid and moments of
bodies and analysis of the behavior of systems with frictions.
Students shall be able to define and apply the concept of equilibrium
and demonstrate familiarly with structural analysis of trusses, frames
and beams and application of mechanics to Engineering problems.

Course Description/Course  Resultant of coplanar and non-coplanar force systems.

Contents  Equations of equilibrium for coplanar and non-coplanar forces
 Equilibrium of simple structures: trusses, beams, frames and
 Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for
beams and simple frames.
 Properties of surfaces: centroid, moment and product of inertia
of bodies and areas.
 Static friction.

Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment.……….…..10%
System Mid Exam……………..30%
Final Exam……….……60%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Text Book:
Meriam, J. L., Engineering Mechanics -Static, 6th ed., 2003.
Hibbler, Russell M., Engineering Mechanics – Static,10th ed.,
Beer, F. P., Johnston, R.E. Jr., and et al. (2006), Vector Mechanics
for Engineers, Dynamics, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number MEng-202

Course Title Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences Students shall understand basic principles governing motion of
to be Acquired objects, appropriate physical models representing physical systems,
appropriate coordinate system & analysis of motion variables, and
deriving equation of motion relating forces acting and resulting
Course Description/Course  Introduction basic concepts and equations motion.
Contents  Kinematics of particles.
 Kinetics of particles.
 Kinematics of rigid bodies.
 Kinetics of rigid bodies.
Pre-requisites Engineering Mechanics I (Statics); Applied Mathematics I
Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment.……….…..10%
System Mid Exam……………..30%
Final Exam……….……60%
Attendance Requirements 80% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Meriam J.L., Engineering Mechanics- Dynamics, 6th ed., 2003.
Hibbeler, Ruusel M., Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics,10th ed.,
Beer P., Mechanics for Engineer.
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 9 Thermodynamics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Understand and use the concept of thermodynamics in describing and analyzing
various energy conversion systems.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand the concept of energy and its various forms.

 Understand and be able to use constitutive relationships relating state variables.
 Understand and be able to use the conservation of mass, Newton‘s second law,
and the first and second laws of thermodynamics on a fixed mass systems to
predict the performance of energy-system components;
 Understand and be able to use the continuity, the momentum equation, and the
first and second laws of thermodynamics on control-volume systems to predict
the performance of energy-system components;

Total ECTS of the 5


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
MEng-201 Engineering Thermodynamics 5
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number MEng-201

Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Thermodynamics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences The course enables students to:
to be Acquired  Understand the relationship between internal energy, heat and
work as expressed by the First Law of Thermodynamics
 Apply the conservation of energy to thermodynamic systems
 State and explain the Second Law of Thermodynamics
 Explain how the Carnot cycle applies to heat engines and
refrigeration cycles,
 Explain the concept of entropy
 Apply the concept of availability, irreversibility and the second
law in defining the efficiency of a system
Course Description/Course  Thermodynamic notions and systems
Contents  Fundamental concepts
 Pure substances
 First law of Thermodynamics: closed and open systems, enthalpy
 Second law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible
processes; Carnot cycle; Entropy; Availability; Irreversibility
 Simple steam power plant; Fuel cells; Thermoelectric generator;
Thermionic generators; Refrigerators and heat pumps;
Thermoelectric refrigeration
 Environmental concerns
 Renewable energy Sources

Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics I

Semester III
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements At least 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Cengel, Yunus A. and Boles, Micahel, A., Thermodynamics: An
Engineering Approach, 5th ed. 2005.
Moran, Michael J. ―Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics‖, 5th ed., 2003.
Tesfaye Dama, Thermodynamics I and II, Addis Ababa
University Press, 2000.
Sonntag, R.E.,‖Fundamentals of Thermodynamics‖, 6th ed.,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 10 Statistics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  This module is designed to explain to students a grasp of mathematics as a
special way of cognizing the world, knowledge of the basic concepts and
methods of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, to master
sufficiently the mathematical apparatus and applying it for solving concrete
physical problems.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduce to Probability Theory: Probability models and axioms, Conditional

probability; Independence. Random Variables and Probability Distributions
and Densities; Discrete and Continuous random variables; Expectations,
variances and moments. Two and more random variables and their joint
distributions. Correlation and covariance;
 Understand parameter estimation and prediction. Transforms and spectral

Total ECTS of the 6


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-3201 Probability and Random Processes 6
Engineering Science and Mathematics

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg-3201

Course Title Probability and Random Processes
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Statistics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To introduce the basic probabilistic methods applicable to
to be Acquired science and engineering problems and
 To familiarize students of statistical transformation techniques.
Course Description/Course  Introduction to Probability Theory:
Contents  Probability models and axioms, Conditional probability;
 Independence. Random Variables and Probability Distributions
and Densities;
 Discrete and Continuous random variables;
 Expectations, variances and moments. Two and more random
variables and their joint distributions. Correlation and
 Introduction to parameter estimation and prediction. Transforms
and spectral density.
Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics III
Semester V
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Albert Leon-Garcia ,‖Probability and Random Processes for
Electrical Engineering‖, 2/E Publisher: Prentice Hall, 1994
D. Bertsekas and J. Tsitsiklis, Introduction to Probability.
A. Drake, Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory.
S. Ross, a First Course in Probability.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 11 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Rationale and objective Justification of the module
of the module
 Focuses on giving students with the basics of modern physics and the
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering knowledge, which is the foundation
for Electrical Engineering.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Provides students with modern theory of physics which will be background

for understanding electrical engineering concepts.
 Gives the students theoretical background for understanding Electrical
 Enable students to understand and apply the fundamental and derived
circuit laws and theorems to the analysis of dc and steady state poly-phase
ac circuits.
 Provides students also with some practical hands-on exercise in Electrical
Engineering areas.

Total ECTS of the 12


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-1302 Fundamental of Circuits 7
ECEg-2301 Applied Modern Physics 5
Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -1302

Course Title Fundamentals of Circuits
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Fundamentals of EE
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To enable students to understand the basic electromagnetic
to be Acquired phenomenon, circuit variables and parameters
 To enable students to understand and apply the fundamental and
derived circuit laws and theorems to the analysis of dc and steady
state poly-phase ac circuits;
Course Description/Course  Review of Electromagnetic Phenomenon and Variables
Contents Charge, Coulomb's Law, electric field, voltage, current,
energy and power; Faraday's Law: Self- and Mutual-
 Electric Circuit parameters
Geometrical view of circuit parameters (R, C, L ); Electrical
DC Circuit Analysis with fundamental and derived circuit
 Circuit Analysis:
Kirchoff's laws (KVL & KCL); circuits simplifications
(series and parallel connections of R, L, C and sources); star
(Y) - delta (Δ) transformation; mesh analysis; nodal analysis;
linearity and the superposition theorem; Thevenin's and
Norton's theorems; maximum power transfer;
 Steady State Single Phase AC Circuit Analysis:
Sinusoidal terminologies; instantaneous, average and
effective (rms) values; phasor representation of sinusoids and
arithmetic; series and parallel RLC circuits;admmittance
(impedance or admittance); frequency response and
resonance; active (average), reactive and apparent powers;
power factor; power factor correction; maximum power
transfer in ac circuits; load/power flow method of ac circuit
 Transient Circuit Analysis:
First Order Transient Circuits: RL and RC Transient
Characteristics and Solutions; Second Order Transient
Circuits: RLC Transient Circuits; Higher Order Circuits and
Three Phase AC Circuits:
 Introduction to polyphase systems;
generation of three phase voltages; star (Y) and delta (Δ)
connections; load/power flow method of three phase ac
circuit analysis; power in unbalanced three phase systems.
Pre-requisites Introduction to Engineering Skills; Applied mathematics II (Co-
Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, J. David Irwin, 5th Edition
Engineering Circuit Analysis, by H. Hyte & J.E. Kemmerly
Basic Electrical Engineering, by A.E. Fitzgerald & D.E.
Electrical Circuits, by Siskind
Elements of Electrical Engineering, by Cook and Carn
Electric Circuits, by T.F. Bogart
Core Electrical

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -2301

Course Title Applied Modern Physics
A Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Fundamentals of EE
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences Enable students the necessary background for understanding one of
to be Acquired the modern sciences dealing with the special theory of relativity and
quantum mechanics.
Course Description/Course  Comparison of Classical and Modern Physics
Contents  The Special Theory of Relativity
 Electron Emission
 Wave-particle duality
 Atomic Models
 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
 Introduction to Nuclear Physics
 Introduction to Solid State Physics
Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics II
Semester III
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments………………… (10%)
System Mid-Semester Exam………… (30%)
Final Exam…………………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., Inc.
J. W. Rohlf , Modern Physics: from alpha to Z (John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York)
Ronald Gautreau, William Savin, Modern Physics (Schaum's
Outline Series) (McGraw-Hill, New York)
P.A. Tipler, R.A. Liewellyn, Modern Physics, .H. Freeman and

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 12 Electrical Workshop

Rationale and objective  Justification of the module
of the module  Enable students to have practical exposure to working environment
in electrical engineering.
 Enable students to understand the construction, control and
maintenance of electrical machines and maintain computers and
know PCB fabrication procedure.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Learn workshop safety rules, general soldering techniques and

internal installation practice.
 Maintain electrical motors, computers.
 Learn PCB fabrication techniques.

Total ECTS of the 8


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-2305 Electrical Workshop Practice-I 3
ECEg-2306 Electrical Workshop Practice-II 5

Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number ECEg -2305
Course Title Electrical Workshop Practice I
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electrical Workshop
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences To enable students to have practical exposure to working
to be Acquired environments in electrical engineering workshops.
Course Description/Course  Workshop Safety Rules
Contents  General Soldering
 Splicing;
 Internal Installation Practice
 Bell switch and Announciator circuits.
Pre-requisites None
Semester III
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Workshop Practice
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Report………………….... (40%)
System Final Examination……..… (60%)
Attendance Requirements 100%
Literature Handouts prepared by the Staff
Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -2306

Course Title Electrical Workshop Practice II
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electrical Workshop
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 6
Course Objectives & Competences To enable students:
to be Acquired  Understand the construction and control of basic electrical
 Basic computer maintenance
 PCB fabrication procedure

Course Description/Course  Transformer Winding

Contents  Induction to Motor Winding
 Wiring of Relay Circuits
 DC low voltages relay circuit.
 Computer Maintenance
 PCB pro typing single layer: artwork, UV exposure, etching,
Pre-requisites Electrical Workshop Practice I
Semester IV
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Workshop Practice
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Report………………….... (40%)
System Final Examination……..… (60%)
Attendance Requirements 100%
Literature Handouts prepared by the Staff
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 13 Electronics

Rationale and objective Justification of the module
of the module
 Introduce the students to semiconductor devices, synthesis and analysis of
analogue and digital electronics.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduce students to the basic concepts of Semiconductor Devices.

 Discuss basic concepts of electronic circuits with the aid of characteristic
 Introduce Bipolar junction transistors, Field effect transistor and Multistage
 Understand fundamentals of digital system components and their design.
 Understand the design of Amplifiers, Oscillators and Digital electronics.

