By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules
as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in
The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in
the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the
student portal.
1. No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a
direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may
consist of direct quotes.
2. Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
3. Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
4. Begin each section on a new page.
5. Follow all instructions on the PoE cover sheet.
6. This is an individual assignment.
Referencing Rubric
Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources Markers are required to provide feedback to students by indicating
is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high- (circling/underlining) the information that best describes the
quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to student’s work.
develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to
achieve high academic standards. Part of achieving these high Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the
standards is referencing in a way that is consistent, technically overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more
correct and congruent. This is not plagiarism, which is handled errors listed in the minor errors column in the table below.
Major technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the
Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more
a maximum of ten percent being deducted from the percentage errors listed in the major errors column in the table below.
awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note,
however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or If both minor and major errors are indicated, then 10% only (and
uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or not 5% or 15%) is deducted from the overall percentage. The
exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action being taken in examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to
accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023). illustrate the error.
Required: Minor errors in technical correctness of Major errors in technical correctness of referencing
Technically correct referencing referencing style style
style Deduct 5% from percentage awarded Deduct 10% from percentage awarded
Consistency Minor inconsistencies. Major inconsistencies.
• The referencing style is generally • Poor and inconsistent referencing style used in-
• The same referencing format consistent, but there are one or two text and/or in the bibliography/ reference list.
has been used for all in-text changes in the format of in-text • Multiple formats for the same type of referencing
references and in the referencing and/or in the bibliography. have been used.
bibliography/reference list. • For example, page numbers for direct • For example, the format for direct quotes (in-text)
quotes (in-text) have been provided for and/or book chapters (bibliography/ reference
one source, but not in another instance. list) is different across multiple instances.
Two book chapters (bibliography) have
been referenced in the bibliography in
two different formats.
Technical correctness Generally, technically correct with some Technically incorrect.
minor errors. • The referencing format is incorrect.
Referencing format is technically • The correct referencing format has been • Concepts and ideas are typically referenced, but a
correct throughout the consistently used, but there are one or reference is missing from small sections of the
submission. two errors. work.
• Concepts and ideas are typically • Position of the references: references are only
Position of the reference: a referenced, but a reference is missing given at the beginning or end of large sections of
reference is directly associated from one small section of the work. work.
with every concept or idea. • Position of the references: references • For example, incorrect author information is
are only given at the beginning or end of provided, no year of publication is provided,
For example, quotation marks, every paragraph. quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct
page numbers, years, etc. are • For example, the student has incorrectly quotes missing, page numbers are provided for
applied correctly, sources in presented direct quotes (in-text) and/or paraphrased material, the incorrect punctuation is
the bibliography/reference list book chapters (bibliography/reference used (in-text); the bibliography/reference list is
are correctly presented. list). not in alphabetical order, the incorrect format for
a book chapter/journal article is used, information
is missing e.g. no place of publication had been
provided (bibliography); repeated sources on the
reference list.
Congruence between in-text Generally, congruence between the in- A lack of congruence between the in-text
referencing and bibliography/ text referencing and the bibliography/ referencing and the bibliography.
reference list reference list with one or two errors. • No relationship/several incongruencies between
• There is largely a match between the the in-text referencing and the
• All sources are accurately sources presented in-text and the bibliography/reference list.
reflected and are all accurately bibliography. • For example, sources are included in-text, but not
included in the bibliography/ • For example, a source appears in the in the bibliography and vice versa, a link, rather
reference list. text, but not in the bibliography/ than the actual reference is provided in the
reference list or vice versa. bibliography.
In summary: the recording of In summary, at least 80% of the sources In summary, at least 60% of the sources are
references is accurate and are correctly reflected and included in a incorrectly reflected and/or not included in
complete. reference list. reference list.
Overall Feedback about the consistency, technical correctness and congruence between in-text referencing and bibliography:
The purpose of this POE is to assess students’ skills and knowledge of business accounting. The
POE has been designed to simulate a work environment and to complete relevant work-related
tasks in order to demonstrate and reflect on the competencies acquired.
Instructions __
Conduct research and select a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that operates in the area
you reside in. When selecting the NGO, ensure that you can obtain the financial statements of the
NGO as you will be requiring them for Task 2 and Task 3.
