Lecture22 Congestion Control

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Computer Networks:
Architecture and Protocols

Lecture 22
More TCP Conges1on Control

Rachit Agarwal
Recap: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
• Reliable, in-order delivery
• Ensures byte stream (eventually) arrives intact
• In the presence of corruption, delays, reordering, loss

• Connection oriented
• Explicit set-up and tear-down of TCP session

• Full duplex stream of byte service

• Sends and receives stream of bytes

• Flow control
• Ensures the sender does not overwhelm the receiver

• Congestion control
• Dynamic adaptation to network path’s capacity
Recap: Basic Components of TCP
• Segments, Sequence numbers, ACKs
• TCP uses byte sequence numbers to identify payloads
• ACKs referred to sequence numbers
• Window sizes expressed in terms of # of bytes

• Retransmissions
• Can’t be correct without retransmitting lost/corrupted data
• TCP retransmits based on timeouts and duplicate ACKs
• Timeouts based on estimate of RTT

• Flow Control

• Congestion Control
Recap: Loss with Cumulative ACKs
• Sender sends packets with 100B and seqnos
• 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900

• Assume 5th packet (seqno 500) is lost, but no others

• Stream of ACKs will be

• 200, 300, 400, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500

• Duplicate ACKs are a sign of an isolated loss

• The lack of ACK progress means 500 hasn’t been delivered
• Stream of ACKs means some packets are being delivered

• Therefore, could trigger resend upon receiving k duplicate ACKs

• Large k -> fewer retransmissions, more latency, lower rate (why?)
• Small k -> more retransmissions, lower latency
Recap: Setting the Timeout Value (RTO)

1 1


Timeout too long -> inefficient Timeout too short -> duplicate packets
Recap: Flow Control (Sliding Window)
• Advertised Window: W
• Can send W bytes beyond the next expected byte

• Receiver uses W to prevent sender from overflowing buffer

• Limits number of bytes sender can have in flight

Recap: TCP congestion control: high-level idea
• End hosts adjust sending rate

• Based on implicit feedback from the network

• Implicit: router drops packets because its buffer overflows, not
because it’s trying to send message
• Hosts probe network to test level of congestion
• Speed up when no congestion (i.e., no packet drops)
• Slow down when when congestion (i.e., packet drops)

• How to do this efficiently?

• Extend TCP’s existing window-based protocol…
• Adapt the window size based in response to congestion
Recap: Not All Losses the Same
• Duplicate ACKs: isolated loss
• Still getting ACKs

• Timeout: possible disaster

• Not enough duplicate ACKs
• Must have suffered several losses
Recap: Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD)
• Additive increase
• On success of last window of data, increase by one MSS
• If W packets in a row have been ACKed, increase W by one
• i.e., +1/W per ACK

• Multiplicative decrease
• On loss of packets by DupACKs, divide congestion window by half
• Special case: when timeout, reduce congestion window to one MSS
Recap: AIMD
• When CWND is measured in MSS
• Note: after a full window, CWND increase by 1 MSS
• Thus, CWND increases by 1 MSS per RTT

• 3rd DupACK: CWND -> CWND/2

• Special case of timeout: CWND -> 1 MSS

Recap: AIMD Starts Too Slowly
Window Need to start with a small CWND to avoid overloading the network

It could take a long time to get

Recap: “Slow Start” Phase
• Start with a small congestion window
• Initially, CWND is 1 MSS
• So, initial sending rate is MSS/RTT

• That could be pretty wasteful

• Might be much less than the actual bandwidth
• Linear increase takes a long time to accelerate

• Slow-start phase (actually “fast start”)

• Sender starts at a slow rate (hence the name)
• … but increases exponentially until first loss
Recap: Slow Start and the TCP Sawtooth (no timeouts)

Exponential “slow start” t

Loss Detected by Timeout
• Sender starts a timer that runs for RTO seconds

• Restart timer whenever ACK for new data arrives

• If timer expires
• Set SSHTHRESH <- CWND/2 (“Slow Start Threshold”)
• Set CWND <- 1 (MSS)
• Retransmit first lost packet
• Execute Slow Start until CWND > SSTHRESH
• After which switch to Additive Increase
TCP Time Diagram (with timeouts)

Fast Retransmission Timeout SSThresh

Set to here

Slow start in operation until it

reached half of previous CWND, t
i.e., SSThresh
Summary of Increase
• “Slow start”: increase CWND by 1 (MSS) for each ACK
• A factor of 2 per RTT

• Leave slow-start regime when either:

• Packet drop detected by dupacks

• Enter AIMD regime

• Increase by 1 (MSS) for each window’s worth of ACKed data
Summary of Decrease
• Cut CWND half on loss detected by dupacks
• Fast retransmit to avoid overreacting

• Cut CWND all the way to 1 (MSS) on timeout

• Set ssthresh to CWND/2

• Never drop CWND below 1 (MSS)