Total ECTS of the 14


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-2303 Applied Electronics-I 7
ECEg-2304 Applied Electronics-II 7
Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -2303

Course Title Applied Electronics I
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electronics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To discuss basic concepts of electronic circuits with the aid of
to be Acquired characteristic curves
 To introduce sample applications and design guidelines of
electronic circuits
Course Description/Course  Basic semiconductor theory
Contents Atomic theory, semiconductor materials and their types,
 Semiconductor diodes and their applications
Characteristics, analysis of diode circuits, diode types,
applications of diode circuits, voltage regulators, power
 Bipolar junction transistors
Introduction, principle of operation and characteristics, BJT
configurations, biasing methods Small Signal BJT amplifiers
and parametric representations
 Field effect transistors
Introduction, Equivalents circuits and biasing techniques,
FET Types, Parametric representations
 Multistage amplifiers
Coupling methods, analysis of gain and other parameters,
frequency response
 Frequency response of amplifiers
Basic concepts, types of frequency response, frequency
response of BJT and FET amplifiers

Pre-requisites Fundamental of Circuits

Semester III
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylestad, Louis
Electronic Devices and Circuits , Theodore F. Bogart
Electronic Principles, Malvino
Microelectronics- Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems,
Jacob Millman
Core Electrical

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -2304

Course Title Applied Electronics II
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electronics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To discuss advanced electronic circuits and their application
to be Acquired  To simulate electronic circuits using application packages

Course Description/Course  Feedback amplifiers

Contents Types of feedback, basic representation, topologies and
analysis of feedback amplifiers, effect of feedback on
different parameters
 Differential amplifiers
Response for differential inputs, small signal analysis,
common mode rejection ratio
 Operational amplifier
OP Amp basics, practical OP Amps, OP Amp applications
 Wave shaping Circuits
Waveform generator circuits sample and hold circuits,
Schmitt trigger circuits, multivibrators and timer circuits.
 Power amplifier
Classification and analysis, efficiency, push pull amplifier
amplifiers, distortion and thermal effects.
 Tuned Amplifier
Single and double tuned amplifiers, bandwidth, parallel and
series resonance, ideal band pass amplifier.
 Oscillators
Pre-requisites Applied Electronics I

Semester IV
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylestad, Louis
Electronic Devices and Circuits , Theodore F. Bogart
Electronic Principles, Malvino
Microelectronics- Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems,
Jacob Millman
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 14 Electromagnetism and Electrical Materials

Rationale and objective Justification of the module
of the module
 Introduces students to the methods of calculating electromagnetic fields,
analysis of electrical machines and to the physical behaviours of electrical
engineering materials.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand and quantify the electrical effects of static charge distributions

in vacuum and material body.
 Apply the laws governing electrostatic to different charge distributions.
 Understand and quantify the effects of charges moving with uniform
 Understand the elements of electrodynamics and Maxwell‘s equations.
 Understand basic concepts of electromagnetic circuits as they relate to
voltages, currents, and physical forces induced in conductors.
 Understand and gain insight into principles of operation & construction of
transformer, induction machines, D.C. machines, and synchronous
 Learn and understand analytical models for transformers and electrical
rotating machines and analyze operation characteristics of the machines.

Total ECTS of the 19


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-2308 Electromagnetic Fields 7
ECEg-3301 Introduction to Electrical Machines 7
ECEg-3303 Electrical Materials and Technology 5

Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -2310

Course Title Electromagnetic Fields
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electromagnetism and Electrical materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 6
Course Objectives & Competences  Understand and quantify the electrical effects of static charge
to be Acquired distributions in vacuum and material body
 Apply the laws governing electrostatic to different charge
 Understand the elements of electrodynamics
 Summarize electromagnetism through Maxwell‘s equations.
Course Description/Course  Review of Vectors
Contents Scalar & Vector Fields; Line, Surface, & Volume Integrals;
Gradient of a Scalar field, Divergence & Curl of a Vector
Field, the Divergence & Stokes's Theorems, Laplacian of a
Scalar Field; Solenoid & Irrotational Vector Fields,
Helmholz's Theorem; Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates.
 Electrostatic Fields
Coulomb's Law, Electric Field E, Electric Flux Density D;
Gauss's Law; Electric Potential V; Relationship between E
&V; Electric Dipole; Energy in Electrostatic Fields.
 Electric Fields in Material Body
Convection & Conduction Currents; Polarization in
Dielectrics; Boundary Conditions.
 Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems
Poisson's & Laplace's Equations; Resistance & Capacitance.
 Magnetostatics Fields
Biot-Savart Law; Ampere‘s Circuital Law; Magnetic Flux
Density B; Magnetic Vector Potential A; Maxwell's Equation
for Static EM Fields.
 Magnetic Forces & Materials
 Forces due to Magnetic Fields; Magnetic Boundary Conditions;
Magnetic Energy; Faraday's Law. Magnetic Forces &
 Introduction to Time Varying EM Fields.
Pre-requisites Fundamentals of circuits
Applied Mathematics III (Co-requisite)
Semester IV
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignments, Demonstrations.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements Al least 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2001.
Hayt, W.H., Engineering Electromagnetics, 4th ed., McGraw-
Hill, 1981.
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed.,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1999.
Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -3305

Course Title Introduction to Electrical Machines
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electromagnetism and Electrical materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To understand basic concepts of electromagnetic circuits as they
to be Acquired relate to voltages, currents, and physical forces induced in
 To understand and gain insight into principles of operation &
construction of transformer, induction machines, D.C.
machines, and synchronous machines.
 To learn and understand analytical models for transformers and
electrical rotating machines.
 To use such models to analyze power requirements, power
capability, efficiency and operating characteristics.
Course Description/Course  Magnetics
Contents Field properties, materials, saturation & hysteresis, magnetic
circuits, iron loses, Production of an EMF, Production of
electromagnetic force-torque.
 Transformers
Principle of action, construction, ideal & practical models,
parameter testing, voltage regulation, efficiency, 3-phase
transformers, connection groups.
 3-Phase Induction Machines
Revolving field, construction, synchronous speed & slip,
rotor & equivalent circuit models, determine parameter of the
equivalent circuit, torque equation, stall & starting torque,
efficiency, torque-speed curves, parameter measurement.
 D.C Machines
Construction, armature reaction, commutation,
Characteristics of D.C generator, parallel operation, and
characteristics of D.C. motors.
 Synchronous Machines
Construction, equivalent circuit, parameter testing, and
characteristics of synchronous machines as an alternator,
motor operation of synchronous machine.
Pre-requisites Electromagnetic Fields;

Semester V
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignments, Demonstrations.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab
Literature Textbook:
Theory and performance of Electrical Machines, J.B.Gubta,
millennium ed.
J. Hindmarsh: Electrical Machines and their Applications
G. Mullisa: Introduction to Electrical Machines
Kosow: Electric Machinery and Control, Prentice-Hall
Siskind: Electrical Machines, McGraw-Hill
Chapman: Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, & S. D.Umans: Electric Machinery
M.G. Say: Alternating Current machines
Core Electrical

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg-3307

Course Title Electrical Materials and Technology
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electromagnetism and Electrical materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To review fundamentals of atomic theory; elementary quantum
to be Acquired mechanics the role of electrons in determining the macroscopic
electrical behavior of engineering materials.
 To understand the physical properties of conductors,
superconductors, semiconductor, dielectric and magnetic
 To develop quantitative descriptions of the physical properties.
 To understand application and manufacturing processes of
electrical and electronic materials.
Course Description/Course  Review of atomic theory of matter
Contents The Rutherford model of atom, The Bohr atom model,
Quantization of electron energy, Schrödinger equation,
Atomic bonding, Energy band diagram.
 Conducting materials
Conduction in conductor materials, Equation of motion of an
electron, Drudel model, Fermi-Dirac distribution function and
the Fermi energy of metals, Influence of frequency on
conductivity, Factors influencing resistively of conductor
materials, Thermal conductivity of conductors, Classification
and applications.
 Superconductivity
BSC theory of superconductivity, Meissner effect,
Classification of superconductor materials, London equation,
Application of superconductor.
 Semi-conducting materials
Energy band diagrams, Intrinsic semiconductors, Extrinsic
semiconductors, Fermi-Dirac distribution and the
concentration of charge carriers, Drift and diffusion current,
P-N Junction, Hall-Effect, Manufacturing process of
 Dielectric Materials
Field Relations, Polarization and mechanisms of polarization
in dielectrics, Lorentz field, Properties of dielectric materials,
Complex permittivity, Influence of frequency on permittivity,
Mechanisms of electrical breakdown of dielectric materials,
Ferro electricity, Classification and applications.
 Magnetic materials
Macroscopic characterization of magnetic materials,
Magnetic dipole moment, Types of magnetism, Spontaneous
magnetization and the Curie Weiss law, Domain movement
in external magnetic field, Magnetic losses, Complex
permeability, Hard and soft magnetic materials,
Ferrimagnetic materials, manufacturing of magnetic
 Introduction to IC fabrication techniques
Pre-requisites Applied Electronics II and
Applied Modern Physics
Semester V
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Allison: Electrical engineering materials
Dekker: Electrical engineering materials and devices
Solymar: Lectures on the electrical properties of materials
Lovell, Avery, Vernon: Physical properties of materials
Pasco: Properties of materials for electrical engineers
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 15 Signals and Network Analysis

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Introduce and develop the concepts of discrete-time signal processing signal
 Transform domain of analysis of continuous and discrete-time signal.
 Design of passive and active networks and filters.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Enable students to understand and apply the representation, classification,

characterization and analysis of signals and systems in time and frequency
 Understand and apply the techniques of modelling, analysis, design and
synthesis of 1- and 2- port passive and active networks and filters in a classical
and a modern approach.

Total ECTS of the 12


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-2302 Signals and Systems Analysis 6
ECEg-3305 Network Analysis and Synthesis 6
Core Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg-2302

Course Title Signals and System Analysis
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Signals and Network Analysis
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 6
Course Objectives & Competences To give knowledge Introduction, Characterization, Classification, and
to be Acquired Representation or Modeling of signals and systems.
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents Characterization, classification, and representation or
modeling of signals and systems
 Signal Approximation
Orthogonal or orthonormal and basis functions; error to
signal energies ratio.
 Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals
Trigonometric & exponential Fourier series, frequency and
power spectrums, error to signal energies ratio.
 Singularity Functions
The impulse, step and ramp functions; discontinuous
 Convolution
Signals as a continuum of impulses; impulse responses;
analytical, graphical and numerical evaluation of convolution
 Ordinary Linear Differential Equations (OLDE)
Single and system of OLD equations.
 Fourier Transforms and Inverse Transforms
Properties, energy spectrum, transform theorems, system
 The Sampling Theorem
Ideal and real sampling, Nyquist rate.
 Laplace Transforms
Properties, relationship between Fourier and Laplace
transforms; system functions;
 Inverse Laplace Transforms
Partial fraction method, modified power series methods,
evaluations from pole-zero plots; systems response, solutions
to integro-differential equations;
 Z-Transforms and Inverse Transforms
Discrete signals and systems, the Z-transform & inverse
transform; system functions; difference equations and their

Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics III

Semester IV
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Analysis of Signals and Systems, Tesfaye Bayou
Signals and Linear Systems, R.A. Gabel & Richard A. Roberts
Signals and Linear Systems, Lathi
Advance Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyzig
Core Electrical

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -3305

Course Title Network Analysis and Synthesis
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Signals and Network Analysis
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences Understand and apply the techniques of modeling, analysis,
to be Acquired design and synthesis of 1- and 2- port passive and active electric
networks and filters in a classical and a modern approach
Course Description/Course  Introduction to network analysis and synthesis
Contents Networks and their developmental stages; analysis, design
and analysis concepts;
 Network transform representation and analysis
Analysis of first and second order circuits; transformed
network equations and analysis;
 Elements of realizability theory
Causality and stability -time and frequency domain
criterions; restrictions on pole-zero locations of dual port and
transfer functions;
 Synthesis of dual port functions (one port networks)
Elementary synthesis procedures; removal of minimum
 Two port networks
Z -, Y-, H-, and ABCD parameters; relationship among 2-
port parameters; parallel, series, and cascade
 Synthesis of transfer functions (two port networks)
Auxiliary functions - transmission and reflection coefficients;
terminated two port networks
 Active network synthesis
Active network building blocks; synthesis of active networks;
 Filter types, specifications and classical syntheses techniques
Filter categorization and specification; classical filter design
techniques - image parameter technique, constant- k filters,
m-derived filters, composite filters
 Modern technique of passive filter synthesis
Modern techniques; synthesis of high pass (HP), band pass
(BP) & band rejection (BR) filters
 Synthesis of active filters
Active filters - merits & demerits with respect to passive
filters; active filter structures and ; transformation of passive
RLC filters into active realization
Pre-requisites Signal and Systems Analysis
Semester V
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature References:
Network Analysis, M. T. Van Valkendeeg
Network Analysis and Synthesis, F.F. Kuo
Circuit Design, Temes and Lapatra
Network Theory and Filter Design, V.K. Aatre
Passive and Active Network Analysis and Synthesis, Budak
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 16 Introduction to Computing

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module The module is directed towards learning the fundamentals of computer

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Familiarize students with components of computers.

 Define common terminologies used in programming.
 Explain the steps, tools and technical approaches involved in program
 Use the techniques of program design to develop programs that solve
real life problems.
 Utilize advanced concepts of programming to provide better solutions.

