Kehs 102
Kehs 102
Kehs 102
VER the two millennia that followed the establishment
of empires in Mesopotamia, various attempts at empire-
building took place across the region and in the area to the
west and east of it.
By the sixth century BCE, Iranians had established control over
major parts of the Assyrian empire. Networks of trade developed
overland, as well as along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.
In the eastern Mediterranean, Greek cities and their colonies benefited
from improvements in trade that were the result of these changes.
They also benefited from close trade with nomadic people to the north
of the Black Sea. In Greece, for the most part, city-states such as
Athens and Sparta were the focus of civic life. From among the Greek
states, in the late fourth century BCE, the ruler of the kingdom of
Macedon, Alexander, undertook a series of military campaigns and
conquered parts of North Africa, West Asia and Iran, reaching up to
the Beas. Here, his soldiers refused to proceed further east. Alexander’s
troops retreated, though many Greeks stayed behind.
Throughout the area under Alexander’s control, ideals and cultural
traditions were shared amongst the Greeks and the local population.
The region on the whole became ‘Hellenised’ (the Greeks were called
Hellenes), and Greek became a well-known language throughout. The
political unity of Alexander’s empire disintegrated quickly after his
death, but for almost three centuries after, Hellenistic culture remained
important in the area. The period is often referred to as the ‘Hellenistic
period’ in the history of the region, but this ignores the way in which
other cultures (especially Iranian culture associated with the old empire
of Iran) were as important as – if not often more important than –
Hellenistic notions and ideas.
This section deals with important aspects of what happened after
Small but well-organised military forces of the central Italian city-
state of Rome took advantage of the political discord that followed the
disintegration of Alexander’s empire and established control over North
Africa and the eastern Mediterranean from the second century BCE.
100-50 BCE
1-50 CE
Try and identify
300-350 City-state of Teotihuacan established in
at least five
Mexico, with pyramid temples, Mayan
ceremonial centres*, development of
astronomy, pictorial script *
that would have
involved the
350-400 movement of
peoples across
400-450 regions/
450-500 continents. What
would have been
500-550 the significance
550-600 of these events/
950-1000 First city is built in North America (c.990) Maori navigator from Polynesia ‘discovers’
New Zealand
Two powerful empires ruled over most of Europe,North Africa and the
Middle East in the period between the birth of Christ and the early part
of the seventh century, say, down to the 630s. The two empires were
those of Rome and Iran. The Romans and Iranians were rivals and
fought against each other for much of their history. Their empires lay
next to each other, separated only by a narrow strip of land that ran
along the river Euphrates. In this chapter we shall be looking at the
Roman Empire, but we shall also refer, in passing, to Rome’s rival, Iran.
If you look at the map, you will see that the continents of Europe and
Africa are separated by a sea that stretches all the way from Spain in the
west to Syria in the east. This sea is called the Mediterranean, and it was
the heart of Rome’s empire. Rome dominated the Mediterranean and all
the regions around that sea in both directions, north as well as south.
To the north, the boundaries of the empire were formed by two great MAP 1: Europe and
rivers, the Rhine and the Danube; to the south, by the huge expanse of North Africa
desert called the Sahara. This vast stretch of territory was the Roman
Empire. Iran controlled the whole area south of the Caspian Sea down
to eastern Arabia, and sometimes large parts of Afghanistan as well.
These two superpowers had divided up most of the world that the Chinese
called Ta Ch’in (‘greater Ch’in’, roughly the west).
The Roman Empire can broadly be divided into two phases, ‘early’ and
‘late’, divided by the third century as a sort of historical watershed
between them. In other words, the whole period down to the main part
of the third century can be called the ‘early empire’, and the period
after that the ‘late empire’.
A major difference between the two superpowers and their respective
empires was that the Roman Empire was culturally much more diverse
than that of Iran. The Parthians and later the Sasanians, the dynasties
that ruled Iran in this period, ruled over a population that was largely
*The Republic was
the name for a
Iranian. The Roman Empire, by contrast, was a mosaic of territories
regime in which the and cultures that were chiefly bound together by a common system of
reality of power lay government. Many languages were spoken in the empire, but for the
with the Senate, a purposes of administration Latin and Greek were the most widely used,
body dominated by a
indeed the only languages. The upper classes of the east spoke and
small group of
wealthy families who wrote in Greek, those of the west in Latin, and the boundary between
formed the ‘nobility’. these broad language areas ran somewhere across the middle of the
In practice, the Mediterranean, between the African provinces of Tripolitania (which
Republic represented was Latin speaking) and Cyrenaica (Greek-speaking). All those who
the government of
the nobility,
lived in the empire were subjects of a single ruler, the emperor, regardless
exercised through the of where they lived and what language they spoke.
body called the The regime established by Augustus, the first emperor, in 27 BCE
Senate. The Republic was called the ‘Principate’. Although Augustus was the sole ruler and
lasted from 509 BC to
the only real source of authority, the fiction was kept alive that he was
27 BC, when it was
overthrown by actually only the ‘leading citizen’ (Princeps in Latin), not the absolute
Octavian, the ruler. This was done out of respect for the Senate, the body which had
adopted son and heir controlled Rome earlier, in the days when it was a Republic.* The
of Julius Caesar, who Senate had existed in Rome for centuries, and had been and remained
later changed his
name to Augustus.
a body representing the aristocracy, that is, the wealthiest families of
Membership of the Roman and, later, Italian descent, mainly landowners. Most of the
Senate was for life, Roman histories that survive in Greek and Latin were written by people
and wealth and from a senatorial background. From these it is clear that emperors
were judged by how they behaved towards the Senate. The worst
counted for more
than birth. emperors were those who were hostile to the senatorial class, behaving
with suspicion or brutality and violence. Many senators yearned to go
back to the days of the Republic, but most must have realised that this
was impossible.
Next to the emperor and the Senate, the other key institution of
imperial rule was the army. Unlike the army of its rival in the Persian
**A conscripted empire, which was a conscripted** army, the Romans had a paid
army is one which is professional army where soldiers had to put in a minimum of 25 years
forcibly recruited;
of service. Indeed, the existence of a paid army was a distinctive feature
military service is
compulsory for of the Roman Empire. The army was the largest single organised body
certain groups or in the empire (600,000 by the fourth century) and it certainly had the
categories of the power to determine the fate of emperors. The soldiers would constantly
population. agitate for better wages and service conditions. These agitations often
Much more characteristic was the gradual extension of Roman direct
rule. This was accomplished by absorbing a whole series of ‘dependent’
kingdoms into Roman provincial territory. The Near East was full of
such kingdoms*, but by the early second century those which lay west
of the Euphrates (towards Roman territory) had disappeared, swallowed
up by Rome. (Incidentally, some of these kingdoms were exceedingly
wealthy, for example Herod’s kingdom yielded the equivalent of 5.4
million denarii per year, equal to over 125,000 kg of gold! The denarius
was a Roman silver coin containing about 4½ gm of pure silver.)
