1940 Doreal Mans Higher Self

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The passage discusses man's higher self, his subtle bodies, and how they influence his life. It also talks about the author's studies in India, Tibet, and the Eastern mysteries.

The author discusses man's higher nature, including his spiritual, astral, and mental natures, and how they manifest through the physical body.

The author says that every philosophy, religion, and knowledge about man's higher nature originated in the East, including Christianity. However, the West may be where spiritual knowledge reaches its highest point of manifestation.

M A N "S l-t I G H E R S E L F


I N F L U E N C .E; H I S L I F E

8 y


N U i'Ji B £, R .... 2 0 ~

35 t

Lj -r-rL _E -r_E1\\?- L-E

L J B r<;-\;<Y
M A N'S H I G H t R S EL F


Sedalia Colorado.

I am going to t-alk to you on your
Hi gher Self' , the subtle bodies of man and
ho w they may influence your life. · There
never v1as a truer sayin g t han t ho t, "Man
is f ea rfully and wonderful ly made.I! That .
applied not only to the phys ic s.l body of
man but to his high er n a tur e, his spir-
it uai , a stral and mental natur es , as
well as the_ physica l body j_n w1,:i ch those
higher na tures manifest.
I studied for mai1y, many years in
the far East; I stud i ed in I ndia and
rribe t and in ·cne · Eastern my citerj_ e s, t he
h 6me of mys t ery; I believe I advrinced
farth er thin any teac he r that is now
t each in g i n the West ern world. We may
be l i eve that t he r e i~ n o real spiritual
knowledge and ~isdom i n the Ea s t, yet,
t"h.e fact re mains t hat ev ery ph ilosopl :1y,
ever y religion , ev 9r ythin g wh i ch we -kn6w
about t he hi gher n a tu re o f man or i gin :::t-
ted l n th e Eas t. 'l'his includes the Chr is-
tia n religion, which is an Eastern ph il-
oso phy , an ·Eastern re li gion, The V{est
has deve lop ed no mys tj_cis:qi, no philosophy
.or no religion ·whi ch (t.ocs not h.ave its

roots of origin in the far ·Ea st. rhe
East is t1,e h ome of spiritual 8tuci .y but
th e ~e st may be t ~e place where it will
bo b rou ,E~ht to · 1t~ v ef.y .-highest point of
manifestation •

. I .a~ gi vin g th is littl e prelude to

my ma in talk b eca m:ie th ere , are c e rtE :::.
poin~s t ha t have n ot b een un de r s tood oy
the Western student. It is an absolute
fact that kno wl edge e.nd wisdom and the
spiritual po wers ·are moving from the
Ea~t to the West. For thousands upon
tho .usands of yea1 s th e East has been t he

honie and cent er of all the mystery schools

of t he ,world. The gr ea t philosopher• s of
Rome ftnd . Gr e ece journ eyed · to th e Ea flt to
g ain th~ir knciwledge bu t th e time is ~o~
at .h~nd. when th e Eas .t, as a mass; ·will
turn ·.to ,mat·eriali ,stic philo s oph y-, and
th 9 re is, · an d wi ll come, the c1.aw;·,.in g ·or
a n ew Spiritual Age. h (;)r e . in Ame r i c a . · .
I wa nt to give y ou an un~orstanding
of some of'.. the hidden factors in your
inn0r n a tur 0 ·that ar c se ldom spoken of,
or written of~ in b6oks, some ~ in g s,
that ·have on ly be en g iven by word of
mouth · from Guru to Che l a , fro r:1 Mai:1te r · to
pupil• . 1?hen we loolc B.t man, when we c x-
arnin G h im with . our mate rial senses we
see · t hat he j_s a. phy sical. an im a l or ga n-
.is m, that he is compos cdof c ertain chem-
.ical elements susp 0ndcd in a solution of
water. I f t h at were al l t he r e were to
ma~ it 1.'V
on ld be very e asy to t.mdeJ'.stand
wan. But t h is docs n ot s h ow us why man
functi ons as he .do e s.. · m 1y ig man a
thinking creature? 1
./'lhy i s man above,

