Yuri Verkoshansky - Role of Strength Training in Oly Sports

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The key takeaways are that improvement in sport skills depends on increasing motor potential and ability to use that potential, and that increasing functional capacity and using strength training are important for progressing in sport mastery.

The three main factors that determine modern principles of strength training are the general theory of organism adaptation, achievements in physiology/biomechanics, and results from studying the process of achieving sport mastery.

The main regularities of achieving sport mastery are increasing specific motor potential and skill at using it as performance improves, and increasing functional parameters of physiological systems.

Role of the Strength Training Methods

in the Modern Olympic sports

Yuri Verkhoshanski
Comitato Olimpico Nationale Italiano

The new trends in the theory and methodology

of sport training

The role, place and modern principles of the special strength training in sport are
the main subject of my presentation.
But as far as the strength preparation is organic part of the general training
system, first of all I would like to tell about the objective factors that determine the
principles and methodology of the special strength preparation of sportsmen to day.
There are three such factors:
First of all it is the general theory adaptation of organism to the variable conditions
of life (existence0 and mainly the regularities of adaptation of organism to the hard
specific muscular work.
The second is the achievements of the modern physiology, medicine, biochemistry
and biomechanics of the sport activity.
And at last it is the results of special studying the main regularities of the process
of achieving sport mastery.
Before telling about modern principles of the special strength training it is important
to pay attention on the evident crisis of the so-called concept “periodisation” of training in
the year cycle.
The main ideas of this concept have been developed by soviet scientific and
coaches before Olympic Games in Helsinki ( 1952 ). After that this ideas were theorized
and described as a concept of “periodisation” by distant from sport teacher of the
physical education L. Metveev and engaged in propaganda for many years by him as the
only correct doctrine of training.
Of course the concept periodisation was a progressive training system many
years ago. But to-day it is clear (and many specialists of the world have written about it ),
that this conception based on generalization of the practical experience, go out of date,
reached a deadlock and not corresponds to the conditions of the modern Olympic sport.
It is evidently that developing a modern scientific well-grounded training doctrine is the
important task of our time.
The main scientific precondition for this must be physiology and the general theory
adaptation of organism to the variable conditions of life (existence) and mainly the
regularity of adaptation of organism to the hard specific muscular work.
There are the serious and practical effective publications about this problem by A.
Viru ( Estonia ), G. Neumann, A. Mader, ( Deutchland ), F. Meersson, N. Jakovlev, Yu.
Verkhoshansky and A. Viru ( Russia ) and others.
Unfortunately we have no enough time for discussing this important problem. But
you can find information about it in the literature.
The Main Regularities of the Process of Achieving
Sport Mastery
As a results of my special many years studying ( Verkhoshanski, 1966, 1985, 1988
) the main regularities the process of attaining of sport mastery can be given by in the
following way.
Drawing 1 expresses trends in raising a specific motor potential of athlete ( P ) with
the growing of sport result (S ) and skill of athlete to effectively use this potential ( T ) in
conditions of training process and competitions
The second drawing characterizes the dynamic a level of the athlete’s motor
potential ( P) relatively for the years of training, but in the same way trend in increasing
power ( intensities ) training influences on the organism of athlete ( J ), objective
required for raising his motor potential.
On the third drawing presented the most typical trends in the increasing ( relatively
for raising an sport result - S ) the functional features of physiological organism’s
systems ( conditionally A, B and C ), mainly stipulating the improvement of the motor
potential of athlete in the process of the many years training.
Logical analysis of presented data indicates of following.
1. Growing of the athletic result (S) single-lime connected with the raising of motor
potential of athletes ( P ) and is accompanied by his all increasing skill to use this
potential effectively ( T ). Other words, than higher the athletic result ( s ), that higher
must be the motor potential of athlete (P), that fullvalue he must use of its (T).
2. Improvement the motor potential ( P ) relatively for the time spent to the training
( T ), distinctive of the slowing rate. Moreover the increasing of the motor potential of
athlete at a high level of the sport skill dispenses with energy all more expensively and
requires all greater raising an intensity of training influences on the organism ( J ).
3. Improvement the motor potential of athlete (P) in the process of many years
training and growing of athletic result (S) are ensured wholly concrete for each sports
bright marked morpho-functional specialization of the physiological systems and the
motor abilities of athlete (A,B and C).
Ones of them (C) progress single-line, with comparatively small increase and
have, as a rule, moderato correlation with the sport result on all its range.
Other motor ability (B) finds a quick increase and high correlation with the sport
result in the beginning, then their increase is slowing and correlation with the sport result
The third (A), on the contrary are distinguishing significantly increase and
advancement the correlation with the sport result especially on the higher level of sport
So, now is possible to make a number of conclusions important for understanding
the role and place special strength preparation in the training system.
1. The general mechanism lying in the base of development of the process of
attaining of sport mastery during the many years training, is concluded in steadfast
raising the motor potential of organism and improvement of the skill of athlete effectively
to use its in conditions of training and competitions. It is the two main targeted tasks of
training process. The other task and problems of training must be directed to realization
of these main tasks.
2. As far as increasing of motor potential can be mainly ensured by means and
methods of special physical preparation, the last should consider as a main factor,
stipulating progress of sports result, particularly at the level of high mastery.
3. Increasing the motor potential of athlete in the process of attaining of sport
mastery is going with deceleration (P). Therefore its further increase is required
essential increasing of power training influences on the organism. This problem can
execute only highsingle-purpose physical preparation, and in that only event, if it
methodical will be correctly organized and be as a part of training system, rather then
additive to her ( as this frequently understood in the practice).
3. Improvement the motor potential of an athlete has in its base very concrete and
developing with the determined regularities of the morpho-functional specialization of
organism. The last can be developed successfully i.e. in accordance with the logic of the
process attaining of sport mastery, and in that case only, if it is ensured by the efficient
special physical preparation system. Particularly this is refers to such functional
characteristics of organism, which mainly ensure an increase of the motor potential of
athlete on the stage of the high level mastery.