In fact, except for Italy, which was not considered a province in
these centuries, all the territories of the empire were organised into
provinces and subject to taxation. At its peak in the second century,
the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland to the borders of
Armenia, and from the Sahara to the Euphrates and sometimes
beyond. Given that there was no government in the modern sense
to help them to run things, you may well ask, how was it possible
for the emperor to cope with the control and administration of such
* These were local a vast and diverse set of territories, with a population of some 60
kingdoms that were million in the mid-second century? The answer lies in the
‘clients’ of Rome.
Their rulers could urbanisation of the empire.
be relied on to use The great urban centres that lined the shores of the Mediterranean
their forces in (Carthage, Alexandria, Antioch were the biggest among them) were
support of Rome, the true bedrock of the imperial system. It was through the cities
and in return Rome
allowed them to
that ‘government’ was able to tax the provincial countrysides which
exist. generated much of the wealth of the empire. What this means is
that the local upper classes actively collaborated with the Roman
Pont du Gard, near state in administering their own territories and raising taxes from
Nimes, France, first them. In fact, one of the most interesting aspects of Roman political
century BCE. Roman history is the dramatic shift in power between Italy and the provinces.
engineers built
massive aqueducts Throughout the second and third centuries, it was the provincial
over three continents upper classes who supplied most of the cadre that governed the
to carry water. provinces and commanded the armies. They came to form a new
elite of a d m in istr a tor s a n d
military commanders who
became much more powerful
than the senatorial class because
they had the backing of the
emperors. As this new group
emerged, the emperor Gallienus
(253-68) consolidated their rise to
power by excluding senators from
military command. We are told
that Gallienus forbade senators
from serving in the ar my or
having access to it, in order to
prevent control of the empire from
falling into their hands.
To sum up, in the late first, second and early third centuries the
army and administration were increasingly drawn from the provinces, ACTIVITY 1
as citizenship spread to these regions and was no longer confined to
Who were the
Italy. But individuals of Italian origin continued to dominate the senate
three main
at least till the third century, when senators of provincial origin became
players in the
a majority. These trends reflected the general decline of Italy within political history
the empire, both political and economic, and the rise of new elites in of the Roman
the wealthier and more urbanised parts of the Mediterranean, such as Empire? Write
the south of Spain, Africa and the east. A city in the Roman sense was one or two lines
an urban centre with its own magistrates, city council and a ‘territory’ about each of
containing villages which were under its jurisdiction. Thus one city them. And how
could not be in the territory of another city, but villages almost always did the Roman
were. Villages could be upgraded to the status of cities, and vice versa, emperor manage
to govern such a
usually as a mark of imperial favour (or the opposite). One crucial
vast territory?
advantage of living in a city was simply that it might be better provided
for during food shortages and even famines than the countryside. collaboration
was crucial to
If the first and second centuries were by and large a period of peace,
prosperity and economic expansion, the third century brought the
first major signs of internal strain. From the 230s, the empire found
itself fighting on several fronts simultaneously. In Iran a new and
more aggressive dynasty emerged in 225 (they called themselves the
‘Sasanians’) and within just 15 years were expanding rapidly in the
direction of the Euphrates. In a famous rock inscription cut in three
languages, Shapur I, the Iranian ruler, claimed he had annihilated a
Roman army of 60,000 and even captured the eastern capital of Antioch.
Meanwhile, a whole series of Germanic tribes or rather tribal
confederacies (most notably, the Alamanni, the Franks and the Goths)
began to move against the Rhine and Danube frontiers, and the whole
period from 233 to 280 saw repeated invasions of a whole line of
provinces that stretched from the Black Sea to the Alps and southern
Germany. The Romans were forced to abandon much of the territory
beyond the Danube, while the emperors of this period were constantly
in the field against what the Romans called ‘barbarians’. The rapid
succession of emperors in the third century (25 emperors in 47 years!)
is an obvious symptom of the strains faced by the empire in this period.
One of the more modern features of Roman society was the widespread
prevalence of the nuclear family. Adult sons did not live with their
families, and it was exceptional for adult brothers to share a common
household. On the other hand, slaves were included in the family as
the Romans understood this. By the late Republic (the first century
BCE), the typical form of marriage was one where the wife did not
transfer to her husband’s authority but retained full rights in the
property of her natal family. While the woman’s dowry went to the
husband for the duration of the marriage, the woman remained a
primary heir of her father and became an independent property owner
on her father’s death. Thus Roman women enjoyed considerable legal
*Saint Augustine
rights in owning and managing property. In other words, in law the
(354-430) was
bishop of the North married couple was not one financial entity but two, and the wife
African city of Hippo enjoyed complete legal independence. Divorce was relatively easy and
from 396 and a needed no more than a notice of intent to dissolve the marriage by
towering figure in either husband or wife. On the other hand, whereas males married in
the intellectual
history of the their late twenties or early thirties, women were married off in the late
Church. teens or early twenties, so there was an age gap between husband and
Bishops were the wife and this would have encouraged a certain inequality. Marriages
most important were generally arranged, and there is no doubt that women were often
religious figures in a
subject to domination by their husbands. Augustine*, the great Catholic
community, and bishop who spent most of his life in North Africa, tells us that his
often very powerful. mother was regularly beaten by his father and that most other wives
in the small town where he grew up had similar bruises to show! *The use of reading
Finally, fathers had substantial legal control over their children – and writing in
everyday, often
sometimes to a shocking degree, for example, a legal power of life and trivial, contexts.
death in exposing unwanted children, by leaving them out in the cold
to die.
What about literacy? It is certain that rates of casual literacy* varied
greatly between different parts of the empire. For example, in Pompeii,
which was buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 CE, there is strong evidence
of widespread casual literacy. Walls on the main streets of Pompeii
often carried advertisements, and graffiti were found all over the city.
By contrast, in Egypt where hundreds of papyri survive, most formal
documents such as contracts were usually written by professional
scribes, and they often tell us that X or Y is unable to read and write.
But even here literacy was certainly more widespread among certain
categories such as soldiers, army officers and estate managers.
The cultural diversity of the empire was reflected in many ways and
at many levels: in the vast diversity of religious cults and local deities;
the plurality of languages that were spoken; the styles of dress and
costume, the food people ate, their forms of social
organisation (tribal/non-tribal), even their patterns
of settlement. Aramaic was the dominant language
group of the Near East (at least west of the Euphrates),
Coptic was spoken in Egypt, Punic and Berber in
North Africa, Celtic in Spain and the northwest. But
many of these linguistic cultures were purely oral, at
least until a script was invented for them. Armenian,
for example, only began to be written as late as the
fifth century, whereas there was already a Coptic
Mosaic in Edessa,
second century CE.
