Sedania Innovator Berhad - 2Q2022
Sedania Innovator Berhad - 2Q2022
Sedania Innovator Berhad - 2Q2022
201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Contents Page
(The unaudited condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income should
be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the
accompanying explanatory notes attached to this interim financial report.)
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Unaudited Audited
as at as at
30 Jun 2022 31 Dec 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Property, plant and equipment 3,412 3,496
Right-of-use assets 1,178 971
Lease receivables 15,525 14,905
Deferred tax asset 407 407
Investment in associates 436 -
20,958 19,779
Receivables, deposit & prepayments 13,402 9,913
Lease receivables 309 1,710
Inventories 5,975 7,094
Short term funds 6,038 6,799
Cash and bank balances 4,482 6,508
Current tax asset 40 53
30,246 32,077
TOTAL ASSETS 51,204 51,856
Share capital 65,649 65,649
Reserves (28,523) (29,345)
Non-controlling interest 4,000 4,627
TOTAL EQUITY 41,126 40,931
Bank borrowing 3,313 3,355
Lease liabilities 514 542
Deferred tax liabilities 2 2
3,829 3,899
Payables, accruals & other current
liabilities 3,032 4,341
Lease liabilities 777 539
Bank borrowing 2,297 1,748
Current tax liability 143 398
6,249 7,026
(The unaudited condensed consolidated statement of financial position should be read in conjunction with
the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the accompanying explanatory
notes attached to this interim financial report.)
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Balance as at 30
65,649 59 (24,439) (4,143) 37,216 4,000 41,126
June 2022
Preceding year
period ended 30
June 2021
Balance as at 1
52,895 120 (24,439) (13,255) 15,321 2,606 17,927
January 2021
Total comprehensive
- - - 6,675 6,675 1,432 8,107
Transactions with
Issuance of shares:
12,451 - - - 12,451 - 12,451
Private Placement
Proceeds from
303 (115) - - 188 - 188
Share options
granted under - 12 - - 12 - 12
Balance as at 30
65,649 17 (24,439) (6,580) 34,647 4,038 38,685
June 2021
(The unaudited condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity should be read in conjunction with
the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the accompanying explanatory
notes attached to this interim financial report.)
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Current Preceding
year to date year to date
30 Jun 30 Jun
2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Profit before taxation 2,148 8,534
Adjustments for:
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 148 198
Depreciation of right-of-use assets 363 138
Share options vested under ESOS 9 47
Interest expense 174 73
Interest expense on lease liabilities 30 6
Income distribution from short term funds (44) (14)
Interest income from finance lease (928) (1,091)
Impairment losses on trade & finance lease receivables - 1,468
Reversal of impairment losses on trade receivables (2,202) (1,000)
Unrealised loss on foreign exchange - 1
Operating (loss)/profit before working capital changes (302) 8,360
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
(The unaudited condensed consolidated statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction with the
audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the accompanying explanatory
notes attached to this interim financial report.)
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
The interim financial statements are unaudited and have been prepared in
accordance with the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (“MFRS”) 134:
Interim Financial Reporting, Rule 9.22 and Appendix 9B of the Listing
Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”).
The adoption of the above standards does not have any significant impacts to the
current financial period.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
The Group has not adopted the following pronouncements that have been issued
but not yet effective:
The Group and the Company are in the process of assessing the impact of
implementing these Standards and Amendments, since the effects would only be
observable for future financial years.
There was no qualification to the audited financial statements of the Group for the
financial year ended (“FYE”) 31 December 2021.
The business operations of the Group during the financial period under review
have not been materially affected by any seasonal or cyclical factors.
There were no unusual items affecting assets, liabilities, equity, net income or cash
flows of the Group during the quarter under review.
Not applicable as there were no estimates reported in the prior financial years.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
For management purposes, the Group is organised into five (5) operating
segments which reflect the internal organisational and management structure
according to the nature of the products and services provided. We measure the
results of our segments using, among other measures, each segment's net
revenue and operating income, which includes certain corporate overhead
a) Sustainable Healthcare
Provision of consumer products specialising in healthcare, personal care,
household as well as baby and childcare products; and health technologies
specialising in preventative healthcare technology solutions.
b) Sustainable Energy
Provision of green technology and internet of things (“IoT”) solutions for
sustainable and environmentally friendly products and services.
e) Others
Others mainly comprise provision of big data analytics services and operations
relating to investment holding.
