FNCP Group 4
FNCP Group 4
FNCP Group 4
Health Problem Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention Method of Resources Evaluation
Problem Methods Required
Nursing Family
NUTRITION IMBALANCE 1). Inability to recognize After the nursing After nursing Broaden the Home Visit Human resources: Following 2-3 meetings
AS HEALTH THREAT the presence of health intervention, the family intervention, the knowledge of the family of home visit and
problem due to: member will exhibit an family will be able to: on complications and nursing interventions,
understanding of the threat of having 1). Initiative time and the family is able to
A resistance to change.
significance of nutrition imbalanced nutrition, as full participation of recognize the factors
for general wellness, as Possess well as their awareness family members in that are contributing
well as discuss healthy sufficient of possible outcomes of health education. to being under or
2). Inconsistency of the management at home having proper
knowledge overweight and is able
family members to and decide on the management of
about nutrition to verbalize
implement the appropriate health nutrition.
imbalance to 2). Adequate knowledge appropriate
practices. steps to maintain prevent other of the nurse about good management of
optimal wellbeing. occurrences nutrition nutrition at home to
and maintain Educate the family on 3). Time and effort of
3). Inability to provide a prevent the growth
proper how to effectively the nurse and the
home environment and possible
nutrition improve or maintain family.
conducive to health development of
intake. nutritional status.
maintenance and
personal development Validate and provide Financial resources:
due to: counsel to the patient
Determine the
A. Inadequate family regarding their feelings
risk factors
resources specifically: of how their current 1). Expenses for
that contribute
Financial constraint way of life, finances, transportation and
to nutrition
and transportation teaching aids.
such as family impact their capacity to
4). Failure to utilize get nutritious food. Material Resources:
community resources 1). Anthropometric
for health care due to: measurements