Total ECTS of the 5

Course of the Module
Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-2307 Fundamentals of Programming 5

Core Electrical

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number ECEg -2307
Course Title Fundamentals of Programming
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Introduction to computing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Familiarize students with components of computers
to be Acquired  Define common terminologies used in programming
 Explain the steps, tools and technical approaches involved in
program design
 Use the techniques of program design to develop programs that
solve real life problems
 Utilize advanced concepts of programming to provide better
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents Hardware components of computers, Software Components
of computers
 Program Development
Algorithm and Data, Flow Charts
 C++ Programming Basics
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Basic Program
Construction, Built-in Data Types, Constants, Variables,
Operators and Statements, Type Conversions, Library
 Loops and Decisions
Loops, Decisions, Other Control Statements
 Arrays and Strings
Single and Multidimensional Arrays, Strings
 Structures and Enumerated Data Types
 Functions
Simple Functions, Argument Passing, Overloaded Functions,
Inline Functions, Default Arguments
 Pointers
Addresses and Pointers, Pointers, Arrays and Strings,
Memory Management, Linked lists
 Files
 Graphics
Pre-requisites None
Semester III
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (20%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (50%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design,
Fourth Edition by D.S. Malik (Paperback - Feb 11, 2008)
An Introduction to Programming With C++, Fifth Edition by
Diane Zak (Paperback - April 6, 2007)
An Introduction to Programming With C++, Fifth Edition by
Diane Zak (Paperback - April 6, 2007)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 17 Communication and Signal Processing

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Give a strong background on communication systems.
 Introduce methods of discrete-time signals and systems representation and

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand the different analogue and digital; linear and non-linear

modulation and demodulation techniques that are common to many
communication systems.
 Introduce students to methods of discrete-time signals and systems
representation and analysis.
 Introduce to design methods and realization structures of discrete-time
 Introduce students to the theory of information and coding.

Total ECTS of the 18


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-3402 Introduction to Communication Systems 7
ECEg-3404 Digital Signal Processing 6
ECEg-4401 Communication Systems 5

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number ECEg -3402
Course Title Introduction to Communication Systems
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Communication and Signal Processing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To give a strong background in communication systems
to be Acquired engineering.
 To teach the different analog and digital linear and non-linear
modulation and demodulation techniques those are common to
many communication systems.
Course Description/Course  Short description of an analog communication system
Contents  Analysis of deterministic signals in frequency domain
 Signal transmission in base band channels
 Linear distortion
 Nonlinear distortion and companding
 Analog modulation systems
 Analysis of linear modulations such as AM, DSB, SSB
 Linear modulation and demodulation techniques also combined
with FDM
 Nonlinear modulation techniques such as PM and FM
 Survey of sampling techniques for analog pulse modulations
such as PAM, QAM, PPM and PDM
 Pulse modulation systems, PCM, DM, DPCM
Pre-requisites Applied Electronics II
Network Analysis and Synthesis
Probability and Random Processes
Semester VI
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Taub and Schilling: Principles of Communication Systems,
Haykin: Communication Systems
Communication Systems Engineering, Second Edition
by: Masoud Salehi


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -3404

Course Title Digital Signal Processing
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Communication and Signal Processing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Introduce students to methods of discrete-time signals and
to be Acquired systems representation and analysis
 Introduce design methods and realization structures of discrete-
time systems.
 Introduce signal processing applications using signal processing
development kits for a chosen DSP chip
 Introduce simulation using MATLAB.
Course Description/Course  Time-domain representation and analysis of discrete-time
Contents signals and systems
 Transform-domain representation and analysis of discrete-time
signals and systems
 Discrete-time system realization
 DTFT and FFT algorithms
 Design of Discrete-time systems
 Decimation and Interpolation
 Introduction to discrete-time random signals
Pre-requisites Signals and System Analysis
Digital Logic Design
Semester VI
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
S. J. Orfanidis, ―Introduction to Signal Processing‖, Prentice Hall
A. Oppenheim and Schafer, ―Discrete-time Signal Processing‖,
Prentice Hall.
J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, ―Introduction to Digital Signal
Processing‖, Macmilan Publishing Company.
Digital Signal Processing with examples in MATLAB Samuel D.
V. K. Ingle and J. G. Proakis, ―Digital Signal Processing Using


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg – 4401

Course Title Communication Systems
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Communication and Signal Processing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To introduce students to random process in general and noise in
to be Acquired particular
 To enable students to analyze the performance of receivers in the
presence of noise.
 To enable the student design optimum receivers and introduce
them to the theory of information and coding.
Course Description/Course  Review of Random Variables and Processes
Contents  Mathematical Representation of Noise
 Noise in Amplitude Modulation Systems
 Noise in Frequency Modulation Systems
 Thresholds in Frequency Modulation Systems
 Optimum Receivers
 Noise in PCM and DM
 Channel Equalization
 Introduction to Information Theory and Coding
Pre-requisites Introduction to Communication Systems
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory practices.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Haykin: Communication Systems 4th edition
Taub and Schilling: Principles of Communication Systems, 2nd
Digital and Analog Communication Systems (6th Edition) by
Leon W. Couch
Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems(The
Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) by
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 18 Antenna and Microwave

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
 Give a strong background in wave propagation; understand the working
principles of different types of waveguides and Antennas.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand and quantify the effects of accelerated charges in producing time-

varying electromagnetic waves.
 Be able to derive- from Maxwell‘s equations- the governing equations for EM
wave propagation, RF transmission lines, rectangular waveguides and
resonant cavities.
 Enable students to analyze the performance of receivers in the presence of
 Understand and quantify how antennas launch electromagnetic waves into the
surrounding medium.
 Understand types of antennas and describe their radiation characteristics.
 Have gained insight into how radio waves (Ground waves, Sky waves, Line
of Sight waves, etc.) propagate in to space.
 Understand and use the basic microwave components, devices
and systems (both classical and modern).
 Appreciate the use of microwave devices and systems that they
come across in their careers and daily life.

Total ECTS of the 17


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4404 Microwaves Devices and Systems 6
ECEg-4403 EM Waves and Guide Structures 5
ECEg-4405 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation 6

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number ECEg -4404
Course Title Microwave Devices and Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Antenna and Microwave
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Gain knowledge and understanding of the working principles of
to be Acquired different types of waveguides
 Understand and use the basic microwave devices and systems
(both classical and modern)
 Appreciate the use of microwave devices and systems that they
come across in their carriers and daily life
Course Description/Course  Principles and Analysis of Waveguides
Contents  Introduction to Microwave Circuits
 Review of Network Parameters and Transmission Line Theory
 The Scattering Parameters
 Impedance Matching
 Passive Microwave Components and Networks
 Introduction to Active Microwave Devices
Pre-requisites EM Waves and Guide Structures
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and class exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Microwave engineering,Sanjeeva Gubta, prentice Hall
Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits, by K.C. Gupta
Microwave Circuit Design using linear and non-linear
techniques, by Vendelin/Pavio
Passive and Active Microwave Circuits, by J. Helszajn
Foundations of Microwave Engineering, by R.E. Collin
Microwave Transistor Amplifier Analysis and Design, by G.


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4403

Course Title EM Waves & Guide Structures
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Antenna and Microwave
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Understand and quantify the effects of accelerated charges in
to be Acquired producing time-varying electromagnetic waves.
 Be able to derive- from Maxwell‘s equations- the governing
equations for EM wave propagation, RF transmission lines,
rectangular waveguides and resonant cavities.
 Have gained insight into the applications of RF transmission
lines, the use of Smith Chart and matching techniques.
Course Description/Course  Review of Vectors and Maxwell's Equations.
Contents Scalar & Vector Fields; Line, Surface, & Volume Integrals;
Gradient of a Scalar field, Divergence & Curl of a Vector
Field, the Divergence & Stokes's Theorems, Laplacian of a
Scalar Field; Solenoidal & Irrotational Vector Fields,
Helmholz's Theorem; Field Quantities; Maxwell's Equations;
Boundary Conditions; Time-Harmonic Fields.
 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Waves in General; Wave Propagation in Lossy Dielectrics;
Plane Waves in Free Space; Plane Waves in Lossless
Dielectrics; Plane Waves in Good Conductors; Power and
Poynting Vector, Poynting Theorem; Refection of Plane
Wave at Normal and Oblique Incidence; Summary of TEM
 Transmission Lines
Electrical Dimension, Circuit and Field Analysis;
Transmission Line Equations; Input Impedance, SWR, and
Power; The Smith Chart; Some Application of Transmission
 Waveguides
Rectangular Waveguides; TM Modes; TE Modes; Power
Transmission and Attenuation; Waveguide Resonators.
Pre-requisites Electromagnetic Fields
Introduction to Communication System
Applied Mathematics III
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...15%
System Mid Exam………………..… 25%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2001.
Woldegiorgis Woldemariam (Prof.), Applied Electromagnetic
Fields and Waves, Addis Ababa University, 1991.
Hayt, W.H., Engineering Electromagnetics, 4th ed., McGraw-
Hill, 1981.
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed.,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1999.

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4405

Course Title Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Antenna and Microwave
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Understand and quantify how antennas launch electromagnetic
to be Acquired waves into the surrounding medium.
 Understand types of antennas and describe their radiation
 Have gained insight into how radio waves (Ground waves, Sky
waves, Line of Sight waves, etc.) propagate in to space.
Course Description/Course  Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions.
Contents The Vector Potential A for an Electric Current Source J; The
Vector Potential F for a Magnetic Current Source M; Electric
and Magnetic Fields for Electric (J) and Magnetic (M)
Current Sources; Solution of the Inhomogeneous Vector
Potential Wave Equation; Far-Field Radiation; Duality
Theorem; Reciprocity and Reaction Theorems.
 Wire Antennas
Antenna Types; Hertzian Dipole; Half-Wave Dipole
Antenna; Quarter-Wave Monopole Antenna; Small Loop
 Antenna Characteristics
Radiation Resistance, Radiation Pattern, Radiation Intensity,
Directive Gain and Directivity, Power Gain.
 Antenna Arrays
Two Element Array; N- Element Linear Array; Broadside
Array; Ordinary End-Fire Array; Phased (Scanning) Array;
Hansen-Woodyard End-Fire Array.
 Radio Wave Propagation
Ground Wave Propagation; Space Wave Propagation; Line of
Sight Propagation; Ionospheric Propagation; Noise.
Pre-requisites Signal and Systems Analysis
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………………….…..20%
System Mid-semester Examination …….30%
Final examination ………………50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2001.
Woldegiorgis Woldemariam (Prof.), Applied Electromagnetic
Fields and Waves, Addis Ababa University, 1991.
Hayt, W.H., Engineering Electromagnetics, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill,
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed.,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1999.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 19 Optical Communication

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  The module is intended to advance the general knowledge of current data
communication technology with emphasis on optical communication and as
well as multiple access methods, and design of analogue filters.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduces functional concepts of optical fibres and their applications in

 Understand the design and applications of switching and intelligent networks
 Understand the concept of modern switching used in Integrated Service
Digital Network.
 Gain Insight into principles of various digital switching, like packet switching
and introduction to advances in switching.
 To be able to identify and understand the application, operation and
maintenance of these digital switching.

Total ECTS of the 12


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4406 Optics and Optical Communication 6
ECEg-5404 Switching and Intelligent Networks 6

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4406

Course Title Optics and Optical Communication
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Optical Communication
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  This is an introductory course on optics and optical
to be Acquired communications using fibers. The Course provides a basic
understanding of the nature of light, its propagation through
different media and methods of analysis of optical transmission.
 It also introduces functional concepts of optical fibers and their
applications in communications. After the completion of the
course the student is expected to have acquired.
Course Description/Course  Course overview. Maxwell‘s equations, wave equation.
Contents  Polarization States, Geometric Optics (Lenses and Mirrors),
Ray-Matrix Methods
 Reflection, Total Internal Reflection, TE and TM waves,
Brewster's Angle
 Two-beam interferometry, the Michleson interferometer
 Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction, Spatial
Frequency Diffraction examples: Slits, Apertures, Double slit,
 Properties of optical fibers: Advantages of using optical fibers;
loss, dispersion, and physical limitation; critical optical
 Optical Waveguides Theories, fabrication, and applications of
various optical waveguides used as building blocks in optical
 Optical sources and transmitters: Physics and technologies,
development for lasers, LEDs, and modulators for use in
different transmitters.
 Optical detectors and receivers Physics and technology
development of photo detectors, signal/clock recovery, and
construction of optical receivers.
 Optical amplifiers Semiconductor amplifier, EDFAs, EDWAs,
and their applications.
 Detection noise and optical dispersion: Sources and detection of
noise and dispersion impairment on signal recovery and bit-error
Pre-requisites Communication Systems
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures, tutorials and lab demonstration subject to availability of
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Text Book:
Fiber Optic communication systems, Govind P.Agraaval
Fiber-Optic Communications Technology, Djafar K. Mynbaev
and Lowell L. Scheiner Prentice Hall, 2001
Non-Linear Optics in Telecommunication, Thomas Schneider.
Lightwave Technology: Telecommunication Systems, Govind P.
Agrawal John Wiley and Son, Inc., 2005
Lightwave Technology : Components and Devices by Govind P.
Agrawal John Wiley and Son, Inc., 2004
Optical Electronics; by A. Yariv, 3rd Edition. Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, 1991.

