Aircraft Major Structural Stresses Copy of Discussion

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Major Structural Stresses

Aircraft structural members are designed to carry a load or

to resist stress. In designing an aircraft, every square inch of
wing and fuselage, every rib, spar, and even each metal
fitting must be considered in relation to the physical
characteristics of the material of which it is made. Every part
of the aircraft must be planned to carry the load to be
imposed upon it.
The determination of such loads is called stress

analysis. Although planning the design is not the

function of the aircraft technician, it is, nevertheless,

important that the technician understand and

appreciate the stresses involved in order to avoid

changes in the original design through improper

The term “stress” is often used interchangeably with the
word “strain.” While related, they are not the same thing.
External loads or forces cause stress. Stress is a material’s
internal resistance, or counterforce, that opposes
deformation. The degree of deformation of a material is
strain. When a material is subjected to a load or force, that
material is deformed, regardless of how strong the material
is or how light the load is.
Stress Analysis is conducted by the certified stress
engineer using Stress-Strain Equipments.
Aircraft Fatigue Testing Applications
Full-scale Fatigue Testing
Full-scale fatigue tests simulate various operating
situations typical for the whole aircraft structure, ex:
landings, take-offs, pressurizing and depressurizing the
For these time-compressed tests, a set of flight
types – rough, smooth, emergency landing etc. –
is defined and the expected loads are applied.
Typically, the tests last a few years to simulate
several times the lifetime of the aircraft.
Ultimate Load Tests

Ultimate Load Tests

Ultimate load tests apply the limit load of the
wing times a safety factor: For example, 1.5
times the maximum load that the wing is
expected to see once during its whole lifetime.
During this static test, the load is increased in several
small steps, first up to the limit load and then up to the
ultimate load. Even at that point, all components of the
wing including ailerons and flaps must work correctly.
In some cases, the load is increased beyond the
ultimate load until the wing fractures to make sure
that it is not too heavily built.
Component Testing
In component tests, the expected loads of
multiple times the lifetime of the aircraft are
applied to isolated components. This includes
doors, wings, empennage etc.
Component tests typically replicate loads of real
flights. This ensures that all components by
themselves can withstand the expected lifetime
loads before they are assembled for the full-
scale fatigue test.
Material Testing
In aviation, weight is expensive. That is why
manufacturers continuously improve the
materials used for new aircraft. The trend goes
towards composite materials, additive
manufacturing, lighter alloys, and ceramics. In
material testing, the load is applied to single
material coupons to test the resilience of these
materials. The coupons need to withstand cyclic
loads, tension, compression, bending, and
Tension is the stress that resists a force that tends to pull
something apart. The engine pulls the aircraft forward, but
air resistance tries to hold it back. The result is tension,
which stretches the aircraft. The tensile strength of a
material is measured in pounds per square inch (psi) and is
calculated by dividing the load (in pounds) required to pull
the material apart by its cross-sectional area (in square
Compression is the stress that resists a crushing force. The
compressive strength of a material is also measured in psi.
Compression is the stress that tends to shorten or squeeze
aircraft parts.
Torsion is the stress that produces twisting. While moving
the aircraft forward, the engine also tends to twist it to one
side, but other aircraft components hold it on course. Thus,
torsion is created. The torsion strength of a material is its
resistance to twisting or torque.
Shear is the stress that resists the force tending to cause one
layer of a material to slide over an adjacent layer. Two
riveted plates in tension subject the rivets to a shearing
force. Usually, the shearing strength of a material is either
equal to or less than its tensile or compressive strength.
Aircraft parts, especially screws, bolts, and rivets, are often
subject to a shearing force.
Bending stress is a combination of compression and tension.


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