1940 Doreal Mans Higher Self
1940 Doreal Mans Higher Self
1940 Doreal Mans Higher Self
8 y
N U i'Ji B £, R .... 2 0 ~
35 t
Sedalia Colorado.
I am going to t-alk to you on your
Hi gher Self' , the subtle bodies of man and
ho w they may influence your life. · There
never v1as a truer sayin g t han t ho t, "Man
is f ea rfully and wonderful ly made.I! That .
applied not only to the phys ic s.l body of
man but to his high er n a tur e, his spir-
it uai , a stral and mental natur es , as
well as the_ physica l body j_n w1,:i ch those
higher na tures manifest.
I studied for mai1y, many years in
the far East; I stud i ed in I ndia and
rribe t and in ·cne · Eastern my citerj_ e s, t he
h 6me of mys t ery; I believe I advrinced
farth er thin any teac he r that is now
t each in g i n the West ern world. We may
be l i eve that t he r e i~ n o real spiritual
knowledge and ~isdom i n the Ea s t, yet,
t"h.e fact re mains t hat ev ery ph ilosopl :1y,
ever y religion , ev 9r ythin g wh i ch we -kn6w
about t he hi gher n a tu re o f man or i gin :::t-
ted l n th e Eas t. 'l'his includes the Chr is-
tia n religion, which is an Eastern ph il-
oso phy , an ·Eastern re li gion, The V{est
has deve lop ed no mys tj_cis:qi, no philosophy
.or no religion ·whi ch (t.ocs not h.ave its
roots of origin in the far ·Ea st. rhe
East is t1,e h ome of spiritual 8tuci .y but
th e ~e st may be t ~e place where it will
bo b rou ,E~ht to · 1t~ v ef.y .-highest point of
manifestation •
and beyond, all of tho oth er cre ations
of ·t he Divine, h er e in our materi-al
world? What power, what . qualiti e s, wha t
. attribut e s do e s man hav e t ha t 1·ai 11c s him
pr e -emin ont abo ve t he bo a s t~ th e fi e ld?
Wh en S olomon, in Eccleskstes., Sc1id,
0 kno
1r,11'1. we th tbe s p irit of man which as-
c ended unto the; s ta rs and th e spirit of
t he anj_mal bo dy \'1.r°h..ich descencleth into
tho . e arth", he was · g iving the pr imary
t ea chin g conc ernin~ tho dual n a tur e of
man, that ~1 il e all l if e u pon tho face
of tho earth, other t h en rn~nk in d , is of
the e art h , oa rthy, t ha t man alone o f a ll
cr e a ti onp has what we - call so ul-con-
scio usnes s or spirit. I do n ot ~ c an t he
vit al forc G of l ife W'''.ich is in al l liv.:..
in g t h in g s when I use th e t c1"m ·s pirit,
but th e ~go , the soif.
Thus, wo say that man h as a d ual na-
ture; t ha t is,a high er natu1 "0 an d lo wer
n a tur· c . A grea t majority of perso ns in
t ho world are e ntj;rely submerged in their
lo wer natur e ; they arc subject to, and
boun d by , t hoi r emotional nature.
In . many of th e p,_1ilosophi e s o f the
East _vve ar-o tau ght that man ha s· a munbor
of act u al bodies, th a t he h a s f ir s t , the
gros s physical body, tha t he h as .an emo-
t ional b ody , t ha t he has an astral body,
2 men t ~ l body , an et her ic body, and a
s pi ri tua l body , - act ua l b odie s dwelling
.. within the ou t er env e lope or sh ea t h of
t he materia l fl e sh. A ·deep e r unders tand-
i ng of . the ~ast ern wisd om gi ves us n
c onside r ab l y diff er ent interpretati on of
- 5-
-:;hat t ea chi n g . We un de I·Rt and t 1--,at, ac-
tu a ll y , man _in the final ana l ys is, _ has
on :1.y two bodies; a bo dy phyfdcal and a
body s p iritual.