and beyond, all of tho oth er cre ations
of ·t he Divine, h er e in our materi-al
world? What power, what . qualiti e s, wha t
. attribut e s do e s man hav e t ha t 1·ai 11c s him
pr e -emin ont abo ve t he bo a s t~ th e fi e ld?
Wh en S olomon, in Eccleskstes., Sc1id,
0 kno
1r,11'1. we th tbe s p irit of man which as-
c ended unto the; s ta rs and th e spirit of
t he anj_mal bo dy \'1.r°h..ich descencleth into
tho . e arth", he was · g iving the pr imary
t ea chin g conc ernin~ tho dual n a tur e of
man, that ~1 il e all l if e u pon tho face
of tho earth, other t h en rn~nk in d , is of
the e art h , oa rthy, t ha t man alone o f a ll
cr e a ti onp has what we - call so ul-con-
scio usnes s or spirit. I do n ot ~ c an t he
vit al forc G of l ife W'''.ich is in al l liv.:..
in g t h in g s when I use th e t c1"m ·s pirit,
but th e ~go , the soif.
Thus, wo say that man h as a d ual na-
ture; t ha t is,a high er natu1 "0 an d lo wer
n a tur· c . A grea t majority of perso ns in
t ho world are e ntj;rely submerged in their
lo wer natur e ; they arc subject to, and
boun d by , t hoi r emotional nature.
In . many of th e p,_1ilosophi e s o f the
East _vve ar-o tau ght that man ha s· a munbor
of act u al bodies, th a t he h a s f ir s t , the
gros s physical body, tha t he h as .an emo-
t ional b ody , t ha t he has an astral body,
2 men t ~ l body , an et her ic body, and a
s pi ri tua l body , - act ua l b odie s dwelling
.. within the ou t er env e lope or sh ea t h of
t he materia l fl e sh. A ·deep e r unders tand-
i ng of . the ~ast ern wisd om gi ves us n
c onside r ab l y diff er ent interpretati on of

- 5-
-:;hat t ea chi n g . We un de I·Rt and t 1--,at, ac-
tu a ll y , man _in the final ana l ys is, _ has
on :1.y two bodies; a bo dy phyfdcal and a
body s p iritual.

vre kn ov, that ·man ha13 a body spirit-

ual becau c18 J esus , ti me after time, I'e-
f e rr ed to the body spiritua l a.nd we are
even to ld in the anc i ent wisdom t e ach-
in g s t ·:,a t wh en 111_anfirst was incarnated
on ·-ti-, e e ar t1, ly plane t• 1 a t he was not in
the 0arth ly or physical body, t ha t man's
first incarnation was in t h e body spir -
itual but t ha t he lost that body and fell
into the a n i mal r e alm and t h at -t h rough
t he pr ocess of spiritual ev o lution he
may again regain that bo d y spiritua l.

The b odies th a t are referr e d tq as

the emotional body, the et her ic body,
the astral body or psyc h ic bod y are not
bodieR iri. actuality. It is t rue that man
has a -physica l b o dy 1:1.n d £, sp iritu a l body
a nd he has a n inter med i a te frame work
wh ich is someti mes refer1"ed to as the
a str a l nat ure or body. Howe v er , the so -
call ed astr&l bod y is mere ly a n e twork
of fine ch anne l s and or g ans that s u pp l e-
ment the phys ic al body a n d for m the con-
necting li nk be t ween th e spiritual body
and ph ysic al·bo cl.y and ac t as a supple -
ment a ry bod y, throu gh wh ich the D ivjne
p owers, the Divine principles and Divine
laws mny manifest to us.

When V!e say t :bs t man has no emo -

t:Lonal b ody , no re al menta l bod y , we are
not stat -J.nis t na t t ho8e fac ultie s ar those
manifestations may n ot a pparently e xi s t,

The seeker f or the deeper wi s d om l e arns
that t h os e are ~a t he r qu a l i t ies or a t-
tri butes of one or t h e ot he r of th e t wo
gr eat bod i e s of man, the body m2 ter1 ~l,
or the b ody sp iri t ua l, to war d s whic h we
a r e a sc e ndin g .
Pe ople w~o h a v e t h e Th ir d Eye pa r-
t ia l ly ope n ed , h av e s ai d t ha t t h e y h av e
s ee n th e emot i on a l body of man, an d t ha t
u nd e r th e stre ss of a nge r, th a t it may
fl ar e wi t b r ed b r 1lliance, that und er
t h e in fl ue n ce of d e sir e for we al t h or
mon e y that it · may glo w wit h gol de n or
ye l l ow co lor. The y h av e sa id t hr t if a
p e r s on is of a n intens e , or h i gh , me n tR l
t y peJ t ha t t he ir emoti onal b ody glo ws with
gr ee n c olor an d t ha t it · is on ly t h e v ery
hi ghe s t s piritu a l p e rso n whos e e motions
glow with a v ery h igh pur.ple color of
Di vin e lo ve as op posed to t he p i n k of
hu mo.n l ov e. It mEy be t h n t c or t ctin por-
Bon s ha v e a ct ua ll y s e en t h os e · man if e st a -
t i ons ta kin g pl n oe wit h i n man, b ut th a t
i s not . in a n · emotion a l bo dy . It is
r a t h <.:
; r t h e j_nf ln enc 0 of ment a l conc e p-
t i on of so me e motio n a l s t a t e u pon th e
uu r a Qn d u pmn t he ~n s r g i e s, a n d fo r c e s
wbi ch flo w t 1,.,~:>o u gh th e sub tl e bod y , th e
a st rn l bod y of man.
Tha t as t ra l bo dy n ev e r l e ::w o s t he
ph y s ica l b od y . I t is 2 s much e.n inh or-
ent pa r t of·th e ph ys i c nl b od y a s th e
bo n e , n e r v e &, a rt er i es 2nd mu :, c l c s ·· Emel
a l l th o or g an s of t h e bo dy . Wi t hou t
t hose s ub ~l e ch an n e l s , wit hout th o se
h i gh er b od i e s man c ou ld. not e x i s t a s man.
Man doe s no t kn ow h i ms e l f . The anc i ent