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5404

Course Title Switching and Intelligent Network
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Optical Communication
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences
to be Acquired After completing this course the students are able to:
 Understand the concept of modern switching used in Integrated
Service Digital Network (ISDN).
 Gain Insight into principles of various digital switching, like
Packet switching and introduction to advances in switching.
 To be able to identify and understand the application, operation
and maintenance of these digital switching
Course Description/Course  Overview of Wireless and Mobile Communications
Contents Switching function, Space Division switching, Time
Division switching, Two-dimensional Switching, introduction to
advances in switching, introduction to the intelligent network, IN
architecture, benefits of IN.
 Introduction to Switching function
Background, basic principle of switching, circuit; Switching and
packet switching
 Space Division Switching
Multiple stage switching, blocking probabilities, folded four
wire switches
 Time Division Switching
Analog Time division switching, Digital Time Division
 Two-dimensional Switching
STS switching, TST switching and STN switching
 Introduction to advances in switching
Shared-Memory Fast Packet switches; Shared-Medium
Switches; Fast-Packet Switches;
Space-Division Fast Packet Switches.
 Introduction to Intelligent Network
Driving Forces behind the IN; Overview of IN
IN Architecture
Call Control; Various Service functions (Creation, Service
Control, Service; Data, Management, Resource, Switching
Benefits of IN Personal access, Calling party pays, PNS, MCS,
and PBX extend service. N11 access service, ADOB, Command

Pre-requisites Communication Systems

Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and class exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Fundamental of Telecommunication Network by Tarek
N.Saadawi and Mostafa H.Ammar; Wiley Series
SPC Digital Telephone Exchange by FJ Red mill and AR
Valder, IEE Telecommunication series, peter pergrines Ltd.
Telecommunication Networks by JE Flood, IEE
Telecommunication series 2nd. Edition.
Digital Telephony by J. Bellamy
The Intelligent Network: Customizing Telecommunication
Networks & Services by Uyless Black (Hardcover - Jan 15,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 20 Wireless and Telecommunication Networks

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  The module is intended to advance the general knowledge of current data
communication technology with emphasis on wireless and mobile

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand the major features of the today's most popular telecommunication

networks as well as the forthcoming ones.
 Have gained insight into how radio waves (Ground waves, Sky waves, Line
of Sight waves, etc.) propagate in to space.
 Understand digital communications over wireless mobile channels and their
associated performance.
 Understand the design of analog filters.

Total ECTS of the 12

Courses of the Module
Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4402 Telecommunication Networks 6
ECEg-5402 Wireless & Mobile Communication 6


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4402

Course Title Telecommunication Networks
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Wireless and Telecommunication networks
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To inspect and summarize the major features of the today's most
to be Acquired popular telecommunication networks as well as the forthcoming
 To get oneself familiar to the related standardization work
established by ITU (International Telecommunications Union),
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and
various other worldwide standardization bodies.
Course Description/Course  History and evolution of Telecommunication networks
Contents  Introduction to digital telecom transmission and applications;
overview of SDH, PDH, SONET and ATM
 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
 Local Area Radio Networks
 Local Loop Access
 Public Land Mobile Networks
 Introduction to GSM and CDMA
 Introduction to Digital Subscriber Line Technologies; DSL,
 Overview of packet-switched networks
Pre-requisites Communication Systems
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...15%
System Mid Exam………………..… 25%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
T. Aattalainen: ―Introduction to Telecommunications Network
Engineering‖, Artech House
Reference Books:
T. Saadawi: ―Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks‖,
John Wiley & Sons (1994)
M. P. Clark: ―Networks and Telecommunications‖, John Wiley &
Sons (1991)
A. Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja: ―Communication Networks:
Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures‖, 2nd edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2004

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5402

Course Title Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Wireless and Telecommunication Networks
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences After completing this course the students are able to:
to be Acquired  Understand basic principles of communications systems and their
associated performance into the world of wireless and mobile
 Know problems and counter-measure techniques in digital
communications over wireless mobile channels.
 Have basic background for an advanced study in wireless
Course Description/Course  Overview of Wireless and Mobile Communications
Contents  Wireless Communication Channels: Channel Models and
 Digital Modulation and Error Control
 Time Domain Equalization (Viterbi Algorithm and Decision
Feedback Equalization) and Spatial Domain Processing (Smart
 TDMA Cellular Systems and Engineering: Frequency Reuse,
Sectorization, Splitting and Blocking Probability
 TDMA Cellular Systems Engineering II: Channel Assignment
Techniques, Dynamic Channel Allocation, and Handoffs
 Spread Spectrum Technology [CDMA, FHSS, and RAKE
 CDMA Cellular Architectures: system architecture, power
control, and system capacity
 CDMA Cellular Architectures II: Mobility management, soft
handoffs, interference cancellation
 The GSM 2G system and its evolution to 2.5G: GSM system
 IS-95: CDMA based 2G system, system architecture and
3G/4G Systems Architecture and Technology; Mobile
IP/TCP, user and foreign agents; course review
Pre-requisites Communication Systems
Semester IX
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and class exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbooks:
Wireless and Personal Communications Systems, Vijay Garg and
Joseph Wilkes, Prentice Hall, 1996
Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures, Yi-Bing Lin and
Imrich Chlamtac, Wiley 2001.
The Mobile Communications Handbook SECOND
EDITION, Jerry Gibson [editor], CRC Press 1999.
Introduction to Wireless Systems, P. M. Shankar, Drexel Univ.,
Principles of Mobile Communications, SECOND EDITION,
Gordon L. Stuber, Kluwer Academic Publisher [KAP], 2001

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 21 Advanced Topics in Communication Engineering

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  To offer the students an opportunity for hands on experiences with
Advanced Digital Communication techniques used in modern mobile
communication systems.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduction to Advanced Digital Communication Systems

 Understand Modern aspects of digital communications
 Acquaint students with Spread spectrum modulation techniques
 Give a brief overview of Multi-carrier and Multi-channel
communication systems
Total ECTS of the 5

Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4407 Advanced Digital Communication 5


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4407

Course Title Advanced Digital Communication
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Advanced Topics in Communication Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences After completing this course the students are able to:
to be Acquired  Have an opportunity for hands on experiences with advanced
communication techniques used in modern mobile
communication systems.
Course Description/Course  Introduction to advanced communication systems
Contents  Modern aspects of digital communications
 Spread spectrum modulation techniques
 Multi-carrier and multi-channel communication systems

Pre-requisites Digital signal processing

Probability and random processes

Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and class exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Advanced Digital Communications: Systems and Signal
Processing by Kamilo Feher (Hardcover - 1997)
Electronic advanced communication, by Robert J.schoenbeck.
B.P.lath, advanced communication systems.
Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction by
Saeed V. Vaseghi (Kindle Edition - Jan 11, 2006) - Kindle
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 22 Power System

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  The course is designed to provide students with insight into fundamentals of
energy conversion, electrical power engineering, hydropower engineering
and practice of rural electrification.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand fundamentals of power systems, AC and DC transmission,

single-phase and three-phase transmission, complex power, structure of a
power system, introduction to power transformers, representation of power
system components, transmission line parameters, mechanical design of
transmission lines, characteristic and performance of power transmission
lines, disruptive critical voltage, corona, overhead line insulators,
underground cables, fault analysis.
 Be able to analyze power system transients, surge phenomenon, generation
of switching over-voltages on transmission lines, Power system stability,
Load flow studies, economic load dispatch, optimal operation of generators
on a bus-bar, HVDC transmission, principle of AC/DC conversion.
 Introduce technologies of conventional and non-conventional power plants,
renewable energy resources and technologies.
 Give an insight into planning and design of small scale and off-grid electrical
power systems.
 Introduce techniques and methods of planning and designing rural
 Gain insight into concepts of hydropower engineering.
 Provide knowledge of planning, design and development of hydro electric
power plants.

Total ECTS of the 31

Courses of the Module
Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4501 Electrical Installation 5
ECEg-4505 Power Systems I 5
ECEg-4507 Energy Conversion and Rural Electrification 6
ECEg-4506 Power Systems II 5
ECEg-4504 Hydropower Engineering 5
ECEg-4508 Power system Planning and Operation 5
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4501

Course Title Electrical Installation
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 3
Course Objectives & Competences To enable students to:
to be Acquired  understand the science and art of internal and external
illumination of buildings
 know installation standards and regulations for consumer
premises wiring design and construction
 acquainted with design and construction drawings
Course Description/Course  Introduction to Illumination
Contents Lighting terminologies and laws, artificial light sources,
types of lighting, illumination design.
 Electrical installation in consumer premises
Electrical regulations and standards, Electrical installation
materials, components and accessories, design of residential,
commercial and industrial consumer‘s installation, grounding
systems, lightning arresters, installation design and design
 Contracting electrical constructions
Electrical installation contracting Cost estimation, Contract
document preparation.
Pre-requisites Electrical Workshop Practice I
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by mini projects.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Electrical Installation Principles and Practices by J. Hyde
IEE regulations Ethiopian Building Code Standard, Electrical
Installation of Buildings EBCS-10
Electrical Installation Work by Brian Scaddan thiredition
Electrical Installation and Inspection, Charles M.Trout.
The art and science of illumination by Abdella

Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg-4505

Course Title Power systems I
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To review electrical energy generation from conventional and
to be Acquired non-conventional energy sources.
 To provide understanding of power transmission systems and
calculation of transmission line parameters.
 To analyze characteristics and performance of power transmission
Course Description/Course  Fundamentals of power systems
Contents AC and DC transmission, single-phase and three-phase
transmission, complex power, structure of a power system,
introduction to power transformers, CTs and PTs etc.
 Representation of power system components
Single-phase solution of balanced three-phase networks, one-
line diagram and impedance or reactance diagram, per unit
(PU) system.
 Transmission line parameters
Resistance of transmission lines, skin effect and proximity
effect; inductance of single-phase two-wire line, composite
conductor lines, three-phase line with unsymmetrical spacing,
double circuit three-phase lines and bundled conductors;
capacitance of a two-wire line, three-phase line with
equilateral and unsymmetrical spacing, effect of earth on
transmission line capacitance.
 Mechanical design of transmission lines
Sag and tension calculations, effect of wind and ice, stringing
chart, sag template.
 Characteristic and performance of power transmission lines
ABCD constants, representation of transmission lines, Short,
medium and long transmission lines, steady-state
performance – efficiency and regulation.
 Corona
Disruptive critical voltage, corona loss, line design based on
corona, advantages and disadvantages of corona.
 Overhead line insulators
Types of insulators, potential distribution over a string of
insulators, methods of equalizing potential.
 Underground cables
Types of cables, capacitance of single-core and three-core
cables, insulation resistance of a cable, power factor and
heating of cables.
Pre-requisites Introduction to Electrical Machines
Electrical Machines ( Co-requisite)

Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Text Book:
C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems, New Age International
Publishers, 2004.
Syed Nasar, Electrical Power Systems (Schaum‘s Outline Series),
McGraw-hill Publishing Company, 2004.
I. J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
Dr. George G. Karady, Dr. Keith E. Holbert, Electrical Energy
Conversion and Transport: An Interactive Computer-Based
Approach, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2005.
J. D. Glover and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and
Design, Brooks/Cole, Third Edition.
Allen J. Wood and B.F. Wollenberg, Power Generation,
Operation and Control, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1996
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4507

Course Title Energy Conversion and Rural Electrification
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To introduce technologies of conventional and non-conventional
to be Acquired power plants.
 To provide an overview of renewable energy resources and
 To give an insight into planning and design of small scale and
off-grid electrical power systems.
 To introduce techniques and methods of planning and designing
rural electrification.
Course Description/Course  Overview of thermodynamics,
Contents  Thermal power plants,
 Hydropower,
 Nuclear power plants,
 Solar energy,
 Biomass energy,
 Wind energy,
 Geothermal energy,
 Ocean and Wave energy,
 Rural electrification.
Pre-requisites Engineering Thermodynamics
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Text Book:
Culp: Principles of Energy Conversion
Keider: Solar Heating and Cooling
Fritz: Small and Mini Hydropower System

Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4506

Course Title Power Systems II
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To learn the analytical techniques of fault analysis and stability
to be Acquired analysis.
 To understand and analyze power system transients.
 To provide comprehensive coverage of load flow studies and
economic load dispatch.
 To learn and analyze HVDC transmission.
Course Description/Course  Fault analysis
Contents Symmetrical 3-phase faults, symmetrical components,
unsymmetrical faults.
 Power system transients
Surge phenomenon, propagation of surges (traveling waves),
reflection and refraction of waves, attenuation of traveling
waves, determination of system voltage produced by
traveling waves, generation of switching over-voltages on
transmission lines.
 Power system stability
Stability & stability limit, swing equation, power angle
equation, steady-state stability analysis, transient stability
analysis, numerical solution of swing equation.
 Load flow studies
Network model formulation, formation of Y bus matrix, load
flow problem, load flow solutions.
 Economic load dispatch
Optimal operation of generators on a bus-bar, representation
of transmission losses by B-coefficient, optimal load dispatch
including transmission losses.
 HVDC transmission
Principle of AC/DC conversion, reactive power demand,
economic considerations, applications of HVDC, advantages
and disadvantages of HVDC systems.
Pre-requisites Power Systems I
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment……………....…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Text Book:
William D.Stevenson,Jr: Elements of Power System Analysis
I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
J. D. Glover and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and
Design, Brooks/Cole, Third Edition.
C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems, New Age International
Publishers, 2004.
Allen J. Wood and B.F. Wollenberg, Power Generation,
Operation and Control, 2nd Edn, John Wiley, 1996.
Syed Nasar, Electrical Power Systems (Schaum‘s Outline Series),
McGraw-hill Publishing Company, 2004.
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4504

Course Title Hydropower Engineering
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To gain insight into concepts of hydropower engineering.
to be Acquired  To provide knowledge of planning, design and development of
hydro electric power plants.
 To learn the design of dams and spillways.
 To understand the operation of hydraulic turbines.
Course Description/Course  Classification of hydropower plants:
Contents Run-of-river plants, Base load plants, Reservoir plants, Peak
load plants, Pump storage plants
Valley dam plants, Diversion canal plants, High head
diversion plants.
 Planning and Development Process:
Hydropower development,
Efficiency of hydropower,
Socio-economic analysis,
Environmental analysis.
 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design Concept:.
Hydropower engineering concept, Hydrological study,
Electrical load study,
Heating and cooling.
 Dams:
Components and arrangement of structures, Classification,
Embankment dams, Gravity dams Arch dams, Buttress dam.
 Spillways:
Types of spillways, Gravity spillways, Siphon spillways
 Conduits, Intake, Power house and Accessories:
Components of a conduit system, Intake structures, Location
of power house, Classification of power house, Penstocks and
surge tanks.
 Hydraulic Turbines:
Introduction, Classification of water turbines, The Pleton
turbine, The Francis turbine, The Propeller and Kaplan
Pre-requisites Energy Conversion and Rural Electrification
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and project.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...15%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…55%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Text Books:
Hydropower Engineering, C.C. Warnick
Small scale hydropower,watt committee
Power Generation Technologies,Paul Breeze
Electrical Power
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4508

Course Title Power System Planning and Operation
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To understand load forecasting techniques.
to be Acquired  To learn and understand basics design concepts of generating
stations, switchyards, and transmission lines.
 To carry out cost analysis of generation systems.
 To understand operation of power systems.
 To calculate transmission losses for a power system.
 To learn and understand the concepts and terminology used in
interchange evaluation and
 Power pools issues.
 To carry out power system reliability analysis.
Course Description/Course  Load forecasting
Contents Classification and characteristics of loads, forecasting
methodology, energy forecasting, demand forecasting, peak
demand forecasting.
 Design and layout
Hydrology and site survey, general layout and civil work,
switchyard layout, Transmission system planning.
 Generation system cost analysis
Cost analysis, production analysis and costing, environmental
 Power system reliability analysis
Definition of power system reliability and quality, Reliability
assessment techniques, Reliability indices, interconnected
 Power system operation
Operation of hydropower generator, switchyard, protection &
communication system in power system. Characteristics of
generating units, transmission losses, interchange evaluation
and power pool.
Pre-requisites Power Systems I
Power Systems II (Co-requisite)
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Sullivan: Power System Planning
Wadhwa: Electrical Power Systems
William D. Stevenson, Jr.: Elements of Power System Analysis
Gupta: Electrical Power
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 23 Power System Protection

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  This module is designed to provide students about protection, control and
computer application in electrical power system.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand load forecasting techniques, basics design concepts of generating

stations, switchyards, and transmission lines.
 Learn and understand Carry out cost analysis of generation systems.
 Calculate transmission losses for a power system.
 Learn and understand the concepts and terminology used in interchange
evaluation and Power pools issues.
 Understand the operating principles and design considerations protective
devices and protection systems.
 Provide understanding of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
 Provide understanding and insight into on-line and real-time applications of
computers in voltage and excitation control, automatic generation control
(AGC) and economic dispatch control.
 Give insight into computer aided protection and application of DSP to
protection of power systems.

Total ECTS of the 10


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-5502 Power System Protection and Control 5
ECEg-5504 Computer Applications in Power Systems 5
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5502

Course Title Power System Protection & Control
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power System Protection
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To understand the principles and concepts of power system
to be Acquired protection and control.
 To understand the operating principles and design considerations
protective devices and protection systems.
 To understand and learn protection of transmission lines,
generators, motors and transformers.
 To understand and gain knowledge of automatic generation &
voltage control of interconnected power systems and economic
dispatch control.
Course Description/Course  Power system protection
Contents Protective zones, relaying elements and quantities, operating
principles of relays, relay types and characteristics, protection
of transmission lines, generators, motors and transformers.
 Circuit breakers
Arc and arc extinction, circuit breaker rating, circuit breaker
types, HVDC circuit breakers, testing of circuit breakers.
 Automatic generation and voltage control
Load frequency control and economic dispatch control,
single-area and two- area load frequency control, automatic
voltage control, load frequency control with generation rate
constraints, speed governor dead-band and its effect on
automatic generation control (AGC).
Pre-requisites Power Systems II
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Text Book:
Power System Control and Protection by B. Don Russell and
Marion E. Council (Hardcover - Jun 1978)
Prabha Kumar, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Practical Power System Protection
by: Leslie Hewitson Mark Brown Ramesh Balakrishnan
I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata
Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
O.I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction,
2nd Edn, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1982.
Allen J. Wood and B.F. Wollenberg, Power Generation,
Operation and Control, 2nd Edn, John Wiley, 1996.
J. D. Glover and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and
Design, Brooks/Cole, Third Edition.
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5504

Course Title Computer Applications in Power Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Power System Protection
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 4
Course Objectives & Competences  To provide understanding of Supervisory Control and Data
to be Acquired Acquisition (SCADA) system
 To provide understanding and insight into on-line and real-time
applications of computers s system voltage and excitation
control, automatic generation control (AGC) and economic
dispatch control
 To gain insight into computer aided protection and application of
DSP to protection of power systems
Course Description/Course  Introduction to energy control centers
Contents Various states of a power system; SCADA systems and
remote terminals units (RTUs).
 Active and reactive power control
Speed control of generators; tie line control, frequency
control, generation scheduling in an interconnected system,
automatic generation control, primary and secondary
control, economic dispatch, performance criteria under
transient and steady state conditions.
 Computer aided protection
Introduction, basic configuration, line, bus, generator and
transformer protection, numeric relays and application of
DSP to protection.

Pre-requisites Power Systems I

Power Systems II
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
A. K. Mahalanabis, D. P. Kothari and S. I. Ahson, Computer
Aided Power System Analysis and Control, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 1988.
Mohammad Shahidehpour, Yaoyu Wang, Communication
and Control in Electric Power Systems: Applications of Parallel
and Distributed Processing, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2003.
P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill
Inc., New York, 1995.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 24 Electrical Machines and Drives

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  This module is designed to give students fundamental knowledge and skill in
Electrical Machines and Drives, which are important areas of electrical
engineering education.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand the basic principles of electromechanical energy conversion

Learn and understand inrush currents, harmonics and conditions for parallel
operation and design aspects of transformers.
 Learn and understand D.C. armature winding & A.C. windings.
 Analyze and compare commercial instruments and.
 Develop basic skills of utilizing mathematical tools needed to analyze and
design classical linear dynamic control systems.
 Understand elements and characteristics, and operation principles of electric
 Understand the desired operating characteristics of various industrial driven
 Be able to select drive elements and develop drive system for common
industrial driven units
Total ECTS of the 10

Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4503 Electrical Machines 5
ECEg-4509 Power Electronics and Electric Drives 5
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4503

Course Title Electrical Machines
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electrical Machines and Drives
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To understand the basic principles of electromechanical energy
to be Acquired conversion devices.
 To learn and understand inrush currents, harmonics and
conditions for parallel operation and design aspects of
 To learn and understand D.C. armature winding & A.C. windings.
 To understand dynamic equations and control aspect of D.C
 To understand salient pole synchronous machine features,
reference frame transformation, d-q axis theory, power/load angle
relationship and carry out transient analysis.
 To understand the principle of operation and construction of
fractional horsepower motors.
Course Description/Course  Principle of electromechanical energy conversion
Contents Singly exited and doubly excited systems.
 Transformer
Inrush currents harmonics, parallel operation, design aspect,
special transformers.
 Induction machine
A.C windings, Winding factors, circle diagram, starting and
control aspect, design aspect.
 D.C machines
D.C winding, dynamic equations, control aspect.
 Synchronous machines
Reference frame transformation, salient-pole machine
analysis using direct-quadrature axis theory. Power/load
angle relationships for the salient pole machines, introduction
transients in synchronous machine. Parallel operation of
alternators, transient analysis.
 Fractional horsepower motors
Single-phase induction motor, shaded-pole motor, universal
motor, reluctance motor, and hysteresis motor.
Pre-requisites Introduction to Electrical Machines

Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Theory and performance of Electrical Machines, J.B.Gubta,
millennium ed.
J. Hindmarsh: Electrical Machines and their Applications
G. Mullisa: Introduction to Electrical Machines
Kosow: Electric Machinery and Control, Prentice-Hall
Siskind: Electrical Machines, McGraw-Hill
Chapman: Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, & S. D.Umans: Electric Machinery
M.G. Say: Alternating Current machines
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4509

Course Title Power Electronics and Electric Drives
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Electrical Machines and Drives
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To enable the students to be working with the latest advanced
to be Acquired power electronics technology and complex applications
 To design and test advanced electronic components
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents Basic elements of advanced electric drives, torque-speed
characteristics; control of electric drives.
 Dynamic behavior of advanced electric drives
Torques acting in a drive system, referring torque and
moment of inertia from one axis to other axis, energy losses
in transient conditions.
 Electric drives and Control
Electric drive system model and controller design for DC
motors, Feedback elements.
 Load rating selection
Heating and power rating, load diagram,
Characteristics of electric drives for modern applications

Pre-requisites Introduction to Electrical Machines

Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Power Electronics And Motor Drives: Advances and Trends by
Bimal K. Bose (Hardcover - Jul 28, 2006)

Electric Drive by Jacob Feinberg, Mir Publishers, 1978
Industrial Brushless servos by Peter Moreton, Newnes, 2000.
Vedam Subrahmanyam: Electric Drives Concepts and
applications by, McGraw-Hill 1996
Power Electronics Design : A Practitioner's Guide
by: Keith H. Sueker
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 25 Advanced Topics in Electric Power Systems

Rationale and Justification of the module

objective of the
module  To enable the students to be working with the latest advanced power
electronics technology and complex applications
 To design and test advanced electronic components

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduction to the basic elements of advanced electric drives, torque-speed

characteristics; control of electric drives.
 Learn the dynamic behavior of advanced electric drives torques acting in a
drive system, referring torque and moment of inertia from one axis to other
axis, energy losses in transient conditions.
 Analyze electric drives and control: electric drive system model and
controller design for DC motors, Feedback elements.
 Have a sufficient knowledge in Load rating selection: heating and power
rating, load diagram, Characteristics of electric drives for modern

Total ECTS of the 5


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4502 Advanced Power Electronics 5
Electrical Power

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4502

Course Title Advanced power electronics
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Advanced Topics in Electric Power Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To Analyze elements and characteristics, and operation principles
to be Acquired of advanced electric drives
 Understand the desired operating characteristics of various
modern industrial driven units
 To select advanced drive elements and develop systems for
advanced industrial driven units
 Advanced power converters to supply electric drives

Course Description/Course  Introduction

Contents Basic elements of advanced electric drives, torque-speed
characteristics; control of electric drives.
 Dynamic behavior of advanced electric drives
Torques acting in a drive system, referring torque and
moment of inertia from one axis to other axis, energy losses
in transient
 Modern electric drives and Control
Advanced electric drive system model and controller design
for any loads, Feedback elements.
 Load rating selection, Heating and motor power rating, load
diagram, Characteristics of electric drives for common

Pre-requisites Power electronics and Electrical drives

Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Power Electronics And Motor Drives: Advances and Trends by
Bimal K. Bose (Hardcover - Jul 28, 2006)
Advanced DC/DC Converters (Power Electronics and
Applications Series) by Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye (Hardcover -
Sep 29, 2003)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 26 Industrial process control

Rationale and
objective of the Justification of the module
This module is designed to give students fundamental knowledge and skill in
Control and Instrumentation for industrial control applications

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 To introduce the basic operational principles and limitations of electrical and

electronic instruments
 Analyze and compare commercial instruments.