The seeker f or the deeper wi s d om l e arns
that t h os e are ~a t he r qu a l i t ies or a t-
tri butes of one or t h e ot he r of th e t wo
gr eat bod i e s of man, the body m2 ter1 ~l,
or the b ody sp iri t ua l, to war d s whic h we
a r e a sc e ndin g .
Pe ople w~o h a v e t h e Th ir d Eye pa r-
t ia l ly ope n ed , h av e s ai d t ha t t h e y h av e
s ee n th e emot i on a l body of man, an d t ha t
u nd e r th e stre ss of a nge r, th a t it may
fl ar e wi t b r ed b r 1lliance, that und er
t h e in fl ue n ce of d e sir e for we al t h or
mon e y that it · may glo w wit h gol de n or
ye l l ow co lor. The y h av e sa id t hr t if a
p e r s on is of a n intens e , or h i gh , me n tR l
t y peJ t ha t t he ir emoti onal b ody glo ws with
gr ee n c olor an d t ha t it · is on ly t h e v ery
hi ghe s t s piritu a l p e rso n whos e e motions
glow with a v ery h igh pur.ple color of
Di vin e lo ve as op posed to t he p i n k of
hu mo.n l ov e. It mEy be t h n t c or t ctin por-
Bon s ha v e a ct ua ll y s e en t h os e · man if e st a -
t i ons ta kin g pl n oe wit h i n man, b ut th a t
i s not . in a n · emotion a l bo dy . It is
r a t h <.:
; r t h e j_nf ln enc 0 of ment a l conc e p-
t i on of so me e motio n a l s t a t e u pon th e
uu r a Qn d u pmn t he ~n s r g i e s, a n d fo r c e s
wbi ch flo w t 1,.,~:>o u gh th e sub tl e bod y , th e
a st rn l bod y of man.
Tha t as t ra l bo dy n ev e r l e ::w o s t he
ph y s ica l b od y . I t is 2 s much e.n inh or-
ent pa r t of·th e ph ys i c nl b od y a s th e
bo n e , n e r v e &, a rt er i es 2nd mu :, c l c s ·· Emel
a l l th o or g an s of t h e bo dy . Wi t hou t
t hose s ub ~l e ch an n e l s , wit hout th o se
h i gh er b od i e s man c ou ld. not e x i s t a s man.
Man doe s no t kn ow h i ms e l f . The anc i ent
- 7-
sc..y in g of the East, 11
Man, kl10 1:V thy se lf
a nd thou lmo wes t all , is a most true
saying , but h ow mo.ny of us co.n truly sny
we kn ow ours e lves? We know, pe rheps,
that ·we hnve n skel eto n, muscles, a heart
and stomnch and perh~ps ;:iome of us know
we have a b r ai n. Now re ol l y , ho w do you
.. kno v1 you hr .ve a brain? Can you f ee l it,
se e it, tas te it? It mi ght be true th nt
everybody el s e has a brain but maybe you
nr.e fu..."lctiontn g without one. Aft er nll,
we can only know the t h in gs which we
ourselves expe rience.
There we.~ on e ex per iment performe ·d
hund reds of yenr:s 2.go by whi ch one could
:ie e th ~ir own b rn i n. That was to t ake a
··can dle rind stnnd in [l dnrk ro om nnd gnz e
nt some dar k obj e ct or wall nn d hold the
- g~nd le . :n b ou t this position in front of
,t he_ f nce a nd fix. the gnz e over the Cl !;'r Ue
.~ not ·on the wnl l, not on the dnrk AUr-
. f nee, bu.t nb out h c.lf vmy bet ween, nbout
ten feet o.,wr.y , f~nd then slo wly move the
o3nd le bc..ck and forth, g~zing over · it
t::.11 th e ti me; nnd OS you Will see, Cl
little .gr nyi sh mass hns formed bet ween
y ou ~· ,nd the .vmll; Ctnd then suddenly you
will see nn outl ine of the brc. in upp ea r,
.'.:'.nd1::s y:iu grtze " nnp. slowly move the
C9.ndle bnck n.nd forth , it wi ll become
clearer £?.nd c l e2.rer t.nd you c£.m see th e
red b lood veRse ls through ou t the convo-
l utions of the bruin . You will get n
magnified im£'.ge of the brni n. When yo u
do tha t you can r\l l kno w ·thf'. t 71ou h c.ve
a t least · a pnrt of · c brnin. You can nl-
wn~ s Ray , ni kn ow I h vve e brnin because
I hn ve s e en i;t . 11 Howeve r, t hr .t hn:J lit-
tle · or noth ing t o do wit h our hi gher
self. I t is mer e ly the use of the lnw
of opt;lcl!I to see n small area of the
brain mr>gn ified.