- 7-
sc..y in g of the East, 11
Man, kl10 1:V thy se lf
a nd thou lmo wes t all , is a most true
saying , but h ow mo.ny of us co.n truly sny
we kn ow ours e lves? We know, pe rheps,
that ·we hnve n skel eto n, muscles, a heart
and stomnch and perh~ps ;:iome of us know
we have a b r ai n. Now re ol l y , ho w do you
.. kno v1 you hr .ve a brain? Can you f ee l it,
se e it, tas te it? It mi ght be true th nt
everybody el s e has a brain but maybe you
nr.e fu..."lctiontn g without one. Aft er nll,
we can only know the t h in gs which we
ourselves expe rience.
There we.~ on e ex per iment performe ·d
hund reds of yenr:s 2.go by whi ch one could
:ie e th ~ir own b rn i n. That was to t ake a
··can dle rind stnnd in [l dnrk ro om nnd gnz e
nt some dar k obj e ct or wall nn d hold the
- g~nd le . :n b ou t this position in front of
,t he_ f nce a nd fix. the gnz e over the Cl !;'r Ue
.~ not ·on the wnl l, not on the dnrk AUr-
. f nee, bu.t nb out h c.lf vmy bet ween, nbout
ten feet o.,wr.y , f~nd then slo wly move the
o3nd le bc..ck and forth, g~zing over · it
t::.11 th e ti me; nnd OS you Will see, Cl
little .gr nyi sh mass hns formed bet ween
y ou ~· ,nd the .vmll; Ctnd then suddenly you
will see nn outl ine of the brc. in upp ea r,
.'.:'.nd1::s y:iu grtze " nnp. slowly move the
C9.ndle bnck n.nd forth , it wi ll become
clearer £?.nd c l e2.rer t.nd you c£.m see th e
red b lood veRse ls through ou t the convo-
l utions of the bruin . You will get n
magnified im£'.ge of the brni n. When yo u
do tha t you can r\l l kno w ·thf'. t 71ou h c.ve
a t least · a pnrt of · c brnin. You can nl-
wn~ s Ray , ni kn ow I h vve e brnin because
I hn ve s e en i;t . 11 Howeve r, t hr .t hn:J lit-
tle · or noth ing t o do wit h our hi gher
self. I t is mer e ly the use of the lnw
of opt;lcl!I to see n small area of the
brain mr>gn ified.

I n t h e Book · of t he Gospel uccording

to ·John, i n 'the first ch~pter we find
this: th n t John sa y s, 11 In the be g inning
wris the Word and · the · Word W8.s Crl,d nnd
the Wo~d was with God. · The snme was in
the beginning with ~d c.n d:w ithout the
Wo!'d ·wus nothin g 1'!2U de t"_Q. o.t ·.wns made o.nd
the Word ·c nme as Et light . in the _dnrkness
r:nd t he d nrkness -0omprehen ct,ed . -it nQt. 1'
If we replr'.ce. the word · 1 Word• · which · in
t h e Gree k wt.i.s Lo gos, with its true tr r.ns-
l o.tio ·n, wh ich is ' r eo.spn 1 ~ we begin to
find one of t h e ·qun.lities - ri.nd n.,ttributes
hich mr:ke mnn dominc.nt ov er [:11 other
crehtions, becc.u· s e -, t he povver of renscm
th nt in.'.'1
.n h0-s is t _he pow e r , which raises
him . pre-eminent . a bove a ll other cree.-
-tions, _because .no : other creat~on in the
world hns th :it pow-er of re-ason. That is
the lig h t in the darkness, the lnw or
pri n ciple t h.rou gh wl1ich the Divine spirit
· cr en ted, sh a ped or form ed, ftll . things
th n t exi s t. Ther e fore, · if we understnnd
t hnt God is p God . of reason, . we under-
s t 1,n d t h r..t God ifl c. God of law, r.nd being
a God of lo. w:, he is manif e sting nll
phases i n t h e mnt e r i8 l univer s e in ac~ -
card [;nce with t hn t l nw., c.nd t h 8.t it . there-
f o r·e f o lJ.o ws t he .:t man i n .::: 11 of h is mo.n.-
ife st n t i ons follo ws definite principles,
. defini te l [;.W, c.nd · definite rea s on; ['.nd
t h~refore, i f we apply our po we ~ of ren-
s~n >nnd st udy man ~ s he is ,we Qnn begin