Segment assets and liabilities exclude current and deferred tax assets and
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
30 Jun 30 Jun
2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Segment Assets
Sustainable Healthcare 16,174 12,903
Sustainable Energy 22,587 19,969
FinTech 5,010 1,835
TelcoTech 3,837 4,329
Others 3,149 10,641
Total Assets 50,757 49,677
Segment Liabilities
Sustainable Healthcare 5,540 4,245
Sustainable Energy 2,483 2,916
FinTech 287 290
TelcoTech 1,385 1,533
Others 238 2,101
Total Liabilities 9,933 11,085
Year to date revenue from Malaysia, Asian countries other than Malaysia, Europe
and Others contributed to approximately 80.23%, 8.48%, 10.05% and 1.24%
respectively of the Group’s total revenue.
The Group has not carried out any valuation of its property, plant and equipment
in the current quarter.
There was no capital commitment recognised by the Group for the current quarter.
There were no changes in the composition of the Group in the current quarter.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
There were no changes in contingent liabilities or contingent assets since the last
annual reporting period date up to the date of this report.
Save as disclosed in Note B6, there were no other material events subsequent to
the end of the current quarter and financial year-to-date that have not been
reflected in this interim financial report.
Save as disclosed, there was no significant related party transaction entered into
during the current quarter.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Group revenue for 2Q 2022 was RM9.08 million, a decrease of 16% from RM10.84
million in 2Q 2021. This was mainly due to lower contributions from the Sustainable
Energy segment during the quarter under review compared to the preceding year
corresponding quarter.
Consequently, the Group’s operating profit before tax decreased by RM2.13 million
or 62% as compared to 2Q 2021.
Group profit after tax in 2Q 2022 was RM0.66 million compared to a profit after tax
of RM3.22 million in 2Q 2021.
As at 30 June 2022, total equity attributable to the owners of the Company was
RM41.13 million as compared to RM40.93 million as at 31 December 2021.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
The Group recorded a net cash outflow of RM2.79 million as at 30 June 2022. As
at 30 June 2022, the Group had short-term deposits and bank balances of
RM10.52 million, borrowings of RM5.61 million and lease liabilities of RM1.29
For the six (6) months ended 30 June 2022, the net cash generated from operating
activities of the Group was RM0.19 million as compared to net cash used of
RM0.09 million in the previous corresponding period in 2021.
Net cash used in investing activities was RM2.39 million in the six (6) months
ended 30 June 2022, as compared to RM13.58 used in the previous corresponding
period in 2021.
Net cash used financing activities was RM0.59 million during the period against
RM14.73 million generated from the corresponding period in 2021.
Segmental analysis
a. Current quarter ended 30 June 2022 (“2Q 2022”) compared with the
previous corresponding quarter ended 30 June 2021 (“2Q 2021”):
Sustainable Healthcare
In 2Q 2022, Sustainable Healthcare segment revenue was RM7.10 million, an
increase of 10.97% or RM0.7 million compared to 2Q 2021.
The segment recorded an operating profit before tax of RM0.85 million in the
current quarter as compared to segment operating profit before tax of RM1.72
million in 2Q 2021. The decrease was mainly due to higher cost of sales, marketing
& promotion expenses as well as employee benefit expenses due to increased
staff to support business growth, office facilities and related expenses.
Sustainable Energy
The segment recorded an operating profit before tax of RM0.71 million in 2Q 2022
as compared to segment operating profit before tax of RM1.76 million in 2Q 2021.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
In 2Q 2022, FinTech segment revenue was RM1.2 million, an increase of 8% as
compared to 2Q 2021. The increase was mainly contributed by the high traffic from
its Tawarruq platform as compared to 2Q 2021.
The segment recorded an operating profit before tax of RM0.37 million in the
current quarter, as compared to a RM0.32 operating profit before tax in 2Q 2021.
TelcoTech platform recorded a revenue of RM0.65 million in 2Q 2022, an increase
of 13.96% from the same period last year.
However, the segment recorded an operating loss before tax of RM0.19 million in
2Q 2021 as compared to RM0.14 million operating profit before tax in 2Q 2021
due to common operating expenses/indirect cost allocated on a reasonable basis
to this segment for whose benefit the expense was incurred.