to learn man 1 s tr ue natu:r. e ;. we can .begin ·
to knov1 ours el v cs .
· . · ReJer:r:i .n,::, a gain to , man · and h .i .s re-
l ·a.t;:onship to· h-is· Hi ~her Self and~ ho w it
ma.y· influen ce his Jife: ,. When w-e under-
~tand . ·tha t ~ver ything 'N.hich takes place
ip -_.o'lzy-ph,ysicnl b ody . and in · oui• physical ,
life ·i's not the result. ·or our material
_O:t">P};lysic ·a). act-iqns . 'alone, .,but m.ayfol-
·to;wr _-spm.e tr~nd . or some direction · from
ou.;r Hi gher .s·e1r.,
0 we . can begin to under-
s.tan d why it -•is ·-that sometimes we have
i,mpu:ises ., intt1 .'1'tive ·di-rec 'tj .ons to ace.om.:.
pii,sh or: . do cert _ain ~hing ·s · • .
carries on life .• Our cons .ciousness .ceases
to ~anif e st in t h e mat i r ia l wor l d~and>in
place o f t hr. t > • ouI• High. e r Self begins to
function i mmediat e ly u pon 'our falling
That is true
of ev er yon e -of us but
ther e is a d.iff .eren ce . in in d ividuals.
So.me are .able to bring b~fok into t he ir
material .con;S·Ciousncs .s the memories of .
the exper :tenees that t lie y ha v _e ha·d -dur-:
ing the sleep state, b e cause ·wh-en . the
physical body fallos into' a state of sleep
our .ego, our persona_l i t y., 0ur c onsc i ous-.
ness., actr, .ally and literal l y ascends · from
the ma-teri a :.t plarie into a Higher state of
consciousn e ss where . it communicat e s wi th
its Di. v ine or ' Spiritual
. . . .. '
nature. .
. .
written om the Word comG's then the
to 1.1( -i_
Scriptures s h all not be ·broken. 11 What
i~ that word? It is th e gain ing of mas~
t ory and corttrol of our eg o, or s elf,
sle e ping wa k ing.
or That is the first
conqu es t of death, the conquest . of the
littl e d ea th,. which is sleep •
.Jesus once
said, that the last
enemy.tlia t _ shall 'r.>o conquer od . shall be
cl.C:~.thw. _ He also said . to his disciples,
anv h e re s-Sall not taste cf death ·un.til
th uf ·seo me.. Cbmin g ~gain _in my kingdoi.'!L~"
BD1. yet, our churches tell us that his
kin gdom will coma ~vhen ho come s age.in at
the rosurr 8c.tion~ .·. ts not the ·· -conquest
.of' death t h o conqu0st of ou1' loss of con-
sciousn e ss in slce-p, . :thfm tlN _conquest
of the ltrns of consciousn e ss in the
/¥..eater sleep, which is death?
·~1hcn I ·spe~k of the e go , pcr~onality
or Sel·f, you wil-;L have p.cit cd that · I spoke
of it as somet h ing separate and apart
from t .hc . minds of man. In the ancient
wisdom we are· tar1.ght t ha t all t h ings have
co .nsciousness, that t here ·ar e t hree kirids
pf consciousness and e ach of thQ8e three
kin ds pf consciousness have t h r ee minor
d ivLsions~ t h~ t i he re is firs t, simple
.co:ns_ciousne _ss of which ever y t h in g wl:ich
exists pa rtakes, th e rock, the earth,
t he min eral, the vege table kingdom, the
anim a l kin gdom, including the phys ical
bo dy of n:i_an, has sim r1le c on~Jciousness in
it. The . ·lo west f ormcf s j_mple conscious-
ness is i n the min eral ki~ gdom; the sec-
ond form in the plant kingdom, and the
t >,j _rd and hi ghest in the :-:nim 2 l kingd,:)m,
and that it is a law end f a ct of n a ture
that each kin,gdom is evo lvi ng into a
hi gh e r kin gdom . That is, that the earth,
the min e r al kingdom i s becomin g the veg -
etab l e k in .~ dom, · t~1e vegetable k in gdo m is
becoming the an ima l k i nr.sdom and tha t th e
animal k i n g dom i s evo lvin g into a higher
state, that is, in simple consciousness.