Total ECTS of the 10


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4602 Process Control Fundamentals 5
ECEg-4604 Instrumentation Engineering 5
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4602

Course Title Process Control Fundamentals
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Industrial Process Control
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Understand the elements of an industrial robot, mechanisms,
to be Acquired sensors, actuators and end effectors.
 Program robotic manipulators
 Acquaintance with artificial intelligence applications in robotics
 Introduce industrial control circuits and applications of PLCs in
modern industrial control
Course Description/Course  Robotic Fundamentals
Contents Introduction, Robot kinematics; rigid body motion;
transformation of coordinates
 Mechanisms and Actuators
 Sensors and Detectors
Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Force torque; Touch and
Tactile Sensors; Proximity and Range Detectors, Machine
 Modeling and Control of Manipulators
Newton‘s equations; Euler Lagrange method; motion control;
manipulator control; trajectory generation; computer control
 Robot Applications and Programming
Pick and place; spot and arc welding; surface coating;
 Review of Industrial Control Devices and Electronics
 Basic Ladder Logic and Control
Programmable Logic Controllers and Applications
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar., Wiley, New York, 1989:
Robot Dynamics and Control
P.J. McKerrow, Addison-Wesley, 1991: Introduction to Robotics.
Sciavicco, L., and Siciliano, B., Springer-Verlag Advanced
Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series, London,
UK, 2000: Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, 2nd
Canudas de Wit, Siciliano and Bastin, Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 1996: Theory of Robot Control.
Asada, H. and Slotine, J.-J. E., J. Wiley and Sons, 1986: Robot
Analysis and Control.
Murray, R., Li, Z. and Sastry, S. CRC Press, 1994: A
mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation.
Robin R. Murphy: Introduction to AI Robotics.

Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4604

Course Title Instrumentation Engineering
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Industrial Process Control
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To introduce the basic operational principles and limitations of
to be Acquired electrical and electronic instruments
 To analyze and compare commercial instruments and design
similar systems under given constraints
Course Description/Course  General Principles
Contents Basic Concepts of Measurement; Performance Characteristics
– Static and Dynamic; Noise and Interference in
 Sensors and Applications
Passive Sensors: Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive; Active
Sensors and Applications; Discrete Output Sensors: Shaft
 Signal Conditioning and Conversion
Deflection Bridges, Amplifiers and Attenuators, Oscillators
and Filters
 Output Presentation
Indicators: Pointer-Scale, Alphanumeric, Graphical;
Recorders: Graphical, Magnetic, Semiconductor stability,
Nichols charts).
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Introduction to Communication Systems
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Robert B. Northrop: Introduction to Instrumentation and
Measurements, Second Edition, CRC; 2 edition (June 28, 2005)
J.P. Bentley, Principles of Measurement Systems, 4th edition
John G. Webster: The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors
Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook), TF-CRC
(December 29, 1998) Jacob Fraden: Handbook of Modern
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 27 Control Systems

Rationale and
objective of the Justification of the module
module  This module is designed to give students fundamental knowledge and skill in
Control systems and its industrial applications.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Learn and understand the basic principles of control systems

 Develop basic skills of utilizing mathematical tools needed to analyze and
design classical linear dynamic control systems.
 Get real-world experience in control systems problems, design, and
 Understand the desired operating characteristics of various industrial control
driven units
Total ECTS of the 12

Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-3602 Introduction to Control Engineering 7
ECEg-4601 Modern Control System 5
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -3602

Course Title Introduction to Control Engineering
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Control Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Students will add to their knowledge-base in the fundamentals
to be Acquired of electrical engineering modeling and design.
 Students will develop basic skills of utilizing mathematical
tools needed to analyze and design classical linear dynamic
control systems.
 Each student will get real-world experience in control systems
problems, design, and implementation
 Students will be acquainted with the programming language in
MATLAB as applied to Control Engineering
Course Description/Course Contents  Modeling and representation of Control Systems
Differential and difference equations of systems, Laplace
transform Z transform, and transfer function of control
systems and system elements, impulse response of linear
systems, block diagrams, signal flow graphs.
 Time domain analysis of Control Systems
Performance Characteristics of feedback control systems,
robustness, the characteristic equation and transient
response, effect of derivative and integral term in transient
response, steady state errors, discrete data control systems.
 Frequency domain analysis
Polar plot, bode plot, magnitude versus phase plot, relation
between plots, Stability of linear control systems (Routh-
Hurwitz Criterion, Nyquist Criterion, Stability of discrete
data control systems), Frequency response of feedback
control systems (Control specification in frequency
domain, Relative stability, Nichols chart).
 Root-locus
Constructing root locus, Root loci and frequency domain
plots, root contours, root loci and discrete data control
 Design of Controllers
Root locus method: Phase-lead compensation, phase-lag
compensation, lead-lag compensation. Frequency response
method: Phase-lead compensation, phase-lag
compensation, lead-lag compensation.
Pre-requisites Signal and Systems Analysis
Semester VI
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…....20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Richard C.Dorf, Modern Control Systems

Feedback Control system analysis and synthesis by John J. D‘
Azzo and Houpis,
Control System Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and Gopal
Modern Control Engineering by K. Ogata
Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4601

Course Title Modern Control Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Control Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Understand and develop State space representation of control
to be Acquired systems
 Analyze system models in state space model
 Design and synthesize controllers in state space
Course Description/Course Contents  Mathematical modeling of control systems Concepts of state,
state-space representation of systems, and transformation
from state-space representation to transfer function, Eigen
values and eigenvectors.
 State transformation and solution of state space equations
State transition matrix, state transition equation, the canonical
forms of state space representation, solution for states
equations represented in canonical forms.
 Stability, Controllability, Observability of control systems
Asymptotic stability, BIBO stability, State controllability,
output controllability, state observability.
 Control systems design in state space
Pole-placement design with state feedback Pole placement an
d controller design with state observer, Controller design using
MATLAB, Introduction to analogue computations.
 Introduction to non-linear and optimal control systems
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…….20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Modern Control Systems, Richard C. Dorf, 11th Edition
Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko OGATA, Fourth
Feedback Control system analysis and synthesis by John J. D‘
Azzo and Houpis
Matrix analysis by Bellman
Control System Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and Gopal
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5604

Course Title Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Robotics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Understand the elements of an industrial robot, mechanisms,
to be Acquired sensors, actuators and end effectors.
 Program robotic manipulators
 Acquaintance with artificial intelligence applications in robotics
 Introduce industrial control circuits and applications of PLCs in
modern industrial control
Course Description/Course  Robotic Fundamentals
Contents Introduction, Robot kinematics; rigid body motion;
transformation of coordinates
 Mechanisms and Actuators
 Sensors and Detectors
Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Force torque; Touch and
Tactile Sensors; Proximity and Range Detectors, Machine
 Modeling and Control of Manipulators
Newton‘s equations; Euler Lagrange method; motion control;
manipulator control; trajectory generation; computer control
 Robot Applications and Programming
Pick and place; spot and arc welding; surface coating;
 Review of Industrial Control Devices and Electronics
 Basic Ladder Logic and Control
Programmable Logic Controllers and Applications
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar., Wiley, New York, 1989:
Robot Dynamics and Control
P.J. McKerrow, Addison-Wesley, 1991: Introduction to Robotics.
Sciavicco, L., and Siciliano, B., Springer-Verlag Advanced
Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series, London,
UK, 2000: Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, 2nd
Canudas de Wit, Siciliano and Bastin, Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 1996: Theory of Robot Control.
Asada, H. and Slotine, J.-J. E., J. Wiley and Sons, 1986: Robot
Analysis and Control.
Murray, R., Li, Z. and Sastry, S. CRC Press, 1994: A
mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation.
Robin R. Murphy: Introduction to AI Robotics.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 28 Digital Control System

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the  Give advanced knowledge in control engineering.
Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand digital systems application on control engineering.

 Familiarize different types of digital control systems.

Total ECTS of the 5


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4608 Digital Control Systems 5
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4608

Course Title Digital Control Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Digital Control Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To understand, model and analyze digital control systems
to be Acquired  Understand computer implementation using digital control
systems, components as DAC, ADC, microcontrollers,
sensors, etc.
 To design digital control systems and implement for common
servo applications.

Course Description/Course  Linear discrete dynamic-system analysis, Design of digital

Contents control using transform techniques design of digital control
systems using state space methods, digital control system
applications and practices.
 Linear discrete dynamic-system analysis
 Review of Z-transform and discrete data systems, sample and
hold, discrete equivalents to continuous transfer functions,
effect of quantization in digital data.
 Design of digital control systems using transform techniques
 Control system specifications, design using emulation, z-
plane design using root locus, frequency response methods
with z-transform and w-transform, direct design method
 Ragazzini, PID controller.
 Design of Digital control using state space method
 Control-law design, estimator design, regulator design,
introducing reference input, controllability and observability.
 Application and practices of digital control
 Digital control system hardware, software and firmware
development, system integration (simulation and
implementation), Manufacturing digital control systems, case
design mini project.
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar., Wiley, New York, 1989:
Robot Dynamics and Control
P.J. McKerrow, Addison-Wesley, 1991: Introduction to Robotics.
Sciavicco, L., and Siciliano, B., Springer-Verlag Advanced
Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series, London,
UK, 2000: Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, 2nd
Canudas de Wit, Siciliano and Bastin, Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 1996: Theory of Robot Control.
Asada, H. and Slotine, J.-J. E., J. Wiley and Sons, 1986: Robot
Analysis and Control.
Murray, R., Li, Z. and Sastry, S. CRC Press, 1994: A
mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation.
Robin R. Murphy: Introduction to AI Robotics.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 29 Robotics

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  Give knowledge on Industrial Automation and Robotic in relation to their
importance in the field of Electrical Engineering.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand the design and control aspects of Robots.

 Introduce Robot Fundamentals, Programming and Applications.
 Understand Actuators, Sensors and Detectors.

Total ECTS of the 6


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-5602 Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation 6
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5602

Course Title Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Robotics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences to  Understand the elements of an industrial robot, mechanisms,
be Acquired sensors, actuators and end effectors.
 Program robotic manipulators
 Acquaintance with artificial intelligence applications in
 Introduce industrial control circuits and applications of PLCs
in modern industrial control
Course Description/Course Contents  Robotic Fundamentals
Introduction, Robot kinematics; rigid body motion;
transformation of coordinates
 Mechanisms and Actuators
 Sensors and Detectors
Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Force torque; Touch and
Tactile Sensors; Proximity and Range Detectors, Machine
 Modeling and Control of Manipulators
Newton‘s equations; Euler Lagrange method; motion
control; manipulator control; trajectory generation;
computer control
 Robot Applications and Programming
Pick and place; spot and arc welding; surface coating;
 Review of Industrial Control Devices and Electronics
 Basic Ladder Logic and Control
Programmable Logic Controllers and Applications
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar., Wiley, New York, 1989:
Robot Dynamics and Control
P.J. McKerrow, Addison-Wesley, 1991: Introduction to
Sciavicco, L., and Siciliano, B., Springer-Verlag Advanced
Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series,
London, UK, 2000: Modeling and Control of Robot
Manipulators, 2nd Ed.
Canudas de Wit, Siciliano and Bastin, Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 1996: Theory of Robot Control.
Asada, H. and Slotine, J.-J. E., J. Wiley and Sons, 1986: Robot
Analysis and Control.
Murray, R., Li, Z. and Sastry, S. CRC Press, 1994: A
mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation.
Robin R. Murphy: Introduction to AI Robotics.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 30 Advanced Topics in Control Systems

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  To open access applications for the new, deregulated power industry and
access architectures permit information to be shared among multiple

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Understand State variables and analytic techniques in control engineering

 Learn how to manipulate nonlinear control systems and their structural
 Learn how to implement Fuzzy logics in control decision making process
 Understand advanced automation processes in control systems

Total ECTS of the 5


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4606 Advanced Control Systems 5
Industrial Control

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg-4606

Course Title Advanced Control Systems
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Advanced Topics in Control Systems
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To open access applications for the new, deregulated power
to be Acquired industry and access architectures permit information to be
shared among multiple platforms.

