Account Statement
Account Statement
Account Statement
Posting Date Transaction Description Money In (R) Money Out (R) Balance (R)
28/04/2023 27/04/2023 Payment Received: Nrmlsassa Wc 386546938 Pension 350.00 366.07
28/04/2023 28/04/2023 Banking App Payment: Hollywood Bets -28.00 338.07
28/04/2023 28/04/2023 Payment Fee -2.00 336.07
28/04/2023 28/04/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Hollywood Bets -20.00 316.07
28/04/2023 28/04/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 308.57
29/04/2023 28/04/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Hollywood Bets -51.00 257.57
29/04/2023 28/04/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 250.07
29/04/2023 29/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: 356623184317ott (OTT) -20.00 230.07
29/04/2023 29/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 229.07
29/04/2023 29/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: C52b87842806ott (OTT) -30.00 199.07
29/04/2023 29/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 198.07
29/04/2023 29/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: C52b31429049blu (BLU) -18.00 180.07
29/04/2023 29/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 179.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: 356675395091blu (BLU) -19.00 160.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 159.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: 356621635620blu (BLU) -29.00 130.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 129.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: C52b43142128blu (BLU) -39.00 90.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 89.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase: C52b86639369blu (BLU) -50.00 39.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 38.07
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Interest Received 0.09 38.16
30/04/2023 30/04/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -7.00 31.16
01/05/2023 01/05/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Hollywood Bets -8.00 23.16
01/05/2023 01/05/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 15.66
19/05/2023 18/05/2023 Payment Received: Nrmlsassa Wc 401412031 Pension 350.00 365.66
19/05/2023 19/05/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Sparkatm Winners Supermarket -300.00 65.66
Cape Town Wcza
19/05/2023 19/05/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -9.50 56.16
19/05/2023 19/05/2023 Voucher Purchase: Nvdocibxzbg4blu (BLU) -26.00 30.16
19/05/2023 19/05/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.00 29.16
31/05/2023 31/05/2023 Interest Received 0.06 29.22
31/05/2023 31/05/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -7.00 22.22
29/06/2023 28/06/2023 Payment Received: Nrmlsassa Wc 416038570 Pension 350.00 372.22
29/06/2023 29/06/2023 Voucher Purchase: Brhpfxwofjl1ott (OTT) -20.00 352.22
29/06/2023 29/06/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.50 350.72
29/06/2023 29/06/2023 Voucher Purchase: Euwiztiburw2ott (OTT) -30.00 320.72
29/06/2023 29/06/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.50 319.22
29/06/2023 29/06/2023 Voucher Purchase: Qikgjbqyovu1blu (BLU) -25.00 294.22
29/06/2023 29/06/2023 Voucher Purchase Fee -1.50 292.72
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 1 of 2
End Capitec B
Transactions not yet processed on your account up to 12/07/2023
There are no Unprocessed Transaction Items 12/07/202 0
70 01
* Transactions before 1 April 2018: amount inclusive of 14% VAT Branch: 4 03
* Transactions from 1 April 2018: amount inclusive of 15% VAT Device: 9
Cheques not yet processed on your account up to 12/07/2023
There are no Unprocessed Cheque Items
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 2 of 2