SAS Growth Mindset SY 20 21 Yr2and3
SAS Growth Mindset SY 20 21 Yr2and3
SAS Growth Mindset SY 20 21 Yr2and3
— DO —
Duration: 20 mins
Before we start, let’s start with a bit of daydreaming. No matter what our circumstances are at this very moment, we
know that things could be very different if just a few things were a bit different in our lives.
Think of something you’ve done in the past week that really challenged you to think hard.
What was it? / What were they?
In the past week, what mistake did you do— big or small —that still irritates you
up to now?
On a scale of 1 to 100, where 100 is the highest, how would you rate yourself right now?
Just in general. Shade your answer below:
10 50 100
This might be a bit more challenging to think and write about, so take time to really think about your answer:
Duration: 15 mins
“A growth mindset is simply the belief that our basic abilities can be developed and
improved through dedication and hard work. It's not so much that this belief is some kind
of magic. It's just that without a growth mindset, we don't exert the required effort and
so we remain perpetually stuck.”
Is this easier said than done? In a way, yes. It takes practice, dedication, determination—but the actual steps are
“easy” enough as long as you make sure you keep doing them. Actually, the Growth Mindset is also based on
Science. Here’s how it works.
Brain Brain
Think of these two brain cells as Cell 1 Cell 2 living in the same village (your
brain). Now, the first time they see each other, they may smile at each
other, but that’s it. Since they’re strangers, they won’t really do anything more. But that smile will give them a
positive feeling, a spark maybe.
Now, let’s say the two brain cells see each other again. They
might feel more comfortable since they already saw each
other before. This time, they might realize that they’re
Brain Brain actually neighbors, and so they might say hello now, ask
Cell 1 Cell 2 how the other is doing.
Every time we repeat that new action or that new way of thinking, our brain cells will recognize that this was
something you already did before. And so they will connect more easily, communicate a bit more. Every time they
connect the signals they send each other get coated with a substance called MYELIN. This protects the connections
made between brain cells. Each time they communicate, the
myelin coating thickens, strengthening the bond, therefore
making communication between those two cells even
easier, quicker.
Brain Brain
Cell 1 Cell 2
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
Subject: Student Success Program
Student Activity Sheet
Can you imagine if a bond between cells becomes more permanent? That action or thought becomes a more
permanent part of you—and so this change will become something that lasts.
Think of a child who first learns how to crawl. The child then learns how to take a few steps while holding on to a
chair or a wall. And then the child will learn how to walk, run, dance, hop, swim...and so on. This is the natural
progression of growth. And this is what happens to us when we have the Growth Mindset.
Let’s go back to the questions you answered in the beginning of this module. See if you can look at your answers to
them a bit differently.
In the past week, what mistake did you do—big or small—that still irritates you up to now?
Yes, we do tend to obsess over our mistakes. Sometimes we beat ourselves up because we can’t get over it. But
guess what? Mistakes are essential to learning. Every child falls and trips before they become expert walkers.
(Besides, we still trip when we DO become expert walkers.)
And so now, let’s go back to the different reasons you’re feeling especially challenged right now. Some of us might
be in circumstances we don’t have any control over, but we can control what we do in those circumstances, to a
certain extent. *
Look back at what you wrote and try to finish these statements.
*If, for any reason, you are unable to find the control and peace of mind you need no matter how hard you try, don’t
worry, there’s nothing wrong with you. You just might need help from an expert. If you’re feeling at a loss, depressed,
confused to a degree that already consumes you, please reach out to your teacher as soon as possible. Help is available.
Help is always available.
Duration: 10 mins
Read the statements below. Identify which of the statements in the left column you identify with the most. Which of
those statements do you often say to yourself? Then, look at the column that shows you what you can say instead.
In a short essay/letter to yourself or a quick drawing in the next page, show how you plan to work on having a
Growth Mindset, starting with what you CAN SAY to yourself INSTEAD of what you used to say to yourself.