Chief Neonatologist
Fernandez Hospital
E-Mail [email protected]
Hyderguda, Hyderabad 500029 (India)
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Methods Failure of the support mode was the primary outcome. Treat-
ment failure was defined as the infant receiving maximum support
The study was approved by our institutional ethics committees (flow rate of >7 LPM in the HFNC group or CPAP pressure >7 cm
and was registered prospectively in the clinical trial registry of In- of H2O in the nCPAP group) and having 1 of the following: (a)
dia (CTRI/2015/08/006108). FiO2 >0.60, (b) pH <7.20 and PaCO2 > 60 mm Hg, (c) an increase
in SAS >2, (d) recurrent apnea (>4 episodes/h) or apnea requiring
Study Design bag and mask ventilation, or (e) shock with severe metabolic aci-
This was an open-label, multicenter, 2-arm parallel, stratified dosis (base excess >–10). Infants with treatment failure received
randomized controlled trial. nCPAP or mechanical ventilation in the HFNC group and me-
chanical ventilation in the nCPAP group.
Participants and Settings The secondary outcomes included the need for mechanical ven-
The study was conducted at the NICUs of 2 tertiary care hos- tilation in the first 72 h and in the first 7 days of life, the need for
pitals from 9th October 2015 to 26th November 2016. Preterm higher respiratory support or intubation for surfactant, the dura-
infants with a gestation ≥28 weeks and birth weight ≥1,000 g and tion of noninvasive ventilation (either nCPAP or HFNC), the dura-
respiratory distress within the first 6 h of birth were eligible for tion of ventilation, and the duration of oxygen therapy. The other
inclusion in the study. Respiratory distress was defined as the pres- outcomes included nasal injury at discharge (dilation of nares, col-
ence of tachypnea, chest retraction and grunting (either of the umella damage or altered shape of the nose, skin excoriation), neo-
two). Infants with major malformations and those intubated in the natal mortality, pulmonary air leaks, hemodynamically significant
delivery room were excluded. patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis (modified Bell’s
stage) [12], culture-positive sepsis, supplemental oxygen at 28 days
Interventions of life, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (supplemental oxygen at 36
Parents were approached for consent before the birth of their weeks postmenstrual age), intraventricular hemorrhage (grade III
baby or at admission to the NICU. Infants were randomized on or IV) [13], cystic periventricular leukomalacia [14], and retinopa-
admission to the NICU. The infants were cared for on a “T piece” thy of prematurity (requiring laser or surgery). Data were collected
with CPAP pressure set at 5 cm until randomization. For infants until death or discharge from the hospital. - 7/29/2019 12:12:02 AM
Excluded (n = 1,444)
• not meeting inclusion criteria (n = 1,146)
• intubation at birth (n = 89)
Enrolment • major malformation (n = 24)
• study device not available (n = 52)
• refused consent (n = 64)
• missed randomization (n = 69)
Randomized (n = 272)
Data are presented as the mean ± SD, median (IQR), or n (%). Analysis was made by
2-sample t test, Mann-Whitney U test, or Fisher exact test as applicable.
of 18.4% and 95% CI 9.7–27.1, p < 0.0001). The unad-
justed odds ratio of 4.2 (95% CI 2.0–8.6, p < 0.0001) and
the adjusted odds ratio (adjusted for SAS, gestational age
0.8 groups and study center) of 5.0 (95% CI 2.3–10.8, p <
Proportion on primary support
Data are presented as n (%) or median (IQR). Analysis was by Fisher mid-p exact test or Mann-Whitney U test as applicable.
a Difference
between 2 medians and 95% CI.
Data are presented as the mean ± SD or n (%). Analysis was by 2-sample t test or Fisher exact test as applicable.
(25.5%) in the HFNC group and in 38 of the 286 infants similar efficacy between the HFNC and nCPAP groups in
(13.3%) in the CPAP group (risk difference, 12.3 percent- their study.
age points, 95% CI 5.8–18.7, p < 0.001). Also, the risk dif- In a pilot trial comparing HFNC with NIPPV (nasal
ference of treatment failure was higher among infants intermittent positive pressure ventilation) for the prima-
with lower gestation (<32 weeks: 14.7%, 95% CI 4.8–24.7, ry treatment of RDS, HFNC was as effective as NIPPV in
vs. ≥32 weeks: 10.1%, 95% CI 2.2–18). However, the low- preventing endotracheal ventilation in premature infants
er limit of the confidence interval for treatment failure (gestation <35 weeks and birth weight >1,000 g) [5]. Sim-
was less than the non-inferiority margin chosen in that ilar to that trial, the need for higher respiratory support
trial (10%). Although both trials had similar methods, the or intubation for surfactant was similar in both the groups
noted differences were a higher age at randomization, use in our trial. In another trial that enrolled 85 preterm in-
of nCPAP prior to randomization, exclusion of infants fants (gestation 30–34 weeks) from August 2010 to Au-
requiring surfactant, lower median FiO2 at randomiza- gust 2013, on comparing HFNC with nCPAP as the pri-
tion (0.21–0.30), use of different devices for HFNC or mary treatment for respiratory distress, treatment failure
nCPAP, use of higher flows (maximum 8 LPM) and pres- (endotracheal intubation or mechanical ventilation) was
sures (maximum 8 cm), and a lower FiO2 criteria for seen in 16 out of 42 infants randomized to HFNC, and 9
treatment failures (FiO2 >0.40). out of 43 infants randomized to nCPAP (risk difference
In another trial that compared HFNC with nCPAP as 17.17 [−1.90 to 36.23], p = 0.099). This trial was not ad-
the primary respiratory support [16], among the 316 in- equately powered (power of 39%) to identify the risk dif-
fants enrolled the need for mechanical ventilation in the ference.
first 3 days of life (their primary outcome) was similar The proportion of infants with mortality, pneumotho-
between the 2 groups. Rescue nCPAP was not used for rax, and culture-positive sepsis remained the same be-
infants with treatment failure in the HFNC group. Com- tween the groups in our study and also in all other studies.
pared with our trial and that by Roberts et al. [15], enrol- As anticipated, nasal injury was reduced in the HFNC
ment of more mature infants (mean gestation of 33 group in our study and also in those by Roberts et al. [15]
weeks), infants with the less severe lung disease (median and Yoder et al. [17]. However, the severity of nasal in-
FiO2 at enrolment 0.23 to 0.25), and aggressive and excess jury in the nCPAP group in our study was lower than an-
use of surfactant in both groups may be the reasons for a ticipated. - 7/29/2019 12:12:02 AM
When comparing HFNC to nCPAP as a primary non- The authors have no financial relationship relevant to this ar-
invasive respiratory support in preterm infants with re- ticle or conflicts of interests to disclose
spiratory distress, HFNC is inferior to nCPAP in avoiding
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