The Syriac
suggests that
those depicted are
the wife of king
Abgar and her
Pompeii: A wine-
merchant’s dining-
room, its walls
decorated with
scenes depicting
mythical animals.
regions competed with each other for control of the main markets for
the goods they produced. The success of the Spanish olive growers
was then repeated by North African producers – olive estates in this
part of the empire dominated production through most of the third Archaeologists
and fourth centuries. Later, after 425, North African dominance was who work on the
broken by the East: in the later fifth and sixth centuries the Aegean, remains of
southern Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria and Palestine became major pottery are a bit
exporters of wine and olive oil, and containers from Africa show a like detectives.
dramatically reduced presence on Mediterranean markets. Behind these Can you explain
why? Also, what
broad movements the prosperity of individual regions rose and fell
can amphorae
depending on how effectively they could organise the production and tell us about
transport of particular goods, and on the quality of those goods. the economic
The empire included many regions that had a reputation for life of the
exceptional fertility. Campania in Italy, Sicily, the Fayum in Egypt, Mediterranean
Galilee, Byzacium (Tunisia), southern Gaul (called Gallia Narbonensis), in the Roman
and Baetica (southern Spain) were all among the most densely settled period?
or wealthiest parts of the empire, according to writers like Strabo and
Pliny. The best kinds of wine came from Campania. Sicily and Byzacium
exported large quantities of wheat to Rome. Galilee was densely
cultivated (‘every inch of the soil has been cultivated by the inhabitants’,
wrote the historian Josephus), and Spanish olive oil came mainly from
numerous estates (fundi) along the banks of the river Guadalquivir in
the south of Spain.
On the other hand, large expanses of Roman territory were in a
much less advanced state. For example, transhumance* was widespread *Transhumance is
in the countryside of Numidia (modern Algeria). These pastoral and the herdsman’s
semi-nomadic communities were often on the move, carrying their regular annual
movement between
oven-shaped huts (called mapalia) with them. As Roman estates the higher mountain
expanded in North Africa, the pastures of those communities were regions and low-
drastically reduced and their movements more tightly regulated. Even lying ground in
in Spain the north was much less developed, and inhabited largely by search of pasture
for sheep and other
a Celtic-speaking peasantry that lived in hilltop villages called castella.
When we think of the Roman Empire, we should never forget these
We should also be careful not to imagine that because this was the
‘ancient’ world, their forms of cultural and economic life were necessarily
backward or primitive. On the contrary, diversified applications of water
power around the Mediterranean as well as advances in water-powered
milling technology, the use of hydraulic mining techniques in the
Spanish gold and silver mines and the gigantic industrial scale on
which those mines were worked in the first and second centuries (with
levels of output that would not be reached again till the nineteenth
century, some 1,700 years later!), the existence of well-organised
commercial and banking networks, and the widespread use of money
are all indications of how much we tend to under-estimate the
sophistication of the Roman economy. This raises the issue of labour
and of the use of slavery.
Slavery was an institution deeply rooted in the ancient world, both in
the Mediterranean and in the Near East, and not even Christianity
when it emerged and triumphed as the state religion (in the fourth
century) seriously challenged this institution. It does
not follow that the bulk of the labour in the Roman
economy was performed by slaves. That may have
been true of large parts of Italy in the Republican
period (under Augustus there were still 3 million
slaves in a total Italian population of 7.5 million) but
it was no longer true of the empire as a whole. Slaves
were an investment, and at least one Roman
agricultural writer advised landowners against using
them in contexts where too many might be required
(for example, for harvests) or where their health could
be damaged (for example, by malaria). These
considerations were not based on any sympathy for
the slaves but on hard economic calculation. On the
other hand, if the Roman upper classes were often
brutal towards their slaves, ordinary people did
sometimes show much more compassion. See what
one historian says about a famous incident that
occurred in the reign of Nero.
As warfare became less widespread with the
establishment of peace in the first century, the supply
of slaves tended to decline and the users of slave
labour thus had to turn either to slave breeding* or
to cheaper substitutes such as wage labour which
was more easily dispensable. In fact, free labour was
extensively used on public works at Rome precisely
because an extensive use of slave labour would have
been too expensive. Unlike hired workers, slaves had
*The practice of to be fed and maintained throughout the year, which increased the
encouraging female cost of holding this kind of labour. This is probably why slaves are not
slaves and their widely found in the agriculture of the later period, at least not in the
partners to have
more children, who eastern provinces. On the other hand, they and freedmen, that is,
would of course also slaves who had been set free by their masters, were extensively used
be slaves. as business managers, where, obviously, they were not required in
large numbers. Masters often gave their slaves or freedmen capital to
Opp page: Mosaic at run businesses on their behalf or even businesses of their own.
Cherchel, Algeria,
The Roman agricultural writers paid a great deal of attention to the
early third century CE,
with agricultural management of labour. Columella, a first-century writer who came
scenes. from the south of Spain, recommended that landowners should keep
Above: Ploughing and a reserve stock of implements and tools, twice as many as they needed,
sowing. so that production could be continuous, ‘for the loss in slave labour-
Below: Working in
vineyards. time exceeds the cost of such items’. There was a general presumption
*A rebellion in widespread; to take just one example, in the great Jewish revolt of 66
Judaea against CE* the revolutionaries destroyed the moneylenders’ bonds to win
Roman domination, popular support.
which was
Again, we should be careful not to conclude that the bulk of labour
suppressed by was coerced in these ways. The late-fifth-century emperor Anastasius
the Romans in built the eastern frontier city of Dara in less than three weeks by
what is called the attracting labour from all over the East by offering high wages. From
‘Jewish war’. the papyri we can even form some estimate of how widespread wage
labour had become in parts of the Mediterranean by the sixth century,
especially in the East.
We shall conclude this chapter by looking at the cultural
transformation of the Roman world in its final centuries. ‘Late
antiquity’ is the term now used to describe the final, fascinating
period in the evolution and break-up of the Roman Empire and
refers broadly to the fourth to seventh centuries. The fourth century
itself was one of considerable ferment, both cultural and economic.
At the cultural level, the period saw momentous developments in
religious life, with the emperor Constantine deciding to make
Christianity the official religion, and with the rise of Islam in the
seventh century. But there were equally important changes in the
structure of the state that began with the emperor Diocletian (284-
305), and it may be best to start with these.
Overexpansion had led Diocletian to ‘cut back’ by abandoning
territories with little strategic or economic value. Diocletian also fortified
the frontiers, reorganised provincial boundaries, and separated civilian
from military functions, granting greater autonomy to the military
commanders (duces), who now became a more powerful group.
Constantine consolidated some of these changes and added others of
his own. His chief innovations were in the monetary sphere, where he
introduced a new denomination, the solidus, a coin of 4½ gm of pure
gold that would in fact outlast the Roman Empire itself. Solidi were
minted on a very large scale and their circulation
ran into millions. The other area of innovation was
the creation of a second capital at Constantinople
(at the site of modern Istanbul in Turkey, and
previously called Byzantium), surrounded on three
sides by the sea. As the new capital required a new
senate, the fourth century was a period of rapid
expansion of the governing classes. Monetary
stability and an expanding population stimulated
economic growth, and the archaeological record
shows considerable investment in rural
establishments, including industrial installations
like oil presses and glass factories, in newer
technologies such as screw presses and multiple
water-mills, and in a revival of the long-distance
trade with the East.
All of this carried over into strong urban
prosperity that was marked by new forms of
architecture and an exaggerated sense of luxury.
The ruling elites were wealthier and more powerful
than ever before. In Egypt, hundreds of papyri
survive from these later centuries and they show
us a relatively affluent society where money was in
extensive use and rural estates generated vast
incomes in gold. For example, Egypt contributed
Part of a colossal taxes of over 2½ million solidi a year (roughly 35,000 lbs of gold) in the
statue of Emperor
Constantine, 313 CE.
reign of Justinian in the sixth century. Indeed, large parts of the Near
Eastern countryside were more developed and densely settled in the
fifth and sixth centuries than they would be even in the twentieth
century! This is the social background against which we should set the
cultural developments of this period.