• Our correctness condition: always try to make progress
TCP Congestion Control Details
• State at sender
• CWND (initialized to a small constant)
• ssthresh (initialized to a large constant)
• dupACKcount
• Timer, as before

• Events at sender
• ACK (new data)
• dupACK (duplicate ACK for old data)
• Timeout

• What about receiver? Just send ACKs upon arrival

• Assuming RWND > CWND
Event: ACK (new data)
• If in slow start
CWND packets per RTT
• CWND += 1 Hence after one RTT with
no drops:
Event: ACK (new data)
• If CWND <= ssthresh
Slow Start Phase
• CWND += 1
• Else
• CWND = CWND + 1/CWND Congestion Avoidance Phase
(additive increase)

CWND packets per RTT

Hence after one RTT with
no drops:
Event: Timeout
• On Timeout
• ssthresh <- CWND/2
• CWND <- 1
Event: dupACK
• dupACKcount++

• If dupACKcount = 3 /* fast retransmit */

• ssthresh <- CWND/2
• CWND <- CWND/2

Remains in congestion
avoidance after fast
Time Diagram

Fast Retransmission Timeout SSThresh

Set to here

Slow start in operation until it

reached half of previous CWND, t
i.e., SSThresh

Slow-start restart: Go back to CWND of 1 MSS, but take

advantage of knowing the previous value of CWND.
TCP Flavors
• TCP Tahoe
• CWND = 1 on triple dupACK

• TCP Reno
• CWND = 1 on timeout Our default assumption
• CWND = CWND/2 on triple dupACK

• TCP-newReno
• TCP-Reno + improved fast recovery

• Incorporates selective acknowledgements
Any Questions?
TCP and fairness guarantees
Consider A Simple Model
• Flows ask for an amount of bandwidth ri
• In reality, this request is implicit (the amount they send)

• The link gives them an amount ai

• Again, this is implicit (by how much is forwarded)
• ai <= ri

• There is some total capacity C

• Sum ai <= C
• When all flows want the same rate, fair is easy
• Fair share = C/N
• C = capacity of link
• N = number of flows

• Note:
• This is fair share per link. This is not a global fair share

• When not all flows have the same demand?

• What happens here?
Example 1
• Requests: ri Allocations: ai

• C = 20
• Requests: r1 = 6, r2 = 5, r3 = 4

• Solution
• a1 = 6, a2 = 5, a3 = 4

• When bandwidth is plentiful, everyone gets their request

• This is the easy case

Example 2
• Requests: ri Allocations: ai

• C = 12
• Requests: r1 = 6, r2 = 5, r3 = 4

• One solution
• a1 = 4, a2 = 4, a3 = 4
• Everyone gets the same

• Why not proportional to their demands?

• ai = (12/15) ri

• Asking for more gets you more!

• Not incentive compatible (i.e., cheating works!)
• You can’t have that and invite innovation!
Example 3
• Requests: ri Allocations: ai

• C = 14
• Requests: r1 = 6, r2 = 5, r3 = 4

• a3 = 4 (can’t give more than a flow wants)

• Remaining bandwidth is 10, with demands 6 and 5

• From previous example, if both want more than their share, they
both get half
• a1 = a2 = 5
Max-Min Fairness
• Given a set of bandwidth demands ri and total bandwidth C, max-min
bandwidth allocations are ai = min (f,ri)
• Where f is the unique value such that Sum(ai) = C or set f to be
infinite if no such value exists

• This is what round-robin service gives

• If all packets are MTU

• Property:
• If you don't get full demand, no one gets more than you
Computing Max-Min Fairness
• Assume demands are in increasing order…

• If C/N <= r1, then ai = C/N for all i

• Else, a1 = r1, set C = C - a1 and N = N-1

• Repeat

• Intuition: all flows requesting less than fair share get their request.
Remaining flows divide equally
• Assume link speed C is 10Mbps

• Have three flows:

• Flow 1 is sending at a rate 8 Mbps
• Flow 2 is sending at a rate 6 Mbps
• Flow 3 is sending at a rate 2 Mbps

• How much bandwidth should each get?

• According to max-min fairness?

• Work this out, talk to your neighbors

• Requests: ri Allocations: ai

• Requests: r1 = 8, r2 = 6, r3 = 2

• C = 10, N = 3, C/N = 3.33

• Can serve all for r3
• Remove r3 from the accounting: C = C - r3 = 8, N = 2

• C/2 = 4
• Can’t service all for r1 or r2
• So hold them to the remaining fair share: f = 4

f = 4:
8 10
4 min(8, 4) = 4
6 4 min(6, 4) = 4
2 min(2, 4) = 2
Max-Min Fairness
• Max-min fairness the natural per-link fairness

• Only one that is

• Symmetric
• Incentive compatible (asking for more doesn’t help)
Reality of Congestion Control

