434 Growth Chart (1) 2

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Growth and Development Chart

Identify important considerations within each category for each age group.

Infant Toddler Preschool School-Age Adolescent

Erikson’s Trust vs mistrust. The baby autonomy vs shame initiative vs guilt. industry vs   This is the stage
Theory learns to trust their parents and doubt. Toddlers Children in this age inferiority. Learn to do identity vs
for needs and crying will will learn to do things category are able to take things for themselves confusion. This i
trigger parents to fed or for themselves or the initiative role on their and get  things when they
attend to their needs. begin to doubt their tasks and may feel completed, however, are finding a sens
own abilities. feelings of guilt . may feel inferior if  of  self and form
(Orenstein &  Lewis, 2021) (Orenstein &  Lewis, unable to. their  own identit
2021) (Orenstein &  Lewis, or  they can beco
2021) (Orenstein &  Lewis, confused about  w
2021) they are or  shoul
be. They  should
start to find  out w
they are  and wha
their likes and
interests are, 
however they can
become  confuse
about  these thing

Kohlberg’s Infants do not understand Toddlers can   Preschoolers start School aged   Adolescents begi
Theory what obedience is, however understand that   to understand their own children are   better understand

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they have an understanding good behavior   self interests and do beginning to   their
that they dislike punishment could lead to things   understand authority own  independen
and tend to learn obedience. a reward. They can  that they like and  and social order. They that comes with  
also tell that people benefit themselves.  also begin to   growing up. They
will like them distinguish between  begin to
if  they do something right and wrong  and think  independen
(Mcleod, 2013) (Mcleod, 2013)
good. better follow  the and  build their
rules.   own  moral high
(Mcleod, 2013)
(Mcleod, 2013)
(Mcleod, 2013)

Piaget’s Sensorimotor stage, infants Preoperational   This is also a   This is the concrete This is the forma
Theory begin to learn how to acquire stage where they are  preoperational   operational stage  and operational stage
information by the use of learning to use  their stage and they still  where they begin to where adolescent
their senses. This involves words and   think very similar  to understand concepts of are able to
touching, looking, tasting, enjoy playing with  a toddler. They  are time,  space, and quantity. think  logically
smelling, and listening to objects.Also, theory still egocentric  and They begin to think more about  abstract id
anything that they are curious begin to develop  lack empathy.  They logically, but  still group They begin to
about. They are always object permanence  like to group  objects objects  together based become  concern
experimenting but can only and recognize   together   on  simple reasoning.  with the  future.
understand what is in front of certain images and  based on certain  They also  begin
them. symbols. Their   identifiers.   (Perry, 2023) plan/think  about
thoughts do   (Perry, 2023) possible  future
(Perry, 2023) become more   events. They  can
complex, but they  also use  
can still only focus  hypothetical  thin
on one thing at a  to better  underst

time. They are also  the  world.
still unable to think   
backwards in time. (Perry, 2023)
(Perry, 2023)

Safety In this stage the parents must In this stage   In this stage it is  Adolescents are 
Concerns/ do everything for the child. In the toddler stage children should   important that   much more  
Injury They can move around a lot the child can move  a know to never walk children are   explorative and w
Prevention/ and should not be left alone lot more   off alone or supervised while many things just
High-Risk when on off the ground independently. Homes communicate with  swimming. They  because their  
Behaviors objects because they can fall. should be  toddler any strangers.   should also   friends do. They 
Choking suffocation are big, proofed  with Child should be   understand the   begin to drive at 
risks, so parents need to be protected  corners, monitored at all   dangers of   this stage, so it
careful with the child’s child gates, and child times when outside. strangers. If a   is  important that
surroundings. They cannot locks.  Caps should be They should also  be firearm is in the   they understand
regulate their body put  back on all   educated on the  house it should be  the  dangers and
temperature very well, so hazardous  substances dangers of traffic  and locked up and out  of what not to do.
parents must help them and kept out of their childproof   reach of the   They  
regulate it. reach.  Pool and car locks should be on  all child. They should  should also be  
safety  are extremely   exterior doors.  Safety also have proper  educated on drug
(Aherin & Todd,2022) important.   gates at the  top and safety equipment  on alcohol, and othe
bottom of  stairs are when riding   high risk behavio
(Perry, 2023) also a   things such as bikes or (Perry, 2023)
good idea.   skateboards. (Perry,
(Perry, 2023) 2023)

Social Children tend to play on their Children partake   Preschoolers   School age children In this stage there
Interaction/ own. They choose to play mainly in solitary  partake in   now do cooperative lot less focus on 
Play alone and are not interested in play. They typically associative play.  play. They seem to be play and more  fo
playing with others. (Perry, choose to play   Children will now   interested in who  on social  
2023) alone and are not  choose to interact  they are playing   interactions with
interested in   with others while  they with. Also, they will others. This stage
playing with others. play. They will enjoy be involve in there is a big focu
(Perry, 2023) interacting  with and organized games   on how others thi
playing  the same and understand the  of them and actin
games as  others.   concepts of   ways that help  th
(Perry, 2023) winning and losing. fit in.  
(Perry, 2023) (Perry, 2023)

