Baso 201

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l kekft d fu; a
=k. k v kS
j i fj or Z
(Bachelor of Arts (BA-12/16/17)
Second Year Examination, 2019

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks : 80

Note: This paper is of eighty (80) marks containing three

(03) sections A, B and C. Learners are required to
attempt the questions contained in these sections
according to the detailed instructions given therein.

V% ; g i z
uks ' u i =k v Ll h ( 80) v a d ksadk gSt ksrhu ( 3) [ k.Mksad] [ k]
x es afoHkkft r gS ] f' k{kkfFkZ
; ks
adk bu [ k.Mksaes afn, x, foLrr̀
' kksdsv uq
Z l kj gh i z' uks
adsmÙkj ns usgSA

SECTION A / [ k. M d

Long Answer Type Questions ( nh?kZmÙkj ks

aoky si z
' u)

Note: Section ‘A’ contains four (4) long answer type

questions of Nineteen (19) marks each. Learners are
required to answer two (2) questions only

V% [ k.M ^d* es
uks apkj ( 4) nh?kZmÙkjh; i z
' u fn, x; sgSi z R;s
d iz 'u
ds fy, mUuhl ( 19) v a d fu/ kZfjr gS] f' k{kkfFkZ
; ks
adks buesal s
ds oy nks( 2) i z
' uks
adsmÙkj ns

S-/602/BASO-201 1 P.T.O.
1. How do demographic factors produce social change?
Explain with example.
t uka
fddh; dkjd fdl i z d kj l kekft d i fjorZ
u dkst Ue ns
r sgS
mnkgj.k l fgr l e>kb, A

2. Discuss the role of cultural factors in social change.

l kekft d i fjorZ
u esal ka
Ldf̀r d dkjdks
adh Hkw
fedk dh foos
dhft , A

3. Define modernization and differentiate between

Modernization and westernization.
v k/ qfudhdj.k dks i fjHkkf"kr dhft , rFkk v k/ q
fudhdj. k , oa
i f' pehdj.k dseè; v Urj Li "V dhft , A

4. What do you understand by urbanization? Discuss

the major characteristics of urban societies.
uxjhdj.k l s v ki D; k l e>rs gS \ uxjh; l ekt dh i z
fo' ks
"krkv ks
adh O
; k[ ; k dhft , A

SECTION B / [ k. M [ k
Short Answer Type Questions ( y ?kqmÙkj h; i z
' u)
Note: Section ‘B’ contains eight (8) Short answer type
questions of eight (8) marks each. Learners are
required to answer four (4) questions only .
V% [ k.M ^[ k* es
uks av kB ( 8) y?kqmÙkjh; i z' u fn, x; sgSi zR;s
d iz'u
dsfy, v kB ( 8) va d fu/ kZ
fjr gS
] f' k{kkfFkZ
; ks
al sds
pkj ( 4) i z' uks
adsmÙkj ns

S-/602/BASO-201 2 P.T.O.
1. Explain the meaning of social change.
l kekft d i fjorZ
u dsv FkZdksLi "V dhft , A

2. Differentiate between social and cultural change.

l kekft d rFkk l ka
Ldf̀r d i fjorZ
u esav Urj crkb, A

3. What are the effects of technology on family life

| ks
fxdh dsdkj.k i kfjokfjd t hou es
aD; k i z
Hkko i M+
k gS

4. How do economic factors effect social change?

v kfFkZ
d dkjd fdl i z
d kj l kekft d i fjorZ
u dksi z
Hkkfor djrsgS

5. What do you understand by cultural lag?

l ka
Ldf̀rd foyEcuk l sv ki D; k l e>rsgS

6. What do you understand by linear pattern of social

l kekft d i fjorZ
u dsjs
[ kh; fl ¼kUr l sv ki D; k l e>rsgS

7. Describe the different stages of evolution of society.

l ekt dsmn~
fodkl dsfofHkUu Lrjksadk mYys
[ k dhft , A

8. What do you understand by urbanization?

uxjokn l sv ki D; k l e>rsgS

S-/602/BASO-201 3 P.T.O.
SECTION C / [ k. M x

Objective Type Questions / oLr q

fu"B i z
Note: Section ‘C’ contains ten (10) Objective type questions
of one (1) marks each. All the questions of this
section are compulsory.
V% [ k.M ^x* es
uks anl ( 10) oLrqfu"B i z
' u fn, x; sgS
Ai z
d i z'u ds
fy, , d ( 1) vad fu/ kZ
fjr gS] bl [ k.M dsl Hkh i z
' u v fuok; Z

1. Which of the following factor is of population

(a) Increase in birth rate and decrease in death
(b) Child marriage
(c) Poverty
(d) All of above
fuEufyf[ kr esal sdkS
u l k dkjd t ul a
[ ; k of̀¼ dk gS
(v) t Uenj c<+
uk o eR̀;q
nj ?kVuk
( c) cky fookg
(l ) fu/ Z
( n) mi ; q
Dr l Hkh

S-/602/BASO-201 4 P.T.O.
2. Who has propounded the theory ‘Cultural lag’
(a) Ogburn
(b) Linton
(c) Herskovits
(d) Lavier
l ka
Ldf̀rd foyEcuk dk fl ¼kUr fdl usi z
r fd; k \
(v) v kxcuZ
( c) fy.Vu
(l ) g"kZdks
( n) ys
fo; j
3. Who is the author of the book ‘Social hange.’
^l ks
' ky ps
Ut * uked i q
Lrd dsys
[ kd dkS
u gS
4. Ogburn has divided culture into how many parts.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
v kW
xcuZusl a
Ldf̀r dksfdrusHkkxks
afoHkkft r fd; k gS
(v) nks
( c) rhu
(l ) pkj
( n) i k¡p
S-/602/BASO-201 5 P.T.O.
5. Who is the propounder of the theory of evolution?
(a) Herbert Spencer
(b) Coser
(c) Spengler
(d) Pareto
fuEu es
al smn~
fodfl r fl ¼kUr dsi z
d dkS
u gS
(v) gjcVZLi s
Ul j
( c) dks
(l ) Li s
( n) i js

6. Who is the author of the book the ‘Social order?

^fn ' kks
l y v kMZ
j* i q
Lrd dsys
[ kd dkS
u gS
7. Who is the author of the book ‘Social change in
modern India’?
^l ks
' ky ps
Ut bu ekbZ
u bf.M; k* i q
Lrd dsys
[ kd dkS
u gS

8. Who gave the concept of Sanskritization?

(a) Yogendra Singh
(b) M.N. Srinivas
(c) W. Moore
(d) K. Davis

S-/602/BASO-201 6 P.T.O.
Ldf̀r dj.k dh v o/ kj.kk fdl usfodfl r dh gS
(v) ; ks
Unzfl a
( c) , e- , l - Jhfuokl
(l ) MCY; -wew
( n) ds- Ms
9. Which of the following is related to technology?
(a) Machines
(b) Innovations
(c) Construction of buildings
(d) All the above
fdr esal sdkS
| ks
fxdh l sl EcfU/ r gS
(v) e' khua
( c) uokpkj
(l ) edku dk fuekZ
( n) ; g l Hkh
10. According to Malthus population growth is
geometrical. (True/False)
ekYFkl dsv uq
l kj t ul a
[ ; k of̀¼ js
[ kkxf.krh; v uq
i kr es
r h gS
( l R;@
v l R;)


S-/602/BASO-201 7 P.T.O.

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