The general structural diagram of the training process

The generalized structural diagram of factors that determine and limit performance
result are presented on this slide……. Slide shows that the motor potential and the
athlete’s ability fully to exploit this potential determine, for the most part, what we may
refer to as the body’s effective work power in the specific conditions of a given motor
activity; in other words the performance result. An improvement of thus result is a
consequence of an increase in the body’s effective work power, which is brought about
by an improvement of the athlete’s performance capacity, and of the degree of technical,
tactical, psychological and special physical preparation. Also, as the level of sports skill
increases, it requires a greater amount of the body’s effective work power.
For example, an improvement in triple jump performance (S) is determined by a
liner increase of run-up velocity (V) and by the athlete’s ability to reduce the velocity lost
during the phases of touch down and tale-off (Slide ). But this implies an increase of
the muscle power exerted in each take-off phase (N). For instance, to improve
performance from 15 to 16 meters implies a 31% increase in muscle power, and this
rises to 42%, if the athlete is to progress from 16 to 17 m. In both cases, there must be,
at the same time, a 5% increase in the run-up velocity.
It is necessary to underline that this diagram is based on the concept of special
physical preparation. It is the main factor influencing an increase in the intensity of the
training stimuli necessary to develop the organism’s motor potential, and thus favour the
athlete’s technical preparation, which will lead to an improvement in performance
So, the knowledge the regularities of the process of achieving sport mastery and
factors that determine and limit performance result will guarantee to successfully decide
the problems of ( Slide):
= formulate fundamental principles of training process program;
= selection the effective training means, including the strength exercises;
= choice the methods for effective using them in the training process;
= rationally organization training load the year training cycle.