to learn man 1 s tr ue natu:r. e ;. we can .begin ·
to knov1 ours el v cs .
· . · ReJer:r:i .n,::, a gain to , man · and h .i .s re-
l ·a.t;:onship to· h-is· Hi ~her Self and~ ho w it
ma.y· influen ce his Jife: ,. When w-e under-
~tand . ·tha t ~ver ything 'N.hich takes place
ip -_.o'lzy-ph,ysicnl b ody . and in · oui• physical ,
life ·i's not the result. ·or our material
_O:t">P};lysic ·a). act-iqns . 'alone, .,but m.ayfol-
·to;wr _-spm.e tr~nd . or some direction · from
ou.;r Hi gher .s·e1r.,
0 we . can begin to under-
s.tan d why it -•is ·-that sometimes we have
i,mpu:ises ., intt1 .'1'tive ·di-rec 'tj .ons to ace.om.:.
pii,sh or: . do cert _ain ~hing ·s · • .

. In the Ea .st, in the Tioetan Secret

Doctrine ·, we are taught t h is: ·. That man
1-tves from da _y to . day under tl)e la w of
cause- ~and. ef feet; that . tas ye . so w· s·o also
shal 'l ye r,eap• is universal law, apply-
ing to everyone o~ us~ . every moment in
d \3:r ··life. In the Tibetan- Secret Doctrine
we are gi ven.this instruction: that when
we ·perform cert-a.in ·: - act~ in our · ' daily
life .;. carry · them · through the ·a.a:y, allow
them· 'to become :·· deeply implanted in our
mind and then dwell · on them· intens~ly
dn.ring the day :.- and es pecia lly · in . the
·e.v·en1ng ...j .u~t - befor:e v1e fall asleep# that
tho'.se : e:xpe·ri e nces, tbe · ho lding of them
-in 6ur mind and; consciousness influences
the manner in.whic h / we contac~ our High-
~r Self ¢luring the · sleep . state .•
Every ttme we fall asleep we die.
When we fall asleep our low e r or physical
n t1tu 1°e is brou ght., :j_nto a state of n on-
act1vi ty ., excepting for the process wh ich

carries on life .• Our cons .ciousness .ceases
to ~anif e st in t h e mat i r ia l wor l d~and>in
place o f t hr. t > • ouI• High. e r Self begins to
function i mmediat e ly u pon 'our falling
That is true
of ev er yon e -of us but
ther e is a d.iff .eren ce . in in d ividuals.
So.me are .able to bring b~fok into t he ir
material .con;S·Ciousncs .s the memories of .
the exper :tenees that t lie y ha v _e ha·d -dur-:
ing the sleep state, b e cause ·wh-en . the
physical body fallos into' a state of sleep
our .ego, our persona_l i t y., 0ur c onsc i ous-.
ness., actr, .ally and literal l y ascends · from
the ma-teri a :.t plarie into a Higher state of
consciousn e ss where . it communicat e s wi th
its Di. v ine or ' Spiritual
. . . .. '
nature. .
. .

-· · J/Ian has more · th~ n on e min d : He has

~ ~onscious mind~ · . ~ subconsc~ous ~ind,
a pd a sup e rconsciou.s or · soul mind. _Or .di-
narily, . he functions j,n the conscious
mind, but in the 3leep state man func-
tions only t h rough t he subconscious 01 ..
sup erconsci9us. · The subconscious min d
d ire ct s and carries on tho bodily ac tiv-
ities necessary to life, but the eg o or
pers on.ali t ;r.,' whic h is distinct f1 ..om tho
mind " of ma n~ ris o s into th0 High ur f',pir-
i tu a l plane . and there holds .communion
wi th its Div in e s e l f . .