Once you have selected an NGO, provide a summary of the NGO by including the following:
1. The name of the NGO.
2. The NGO registration number.
3. The contact details of the NGO.
4. The area or field that it operates in, for example, health or education.
5. The vision and mission of the NGO.
6. Why this organisation qualifies as an NGO.
7. Is the NGO a non-profit organisation or not? Explain your reasoning.
8. Why did you select this organisation?
Task 3 — Financial activities in the creation of a proposal for an NGO (Marks: 40)
The NGO that you are reporting on requires to raise R100 000. They have asked you to develop a
fundraising proposal in order to raise these funds. They are suggesting that the NGO host a gala
Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it/ If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included
in the online submission.
Marking Criteria Does not meet the Average/Meets the Above average Excellent Feedback
required standard. required standard. (65% – 74%) (75% – 100%)
(0% – 49%) (50% – 64%)
• The name of the NGO. • No/Minor details of • Some details of • Most of the details • All the details of the
• The NGO registration the NGO provided: the NGO provided: of the NGO NGO provided:
number. Name Name provided: Name
• The contact details of Registration Registration Name Registration
the NGO. number number Registration number
• The area or field that it Contact details Contact number Contact details
operates in, for Field of operation. details Contact details Field of
example, health or • No/Inaccurate vision Field of Field of operation.
education. and mission provided. operation. operation. • Extensive vision and
• The vision and mission • No/Minor explanation • Basic vision and • Detailed vision and mission provided.
of the NGO. as to why the NGO mission provided. mission provided. • Extensive
• Why this organisation qualifies to be an NGO. • Basic explanation • Detailed explanation as to
qualifies as an NGO. • No/Inappropriate as to why the NGO explanation as to why the NGO
• Is the NGO a non-profit reason provided as to qualifies to be an why the NGO qualifies to be an
organisation or not? why this NGO is an NGO. qualifies to be an NGO.
Explain your reasoning. NPO. • Basic reason NGO. • Extensive reason
• Why did you select this • No/Inappropriate provided as to • Detailed reason provided as to why
organisation? reason provided as to why this NGO is an provided as to why this NGO is an NPO.
why this NGO was NPO. this NGO is an NPO. • Extensive reason
[20 Marks] selected. • Basic reason • Detailed reason provided as to why
provided as to provided as to why this NGO was
why this NGO was this NGO was selected.
selected. selected.
0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks
Marking Criteria Does not meet the Average/Meets the Above average Excellent Feedback
required standard. required standard. (65% – 74%) (75% – 100%)
(0% – 49%) (50% – 64%)
• Users of the financial • No/Unclear • Some internal and • All internal and • Comprehensive list
statements of this NGO, internal and external uses external uses internal and
both internal and external uses provided. provided. external uses
external. provided. • All ratios calculated • All ratios calculated provided.
• Calculation of ratios. • No/Incorrect ratios but some correctly for 2 • All ratios calculated
• Interpretation of ratios. calculated. incorrectly and years. correctly.
• One way of improving • No/Incorrect ratios only for current • All ratios • No ratios
the ratio in the next interpreted. year. interpreted. interpreted.
period. • Way of improving • Some ratios • Ratios not • Way of improving
ratios not interpreted. compared to ratio provided for
[40 Marks] provided/ • Ratios not previous year. all ratios correctly.
inadequately compared to • Ratios not
provided. previous year. compared to
• Ratios not recommended
compared to ratio.
recommended • Way of improving
ratio. ratio provided for
• Way of improving all ratios but some
ratio provided for incorrect.
some ratios.
0 – 19 Marks 20 – 25 Marks 26 – 29 Marks 30 – 40 Marks
Marking Criteria Does not meet the Average/Meets the Above average Excellent Feedback
required standard. required standard. (65% – 74%) (75% – 100%)
(0% – 49%) (50% – 64%)
• A detailed plan of the • No/Vague detail • Basic plan of event • Detailed plan of • Comprehensive
event. plan of event provided. event provided. detailed plan of
• A cash budget reflecting provided. • Basic cash budget • Detailed cash event provided.
all the income and • No/Incorrect cash provided with budget provided • Detailed cash
expenses (Hint: The budget provided. some income and with many income budget provided
final net cash amount expense items. and expense items. with many income
must reflect the net and expense items
profit of R100 000). and the correct
opening balance of
[40 Marks] R30 000 and
correct closing
balance of
R100 000.
0 – 19 Marks 20 – 25 Marks 26 – 29 Marks 30 – 40 Marks