This segment comprises operations relating to investment holding company.
The segment recorded a segment operating loss before tax of RM0.43 million in
2Q 2022 as compared to a segment operating loss of RM0.49 million in 2Q 2021.
This was due to common operating expenses/indirect cost allocated on a
reasonable basis to this segment for whose benefit the expense was incurred.
30 Jun 2022 31 Mar 2022 +/(-)
RM’000 RM’000 %
Segment revenue
Sustainable Healthcare 7,104 7,323 (3)
Sustainable Energy 124 56 >100
FinTech 1,203 1,147 5
TelcoTech 653 514 27
Total revenue 9,084 9,040 1
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Revenue from Sustainable Energy segment was higher in the current quarter due
to a one-off consultancy income of approximately RM71,000.
Overall, the profit after tax and non-controlling interest increased to RM0.53 million
in the current quarter compared to profit after tax and non-controlling interest of
RM0.28 million in the immediate preceding quarter.
Despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic in 2021, the Group had shown
positive results in the previous financial year. However, the global outlook of 2022
has deteriorated, largely due to Russia-Ukraine geopolitical tensions since
February 2022. The ongoing military conflict would severely set back the global
recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, slowing growth, increasing
inflation and affecting global trade activity.
On the other hand, there has been an unprecedented acceleration in focus of the
global investment community on Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”)
factors. Sustainable Energy is increasingly becoming a necessity for companies
operating in Malaysia. There are multiple key drivers for the ESG adoption in
The largest fund manager EPF has reinforced its commitment to investing in
sustainable companies through EPF's Sustainable Investment Policy which targets
to have a fully ESG compliant portfolio by 2030. Furthermore, Bursa Malaysia
Securities Berhad requires listed companies to include a Sustainability Statement
in their annual reports.
We remain cautiously optimistic of posting another set of good results barring any
unforeseen circumstances. We remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence whilst
staying vigilant of any developments that may have an adverse impact on the
We shall continue to monitor, reassess the financial position, take appropriate and
timely action to minimise any negative impacts whilst being on the lookout for
growth opportunities.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
The Group has not issued any profit forecast in any public documents.
B5. Taxation
(i) The Group undertook a private placement of up to 20% of the total number
of issued shares of SIB based on a shareholders’ mandate procured
pursuant to Section 75 and Section 76 of the Companies Act, 2016
approved by its shareholders at the Company’s 6th Annual General Meeting
convened on 29 June 2020 (“Proposed Private Placement”). On 23 October
2020, approximately 25% of the proposed private placement was completed
via issuance of 14,500,000 new shares at RM0.132 each – raising a gross
proceed of RM1.91 million. On 28 May 2021, approximately 75% of the
balance proposed private placement was completed via issuance of
43,533,400 new shares at RM0.286 each – raising a gross proceed of
RM12.45 million.
As at the date of this report, the proceeds from the Private Placement have
been utilised in the following manner:
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
(1) The Group’s GreenTech energy saving devices installation works are still in progress.
(a) The general working capital allocated from this round of Private Placement has been fully
utilised as at the date of this report.
(b) The actual expenses incurred for the Private Placement were lower than the estimated
expense. Hence the balance of unutilised Private Placement proceeds of RM0.25 million
has been re-allocated to working capital of the Group.
On 27 May 2022, the Company announced that the utilisation of proceeds raised
from private placement was extended for an additional twelve (12) months and is
expected to be fully utilised by 31 May 2023.
There were no other corporate proposals, which have been announced but not
completed as at 30 August 2022, being the date of this report.
B7. Borrowings
The Group’s borrowings as at the end of this financial period are as follows:
30 Jun 30 Jun
2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Current liabilities
Term loan (secured) 667 645
Revolving credit 500 632
Trade facilities 1,130 500
2,297 1,777
Non-current liabilities
Term loan (secured) 3,313 3,313
3,313 3,313
The term loan is secured by a first legal charge against the Group’s office
There were no pending material litigations against the Group which might
materially and adversely affect the Group's financial position.
B9. Dividends
No dividend has been paid, declared or proposed during the quarter under review.
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BERHAD [Registration No. 201301044527 (1074350-A)]
Kuala Lumpur
30 August 2022