'the anct ents · sajd that uGQd is

a sp _ir i t 11 ; and also s a i d t hat ·11man in his
hi gher natur e i s .a God 11 1 we must realize
that we h a v e a s p i r i t u a l or God n a ture
?Iithin our · body _, becau2 c J o sus sa id , 11 I -s
it not v!ri tt on y o arc Gods a nd if it i s

written om the Word comG's then the
to 1.1( -i_
Scriptures s h all not be ·broken. 11 What
i~ that word? It is th e gain ing of mas~
t ory and corttrol of our eg o, or s elf,
sle e ping wa k ing.
or That is the first
conqu es t of death, the conquest . of the
littl e d ea th,. which is sleep •
.Jesus once
said, that the last
enemy.tlia t _ shall 'r.>o conquer od . shall be
cl.C:~.thw. _ He also said . to his disciples,
anv h e re s-Sall not taste cf death ·un.til
th uf ·seo me.. Cbmin g ~gain _in my kingdoi.'!L~"
BD1. yet, our churches tell us that his
kin gdom will coma ~vhen ho come s age.in at
the rosurr 8c.tion~ .·. ts not the ·· -conquest
.of' death t h o conqu0st of ou1' loss of con-
sciousn e ss in slce-p, . :thfm tlN _conquest
of the ltrns of consciousn e ss in the
/¥..eater sleep, which is death?
·~1hcn I ·spe~k of the e go , pcr~onality
or Sel·f, you wil-;L have p.cit cd that · I spoke
of it as somet h ing separate and apart
from t .hc . minds of man. In the ancient
wisdom we are· tar1.ght t ha t all t h ings have
co .nsciousness, that t here ·ar e t hree kirids
pf consciousness and e ach of thQ8e three
kin ds pf consciousness have t h r ee minor
d ivLsions~ t h~ t i he re is firs t, simple
.co:ns_ciousne _ss of which ever y t h in g wl:ich
exists pa rtakes, th e rock, the earth,
t he min eral, the vege table kingdom, the
anim a l kin gdom, including the phys ical
bo dy of n:i_an, has sim r1le c on~Jciousness in
it. The . ·lo west f ormcf s j_mple conscious-
ness is i n the min eral ki~ gdom; the sec-
ond form in the plant kingdom, and the
t >,j _rd and hi ghest in the :-:nim 2 l kingd,:)m,

and that it is a law end f a ct of n a ture
that each kin,gdom is evo lvi ng into a
hi gh e r kin gdom . That is, that the earth,
the min e r al kingdom i s becomin g the veg -
etab l e k in .~ dom, · t~1e vegetable k in gdo m is
becoming the an ima l k i nr.sdom and tha t th e
animal k i n g dom i s evo lvin g into a higher
state, that is, in simple consciousness.
You may s a y we ha ve n o e xa mpl e s of
one of the lo wer kingd oms e volving into
the oth e r., and y e t, do we not have plants
that h ave c easc -d. to attach t l:-,omselves to
the g roun d and ha v e l e a r n~d t o ~e l ease
th e ir roots a nd float t h rou gh the Etir,
land somewhere ·else, 2n d e o.t, th e n
l ea ve there by rele a sing their roots
and floating aga in. Are ther e not such
plants as the Ven us flytrap plant found
in South Carolina., a n (1 Central nnd S outh
Americ a,, th2t h a ve c cescd from drn.vving
thei r substance for li.fe and gr owth from
the ea rth itn e lf, doin g so by trapping
in sects, ::.:nd in some c~sf.,s · o f th e lnrge
ones , ev en of small anim2. l s , a cl oar c ase
o f evo l ver riont of sirnpl o con sci ou sness
frol'i1 on o kin ,·:d om in to c.noth e r.

Then, we sa v , th a t above and be y ond

si ~ pl e con s ciousness is self conscio us-
ness. Man a lone of all creations on
ea rth has· ·s e lf consc i ousn e ss. r.rhe lo wes t
• form iq f~ln d in. wh at we ca l l the savag e
and barbarous . rac e s of mankind , su ch a s
tt e Ho t t e ntots of Afr i ca and i n early
. some . o f·t ~e lo wer tribes of Ameri-
ca n Indi2. :.1s . :Max Hull er rec ounts one
case of & Ho t tentot who was h is servant
wh i l e he ·."as travelU.n '\ i n .Africa st:udy-

in g, 2-n d on e d a y he was talki ng · to another
sc1e~tist · a tid he talked for about nn
hour., This Hottentot N-as
squa t tin g on
his haunch e s a n d. apparently paying no
attention an ~ Tihen asked. the Hot t ento t
began to re pea t word for word every word
that · Max Mull e r had sa i d for abo\°.:tt a half
ho ur, but not one t h ou gh t of h is own was
anplied as would he t he case of almost
ev e~y · peraon in the world. That has been
f ac ·o.l t _,
the CNIJ.rl'.lbl:1 T of men in a lo w state
of conscJousness.
~ e r e ad of a ~er sian kin ~ that ha d
suc h a mRrvelous power of memory that he
khe'.'v th e name .s of everyone of his t wo
million s olclie;r. s. · Such a memor ;· is not
the mark of ·a hi gh degree of conscious-
ness~ It is the mar k · of . a lo w degree of
tic'msciousness • .· It rni ?-"
b.t be trim that -one
cafi ga in such a marielous · memory in a
high - st a t -e: o.f conocio1-1 s n ess , t ut .when
th a t has become m~mory onl y ~nd no i deas
orco ncepts Rdt1ed , th e n vre know th 2-t it
is 'that of a low state of consciousness .,
becatrse the y rec ei ve i~pre ss ions · as we
would wri te -on a p ieoe of · paper , but
they a r e not able to express th ems e lv es .