The traditional religious culture of the classical world, both Greek
and Roman, had been polytheist. That is, it involved a multiplicity of
cults that included both Roman/Italian gods like Jupiter, Juno, Minerva
and Mars, as well as numerous Greek and eastern deities worshipped
in thousands of temples, shrines and sanctuaries throughout the
recaptured Africa from the Vandals (in 533) but his recovery of Italy (from
the Ostrogoths) left that country devastated and paved the way for the
Lombard invasion. By the early seventh century, the war between Rome
and Iran had flared up again, and the Sasanians who had ruled Iran since
the third century launched a wholesale invasion of all the major eastern
provinces (including Egypt). When Byzantium, as the Roman Empire was
now increasingly known, recovered these provinces in the 620s, it was
just a few years away, literally, from the final major blow which came, this
time, from the south-east.
The expansion of Islam from its beginnings in Arabia has been
called ‘the greatest political revolution ever to occur in the history of
the ancient world’. By 642, barely ten years after the Prophet
Muhammad’s death, large parts of both the eastern Roman and
Sasanian empires had fallen to the Arabs in a series of stunning
confrontations. However, we should bear in mind that those conquests,
which eventually (a century later) extended as far afield as Spain, Sind
and Central Asia, began in fact with the subjection of the Arab tribes
by the emerging Islamic state, first within Arabia and then in the
Syrian desert and on the fringes of Iraq. As we will see in Theme 4, the
unification of the Arabian peninsula and its numerous tribes was the
MAP 2: West Asia key factor behind the territorial expansion of Islam.
Mosaic at Ravenna,
547 CE, showing
Emperor Justinian.
in Arabic, the best being the Tarikh of Tabari (d. 923) which
has been translated into English in 38 volumes. Persian
chronicles are few but they are quite detailed in their treatment
of Iran and Central Asia. Christian chronicles, written in
*Aramaic is a Syriac (a dialect of Aramaic*), are fewer but they throw
language related to interesting light on the history of early Islam. Besides
Hebrew and Arabic. chronicles, we have legal texts, geographies, travelogues and
It has also been literary works, such as stories and poems.
used in Ashokan Documentary evidence (fragmentary pieces of writing,
such as official orders or private correspondence) is the
most valuable for writing histories because it does not
consciously refer to events and persons. It comes almost
entirely from Greek and Arabic papyri (good for
administrative history) and the Geniza records. Some
evidence has emerged from archaeological (excavations
done at desert palaces), numismatic (study of coins) and
epigraphic (study of inscriptions) sources which is of great
value for economic history, art history, and for establishing
names and dates.
Proper histories of Islam began to be written in the
nineteenth century by university professors in Germany and
the Netherlands. Colonial interests in the Middle East and
North Africa encouraged French and British researchers to
study Islam as well. Christian priests too paid close attention
to the history of Islam and produced some good work,
although their interest was mainly to compare Islam with
Christianity. These scholars, called Orientalists, are known
for their knowledge of Arabic and Persian and critical
analysis of original texts. Ignaz Goldziher was a Hungarian
Jew who studied at the Islamic college (al-Azhar) in Cairo
and produced path-breaking studies in German of Islamic
law and theology. Twentieth-century historians of Islam have
largely followed the interests and methods of Orientalists.
They have widened the scope of Islamic history by including
new topics, and by using allied disciplines, such as
economics, anthropology and statistics, have refined many
aspects of Orientalist studies. The historiography of Islam
is a good example of how religion can be studied with
modern historical methods by those who may not share the
customs and beliefs of the people they are studying.
During 612-32, the Prophet Muhammad preached the worship of a
single God, Allah, and the membership of a single community of believers
(umma). This was the origin of Islam. Muhammad was an Arab by
language and culture and a merchant by profession. Sixth-century
Arab culture was largely confined to the Arabian peninsula and areas
of southern Syria and Mesopotamia.
The Arabs were divided into tribes* (qabila), each led by a chief who *Tribes are societies
was chosen partly on the basis of his family connections but more for organised on the basis
of blood relationships.
his personal courage, wisdom and generosity (murawwa). Each tribe The Arab tribes were
had its own god or goddess, who was worshipped as an idol (sanam) in made up of clans or
a shrine. Many Arab tribes were nomadic (Bedouins), moving from dry combinations of large
to green areas (oases) of the desert in search of food (mainly dates) and families. Unrelated
clans also merged to
fodder for their camels. Some settled in cities and practised trade or
make a tribe stronger.
agriculture. Muhammad’s own tribe, Quraysh, lived in Mecca and Non-Arab individuals
controlled the main shrine there, a cube-like structure called Kaba, in (mawali) became
which idols were placed. Even tribes outside Mecca considered the members through the
Kaba holy and installed their own idols at this shrine, making annual patronage of prominent
tribesmen. Even after
pilgrimages (hajj) to the shrine. Mecca was located on the crossroads converting to Islam, the
of a trade route between Yemen and Syria which further enhanced the mawali were never
city’s importance (see Map p. 82). The Meccan shrine was a sanctuary treated as equals by
(haram) where violence was forbidden and protection given to all visitors. the Arab Muslims and
had to pray in separate
Pilgrimage and commerce gave the nomadic and settled tribes
opportunities to communicate with one another and share their beliefs
and customs. Although the polytheistic Arabs were vaguely familiar A thirteenth century
with the notion of a Supreme God, Allah (possibly under the influence painting from ‘Ajaibul
Makhluqat’ depicting
of the Jewish and Christian tribes living in their midst), their attachment
the artist’s imagination
to idols and shrines was more immediate and stronger. of the Archangel Gabriel
Around 612, Muhammad declared himself to be the messenger (Jibril) who brought
(rasul) of God who had been commanded to preach that Allah alone messages to
should be worshipped. The worship involved simple rituals, such as Muhammad. The first
word he spoke was
daily prayers (salat), and moral principles, such as distributing ‘recite’ (iqra) from
alms and abstaining from theft. Muhammad was to found a which has come the
community of believers (umma) bound by a common set of religious word Quran. In Islamic
beliefs. The community would bear witness (shahada) to the existence cosmology, angels are
one of the three
of the religion before God as well as before members of other religious
intelligent forms of life
communities. Muhammad’s message particularly appealed to those in the Universe. The
Meccans who felt deprived of the gains from trade and religion and other two are humans
were looking for a new community identity. Those who and jinns.
accepted the doctrine were called Muslims. They
were promised salvation on the Day of Judgement
(qiyama) and a share of the resources of the
community while on earth. The Muslims soon
faced considerable opposition from affluent
Meccans who took offence to the rejection of
their deities and found the new religion a
threat to the status and prosperity of Mecca.
In 622, Muhammad was forced
to migrate with his followers to Medina.
Muhammad’s journey from Mecca (hijra) was
a turning point in the history of
Islam, with the year of his arrival in
Medina marking the beginning of the
Muslim calendar.