Principles of training

In many of my publications has been shown that the main preconditions of the
methodological concept of modern training theory must be:
= regularities the course of the body’s adaptation to intense muscle activity,
= regularities of the process of achieving sport mastery,
= regularities of the process the morpho-functional specialization of athlete’s body
over many years sport training;
Some principles of sport training have been formulated as a result of these
regularities studying. Certainly the many years world practical experience as well as
generalization of the physiological and biomechanical literary has been took into
The main of this principles are presented on slide..
The idea of these principles is contained in creating the optimum conditions during
training process that necessary to:
= stimulate the organism’s adaptation to the work regimen, characteristic of a
given sport activity;
= fulfill the conditions necessary for the desired morphological and functional
= improve the energy mechanisms and effective their rational exploitation;
= induce an efficient regulation of the athlete’s metabolism during intense
muscular work.
To day the principles that bear direct relation to special strength preparation will
be examine.

Principle priority status of the special physical preparing

in the training system

This principle confirms (without derogating of all others principles, sections and
directions of training ) that the role of main factor of many years sport mastery progress
mainly belongs to the special strength preparation.
It means that , when a coach begins to plan an annual training cycle, the role,
tasks and position of the special strength preparation loads in training process are to be
defined first of all. After this the others components of training process should to be

Principle concentration the special strength

loads over limited time stage

The strength load has two ways of organization, namely distributed and
concentrated forms.
Relatively uniform allocation the strength means during an annual cycle is
characteristic of the first form. Concentration strength means over definite training
stages is characteristic the second one.
Concentrated method of strength loads using was specially devised for the
highly qualified athletes, with the loading being concentrated during specific stages of
preparation. The main novelty of this method consists of exerting a concentrated
specific training influence on the body with a high volume of the unidirectional strength
loading for a limited period (of 1 to 2 month).
This concentrated influence produces a brief, fairly stable state of incomplete
restoration that is associated with the persistent and relatively prolonged disturbance of
homeostasis. This triggers extensive functional changes, which are prerequisites for
subsequent supercompensation and the raising of the body to a higher level of special

Phenomenon of the Long-Term Delayed Training Effect of the Strength Load

As much as the concentrated strength load renders the strong 9and unknown
before training influence of the athlete’s body it is necessary to pay special attention on
the result of its effect. It is particularly important because the method of the strength
load concentration essentially changes traditional conception of training construction
over year cycle.
So I bear in mind phenomenon of the long-term delayed training effect of the
concentrated strength load.
The point is that when the concentrated strength load is using the steady
decrease in the speed-strength indicators of athlete’s state is revealed.
But it is not reason for to be disturbed or agitated. This occurrence is reversible.
When the concentrated load is over the speed-strength indicators returns to its
initial level and then significally exceeds it. High level of work capacity corresponds to
this moment.
This phenomenon has been carefully observed in my laboratory ( 1970-1980 ) in
many speed-strength as well as in cycling sports and sport games and has been
named as the Long-Term Delayed Training Effect ( LTDE ).
In biology this occurrence was known for a long time as a phenomenon of
supercompensation of the energetic expenses determined by influence of the external
stimulus on the body.
In my researches has been established that the similar intense rise in special
work-capacity after concentrated strength load over long time period is one of the form
of the long term adaptation of organism to intensive ( strained ) muscle activity.
It is necessary to pay attention that the lower the functional level fall ( within on
optimal range ) during the concentration of strength loading stage, the higher its rise in
the subsequent Long-Term Delayed Training Effect phase ( graph of F1 and F2 ).
Excessive concentration of strength loading leads to a more significant drop in
functional indicators and disruption of adaptation ( graph F3 ).
And else. During the period of emergence of the Long-Term Delayed Training
Effect of extensive strength loading, it is relatively easy and painless for the body to
change to intensive loading. And it is a good time for technique and speed of
movements and locomotion improvement.