~ e hav e t wo h i gh er degrees of self -

con s ciousness. The second is that j_n
v{hi ch the e,v er2.g ") man is found, a nd th e n
be y on d t ~c t there is t h o t ~ i rd st a t e cf
con Rc iousn e ss . Men: wh o h av e Yisiort s which
s ee m to take t hem just a l _i ttle bey::md
·th e; common mass of mankind_; a nd occa-s:Lon-
allv we find an in di vidual ~ho has 8UCh
a w~d e grasp that tb e :r s Gemto intuitiv e ly
grasp t :.. in g:s, en ti r oly n ew thin g s, \·,i th-

out any effort ; t hey brin g new ideas
th rou r;h a n d c on ce pts into mr:.r: if o stat i on
th rou g h t h ems e lv e s .

VVG h a v e a f ew outst a n d ing e xa mpl e s

in t h e wor l d to day ; Nicho la T0 sl a i s one
of t he m, though no t vrnl l . knovi n to the
worl d a t l nr ge . Ya t, ho has br ou ght mor e
l)ew conc e pt .s into the wor l d th a n a ny p er -
son in th e l a s t hundr ed ye ars ~ Pr a cti-
c a lly all our new . inv en tions ar 0 based
on i d eas d i scover e d by Nichola Tesla.
Beyond and above self - con3ciousness
i s that ·wh ich is call ed Cqs inic Conscious -
nes s ::md there a re three st a t es or de~
grees of t ha t , 1::nd in thor ~e hi gh er s t a t es
of cons ci ousnes·s mon b0gi n s to a p prof:c"h
the concept of, and the 1-:nowl e d ge of ,
t h e Divine or of God. I t is onl y in the
higher s t att 0 s of con s ciousness thr .t ·ma n
can really [:nd li te:rnll:y- kno w God., When
we speak of Cosmlc Con s cious n ess as be..;
ing above th e t ·stote · to which · mnn hns
ev ol v ed , we are not talking of · ev e ryone,
but of the ma::;:s of mankin d ~ Sim p ly
t 1.--·
Mon Rlone c osseases s e l f ~consciou sness
l?.nd the pow e r :to at t n in Cosmic . 8 6n s:c i.ous -
ri B RH, b ecAu~e
he is - con s c i ouRly ·con ~
s ci ous, be is
c on s ci ously c on scious of
h ims e lf es an i n d ividual , as e n en tityi
and he · is the on l y cr e at i on in the world
t hat is so c ons ci ou s .

East e rn
rn · the t ea c~ in ~ 8 the so ul
i s spoken of n s con 3ciou s c on s ci ou cin e ss
in oppo s ition to unc onsci o u s c on s ci ous-
ne ss . 'I'h c 0..1:.imo.l , pl r.nt r.nd ve g e t :.'.ble
kin gc.\om i s n ot corn i c·i ous of it se lf. It

- 15 -
works b y instinct o.nd impulse which is
s uppli ed i t by de f i tiite s ou rc eA in t he
Di v in e Con Rciousn e ss. I t d o e s no t b ring
fo r t h f r om j_ts e lf. Man hns nn inh erited
consc i ou s ness too, In ' Snnskrit t h at is
called "Samskara",. inherent tend en ci e r1,
8n d the physical body do e s certnin t h in g s
b e caus e we · ar e influ e nce~ by th e t h in g s
wh ich our ancestral 1::ody h a s g one through.
But the conscious consciousn e ss of ma n ho.s
powe r to meet, ch a n g e, and direct into
othe.r channels the entire quo.li ties of mo.n.