After Muhammad’s death in 632, no one could legitimately claim
to be the next prophet of Islam. As a result, his political authority
was transferred to the umma with no established principle of
succession. This created opportunities for innovations but also
caused deep divisions among the Muslims. The biggest innovation
was the creation of the institution of caliphate, in which the leader
of the community (amir al-muminin) became the deputy (khalifa) of
the Prophet. The first four caliphs (632-61) justified their powers
on the basis of their close association with the Prophet and
continued his work under the general guidelines he had provided.
The twin objectives of the caliphate were to retain control over the
tribes constituting the umma and to raise resources for the state.
Following Muhammad’s death, many tribes broke away from the
Islamic state. Some even raised their own prophets to establish
communities modelled on the umma. The first caliph, Abu Bakr,
suppressed the revolts by a series of campaigns. The second caliph,
Umar, shaped the umma’s policy of expansion of power. The caliph
knew that the umma could not be maintained out of the modest
income derived from trade and taxes. Realising that rich booty
(ghanima) could be obtained from expeditionary raids, the caliph and
his military commanders mustered their tribal strength to conquer
lands belonging to the Byzantine Empire in the west and the Sasanian
empire in the east. At the height of their power, the Byzantine and
Sasanian empires ruled vast territories and commanded huge
resources to pursue their political and commercial interests in Arabia.
The Byzantine Empire promoted Christianity and the Sasanian empire
patronised Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of Iran. On the eve
of the Arab invasions, these two empires had declined in strength
due to religious conflicts and revolts by the aristocracy. This made it
• Ghazni
• Cairo
• Fustat
• Medina
• Mecca
easier for the Arabs to annex territories through wars and treaties.
In three successful campaigns (637-642), the Arabs brought Syria,
Iraq, Iran and Egypt under the control of Medina. Military strategy,
religious fervour and the weakness of the opposition contributed
to the success of the Arabs. Further campaigns were launched
by the third caliph, Uthman, to extend the control to Central
Asia. Within a decade of the death of Muhammad, the Arab-
Islamic state controlled the vast territory between the Nile and
the Oxus. These lands remain under Muslim rule to this day.
In all the conquered provinces, the caliphs imposed a new
administrative structure headed by governors (amirs) and tribal
chieftains (ashraf ). The central treasury (bait al-mal) obtained its
revenue from taxes paid by Muslims as well as its share of the booty
from raids. The caliph’s soldiers, mostly Bedouins, settled in camp
cities at the edge of the desert, such as Kufa and Basra, to remain
within reach of their natural habitat as well as the caliph’s command.
The ruling class and soldiers received shares of the booty and monthly
payments (ata). The non-Muslim population retained their rights to
property and religious practices on payment of taxes (kharaj and jiziya).
Jews and Christians were declared protected subjects of the state
(dhimmis) and given a large measure of autonomy in the conduct of
their communal affairs.
Political expansion and unification did not come easily to the Arab
tribesmen. With territorial expansion, the unity of the umma became
threatened by conflicts over the distribution of resources and offices.
The ruling class of the early Islamic state comprised almost entirely
the Quraysh of Mecca. The third caliph, Uthman (644-56), also a
Quraysh, packed his administration with his own men to secure greater
control. This further intensified the Meccan character of the state
and the conflict with the other tribesmen. Opposition in Iraq and
Egypt, combined with opposition in Medina, led to the assassination
of Uthman. With Uthman’s death, Ali became the fourth caliph.
The rifts among the Muslims deepened after Ali (656-61) fought
two wars against those who represented the Meccan aristocracy.
Ali established himself at Kufa and defeated an army led by
Muhammad’s wife, Aisha, in the Battle of the Camel (657). He was,
however, not able to suppress the faction led by Muawiya, a
kinsman of Uthman and the governor of Syria. Ali’s second battle,
at Siffin (northern Mesopotamia), ended in a truce which split his
followers into two groups: some remained loyal to him, while others
left the camp and came to be known as Kharjis. Soon after, Ali was
assassinated by a Kharji in a mosque at Kufa. After his death, his
followers paid allegiance to his son, Hussain, and his descendants.
Muawiya made himself the next caliph in 661, founding the
Umayyad dynasty which lasted till 750.
After the civil wars, it appeared as if Arab domination would
disintegrate. There were also signs that the tribal conquerors
were adopting the sophisticated culture of their subjects. It was
under the Umayyads, a prosperous clan of the Quraysh tribe,
that a second round of consolidation took place.
The conquest of large territories destroyed the caliphate based in
Medina and replaced it with an increasingly authoritarian polity. The
Umayyads implemented a series of political measures which
consolidated their leadership within the umma. The first Umayyad
caliph, Muawiya, moved his capital to Damascus and adopted the
court ceremonies and administrative institutions of the Byzantine
Empire. He also introduced hereditary succession and persuaded the
leading Muslims to accept his son as his heir. These innovations were
adopted by the caliphs who followed him, and allowed the Umayyads
to retain power for 90 years and the Abbasids, for two centuries.
The Umayyad state was now an imperial power, no longer based
directly on Islam but on statecraft and the loyalty of Syrian troops.
There were Christian advisers in the administration, as well as
Zoroastrian scribes and bureaucrats. However, Islam continued to
provide legitimacy to their rule. The Umayyads always appealed for
Portrait gold dinar struck The reformed dinar was purely epigraphic.
by Abd al-Malik with his It carries the kalima: ‘There is no God but
name and image. Allah and He has no partner (sharik)’
For their success in centralising the Muslim polity, the Umayyads
paid a heavy price. A well-organised movement, called dawa, brought
down the Umayyads and replaced them with another family of
Meccan origin, the Abbasids, in 750. The Abbasids portrayed the The Great Mosque of
Umayyad regime as evil and promised a restoration of the original al-Mutawwakil in
Islam of the Prophet. The revolution led not only to a change of Samarra (the second
dynasty but changes in the political structure and culture of Islam. Abbasid capital) built
in 850. The minar is
The Abbasid uprising broke out in the distant region of
50 metres high, and is
Khurasan (eastern Iran), a 20-day journey from Damascus on a made of brick.
fast horse. Khurasan had a mixed Arab-Iranian population which Inspired by
could be mobilised for various reasons. The Arab soldiers here Mesopotamian
were mostly from Iraq and resented the dominance of the Syrians. architectural
traditions, this was
The civilian Arabs of Khurasan disliked the Umayyad regime the largest mosque in
for having made promises of tax concessions and the world for
privileges which were never fulfilled. As for the Iranian centuries.
Muslims (mawali), they were exposed to the scorn of
the race-conscious Arabs and were eager to join any
campaign to oust the Umayyads.
The Abbasids, descendants of Abbas, the Prophet’s
uncle, mustered the support of the various dissident
groups and legitimised their bid for power by promising
that a messiah (mahdi) from the family of the Prophet
(ahl al-bayt) would liberate them from the oppressive
Umayyad regime. Their army was led by an Iranian
slave, Abu Muslim, who defeated the last Umayyad
caliph, Marwan, in a battle at the river Zab.
Under Abbasid rule, Arab influence declined,
while the importance of Iranian culture increased.
The Abbasids established their capital at Baghdad,
near the ruins of the ancient Iranian metropolis,
Ctesiphon. The army and bureaucracy were
reorganised on a non-tribal basis to ensure
greater participation by Iraq and Khurasan.