You may s a y we ha ve n o e xa mpl e s of
one of the lo wer kingd oms e volving into
the oth e r., and y e t, do we not have plants
that h ave c easc -d. to attach t l:-,omselves to
the g roun d and ha v e l e a r n~d t o ~e l ease
th e ir roots a nd float t h rou gh the Etir,
land somewhere ·else, 2n d e o.t, th e n
l ea ve there by rele a sing their roots
and floating aga in. Are ther e not such
plants as the Ven us flytrap plant found
in South Carolina., a n (1 Central nnd S outh
Americ a,, th2t h a ve c cescd from drn.vving
thei r substance for li.fe and gr owth from
the ea rth itn e lf, doin g so by trapping
in sects, ::.:nd in some c~sf.,s · o f th e lnrge
ones , ev en of small anim2. l s , a cl oar c ase
o f evo l ver riont of sirnpl o con sci ou sness
frol'i1 on o kin ,·:d om in to c.noth e r.
in g, 2-n d on e d a y he was talki ng · to another
sc1e~tist · a tid he talked for about nn
hour., This Hottentot N-as
squa t tin g on
his haunch e s a n d. apparently paying no
attention an ~ Tihen asked. the Hot t ento t
began to re pea t word for word every word
that · Max Mull e r had sa i d for abo\°.:tt a half
ho ur, but not one t h ou gh t of h is own was
anplied as would he t he case of almost
ev e~y · peraon in the world. That has been
f ac ·o.l t _,
the CNIJ.rl'.lbl:1 T of men in a lo w state
of conscJousness.
~ e r e ad of a ~er sian kin ~ that ha d
suc h a mRrvelous power of memory that he
khe'.'v th e name .s of everyone of his t wo
million s olclie;r. s. · Such a memor ;· is not
the mark of ·a hi gh degree of conscious-
ness~ It is the mar k · of . a lo w degree of
tic'msciousness • .· It rni ?-"
b.t be trim that -one
cafi ga in such a marielous · memory in a
high - st a t -e: o.f conocio1-1 s n ess , t ut .when
th a t has become m~mory onl y ~nd no i deas
orco ncepts Rdt1ed , th e n vre know th 2-t it
is 'that of a low state of consciousness .,
becatrse the y rec ei ve i~pre ss ions · as we
would wri te -on a p ieoe of · paper , but
they a r e not able to express th ems e lv es .
out any effort ; t hey brin g new ideas
th rou r;h a n d c on ce pts into mr:.r: if o stat i on
th rou g h t h ems e lv e s .
East e rn
rn · the t ea c~ in ~ 8 the so ul
i s spoken of n s con 3ciou s c on s ci ou cin e ss
in oppo s ition to unc onsci o u s c on s ci ous-
ne ss . 'I'h c 0..1:.imo.l , pl r.nt r.nd ve g e t :.'.ble
kin gc.\om i s n ot corn i c·i ous of it se lf. It
- 15 -
works b y instinct o.nd impulse which is
s uppli ed i t by de f i tiite s ou rc eA in t he
Di v in e Con Rciousn e ss. I t d o e s no t b ring
fo r t h f r om j_ts e lf. Man hns nn inh erited
consc i ou s ness too, In ' Snnskrit t h at is
called "Samskara",. inherent tend en ci e r1,
8n d the physical body do e s certnin t h in g s
b e caus e we · ar e influ e nce~ by th e t h in g s
wh ich our ancestral 1::ody h a s g one through.