· When we s peak of t he s ub tl e bodi es ,

the high e r s elf,let us · ju s t for n. moment
speak- of other ' planes, of other d imen-
sions of consciousness~ It is a well
.kno wn fact t o occult students t h at man
h a s an in d ividualit y .,. an e go, a p e rson-
alit y· whi ch is capa b le of se pa r a ting it-
s elf from ' its bondage to the ph ysical
body~ By r,1ost this is c a ll e d t he a stral
body. The y sa ~r t h at the a st 2:al body of
man may p a ss from the physical body into
t he as t ~ a l p l ane or wh a t the scie n t is ts
calls the F~urth dimensi on. Many peo p le
do not underst a nd wh a t the Fourt h di-
mension i s. · ' Let us howev er briefl y say
this: That the so- c all e d Fourth dimen-
sion ·or a stral pl a ne is a pl a ne - of e x-
ist ence whic h is relati v e t o this ma-
terial exis te nce or p lane in whi ch we
li v e, t ha t it o ccu p ies t h e s ame sp Rc e a s
our ma t e ri a l b od y .<:. nd mat e ri .al world, but
it is se p ar a t e d from t he ma terial b o dy
by t he plane or octave upon wh ich it
vib!'a t e s •

. You kn ow, man 'th:inks of his ph y s ic a l

body -as b eing a dense t h ing. As a matt er
of f a ct, it . is not. Ma n's b ody is not
dense at all. _ If man's body were com-
pressed into real . dens1ty it could be
compressed into an object not more than
one one-thous a ndth of o.n inch in hei ght
nnd t h ere would still be a lot 6f space
bet ween the a toms and molecules. There
are spaces through our body as vast in
comparison as the dist a nc e a that the
astrono~ers say separate the earth from
the sun. Those planes and t l:J.o se spaces
are not empty. Relntive ·to our physical
body~ but vibrating bet ween the spaces
that form the mass of our bodv are other
pl anes of consciousness. ·The astr a l
pl ane, the so-called; Fourth Dimension
is one of those planes. It hf1.s existenc e :
it is as -actual, as real as this material
world in which we - stand. Most persons
who say they have had astral experj_ence
hRve only been on the _ borderland between
th e phys:i.cal plane and the n strnl plHne.
Many occultists, in the western
world, h0.ve so.id t h et man h r.s c.n nstrnl
body nnd th a t I cd mit to i c ert8in e x-
tent. Ther o nre many Nndis or ch o.nnels
in the astral body c.nd through them
hi gh e r forc e s . ctnd en er r:ics · C' ,nd powers
flow into the mnt eri rcl --body, supplying
it with Rll th e su b tle es se nces., Gnd.
·en er gies th 0.t c.re required f or its well
• being. Those subtle ener gj_es r:.nd es-
_sences come through those o.str c.l ch['.n-
riels but b~c a use those ~ stral channels
nre n e cess ary for life to continue in
tho ph ys ic 8.l body t h ose n e v er l e ,':'.V e the
phys::tcnl body. Under condit:Lons ·which
may be nccident~l, or self induced; one
mcy se po.r nte the ego or personQlity, the
conscious conscio'L'rsness from the physical
body. In other words, withdrnw it into
o. step hic;her pl::me of existence.

The o ld Hebrews taught thnt·mnn ho.d

a · phys ica.l soul, rm n strD.l . soul, n men- .
tal ~oul, end~ spiritual soul and that
each wo.s nn extension of ,_the other,, tho.t
the : spiritual sou-1 - emanated the inentnl J
s-oul, the mentr'.l soul emo.nn ted the. n stral
soul r..rid the c.stral soul elllo.no.ted the phy-
·sico.l soul nnd thr ~t man's physical mc.ni-
fest:-t , tion of the . ego or ·con s ciousness is
the mnnifestc.tj _on of the· spiri tunl soul
s:!.;epped down four degrees, thr t the phy-
sic-al soul unde _r certain c 0ndi t i ons mny
l'ift itself or o.scend from·its bondage
o.f'.· the phy sico.l body, be co.use, remember,
t:r.e ··.body in · mer_ely ·the house or temple ·
in Which the · soul, the Divine n n ture of
mnn:, manifests. It mny v1ithdrr ... w into t 11.e
next high er st f~te which · is the c.st1°CLl
There is one peculi a rity of the
astral state, tha ·t g ives us some key as
to ~hat man was in the v ery ~eginning.
On -the a str a l plane our thou gh t po wer is
considerably differ en t from what it is
in tha · mBteri a l world. In the astral
plane when y ou think of a t h ingJ' it is .•
Whatever · youthink manifests. Therefore,
when man .passes · to the astral plane, the
first thing he does is look at himself
to see what he looks like and if he is
all th ere a nd when he looks to see him-
self, he sees a replici of his physical
body, an exact .repl1ca o.f t ho 11ody that
he has on t he ~1yeical pl an e and so he
sa y s, nre 11 ,
111 thej:'ej_s an astral b ody~"
\'Th at ho h as s een iB .. a . t >.ou n;"ht-form wh ich
h a s been ·cre ated -a.nd cr 7 st al liz ed be-
ce u se he ha s thought to see a body when
he looked and then, bec au s e he : is accus-
tom e d to su ch a ve h icle, he · goos on
functioning in such a vehicle. •
i' The ancient wi sdom t ea ch in gs tell
us t ha t th e . n ex t st.ep in nwn I s . conscious-
ne ss is elimin a tion of t h nt astral bodv
becr.1µ;;0 only th en. can he be ,· en ugh t up
into -the ·-Third Heaven spoken of, wh~re
Pau l says, 01 knew a man ab ove fourteen
years ag o - whether · in t h e body, -I know
not; or the spirit, I know - not; who was
cau ght up into th e Third Heaven a nd t l-:.ere
heard uns peak able thin gs that it is ·not
la wful for man to utter." You note t h at
bein g in the spirit" that -' Paul spGke of
was·distinc t : from being i n t~ e - body and
ye t, a·f ter f our teen years, he could _-not
recall whether he had met,the man in the
bod y or spirit, Tha t is, th e s tate of
con s c i ousness v!he re he has asccncl ed above
and b eyond '!:- he mat erial world. That is
the Edenic st,ate · of man .
~ e know tha t t he Christian Bible,
in the Book of Gene2 i s tells us that in
the be ginnin g man · did not h av e to · t oi l:,
• to la b or, to ear n · h is b r ead, that he
l.i ·.red in the Garden of Eden, and tha t the
Di vine ? ower of God brou gh t t o h im all
' t hjn g s that· we re necessary fo~ b~s well-
being. It tells us that Adam created
all thin g s by the llebe li~ wh i ch is a Heb-
rew word meaning Divine Breath or D·ivine
Creative Breath. That is, the Breath of
God wh ich was breathed i.l'.lto man so he ·he-
came a living soul. That Edenic state of
man is merely a symbol of the primal state
of -manifestation of soul where it had
oreative power .,where it was able to create
by its thought, exactly as the soul who
is freed from bon d a ge and rises into the
higher planes, is able to create today.