The Abbasid rulers strengthened the religious
status and functions of the caliphate and
patronised Islamic institutions and
scholars. But they were forced by the
needs of government and empire to
retain the centralised nature of the
state. They maintained the magnificent
imperial architecture and elaborate
court ceremonials of the Umayyads.
The regime which took pride in having
brought down the monarchy found
itself compelled to establish it again.
Identify the The Abbasid state became weaker from the ninth century because
changing Baghdad’s control over the distant provinces declined, and because of
locations of the conflict between pro-Arab and pro-Iranian factions in the army and
caliphate’s bureaucracy. In 810, a civil war broke out between supporters of Amin
capital. Which
and Mamun, sons of the caliph Harun al-Rashid, which deepened the
would you say
was most
factionalism and created a new power bloc of Turkish slave officers
centrally (mamluk). Shiism once again competed with Sunni orthodoxy for power.
situated? A number of minor dynasties arose, such as the Tahirids and Samanids
in Khurasan and Transoxiana (Turan or lands beyond the Oxus), and
the Tulunids in Egypt and Syria. Abbasid power was soon limited to
central Iraq and western Iran. That too was lost in 945 when the
Buyids, a Shiite clan from the Caspian region of Iran (Daylam), captured
Baghdad. The Buyid rulers assumed various titles, including the ancient
Iranian title shahanshah (king of kings), but not that of caliph. They
kept the Abbasid caliph as the symbolic head of their Sunni subjects.
The decision not to abolish the caliphate was a shrewd one,
because another Shiite dynasty, the Fatimids, had ambitions to
rule the Islamic world. The Fatimids belonged to the Ismaili sub-
sect of Shiism and claimed to be descended from the Prophet’s
daughter, Fatima, and hence, the sole rightful rulers of Islam. From
their base in North Africa, they conquered Egypt in 969 and
established the Fatimid caliphate. The old capital of Egypt, Fustat,
was replaced by a new city, Qahira (Cairo), founded on the day of
the rise of the planet Mars (Mirrikh, also called al-Qahir). The two
rival dynasties patronised Shiite administrators, poets and scholars.
Between 950 and 1200, Islamic society was held together not by a
single political order or a single language of culture (Arabic) but by
common economic and cultural patterns. Unity in the face of political
divisions was maintained by the separation between state and society,
the development of Persian as a language of Islamic high culture, and
the maturity of the dialogue between intellectual traditions. Scholars,
artists and merchants moved freely within the central Islamic lands
and assured the circulation of ideas and manners. Some of these also
percolated down to the level of villages due to conversion. The Muslim
population, less than 10 per cent in the Umayyad and early Abbasid
periods, increased enormously. The identity of Islam as a religion and
a cultural system separate from other religions became much sharper,
which made conversion possible and meaningful.
A third ethnic group was added to the Arabs and Iranians, with the
rise of the Turkish sultanates in the tenth and eleventh centuries. The
Turks were nomadic tribes from the Central Asian steppes (grasslands)
of Turkistan (north-east of the Aral Sea up to the borders of China) who
gradually converted to Islam (see Theme 5). They were skilled riders
and warriors and entered the Abbasid, Samanid and Buyid
In medieval Islamic societies, Christians were regarded as the
People of the Book (ahl al-kitab) since they had their own scripture
(the New Testament or Injil). Christians were granted safe conduct
(aman) while venturing into Muslim states as merchants, pilgrims,
ambassadors and travellers. These territories also included those
which were once held by the Byzantine Empire, notably the Holy
Land of Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered by the Arabs in 638
but it was ever-present in the Christian imagination as the place
of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. This was an important factor
in the formation of the image of Muslims in Christian Europe.
Hostility towards the Muslim world became more pronounced in
the eleventh century. Normans, Hungarians and some Slavs had
A crusader castle in Syria. Built during the
crusades (1110), it was an important base to
attack Arab-controlled areas. The towers and
aqueducts were built by the Mamluk sultan,
Baybars, when he captured it in 1271.
Agriculture was the principal occupation of the settled populations
in the newly conquered territories. The Islamic state made no changes
in this. Land was owned by big and small peasants and, in some
cases, by the state. In Iraq and Iran, land existed in fairly large
units cultivated by peasants. The estate owners collected taxes on
behalf of the state during the Sasanian as well as Islamic periods. In
areas that had moved from a pastoral to a settled agricultural system,
land was the common property of the village. Finally, big estates
that were abandoned by their owners after the Islamic conquests
were acquired by the state and handed over mainly to the Muslim
elites of the empire, particularly members of the caliph’s family.
The state had overall control of agricultural lands, deriving the
bulk of its income from land revenue once the conquests were over.
The lands conquered by the Arabs that remained in the hands of the
owners were subject to a tax (kharaj),
which varied from half to a fifth of
the produce, according to the
conditions of cultivation. On land
held or cultivated by Muslims, the
tax levied was one-tenth (ushr) of the
produce. When non-Muslims started
to convert to Islam to pay lower taxes,
this reduced the income of the state.
To address the shortfall, the caliphs
first discouraged conversions
and later adopted a uniform policy
of taxation. From the tenth century
onwards, the state authorised its
officials to claim their salaries
from agricultural revenues from
territories, called iqtas (revenue
Agricultural prosperity went
hand in hand with political
stability. In many areas, especially
Grain harvesting; the
in the Nile valley, the state supported irrigation systems, the labourers’ lunch is
construction of dams and canals, and the digging of wells (often being brought on a
equipped with waterwheels or noria), all of which were crucial for tray.
good harvests. Islamic law gave tax concessions to people who –Arabic version of the
Pseudo-Galen’s Book
brought land under cultivation. Through peasant initiatives and
of Antidotes, 1199
state support, cultivable land expanded and productivity rose, (see the story of
even in the absence of major technological changes. Many new Doctor Galen, p. 63).
crops such as cotton, oranges, bananas, watermelons, spinach
and brinjals (badinjan) were grown and even exported to Europe.
As the religious and social experiences of the Muslims deepened
through contact with other people, the community was obliged to
reflect on itself and confront issues pertaining to God and the
world. What should be the ideal conduct of a Muslim in public
and private? What is the object of Creation and how does one
know what God wants from His creatures? How can one
understand the mysteries of the universe? Answers to such
questions came from learned Muslims who acquired and organised
knowledge of different kinds to strengthen the social identity of
the community as well as to satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
For religious scholars (ulama), knowledge (ilm) derived from the
Quran and the model behaviour of the Prophet (sunna) was the
only way to know the will of God and provide guidance in this
world. The ulama in medieval times devoted themselves to writing
tafsir and documenting Muhammad’s authentic hadith. Some went
on to prepare a body of laws or sharia (the straight path) to govern
the relationship of Muslims with God through rituals (ibadat) and
with the rest of the humanity through social affairs (muamalat). In
framing Islamic law, jurists also made use of reasoning (qiyas) Courtyard of
since not everything was apparent in the Quran or hadith and life Mustansiriya Madrasa
had become increasingly complex with urbanisation. Differences of Baghdad, founded
in the interpretation of the sources and methods of jurisprudence in 1233. The madrasa
was a college of
led to the formation of four schools of law (mazhab) in the eight and learning for students
ninth centuries. These were the Maliki, Hanafi, Shafii and Hanbali who had finished their
schools, each named after a leading jurist (faqih), the last being schooling in maktab.
the most conservative. The sharia provided guidance on all possible Madrasas were
attached to mosques
legal issues within Sunni society, though it was more precise on
but big madrasas had
questions of personal status (marriage, divorce and inheritance) a mosque attached to
than on commercial matters or penal and constitutional issues. them.