But the conscious consciousn e ss of ma n ho.s
powe r to meet, ch a n g e, and direct into
othe.r channels the entire quo.li ties of mo.n.
body -as b eing a dense t h ing. As a matt er
of f a ct, it . is not. Ma n's b ody is not
dense at all. _ If man's body were com-
pressed into real . dens1ty it could be
compressed into an object not more than
one one-thous a ndth of o.n inch in hei ght
nnd t h ere would still be a lot 6f space
bet ween the a toms and molecules. There
are spaces through our body as vast in
comparison as the dist a nc e a that the
astrono~ers say separate the earth from
the sun. Those planes and t l:J.o se spaces
are not empty. Relntive ·to our physical
body~ but vibrating bet ween the spaces
that form the mass of our bodv are other
pl anes of consciousness. ·The astr a l
pl ane, the so-called; Fourth Dimension
is one of those planes. It hf1.s existenc e :
it is as -actual, as real as this material
world in which we - stand. Most persons
who say they have had astral experj_ence
hRve only been on the _ borderland between
th e phys:i.cal plane and the n strnl plHne.
Many occultists, in the western
world, h0.ve so.id t h et man h r.s c.n nstrnl
body nnd th a t I cd mit to i c ert8in e x-
tent. Ther o nre many Nndis or ch o.nnels
in the astral body c.nd through them
hi gh e r forc e s . ctnd en er r:ics · C' ,nd powers
flow into the mnt eri rcl --body, supplying
it with Rll th e su b tle es se nces., Gnd.
·en er gies th 0.t c.re required f or its well
• being. Those subtle ener gj_es r:.nd es-
_sences come through those o.str c.l ch['.n-
riels but b~c a use those ~ stral channels
nre n e cess ary for life to continue in
tho ph ys ic 8.l body t h ose n e v er l e ,':'.V e the
phys::tcnl body. Under condit:Lons ·which
may be nccident~l, or self induced; one
mcy se po.r nte the ego or personQlity, the
conscious conscio'L'rsness from the physical
body. In other words, withdrnw it into
o. step hic;her pl::me of existence.
er Self? How can I turn to that Higher
Self?" One way you dan do it is to pre-
pare the mind and body as a receptacle
into which the spiritual nature of your
ovm soul can potlY.' ~he forces to guide
you each da:y Wh~n. we go to sleep
ff it is
the things which are resting heavy on
our mind Yrhich in some r:.iea:=m.reregulate
th0 experiencces the soul : goes tl"iI'ou.gh.
"' The Higher Belf takes charge and directs
us to the cxp0ri enc0a of our own past
liv e J :,.i1d inca.:r•nat:;..ons so that Vihen we
awRken in the mor;:-15:-1~ everyth i.ng we do
the next dR7 is infl~enced by the ex-
pf:riences our ConsciousHess has had.
We all have exper: ~e:-ices ln the sleep
s.t-ate ever1 thoug1:1 :m'3 have - no cons~j_ous
L-:~01.:,:.led.ge o.f any oxpor~ionc \1~] or a:~yt-:1:.!1£.
Thj:=.:ref'ore, t:i.10 an <.:iont ,.,,tsdcLl teachers
say - they mE.ke it v0ry strong - · that we
should. s tl'i ve ·rtith all our might.,, e ,:;pc c-
ially ~uring evening hours and before we
fall asleep to dismis~ from our mind ~nd
con~ ic ionsne ss every ncga-ti veth~)Ught,
every wol'ry, :fear and -pain and rnat-:e 01.11,
mind Es caJ.m ;;i.nd tranquil as a 1:.i.ttle
chilc=i_ts~ If we allov; any thoughts to
come in, see tb:=i.t t11ose thoughts · ar-e
directed to ~ ar d ~ h0rmony, lovo end wis-
dom and i .f 'Ne do so oUI' consciousness
will pass through · tb-.£ X'i~ht experiences
anct ·.'!hen vie awaL:en, ·loa.d us into channels
whJeh will bring us harmony and good
instead of the negation and inharmonies
that we meet witb so often in life.