The occul ti st says that man , ·when

he ,first came into manifestation, came
in the body spiritual, that he had crea-
tive power, but that . aft e r man fell and
lost that creative p·owe r, tne· _opir i tual
man passed into the higber plane and the
lesser self entered 'into the animal body
\~thich had evolved up .: to the form of man
from the low e r forms .of the animal king -
dom • . That is, 'that the ego or soul did
not enter the bcdy of man until it had
.become man. The soul followed one line
of evolution 'while the body follo wed
anoth e r and it v:as only after the animal
body };:tad b e come man that the hvo went on
When we realize t h at man is more
than just fle-sh, that th ere i8 a Divine
dir e cting and guiding:influence a nd force
within him and t ha t that force infJ..uencos
all the a cti ons of his lif e ~ th en it be -
comes a n e cessary p art · of our actu a l liv-
:i,ng t o begin to turn to t ha t hi gh er Self
·ror dir e ction and guidance as to how we .,
shall li ve , what we shall do in the vvorld.

People say ,"How can I find my High -

er Self? How can I turn to that Higher
Self?" One way you dan do it is to pre-
pare the mind and body as a receptacle
into which the spiritual nature of your
ovm soul can potlY.' ~he forces to guide
you each da:y Wh~n. we go to sleep
ff it is
the things which are resting heavy on
our mind Yrhich in some r:.iea:=m.reregulate
th0 experiencces the soul : goes tl"iI'ou.gh.
"' The Higher Belf takes charge and directs
us to the cxp0ri enc0a of our own past
liv e J :,.i1d inca.:r•nat:;..ons so that Vihen we
awRken in the mor;:-15:-1~ everyth i.ng we do
the next dR7 is infl~enced by the ex-
pf:riences our ConsciousHess has had.
We all have exper: ~e:-ices ln the sleep
s.t-ate ever1 thoug1:1 :m'3 have - no cons~j_ous
L-:~01.:,:.led.ge o.f any oxpor~ionc \1~] or a:~yt-:1:.!1£.
Thj:=.:ref'ore, t:i.10 an <.:iont ,.,,tsdcLl teachers
say - they mE.ke it v0ry strong - · that we
should. s tl'i ve ·rtith all our might.,, e ,:;pc c-
ially ~uring evening hours and before we
fall asleep to dismis~ from our mind ~nd
con~ ic ionsne ss every ncga-ti veth~)Ught,
every wol'ry, :fear and -pain and rnat-:e 01.11,
mind Es caJ.m ;;i.nd tranquil as a 1:.i.ttle
chilc=i_ts~ If we allov; any thoughts to
come in, see tb:=i.t t11ose thoughts · ar-e
directed to ~ ar d ~ h0rmony, lovo end wis-
dom and i .f 'Ne do so oUI' consciousness
will pass through · tb-.£ X'i~ht experiences
anct ·.'!hen vie awaL:en, ·loa.d us into channels
whJeh will bring us harmony and good
instead of the negation and inharmonies
that we meet witb so often in life.


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