Before it took its final form, the sharia was adjusted to take into
account the customary laws (urf) of the various regions as well as
the laws of the state on political and social order (siyasa sharia).
Customary laws, however, retained their strength in large parts of
the countryside and continued to bypass the sharia in matters
such as the inheritance of land by daughters. In most regimes, the
ruler or his officials dealt routinely with matters of state security
and sent only selected cases to the qazi (judge). The qazi, appointed
by the state in each city or locality, often acted as an arbitrator in
disputes, rather than as a strict enforcer of the sharia.
Painting of whirling
A group of religious-minded people in medieval Islam, known dervishes, Iranian
as Sufis, sought a deeper and more personal knowledge of God manuscript, 1490. Of
through asceticism (rahbaniya) and mysticism. The more society the four men dancing,
gave itself up to material pursuits and pleasures, the more the only one is shown
with his hands in the
Sufis sought to renounce the world (zuhd) and rely on God alone ‘correct’ position.
(tawakkul). In the eighth and ninth centuries, ascetic inclinations Some have succumbed
were elevated to the higher stage of mysticism (tasawwuf) by the to vertigo and are
ideas of pantheism and love. Pantheism is the idea of oneness of being led away.
God and His creation which implies that
the human soul must be united with
its Maker. Unity with God can be
achieved through an intense love for
God (ishq), which the woman-saint
Rabia of Basra (d. 891) preached in her
poems. Bayazid Bistami (d. 874), an
Iranian Sufi, was the first to teach the
importance of submerging the self
(fana) in God. Sufis used musical
concerts (sama) to induce ecstasy and
stimulate emotions of love and passion.
Sufism is open to all regardless of
religious affiliation, status and gender.
Dhulnun Misri (d. 861), whose grave
can still be seen near the Pyramids in
Egypt, declared before the Abbasid
caliph, al-Mutawakkil, that he ‘learnt
true Islam from an old woman, and true
chivalry from a water carrier’. By
making religion more personal and less
institutional, Sufism gained popularity
and posed a challenge to orthodox Islam.
An alternative vision of God and the
universe was developed by Islamic
philosophers and scientists under the
influence of Greek philosophy and
science. During the seventh century,
remnants of late Greek culture could still
Comment on
this passage.
Would it be
relevant to a
student today?
The Islamic decorative inside the hall: a niche (mihrab) in the wall indicating the direction
genius found full of Mecca (qibla), and a pulpit (minbar, pronounced mimbar) from
expression in the art
of metal objects that where sermons were delivered during noon prayers on Friday.
are among the best- Attached to the building was the minaret, a tower used to call
preserved specimens. the faithful to prayer at the appointed times and to symbolise the
This mosque lamp presence of the new faith. Time was marked in cities and villages
from fourteenth-
century Syria has the
by the five daily prayers and weekly sermons.
Light verse inscribed The same pattern of construction – of buildings built around a
on it. central courtyard (iwan) – appeared not only in mosques and
‘God is the Light (nur) mausoleums but also in caravanserais, hospitals and palaces.
of the heavens and The Umayyads built ‘desert palaces’ in oases, such as Khirbat
the earth al-Mafjar in Palestine and Qusayr Amra in Jordan, which served
His light is like a niche as luxurious residences and retreats for hunting and pleasure.
(mishkat) with a lamp
The palaces, modelled on Roman and Sasanian architecture, were
The lamp is in a glass lavishly decorated with sculptures, mosaics and paintings of
which looks as if it people. The Abbasids built a new imperial city in Samarra amidst
were a glittering star gardens and running waters which is mentioned in the stories
Kindled from a
and legends revolving round Harun al-Rashid. The great palaces
blessed olive (zaitun)
tree that is neither of the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad or the Fatimids in Cairo have
eastern nor western disappeared, leaving only traces in literary texts.
Whose oil would The rejection of representing living beings in the religious art of
always shine even if Islam promoted two art forms: calligraphy (khattati or the art of beautiful
no fire (nar) touched it’
writing) and arabesque (geometric and vegetal designs). Small and big
(Quran, chapter 24, inscriptions, usually of religious quotations, were used to decorate
verse 35).
architecture. Calligraphic art has been best preserved in manuscripts
of the Quran dating from the eighth and ninth centuries. Literary
works, such as the Kitab al-Aghani (Book of Songs), Kalila wa Dimna,
and Maqamat of Hariri, were illustrated with miniature paintings. In
addition, a wide variety of illumination techniques were introduced to
enhance the beauty of a book. Plant and floral designs, based on the
idea of the garden, were used in buildings and book illustrations.
The history of the central Islamic lands brings together three
important aspects of human civilisation: religion, community
and politics. We can see them as three circles which merge and
appear as one in the seventh century. In the next five centuries
the circles separate. Towards the end of our period, the influence
of Islam over state and government was minimal, and politics involved
many things which had no sanction in religion (kingship, civil
wars, etc.). The circles of religion and community overlapped.
The Muslim community was united in its observance of the
sharia in rituals and personal matters. It was no more
governing itself (poltics was a separate circle) but it was
defining its religious identity. The only way the circles of religion
and community could have separated was through the progressive
secularisation of Muslim society. Philosophers and Sufis advocated
this, suggesting that civil society should be made autonomous, and
rituals be replaced by private spirituality.
Mongols) are quite different and the Italian and Latin versions
of Marco Polo’s travels to the Mongol court do not match.
Since the Mongols produced little literature on their own and
were instead ‘written about’ by literati from foreign cultural
milieus, historians have to often double as philologists to pick
out the meanings of phrases for their closest approximation
to Mongol usage. The work of scholars like Igor de Rachewiltz
on The Secret History of the Mongols and Gerhard Doerfer on
Mongol and Turkic terminologies that infiltrated into the
Persian language brings out the difficulties involved in
studying the history of the Central Asian nomads. As we will
notice through the remainder of this chapter, despite their
incredible achievements there is much about Genghis Khan
and the Mongol world empire still awaiting the diligent
scholar’s scrutiny.
In the early decades of the thirteenth century the great empires of the
Euro-Asian continent realised the dangers posed to them by the arrival
of a new political power in the steppes of Central Asia: Genghis Khan
MAP 1: The Mongol
(d. 1227) had united the Mongol people. Genghis Khan’s political vision,
Empire however, went far beyond the creation of a confederacy of Mongol
Assume that
account of the
capture of
Bukhara is
Imagine yourself
as a resident of
Bukhara and
Khurasan who
heard the
speeches. What
impact would
they have had
on you?