Course Description/Course  State variables and analysis
Contents  Nonlinear control systems and structural analysis
 Fuzzy logics
 Automation processes and control systems
Pre-requisites Introduction to Control Engineering
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…....20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature References:
 Advanced control system design by Graham C.goodwin
 Advanced digital signal processing by Sanjit K. Mitra
 Automatic control systems ,S.N. Verma, 5th edition
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 31 Digital Electronics and Computer Architecture

Rationale and objective
of the module Justification of the module

 Introduce students with principles of Digital Systems and Computer

Architecture & Organization, which are foundations for understanding
advanced computer hardware structure.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Study property and realization of the various logic gates.

 To make the student able to design Combinational and Sequential circuits.
 Introduce the architecture and organization of a computer system and its
 Design and simulate a basic computer system.

Total ECTS of the 12


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-3701 Digital Logic Design 7
ECEg-3702 Computer Architecture & Organization 5
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number ECEg -3701
Course Title Digital Logic Design
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Digital Electronics and Computer Architecture.
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 7
Contact Hours (per week) 8
Course Objectives & Competences  To introduce students with principles of Digital Systems
to be Acquired  To study property and realization of the various logic gates
 To make the student able to design Combinational and Sequential
Course Description/Course  Introduction to Digital Systems
Contents  Basic and Derived Logic Gates;
 Discrete Logic Gates Realization;
 Multivibrators;
 Digital Integrated Circuits and Logic Families;
 Comparison of Common Logic Families;
 Introduction to Switching Algebra;
 Design of Logic Systems;
 Design of Combinational Logic Systems; Memory Elements;
Design of Sequential Logic Systems;
 Digital System Testing; Faults in Digital Circuits; Test
Generation for and Testable Combinational Circuits; Test
Generation and Testable Sequential Circuits; Built-in Self Test
Pre-requisites Applied Electronics II
Semester V
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and Laboratory Exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, Brown and
Vranesic, McGrawi-Hill Publ.
Floyd, Digital Electronics
Switching Theory and Automata, Kohavi
M. Morris Mano, Digital Design

Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg-3702

Course Title Computer Architecture and Organization
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Digital Electronics and Computer Architecture.
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To introduce the architecture and organization of a computer
to be Acquired system and its components
 To design and simulate a basic computer system
Course Description/Course Contents  General Introduction
Organization and architecture, computer evolution,
performance, models of a computer system
 The Central Processing Unit
Computer arithmetic, Instruction sets, Instruction format
and addressing modes, CPU Structure, RISC and CISC,
Pipelining, The Control Unit (Hardwired and
Microprogrammed Implementations)
 Memory Systems
Classification and hierarchy of Memory systems, Main
memory, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory, Other types
of memory, Memory Management
 Input Output Systems
Input Output devices, modes of transfer, I/O interface,
Techniques used for I/O Operations: Programmed,
Interrupt-driven, Direct Memory Access
 Advanced topics
 Introduction to parallel processing, Low level data structures,
Introduction to operating systems
Pre-requisites Digital Logic Design
Semester VI
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and class exercises
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…50%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
M.M.Mano: Computer System Architecture
William Stallings: Computer Organization and Architecture
David A Patterson: John L.Hennessy: Computer Architecture
Barry Wilkinson: Computer Architecture Design and
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 32 Basic Software Engineering

Rationale and objective Justification of the module
of the module
 Introduction to Software Engineering Principles, data structures database
systems with special emphasis on qualities, design, implementation and

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduction to Software Engineering, basic concepts, the software crisis,

software life cycle models.
 Provide profound knowledge of the various data structures together with
their implementation and associated operations.
 Introduce the concept of database systems and modeling techniques.
 Provide a profound ground for the analysis, design and implementation
of database and data structure systems.

Total ECTS of the 15


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-3704 Object Oriented Programming 5
ECEg-4705 Data Structures 5
ECEg-4707 Database Systems 5
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -3704

Course Title Object-Oriented Programming
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Basic Software Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To acquaint object oriented concepts and terminologies.
to be Acquired  To enable students to work with pure Object-Oriented
Programming Language.
 To provide a solid foundation for developing software using the
object-oriented paradigm.
Course Description/Course  Object-Oriented Fundamentals
Contents Objects and Classes, Attributes and Methods, Features of
 Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Data abstraction and Abstract Data Types, Inheritance, Class
hierarchy, Abstract class, Polymorphism, Operator
 More on Object-Oriented Programming
Events and Triggers, Data Streams, Introduction to Web
Programming, Web Pages and HTML, Applets
 Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Development
Object-Oriented Design Methodologies: Top Down
Approach, Decomposition,
Use Case; Object Relationship: Inheritance, Association,
Aggregation, Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and
 Introduction to Unified Modeling Language
Pre-requisites Fundamentals of Programming
Semester VI
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratory exercises, Assignments and Semester
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...30%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…40%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Java with Object-Oriented Programming, Paul S. Wang
Programming with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of
Object-Oriented Programming With C++ and Java, Avinash
C. Kak
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, C.
Thomas Wu

Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4705

Course Title Data Structures
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Basic Software Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To provide profound knowledge of the various data structures
to be Acquired together with their implementation and associated operations.
 To make the student able to use existing data structures and to
create new ones.
Course Description/Course  Overview of Data Structures
Contents Data Structures and Operations in Data Structures
 Arrays
Memory Allocation; Operations in Arrays
 Linked Lists
Memory Allocation; Operations in Linked Lists; Variation of
Linked Lists: Circular, Doubly-Linked
 Stacks and Queues
Stacks: Definition, Implementation, and Application;
Queues: Definition, Implementation, and Application
 Trees
Definition and Implementation; Type of Trees: Binary,
Binary Search, Heap, Application of Trees
 Graphs
Definition and Implementation; Application of Graphs
 Sorting and Searching
Sorting Algorithms; Searching Algorithms
Pre-requisites Object-Oriented Programming
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment….………......…...30%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…40%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (3rd Edition) by
Mark Allen Weiss (Hardcover - Mar 10, 2006)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (2nd Edition) by Robert
Lafore (Hardcover - Nov 16, 2002)
Practical Data Structures in C++
by: Bryan Flamig
Data Structures in C and C++, by Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J.
Augenstein, Aaron M. Tanenbau
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4707

Course Title Database Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Basic Software Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  Introduce the concept of database systems and modeling
to be Acquired techniques
 Provide a profound ground for the analysis, design and
implementation of database systems
 Discuss advanced database types and issues related to storage and
Course Description/Course  Fundamental concepts of a database systems
Contents Introduction, historical perspective, Components and
functionality of a database system, types of models, steps of
database design
 Conceptual level design
E/R model: Entities and relationships, attribute types, key
types, types of constraints, multiplicity and participation,
symbols, design guidelines
ODL model: Syntax, OO concepts, ODL diagram,
comparison with E/R
 Relational database design
Relations, dependencies, normal forms, normalization steps,
overall design process
 Relational algebra
Simple operations and symbols, complex operations,
introduction to relational calculus
 Structured query language (SQL)
Introduction, Constructs and their syntax, Subqueries, Views,
Embedded and Dynamic SQL
 Data storage and query evaluation
File structure, indexing and hashing, query evaluation
 Security and integration
Assertions, triggers, security and authorization, encryption
and authentication
 Introduction to distributed and parallel databases
Pre-requisites Fundamentals of programming
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, laboratory exercises and semester
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...40%
System Mid Exam………………..… 20%
Final Exam…………….….…40%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Elmasri, Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems
Silbershatz, Korth, Sudarshan: Database system concepts
Raghu Ramakrishna, Johannes Gehrke: Database management
H.C. Mollina, J.D. Ullman, J. Widom: Database system, the
complete book
Pervasive Software Inc., Database design guide
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 33 Microcomputers and Interfacing

Rationale and objective Justification of the module
of the module
 This module is designed to provide students with the basics of
microcomputers organization, instruction set and interfacing with peripheral
devices and as well as the design microprocessors.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

Familiarize the basics of microcomputers register level organization, instruction

set and peripheral devices interfacing, interface hardware to the personal
computers and design microprocessors.
 Be able to use mathematical methods and circuit analysis models in
analysis of CMOS digital electronics circuits, including logic
components and their interconnection.
 Be able to complete a significant VLSI design project having a set of
objective criteria and design constraints.

Total ECTS of the 10

Courses of the Module
Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4709 VLSI Design 5
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers & Interfacing 5

Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4709

Course Title VLSI Design
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Microcomputer & Interfacing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To acquaint the student with VLSI concepts
to be Acquired  To enable the student design , simulate and test ASICs
 To acquaint the student with hardware description language
Course Description/Course  Introduction to VLSI
Contents Digital systems and VLSI; Gate Arrays; Standard Cells;
Functional Blocks; CMOS Logic
 Programmable ASICs
ASIC Library Design ; Programmable ASIC Logic Cells;
Programmable ASIC I/O Cells; Programmable ASIC
Interconnect; Programmable ASIC Design Software
 Hardware Description Languages
VHDL; Verilog HDL; C Based Languages
 Simulation
Logic Simulation and Modeling; Fault Simulation
 Logic Synthesis
Timing Simulation and Verification; Placement and Routing;
Layout Extraction
 Tests
Design for Testability; Test Program Development; Prototype
 ASIC Construction
Floor planning And Placement; Interconnects and Routing
Pre-requisites Computer Architecture and Organization
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by assignments and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment……….…......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Vlsi Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits
(McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical Engineering) by: Randall L.
Geiger, Phillip E. Allen, Noel R. Strader,
Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design Perspective , Prentice
Hall, 2002 , Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje
Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison-Wesley, 1997,
M. John, S. Smith Modern VLSI Design – System-on-Chip
Design, Prentice Hall, 2002, Wayne Wolf
Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - A Systems Perspective,
Addison Wesley, 2001, Neil H. E.
HDL Chip Design : A Practical Guide for Designing,
Synthesizing & Simulating ASICS & FPGAS Using VHDL
or Verilog, Donne Publishing, 1996, J. Smith
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4701

Course Title Microcomputers and Interfacing
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Microcomputer & Interfacing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  To familiarize the basics of microcomputers register level
to be Acquired organization, instruction set and peripheral devices interfacing.
 To interface hardware to the personal computers and design
Course Description/Course  Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers
Contents  8086 Microcomputer Architecture
Register level organization; Memory organization; Bus
systems; Peripheral hardware organization
 Programming Microcomputers
8086 Instruction Set; Assembly language programming:
Stacks, Subroutines, Input/Output, Exception and Interrupt
 Interfacing Fundamentals
Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC); Programmable
Peripheral Interface (PPI); Universal Synchronous
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART);
Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)
 Interfacing Hardware to Personal Computers
Designing Microprocessors
Pre-requisites Computer Architecture and Organization
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment……….…......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Micro computer and Interfacing, M.C.Cavenor & J.F.Arnold
8080a Microcomputer Interfacing & Programming, Peter R.Rony
32/64-bit 80x86 Assembly Language Architecture James
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 34 Computer Networks

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  This module is designed to provide students with the basics of
Computer networking.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Provide basic computer communication.
 Give students the knowledge of computer networking.
Total ECTS of the 5

Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4703 Data Communication and Computer Networks 5
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4703

Course Title Data Communication and Computer Networks
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Computer Networks
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences to  Understand and quantify how antennas launch
be Acquired electromagnetic waves into the surrounding medium.
 Understand types of antennas and describe their radiation
 Have gained insight into how radio waves (Ground waves,
Sky waves, Line of Sight waves, etc.) propagate in to space.

Course Description/Course Contents  Model for data communication;

 protocols and architectures – OSI and TCP/IP;
 issues related to data transmission-encoding, multiplexing,
error and flow controls;
 Local Area networks - technology, components and topology;
 Internetworking – with TCP/IP, IP Addressing and Network
 Routing, Switching and WAN technologies

Pre-requisites Computer Architecture and Organization

Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…….……......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
William Stallings: Data & Computer Communications
Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks,
Fred Halsall: Data Communications, Computer Networks and
Open Systems
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 35 Computer Software

Rationale and
objective of the Justification of the module
 This module is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skill of
information technology, data management and software development.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Acquainted with the classical and Object oriented Software engineering

 Introduce with Data Structures and Operations.
 Provide a profound ground for the analysis, design and implementation of
database systems discuss and exemplify algorithm analysis methods.
 Provide guidelines for the design of efficient algorithms.
 Introduction Programming Language design issues.