Principle specific orientation of the strength load

This principle means that the strength load used must be specifically aimed at
inducting a morphological and functional specialization of the athlete’s organism,
consistent with the work regimen characteristic of competition conditions.
In the preparation of high level athletes, a high training potential of the work loads
is important but, even more important, is the quality of the training effect (i.e. the result of
the training process) which must involve all the organism’s physiological systems.
The complex composition and the total volume of the work load, as expressed in L.
Matveev’s “periodization”, can not satisfy this requirement, because they induce a
generalized reaction, in which the quantitative aspects of loads having different priorities
are not distinguishable. Also, a given work load may negatively influence the effect of
another one.
For this reason, it is essential that training means be carefully selected and
organized, so as to ensure the realization of the desired specific effect, in line with the
overall training strategy. Scientific studies confirm that, during each training phase, the
loads used should all have the same priorities (for instance development of special
strength, or improvement velocity, or improvement of technical skill) and be aimed at the
achievement of a stable effect.

Principle of chronological separation between the special strength training and

the work aimed at the further improvement of the speed and technique of the
competitive exercise.

Special strength preparation and technical training are closely linked and
interdependent. However, the dominant role in this interaction is played by special
strength preparation, both in the yearly cycle and in long-term training. It is very
important to underline.
At the some time it should never be forgotten that high-volume concentrated
strength loads are detrimental to one’s current level of speed-strength fitness and,
consequently, to technical and speed preparation.
To avoid this, it is advisable in training high level athletes to structure the
program so that strength work precedes and does not interfere with technical and
speed training. Technical and speed training should take place in the presence of the
delayed training effect of the concentrated volume of the strength work, that is when
there is recovery of work capacity and an increase in the level of speed-strength.
Technique rapidly adjusts to the athlete’s higher level of specialized work
capacity and there is much less likelihood of reinforcing errors which may arise in
connection with the body’s lowered functional state, caused by high-volume loads.

The principle of the superposition the training loads

with different primary training emphasis
It is more important methodological idea of modern training system construction
that means to lay one training loads on the adaptive footmarks of the previous loads.
Practically this idea is realized by using so called conjugate-sequence system of
load organization.
This system involves successively introducing into the training program
separate, specific means, each of which has a progressively stronger training effect,
and coupling them to create favorable conditions for eliciting the cumulative effect of all
the training loads.
The conjugate-sequence system uses of unidirectional means, integrated by
separately developing individual specific motor ability ( e.g. strength, speed and
strength-endurance ), is the most progressive method of organizing special physical
training for more advanced athletes.
Slide shows examples of the successive-contiguous method developed for use
in the field. It is immediately apparent that the method requires the systematization of
the training means according to the intensity of their effect. They must also be ordered
in groups of training means having different priorities, i.e. they must be classified
according to the specificity of their effect. We must here underline that this is an
extremely difficult problem but the person who can solve it will, indeed, become a great
Slide …. shows that main difference between the successive-contiguous
method (I) and the traditional, complex-parallel method (II). With the latter, in a long
training phase, work loads having different priorities (A, B and C), have a monotonous
quantitative effect, despite the increase in volume and intensity. At the same time, the
body’s reactions to the specific components of the load are insignificant, because the
adaptive changes are generalized. Consequently, the training effect (EA) of the work
loads wears out very rapidly, the adaptation process slows down, and the athlete’s
special work capacity reaches a plateau, sometimes even decreases.
In the successive-contiguous method, the complex organization of the work
loads (A,B and C), is the same over the long period. The organization is successive, in
the sense that there is a very exact chronological order for the introduction of the work
loads with a gradual increase of their intensity and of the specificity of their training
effect. They are contiguous because their rational succession in time is organized so
that load A induces morphological adaptations that will favour the achievement of the
desired effect of loads B and C.
The distinctive feature of the successive-contiguous method is that work load
having the same priorities are concentrated within a limited period of time, so as to
enhance their specialization effect, and those with different priorities are chronologically
ordered and separated, so that each load may induce stable adaptive changes.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the separation of work loads with
different priorities (A,B and C), is not clear-cut; one load is never completely abandoned
before beginning the following one. During the training process one load, for instance
load B, gradually substitutes the preceding one, for example load A. Also all work loads
(A and B) create the morphological and functional basis that will enhance the training
effect of the following loads ( C ). These, in turn, will favour a further improvement of the
adaptive changes induced by loads A and B at higher level of intensity. This ensures a
gradual intensity increase of the training effects (EA) of athlete’s organism.