How did the Mongols create an empire that dwarfed the achievements
of the other ‘World Conqueror’, Alexander? In a pre-industrial age of
The Mongols were a diverse body of people, linked by similarities of
language to the Tatars, Khitan and Manchus to the east, and the
Turkic tribes to the west. Some of the Mongols were pastoralists
while others were hunter-gatherers. The pastoralists tended horses,
sheep and, to a lesser extent, cattle, goats and camels. They nomadised
in the steppes of Central Asia in a tract of land in the area of the
modern state of Mongolia. This was (and still is) a majestic landscape
with wide horizons, rolling plains, ringed by the snow-capped Altai
mountains to the west, the arid Gobi desert in the south and drained
by the Onon and Selenga rivers and myriad springs from the
melting snows of the hills in the north and the west. Lush, luxuriant
grasses for pasture and considerable small game were available in
a good season. The hunter-gatherers resided to the north of the
Genghis Khan was born some time around 1162 near the Onon
river in the north of present-day Mongolia. Named Temujin, he
was the son of Yesugei, the chieftain of the Kiyat, a group of
families related to the Borjigid clan. His father was murdered at
an early age and his mother, Oelun-eke, raised Temujin, his
brothers and step-brothers in great hardship. The following decade
was full of reversals – Temujin was captured and enslaved and
soon after his marriage, his wife, Borte, was kidnapped, and he
had to fight to recover her. During these years of hardship he also
managed to make important friends. The young Boghurchu was
his first ally and remained a trusted friend; Jamuqa, his blood-
brother (anda), was another. Temujin also restored old alliances
with the ruler of the Kereyits, Tughril/Ong Khan, his father’s old
Through the 1180s and 1190s, Temujin remained an ally of Ong
Khan and used the alliance to defeat powerful adversaries like Jamuqa,
his old friend who had become a hostile foe. It was after defeating him
We can divide Mongol expansion after Genghis Khan’s death into
two distinct phases: the first which spanned the years 1236-42
when the major gains were in the Russian steppes, Bulghar, Kiev,
Poland and Hungary. The second phase including the years 1255-
1300 led to the conquest of all of China (1279), Iran, Iraq and
Syria. The frontier of the empire stabilised after these campaign.
The Mongol military forces met with few reversals in the decades
after 1203 but, quite noticeably, after the 1260s the original impetus
of campaigns could not be sustained in the West. Although Vienna,
and beyond it western Europe, as well as Egypt was within the
grasp of Mongol forces, their retreat from the Hungarian steppes
and defeat at the hands of the Egyptian forces signalled the
emergence of new political trends. There were two facets to this:
the first was a consequence of the internal politics of succession
within the Mongol family where the descendants of Jochi and
Ogodei allied to control the office of the great Khan in the first two
generations. These interests were more important than the pursuit
of campaigns in Europe. The second compulsion occurred as the
Jochi and Ogodei lineages were marginalised by the Toluyid branch
of Genghis Khanid descendants. With the accession of Mongke, a
descendant of Toluy, Genghis Khan’s youngest son, military
campaigns were pursued energetically in Iran during the 1250s.
But as Toluyid interests in the conquest of China increased during
the 1260s, forces and supplies were increasingly diverted into the
heartlands of the Mongol dominion. As a result, the Mongols fielded
a small, understaffed force against the Egyptian military. Their
defeat and the increasing preoccupation with China of the Toluyid
family marked the end of western expansion of the Mongols.
Concurrently, conflict between the Jochid and Toluyid descendants
along the Russian-Iranian frontier diverted the Jochids away from
further European campaigns.
The suspension of Mongol expansion in the West did not arrest
their campaigns in China which was reunited under the Mongols.
Paradoxically, it was at the moment of its greatest successes that
internal turbulence between members of the ruling family
manifested itself. The next section discusses the factors that led
to some of the greatest successes of the Mongol political enterprise
but also inhibited its progress.
Among the Mongols, and many other nomadic societies as well, all the
able-bodied, adult males of the tribe bore arms: they constituted the
armed forces when the occasion demanded. The unification of the
different Mongol tribes and subsequent campaigns against diverse
people introduced new members into Genghis Khan’s army complicating
the composition of this relatively small, undifferentiated body into an
Why was there a
conflict of
pastoralists and
Would Genghis
Khan have
sentiments of
this nature in a
speech to his
From Genghis Khan’s reign itself, the Mongols had recruited civil
administrators from the conquered societies. They were sometimes
moved around: Chinese secretaries deployed in Iran and Persians
in China. They helped in integrating the distant dominions and
their backgrounds and training were always useful in blunting the
harsher edges of nomadic predation on sedentary life. The Mongol
Khans trusted them as long as they continued to raise revenue for
their masters and these administrators could sometimes command
considerable influence. In the 1230s, the Chinese minister Yeh-lu
Ch’u-ts’ai, muted some of Ogedei’s more rapacious instincts; the
Juwaini family played a similar role in Iran through the latter half
of the thirteenth century and at the end of the century, the wazir,
Rashiduddin, drafted the speech that Ghazan Khan delivered to his
Mongol compatriots asking them to protect, not harass, the peasantry.
The pressure to sedentarise was greater in the new areas of Mongol
domicile, areas distant from the original steppe habitat of the
nomads. By the middle of the thirteenth century the sense of a
common patrimony shared by all the brothers was gradually replaced
by individual dynasties each ruling their separate ulus, a term which
now carried the sense of a territorial dominion. This was, in part, a
result of succession struggles, where Genghis Khanid descendants
competed for the office of Great Khan and prized pastoral lands.
Descendants of Toluy had come to rule both China and Iran where
they had formed the Yuan and Il-Khanid dynasties. Descendants of
Jochi formed the Golden Horde and ruled the Russian steppes;
Chaghatai’s successors ruled the steppes of Transoxiana and the
lands called Turkistan today. Noticeably, nomadic traditions
persisted longest amongst the steppe dwellers in Central Asia
(descendants of Chaghatai) and Russia (the Golden Horde).
The gradual separation of the descendants of Genghis Khan into
separate lineage groups implied that their connections with the memory
identity and impose their ‘law’ upon their defeated subjects. It was
an extremely empowering ideology and although Genghis Khan may
not have planned such a legal code, it was certainly inspired by his
vision and was vital in the construction of a Mongol universal dominion.
Did the meaning
of yasa alter
over the four
Genghis Khan
from ‘Abdullah
Khan? Why did
Hafiz-i Tanish
make a
reference to
Genghis Khan’s
yasa in
connection with
Khan’s prayer at
the Muslim
festival ground?
When we remember Genghis Khan today the only images that
appear in our imagination are those of the conqueror, the
destroyer of cities, and an individual who was responsible for
the death of thousands of people. Many thirteenth-century
residents of towns in China, Iran and eastern Europe looked
at the hordes from the steppes with fear and distaste. And yet,
for the Mongols, Genghis Khan was the greatest leader of all
time: he united the Mongol people, freed them from interminable
tribal wars and Chinese exploitation, brought them prosperity,
fashioned a grand transcontinental empire and restored trade
routes and markets that attracted distant travellers like the
Venetian Marco Polo. The contrasting images are not simply a
case of dissimilar perspectives; they should make us pause
and reflect on how one (dominant) perspective can completely
erase all others.
Beyond the opinions of the defeated sedentary people, consider
for a moment the sheer size of the Mongol dominion in the thirteenth
century and the diverse body of people and faiths that it embraced.
Although the Mongol Khans themselves belonged to a variety of