600 Mbps
2 Gbps

1 Gbps

Conges1on control is a resource alloca1on problem involving

many flows, many links and complicated global dynamics
Classical result:
In a stable state
(no dynamics; all flows are infinitely long; no failures; etc.)
TCP guarantees max-min fairness
Any Questions?
The Many Failings of TCP Congestion Control
1. Fills up queues (large queueing delays)
2. Every segment not ACKed is a loss (non-congestion related losses)
3. Produces irregular saw-tooth behavior
4. Biased against long RTTs (unfair)
5. Not designed for short flows
6. Easy to cheat
(1) TCP Fills Up Queues
• TCP only slows down when queues fill up
• High queueing delays

• Means that it is not optimized for latency

• What is it optimized for then?
• Answer: Fairness (discussion in next few slides)

• And many packets are dropped when buffer fills

• Alternative 1: Use small buffers

• Is this a good idea?
• Answer: No, bursty traffic will lead to reduced utilization

• Alternative: Random Early Drop (RED)

• Drop packets on purpose before queue is full
• A very clever idea
Random Early Drop (or Detection)
• Measure average queue size A with exponential weighting
• Average: Allows for short bursts of packets without over-reacting

• Drop probability is a function of A

• No drops if A is very small
• Low drop rate for moderate A’s
• Drop everything if A is too big

• Drop probability applied to incoming packets

• Intuition: link is fully utilized well before buffer is full

Advantages of RED
• Keeps queues smaller, while allowing bursts
• Just using small buffers in routers can’t do the latter

• Reduces synchronization between flows

• Not all flows are dropping packets at once
• Increases/decreases are more gentle

• Problem
• Turns out that RED does not guarantee fairness
(2) Non-Congestion-Related Losses?
• For instance, RED drops packets intentionally
• TCP would think the network is congested

• Can use Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)

• Bit in IP packet header (actually two)

• TCP receiver returns this bit in ACK

• When RED router would drop, it sets bit instead

• Congestion semantics of bit exactly like that of drop

• Advantages
• Doesn’t confuse corruption with congestion
(3) Sawtooth Behavior Uneven

• TCP throughput is “choppy"

• Repeated swings between W/2 to W

• Some apps would prefer sending at a steady rate

• E.g., streaming apps

• A solution: “Equation-based congestion control”

• Ditch TCP’s increase/decrease rules and just follow the equation:
• [Matthew Mathis, 1997] TCP Throughput = MSS/RTT sqrt(3/2p)
• Where p is drop rate
• Measure drop percentage p and set rate accordingly

• Following the TCP equation ensures we’re TCP friendly

• I.e., use no more than TCP does in similar setting
Any Questions?
(4) Bias Against Long RTTs
• Flows get throughput inversely proportional to RTT
• TCP unfair in the face of heterogeneous RTTs!
• [Matthew Mathis, 1997] TCP Throughput = MSS/RTT sqrt(3/2p)
• Where p is drop rate

• Flows with long RTT will achieve lower throughput

100 ms
A1 B1

Bottleneck Link
A2 B2
200 ms
Possible Solutions
• Make additive constant proportional to RTT

• But people don’t really care about this…

(5) How Short Flows Fare?
• Internet traffic:
• Elephant and mice flows
• Elephant flows carry most bytes (>95%), but are very few (<5%)
• Mice flows carry very few bytes, but most flows are mice
• 50% of flows have < 1500B to send (1 MTU);
• 80% of flows have < 100KB to send

• Problem with TCP?

• Mice flows do not have enough packets for duplicate ACKs!!
• Drop ~=~ Timeout (unnecessary high latency)
• These are precisely the flows for which latency matters!!!

• Another problem:
• Starting with small window size leads to high latency
Possible Solutions?
• Larger initial window?
• Google proposed moving from ~4KB to ~15KB
• Covers ~90% of HTTP Web
• Decreases delay by 5%

• Many recent research papers on the timeout problem

• Require network support
(6) Cheating
• TCP was designed assuming a cooperative world

• No attempt was made to prevent cheating

• Many ways to cheat, will present three

Cheating #1: ACK-splitting (receiver)

• TCP Rule: grow window by one MSS

Data 1
for each valid ACK received :1461

• Send M (distinct) ACKs for one MSS RTT ACK 4
C K 9 73
• Growth factor proportional to M 461
A C K 1

Data 1
Data 2
Data 4
Data 5
Cheating #2: Increasing CWND Faster (source)

• TCP Rule: increase window by one MSS for each valid ACK received

• Increase window by M per ACK

• Growth factor proportional to M

Cheating #3: Open Many Connections (source/receiver)

A x B

• Assume
• A start 10 connections to B
• D starts 1 connection to E
• Each connection gets about the same throughput

• Then A gets 10 times more throughput than D

• Either sender or receiver can independently cheat!

• Why hasn’t Internet suffered congestion collapse yet?

• Individuals don’t hack TCP (not worth it)
• Companies need to avoid TCP wars

• How can we prevent cheating

• Verify TCP implementations
• Controlling end points is hopeless

• Nobody cares, really

Any Questions?
How Do You Solve These Problems?
• Bias against long RTTs

• Slow to ramp up (for short-flows)

• Cheating

• Need for uniformity

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