Total ECTS of the 20


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4702 Algorithm Analysis & Design 5
ECEg-4704 Software Engineering 5
ECEg-4706 Programming Languages 5
ECEg-4708 Operating Systems 5
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4702

Course Title Algorithm Analysis and Design
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Computer Software
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences After completing this course students are able to:
to be Acquired  discuss and exemplify algorithm analysis methods
 provide guidelines for the design of efficient algorithms
 illustrate the use of specialized data structures in problem solving
 introduce the concept of parallel computation
Course Description/Course  Algorithm analysis basics
Contents The running time of a program, Big-Oh, Omega and Theta
notations, lower bounds, worst and average case analysis,
time and space tradeoffs
 Recurrences
Recurrences, Master Method
 Analysis of Sorting and Searching algorithms
Analysis of Simple Algorithms: sorting, searching; Analysis
of Advanced Algorithms: advanced trees, heaps, hash tables.
 Algorithm design techniques
Brute force, Divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming,
greedy algorithms, backtracking, branch and bound,
amortized analysis.
 Algorithms for fundamental graph problems
Depth-first search, connected components, topological sort,
and shortest paths.
 String processing algorithms
 Problem complexity and type
Complexity of problems, tractable and intractable problems
Introduction to parallel computation
Pre-requisites Object Oriented Programming
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest : Introduction to Algorithms
Robert Sedgwick, Algorithms in C/C++
Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman: The Design & Analysis of Computer

Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4704

Course Title Software Engineering
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Computer Software
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  The student will be acquainted with the classical and Object
to be Acquired oriented Software engineering paradigms.
 Enables them to work in large software projects and to work in
 Apply Object Oriented Software development techniques
Course Description/Course  Introduction to Software Engineering
Contents Basic concepts, the software crisis, software life cycle models
 Conventional methods for software Engineering
Analysis, design, implementation, module testing, integration
and system testing, maintenance etc..
 Object Oriented Software Engineering
Object oriented concepts and principles; Object Oriented
Analysis; Object Oriented Design
Object Oriented Implementation; Object Oriented Testing
 Software project planning and estimation
Software metrics, cost, time and resource estimation, team
organization, etc…
Pre-requisites Object Oriented Programming
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture, tutorial, Semester Project
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...30%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….40%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Software Engineering , A practioners‘s Approach-- Roger S.
Fundamentals of Software Engineering—Carlo Ghezzi; Mehdi
Jazayeri; Dino Mandrioli
Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering with UML

Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Number ECEg -4706
Course Title Programming Languages
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Computer Software
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences  The objective of this course is to provide students with a working
to be Acquired knowledge of the basic constructs of most computer
programming languages, and how these constructs are used to
support programming under various programming paradigms.
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents Definition of programming language, Role of programming
languages, Why study programming languages, Attributes of
good programming language
 Language Design Issues
Programming environment, Virtual Computers and Binding
Times, Language Paradigms
 Language Translation Issues
Programming Language syntax, Stages in Translation,
Formal Translation Models, Parsing Techniques
 Data Types
Properties of Types and Objects, Elementary Data Types,
Structured Data Types
 Abstraction I: Encapsulation
Abstract Data Types, Encapsulation by subprograms, Type
 Abstraction II: Inheritance
Generic Abstract Data Types, Inheritance, Polymorphism
 Sequence Control
Implicit and Explicit sequence Control, Sequencing with
Arithmetic Expression, Sequencing with Non-arithmetic
Expression, Sequence control between statements
 Subprogram Control
Subprogram Sequence control, Attributes of Data Control,
Parameter Transmission, Shared Data in subprograms
 Concurrency and Parallelism
Concept, Communication, Threads, Synchronization
Pre-requisites Object Oriented Programming
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Terrence W.Pratt and Marvin V.Zelkowitz: Programming
Languages: Design and Implementation
Michael Marcotty and H. F.Ledgard: Programming Language
Ravi Sethi: Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs
John C. Mitchel: Concepts in Programming Language
MIT Press: Essentials of Programming Language
Robert Harper: Programming Languages: Theory and Practice
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4708

Course Title Operating Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Computer Software
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 2
Course Objectives & Competences After completing this course the students are able to:
to be Acquired  understand basic principles and components of an Operating
 be familiar with the notion of processes,
 understand CPU scheduling, deadlock detection and avoidance,
 understand how memory management and file systems are
handled and implemented
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents Definition of programming language, Role of programming
languages, Why study programming languages, Attributes of
good programming language
 Language Design Issues
Programming environment, Virtual Computers and Binding
Times, Language Paradigms
 Language Translation Issues
Programming Language syntax, Stages in Translation,
Formal Translation Models, Parsing Techniques
 Data Types
Properties of Types and Objects, Elementary Data Types,
Structured Data Types
 Abstraction I: Encapsulation
Abstract Data Types, Encapsulation by subprograms, Type
 Abstraction II: Inheritance
Generic Abstract Data Types, Inheritance, Polymorphism
 Sequence Control
Implicit and Explicit sequence Control, Sequencing with
Arithmetic Expression, Sequencing with Non-arithmetic
Expression, Sequence control between statements
 Subprogram Control
Subprogram Sequence control, Attributes of Data Control,
Parameter Transmission, Shared Data in subprograms
 Concurrency and Parallelism
Concept, Communication, Threads, Synchronization
Pre-requisites Data Structures
Computer Architecture & Organization
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Crowley, Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented
Approach, Irwin, 1997
Silberschatz, A and Galvin, P: Operating System
Concepts, Wiley; 6th edition June 26, 2001.
Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin: Operating
System Concepts, 7th Edition, WileyPLUS 2005.
Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Modern Operating Systems,
Prentice Hall; 1 edition (February 4, 1992).
Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne:
Operating System Concepts, Sixth Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc, June 15, 2001.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 36 Embedded Systems

Rationale and objective Justification of the module
of the module
 This module is designed to provide students a working knowledge of
Embedded Systems.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduce the basic concept of embedded systems, hardware and

firmware designs
 Role of embedded systems
 Design and development processes of embedded systems

Total ECTS of the 5


Courses of the Module

Course Number Course Name ECTS
ECEg -5702 Embedded Systems 5
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5702

Course Title Embedded Systems
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Embedded System
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences The objective of this course is to impart students for a solid
to be Acquired understanding of
 role of embedded systems
 concepts, components both hardware and software of embedded
 Design and development processes of embedded systems.
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents Why Study Embedded System, Contrast between embedded
systems and other computer systems, role and purpose of
embedded systems
 Embedded Microcontrollers
Structure of a basic computer system, CPU families used in
microcontrollers, Basic I/O devices and technologies,
Interrupts and Memories
 Embedded Programs
Program translation process, representation of programs and
their execution flow, fundamentals of assembly language and
linking, mapping tasks in compilation
 Real-time Operating systems
Context switching mechanisms, scheduling policies, message
passing and shared memory communications, inter-process
 Low-power Computing
Sources of energy consumption, instruction-level strategies
for power management, memory system power consumption,
system-level power management
 Reliable System Design
Failures in hardware, sources of errors from software, design
verification and its role, fault-tolerant techniques
 Design Methodologies and Tools
Design Methodology, RTOS Tools, Logic analyzers,
Compilers and Programming environments, Software
management Tools
 Networked Embedded Systems
Why networked embedded systems, examples of networked
embedded systems
 Interfacing and Mixed-signal systems
D/A and A/D conversions, how to partition A/D processing in
Pre-requisites Microcomputers & Interfacing,
Operating Systems
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...15%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….55%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Arnold S. Berger: Embedded Systems Design
Stuart R. Ball: Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World
Michael Barr: Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++,
Qing Li, Caroline Yao: Real-Time Concepts for Embedded
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 37 Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  To create intelligent machines has intrigued humans since ancient
times and to inter a function from observations.
 To function approximations , regressions analysis
 To enable to create machines that can engage on behavior that
humans consider intelligent.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

To enable students acquire more elaborate knowledge on

 Introduction of Artificial Intelligence

 Machine learning
 Computer vision
 Survey of cognitive science
 Natural language processing
 Speech recognition and synthesis
 Topics in non-symbolic artificial intelligence.

Total ECTS of the 5


Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-4711 Artificial Intelligence 5
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4711

Course Title Artificial intelligence
Degree Program B.Sc in Electrical Engineering
Module Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences After completing this course the students are able to:
to be Acquired  Understand intelligent machines as intrigued humans since
ancient times and to inter a function from observations.
 know function approximations , regressions analysis
 Understand how to create machines that can engage on behavior
that humans consider intelligent.
Course Description/Course  Introduction
Contents  Machine learning
 Computer vision
 Survey of cognitive science
 Natural language processing
 Speech recognition and synthesis
 Topics in non-symbolic artificial intelligence.
Pre-requisites Modern control systems, data communication and computer networks

Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment (20%),
System Mid-semester Examination (30%),
Final examination (50%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Text book:
 Haugeland, John (1985) , Artificial intelligence
 Bar-Yam, Yeneer (2003), Dynamics of complex systems.
 Bhadeshia H.K.D.H (1992), Neural networks in material
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 38 Internship & Project

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  It is believed that students get introduced to methods of problem solving, team
work and presentation skill before the B.Sc. thesis.
 This module is intended to introduce students to practical aspects of
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering.
 In industry internship students must be attached with an industry for six
months in order to get real world experience in their field of study, which
compliments their education.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 Introduce/enhance practical skill in basic electrical/computer engineering.

 Develop skills in group working.
 Link theory to practice in the workplace doing real project.
 Participate in well-scoped and devised projects.
 Work with experienced engineers using new technologies and facilities.
 Develop a work discipline.
Total ECTS of the 34

Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-5801 Industry Internship 30
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4
Internship and project

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5801

Course Title Industry Internship
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Internship & Project
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 30
Contact Hours (per week) -
Course Objectives & Competences  Link theory to practice in the workplace doing real project.
to be Acquired  Participate in well-scoped and devised projects.
 Work with experienced engineers using new technologies and
 Develop a work discipline
Course Description/Course  The Students must be attached with an industry for at least for
Contents six months in order to get real world experience in their field of
study, which compliments their education.
o The student and the internship coach at the industry have to
submit a report on the attachment program, which is evaluated at
the departmental committee with pass or fail grade
Pre-requisites Successful completion of all semesters before the internship program
Semester IX
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods -
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Evaluation from respective company they worked, Report papers and
System Presentations
Attendance Requirements 95% work attendance
Literature none
Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -4802

Course Title Semester Project
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module Internship & Project
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per week) 5
Course Objectives & Competences The objective of this course is to enable students:
to be Acquired  carry out individual project works
 Strengthen the theoretical and practical coordination of their
Course Description/Course  Gain knowledge and understanding of in solving engineering
Contents problem
 Apply knowledge to solving practical problems
 Learn team work and presentation skill before the B.Sc. thesis.
Pre-requisites None
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Reports and Presentations
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Handouts and materials provided by the staff based on relevance to
each project
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Module Number 39 B.Sc. Thesis

Rationale and Justification of the module
objective of the
module  The B.Sc. Thesis is the final element of the B.Sc. study program. The main
goal of this course is to develop the individual creative and problem solving
ability of graduates. Students will receive an individual project specification
from various areas and work them out individually under the supervision of
faculty advisor or/and professional advisor from the industry. The candidate
use all the theoretical knowledge and practical skill he obtained during his/her
study to solve the engineering problem in a scientific way which includes
problem analysis, solution, verification, implementation, documentation, and
presentation. B.Sc. Thesis is defended in front of the official committee at the
end of the study.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 The course is designed to provide students with the capacity to solve

engineering problems using scientific methods.
 It helps to test student‘s ability and capacity in using his knowledge to solve
real world engineering problems.
 It is a medium and a means to strengthen the linkage with the industry and
solve the problem of the industry.
Total ECTS of the 12

Courses of the Module

Course Code Course Title ECTS
ECEg-5902 B.Sc. Thesis 12
B.Sc. Thesis

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology

Course Number ECEg -5902

Course Title B.Sc Thesis
Degree Program BSc in Electrical Engineering
Module B.Sc Thesis
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 12
Contact Hours (per week) 18
Course Objectives & Competences  Develop the individual creative and problem solving ability of
to be Acquired graduates.
 Solve engineering problem as a pre-requisite for graduation
 Apply the gained knowledge in an integrated way to solve
practical and industrial problems in a scientific way
 Learn team work and presentation skills.

Course Description/Course  Engineering and industrial problems in the area of power, control,
Contents communication, microelectronics and computer are solved
individually by the student.
 The report has to be defended and is evaluated inform of an
Official Departmental Committee

Pre-requisites Advanced Standing Status

Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods -
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Report and Presentation are evaluated by Departmental committee.
Attendance Requirements Depending on the Advisor Comment
Literature none

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