Usually, it involves training a carefully chosen sequence of specific motor

abilities, each of which is confined largely to a given period, a scheme which saves time
and energy.
It is appropriate to use concentrated loading primarily for enhancing the
effectiveness of the special physical preparation, and for this one may use loading of
any primary emphasis.

General Model of the Training System

General model of training system based on the principles above introduced is

presented on this slide.
The main idea of this model is based on the results of my many years studying the
regularities of body adaptation to the intensive regime of muscular work in conditions of
the sport activity. This problem was discussed before in details in many of my
publications. Therefore I shell not discuss one to day.
Only two remarks must be made.
1. It has already been underline that the training process should be organized
around the large adaptation cycle ( ñíîñêà),
About the “large adaptation cycle” and other problems of the training theory see my
article in “New Studies in Athletics”, 1998, 3, pp 9-20.
2. This model is intended as a possible alternative for the organization of the
training process; it is not in opposition to other conceptions and is not considered as the
definite solution.
The main components of the model are :
= a model of the dynamic of the body’s effective work power in the specific
condition of a given work regimen ( V);
= a model of the dynamic of the athlete’s functional state, as expressed by the
main functional parameters (f);
= a model of the work load system ( blocks A, B and C ).
The parameters are:
W1 - maximum level of the organism’s work power achieved in the preceding
phase of the training process;
W2 - maximum level of the organism’s work power aimed at;
f1 - maximum level of the main functional parameters achieved in the preceding
phase of the training process;
f2 - maximum level of the main functional parameters aimed at;
ΔV - scheduled improvement of the work power and of the speed of locomotion;
A - concentrated special strength loads;
B - speed training and technique training;
C - competition preparation loads;
Vol - total volume of the work load;
t - duration of training stage.
Training model is divided into three blocks whose succession is meticulously
Block A ( basic phase ) is dedicated to the activation of the adaptive process
which is oriented towards the morphological and functional specialization required for
the specific work regimen. The main objective of this block is to improve the athlete’s
motor potential, taking into account the particularities of the competition specific
Block B (special phase) is dedicated to the development of the organism’s work
power in a specific work regimen and in conditions consistent with those found in
competition. The main objective of this block is to accustom the athlete to make full use
of his increasing motor potential and to execute the competition exercise with
progressively greater intensity. A number of competitions will be scheduled during this
Block C (phase covering the more important competition) is the conclusion of the
adaptation cycle; during this phase the athlete will achieve the maximum level of work
power in the competition specific regimen. The main objective of this block is to obtain
maximum efficiency by exploiting in full the motor potential during competition.
Curves A, B and C in the model of training system indicate the different priorities of
the training effect of the respective loads in each phase, not their volume.
The organization of the model reflects the concept of a gradual intensification of
the organism’s work regimen. It begins with special strength preparation loads (block A),
goes on to technique and speed work (block B), and finally to competition preparation
(block C). As the competition specific exercise gradually substitutes special strength
means, it becomes the intensification factor, while special strength means are meant to
maintain the conditions achieved. Note that block B is aimed at improving the speed of
execution of the competition exercise but also, and more importantly, at improving the
athlete’s capacity to express power at that specific work regimen. The concludes the
preparation of the energy requirements for work at maximum intensity in the competition
phase. This concludes the preparation of the energy requirement for work at maximum
intensity in the competition phase.

It is important to underlined that my training system does not include a preparation