Significant Infants are constantly In the toddler stage, During the   School age children Adolescence will
Growth growing after they are born. they gain about 5  preschool stage, the will gain about 4 to 7 see more rapid  
Trends They double their birth pounds and four to  child grows   pounds every   growth and  
weight in the first five five inches per   steadily and  tend to year and will   increases in heigh
months. This is seen between year. By the age of  grow in height,  continue to grow in weight, and musc
six to twelve months , they 2 they should have  weight, and muscle  height. Height will  tone. This is whe
grow 1cm a month and gain 3 quadrupled their  tone. They begin to  begin to become  much puberty usually  
to 5 ounces a weeks. (Perry, weight. The   lengthen out and  more variable between occurs. Sexual  
2023) average toddler is  become leaner.   different  children with organs will begin
26 to 32 inches.  (Perry, 2023) most  being mature and  
somewhere  between 3 hormones will pl
(Perry, 2023) and 6  inches. Growth   large part in  
spurts can be   developing  
sudden and fast   features.  
followed by slow  (Perry, 2023)

(Perry, 2023

Language Infants primarily  Duringthis stage  During this stage  they At this stage,   At
Development communicate   they will begin to  start learning  and children can now  this point they  ca
through gestures  and learn words.  Every understanding  a lot of use simple and   now  
sounds. They  will babble day they may pick new words.  They can complete sentences. communicate mo
and  coo. They’ll learn  up a new   now  express simple   Their grammar is  like adults. They 
that crying will get  them word. At about the  stories and put   improved and   begin to learn and
what they   age of 2 years they  together phrases  and sentences are more  use more  
want or need. They  can’t can start to put   sentences well.  They sensible. The   intellectual word
form words,  but will some words   can use their  words to average sentence  well as develop a
copy  sounds.   together to form  convey  emotions and consists of 5 to 7  mature level of  
(Perry, 2023) phrases. They can  for  play with other   words and become  speaking. They c
also understand and children. Their   more detailed with  comprehend  
use descriptive   grammar is still not age.   abstract language
words for things  (Perry, 2023) like idioms. They
like sizes and also learn that  
depending on who

Gross Motor Gross motor   Toddlers can begin to More movement  and Child will have  more In this stage,  
Development development skills in an move  more on their child tend to have an strength and  strength and  
infant will consist of own.  They will learn improved   endurance with   endurance furthe
keeping  their head up,   to  crawl and move as  balance. They are able their movements.  improve. They ar
sitting up on their  own, well as stand and  hold to walk and run. They They also have   far more agile an
and rolling  over by themselves up. This can also sit, improved hand and can complete task
themselves. parents tend to tends to turn to jump,  and go up eye  coordination. with greater  
put their infants on  their walking.  They can stairs. They also tend to strength. They ca
stomach can  help them learn how to throw become better at pretty much play

to  develop stronger  items. (Perry, 2023) playing complex sports like an adu
muscles for motor control. (Perry, 2023) sports.   (Perry, 2023
(Perry,2023) (Perry, 2023)

Fine Motor Infants will tend to learn Toddlers will When they get to  At this stage they  are At this stage of  
Development to pinch  things and increase fine motor  preschool, they begin able to utilize   their life they can
hold  things all on their  skills. They to learn how  to rip utensils, and pencils. now write, draw,
own. They tend to grasp learn to clap, clean  paper and do  arts and This  consist of type, and tie  
at 3 months old their teeth, craft activities. They writing and   shoelaces with  
At 5 months they’ll begin to pick  things up, play can touch their own drawing. They tend to ease. Their writin
grab things with 2 hands. At with toys, put on fingers, their belly  put together and  take should be legible
7  months, they can  move play with sound   button, unbutton  apart toys.   they can write  fo
things from  one hand to based toys, and   clothing, use  zippers, They can also open  extended  
the  other. At 10 months stack things like  build stack  towers their own lunch   periods of time.  
they can start to   blocks.   from toys,  and put box and use   They can also pla
pinch things.  (Perry, 2023) together  puzzles. scissors on their   musical  
(Perry, 2023) They are  more own.   instruments and  
creative and  can hold (Perry, 2023 paint more detail
pencils,  markers, etc. images.  
…  (Perry, 2023)
(Perry, 2023)


Aherin, R. A., & Todd, C. M. (2022). Developmental Stages of Children and Accident Risk Potential — Agricultural Safety and
Health — University of Illinois Extension. Web.extension.illinois.edu.

Mcleod, S. (2013). Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development. Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/kohlberg.html

Orenstein, G. A., & Lewis, L. (2021). Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. 

Perry, S. E., Hockenberry, M. J., Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk, Wilson, D., & Wong, D. L. (2023). Maternal child nursing care (7th
ed.).  Elsevier. 

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