and competition phases in the traditional interpretation of this terms.
This system is a completely new way of organizing the training process, based on
the interdependence between competition activity and the continuous development of
the athlete’s adaptation. In other words , competition activity and the preparation that
immediately precedes competition are incorporated into the process leading to the
organism’s morphological and functional specialization, and act as a powerful adaptation
stimulus. The aim is to bring the organism’s work regimen to maximum intensity during
the last phase of the training cycle, thus achieving the principal objective of the training
The outstanding feature of this system is that it includes a new phase (block B)
whose role is extremely important: the very specialized work loads are a gradual
progression from special strength preparation to competitive preparation. In the diagram
block B corresponds to the point in which the intensity curve (W) change direction, i.e.
when the intensity is raised so that it will gradually reach the competition specific work
It is important to underline that block B gives great flexibility to this system, so that
this type of training process may be adjusted to fit the requirements of different
competition calendars, both for high level sports and recreational sports. For instance,
when there is a very long competition season (there would be only one adaptation
cycle), competitions may take place during the first half of block B. If there are two
competition seasons in one year, there will be two adaptation cycles. In the first one the
duration of block A may be increased by reducing block B and C,. In the second one,
block A will be reduced (the intensity of the loads will be increased) and, depending on
the specific aims, the duration of block B or of block C will be increased. In any case, the
general structure of the training system will remain unchanged.
The training system is organized so that the special strength loads are
concentrated in block A. This method will lead to a decrease of the athlete’s functional
parameters and of this specific work capacity (f). During this phase, therefore, it will be
impossible to improve technique and/or speed of execution of the competition specific
exercise. But this decrease is only temporary. After these concentrated loads the onset
of their long term delayed effect (LTDE) can be clearly observed and it induces a
remarkable, and stable, increase of the functional parameters to levels that are much
higher than their initial levels. Therefor, concentrated strength loads and loads aimed at
improvement technique or speed of execution of the competition exercise, should be
separated in time.
In other words, special strength loads must come before any specific work on
these two aspects. In this case the strength loads prepare the organism for high intensity
work, so that technique and speed of execution work will be carried out during the LTDE,
i.e. in extremely favorable conditions.
Therefore, during the organization of the training plan, the coach should look at the
result, not in absolute terms, but in terms of improvement, as this is the ultimate
objective of the training process. Also, in order to achieve this objective, the coach
should aim at an improvement of the organism’s work power (W) and of the functional
parameters (F). But he should also establish the exact values of this improvement (ΔW
and Δf), since these are the criteria for the selection of content and organization of the
workloads. This type of approach allows the coach to define clearly the requisites of the
training means that will ensure the desired improvements and, therefore, increases the
efficiency of the training process.
It must be stressed that my concept must be applied with the certain degree of
creativity, taking into account the motor specificity of the sport discipline, the rules and
the traditional calendar of competitions.
For example, it may be one large cycle in the year with different duration of
competitive season (fig. IV, V and VI).
There may be two large cycles in one year (fig. I). In this case, the main
competition are included in the second large cycle, and thus fact determines the
principal training aims and the content of each large cycle.
If there are three competition periods in one year, models II and III can be used,
always allowing for the specificity of the sport discipline, the general goal set for that
year and the importance of the events (control competitions, qualifications, main
Well, now in conclusion let us remember the general principles of training and pay
attention on the algorithm of the decision taking up for programming the large adaptation
cycle of training.
1. The competition calendar and the dates of the principal events are to be
2. The length of the cycle of preparation is to be defined (τ).
3. The amount of the increment both of the speed (power of work) and of the most
important functional parameters of the organism is to be established (#V and
4. The speed (power of work) dynamics model is to be defined (V).
5. The system of the special physical preparation training means is to be worked
out (stage A).
6. The most important functional parameter dynamics model is to be defined (f).
7. The strategy of participation in the events and the system of the competition
load are to be defined (stage C).
8. The contents and the organization of training loads of the special stage are to be
defined (stage B).
8. The total volume of the load is to be adjusted (Vol).

So, in the conclusion it may be noted that:
1. Improvement in sport skills depends mainly on two factors:
a) an increase in motor potential, i.e. in the athlete’s functional capacities;
b) an increase in the athlete’s ability to exploit this potential during training and
2. As the level of sports skill progresses, the athlete makes better use of this motor
potential, which is also improving.
3. The increase the athlete’s functional capacity is the main factor determine
progress of the sport mastery.
4. The strength exercise must be the main means of the special physical training.
5. Today the farther development of the theory and methodology of sports training
is possible mainly on the base of physiology and biomechanics.

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